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24 heures chrono
#303 : 15h00 – 16h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 3 guide des épisodes

Kyle Singer a transporté le virus dans un sachet de cocaïne sans le savoir. La nouvelle se répand et Jack va essayer de lui mettre la main dessus avant que le virus puisse se propager.
Pour cette nouvelle mission, il s’associe à Nicole Duncan, le chef des Services de la Santé qui a elle-même pour mission d’établir un périmètre de sécurité.
En parallèle, Hector Salazar arrive à se tenir au courant de tout grâce à une taupe infiltrée dans la CAT. Kyle prend la fuite quand son père découvre qu'il possède de la drogue.
Quant à Wayne, il essaye de convaincre son frère qu’Anne n’est pas toujours honnête avec lui.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Titre VF
15h00 – 16h00

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


 24 Season 3 Recap Promo

24 Season 3 Recap Promo


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Ecrit par : Howard Gordon
Réalisé par : Ian Toynton


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• James Badge Dale : Chase Edmunds
• Dennis Haysbert : President David Palmer

• Wendy Crewson : Dr. Anne Packard
• Joaquim de Almeida : Ramon Salazar
• Vanessa Ferlito : Claudia Hernandez
• Vincent Laresca : Hector Salazar
• Riley Smith : Kyle Singer
• Andrea Thompson : Dr. Nicole Duncan
• DB Woodside : Wayne Palmer
• Jesse Borrego : Gael Ortega
• Kevin Chapman : Warden Mitchell
• Agnes Bruckner : Linda
• Zachary Quinto : Adam Kaufman
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• Andy Umberger : Dr. Linzer
• David Labiosa : David Gomez
• Conor O'Farrell : Ted Packard
• Steve Heinze : Prison Guard
• Julian Rodriguez : Sergio

A la CTU, tout le monde s’active pour localiser Kyle Singer. Jack va se rendre au domicile de ce dernier en compagnie de Nicole Duncan, Chef des services de Santé de Los Angeles, afin d’activer un processus de décontamination. En attendant Nicole Duncan, dans la voiture, Jack n’en peut plus : il est plus que jamais en manque.

Il sort son attirail de toxicomane, et est sur le point de se faire un « fix », mais il est brusquement interrompu par l’arrivée des services de santé. Il dissimule furtivement la drogue, avant que Nicole Duncan n’entre dans la voiture.

Après les civilités d’usage (Nicole avait tenté de joindre Jack, après la mort de Teri), le médecin fait part de ses inquiétudes : les estimations initiales étaient largement sous-évaluées. Les taux de contamination et de mortalité sont revus à la hausse. Soudain, après avoir fait remarqué à Jack qu’il n’avait pas l’air au mieux, Nicole pose son regard par terre : une fiole (sans doute laissée tombée négligemment par Jack).

A la cellule anti-terroriste, Michelle réécoute la bande demandant la libération de Ramon Salazar. Elle est sur le point de localiser l’appel, et demande à Gael de l’aider. Une réunion est sur le point de se préparer, à l’initiative de Tony : tout le staff est convoqué.

A Las Nieves, Hector et Claudia ont une petite conversation : en l’absence de Ramon, Hector a pris de plus en plus d’importance dans la bonne marche des affaires familiales… Laissera-t-il son frère reprendre le dessus ? Hector est interrompu par un coup de fil de Gael : la CTU est sur le point d’intercepter le paquet. Heureusement, Gomez suit Singer à la trace.

Au même moment, le père de Kyle rentre à la maison, et questionne son fils sur l’origine de l’argent. Le jeune Singer ment, et affirme l’avoir gagné aux courses, mais Mr Singer reste incrédule, et subodore quelque chose d’illégal. Les deux hommes se disputent, et Kyle finit par s’enfermer dans sa chambre.

A la CTU, court briefing de Tony : Kyle Singer aurait le virus, mais croirait transporter de la drogue. Il faut intercepter le jeune homme, avant qu’il ne livre le colis. La CTU et les services de santé s’occuperont de gérer la situation sur place. Chez les Singer, Kyle se prépare à assurer la livraison, et met le sachet dans un grand sac. Son père lui demande où il va, et lui intime l’ordre d’ouvrir son sac. Mais Kyle refuse d’obtempérer.

Le père s’empare du sac, et découvre la poudre. Kyle veut la récupérer, et utilise la force. En vain. Il finit par s’échapper, paniqué. Sur le sol, gît le sachet de poudre, perforé, et dont le contenu se répand doucement dans l’air. Le briefing prend fin, à la CTU. Kim s’étonne de voir Chase, le croyant sur le terrain avec Jack.

Chase lui explique que Jack le met sur la touche, du fait de leur liaison. Ce n’était, semble-t-il, pas le bon jour pour annoncer une telle liaison à l’agent Bauer. A la prison, Ramon Salazar annonce à Jeffrey Benson, son garde, qu’il veut discuter avec Annicon : il est « prêt à parler ». Benson fait immédiatement passer le message. Annicon dit qu’il arrive. A la University of Southern California, le Président Palmer a fini de lire la copie du journal personnel de Keeler.

Wayne demande à David de parler à Anne, afin qu’elle dise toute la vérité sur son parjure. Annicon se présente devant Salazar : après un simulacre de conversation, Ramon annonce à son ennemi que ces paroles sont les dernières qu’il entendra. Annicon reçoit soudain un coup de matraque dans la nuque, asséné par Benson…

Ce dernier l’achève en l’asphyxiant. Le garde retrouvera son fils sain et sauf… Pendant ce temps, le couple Singer se pose des questions sur ce qu’ils doivent faire. Soudain, Mme Singer aperçoit des hommes armés au dehors. La porte d’entrée subit des coups de scie sauteuse. La mère a tout de suite le réflexe de s’emparer du sachet de poudre, et de se réfugier dans les toilettes.

L’équipe d’intervention prend possession des lieux, et Jack cherche Kyle Singer dans l’appartement. Il voit Helen Singer verser toute la poudre dans la cuvette des toilettes.

Le virus est dans le réseau des eaux usées : Tony donne l’ordre d’isoler les canalisations de la zone, et de former un périmètre de sécurité dans le quartier. Pendant ce temps, Palmer a une conversation avec Anne : le Président lui annonce que Keeler va parler d’elle et de son ex-mari pendant le débat. L’ex-mari est revenu sur des déclarations vieilles d’une dizaine d’années, relatives à la part de responsabilité d’Anne dans un bidonnage de recherches pharmaceutiques. Désormais, Anne est mise en cause…

Mais David croit Anne sur parole. Wayne Palmer appelle son frère, pour prendre des nouvelles de l’entrevue, et pour lui dire qu’il y a un moyen d’empêcher cette histoire de sortir. A la CTU, Tony a plutôt des raisons d’être optimiste : l’intervention rapide de l’équipe de Jack a permis de contenir le virus dans une zone très limitée. Mais il reçoit un coup de fil de la prison : Annicon a été tué. Au même moment, l’appartement des Singer s’est transformé en petit laboratoire.

Jack explique aux parents de Kyle qu’ils ont sans doute été exposés à un virus, et leur fait part des informations concernant leur fils. Bauer apprend de la bouche de Tony que Annicon est mort assassiné : cette nouvelle provoque en lui une profonde crise nauséeuse. Pendant ce temps, Nicole Duncan découvre les résultats des tests médicaux : aucune trace de virus.

Elle transmet l’information à Jack… qui entrevoit alors une autre hypothèse : le virus ne serait pas à l’intérieur de la poudre. Kyle aurait été infecté au Mexique le matin-même, et le virus commencerait à se propager dans la ville au moment de ses premiers symptômes, c’est-à-dire… dans 3 heures ! Il faut donc absolument retrouver Kyle Singer.

Ce dernier déambule dans Los Angeles, dépourvu de marchandise.. et donc en bien mauvaise situation. Il appelle Linda, et lui demande de l’aide : une somme d’argent pourrait faire l’affaire… Sinon, il pourrait avoir de graves ennuis… Linda lui dit qu’elle arrive au plus vite au centre commercial. Dans une voiture non loin de là, Gomez observe Kyle, tout en étant au téléphone avec Gael.

Ce dernier lui demande de l’attraper et de l’enfermer : ils ont besoin de lui « pour que ça marche ». De son côté, le Président Palmer a une discussion avec son frère : selon ce dernier, Ted Packard, l’ex-mari d’Anne, demande juste de l’argent pour son silence. Pour David, ce chantage est insupportable, et il se dit prêt à affronter ces calomnies au grand jour, même en période d’élection. Wayne est moins serein : Anne sera incapable de supporter une médiatisation de l’affaire. La mort dans l’âme, le Président finit par accepter le chantage.

Chez les Singer, le matériel scientifique est démonté : Jack apprend aux parents de Kyle que la poudre était inoffensive. Mais la joie est de courte durée : Bauer leur expose l’hypothèse de la contamination de Kyle. La mort prochaine de Kyle semble inéluctable. Quoiqu’il en soit, il faut absolument retrouver le jeune homme : il semble qu’il ait emporté le portable de sa mère. Jack demande à Mr Singer d’appeler son fils.

Kyle est étonné d’entendre la voix de son père : Mr Singer lui demande de rentrer à la maison. Il lui explique l’histoire du virus. Kyle reste incrédule : il se sent bien, il n’est pas malade. Sentant que son père a contacté la police, il panique, et raccroche. Heureusement, la CTU a eu le temps de localiser l’appel : Tony et Jack vont se rendre sur place (Jack a demandé à Tony de ne pas mettre Chase sur l’affaire).

Chase, apprenant que Tony laisse le commandement de la CTU à Michelle, comprend qu’il a été mis définitivement hors-jeu par Jack. Sur le chemin menant à l’hélico, Tony fait la sourde oreille, et lui dit de régler cette histoire avec Jack. Au centre commercial, Kyle est toujours observé par Gomez… Dans la voiture qui le mène vers l’endroit où se trouve Kyle Singer, Jack entend le téléphone sonner : le nom de Chase apparaît sur le cadran, et il décide de ne pas répondre. Chase est fou de rage : il en veut à Kim d’avoir tout dit à son père.

Il y a de l’eau dans le gaz entre les deux tourtereaux… Tony arrive au centre commercial, et y est accueilli par les services de sécurité. Pendant ce temps-là, dans la voiture, Jack et Nicole discutent. Nicole lui demande depuis combien de temps il prend de la drogue.

Bauer nie, mais en vain. Il finit par expliquer que devenir junky était le seul moyen d’assurer sa couverture chez les Salazar. Le problème, c’est que Jack continue à se droguer, et il redoute qu’on fasse un rapport sur lui. Mais Nicole est une femme de confiance, et elle veut l’aider : elle s’inquiète pour lui.

La conversation est interrompue par un coup de fil de Tony : il est sur le point d’interpeller Kyle Singer. Quant à Jack, il est à l’entrée du centre commercial. Dans un coin de la galerie marchande, Gomez appelle Gael : il lui dit que la CTU est sur place. Gael demande à l’homme de ne rien faire : c’est trop risqué. Mais Gomez s’entête, et va intervenir.

Tony s’avance vers le jeune Singer, et tente de discuter avec lui. Soudain, Kyle voit Gomez viser Tony avec une arme. Tony a à peine le temps de se retourner : un coup de feu éclate, Tony s’effondre.

Gomez s’enfuit d’un côté, Singer de l’autre. Tony gît sur le sol, et perd beaucoup de sang. Se frayant un chemin dans la foule paniquée, Jack arrive auprès de Tony. Les secours commencent à arriver ; Jack prévient la CTU qu’un homme est touché, et que Kyle Singer court toujours.

JACK BAUER Voice over: The following takes place between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.



(TONY ALMEIDA walks down the stairs from his office and walks up to ADAM'S office.)
TONY ALMEIDA: Adam, have you downloaded everyone's folders from duty?
ADAM: Not yet, I'm still pulling up some of the medical details about the virus.
TONY ALMEIDA: Don't waste a lot of time on that, the only thing our people need to know is that it kills within twenty-four hours of exposure, and we believe Kyle Singer has it.
ADAM: Yeah, I got all that. What about our approach to Singer?
TONY ALMEIDA: Jack's gonna meet Nicole Duncan, head of Health Services Los Angeles. They're gonna take a Hazmat team over to Singer's apartment, he's waiting for it now.


(JACK BAUER is sitting in the driver's seat of hid black SUV. He his sweating and breathing heavily. He checks his watch, and then reaches down and grabs a medi-kit from under his seat. He then ties a tourniquet around his arm and prepares a syringe full of heroin. Three Health Services vans pull up behind his van.)
JACK BAUER: Son of a bitch.
(JACK BAUER rips the tourniquet off his arm, empties the syringe and throws it to his feet. NICOLE DUNCAN gets out of one of the vans, opens a door of JACK BAUER'S van and get into the passenger seat.)
NICOLE DUNCAN: Hey Jack. How you doing?
JACK BAUER: I'm ok Nicole, how've you been?
NICOLE DUNCAN: 'Till this afternoon I was doing fine. You know I, I tried to reach you after I heard about Teri.
JACK BAUER: Yeah, I know. After that I kind of withdrew. But I appreciated the calls, thanks. We should get going.
(They drive away, followed by the three vans.)
NICOLE DUNCAN: I just finished running Macer's epidemiological model, her estimates were off.
JACK BAUER: Better or worse than we thought?
NICOLE DUNCAN: Twice as bad. She had nine percent of the population infected within a week, but it's closer to twenty percent, and the infection-to-mortality rate is higher than her estimate, almost ninety percent lethal. I've been hunting germs for twenty years and I've never seen anything like this.
JACK BAUER (sarcastically): Great.
NICOLE DUNCAN: Are you feeling ok?
JACK BAUER: Yeah, why?
NICOLE DUNCAN: You're perspiring.
JACK BAUER: I've been non-stop since noon. Look, we're gonna be about eight minutes out, it would be great if we could go over the quarantine protocols before we get there.
(NICOLE DUNCAN spots the empty syringe by JACK BAUER'S feet.)
NICOLE DUNCAN: No problem.


(MICHELLE DESSLER is listening to a playback of HECTOR SALAZAR'S call to CTU. His voice has been scrambled.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: If you refuse to comply, the virus will be unleashed.
(MICHELLE DESSLER rewinds the tape.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: We want the release of Ramon Salazar in the next six hours.
(GAEL walks past MICHELLE DESSLER'S desk.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: Gael? Come and take a look at this. We're closing in on the point of origin of this call. You see this code artefact here?
GAEL: Yeah.
MICHELLE DESSLER: We've got a few more in this recording, I think it's coming from a domestic switching board.
GAEL: You think the call was made from inside the US?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Maybe, I'm piping it over to your system. See if you can find a match.
MICHELLE DESSLER: But do it after the meeting.
GAEL: What meeting?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Tony's shifting resources to help Jack in the field, he's closing in on the virus.
(MICHEELE DESSLER walks away. CHLOE O'BRIAN walks up to GAEL.)
GAEL: Yeah?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Jack need that audio feed in place when he gets to Kyle Singer's apartment.
GAEL: I know but Tony needs me to take care of something right now, I'll get it to you after the meeting.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: I need you to do it before the meeting, Jack's on his way there, so come do it now.
GAEL: I can't! Stop bugging me. I'll get it to you.


(CLAUDIA is in front of a mirror putting on a dress. HECTOR SALAZAR walks into the room.)
CLAUDIA: Have you thought about how it will be when Ramon comes back?
HECTOR SALAZAR: How it will be? Like it was before.
CLAUDIA: Things have changed Hector.
HECTOR SALAZAR: How things changed? He's only been gone three months.
CLAUDIA: You've changed. You've been in charge while he's been in prison. Are you willing to give that up so easily?
(HECTOR SALAZAR'S mobile phone rings. He picks up.)
GAEL: Bauer's telling CTU he's about to intercept the package.
GAEL: I'm not sure, I'm about to find out.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Is Gomez still on Kyle Singer?
GAEL: Of course.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Then we're fine.
(HECTOR SALAZAR hangs up.)


(SAM SINGER enters from the front door.)
KYLE SINGER: Hey, how was the interview?
KYLE SINGER: What's up Dad?
SAM SINGER Your mother told me you paid the rent. All three months we owed.
KYLE SINGER: Yeah, I came into a little money.
SAM SINGER: How does a nineteen year old kid who doesn't have a job come into a little money?
KYLE SINGER: Tim and I, we, we went down to the tracks, the other day. He knows this guy over at the stables so, uh, we got a tip.
SAM SINGER (raising his voice): Where did you get the money?
KYLE SINGER: Dad, what does it matter? Honestly, the rent's paid, for three months, alright? The pressure's off us now.
SAM SINGER: Did you do something illegal?
KYLE SINGER: No, I told you, we went to San Anita. We got lucky, I, I didn't do anything.
(KYLE SINGER tries to walk away. SAM SINGER grabs his arm.)
SAM SINGER: Don't lie to me. I got enough to worry about. Now this is my house, I pay the rent, I take care of you and your mother.
KYLE SINGER: Yeah well when you get that job, you can go ahead and pay me back alright?
(KYLE SINGER walks away.)
SAM SINGER: Wait a second, we're not done here.
KYLE SINGER: No, we're done here.
SAM SINGER (shouting): Don't walk away from me.
KYLE SINGER: You should be thanking me instead of crawling up my ass.
SAM SINGER: Kyle? Kyle!
(KYLE SINGER goes into his room and locks the door. SAM SINGER pounds the door with his fists.)
SAM SINGER: Open the door! Open the door!


(TONY ALMEIDA is talking at the meeting. His colleagues are gathered around a table.)
TONY ALMEIDA: His name is Kyle Singer. We think he's transporting the virus although it's likely he doesn't realise what he's carrying.
ADAM: How could he not know?
TONY ALMEIDA: Heath Services believe that the virus was made to look like heroin of cocaine. We know that Kyle Singer was hired to deliver a package from Mexico to a dealer in Los Angeles.
MICHELLE DESSLER: He thinks he's smuggling drugs.
TONT ALMEIDA: That's the working theory. Now here is the thing, once Singer delivers that bag of powder, it gets cut up and distributed throughout the city. At that point, it becomes impossible to contain.
(While TONY ALMEIDA is talking, GAEL enters the room and sits down at the table.)
ADAM: Well is LAPD grabbing Singer?
ADAM: Why not, can't they get there faster?
TONY ALMEIDA: LAPD's not trained to handle a hot-zone. Jack Bauer's gonna go in with a team from Health Services, we're gonna run the operation from here, updating the President in real time. Now, we have to approach Singer with care. He has no idea how deadly the powder is.


(KYLE SINGER'S PARENTS are talking outside his room, KYLE SINGER is sitting on his bed, looking at the powder.)
HELEN SINGER: What's going on?
SAM SINGER: Kyle locked himself in his room.
HELEN SINGER: Did you two fight again?
(KYLE SINGER puts the powder in a bag, with some money and clothes.)
HELEN SINGER: He said he won the money at the track.
SAM SINGER: He couldn't come up with a better lie than that.
HELEN SINGER: Well maybe he was telling the truth.
SAM SINGER: Come on Helen…
(KYLE SINGER leaves his room.)
SAM SINGER: Where you going?
SAM SINGER: Hey, hey, hey. What's in the bag?
KYLE SINGER: Just some clothes…
SAM SINGER: Well open it.
SAM SINGER: Open the bag. (Pause) I'm warning you, open that bag, or I'm gonna open it myself.
HELEN SINGER: Kyle, listen to your father.
KYLE SINGER: It's none of his business.
SAM SINGER: So long as you're living in my house it is.
KYLE SINGER: You house? This isn't your house, you can't even pay the rent.
(SAM SINGER snatches the bag from him and starts looking through it. KYLE SINGER walks up to him)
SAM SINGER: Don't even think about it.
(SAM SINGER finds the bag of powder.)
SAM SINGER: What is this? Huh? Coke? Heroin?
KYLE SINGER: Give it bag dad.
SAM SINGER: What did you say?
KYLE SINGER: I need it.
SAM SINGER: What do you mean you need it? What are you, some kind of junkie?
KYLE SINGER: No, no I'm just delivering to this guy ok, and if I don't get it to him…
KYLE SINGER: It's just a guy ok?
SAM SINGER (raising his voice): Who? Give me a name.
HELEN SINGER: Kyle, answer your father.
KYLE SINGER: Just give it to me ok?
(KYLE SINGER tries to grab the bag. He struggles with SAM SINGER and then manages to run out of the door. We see that the bag of powder has split open and a fan is spreading it around the room.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 03:11:54 to 03:16:25 before fading away.)


(TONY ALMEIDA is talking to a group of his colleagues.)
TONY ALMEIDA: I can't reiterate this enough. This is a credible threat, Salazar's people will release this virus if we don't find it first, so let's get going.
(The people around the table get up and leave the room. KIM BAUER walks over to CHASE EDMUNDS.)
KIM BAUER: I thought you were supposed to be with my dad.
CHASE EDMUNDS: I was, he sent me back here.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Question Parker.
KIM BAUER: Parker? He already turned in Kyle Singer, what else are you going to get from him?
CHASE EDMUNDS: Nothing, and that's the point.
KIM BAUER: I don't understand.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Your dad's sidelining me Kim. He's making me sit out.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Why do you think?
KIM BAUER: Because of us? Chase, I'm sorry.
CHASE EDMUNDS: He says he's protecting me, but I'm not the one he's trying to protect here.
KIM BAUER: You're not blaming me are you?
CHASE EDMUNDS: Look, all I'm saying is that we shouldn't have told him.
KIM BAUER: What were we supposed to do? Keep sneaking around until someone catches us?
CHASE EDMUNDS: Well we could have waited.
KIM BAUER: Until when? He'd have the same response no matter when we told him.
CHASE EDMUNDS: I've gotta deal with this kid Parker.
(CHASE EDMUNDS walks away. KIM BAUER sighs.)


(Prison guard GEOFF BENSON walks up to RAMON SALAZAR'S cell)
RAMON SALAZAR: Geoffrey, the food's exceptionally bad today. Aren't there laws in this country, for cruel and unusual punishment?
(RAMON SALAZAR hands GEOFF BENSON his tray of food.)
RAMON SALAZAR: Tell Annicon I'm ready to talk.


(ANNICON is talking on his mobile phone.)
ANNICON: Bauer didn't tell me, but Salazar's got some kind of leverage, enough to get him released. I'm not about to let this son of a bitch erase the last few years of my life. Call your friend at the State Department, see what he can tell you.
(ANNICON hangs up. His mobile phone then rings.)
ANNICON: Annicon.
GEOFF BENSON: This is Geoff Benson, Salazar's guard.
ANNICON: I know who you are.
GEOFF BENSON: Sir, Salazar asked to see you.
GEOFF BENSON: He says he's ready to talk.
ANNICON: I'll be right there.
(They both hang up.)


(WAYNE PLAMER is talking on his mobile phone.)
WAYNE PALMER: Don't ask me why, just do it.
(WAYNE PALMER hangs up. DAVID PALMER walks up to him.)
DAVID PALMER: I hope you can get a refund.
DAVID PALMER: From whoever sold you that load of crap.
WAYNE PALMER: David, Keeler is gonna use this against you in this debate. Now, ignoring it's not gonna make it go away.
DAIVD PALMER: Neither will dignifying it with a response.
WAYNE PALMER: He is going to claim that Anne perjured herself, which, in case you've forgotten, is a felony.
DAVID PALMER: Anne is no felon.
WAYNE PALMER: The allegation itself is enough to damage you, now come on David, please think. You know you can't go into this debate without some kind of response.
DAIVD PALMER: What do you propose?
WAYNE PALMER: Talk to Anne. Make sure she's told you everything.
DAVID PALMER: She has told me everything.
WAYNE PALMER: Are you sure?
DAVID PALMER: Ever since I started seeing Anne, you've taken every chance to undermine our relationship just because you don't like her.
WAYNE PALMER: David you're right, I don't like her, but this isn't about me an Anne, it's about you and Anne. Now, if she's got nothing to hide, then fine David, she's got nothing to hide, but you better find out before you face off with Keeler on national television.
(Long pause, then DAVID PALMER walks away.)


ANNICON walks up to RAMON SALAZAR'S cell.)
RAMON SALAZAR: Did you ask your friend Jack Bauer what's going on. (Pause) You did didn't you? But he wouldn't say. It must be very frustrating Luis, being kept in the dark.
ANNICON: You have something to tell me?
RAMON SALAZAR: I asked you here, didn't I?
ANNICON; Then start talking, because you used up my patience an hour ago.
RAMON SALZAR: Ooh, you are like a dog with a bone, Luis. Once you bite down, you don't let go. When I'm outta here, I don't want you on me anymore.
ANNICON: When you're out of here?
RAMON SALZAR: You're right, in a few hours I'm going home.
ANNICON: Really? And how will you manage that?
RAMON SALZAR: Hector's a good brother.
ANNICON: Unless he's got a key to this place, you're not going anywhere.
RAMON SALZAR: But he does have a key, and when he turns it, the last two years of your life, all the hours you spent away from your family, all the work you've done to put me here will go away. (He snaps his fingers) Just like that. I wanted you to hear it from me Luis, I wanted it to be the last thing you ever heard.
(GEOFF BENSON comes up behind ANNICON and smacks his truncheon into the back of his neck. He then uses it to strangle him, and eventually ANNICON drops to the floor, dead.)
RAMON SALZAR: You son will be returned to you now.
(GEOFF BENSON walks away.)


(KYLE SINGER'S PARENTS are talking.)
SAM SINGER: I'm just saying that Kyle is in over his head.
HELEN SINGER: We're not calling a lawyer, he hasn't even been arrested.
SAM SINGER: Not yet.
HELEN SINGER: Well maybe he won't be. If we leave it alone, don't do anything, maybe this whole thing will just go away.
SAM SINGER: You can't be serious.
HELEN SINGER: Why not Sam? Why do we have to let anybody know?
SAM SINGER: because it's against the law not to.
HELEN SINGER: What are you suggesting we do? Call the police? Maybe they'll give us a reward and then we can pay our rent? Alright, that wasn't fair, I'm sorry.
(KYLE SINGER'S PARENTS see the Hazmat team walk up to their door and start drilling through it.)
HELEN SINGER: Oh my god!
SAM SINGER: Hey, what are you doing?
HELEN SINGER: I'm gonna get rid of it. You wanna visit your son in jail?
SAM SINGER: Wait a minute… Helen?
(The HAZMAT team break down the door and enter the apartment.)
JACK BAUER (shouting): Get back, get back, let me see your hands.
(JACK BUAER then runs into another room.)
JACK BAUER (shouting): Kyle Singer? Kyle Singer?
SAM SINGER: He's not here.
NICOLE DUNCAN: Isolate him and draw blood for a full panel, get an oral swab, seal off all these windows and vents.
(JACK BAUER enters the bathroom and see HELEN SINGER pouring the bag of powder down the toilet. He rushes over to her and pulls her away.)
JACK BAUER (shouting): In here! In here! (to TONY ALMEIDA, who is on the phone) Tony, the virus is out, I repeat, the virus is out.
TONY ALMEIDA: Copy that Jack, where is it?
JACK BAUER: In the sewer system.
TONY ALMEIDA (to MICHELLE DESSLER): Get the EWP to shut down all lines from ground zero.
JACK BAUER: It might also be airborne. Get the Fire Department and LAPD to set up a perimeter. Tell them we've got a level three hot-zone.
TONY ALMEIDA: Copy that.

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 03:24:13 to 03:28:31 before fading away.)


(DAVID PALMER is reading a file. Someone knocks on the door.)
(ANNE enters the room.)
ANNE: Wayne said you wanted to see me. What's wrong?
DAVID PALMER: Keeler. He's bringing your ex husband into this debate. The SEC's investigation into his company.
ANNE: Well Ted was convicted and served his sentence, you know that.
DAVID PALMER: I know what you told me.
ANNE: I told you everything there is to know. Ted's company was introducing a hypertension drug…
DAVID PALMER: And you reviewed the research.
ANNE: Yes.
DAVID PALMER: Which later turned out to have been fabricated.
ANNE: Which Ted knew at the time, and I didn't.
DAVID PALMER: Now Ted's claiming that you both knew.
(DAVID PALMER hands ANNE the file.)
ANNE: He can't reverse himself eight years after giving a sworn testimony.
DAVID PALMER: Well he is, and he's willing to go on record with the press.
ANNE: I don't know what to say except that he's a liar.
DAVID PALMER: It's your word against his.
ANNE: David, you have reason to be suspicious. God knows, you've been betrayed by some of the people you've trusted most, but I'm not Sherry. I told you the whole truth once, and I'm not gonna defend it, because, if there's anything less than complete trust between us…
DAVID PALMER: I do trust you Anne.
ANNE: You should.
(DAVID PALMER'S mobile phone rings.)
DAVID PALMER: Excuse me.
(DAVID PALMER answers the phone.)
WAYNE PALMER: We need to talk David.
DAVID PALMER: I'm with Anne now.
WAYNE PALMER: Uh, let me guess, she denied everything.
DAVID PALMER: I believe her.
WAYNE PALMER: Yeah, well, listen, I might be able to make this whole thing go away.
WAYNE PALMER: Meet me in the auditorium, alone.
(DAVID PALMER hangs up.)


(TONY ALMEIDA is talking on his mobile phone to SUNNY MACER.)
TONY ALMEIDA: So have you had a chance to take a look at Nicole's field report yet?
SUNNY MACER: Yeah, I'm almost done.
TONY ALMEIDA: What are you impressions?
SUNNY MACER: Based on what I've read so far, I'm optimistic.
TONY ALMEIDA: So you think we'll be able to contain the virus?
SUNNY MACER: At the very least we should be able to limit the casualties.
TONY ALMEIDA: Even though the virus was airborne?
SUNNY MACER: Well, there is some risk of it spreading but Nicole's team acted fast. They evacuated and sealed off the apartment building and quarantined the Singers.
TONY ALMEIDA: When do we get their test results?
SUNNY MACER: Five minutes, ten tops.
TONY ALMEIDA: So it looks like we've been lucked out, huh?
SUNNY MACER: Yeah, we deserve a little luck.
TONY ALMEIDA: Alright look, uh, I got to go, but make sure you keep me in the loop alright?
SUNNY MACER: Ok, you do the same.
(TONY ALMEIDA walks down the stairs to CTU'S MAIN FLOOR. ADAM walks up to him.)
ADAM: Tony, LAPD is setting up the perimeter but they need wind vectors to rest for fifteen minutes.
TONY ALMEIDA: Call mediorology.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Tony, local news picked up the story about the dead body being dumped at Health Services.
TONY ALMEIDA (sarcastically): Great.
MICHELLE DESSLER: They want a statement, what do you want me to tell them?
(MICHELLE DESSLER walks away. KIM BAUER calls TONY ALMEIDA from her desk.)
KIM BAUER: Tony, Warden Mitchell is on the phone, he's calling from the prison, he says it's urgent.
(TONY ALMEIDA walks over to a phone and picks up the receiver.)


JACK BAUER walks through KYLE SINGER'S apartment. He come to a sealed off area, with SAM and HELEN SINGER inside.)
JACK BAUER: Mr and Mrs Singer?
SAM SINGER: What the hell is going on here? Because this is not about drugs.
JACK BAUER: I think you've been exposed to a virus.
JACK BAUER: It's called the cordilla virus. We believe that your son carried it in from Mexico this morning without knowing.
SAM SINGER: What do you mean carried it in? How?
JACK BAUER: He thought he was carrying drugs.
HELEN SINGER: So we've been exposed?
JACK BAUER: I'm afraid so.
SAM SINGER: What does that mean? Are we sick?
JACK BAUER: We're going to have to keep you quarantined until we get the results back from your tests.
(JACK BAUER'S mobile phone rings.)
JACK BAUER: Excuse me for one moment.
(JACK BAUER answers the phone.)
JACK BAUER: Yeah, this is Bauer.
TONY ALMEIDA: Jack , it's Tony.
JACK BAUER: Tony, I think Kyle Singer's been exposed.
TONY ALMEIDA: Yeah, we've already got an all-points out on him.
JACK BAUER: Have you set a perimeter?
TONY ALMEIDA: We're doing everything we can to contain this thing. All agencies and departments are in the loop on a need-to-know basis.
JACK BAUER: Ok, good work.
TONY ALMEIDA: Listen, Jack, uh, I know this isn't the best time to tell you but.. I just got some bad news I figured you'd want to know about.
JACK BAUER: What's wrong?
TONY ALMEIDA: Luis Annicon was murdered.
JACK BAUER: Murdered? How?
TONY ALMEIDA: Salazar's guard. We've got him in custody, he claims that Salazar had his son kidnapped and threatened to kill him if he didn't do it. Jack I'm sorry, I know you two worked closely on this case.
(JACK BAUER is breathing heavily and seems to be suffering from wave of claustrophobia.)
JACK BAUER: Tony, I'm gonna have to get back to you.
TONY ALMEIDA: Is everything ok?
TONY ALMEIDA: I'm gonna get back to you.
(JACK BAUER rushes to the shower area, rinses his Hazmat suit, tears his mask off and then vomits. Then camera cuts to NICOLE DUNCAN and a colleague leaning over a laptop computer.)
NICOLE DUNCAN: These results can't be right.
NICOLE DUNCAN: Check it again.
HAZMAT TEAM MEMBER: I have. Blood and saliva, atmospheric and surface tests, they're all negative. We can't find even a trace amount of this virus.
(NICOLE DUNCAN walks over to JACK BAUER and takes of her mask.)
JACK BAUER: What the hell are you doing, you haven't showered down yet!
NICOLE DUNCAN: We're not at risk.
JAKC BAUER: What are you talking about, I watched the powder get out.
NICOLE DUNCAN: It's harmless Jack, some for of silicate, but that's all.
NICOLE DUNCAN: There is no virus in the powder. We tested five samples, there weren't even trace amounts. Atmospheric and surface analysis also came up negative and Kyle's parents tested negative as well.
JACK BAUER: You sure about this?
NICOLE DUNCAN: The only thing that I'm not sure about is if we're on the right trail.
JACK BAUER: No, no, the body that was dropped off at Health Services was linked to Kyle Singer. Why would Salazar's people pay him to bring across a bag of worthless powder?
NICOLE DUNCAN: Fine Jack, but where do we even start looking?
JACK BAUER: I don't know. Wait a second, Macer said the only way to transport the virus was in crystalline from right?
NICOLE DUNCAN: Yeah, that's the only way it can survive outside a living body.
JACK BAUER: What if it was never outside a living body?
NICOLE DUNCAN: What do you mean?
JACK BAUER: What if the virus was transported inside a living host? What if Kyle Singer was infected early this morning in Mexico before he even left?
NICOLE DUNCAN: But Salazar has no leverage if Singer's walking around infecting people.
JACK BAUER: That's the point, he wouldn't be contagious yet.
NICOLE DUNCAN: The incubation period is fourteen hours.
JACK BAUER: Right. Think about it, we know for a fact that Kyle Singer was in Mexico eleven hours ago. Hector Salazar hasn't threatened to release the virus for another three hours. The maths adds up.
NICOLE DUNCAN: We need to find Kyle Singer.


(KYLE SINGER gets off a bus and dials a number on his mobile phone.)
KYLE SINGER'S GIRLFRIEND: Kyle, I told you, I have nothing to say to you.
KYLE SINGER: No, no, listen to me, ok? I'm in trouble.
KYLE SINGER'S GIRLFRIEND: Yeah, because you're dealing drugs.
KYLE SINGER: I need your help.
KYLE SINGER: My dad found the stuff, we got in a fight, I split, he's still got it. Hey, now I've got to get this to them, alright? These guys are hard-core, I, I gotta make it right.
KYLE SINGER: I dunno, I was thinking maybe, maybe I could pay them enough, you know just to keep them off my back.
KYLE SINGER'S GIRLFRIEND: You want me to give you money?
KYLE SINGER: No, no, no. I'm just borrowing it.
KYLE SINGER: It's about twenty grand on the street.
KYLE SINGER'S GIRLFRIEND: I don't have that kind of money Kyle.
KYLE SINGER: Didn't you say your dad keeps some cash around the house?
KYLE SINGER: Linda, listen to me, these guys… they will kill me if I don't give them something. Please, please, anything will help right now.
KYLE SINGER'S GIRLFRIEND: Now you want me to get involved in this?
KYLE SINGER: Just, just let me borrow something, anything. I'll pay you back, I swear to god.
KYLE SINGER: I'm at the mall.
KYLE SINGER'S GIRLFRIEND: I'll get there as soon as I can.
KYLE SINGER: Thank you.
(They both hang up. GOMEZ is in his car is watching KYLE SINGER and talking on a mobile phone.)
GAEL: CTU knows the powder is not real. Now they're going after Singer.
GOMEZ: What do you want me to do?
GAEL: Stay with him, and as soon as he's alone, grab him and take him to containment.
GOMEZ: Done.
GAEL: We can't let the cops get him. We need Singer to make this work.
(GOMEZ hangs up.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 03:36:46 to 03:41:05 before fading away.)


(DAVID PALMER is talking on a mobile phone.)
DAVID PALMER: Of course there's no way we'll ever release Salazar. CTU is very close to containing the threat. Yes, that's right. Alright Stan, I'll make sure you're kept in the loop.
(DAVID PALMER hangs up. WAYNE PALMER walks up to him.)
DAVID PALMER: What is it Wayne?
WAYNE PALMER: I just spoke to Anne's ex-husband. Now listen, all Ted Packard wants is money. If we pay him off he'll recamp before this debate.
DAVID PALMER: It's blackmail.
WAYNE PALMER: That's business.
DAVID PALMER: I don't think so.
WAYNE PALMER: David, it's a hell of a lot cheaper than trying to defend against this allegation which is going to hurt you.
DAVID PALMER: I've faced down worse lies. I think I've earned some credibility.
WAYNE PALMER: Have you read the polls this morning? Because Keeler is closing the gap. Now this race is much closer than it should be. Now listen, I know it's distasteful David, but on loss-benefit terms, it's a no-brainer.
DAVID PALMER: Anne won't think so.
WAYNE PALMER: Anne doesn't have to know.
DAVID PALMER: I can't keep it from her.
WAYNE PALMER: That's your choice, but if this comes out, Anne is going to find herself on the front page of every single newspaper in this country, and David, she's not Sherry, she's not equipped to handle that kind of scrutiny, and you will not be able to protect her from it. Between this debate and the threat of this outbreak you have enough on your plate to worry about, don't be a martyr. Keep it simple. We can have the money within the hour.


(The Hazmat team are taking down all of the compartments they put in place. JACK BAUER walks over the the SINGERS.)
HELEN SINGER: What's going on? They don't have their suits on, what does that mean? Are we ok?
JACK BAUER: Yes, the power was harmless.
HELEN SINGER: Oh, thank god.
SAM SINGER: And you put us through all this for nothing? You scared the hell out of us.
JACK BAUER: Mr Singer, we still need to find your son. Is there anything that you can tell us that could help?
SAM SINGER: Why, you just said that the powder was harmless.
JACK BAUER: We believe your son was infected with the virus in Mexico earlier this morning before he came home. We have three hours to find him before he becomes contagious.
HELEN SINGER: What are you saying? That our son could die?
JACK BAUER: Yes, that could happen.
JACK BAUER: I know how difficult this must be for you and I'm sorry, but we need to find your son, we need to find him now.
SAM SINGER: Uh, have you tried his cellphone?
JACK BAUER: Yes, the line's been disconnected.
HELEN SINGER: Oh wait, oh wait, wait, wait. Wait.
(HELEN SINGER rushes over to a drawer and opens it. It is empty.)
HELEN SINGER: He took my phone this morning.
JACK BAUER: What's the number?
HELEN SINGER: 818 555 0103.
JACK BAUER: Ok, I'm gonna need one of you to call him.
(JACK BAUER dials a number on his mobile phone.)
SAM SINGER: This is all my fault. Kyle would never have done any of this if I couldn't take care of my own family.
SAM SINGER: Yes, you know it's true.
JACK BAUER (on the phone): Tony, it's Jack.
TONY ALMEIDA: Yeah Jack, I just spoke to LAPD, they've got a priority ABBR on Singer.
JACK BAUER: Ok, good. I think we've got a number on him.
TONY ALMEIDA: Alright, look, uh, we'll thread the line through a tracing matrix.
JACK BAUER: Ok, the number is 818 555 0103. I want you to route the call back through my cellphone.
TONY ALMEIDA: I got it. (to KIM BAUER) I need you to trace that number, and reroute the call through Jack's cellphone.
(JACK BAUER walks over to the SINGERS)
JACK BAUER: I'm going to need one of you to make the call now. I need you to keep him on the line as long as possible so we can trace him.
(SAM SINGER walks over to the phone.)
SAM SINGER: What am I supposed to tell him?
JACK BAUER: The truth. (to TONY ALMEIDA) Tony, are you set?
TONY ALMEIDA: Yeah, we're ready.
(SAM SINGER dials the number.)
SAM SINGER: Kyle, it's your father.
SAM SINGER: We need to talk.
KYLE SINGER: Look, I don't know what you want to talk about, alright? I already know how pissed off you are, ok?
SAM SINGER: Look, um, whatever you did, I know you were just trying to help out your mum and me.
KYLE SINGER: Yeah well look, unless you're willing to give back the stuff you took, I gotta deal with this situation, ok?
SAM SINGER: Kyle, please, don't hang up, please. Just listen to me. What I'm telling you is important, please, you have to come home.
KYLE SINGER: Dad, why do you sound different?
SAM SINGER: I need you to trust me on something I'm about to tell you.
SAM SINGER: You may have gotten a virus, something you picked up in Mexico.
KYLE SINGER: How, how do you know I went to Mexico?
SAM SINGER: It doesn't matter, but you may be sick, and, and if you are then you need to get checked out by a doctor.
KYLE SINGER: Look Dad, I don't know what you're talking about, alright. I feel fine.
SAM SINGER: I know it sounds crazy, but it's real. Now, there's some people here who are trying to help.
JACK BAUER (to TONY ALMEIDA): Tony, have you got a lock on this trace, we're gonna lose this kid..
TONY ALMEIDA (to KIM BAUER): How much longer?
KIM BAUER: I've got a cell tar but it's covering a three mile radius.
KYLE SINGER: I can't believe this. This is like… one minute you're telling me that you love me and the next minute, you're, you're selling me out to some cops.
SAM SINGER: They're not the police Kyle. They're just trying to stop this virus before it, it becomes an outbreak.
KYLE SINGER: Dad, I already told you, I feel fine, alright?
SAM SINGER: Well, they're saying that you're not gonna start feeling sick for another few hours but by then it's gonna be too late.
JACK BAUER (to TONY ALMEIDA): Tony, have you got a lock yet?
TONY ALMEIDA (to KIM BAUER): How much longer?
KIM BAUER: Ten seconds.
KYLE SINGER: What do you want me to do? You want me to turn myself in?
SAM SINGER: Christ, you may be sick, and if you are, other people are gonna get infected.
(KYLE SINGER hangs up.)
TONY ALMEIDA: We got it Jack. He's a the Los Feliz Mall between Vermont and Sunset.
JACK BAUER: Ok, get his photograph over to Mall security. Tell them not to approach him.
TONY ALMEIDA: Look Jack, you're twenty minutes away by car, I can land a team there in ten minutes.
JACK BAUER: Tony, I don't want you taking Chase.
JACK BAUER: I just don't.
(JACK BAUER hangs up and walks over to the SINGERS.)
JACK BAUER: Thank you very much, we'll notify you as soon as we have him in custody.
HELEN SINGER: Please help our son!
JACK BAUER: We will.


(CHLOE O'BRIAN'S phone rings. She picks up.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: Chloe, I'm not sure if you've heard yet but Tony's heading off site for a while.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Yeah. I'm taking over for a few hours.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Let people in your area know.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Ok, I will.
(They both hang up.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: What was that?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Michelle, she's taking over CTU for a couple of hours.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Where's Tony?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: They have a location on Singer, Jack can't get there on time so Tony's going.
CHASE EDMUNDS: What? Tony's not Field Ops!
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Seems like they're really going out of their way to cut you out of the loop. Did you do something to piss off Jack?
(CHASE EDMUNDS runs off.)
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Bad idea Chase, you're just gonna make things worse.


(TONY ALMEIDA is walking up to the helicopter. CHASE EDMUND runs up behind him.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Tony, I just heard they found Kyle Singer, is this for real?
TONY ALMEIDA: We'll see. I'm meeting Jack over there right now.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Look, I'm done with this kid Parker, ok? He's said all he's gonna say. I want back on the case.
TONY ALMEIDA: Yeah well, uh, we're handling it now Chase, alright?
CHASE EDMUNDS: 'Cos Jack doesn't want me there right? Did he tell you why he's cutting me out?
TONY ALMEIDA: I don't care, he's your boss, it's his call.
(CHASE EDMUNDS grabs TONY ALMEIDA by the arm.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: This isn't right. Did he tell you it was because of Kim? He found out we were seeing each other and this is how he's gonna make me pay for it.
TONY ALMEIDA: Take it up with Jack.
(TONY ALMEIDA turns and walks to the helicopter.)


(We see that GOMEZ has followed KYLE SINGER into the mall.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 03:48:54 to 03:53:11 before fading away.)


(JACK BAUER is in a black SUV with NICOLE DUNCAN. His mobile phone rings. He sees that the caller is CHASE EDMUNDS and doesn't answer.)
JACK BAUER: Just want to keep the line open for Tony.
(Back at CTU, CHASE EDMUNDS gets JACK BAUER'S answering machine. He throws his phone against a wall.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Damn it Jack!
KIM BAUER: Chase. Chase! Look, I know my dad can be hard but he will come around.
CHASE EDMUNDS: How do you know?
KIM BAUER: Because I know my father.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Maybe you don't know him as well as you think.
KIM BAUER: What is that supposed to mean?
CHASE EDMUNDS: Nothing, it's ok, forget it Kim.
(CHASE EDMUNDS starts walking away.)
KIM BAUER: Don't you think I feel bad enough already? Because I do.
CHASE EDMUNDS: You shouldn't have told him.
KIM BAUER: Well the only other option I can think of is for us to stop seeing each other, which, as far as I'm concerned, is not an option. Or is it? Chase, what do you want?
CHASE EDMUNDS: I want to be able to do my job.
ADAM: Kim, we need you at your station, Tony's about to land.
(KIM BAUER walks away.)


(TONY ALMEIDA'S helicopter lands outside the mall. He gets out and runs to greet a SECURITY GUARD.)
TONY ALMEIDA: Tony Almeida, CTU.
SECURITY GUARD: I think we've found the guy you're looking for. He's in the Rotunda.
(TONY ALMEIDA gives orders to his men.)


(JACK BAUER and NICOLE DUNCAN are driving in a black SUV; JACK BAUER coughs.)
NICOLE DUNCAN: How long have you been using Jack?
NICOLE DUNCAN: I did a rotation in rehab, you learn to pick up when someone's using.
JACK BAUER: I don't know what you're talking about.
NICOLE DUNCAN: You know exactly what I'm talking about. How long?
JACK BAUER: For a while now. It was the only way I could maintain my cover with the Salazars.
NICOLE DUNCAN: Are you high now?
(NICOLE DUNCAN picks a syringe of the floor of the SUV.)
NICOLE DUNCAN: It's empty Jack.
JACK BAUER: Nicole, I told you, I'm fine.
NICOLE DUNCAN: I'm not so sure.
JACK BAUER: If you're not so sure then turn me in.
NICOLE DUNCAN: I don't want to turn you in Jack, I'm worried about you.
JACK BAUER: You don't have to be, I've kicked it.
NICOLE DUNCAN: I have a responsibility to stop this virus, and I am taking a calculated risk that you are more of an asset than a liability. Just please don't screw this up.
JACK BAUER: I won't.
(JACK BAUER'S mobile phone rings. He picks up.)
TONY ALMEIDA: Hey Jack, security found Singer, we're about to pick him up.
JACK BAUER: Ok, where are you?
TONY ALMEIDA: Second floor, Rotunda. Top of the north escalator. Where are you?
JACK BAUER: We're coming into the loading dock, north entrance. You got a visual?
TONY ALMEIDA: Yeah, I got him.
JACK BAUER: Where have you placed your men?
TONY ALMEIDA: We're posted at all the main entrances.
JACK BAUER: Ok, good. We should be there in about a minute.
(They both hang up. JACK BAUER'S black SUV pulls into the loading dock.)
JACK BAUER: Have your men cover all the parking level exits. Let's go!


(TONY ALMEIDA is talking to the SECURITY GUARD.)
TONY ALMEIDA: I don't want to cause any kind of a commotion.
(GOMEZ walks up behind KYLE SINGER and dials a number on his mobile phone.)
GAEL: Yeah?
GOMEZ: CTU's here, they're about to move in on the kid.
GAEL: Stand down, it's too hot.
GOMEZ: This is my only chance, we can't let the kid get caught.
GAEL: No, no, no, no wait!
GOMEZ: I can't wait.
GAEL: Gomez!
(GOMEZ hangs up and starts walking towards KYLE SINGER.)
TONY ALMEIDA (to the SECURITY GUARD): Wait here, I wanna make a clean grab.
(TONY ALMEIDA starts walking towards KYLE SINGER. GOMEZ sees TONY ALMEIDA arrive and walks past KYLE SINGER. TONY ALMEIDA reaches KYLE SINGER.)
KYLE SINGER: Who are you?
TONY ALMEIDA: My name's Tony Almeida, I'm a federal agent but I'm here to help you. What your father told you about you being sick is true.
KYLE SINGER: I don't believe you.
TONY ALMEIDA: Come with me, I'll prove it to you.
(GOMEZ walks up behind TONY ALMEIDA ands shoots him in the neck. Everyone starts screaming and running. KYLER SINGER runs away. JACK BAUER comes running into the mall.)
JACK BAUER: Get out of the way! Move!
JACK BAUER: He's been shot in the neck. (to the SECURITY GUARD) Jamie, give me your walkie-talkie. (into the walkie-talkie) We have an officer down. Kyle Singer is not in custody, I repeat, Kyle Singer is not in custody. Maintain cover on all exits.
(JACK BAUER bends down to help TONY ALMEIDA.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 03:59:57 to 04:00:00 before fading away.)

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Venez nombreuses et nombreux chez Star Trek - The X-Files et Le Camélon :=)

Profilage, 11.05.2024 à 13:49

Nouveau sondage international sur FBI. Vous êtes les bienvenus

sossodu42, 12.05.2024 à 12:21

Le quartier HPI attend encore 4 votes positifs à sa bannière pour un futur design merci

Locksley, Avant-hier à 19:43

Affichage permis de construire : prochainement, nouveau quartier Fire Country sur la citadelle Plus d'infos à l'Accueil - Morpheus

Locksley, Hier à 19:42

Avalanche de news sur la citadelle en ce moment, merci aux différents rédacteurs ! N'hésitez pas à commenter toutes ces actus. Bonne soirée !

Viens chatter !