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24 heures chrono
#417 : 23h00 - Minuit

24 heures chrono bannière saison 4 guide des épisodes

La Cellule Anti Terroriste n'a trouvé aucun moyen pour empêcher l'attentat qui visait l'avion du président. On cherche alors à connaitre l'étendue des dégats, mais aussi à savoir si le président est toujours en vie. Deux étrangers, habitant à proximité de l'endroit du crash, retrouvent la mallette contenant les codes et les renseignements conçernant l'arsénal nucléaire américain. Leur vie est alors menaçée et Jack Bauer est envoyé à leur secours.
Parallèlement, le Vice-Président doit desormais assurer ses fonctions de Président des Etats-Unis et résoudre la crise.


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO
11:00pm - 12:00am

Titre VF
23h00 - Minuit


24 Season 4 Episode 17 Promo

24 Season 4 Episode 17 Promo


Plus de détails


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Kim Raver : Audrey Raines

Special guest stars

• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• and Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler

Guest starring

• Arnold Vosloo : Habib Marwan
• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick
• Gregory Itzin : Vice President Charles Logan
• Louis Lombardi : Edgar Stiles
• James Morrison : Bill Buchanan
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• T.J. Thyne : Jason Girard
• John Allen Nelson : Walt Cummings
• Claudette Mink : Kelly Girard
• Mesan Richardson : Steve Simmons
• Matt Gallini : Abdul Mahnesh


• Dan Lundy : Rescue Worker
• Michael P. Lugar : Pilot

Air Force One vient d’être touché par Anderson, l’avion se dépressurise. La CAT est en état d’urgence, Chloé O’Brian essaye d’avoir les coordonnes du futur « atterrissage ». Tony essaye d’envoyer des équipes sur le terrain. Michelle Dessler demande a ce que tous les scénarios d’atterrissage soient établis.

Alors que l’Air Force One perd de l’altitude à grande vitesse, le signal n’apparaît plus et Chloé est obligée de constater que l’avion s’est écrasé. Une fois que Jack Bauer est arrivé à la CAT, il demande à ce que les canaux radios des services secrets soient utilisés afin de contacter les agents secrets à bord d’AFO.

Il contacte Patterson qui leur dit ne pas connaître l’état su président. Mais celui-ci affirme qu’il y’a des survivants.

A Washington D.C., Mike Novick annonce au vice président Logan que AFO s’est écrasé suite à un tir d’un engin volé et qu’on ne connaît toujours pas l’état du président. Mike dit au vice président de prendre rapidement les commandes du pays car, même si Keeler est en vie, il ne sera pas en état de gouverner. Logan prend compte de la remarque, mais ne veut pas agir prématurément.

Tous deux se rendent ensuite à la Maison Blanche pour un briefing de sécurité avec le Pentagone.

23 :06 - Bill Buchanan et Michelle Dessler informent les agents de la CAT sur la situation. Anderson a été abattu. Michelle dit qu’il faut à tout prix travailler sur la capture de Marwan, le responsable des évènements de la journée. Ensuite, Jack parle à Michelle de l’endroit ou pourrait se trouver Marwan quand Audrey Raines les interrompt.

Elle dit à Jack que le plus important est de trouver la mallette nucléaire. En effet, le missile a fait suffisamment de dégats pour que des objets tombent. La mallette fait parti de ces objets. Elle a un émetteur qui permet de savoir ou elle est. Jack est chargé de commander l’équipe qui ira la chercher. Audrey lui dit que c’est la chose la plus urgente à faire car elle contient les emplacements de toutes les têtes nucléaires du pays.

Après le départ de Michelle, Audrey dit à Jack que son mari, Paul va devoir retourner en chirurgie car la balle a fait plus de dégats que prévu. Jack la console et lui conseille de ne plus y penser. Jack est obligé de laisser Audrey car l’hélicoptère l’emmenant chercher la mallette dans le désert vient d’arriver.

23 :10 – Dans le désert, un jeune couple campe. L’homme était réveillé et observait quelque chose avec sa lampe torche. Sa compagne sortit de la tente pour voir ce qu’il faisait. Celui-ci lui dit avoir entendu quelque chose, une explosion. La femme lui dit que c’était surement un mauvais rêve. Mais à un moment, l’homme aperçoit quelque chose. Tous deux se rendent vers cette chose qui n’est rien d’autre que des débris d’un avion. Mais ils eurent des frissons quand ils découvrirent que c’était AFO.

23 :15 – A la CAT, Buchanan dit que Logan va peut-être bientôt remplacer Keeler temporairement. Il charge Tony de briefer les membres du cabinet puis lui explique de faire son travail comme s’il s’agissait d’un débutant. Ce qui a le don d’énerver Tony. Bill lui dit alors qu’il comprend son hostilité due à sa liaison avec Michelle mais Tony lui dit que l’hostilité se termine et que sa liaison avec Michelle ne le regarde pas.

Buchanan lui dit que Michelle n’a jamais rien voulu faire avec lui et qu’il est évident qu’elle a encore des sentiments pour Tony. Chloé coupe la conversation en disant à Bill que les équipes de sauvetage sont à l’intérieur d’AFO. Une liaison vidéo est établie. On voit de nombreux corps sans vie dont celui de Kévin Keeler, le fils du président. Mais le président est en vie et les médecins sont appelés sur les lieux. Bill Buchanan appelle le vice-président Logan.

Il lui apprend que le président est en vie mais qu’il ne pourra pas diriger le pays pendant une longue période. Logan est bouleversé. Buchanan lui demande d’invoquer le 25ème amendement et de devenir le président des USA. Logan dit alors à Mike de prévenir les membres du cabinet mais celui-ci l’a déjà fait sans la permission de Logan car celui-ci était débordé. Logan le remercie. Novick part pour comptabiliser les votes.

23 :19 – Dans le désert, le couple était toujours en train d’inspecter les débrits. La jeune femme essayait d’avoir du réseau sur son téléphone portable pour prévenir les autorités. Au moment ou le portable eu du réseau, l’homme découvre la mallette. Il comprit qu’il s’agissait de la mallette contenant les codes nucléaires.

Il appela la police. Dans l’hélico qui le mène au désert, Jack appelle Audrey Raines pour lui dire qu’il se sent responsable pour Paul mais qu’il doit s’occuper d’une affaire de sécurité nationale. Audrey dit qu’elle le comprend mais la conversation se coupe car Jack a un double appel.

L’appel provient de Tony qui va passer à Jack Jason Girard, l’homme qui a découvert la mallette dans le désert. Tony dit qu’ils regardent son passé. Quand Jack parle avec Jason, ce dernier lui explique la situation. Il décrit parfaitement la mallette nucléaire. Jack l’informe qu’il est à 20 minutes d’hélico de l’endroit ou ils sont. Mais Girard voit des phares de voiture.

Jack se renseigne rapidement mais il n’y a aucune autre équipe dans le coin. Il demande alors a Jason si la voiture se dirige droit sur lui. Jason confirme. Jack lui dit alors que ce sont sûrement les terroristes qui retrouvent la mallette grâce au transpondeur inclus dans celle-ci.

Jack lui demande d’enlever le transpondeur et de partir le plus loin possible. Jason retire le transpondeur à temps avec l’aide de Jack et de sa compagne, Kelly. Jack lui dit alors de courir vite dans n’importe quelle direction car les véhicules de Marwan arrivent.

23 :25 – Alors que Marwan arrive, un de ses hommes lui dit qu’il ne reçoit plus le signal. Marwan trouve ça louche et lui dit de surveiller les ondes de téléphones portables. Alors que Jason et Kelly courent, ils reçoivent un appel de Jack. Celui-ci leur dit d’aller se cacher dans une centrale électrique, au nord. Il leur dit d’enlever la batterie du portable pour qu’on ne puisse plus les suivre. Quand Jack raccroche, ils courent vers la centrale. Grâce au bref signal émit par le téléphone, Marwan comprend que la mallette va vers la centrale.

23 :30 – Le couple arrive à la centrale. Ils aperçoivent les voitures de Marwan qui arrivent. Ils appellent alors Jack pour le lui dire. Jack demande à Tony les plans de la centrale. Il donne un point de rendez-vous à Jason. Marwan et ses hommes entrent dans le bâtiment. Ils se séparent et un homme fini par les trouver rapidement.

Jason et Kelly arrivent à fuir. Une course poursuite s’engage alors. Marwan ordonne à ses hommes de bloquer les issues. Soudain, Marwan entend l’hélicoptère de Jack. Il donna l’ordre de l’intercepter à un de ses hommes de main. Jack sort de l’appareil avec un agent. Ils se planquent derrière un mur. Jason appelle Jack pour lui demander de l’aide et pour lui dire sa position. Soudain, une fusillade éclata entre les hommes de Marwan et Jack. L’agent qui accompagnait Jack est tué sur le coup.

Jack, à couvert, appelle Audrey pour avoir les codes de la mallette. Une fois le code obtenu, Jack appela Jason pour lui dire d’ouvrir la mallette avec le code. La valise ouverte, il demanda à Jason de séparer la console et le Playbook. Il lui demande que sa femme prenne la console et lui le Playbook. Ils doivent à tout prix être séparés car la console est inutile sans le Playbook. Il lui demanda alors de se séparer de sa femme. Jason accepte avec mal puis lui et Kelly partent chacun de leur côté.

23 :43 – Jack, toujours à couvert, ne peut pas s’échapper. Il met alors des balles de son chargeur dans une boite de conserve vide trouvée. Il met ensuite des brindilles sur le dessus et alluma le tout avec un briquet. Il tira puis s’en alla, couvert par l’objet qu’il venait de confectionner qui faisait l’effets de tirs. Il entre dans la centrale et tue le tireur qui l’empêchait de partir depuis un certain temps. Un homme de Marwan trouve Jason.

Marwan le fouille et trouve seulement le Playbook. Il demande alors ou se trouve la console de contrôle mais Jason fait semblant de ne rien savoir. Marwan lui tire alors sur l’épaule. Ne cédant toujours pas aux menaces de Marwan, ce dernier lui tire dans la jambe. Kelly, non loin, assiste à la scène. La torture continue alors Kelly appelle Jack pour lui dire.

Jack lui dit ne pas bouger mais celle-ci ne supporte plus de voir son mari dans cet état. Elle se rend à Marwan et lui dit qu’elle a ce qu’il cherche et elle lui donnera si elle laisse partir son mari. Marwan menace alors Jason et Kelly supplia Marwan de ne pas les tuer si elle lui donne ce qu’il cherche. Marwan leur promet de ne pas les tuer. Kelly lui montra alors le lieu ou elle avait caché la console. Elle donne même le code à un homme de Marwan qui identifia la mallette. En s’en allant, Marwan ordonne à un de ses hommes de tuer le couple.

Mais Jack arrive à temps et tue l’homme de main. Il demande des secours médicaux pour Jason et préviens les agents que Marwan s’échappe avec la mallette.

23 :54 – Jack sort de la centrale et voit les hommes de Marwan s’échapper dans deux Jeeps. Il prévient l’aide aérienne qui aveugle la Jeep contenant la mallette. La Jeep fait des tonneaux. Jack tue le dernier homme de la voiture et récupère la mallette. Il dit alors à l’hélico de poursuivre l’autre Jeep, celle ou se trouve Marwan.

Jack appelle Tony pour lui dire qu’il a la mallette et ils trouvent tous deux que la fuite de Marwan sans la mallette est bizarre. Ils se doutent qu’il n’y a pas tout dans la mallette. En effet, Jack constate que certaines pages sont manquantes. Ce sont des pages du Chapitre Rouge, section 3. Tony va prévenir Audrey pour plus d’informations.

A la Maison Blanche, un homme parle a Mike Novick. Celui-ci est inquiet à propos de Logan alors l’homme le rassure en lui disant qu’il avait été préparé à ça toute sa vie. Il reçoit un appel et apprend que Logan est maintenant président d’après le 25ème amendement. Novick prévient Logan et lui dit de faire une annonce officielle au peuple. Logan ne trouve pas que c’est une bonne idée de le faire immédiatement mais Novick le persuade. 2

3 :58 – Logan arrive devant de nombreux journalistes pour faire son annonce. A la CAT, Audrey appelle Jack pour lui dire que les pages manquantes contiennent les emplacements des ogives nucléaires avec leurs codes d’activation.

Les codes doivent être changés depuis le crash d’AFO mais il faudra encore plus d’une heure pour qu’ils soient tous modifiés. Audrey prévient Jack que si Marwan entrait en possession de l’ogive et du code, rien ne pourrait l’arrêter.

Pendant que Logan jure de remplir ses fonctions de président, Novick apprend par Jack que la mallette nucléaire a été compromise.

Mike l’annonce immédiatement au nouveau président. Celui-ci est choqué…

Transcript by Nina Meyers - Posted on TWIZ TV.COM

Episode 4X17: 11:00 P.M. - 12:00 A.M.
Original Air Date: 04/11/2005

TM & © 2005 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

Previously on 24:

Marwan: We have a problem. If the information on that hard drive is discovered by the Americans, it'll jeopardize the next phase of our plan.

Nicole: Well, it's not here.

Marwan: Keep looking.


Jack: Agent Drake? Drop the weapon! Drop the weapon now!

Edgar: Jack's on the line.

Michelle: Jack, what is it?

Jack: I pulled some data off a hard drive that we found hidden in Anderson's apartment. I believe Mitch Anderson's trying to steal a stealth fighter.


Michelle: Mr. President, we have reason to believe that a stealth fighter has been stolen by a terrorist. He's in your airspace as we speak.

Keeler: Just how sure are we about this?

Michelle: It's a near-certainty, Mr. President. This is a stealth aircraft. If he finds you, he may be on you before your fighter escort can react.


Jack: Mitch Anderson, we know who you are. We know what you're trying to do. Captain Anderson? Captain Anderson? Chloe, I think we've been cut off. Is there an override channel?

Chloe: He's cut off all communication circuits. I don't think there's anything we can do.


Kevin: Dad. I'm scared.

[Anderson fires from the stealth. An explosion erupts in Air Force One.]

Escort Pilot: Air Force One has been fired on. I repeat, Air Force One has been fired on.

Chloe: Oh, my God.

Jack: Was Air Force One just hit? Was Air Force One just hit?!

Chloe: Escort pilots report Air Force One has suffered an indirect hit by an air-to-air missile. Pieces are falling to the ground over the desert.


The following takes place between 11:00 P.M. and 12:00 A.M.

[As Air Force One plunges to the ground, CTU listens as the pilot radios in a distress call.]

Pilot: This is Air Force One. We are declaring an emergency. Repeat, Air Force One is declaring an emergency.

Man: Copy, Air Force One. What is your condition? Over.

Pilot: Extensive damage to the port side wing and fuse lines. We've lost our pressurization, losing fuel pressure. Low hydraulics.

Michelle: Chloe, are those the coordinates?

Pilot: We're losing altitude fast.

Chloe: Yeah. They're 20 knot of the miles northeast to the city of Indio.

Michelle: Edgar. Contact local PD and EMS. Alert them of the situation with Air Force One.

Edgar: On it.

Pilot: No fuel pressure at all. We're not gonna make it.

Michelle: Tony, do we have any CTU support teams in the area?

Tony: The Las Vegas office has two satellites search and rescue teams available. I'm gonna dispatch Air Force One's coordinates to all of the search and rescue teams over in LA and Vegas so they can start for the landing site now.

Michelle: Edgar, pull up satellite on the National Park. Pinpoint any possible landing scenarios. Chloe, what's happening?

Chloe: We've lost the signal. They're still moving fast and losing altitude.

Michelle: Change the frequency.

Tony (over the phone): This is Tony Almeida at CTU. I need you to report the following coordinates of Air Force One to LA and Vegas search and rescue teams.

Chloe: OK, I've got it.

Pilot: Reaching 6 knots. Going through 7500 and 210 knots.

Man: Roger, 210 knots.

Michelle: Chloe, are you still waiting coordinates?

Chloe: Yeah, they're making a turn.

Pilot: Roger, I'm close to a stall. Yeah, I'm putting you down now. Don't get redeployed, we are still hard and fast.

Man: Roger that, Air Force One.

Michelle: Air Traffic Control, This is CTU. We are sending EMS, Police and rescue teams to the site ASAP.

Man: Copy that, CTU.

Pilot: This is Air Force One, descending through 5500, 169...

Michelle: Chloe, what's showing on radar?

Pilot: Going in.

Michelle: Chloe!

Chloe: Air Force One is down.

Man: Air Force One? Air Force One, do you read? Air Force One is down.

Audrey: I just got a confirm of scattered ground flashes from DOD satellite.

Michelle: Edgar, bring that up.

[Jack runs into CTU.]

Jack: What's the status of Air Force One?

Buchanan: It's down.

Jack: What's its crash signature like?

Buchanan: It was a rough landing, radio's down. We don't know if there are any survivors.

Michelle: Match your coordinates to the satellite. Send it to all agencies.

Edgar: Got it.

Jack: Anybody tried sub-channel com-sat?

Michelle: No.

Jack: Secret Service has at least five personnel on board; all of them have private channels.

[Jack accesses the sub-channels of the Secret Service agents aboard the plane.]

Operator: Com-sat 3 operator.

Jack: This is Jack Bauer. Log in password: F-H-Ralfie-4.

Operator: Go ahead.

Jack: I want you to flood all AF1 channels with an acknowledge signal.

Operator: Copy. This is com-sat 3 operator, calling AF1 channels 1 through 5, please acknowledge. AF1 channels 1 through 5, please acknowledge.

Peterson: This is channel 3.

Jack: Who's this?

Peterson: Peterson. We're down.

Jack: What is the status of the President?

Peterson: I don't know. I can't move yet.

Jack: Agent Peterson, my name is Jack Bauer. I'm with CTU. Rescue units are on route. What else can you tell me?

Peterson: I see some bodies. I... I think we have some survivors.


[In Washington, senior advisor Mike Novick informs Vice President Charles Logan about Air Force One's status.]

Mike: Mr. Vice President, I just received confirmation. Air Force One sustained an indirect hit from an air-to-air missile fired from a stolen stealth fighter.

Logan: Is the President alive?

Mike: We don't know at this time.

Logan: When will we know?

Mike: Hopefully within the next few minutes. Charles, we've known each other for 15 years. If I can offer some advice?

Logan: Of course.

Mike: We all hope President Keeler is alive, but even if he is, it's very likely he won't be in any shape to run the country. You need to make arrangements to be sworn into office as soon as possible, and the media should provide live coverage. The American people need to be reassured that their leadership is intact.

Logan: It's good advice, Mike. I'll take it under consideration, but I don't wanna act prematurely.

Mike: I understand. Well, we have to get to the White House. I've arranged for a security briefing with the Pentagon.

Logan: That's great.


Buchanan: By now, you all know that Air Force One has been shot down. The escort pilots following Air Force One managed to get a visual of the stealth fighter used to commit the act, pilot engaged, then shot down the stealth. The status of the President is unclear at this time. Rescue teams are minutes away. We'll know very soon.

Michelle: The man responsible for what has transpired today, Habib Marwan, is still out there, and most likely planning further attacks. I want every one of you to rededicate yourselves to finding Marwan. I don't want a single lead ignored or a shred of evidence missed. Let's get back to work.

Jack: Michelle, let me talk to you. I want you to uplink all curtainlies to a station, so you and I can start working on a priority list. We might not know exactly where Marwan is, but he has to be within a 15 mile radius...

Audrey: Jack. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I just got off the phone with the Secretary of Defense, and right now there's a higher priority than finding Marwan.

Jack: What is it?

Audrey: Recovering the Nuclear Football.

Michelle: Didn't it go down with Air Force One?

Audrey: Not exactly. The missile inflicted enough damage that the plane left a trail of debris as it went down. A lot of things were sucked out, including the Football. There's a transponder embedded in the casing, so we know its exact location.

Jack: Well, good, then the retrieval team should have no problem recovering it.

Audrey: The Secretary wants you to head up that team, Jack.

Jack: Why?

Audrey: It's his top priority. That case contains the codes and locations of out entire nuclear arsenal. Nothing is more critical than getting it back, and as quickly as possible.

Jack: Fine.

Michelle: I'll organize your team, mobilize the units.

Jack: Thanks.

[Michelle leaves.]

Jack: What's the location of the Football?

Audrey: Forty miles northeast of here, in the middle of the desert.

[Audrey turns to leave.]

Jack: Hey. Hey. What's wrong? What else is happening?

Audrey: Paul may have to go back into surgery. Apparently the bullet did more damage than they thought.

Jack: I'm sorry.

Audrey: I keep thinking if I had handled things differently, if I had trusted him more, that...

Jack: Audrey, you are not responsible for this. I, and I alone, made the decision on how to handle Paul. If you wanna remain affective, be able to do your job, you have to let it go.

Audrey: Jack, that's your gift. You're able to block things out. I can't do that.

Edgar: Jack, the chopper's waiting.

Jack: I have to change and get ready.

Audrey: All right.


[Jason and Kelly are camping out in the Mojave Desert.]

Kelly: Honey. What's wrong?

Jason: I don't know. Something woke me up. It sounded like some kind of an explosion or something.

Kelly: Explosion? Nearby?

Jason: I'm not sure.

Kelly: It was probably just a bad dream.

Jason: Yeah.

Kelly: You're still stressed, aren't you? I want you to try and forget about work, OK? Just focus on what we came out here for - to relax, and to make a baby.

[They kiss. Jason spots the fire from Air Force One.]

Jason: Look.

Kelly: What?

[They approach the landing site.]

Jason: Watch your step.

Kelly: Oh, my God.

Jason: Kelly!

Kelly: What is it?

[Jason and Kelly are startled when they see the debris of the wreckage from Air Force One.]


Buchanan: If the President is unable to fulfill his duties, Vice President Logan will have to assume office, at least on temporary basis. Cabinet members will need to be briefed on the circumstances surrounding the crash.

Tony: Yeah, I'll take care of it.

Buchanan: Not all Cabinet members are equal. State and Defense need more detail than say, Aviculture and Treasury.

Tony: Yeah, I can handle it.

Buchanan: I just wanna make sure that the transition is smooth.

Tony: I understand, but uh... I do know what to do.

Buchanan: All right. Tony. I've noticed a little hostility on your part. If it's because of me and Michelle...

Tony: It's none of my business. As far as the hostility goes, I can promise you - it's over with.

Buchanan: Whatever you say. One more thing; I think the world of Michelle, love working with her. Outside work, we never got off the ground, she never said why but it didn't take a genius to figure it out - she cared about you. If you ask me, she still does.

Chloe: Mr. Buchanan, rescue teams are inside Air Force One. We're picking up the live feed now.

[Everyone at CTU watches a live feed of the rescue workers as they scan the crash site.]

Rescue team member #1: Go ahead. Check to see if he's alive.

Rescue team member #2: All right.

Rescue team member #1: Check him. See if he's alive. What have we got here? She's dead too.

Radio: Rescue 1, the President should be in the conference room.

Rescue team member #1: Copy that. They said he was in the conference room.

Rescue team member #2: We got a survivor.

Rescue team member #1: I'm going in. Looks like the President's son. He's dead. Where's the President? This may be him. Wait, hold on. This may be him. Mr. President? He's still alive. I repeat, the President is alive. We need medivac teams in here ASAP. Did you read that? We need medivac teams in here.


[Buchanan calls Vice President Logan with the good news.]

Mike: Novick.

Woman: I have Agent Buchanan for the Vice President.

Mike: Yes, he's right here. Bill Buchanan.

Logan: Bill.

Buchanan: Mr. Vice President. I'm in direct contact with the rescue teams at the crash site of Air Force One. President Keeler is alive.

Logan: Thank God.

Buchanan: Yes, sir. But he's in critical condition. He is unconscious, he's lost a lot of blood, there's no chance he's going to be able to lead this country, certainly not for a few days, and probably much longer. Mr. Vice President?

Logan: Yes, I'm here. This is all confirmed?

Buchanan: The President is being medivaced to the nearest emergency center as we speak. Sir, I recommend you invoke the 25th amendment, and take control of things as soon as possible.

Logan: I understand. Thank you, Bill.

[Vice President Logan hangs up the phone.]

Logan: President Keeler is alive but he's incapacitated. We should, uh... we should probably contact the Cabinet members.

Mike: Actually, sir, I've already put that in motion. Most of the Cabinet members are standing-by. The others will be very soon.

Logan: You did without my permission?

Mike: I... You had enough to worry about, sir. I thought it'd be best to be prepared.

Logan: Yes. All right. Thank you.

Mike: Shall I begin the process of collecting votes?

Logan: Yes, go ahead.


Kelly: I can't get a signal.

Jason: Try up here.

[Among the debris, Jason finds the Nuclear Football.]

Kelly: Got it.

Jason: Kelly. Look at this.

Kelly: what is it?

Jason: I'm not sure, but if it's what I think it is... I read this article once; I think it's got a funny name, umm... I can't remember, but it's got our nuclear codes. It goes everywhere the President goes, and he can launch an attack from it. We gotta call somebody.

Kelly: Who are you gonna call?

Jason: I'll start with the police, I guess. They'll put us through to the right people.

[Jason calls the police.]


[Jack's on his way to the crash site.]

Pilot: The Football transponder's signal's still strong.

[Jack calls Audrey.]

Audrey: Hello?

Jack: Hey, it's me.

Audrey: Hey.

Jack: Look, when I walked away from you at CTU, I felt like you didn't understand what I was trying to say. I'm not telling you that you shouldn't care. I care. I care about you. I care about what happened to Paul, I feel completely responsible for it. But right now this country is under attack, and I've got a job to do, and I don't have a choice.

Audrey: Jack, I understand. What you have to do is very important.

Jack: I just didn't want us to leave things like that.

Audrey: I'm glad. Me neither.

[Jack gets a waiting call.]

Jack: Audrey, hold on a second. I gotta take this call.

Audrey: Wait, Jack. Take the call. Stay focused on what you have to do.

Jack: Yeah, I'll talk to you in a little while.

Audrey: OK.

Jack: Bye.

[Jack takes the call.]

Jack: This is Bauer.

Tony: Jack, it's Tony. I got a guy on the line the police put through. He's in the desert, says he found a case. Jack, this guy found the Football.

Jack: OK. Let me speak to him.

Tony: All right. His name's Jason Gerard. We're running a background check as we speak. I'm patching him through right now.

Jack: OK. Tony, stay on the other line.

[Tony patches the call through to Jack.]

Jack: Mr. Gerard?

Jason: Yeah. Hey, call me Jason. I'm with my wife Kelly. Who's this?

Jack: Jason, my name is Jack Bauer. I'm a Federal Agent with the Department of Defense. My colleague Agent Almeida says you found what we refer to as "the Football".

Jason: Yeah, it sure looks that way. I mean, I don't know very much about this sort of thing. My wife and I are just out here on a camping trip.

Jack: OK, fine. Why don't you just describe to me what you found?

Jason: Sure. It's a black-leather briefcase; it's got a number paneling over by the handle. It was in a protective case that had the Presidential seal on it.

Jack: Well, that sounds like it. Right now I'm in a helicopter. I'm about 20 minutes away from you. Look, I just want you to hang out there and wait for me.

Jason: I think someone beat you to the punch. I see headlights.

Jack: How far away?

Jason: Uh, it's hard to tell. A few miles?

Jack: OK, just hold on a second, Jason.

[Jack gets back to Tony.]

Jack: Tony. This kid Jason says he's got headlights headed towards him. Do we have any ground units in his vicinity?

Tony: No.

Jack: How about patrol park rangers, anything?

Tony: No, nobody.

Jack: How can that be?

Tony: We're spread thin, Jack. All state agencies are still assisting with the evacuation.

Jack: Son of a bitch. Jason, are the headlights headed straight for you?

Jason: Yeah. They're pretty much coming this way.

Jack: Dammit. This situation just got a lot more complicated than we thought.

Jason: What do you mean?

Jack: The Football has a transponder. It's a tracking device that allows anyone to pinpoint its exact location, as long as they've got the right frequency.

Jason: Do you think someone got a hold of the frequency, who's not supposed to have it?

Jack: Right now we're gonna have to make that assumption.

Jason: Well, who do you think it is?

Jack: The terrorists who carried out today's attacks. Listen, if I'm right we don't have a lot of time. I need you to remove the transponder and take the Football, and get away from there as far as you can.

Jason: Uh... All right. Flashlight. Get your light. OK, uh... Go ahead.

Jack: The transponder's tiny, and it's hidden in the surface of the case. It's designed not to be found.

Jason: Then how am I supposed to find it?

Jack: Do you have a compass and a flashlight?

Jason: Uh, yeah. Get the compass.

Kelly: OK.

Jack: OK, I want you to move the compass over the surface of the case slowly. The transponder puts out an electromagnetic field. It's not very strong, but it should move the needle. Just move the compass over the surface of the case slowly, and watch the needle.

Jason: Here, here, here. Get the beam of the compass.

Kelly: OK.

[Jason moves the compass over the surface of the briefcase. The needle moves.]

Jason: I think I got it. I found it. I found it.

Jack: OK, good. Take a knife or a sharp rock, and start scratching the surface hard.

[Jason scratches the surface of the case.]

Kelly: Hurry.

Jason: Dammit.

Kelly: Jason, they're coming.

Jack: Come on, Jason, talk to me.

Jason: I'm working on it. OK, I think I got it.

Jack: OK, I want you to take the compass, put it over the scraped area and tell me, is the needle moving?

Jason: No, no, it's not.

Jack: OK, you've disabled it. Good work. How far away is the vehicle?

Jason: Not far.

Jack: OK, I need you to take the Football and start moving. I don't care which direction, just start moving now. I'll get back to you.

[Jack hangs up the call with Jason. Jason and Kelly take the Football and run off into the desert night.]

Jason: We gotta go. We gotta go now.

[Jack gets back to Tony.]

Jack: Tony, I'm gonna need surveillance of the entire area put up to my screen.


[Marwan and his henchmen stop their Jeeps in the desert.]

Marwan: Why are we stopping?

Henchman: We've lost the signal.

Marwan: How is that possible?

Henchman: I don't know. Maybe it was damaged on impact.

Marwan: And it just happens to malfunction now that we're getting closer? Scan the area for cell phones, active and passive signals.


[Jason and Kelly are on the run. Jason's cell phone rings.]

Jason: Yeah?

Jack: Jason. OK, we found a reserve power station about a half a mile north of you.

Jason: Yeah, that's right. I remember it from the map.

Jack: OK, I want you to go there now.

Jason: It's OK. Yeah. Yeah, we'll get there.

Jack: The station's a large unmanned facility. I want you to break in and find a place to hide. I want you to avoid using your flashlight, and as soon as you hang up, I want you to take your cell batteries out.

Jason: The batteries?

Jack: Yeah, to prevent something called passive triangulation. In other words, it'll stop you from being followed.

Jason: What if I need to contact you?

Jack: If you need to contact me, put the batteries back in, but only if you have to. Now, I'm gonna give you my direct line. Have you got a pen?

Jason: Yeah. Hold on. Go ahead.

Jack: 310-597-3781.

Jason: OK, yeah, I got it.

Jack: Start moving now.

Jason: OK.

[Jack hangs up.]

Jason: He said to take the battery out of the cell phone. Come on.


[Marwan's associate notes a brief cell signal that went out.]

Henchman: I had a cell phone signal for a few seconds. It's moving, but it's gone now.

Marwan: Did it move enough to yield a vector?

Henchman: Wait. Yes, it was headed a few degrees west of north, just before we cut off.

Marwan: Check the map. See if there's anything near there.

Henchman #2: There's a reserve power plant. A kilometer away, maybe less.

Marwan: Whoever has the Football, that's where they're heading.


[Jason and Kelly run to the power plant.]

Jason: This is it. Stay back.

[Jason breaks into the power plant. He and Kelly go inside.]

Kelly: We're not in any danger, right? I mean, how can anyone even know that we're here?

Jason: We're just being safe. Not a relaxing weekend in the desert, just like I said...

[They hear vehicles pull up.]

Jason: They're here. I gotta call Jack. Come on. Come on.

[Jason calls Jack.]

Jack: This is Bauer.

Jason: It's Jason. These terrorists you talked about? They're here.

Jack: How many?

Jason: I just saw two jeeps.

Jack: Where are you?

Jason: Just inside the power plant. When are you going to get here?

Jack: Soon, just stand-by.

[Jack calls Tony. Jason is still on the other line.]

Jason: Go, Kelly, go, go. Would you get moving?

[Jason and Kelly look for a place to hide inside the power plant.]

Jack: Tony, it's Jack. We're out of time. We need the schematics for the power plant now.

Tony: Yeah, it should be on your screen in a few seconds.

Jack: OK, I got it. Thanks.

[Jack hangs up and gets back to Jason.]

Jack: Jason, you're still with me?

Jason: Yeah, I'm with you.

Jack: Which side of the building did you enter?

Jason: Uh... The, the south side.

Jack: This is a large facility. I want you to go to the lower level, southeast corner. I'll find you there as soon as we land.

Jason: OK, all right. Hey, hey, Agent Bauer? Please hurry.

Jack: We are.

[Jack hangs up.]


[Marwan and his men spread out through the plant to find the Football.]

Marwan: Find them.

Jason: There's got to be stairs somewhere. Here they are, here they are.

Kelly: Wait. What if it's a dead end?

[One of Marwan's men shoots at Jason and Kelly, who bolt for the stairs.]

Henchman: There's a man and a woman.

Marwan: Where are they?

Henchman: This way. They were down here.

Marwan: Follow them and flush them out. Go around and cut off the exits.

[The men lose Jason and Kelly in the darkness. Jason and Kelly keep running.]

Jason: Come on. Go up there, go up there. Come on, come on, come on.

Kelly: OK.

Marwan: Anything?

Henchman: Nothing.

[Marwan hears the helicopter land outside.]

Marwan: Helicopter. Intercept it.

[Jack and another agent get out of the chopper, which takes off. Jack's cell phone rings.]

Jack: Jason.

Jason: Where are you?

Jack: We just landed. We're approaching the building. Where are you?

Jason: We're inside the plant, on the lower level.

[The other agent is killed by the gunfire. Jack fires back at the shooters.]

Jason: Jack? Jack?

Jack: Jason, you're still there?

Jason: I'm here. They're inside the building. We cannot keep hiding. They are gonna find us.

Jack: I know. You gotta keep moving. I'll get back right back to you.

[Jack calls CTU.]

Edgar: Edgar Stile.

Jack: Edgar, it's Jack. I need to speak to Audrey Raines now.

Edgar: Ms. Raines, Jack's on line one.

Audrey: Jack.

Jack: Audrey, I'm taking fire. The other agent's been killed. I need the latch code for the Football now.

Audrey: All right. Hang on.

[Jason and Kelly keep running from the terrorists.]

Jason: Take the Football, take the Football! Come on. Come on.

[Jack keeps firing at the shooters.]

Audrey: Jack. *76114.

Jack: I got it.

[Jack calls Jason again.]

Jason: Hey.

Jack: Jason, I need you to open the case. The combination is *76114.

Jason: Why? Where does that plant us?

Jack: Just do it. *76114.

Jason: He wants us to open the briefcase. *76114.

[Kelly opens the briefcase.]

Jason: OK, it's open.

Jack: OK. Inside should be a phone, a control board and a book with colored pages. It's called the Playbook. I want you to remove the Playbook. Give the case with the control board back to your wife. The two items need to stay separated.

Jason: Why?

Jack: Because the control board is useless without the Playbook. I need you and your wife to split up.

Jason: He wants us to split up.

Kelly: I can hear him.

Jason: I am not leaving my wife.

Jack: You have to.

Jason: Forget it.

Jack: Jason, please listen to me. I know how scared you are, but if this man gets what he wants, he's gonna kill both of you. Right now the only chance you have to survive is to separate, do you understand me?

Kelly: It's OK, Jason. He's kept us alive this far. Let's just do what he says.

Jason: Just get here as fast as you can.

Jack: I will.

[Jason and Kelly kiss goodbye. He sends her in the opposite direction with the cell phone and the briefcase.]

Kelly: I love you.

Jason: I love you. Give me the Playbook. That's it. Here, you take the phone.

Kelly: OK.

Jason: I want you to go to that top wile over there, all right? I'm gonna stay down here. You just find a place to hide, all right?

Kelly: OK.

Jason: Go, go, go, go. Go. Hide, hide.


Jack: Hey.

[Jack kills the terrorist who is shooting at him and runs into the plant.]


[One of Marwan's henchmen finds Jason. He pulls out his gun on him.]

Jason: Don't!

Henchman: I've got him!

[The man searches Jason for weapons. Marwan takes Jason's bag and searches it.]

Henchman: He's clean.

Marwan: Where's the control board?

Jason: I... I don't know what you're talking about.

[Marwan shoots Jason in the shoulder.]

Marwan: Tell me what I want to know.

Jason: I swear, I don't know what you're talking about. Please.

[Marwan shoots Jason in the knee. Kelly hears Jason's screams, and she sees her husband held captive.]

Marwan: It doesn't have to be this painful.

[Kelly calls Jack.]

Jack: This is Bauer.

Kelly: They've got my husband. They're hurting him.

Jack: Where are you? I'm on the lower level.

Kelly: We had to leave. We're on the second floor. I don't know where.

Jack: OK, I'm on my way.

Kelly: They're gonna kill him.

Jack: Kelly, stay on the phone. Keep talking to me.

Kelly: I can't.

Jack: Kelly!

[Kelly hangs up.]

Jason: Please...

Marwan: Where is the control board?

[Suddenly, Kelly emerges from the darkness.]

Kelly: Stop. I have what you want.

Marwan: Give it to me.

Kelly: First, you let my husband go.

[Marwan trains his gun at Jason's temple.]

Kelly: No!

[Jack hears Kelly's cry and runs towards it.]

Kelly: OK. OK. I'll give it to you if you promise not to kill us.

Marwan: I won't kill you. I promise.

Kelly: It's over there. It's behind the pillar.

[A henchman goes to get the briefcase.]

Henchman: It's locked.

Marwan: What is the code?

Kelly: It's uh... *76114.

[The henchman opens the briefcase.]

Henchman: It's here.

Marwan: Let's go.

[The men take the Football and leave.]

Marwan: Kill them.

[Jack appears and shoots the man before he can fire at Jason and Kelly.]

Jack: This is Jack Bauer. I need a medic. Second level, north end of the building.

Radio: Roger.

Jack: It's all right. He's gonna be OK. Help is on the way. Where is the Football?

Kelly: They have it. They went out that door. I'm sorry.

Jack: Don't be. You did great. Thank you. Air support, two hostiles just left the building. I do not have possession of the Football. I repeat, I do not have possession of the Football.

[Jack goes off after Marwan.]


[Jack runs out of the plant and sees one of the men load the Football into a Jeep. He radios air support.]

Jack: Air support, the Football is in the lead jeep headed north. Take it out. I repeat, take it out.

[The chopper drops down and shines its headlight on the Jeep, which causes it to flip over into an embankment. Jack runs to it.]

Jack: Put your hands where I can see them!

[Jack shoots the driver.]

Jack: Air support, I cannot see the Football in the vehicle. Shine your spotlight on me and follow.

[Jack spots the Football on the ground. He opens the briefcase.]

Jack: Air support, I'm in possession of the Football. Go after the other jeep.

[Jack calls Tony.]

Tony: Almeida.

Jack: Tony, it's Jack. I'm in possession of the Football. Three hostiles are down, one escaped. I'm not positive, but I think it was Marwan. I'm sorry, but I had to make a choice.

Tony: Marwan gave us the Football to buy his freedom?

Jack: Yeah, that doesn't sound right to me either.

Tony: What are you thinking?

Jack: I don't know.

Tony: Let me ask you something; Is anything missing?

Jack: No. All the components are here. Hold on one second.

[Jack checks the Football again and realizes that a section of pages are missing from the Playbook.]

Jack: Tony, I was wrong. There are some pages missing.

Tony: All right, look, Jack, the sections are color-coded. What's missing?

Jack: Red Chapter, Section Three. Get Audrey.

Tony: All right. We'll call you right back.


Mike: Take care of this.

Aide: Yes, sir.

Cummings: You're worried about him.

Mike: I am. He seems unsure of himself.

Cummings: No, Mike, trust me. He spent his whole life preparing for this. He's just being cautious, feeling his way along. He'll be fine.

[Walt's phone rings.]

Cummings: Yeah?

Man: The votes just came in. They're all in favor.

Cummings: All right, thanks.

[Walt hangs up.]

Cummings: Well, the vote was unanimous. The 25th amendment's been officially invoked.

Mike: Tell the press we're ready. Let's get this done. Mr. Vice President, the 25th amendment is in effect.

Logan: Any descending votes?

Mike: None, sir.

Logan: Well, we should proceed with the sworning then.

Mike: Yes, sir. The sworning will only take a minute, and then we'll take a short break and you can address the nation.

Logan: I'm still not entirely certain that a live address makes much sense this time of night.

Mike: After what's happened today, sir, an awful lot of people are wide awake. I'm sure they'd like to hear from you directly.

Logan: Yes, of course.

Aide: We're ready, sir.

[Logan goes out to a throng of waiting reporters.]

Logan: Please. Please. Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.


[Jack's cell phone rings.]

Jack: Yeah?

Tony: Jack, it's Tony.

Jack: Is Audrey there?

Audrey: Jack, I'm here.

Jack: Tell me what the contents are of the missing pages.

Audrey: Jack, it's the Red Section which contains warhead locations and activation codes.

Jack: But we started canceling all the activation codes as soon as Air Force One went down.

Audrey: Yes, but there are thousands of warheads. It's gonna take an hour to clear the slate. Jack, in the meantime, if they get a hold of a warhead and a matching activation code, we will not be able to stop them.

Jack: Copy that. I'll get back to you.

[Jack hangs up and calls Mike Novick.]

Woman: Mr. Novick's office.

Jack: Let me speak to Mike Novick.

Woman: Yes, sir, right away.


[Logan is sworn into office before the cameras.]

Logan: I soundly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the President of the United States, and will, in the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States.

Man: Mr. President, I appreciate it.

Cummings: Ladies and gentlemen, I appreciate you coming at this late hour.

[Mike's cell phone rings.]

Cummings: As most of you know, it's not...

Mike: Novick.

Jack: Mike, it's Jack. We got a problem.

Cummings: ...to take this oath under tragic circumstances. Words cannot express the sense of sadness...

Jack: Part of the Football's been compromised.

Mike: Yes, I'll tell him.

[Mike hangs up.]

Cummings: President Keeler is unconscious and in critical condition from the injury he sustained during the crash of Air Force One. He is in our prayers, as well as our hearts and minds.

[Mike takes Logan aside.]

Mike: Mr. President.

Cummings: President Logan has asked me to assure you all...

Mike: I just received a phone call from CTU.

Logan: Yes?

Cummings: ...determination to lead this country...

Mike: I'm sorry to tell you, sir, but it appears that part of the Nuclear Football has fallen into the hands of terrorists.


Kikavu ?

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