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24 heures chrono
#213 : 20h00 - 21h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 2 guide des épisodes

Selon Syed Ali, la bombe doit exploser dans un avion qui va survoler Los Angeles. Jack et son équipe se rendent alors à l'aéroport de Northern. Cependant, ils arrivent trop tard, Marie a déjà mis en marche le compte à rebours.
Stanton avoue au Président qu’il savait que la bombe était aux Etats-Unis depuis plusieurs semaines et que c’est l’unité spéciale du commandant Samuels qui était chargée de la détruire au tout dernier moment. Jack leur apprend que 6 membres du commando ont été exécutés.
Kim avoue à Lonnie qu'une bombe risque d'exploser aujourd'hui à Los Angeles. Il lui montre alors son abri anti-atomique.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Titre VF
20h00 - 21h00

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Maurice Hurley
Réalisé par : Jon Cassar


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Sarah Wynter : Kate Warner
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Xander Berkeley : George Mason
• Penny Johnson Jerald : Sherry Palmer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Dennis Haysbert : President David Palmer

• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick
• Michelle Forbes : Lynne Kresge
• Laura Harris : Marie Warner
• Kevin Dillon : Lonnie McRae
• Daniel Dae Kim : Agent Tom Baker
• Maximilian Martini : Agent Steve Goodrich
• Val Lauren : Agent Randy Murdoch
• Randle Mell : Brad Hammond
• Miguel Perez : Ranger Mike Kramer
• Steven Culp : Agent Ted Simmons
• Harris Yulin : Roger Stanton
• Marc Casabani : Omar

Bauer se rend à l’aérodrome de Norton avec Kate, pendant que Tony l’informe au téléphone du fait que Kim reste introuvable. Celle-ci se rend chez le ranger qui vient de lui proposer de passer la nuit chez lui, dans sa petite maison retirée et loin de la ville.

Au Q.G. militaire, Palmer ne sait plus que faire, la torture de Stanton continue, lorsqu’il annonce qu’il était parfaitement au courant pour la bombe, et qu’il a autorisé son entrée sur le territoire en même temps qu’il permit à Deuxième Vague d’opérer sans contraintes.

Palmer, offusqué, apprend alors que pour Stanton, sa politique de défense serait beaucoup trop passive, mais qu’il n’y a par ailleurs, aucune chance pour que la bombe explose car il doit l’intercepter par l’intermédiaire de l’équipe Serpent de Corail du Colonel Samuels : le seul problème est que le contact a été rompu. Au même moment la C.A.T., Mason, qui est de plus en plus mal en point, informe Jack du fait que Serpent de Corail a déc idé de s’occuper elle-même de la bombe, et que tout ceux s’y opposant seraient considéré comme ennemis.

Samuels et ses hommes opèrent donc désormais seuls, en tant qu’unité rebelle! Jack et Kate arrivent à Norton rejoignent l’équipe d’assaut attendant Jack sur place ; ces derniers se préparent à se mettre à la recherche de Serpent de Corail, et de Mary Warner.

C’est un Jack extrêmement déterminé qui les brief. 20h16, retour à la C.A.T. Mason apprend à Tony que la division veut faire fermer la cellule, la jugeant dans une situation trop délicate pour poursuivre les opérations à cause de l’attentat. Pendant ce temps, Kim qui pense enfin être sorti d’affaire, dîne en compagnie de Lonnie, le ranger ayant accepté de l’héberger, lui annonce qu’une catastrophe se prépare et divulgue la présence d’une bombe à charge nucléaire à Los Angeles.

Lonnie, ne paraissant ni inquiété ni surpris déclare alors que cela ne l’étonne pas, le monde entier, selon lui, détesterait les Etats-Un is. Adepte de la vie loin de la foule, il semble bizarrement bien au courant. Saurait-il quelque chose… Au Q.G. militaire, Lynne Kresge informe Palmer du déroulement des opérations à l’aérodrome, et en même tant, lui fait part de ses appréhensions quant à ce qui s’y passe.

Deux unités militaires surentraînées étant sur le point de s’affronter, cela ne laisse rien présager de bon. Palmer, lui, affirme qu’il reste confiant en Jack avant d’apprendre une nouvelle assez surprenante. Roger Stanton aurait des liens secrets avec un certain Bruce Gluck, le sénateur du Michigan ! Il semblerait que les membres du Sénat s’y mettent…

Mais cette nouvelle n’est rien comparée à la décision que Palmer décide alors de prendre : Lynne et Mick restent figés lorsqu’il leur annonce que la seule personne susceptible de pourvoir les aider n’est autre que…Sherry ! Mick et Lynne ayant beau tenter de raisonner le Président, ce dernier est catégorique : Sherry connaît bien Gluck, elle doit venir au Q.G. et bénéficier de tous les moyens possibles pour les aider à résoudre le problème.

Une nouvelle que Lynne semble avoir bien du mal à digérer. 20h22, Aérodrome. Un des membres de l’équipe d’assaut informe Jack de la présence de traces de bottes de rangers devant un entrepôt. Cela ne fait aucun doute, l’unité Serpent de Corail est toute proche!

L’équipe entre dans les lieux avec Jack pour meneur. Le suspens est à son comble, lorsque ce dernier découvre un groupe d’homme achevés. Serpent de corail a été éliminé dans sa totalité. La question se posant alors est, qui suit les traces de la bombe ? A la cellule, Mason se sent de plus en plus mal. Mais ce dernier trouve tout de même l’énergie pour s’objecter à Brad Hammond, représentant de la division, lorsque celui-ci annonce qu’il faut que la cellule ferme. D’après Mason, tout fonctionne parfaitement.

Il est 20h30, Lonnie veut montrer à Kim une pièce secrète de sa maison. Kim n’en revient pas lorsqu’elle s’aperçoit qu e cette pièce creusée à une dizaine de mètres sous terre est en fait, un abri antiatomique. L’endroit sombre, miteux, rempli de dynamite, grenades, masques à gaz et autres armes de tout genre lui fait peur, la laisse penser que ce Lonnie n’est pas très net, et lui fait croire qu’elle n’est peut-être pas en sécurité avec lui. Cette dernière prend peur et s’enfuit en courant, avant d’annoncer à Lonnie qu’elle préférerait aller chez sa tante Carol.

Lonnie accepte sans broncher. Au Q.G. Sherry Palmer arrive, et tombe sur Lynne, qui n’a pas l’air d’avoir envi de lui faire de cadeaux. Il ne fait aucun doute qu’un conflit s’est déclaré entre les deux femmes, leur brève conversation durant laquelle Lynne affirme ouvertement à Sherry « je ne vous aime pas » le démontre bien !

Il est 20h40, Kim se prépare à quitter la maison avec Lonnie qui va la conduire jusqu’à l’autoroute. Mais lorsqu’ils s’apprêtent enfin à partir arrive un certain Mike Kramer, le garde forestier du coin, pr évenu par la police, et sans doute à la recherche de Kim. Kramer dit qu’il est à la recherche d’une jeune fille accusée de kidnapping et de meurtre. Lonnie feint de ne rien savoir, le fait partir et Kim l’en remercie énormément.

Mais la situation s’inverse, et même clamant son innocence, c’est désormais Lonnie qui s’en méfie !

Retour au Q.G. militaire où David Palmer informe Sherry de ce qu’il attend d’elle, à savoir, un maximum de renseignements sur la relation de Bruce Gluk et Roger Stanton. Sherry s’en va, et Mick Novick arrive pour informer le président d’une nouvelle plutôt inquiétante. Les 6 hommes de l’unité Serpent de Corail ont été liquidés, Bauer n’a pu retrouver la bombe, et la est probablement tombée entre de mauvaises mains.

Palmer, fou de rage, se dirige vers la cellule où est retenu Stanton qui, lorsqu’il apprend que ses hommes sont morts, reste comme pétrifié, conscient du fait que la meilleur chance de récupérer la bombe avant qu’elle n’explose vient d’ê tre ruinée ! Face à la volonté du président d’obtenir des explications ; il affirme que personne d’autre n’est au courant, ce qui a le don d’énerver David, d’après qui, il est impossible que 6 hommes surentraînés puissent se faire tuer si facilement.

Stanton, ne comprenant pas, assure alors qu’ils étaient 7...Palmer n’en revient pas, l’équipe ne serait pas constituée de 6 membres mais de 7, l’un d’entre eux leur a forcément faussé compagnie !! A la cellule, on vient de trouver l’immatriculation de l’avion, et par conséquent, de trouver le hangar où il est situé. Chose que Tony s’empresse de dire à Jack.

Il est alors 20h45, Jack et l’équipe d’assaut s’y rendent. Au même moment Mary et Omar se préparent à mettre leur plan à exécution. L’avion quitte le hangar alors que l’équipe de Jack arrive. Une folle course poursuite s’engage alors sur la piste de décollage, avant que l’appareil ne soit finalement intercepté. Après plus de 12 heures d’angoisses, la bombe a enfin été récupérée !

Il est 20h53 à la cellule, Hammond s’inquiète pour l’état de santé de Mason. Au même moment, à l’extérieur de Los Angeles, Lonnie tente, grâce à un émetteur radio, de voir, en écoutant la fréquence policière, si Kim fait l’objet d’un avis recherche. C’est alors que comme pris de panique, il commence à s’affoler de ne plus rien capter sur aucune fréquence, si ce n’est une station ayant parlé d’un éclair. Selon lui, il ne fait aucun doute que la bombe a explosé! Ce qui semble étrange puisque Jack vient de la retrouver.

Kim crédule comme jamais veut alors a tout pris faire son possible pour retrouver son père, mais Lonnie incroyablement malin, réussit à lui faire croire que ka bolbe a explosé, et arrive à la convaincre de la nécessité absolue de descendre dans l’abri.

Il est 20h55, la température monte à l’aérodrome, où l’équipe de déminage intervient, mais sa tentative de désamorçage n’a fait qu’enclencher une minuterie ! Jack pense alors déjà à la possi bilité d’amener cette bombe le plus loin possible de L.A. s’il s’avérait qu’elle puisse effectivement exploser plus rapidement, lorsqu’un des démineurs s’attardant sur la bombe, s’aperçoit que ça n’est autre…qu’un simple leurre !!

Jack n’est pas en possession de la bombe ! Stanton n’ayant assurément pas tout dit, se fait interroger à nouveau, par Palmer, prévenu de suite. Démarche qui laissera ce dernier complètement estomaqué…

Il est 21h, Kim est enfermée avec Lonnie qui a joué la comédie, Jack n’a pas la bombe, et Stanton vient de dire à Plamer que s’il veut une réponse, il doit s’adresser à une autre personne concernée qui n’est autre que… Sherry…

MIKE NOVICK: Jack Bauer is interrogating Syed Ali as we speak. We'll be informed of his progress on minute-by-minute basis, but nothing yet.

PRESIDENT DAVID PALMER: And we're certain that this man knows the location of the bomb at this point?

NOVICK: Jack Bauer is.

PALMER: Then make sure he has all the resources he needs.

JACK BAUER: Those men will kill your family if you don't tell us the location of the bomb now. Where's the bomb? Tell me where the bomb is!

JACK(RADIO): Kill him!

SYED ALI: No! No! I will tell you!

JACK(RADIO): Hold on!



GEORGE MASON(PHONE): What do you have?

JACK(PHONE): The bomb's at Norton Airfield, they're putting it on a plane to  fly it over the city.

SHERI PALMER: Your meeting's changed- now it's with me.

LYNNE KRESEGE: So you're confirming that Roger Stanton is involved? He knew about this bomb ahead of time?

SHERI: Roger's more involved than could David could possibly know.

KRESEGE: I think you orchestrated all of this. And I believe that you have your own, and not the President's best interest at heart.

KIMBERLY BAUER: I got into a car accident. I started running- before I know it, I was out here, I had no idea where I was. All I wanna do is get back to the highway and get outta here.

MAN: Well the highway's a couple miles that way. But the way there is not safe at night. My place is a half mile that way. I can put a roof over your head for the night.

MARIE WARNER: They've found Reza haven't they? They know what's happened.

KATE WARNER: Tell me please, what happened?

MARIE: You wouldn't understand Kate. People have to die for things to change.

[Marie and Omar arms the bomb.]

OMAR(ARABIC): Now we pray.


The following takes place between 8PM and 9PM.


[Phone rings. Jack picks it up.]

JACK BAUER: Yeah this is Bauer.

TONY ALMEIDA: Jack, this is Tony. You guys are around 10 minutes from the airport?

JACK: Yeah, that's seems about right. Look- you got a complete tail number on the aircraft yet?

TONY: No, not yet. We're still working on it. Look- you'll link up with the assault team, they're set outside the emergency room. They're sweeping the ground now, they're starting to lock it down.

JACK: Okay, that sounds alright. Tony, contacted Kim yet?

TONY: No, I haven't. I just called the sheriff's station, they sent out search teams. I just don't understand why she hasn't tried contacted us yet.

JACK: She knows she can't go back to Los Angeles, and right now the LAPD's looking for her as a murder suspect. She's not gonna reach out to us- do you understand? We've got to find her. We've got to find her.

TONY: Believe me; I'm putting every resource we can spare on it.

JACK: Do everything you have to.

TONY: Okay.

JACK: Thanks.


KIMBERLY BAUER: How much further is it?

MAN: Not much.

KIM: Ow. Ow! Dammit!

MAN: Here, let me see that. We really ought to get you to a doctor.

KIM: No, I told you, it's not safe for me in LA.

MAN: Because people there think you did something you didn't do?

KIM: Yeah, that's right. You don't believe me.

MAN: Oh it doesn't matter. You don't wanna go back to LA. That's good enough for me. There it is.

[They enter a house.]


[David Palmer enters Roger Stanton's room.]

PRESIDENT DAVID PALMER: Ready to tell me everything I need to know?


PALMER: Continue.

[Ted Simmons starts getting the machine ready again.]

ROGER STANTON: We knew about the bomb... weeks ago.

[The President comes back from halfway through the door.]

PALMER: Thank you  Simmons.

[Ted Simmons leaves.]

PALMER:  What do you mean 'knew'?

STANTON: We let it in the country. Tracked it all the way. We allowed it to sneak through customs and we allowed the Second Wave terrorist cell to operate... unimpeded.

PALMER: God Roger! A nuclear bomb?!

STANTON: There's no chance that this bomb is ever gonna go off. There never was. We had a Special Ops team following it every step of the way.

PALMER: Colonel Samuel's team.

STANTON: The mission was to take the bomb out of play... At the last possible moment.

PALMER: What are you trying to do? Start a war with the Middle East?


PALMER: Then what?!

STANTON: Your defense policy- it's too passive. You need more resources.

PALMER: You're trying to hijack my presidency.

STANTON: No, no, no. I'd like to give it some balls.

PALMER: You're gonna call your Special Ops team. Tell them to secure the bomb. Now!

STANTON: They went dark three hours ago. Not accepting any new incoming communications till the mission's complete.

PALMER: And where were they? Where were they?!

STANTON: Norton Airfield... Los Angeles.


MAN: The shower's in there- you're welcome to use it. Just try not to stay in there too long. There's not a lot of hot water.

KIM: Oh.

MAN: Uh- there's some towels in there, and I'll try to get you some clean clothes.

[Kim looks around and hesitates.]

MAN: The door has a lock.

KIM: Thanks.

[Kim goes to the bathroom. The man tenders the fire and looks at the door a few times after she closed it.]


TONY: Michelle, I just got off the phone with Division. While they were debriefing Syed Ali, he named three more Second Wave terrorists in the LA area. I want two transport teams assigned to each one. Pick them up now alright?


[Tony goes back to his seat. George Mason exits his office and clambers down the stairs, coughed a few times along the way as he struggles down.]

GEORGE MASON: Hey, hey guys! Heads up- We just received a second confirmation from NSA in Oregon. The location of the bomb is indeed Norton Airfield. Jack Bauer's en route. I want every available field agent over there now.


[Jack Bauer's phone rings. He picks it up. We see Mason talking to Jack via phone. Mason is bandaging his bloody, decaying arm.]

JACK: This is Bauer.

MASON: There's a new wrinkle Jack. How far are you from the airport?

JACK: We're looking at a couple of minutes. What're you talking about- what kind of wrinkle?

MASON: There's a hostile US paramilitary unit standing between you and the bomb. A... Coral Snake team headed up by Colonel Ron Samuels.

JACK: Yeah- it's the same unit that took down our plane. What the hell is going on George? Why is a US military unit aiding these terrorists?

MASON: As far as we know- they're not. The best we can make out, they wanna be the ones to secure the bomb. And for whatever reason, they're gonna treat whoever that stands in their way as an adversary.

JACK: Just order Colonel Samuels to tell his team to stand down.

MASON: We were told they went dark three hours ago. They're a rogue unit, Jack- they're acting on their own authority.

JACK: How can I find them?

MASON: I wish I could narrow it down for you, just somewhere at the airport. I'm trying to get manpower up from Camp Pendleton.

JACK: This is bad George.

MASON: Yeah it is. Our best bet is still you getting past them to the bomb.

JACK: Yes, I understand.

[Jack hangs up.]

KATE WARNER: What's happening?

JACK: Don't know yet. CTU hasn't been able to locate your sister. As soon as they do, they'll contact me. I'm sorry, this is gonna take longer than I thought.


MARIE WARNER(ARABIC): Will I have time to get away?

OMAR(ARABIC): If you hurry. Go now. Drive north. You'll be okay.

MARIE(ARABIC): Who will fly the plane?

[Marie says something in Arabic, she nods and ways towards the door. She opens the door and peeks out to find a parade of police cars coming into the Airfield with only their lights, no sirens. She steps back and closes the door, alarmed.]

MARIE: Omar!

OMAR(ARABIC): What is it?

MARIE(ARABIC): They found us! What are we going to do?

[Jack Bauer exits the car and goes over to the other side to open the door for Kate Warner. Kate gets out..]

MAN: Dispatch, this is 4827...

JACK: Kate... Look, I know you've seen some terrible things today. But I'm just gonna have to have you a little longer, just in case we can find your sister. You okay with that? Agent Baker?


JACK: Please take Ms. Warner to the secured area, make sure she's comfortable.

BAKER: You'll need this.

JACK: Thank you.

[Baker hands Kate an ID card and they walk away.]

MAN(SG): Jack Bauer, Steve Goodrich. I'm heading up the assault team on-site.

JACK: I was told you have further intel on the group?

GOODRICH: Right here. These are individual military records of every soldier under Samuels' command. What's our profiles with these guys?

JACK: They know where the bomb is- and they're gonna treat us like hostiles.

GOODRICH: Well that doesn't make sense.

JACK: No it doesn't, but that's the situation we've got. Is your team ready?

GOODRICH: Already inside. We got airport schematics and everything you've asked for.

JACK: Good. Everybody gather round. Gentleman, we're going to be engaging hostiles in a large uncontrolled area. Now I want everyone wearing ID tags, no exceptions. Anybody wants to leave this area- they check with me first. Who's got the schematics?

MAN: Here you go sir.

JACK: Thank you. Here's the situation. There's a nuclear-warhead somewhere on-site. But there's an envelope surrounding it, an armed Delta team. I want three sub-units. Unit one will makes the first sweep. Unit two coordinates air tactical. Unit three will await my command as soon as I've got a 20 on the bomb. Does everybody understand?

ALL: Yes sir.

JACK: Good luck gentlemen. Lieutenant, set up your teams.

[Jack leaves the area.]

GOODRICH: Gentlemen, team A, B. Column of two, on me. Let's go!


8:11:56.. 57.. 58.. **Fade out.**

8:16:21.. 23.. 24.. 25.. 26


MAN(PHONE): Agent Bauer's set up the staging area at the airfield.


MASON: Tony we've got a little problem.

TONY: What's up?

MASON: Brad Hammond from Division is on his way over here. They want to shut us down and run everything from over there.

TONY: We're up and running now.

MASON: Not 100%. Still having intermittent packet loss. Division's little uncomfortable with the idea of us running an operation like this out of a compromised location.

TONY: I just don't have the time to give these idiots from Division a grand tour.

MASON: I know.

TONY: We're closing in on this.

MASON: I know. They're on their way, so we just gotta deal with it.

[Mason exits.]


[Kim pulls her shirt down and cleans herself up in front of the mirror. She looks at the scratches on her face and exits the bathroom.]

MAN: Hey, how you feeling?

KIM: A lot better. Thank you.

MAN: Have a seat.

[Kim sits down at the table.]

KIM: So why is it that you live up here like this?

MAN: I don't know- I guess I just got sick of the whole LA scene. It's not like I hate anyone there, there's just too many people.

KIM: Don't have that problem up here huh?

MAN: No, just the opposite.

KIM: So why don't you move to a small town? Why do you have to be by yourself?

MAN: I don't know. So, tell me again why you can't go back to LA?

KIM: If I told you, you wouldn't believe me, so...

MAN: What?

KIM: My father works for the government. A counter-terrorist unit. He said that someone's gonna detonate a nuclear bomb in Los Angeles today.

[The man laughs.]

KIM: What's so funny?

MAN: I knew it. I've been telling people that this is gonna happen for over a year. No one would listen to me. Heh.

KIM: So, you knew about these terrorists?

MAN: Well- Not these ones specifically, but yeah. All you have to do is read the foreign papers, look over the fence once in a while. The whole world hates America. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. Don't worry, we're far enough away. We won't get hurt.

KIM: No one's far enough away. What about the fallout? No one can predict where the wind's gonna take it.

MAN: I'm gonna show you something, but you can't tell anyone.

KIM: What is it?

MAN: After we eat.


PALMER: Good. Where are we on locating the Coral Snake commanders?

LYNNE KRESEGE: Bauer and his teams are at the airport looking for them. CTU is updating us every 10 minutes.


KRESEGE: Sir- this cannot possibly have a good outcome. We've got two highly trained American military groups about to face off.

PALMER: But CTU has a  formable presence. If the commandos are there, CTU should be able to control the situation.

MIKE NOVICK: Mr. President, we've got something new.


NOVICK: Our com team discovered a covert link between Stanton and Bruce Gluck.

PALMER: The Michigan senator?

NOVICK: Yes.  It looks like they were working together. How would you like to proceed?

PALMER: Sherry knows Gluck, and his key staffers. They worked closely together during the primaries. Bring her in.

NOVICK: Here? Into the OC?

PALMER: Yes, she'll need access to our secure databases.

[Lynne Kresege and Mike Novick looks at each other for a moment, Palmer oblivious to what's going on.]

KRESEGE: Sir. I feel I must-

PALMER: I don't wanna argue about this. Just do it.


TONY: Why is it taking so long to get this tail number?

RANDY MURDOCH: Barely anything here, man. But there's something- I got a little something.

TONY: We need this, Randy. Come on.

MURDOCH: I'm on it.

MICHELLE: Mason tell you- they're sending someone over from Division to do an evaluation?

TONY: Yeah.

MICHELLE: Why are they doing this now? We're clearly operational, we're getting results. Why don't they just leave us alone?

TONY: They will. This is just Chappelle's way of doing stuff over there.

MICHELLE: Well... What about George?

TONY: When they get a look at the shape he's in, they're probably gonna yank him. I'm keeping an eye on him, alright? Just get everyone to Norton.


[Forensics looking at boot prints with ultraviolet lights (?). Jack Bauer's vehicle pulls up and he comes into view.]

JACK: What have we got?

MAN: Military-issue combat boots. Five sets, all leading in here, less than an hour old.

JACK: Any coming out?

MAN: Still in there.

JACK: Have your team ready to move on my signal.

[Jack cocks gun, readies by the door. He nods and the team moves in through each section carefully. Jack enters the building and checks the place. He signals for two men to go with him as he explores the seemingly deserted building. He goes up the stairs with his gun and light out, treading carefully. He finds a pile of deal body in the corner, all shot and killed. He checks their wrists to find the Coral Snake tattoo.]

JACK: It's defiantly Colonel Samuel's men.

MAN: If these guys are dead, who's tracking the bomb?


08:24:14.. 15.. 16.. 17 **Fades out.**

08:28:38.. 39.. 40.. 41.. 42


BAKER(RADIO): This is Baker. Copy that. We're moving into position now. Okay.


[George Mason is in his office. He finishes bandaging his arm and puts on his coat with one hand. He winces as he pulls his coat straight and tugs his tie.]


[Tony and Michelle are showing the Division representative round CTU.]

TONY: Now this bank was originally knocked out, but Michelle was able to bring it back up without loosing any data.

MAN(BH): The same data is mirrored at the Division. We don't need to risk running these operations from a jury-rigged system.

MICHELLE: You can't run a mission on data alone, Mr. Hammond. My team has more experience implementing and monitoring than anyone at Division.

BRAD HAMMOND: I don't think that's true, but the point is moot. Start to ship some of your people to our offices.

[George Mason enters.]

MASON: And what? Waste an hour and a half doing transporting and set up? With a nuclear bomb ticking away?

HAMMOND: And I was wondering if this place was running without a director.

MASON: Hey Brad, good to see you.

HAMMOND: George. I heard you're not feeling well.

MASON: I imagine you've heard all kinds of things today Brad. But I can assure ya, a bad day for me is still better than a good day for anybody on your side of the freeway. 

HAMMOND: Is that right?

MASON: We're not shutting down. We got way too many active protocols in play here. It's the bottom line.

HAMMOND: I heard your systems failed their checks this morning.

MASON: That was this morning. Everything's fine now. Eileen, wanna show Brad here how our systems are exceeding all of their time horizons.

EILEEN: Yes sir.

MASON: Think you can do that at Division? Don't believe everything you hear, Brad. Thank you.

[Mason walks away and stops at the stairs to his office, pausing to clutch his arm. His suit jacket shows wet spots.]


MAN: Come on.

KIM: What is it?

MAN: You'll see.

[Kim looks down to see a long spiral staircase.]

KIM: I'm not sure, Lonnie.

LONNIE: Come on, don't be scared. Come on.

[Lonnie starts down the stair case, Kim follows.]

LONNIE: Watch your head over here.

[Lonnie opens a giant concrete door to show a well equipped room.]

LONNIE: It's a bomb shelter. Short of a direct hit, you can survive down here for a pretty long time.

KIM: You did all this yourself?

LONNIE: Yeah, took me two years. After I dug it out, it wasn't too bad. Hey check it out. I'm kind of a coffee junkie. I can pretty much handle anything, but I gotta have my java. These beans are from Argentina. Here, smell this.

[Kim's looking around, she sees some grenades and a gas mask. Lonnie had his back turned, he opens a bag of coffee beans and walks over to Kim. She smells it.]

KIM: Wow. It's great.

LONNIE: The best. Mmm. That's my favorite smell.

[Kim continues to look around; she sees a lot of guns, sticks of dynamite and gas canisters. She seems panicked and she runs out and back up the stairs. Lonnie doesn't realize she was gone until a few seconds later.]

LONNIE: Hey! Hey!

[Lonnie runs after Kim.]

LONNIE: Hey! Where you going?

[Kim's on the sofa back in the main section of the house, Lonnie walks over.]

LONNIE: Kim! What's wrong?

KIM: I just got a little claustrophobic down there, that's all.

LONNIE: You're shaking, are you okay?

KIM: I don't think I should be here Lonnie.

LONNIE: Why not?

KIM: I don't know you, and you live here all by yourself with a bomb shelter with guns and-

LONNIE: Think about it Kim. It's gonna be people like me who'll survive today... If what you say is true.

KIM: Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

LONNIE: You didn't.

KIM: It's just that a lot has happened to me today, and with the bomb in LA- I just think I need to go to my Aunt Carol's to be with family, you know?

LONNIE: Whatever Kim. If you gotta go, go.


[Sheri Palmer enters. Lynne Kresege looks uncomfortable. Lynne hands Sheri a card as they head over to the elevator.]

KRESEGE: Mrs. Palmer- the green card will give you access to the system rooms, and the red card will get you into the networks.

SHERI PALMER: Thank you. Lynne.

KRESEGE: I'm sorry you weren't able to gain access to the OC earlier.

[The two women enters the elevator, and the door slides shut.]

SHERI: What made the President change his mind?

KRESEGE: I'll let the President fill you in. Now I'd like to make it very clear, Mrs. Palmer- that you are not to interface directly with the personnel once you're inside the OC. Please see me if you need anything.

[Sheri Palmer chuckles.]

SHERI: You want me to run everything by you?

KRESEGE: I'm more familiar with the internal politics, I'll be able to help-

SHERI: You'll be able to do what Lynne?

KRESEGE: I'm just trying to maintain some kind of protocol.

[Sheri shakes her head while Lynne Kresege stares straight forward.]

SHERI: No. No you're not. You're trying to position yourself between me and David's inner circle because you don't trust me. Instead of just talking about protocols, why don't you just say what's on your mind-you don't want me here.

KRESEGE: Mrs. Palmer-

SHERI: No, you-you don't want me here! So let's just quit playing games.

KRESEGE: How dare you speak to me like this. I was appointed by the President of the United States of America because of my qualifications in foreign policy in crisis management. I don't know what kind of credentials you have that makes you think you can lecture me. Fine. You don't wanna play games? I don't like you. And I don't like you being here.

SHERI: Oh now we're communicating.

[The two women exit the elevator, Sheri gets a first look at the OC.]


08:35:42.. 43.. 44 **Fades out.**

08:40:06.. 07.. 08.. 09.. 10


LONNIE: Alright. You should have everything you need here.

KIM: Thanks. I'll get it back to you.

LONNIE: Don't worry about it... Are you ready?

KIM: Yeah.

LONNIE: Okay. Just stay close to me. It's about 15 minute walk to the highway.

[Sounds of a car approaching.]

KIM: What was that?

LONNIE: I don't know.

[Lonnie peers out the window at a man getting out and the car door just slamming.

LONNIE: It's Mike Kramer, the park ranger. He's probably looking for you.

KIM: The police probably called him.

LONNIE: What do you want me to do?

KIM: They're gonna send me back to LA.

[The park ranger approaches Lonnie's house. Lonnie gets out of the house to greet park ranger.]

MIKE: Lonnie.

LONNIE: Hey Mike. What's up?

MIKE: Following up on a missing person's call. Seen anyone tonight?

LONNIE: No, no. Who are you looking for?

MIKE: A teenage girl. She ran away from a car accident.

LONNIE: Why would they be looking all the way out here?

MIKE: Cos she was in custody.

LONNIE: In custody? For not?

MIKE: Kidnapping and murder.


[Kim had been watching from the window. She ducked away as the park ranger walks to the house. Mike Kramer looks in through the window at the house, spotting two glasses on the table.]

MIKE: You got company?

LONNIE: No, no. Doug came by earlier. I haven't cleaned up yet.

MIKE: Doug O'Keef from fire district?


MIKE: I heard he was still mad after last week.

LONNIE: Aww It was just a card game.

MIKE: Yeah? But you emptied his wallet! Keep an eye out okay?

LONNIE: Alright I will. I'll see ya pal.

[Mike Kramer the park ranger goes back to his car. Lonnie comes back into the house.]

LONNIE: Don't worry. He's gone.

KIM: Hey.

[The car engine outside starts up.]

LONNIE: Kidnapping? Murder?

KIM: I didn't do it, I swear. Can we hang out here for a few more minutes- at least till he clears the area?

LONNIE: Yeah. I think it's a good idea.

KIM: Hey Lonnie? I'm really lucky that you were here. You've been a really good friend. Thank you.


PALMER: I want you to find out everything about Gluck's relationship with Stanton. I'm especially interested in any meetings that both Rayburn and Stanton attended.

SHERI: Fine. I know exactly who to call.

PALMER: Good. I'll have Lynne set you up with a workspace.

SHERI: That's great. Lynne's been quite helpful. I... I want to thank you David.

PALMER: For what?

SHERI: Well I know how difficult it is to get clearance in here. And I'm certain your advisers really don't want me..

PALMER: Sheri. Stop distilling everything down to politics. We have a need for information. Hopefully you can fill it.

SHERI: And I will... Mr. President.

PALMER: Sheri. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound rude. I really appreciate you here. That's why you're here.

[Mike Novick enters.]

MIKE NOVICK: Mr. President.

PALMER: Yes, Mike.

NOVICK: I just got off with CTU Los Angeles. Jack Bauer found Coral Snake commanders.

PALMER: So it's over?

NOVICK: I'm afraid not. All six members of the team had been killed before Bauer got there.

PALMER: What about the bomb?

[Mike shakes his head. Palmer goes into Stanton's room a couple of steps away.]

PALMER: Roger, your men are all dead, and there's no sign of the bomb.

ROGER STANTON: That's... That's not possible.

PALMER: Your insane plan backfired. Those men were our last chance to find the bomb and now they're dead.


PALMER: You're misguided Roger, but you're not crazy. You do not want this bomb to go off!

STATON: Course not.

PALMER: Then tell me! Who else could have known about this?

STANTON: No one. They were on their own.

PALMER: Somebody killed six highly trained commandos. Now that's not the work of a bunch of suicide bombers!

STANTON: You said six commandos?

PALMER: That's right.

STANTON: There were seven.


GEORGE MASON: So what's the word at the airport?

TONY ALMEIDA: They're searching the planes on all the structures; but there's too many places this thing could be.

RANDY MURDOCH: Got it! It's either N34G5, or it's N34G6.

MASON: Michelle?


[Michelle's computer beeps.]

MICHELLE: N34G5. It's registered in California, and it's at Norton Airport. Hanger MD7.

MASON: Get Bauer.

[Tony nods.]


JACK: Down through the runway here. Then to these hangers all down here.

[Jack's phone rings. He picks it up.]

JACK: Bauer.

TONY: Hey Jack it's Tony. We got a tail number on that plane. N as in "November", three, four, G as in "golf", five. Now the FAA has got it spotted in hangar M as in "mama", D as in "delta", seven.

BAUER: Okay! We got it, let's go!

[Jack hangs up and folds the map up, gets in the car.]

BAUER: Hangar MD7 at the other end of the airport.

[The car drives off.]


[Marie Warner gets off the trunk and slips into a hangar.]

MARIE(ARABIC): Good luck.

OMAR(ARABIC): And you as well.

[Omar kisses Marie's cheeks swiftly and gets in the plane. Marie operates the hangar door, the engine of the plane starts. The hangar door is open, and Marie exits through another back door just as Omar readies the plane's wings. Jack Bauer's car races towards the hangar.]

JACK: : The third hangar from the end. There it is! Go go!

[Omar guides the plane out of the hangar and down the runway. Jack's team chases in car behind it.]

JACK: He's trying to make a run for the north runway. Send a team over to cut him off!

[The sirens wailed as Omar tries pick up speed to take off. A team of police cars parks and blocks the runway. The plane still held its course.]

JACK: Pull up alongside of him.

[Jack climbs up on the car's ceiling window. He shoots the plane's wheels from his position and hits one of them. The planes swerves and Jack's car dodges.]

JACK: Dammit! Flag.

[Jack's car cuts in alongside of the plane again. Jack takes aim and hits Omar.]

JACK: The pilot has been hit. The pilot has been hit!

[The plane slows to a stop in front of the blockade of police car. Jack gets out of the car and approaches the plane.]

JACK: Put your hands in the air. Put your hands up. Put your hands above you head! Keep your hands up. He's got it in the plane! Get the nuke emergency team here now!

[Jack looked in the plane to see a big black box. Omar winces as he put his arms above his head.]

MAN: Yes sir!


08:48:56.. 57.. 58.. **Fades out.**

08:53:51.. 52.. 53.. 54.. 55.. 56.. 57


BRAD HAMMOND: Okay you're clear until the threat passes. When it does, we're gonna re-evaluate.

[George Mason walks along side Brad Hammond, he slows down and coughs furiously into his hand.]

MASON: Fine.

HAMMOND: See somebody about that cough George. You don't look so good.

MASON: Appreciate you concern Brad.

[Brad Hammond walks away. Michelle Dessler watches George Mason from her station. George struggles back up to his office.]


[Lonnie adjusts the the radio. Kim enters.]

KIM: Hey Lonnie what are you doing? What are you listening to?

LONNIE: Police band. I'm just scanning to see if there's anything about your APB. I'd hate to get you all the way out there and then find there's a roadblock and a bunch of cop cars.

KIM: Find anything?

LONNIE: Nothing yet.

KIM: Good.

LONNIE: Looks like you're not gonna make the Ten Most Wanted.

[Kim chuckles as Lonnie tries to adjust the radio again. He hears nothing.]

LONNIE: Oh my God.

KIM: What?

LONNIE: Wait wait. It can't be.

[Lonnie could only hear static. He stands up.]

KIM: What is it? What's wrong?

LONNIE: It happened!

KIM: What?! The bomb went off?!

LONNIE: All the LA stations went to static. Ventura County's talking about a flash. Oh n o now they're gone.

KIM: That's wrong. I don't see anything.

LONNIE: Here, here. Listen for yourself.

[Kim grabs the headphones as Lonnie channel surfes for her.]

LONNIE: This station. Nothing. This one. Nothing. This one, nothing. They're all dead.

[Kim shakes off the headphones and tries to walk off, Lonnie grabs her by the arm.]

KIM: I got to get to my dad.

LONNIE: No, no. We can't stay up here. The radiation. We gotta get down below.

KIM: No!

LONNIE: We gotta go now. Before it's too late- come on!

KIM: Okay.

[The two heads down the spiral staircase and rushes into the bomb shelter. Lonnie pushes and locks the door shut behind him.]


PAUL TATE(RADIO REPORTER): This is Paul Tate live from Skywatch. A beautiful night here in Los Angeles as we near the nine o'clock hour. Traffic is light in both direction to downtown...


BOMB SQUAD GUY1: Try the internal.

BQ GUY2: Give it to me. It's no good either. It's no good. This trigger's been set to permanent default.

BQ GUY1: We can try the internal configuration.

JACK: What are you doing? What's going on?

BQ GUY2: The modification. They wiped out the configurations.

JACK: Are you able to disarm it?

BQ GUY2: Doesn't look good.

JACK(RADIO): Team A, this is Bauer. I want you to start clearing the North runway. I repeat: clear the North runway.

BQ GUY2: Why? What do you mean?

JACK: If you can't diffuse this bomb, I've gotta get it as far away from LA as possible.

JACK(RADIO): Yes it's affirmative.

[The bomb squad guy does something to the bomb and the bomb starts ticking louder in a different pitch. Both bomb squad men looks alarmed.]

JACK: What's happening?!

BQ GUY2: Timing mechanism. They must've given it an expedite command. When it's tampered with, the countdown speeds up.

[The two men works hurrily at the bomb as the ticker speeds up as the sound gets more high pitched.]

BQ GUY2: Hold on, hold on, hold on.

[The bomb squad guys opens one of the boxes and reaches in.]

BQ GUY1: Wait a minute. Don't touch that. It'll detonate.

[The bomb squad guy takes out the box anyways. The ticker stops beeping but nothing happens.]

JACK: What just happened?

BQ GUY2: Nothing.

JACK: What?

BQ GUY2: This isn't a bomb. It's been rigged to look like one.

JACK: What about the radiation reading?

BQ GUY2: Probably the box. There was a bomb in here recently. But it's gone now. The reading's picking up some plutonium residue.

JACK(RADIO): All teams- we do not have the bomb. This is a decoy. I repeat: we do not have the bomb. This is a decoy. We are still looking for the nuclear device.


[Jack walks away frustratedly.]

[Lonnie and Kim waits anxiously in the bomb shelter.]

[Michelle is at the phone while George Mason walks over.]

[David Palmer walks along the corridor.]


[David Palmer enters Roger's Stanton's room.]

PALMER: There's no bomb at the airport Roger. Now if there's something that you haven't told me that could save lives... Tell me now. Please Roger.

STANTON: Ask Sheri.

PALMER: What did you say?

STANTON: Sheri... Is the one you want to talk to.

[Palmer winces.]

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

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Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

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5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

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Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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