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24 heures chrono
#419 : 01h00 - 02h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 4 guide des épisodes

En interrogeant un suspect, Jack a découvert où se trouvait Marwan. Il part avec une équipe pour l'arrêter mais le Président, qui n'avait pas donné son autorisation pour l'interrogatoire, ordonne de faire arrêter Jack Bauer. Marwan parvient une fois de plus à s'échapper.
En apprenant cela, le Président ne sait plus comment agir, il demande à son conseiller, Mike, de faire quelque chose. Celui-ci décide d'appeler quelqu'un en renfort.
De son côté Chloé est désignée pour se rendre chez une femme qui prétend que son ami fait partie d'un réseau extrémiste. Arrivée là-bas, les deux femmes sont attaquées par les hommes de Marwan.


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO
1:00am - 2:00am

Titre VF
01h00 - 02h00


24 Season 4 Episode 19 Promo

24 Season 4 Episode 19 Promo


Plus de détails


  • • Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
    • Kim Raver : Audrey Raines
    • Roger Cross : Curtis Manning

Special guest stars

• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida

and Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler

Guest starring

• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick
• Gregory Itzin : Vice President Charles Logan
• Louis Lombardi : Edgar Stiles
• James Morrison : Bill Buchanan
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• Arnold Vosloo : Habib Marwan
• Keith Szarabajka : Robert Morrison
• John Allen Nelson : Walt Cummings
• Cameron Bancroft : Lee Castle
• Tim Kelleher : Greg Merfield
• Lina Patel : Nabilla Al-Jamil
• Kris Iyer : Sabir Ardakani
• John Thaddeus : Joe Prado

Special guest appearance

• Dennis Haysbert : David Palmer


• Kiran Rao : Hikmat
• Stacy Solodkin : Presidential Aide
• Rick Garcia : News Reporter

Prado se fait soigné à la clinique de la cellule sous les yeux de Buchanan. Audrey vient aux nouvelles et demande à Bill ce qu’il s’est passé. Bill essaie de couvrir Jack, mais Audrey devine aisément que c’est lui qui a torturé Prado. Audrey demande à Bill si Bauer a eu l’autorisation du Président d’utiliser la force, et elle apprend que non.

Pendant ce temps, Jack prépare son équipe pour intervenir au Hub Club, la discothèque où se trouve Marwan. Audrey vient alors discuté avec Jack. Elle lui fait comprendre que, ayant désobéit au Président, il doit s’attendre à des conséquences.

Là-dessus, Jack répond qu’il sait parfaitement à quoi s’attendre. Jack s’en va alors, en direction du Hub Club, avec son équipe. A la Maison Blanche, le Président Logan, ignorant ce que Jack a fait, ne prend toujours pas de décision concernant Prado. Mike Novick essaie bien de le convaincre que Prado a un lien avec Marwan, en vain.

C’est alors que Mike reçoit un appel de Bill. Il lui explique que Prado a parlé ce qui étonne Mike, qui demande alors si Bauer l’a obligé à parler. Buchanan essaye de couvrir Jack, mais Novick n’est pas dupe. Bill propose alors à Mike de convaincre le Président d’autoriser un interrogatoire musclé et qu’il changera les horaires sur les papiers officiels.

Mike répond alors : « J'ai fait l'erreur de décevoir un Président, Je ne le ferai pas deux fois ». Mais Buchanan ne lâche pas le morceau et il dit à Mike qu’il est inquiet pour le Président, à cause de ses décisions et de son comportement des dernières heures….

Dans l’Iowa, Des personnes décharge d’un camion une grosse caisse grise, pendant que un des hommes reçoit un appel : c’est Marwan qui prend des nouvelles de ses hommes. Il demande si on a vérifié la compatibilité, l’homme répond que non. C’est alors qu’on enlève le couvercle de la caisse, laissant dévoilé l’ogive nucléaire.

Sabir, le technicien, dit qu’il faut reconfigurer le mécanisme de déclenchement pour rendre l’engin compatible, on ne sait pas encore avec quoi. C’est alors que la petite amie de Sabir l’appelle. Elle a des gros doutes sur son petit ami. Elle lui dit qu’elle a trouvé des documents sur son ordinateur, et lui demande si il travaille avec des terroristes. Sabir, bien sur, lui dit que non, mais sa petite amie ne semble pas le croire…

A la CAT, Audrey n’en revient pas que Bill ait laissé Jack torturé Prado. Elle lui dit que le Président avait refusé un interrogatoire musclé. Bien sur Bill le savait, mais il dit que Logan avait tort. Audrey lui dit bien qu’il ne fallait pas laisser Bauer faire cela, même si il pensait que c’était nécessaire. Audrey lui dit alors que le Président ne leur pardonnera pas…

A la Maison Blanche, Mike informe le Président que Prado a parlé, et qu’ils savent où se trouve Marwan. Logan demande alors à Novick si il a été forcé à parler, et Mike répond que oui. Le Président lui demande qui est le responsable, et Mike prononce le nom de Jack Bauer. Logan est véritablement indigné que Jack ait eu l’audace de lui désobéir et veut l’arrêter.

Mike lui demande d’attendre que Jack attrape Marwan, mais Logan veut que Bauer soit arrêté immédiatement. Mike essaye de lui faire comprendre que l’agent Bauer est le meilleur espoir de capturer Marwan, mais rien n’y fait. Il appelle alors les services secrets… A la cellule, Buchanan est immédiatement informé de la situation à la Maison Blanche. Bill est effaré que Logan veut faire arrêter Jack. Mike informe alors Buchanan que Logan a déjà appelé les services secrets, et qu’ils sont en route pour arrêter Jack…

Jack et son équipe, eux, arrive à la discothèque où Marwan est sensé se trouver. L’agent Bauer prépare une caméra télécommandée pour savoir ce qu’il y a à l’intérieur du bâtiment. Une fois prêt, il se dirige vers le bâtiment, pour faire passer la caméra dans les conduis d’aérations.

A la cellule, Chloé reçoit un appel d’une femme qui pense que son compagnon a des activités suspectes. C’est en fait Nabila, la compagne de Sabir. Elle raconte à Chloé qu’elle a trouvé dans l’ordinateur de son compagnon plusieurs fichiers suspects, dont un schéma de microprocesseur…

De son coté, Bauer cherche les conduis d’aérations par lesquels il va faire passer la caméra. Il trouve une entrée et enlève la grille tandis qu’il reçoit un appel de Buchanan. Bill avertit alors Jack que les services secrets son en route pour l’arrêter. Jack demande à Bill de les ralentir pour qu’ils n’interrompent pas sa mission, mais Buchanan ne peut rien faire, et il demande à Jack d’arrêter Marwan avant que les services secrets arrivent.

De son coté, Marwan enregistre un message vidéo, qu’il fera envoyé aux chaînes de télévisions de la cote est, pour que les gens puissent savoir qui a organisé tout ce qu’il s’est passé. Son discours commence par ces mots : « Peuple d’Amérique, vous vous réveillez aujourd’hui avec un monde différent »…. Bauer, lui, introduit la caméra télécommandée dans le conduis et il l’a fait avancer grâce à une télécommande.

La caméra avance, et tombe alors sur la salle principale de la discothèque, et il remarque qu’il y a 2 guetteurs à l’intérieur. La cellule confirme que ce sont bien des associés de Marwan. Juste à ce moment-là, les services secrets arrivent sur place. Bauer est prévenu de leur arrivée, mais il continue sa mission en faisant continué la progression de la caméra dans le conduis. La caméra finit par avoir un visuel sur la salle où Marwan enregistre son message. Malheureusement, Marwan est hors du champ de la caméra.

Les 2 agents des services secrets se présente à Curtis, et demandent où est Jack. Bauer demande à leur parler et il essaye de les raisonner, il leur demande notamment d’attendre que l’opération soit finie, et qu’ils pourront l’arrêter après, mais les 2 agents des services secrets ont reçu l’ordre d’arrêter Jack immédiatement.

Les agents des services secrets se dirigent alors vers l’endroit où est Jack, mais un des agents se fait repéré par un guetteur, qui informe immédiatement Marwan. Il demande à ses hommes de tout ranger. Le terroriste entre alors dans le champ de vision de la caméra, et Jack avertit immédiatement la cellule qu’il est bien dans le bâtiment.

Mais Marwan repère la caméra dans le conduis. Les agents de la cellule rentre alors sans plus tarder dans la discothèque pour l’arrêter. Mais il réussit encore à s’échapper par un tunnel. Jack abat un associé de Marwan, celui qui a la cassette sur laquelle il y a le message de Marwan, et s’engage dans le tunnel. Mais il repère une bombe et il est obligé de sortir du passage. La bombe explose, ce qui bouche le tunnel.

Jack avertit alors la cellule de la situation qui met tout en œuvre pour savoir où débouche le tunnel emprunté par Marwan. Les agents des services secrets, eux, procèdent à l’arrestation de Jack… Curtis appelle la cellule et informe Michelle qu’ils ont trouvé une cassette sur l’homme qui a été abattu. La cassette a été endommagée, mais la cellule pense pouvoir la faire marcher. A la Maison Blanche, le Président Logan, en liaison avec la cellule, s’étonne que Marwan ait réussit à s’échapper.

Buchanan informe alors le Président que, à cause d’un agent des services secrets, Marwan les a repéré. Logan est choqué par cette nouvelle, et dit qu’il ne voulait pas cela. Une fois la conversation avec la cellule finit, Logan dit à Mike que ce n’est pas de sa faute et que c’était la faute de Jack.

Mike lui dit alors que si Bauer n’avait pas été là, ils n’auraient pas eu la localisation de Marwan. Là, on sent que Logan est vraiment perdu : il dit qu’il ne mérite pas d’être Président, et il envisage de démissionner. Novick lui dit que ce n’est pas la meilleure chose à faire et que quelqu’un pourrait peut-être l’aider. Logan lui demande alors qui… Chez lui, un homme reçoit un appel de Mike. Cet homme, c’est David Palmer.

Mike Novick expose la situation à l’ex-Président, et lui dit que Logan est complètement perdu, et qu’il a besoin d’aide. Mike informe l’ex-Président que Logan veut qu’il dirige les opérations de récupération de l’ogive nucléaire. Palmer veut parler avec Logan face à face, donc il se rend alors à la Maison Blanche. De son coté, Jack Bauer est libéré après que Logan se soit rendu compte de son erreur. Bauer est passablement énervé par ce qu’il lui ait arrivé, et il s’énerve encore plus quand Curtis l’informe qu’ils ont perdu la trace de Marwan.

Il décide alors avec son équipe de rentrer à la cellule. A la cellule justement, Chloé examine le schéma de microprocesseur que Nabila, la petite amie de Sabir, lui a envoyé. Dans L’Iowa, Sabir est en train de reconfiguré l’ogive. Depuis là-bas, un homme, qui a entendu la conversation de Sabir avec sa petite amie, un peu plus tôt dans l’épisode, appelle Marwan.

Il lui dit que il y a une possible faille de sécurité, à cause justement de Nabila. Marwan demande si le problème est en train d’être traité, l’homme répond que oui... A la cellule, Chloé alerte Tony et Buchanan que le microprocesseur qu’elle a analysé est utilisé uniquement dans les armes nucléaires. Chloé les informe également que d’autre document, crypté, sont dans l’ordinateur de Sabir. Bill demande alors à Chloé d’aller sur place pour décrypter ces documents.

Chloé proteste, et répond qu’elle n’est pas agent de terrain, mais Buchanan lui dit que c’est la seule qui peut décrypter les fichiers. Elle se met alors en route pour la maison de Nabila. Dans la voiture qui l’amène sur place, Chloé contacte Edgar qui la rassure, car Chloé n’est pas très à l’aise à l’extérieur. Le temps de la conversation, O’Brian est déjà arrivé sur place. Elle s’installe immédiatement devant l’ordinateur, tandis que les deux agents qui l’accompagnent sont en train de fouiller la maison.

Alors que Chloé essaye de décrypter les fichiers sous les yeux de Nabila, un coup de feu retentit à l’étage, tuant un des agents. Les deux femmes s’enfuirent immédiatement, emportant avec l’ordinateur. Elles se retrouvent enfermé dans la buanderie, et bloquent l’entrée. Chloé en profite pour appeler la cellule. Par chance Jack et Curtis arrivent au même moment, mais Chloé coupa rapidement la communication car le terroriste allait entrer dans la salle.

 Les deux femmes passèrent alors par la fenêtre pour échappé au terroriste à leurs trousses. Chloé et Nabila coururent jusqu’à la voiture de la cellule et se barricadent dedans. Chloé en profite pour rappeler Jack. Elle l’informe de sa situation, et Jack lui dit qu’il y a sûrement une arme à l’arrière du véhicule. Chloé jeta alors un coup d’œil derrière elle et voit qu’il y a bien un fusil d’assaut dedans, mais qu’il faut une combinaison pour y accéder.

 Pendant que la cellule cherche la combinaison, le terroriste, lui, essaye de leur tirer dessus mais la vitre est blindée. Il entre alors dans sa voiture et il se met à percuter celle de la cellule à plusieurs reprises.

 La cellule est alors informée de la combinaison, que Jack transmet aussitôt à Chloé. Elle prit le fusil d’assaut, et sortit du véhicule avec Nabila. Alors que le terroriste s’apprêtait à leur foncer dedans, Chloé épaula le fusil et tira.

Elle vida le chargeur sur le pare-brise, coté conducteur. La voiture s’ouvrit alors, laissant tomber à terre le cadavre du terroriste.

Transcript by Nina Meyers - Posted on TWIZ TV.COM

Episode 4X19: 1:00 A.M. - 2:00 A.M.
Original Air Date: 04/25/2005

TM & © 2005 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

Previously on 24:

Audrey: There's a convoy missing. It was headed from Illinois to Jefferson City, Iowa. It disappeared just inside the boarder.

Buchanan: Disappeared?

Edgar: They are due to call in with their checkpoint every twenty minutes. They didn't. I tried to reach them on com-sat, there was no reply.

Buchanan: What was on the trucks?

Audrey: A nuclear warhead.


Yosik: They found us.

Marwan: Where are you?

Yosik: It doesn't matter. It's over. They're gonna get us.

Marwan: You have to kill Prado. He knows too much.

Curtis: Drop the gun!

Prado: I'm putting the gun down! I'm putting the gun down!

Curtis: Who are you?

Prado: My name's Joe Prado. I'm innocent.


Weiss: Mr. Prado's rights will not be violated. Take me to him now.

Buchanan: We have no choice, Curtis. Do what he says.

Curtis: There's a nuclear warhead missing. This is our only lead, Bill.

Jack: What the hell's going on here? You've got a key witness on a missing warhead. We should be pressing this guy with everything we've got.


Mike: Jack, it's Mike Novick.

Jack: Mike, if we wanna procure any information from this suspect, we're gonna have to do it behind closed doors.

Logan: You're talking about torturing this man?

Jack: I'm talking about doing what is necessary to stop this warhead from being used against us.

Logan: All right, gentleman. I'll have an answer for you in twenty minutes.

Jack: Mr. President, this thing could be over in twenty minutes.


Jack: What if I can find another way to handle this that wouldn't implicate anyone else but me?

Buchanan: I'm not gonna authorize that, Jack.

Jack: You don't have to.

Buchanan: What do you mean?

Jack: Accept my resignation.

Buchanan: And if I do that, what then?

Jack: Release the suspect.


Prado: Now you're throwing me out?

Curtis: That's right.

Jack: Make a sound and I will blow your brains out all over the windshield. Where is he?

Prado: I don't know!

Jack: Where is he now? Where's Marwan?

Prado: OK, OK. OK. Marwan's... Marwan's gonna be at a place called "The Hub" tonight.

Jack: Where is it?

Prado: It's just... it's just...

Jack: Where is it?!

Prado: It's just east of downtown!

Jack: This will help you with the pain.


The following takes place between 1:00 A.M. and 2:00 A.M.

[At CTU, a medic treats Prado's hand and head wounds. Buchanan dials his phone.]

Woman: Yes, sir?

Buchanan: Put me through to the White House.

Woman: President Logan?

Buchanan: No, not the President, Mike Novick.

Woman: One moment, please.

[Audrey enters the clinic.]

Woman: I'm sorry, we're still trying to locate Mr. Novick.

Buchanan: Call me when you get him on the line.

Woman: Yes, sir.

[Buchanan hangs up the phone.]

Audrey: What happened?

Buchanan: Prado talked.

Audrey: Who did this?

Buchanan: Audrey.

Audrey: I'm a representative of DOD. I have a right to know, Bill. Did Jack do this?

Buchanan: Yes, he did. It was the only way to get him to give up Marwan's location.

Audrey: So President Logan gave Jack the authority to use force?

Buchanan: No, Audrey. The President didn't.

Audrey: Where's Jack now?

Buchanan: He's prepping a team to apprehend Marwan.

[Audrey leaves.]


[Curtis and his SWAT team suit up in a locker room.]

Jack: Curtis. Lawson told me you wanted to utilize LAPD.

Curtis: I'm having them lockdown a ten block perimeter.

Jack: I don't think that's the right call. Marwan's people are coming and going. We lockdown that area, we just give them a heads-up.

Curtis: All right, we'll stay invisible.

[Audrey comes in.]

Jack: Excuse me for one second. What is it?

Audrey: I just came from the clinic where they're treating Prado for multiple injuries.

Jack: Audrey, what'd you expect me to do? Marwan has a nuclear warhead, and he's gonna use it unless we find him first.

Audrey: I understand the situation, Jack.

Jack: Then you know what I did was absolutely necessary. At least now we know where he is.

Audrey: Logan gave you a direct order not to use extreme interrogation method without his authorization. Jack, you are acting against the President.

Jack: I know.

[Curtis comes out of the locker room.]

Curtis: Jack, we're set.

Jack: I'll be right there.

Curtis: All right, everyone. Let's move out.

Jack: Look, I've gotta go.

Audrey: Jack, you can't keep walking outside the line and not expect consequences.

Jack: Trust me, no one understands the consequences better than me. No one.

Audrey: Jack...

[Jack leaves with Curtis.]

Curtis: Are you OK?

Jack: Yeah, I'm fine. Why?

Curtis: Just asking.

Jack: I'm sorry. I'm fine.

Curtis: Look, for whatever it's worth, you did the right thing with Prado.

Jack: Thanks.


[Novick battles with the President about how to handle the Prado interrogation.]

Logan: Authorizing the torture of a foreign national's one thing, but torturing a U.S. citizen... I can't...

Mike: Sir, this man, Prado, has information on the whereabouts of a nuclear warhead.

Logan: We don't know that for sure, Mike.

Mike: No, sir, we don't because you're not letting CTU do what they need to do.

Logan: I'm gonna wait till the Attorney General gets back to me with an opinion.

Mike: Mr. President, we are running out of time.

Logan: Walt. You were the first one to raise an objection to this. What do you think now?

Cummings: I think you need to make a decision, sir, and sooner rather than later.

[Mike's secretary enters.]

Woman: Mr. Novick? Bill Buchanan's on the phone from CTU. He's called twice. He says it's urgent.

Mike: I'll be right there.

Woman: Yes, sir.

[The woman leaves.]

Mike: What should I tell him? Mr. President...

Logan: Stop pressing me for an answer I'm not ready to give! I need more time.

[Mike leaves. He takes the call from Buchanan.]

Mike: I'm sorry for the delay, Bill, but the President is still working through his decision.

Buchanan: The President won't have to make that call, Mike.

Mike: What are you talking about?

Buchanan: Prado gave up Marwan's location.

Mike: I thought Prado claimed he didn't know anything.

Buchanan: He did. He changed his mind.

Mike: You mean Bauer physically coerced him? Tell me what happened, chapter and verse.

Buchanan: Mike, Bauer got the information we needed. I think it's best if I insolate you from the details.

Mike: The President gave explicit orders. You should have restrained Bauer.

Buchanan: With all due respect, restraint is a luxury we can't afford right now.

Mike: What am I supposed to tell the President?

Buchanan: Convince him to sign off on the extreme interrogation, and we'll cheat the timeline in the official record.

Mike: I made a mistake of deceiving one president. I won't make the same mistake twice.

Buchanan: Even though we both know Bauer was right? Mike, someone out there has one of our nuclear warheads. May I speak off the record?

Mike: Go ahead.

Buchanan: I'm worried about President Logan.

Mike: Worried? Why?

Buchanan: His behavior over the last few hours. I'm concerned about his ability to lead us through this crisis.

Mike: I understand.

[Mike hangs up the phone.]


[From a Los Angeles nightclub, Marwan phones his associate Robert Morrison, who has just arrived at a secret Iowa location with the warhead.]

Morrison: Yes?

Marwan: Where are you?

Morrison: I'm at the location. We just arrived with the package.

Marwan: Has Sabir done the compatibility check?

Morrison: Not yet.

Marwan: Call me as soon as he's finished, then I'll have the next payment wired to your account.

[Sabir confirms for Morrison that the warhead will be made compatible within an hour.]

Morrison: Is it compatible?

Sabir: I'll need to reconfigure the trigger mechanism.

Morrison: Is it compatible?

Sabir: Yes.

Morrison: How long will that take?

Sabir: An hour, maybe less.

Morrison: Then you should start.

[Sabir's cell phone rings.]

Sabir: My girlfriend.

Morrison: She'll leave a message.

Sabir: She's already left three messages. I don't want her calling around for me.

Morrison: Take the call, but hurry up.

[Sabir takes the call.]

Sabir: Nabila?

Nabila: Where are you, Sabir?

Sabir: It's the middle of the night.

Nabila: I asked you where you are.

Sabir: At the hotel.

Nabila: Stop lying to me. I called. You never checked in. tell me what you're doing.

Sabir: Nabila, I can't talk about this now. Get some sleep and I'll explain everything tomorrow.

Nabila: You mean after you've had time to come up with another lie? I found something on your computer, Sabir. A bookmark. Do you have something to do with what's been happening today?

Sabir: How can you ask that?

Nabila: Are you working with these terrorists?

Sabir: Of course not! You know I'm not a violent man.

Nabila: I know your politics.

Sabir: Nabila, enough! Stop talking nonsense.

Nabila: Is it nonsense?

Sabir: Like I said, I'll explain things tomorrow.

Nabila: Sabir, listen to me.

[Sabir hangs up.]

Sabir: She's fine. Don't worry.


Buchanan: I want schematics on the nightclub, options for a staging area, and let county know when you've traffic control. Thank you.

Audrey: Bill. How could you let Jack torture Prado?

Buchanan: Audrey, it had to be done.

Audrey: The President made it very clear that he didn't want Prado's rights violated.

Buchanan: That's right, he did make it clear, and he was wrong.

Audrey: We can't just break protocol because we think it's right at the time, and expect to get away with it.

Buchanan: Normally, I'd agree with you, but in this case I'd rather ask for forgiveness and permission.

Audrey: What kind of answer is that?

Buchanan: The answer is it worked. We got Marwan's location. Audrey. With all due respect, this is not Washington DC. Policy and politics do not always work on the front line, which is where we are today.

Audrey: Yes, well, Charles Logan is a politician, and he is not gonna give you forgiveness. I hope this does not come back to haunt you or Jack.

Buchanan: If what we did gets us to Marwan, we'll live with it.


Logan: What is it?

Mike: CTU located Marwan. They sent a tactical team to grab him.

Logan: That's good news. But I'm curious how they obtained Marwan's location. Did they use force?

Mike: Yes, sir, I believe force was used, but I'm sure I don't need to remind you that this is an extremely sensitive situation.

Logan: Who's responsible, Mike? I'm asking you a question, Mike. Who did this?

Mike: Jack Bauer.

Logan: I'm the President of the United States. I can't allow this kind of insubordination to go unanswered, especially at a time of crisis! I want Bauer arrested.

Mike: I agree, that should happen, sir. But I think we should wait until we have Marwan in custody.

Logan: No. I want him arrested now.

Mike: Sir, Bauer is heading the field operation.

Logan: Jack Bauer is not the only man who can do the job! Put someone else in charge!

Mike: Mr. President...

[Logan dials the phone.]

Logan: Get me Secret Service.

Woman: Yes, Mr. President.


Buchanan (over the phone): Has Jack set the robotic camera in position?

Curtis (over the phone): We're still a few minutes out, Bill.

Buchanan (over the phone): We're set to receive. Thanks, Curtis.

[Buchanan hangs up. He hands a disk to an agent.]

Buchanan: Get this to Audrey Raines and have her stream it to DOD, please.

[Buchanan's cell phone rings.]

Buchanan: Buchanan.

Mike: Bill, it's Mike Novick. I just got out of a room with President Logan. He knows how we got the information from Prado.

Buchanan: How did he find that out?

Mike: He's not a stupid man, Bill. I'm not gonna lie to him.

Buchanan: Well, you'll just have to convince him to leave it alone.

Mike: I tried. He's not going to leave it alone.

Buchanan: Fine. Tomorrow he can bring charges against me. Right now I have to get back to the business of finding Marwan.

Mike: It's not tomorrow and it's not you.

Buchanan: What does that mean?

Mike: He wants Jack Bauer arrested.

Buchanan: Arrested? Mike. Jack is heading up the team that's trying to bring in Marwan.

Mike: We're aware of that. Logan's adamant. He wants this dealt with immediately. Anything less he will take as a personal repudiation of his presidency.

Buchanan: OK, what's more important, the President's feelings or capturing the man who's responsible for everything that's happened today?

Mike: I hear what you're saying, Bill, but Logan's already called the Secret Service. They're on their way to take Jack into custody. I suggest you warn him immediately.

[Mike hangs up.]


[Jack and Curtis arrive at the nightclub near downtown.]

Curtis: Before moving, we need confirmation Marwan's inside.

Jack: I'll send in the remote camera, see if we can get a visual.

Curtis: All right. What's your point of entry?

Jack: The ventilation shaft.

[Jack calls Chloe.]

Chloe: O'Brian.

Jack: Chloe, it's Jack. Can you get the schematics for the AC configuration for the building? Send it over to my PDA.

Chloe: I'm on it, Jack. I'll end it to you a soon as I can.

Jack: OK, the camera's working.

[The SWAT team gets into position.]


[Chloe's phone rings.]

Chloe: O'Brian.

Man: We got a Los Angeles woman reporting suspicious activities.

Chloe: Cross referenced an ID match?

Man: She seems to be who she says she is.

Chloe: OK, send her information to my screen and put her through.

Man: There you go.

Chloe: This is Chloe O'Brian. How can I help you?

Nabila: I was just telling the man on the phone I'm not sure who exactly I should be talking to.

Chloe: I'm an analyst at CTU Los Angeles. Why don't you start at the beginning?

Nabila: I'm calling about my boyfriend.

Chloe: What's his name?

Nabila: You need to understand I'm not sure if this means anything...

Chloe: You were about to tell me his name?

Nabila: Sabir Ardakani. We've been going out since grad school.

Chloe: Can you spell that?

Nabila: Ardakani; A-r-d-a-k-a-n-i.

Chloe: Where'd you go to grad school?

Nabila: Berkeley Tech. we were both studying engineering. He's been traveling a lot lately; business trips, he said. I'm not sure why I looked, probably because of everything that's been going on today, but I found something on his computer.

Chloe: Tell me.

Nabila: I think Sabir may have become involved with radical groups.

Chloe: You mean terrorists?

Nabila: Yes.

Chloe: Where is Sabir now?

Nabila: He said he was going to Arizona for a client meeting, but the hotel has no record of him.

Chloe: When you looked through his computer files, tell me what you found, specifically.

Nabila: Most of his files were encrypted, but there was one document in the recycle bin that's a schematic for a microchip, a type I've never seen before.


[Jack sends a remote camera inside the building's ventilation shaft for a visual.]

Curtis: Jack, do you copy?

Jack: Yeah.

Curtis: Buchanan wants to talk to you.

Jack: Now?

Curtis: He says it's urgent.

Jack: Fine.

Curtis: Go ahead, Bill.

Buchanan: Jack, we got a problem. Secret Service is on their way over there now to arrest you.

Jack: What are you talking about?

Buchanan: Logan knows we violated his order when you went after Prado.

Jack: Bill, we can't interrupt this mission. You gotta stall them.

Buchanan: Jack, I've been on the phone for the last ten minutes. There's nothing I can do from here. You have to get Marwan before Secret Service gets there.

Jack: Curtis, did you copy that?

Curtis: Yeah. I'll run interference.

Jack: Give me a couple of minutes. I'll bury the transmit.

Curtis: Jack, we're ready.


[Marwan and his men prepare to record a taped speech to a video camera in a backroom.]

Man: Excuse me, Marwan. I just talked to Abad in New York. As soon as you're done, I'll upload the tape.

Marwan: Good. I want this delivered to television stations by dawn on the east coast.

Man: It won't be a problem. You wanna cover your face?

Marwan: No. I want the American people to know who did this. Ready.

[The man starts filming.]

Marwan: People of America, you wake up today to a different world. One of your own nuclear weapons has been used against you. It'll be days and weeks before you can measure the damage we've caused, but as you count your dead, remember why this has happened to you. You have no understanding for the causes of the people you strike down or the nations you conquer. You choose to meddle in their affairs without respect. You follow your government unquestioning toward your own slaughter. Today you pay the price for that ignorance.


[Jack feeds a robotic camera into the nightclub's air vent. He sends the visual back to CTU.]

Jack: The camera is in the vent.

[The camera gets to the main room.]

Jack: I've got a visual on the main room. Approximately 50 civilians. Marwan won't be here. He's gonna wanna stay out of sight. Hold on, I've got a possible sentry. A second possible sentry at the window looking down on the street.

Curtis: Hey, Michelle, can you get a frame grab?

Michelle: We're working on an ID.

Chloe: I'm sending a freezed frame to the facial recognition software.

Michelle: Jack, we have a match. He's a known associate of Marwan.

Tony: That confirms that Prado gave us a legitimate address.

Buchanan: But not that Marwan is in the building. We can't risk exposing ourselves till we know he's in there.

[Castle's cell phone rings.]

Castle: Castle.

Man: Secret Service is approaching your position.

Castle: Jack, Secret Service has arrived.

Jack: Did Marwan's people see them approach?

Castle: No, they came out through the rear alley.

Jack: Moving over to the next room.

[Marwan's men are still recording at the backroom.]

Marwan: Unless you renounce your policies of imperialism and intervention in these activities, this attack will be followed by another and another after that.

[The camera gets to the room where the video is being taped.]

Jack: I got a visual on people, what looks like a storage unit.

Curtis: How many?

Jack: Five. But they're talking to someone else out of my sightline.

Curtis: All right, copy. All right, stand-by, Jack. What's going on?

Moorefield: Secret Service. I'm agent Greg Moorefield. This is agent Frank Wells. We know this is a highly irregular situation, but we have orders to take Jack Bauer into custody.

Jack: Curtis, let me talk to them.

Curtis: Go ahead, Jack.

Jack: This is Jack Bauer. Right now we are trying to confirm that Habib Marwan is in this building. He is the terrorist in possession of a stolen nuclear warhead. I cannot oppress upon you how sensitive this mission is.

Moorefield: The President was specific, sir. We need to pull you off this now.

Jack: I don't think you understand. I am in a concealed position. You pull me out now, you put this whole operation in jeopardy. As soon as this is over I give you my word, I will go with you.

Moorefield: I'm sorry, agent, if you don't come out, we're gonna have to come in and get you.

Buchanan: Local Secret Service Command has confirmed the order, Jack. There's nothing I can do about it.

Curtis: Jack, we don't have a choice. We're gonna need to replace you.

Castle: Jack, this is Castle. I'm heading out to you.

Jack: Approach the sound side of the building.

Castle: Got it.

Agent: We're on the move.

Curtis: All right, careful.


[Marwan's men spot the Secret Service cars outside.]

Man: Marwan, the police are here. Asir saw an officer outside.

Marwan: Start packing.

Jack: Hold on, I got a visual on Marwan. I have a visual on Marwan. He is in the building.

[Marwan sees the remote camera in the vent.]

Marwan: Let's go.

Jack: Dammit, they know we're here. Everybody, move on the building.

Curtis: Our cover's blown. Everyone, go, go, go, go, go!

[Jack moves into the nightclub to find Marwan, who has slipped out down a flight of stairs. Jack chases after him, as Curtis and the SWAT team follow from the main room.]

Curtis: Get down! Everybody, get down! Get down now!

[Marwan and his crew go into an underground tunnel. Jack comes up behind them and kills one of the men bringing up the rear.]

Jack: Freeze!

Curtis: I got him, Jack.

Jack: Marwan's men have escaped through a whole in the outer basement wall.

Tony: Set up a two mile perimeter. Cover all utility access points.

[Jack sees that they've activated a bomb, and he and the agents run out as it explodes.]

Jack: Bomb! Bomb!

Michelle: Jack, what happened? Curtis! Curtis!

Curtis: Jack, are you OK?

Jack: Yeah. Check out your men. Michelle, it's Jack. We can't pursue. They blew the tunnel off behind them. It's completely blocked. Have LAPD tighten up the perimeter. Get them to tell us where this tunnel fits into now.

Curtis: Yeah.

[Secret Service agents enter the underground area.]

Curtis: Jack.

Moorefield: Agent Bauer. Agent Moorefield, Secret Service. I'm sorry, but I'm here to take you into custody. Hand over your weapon, please.

[Jack hands his weapon over to Moorefield. Moorefield searches Jack for weapons.]

Jack: You blew this mission.

Moorefield: I'm sorry, sir, I'm just following orders.

[Moorefield handcuffs Jack.]


[Curtis discusses the situation with Tony and Michelle over the phone.]

Curtis: Has anyone asked President Logan what the hell he was thinking arresting Jack in the middle of the operation?

Michelle: Look, Curtis, we still have to focus on finding Marwan. We pulled up city records. The building is directly adjacent to a sewer line.

Curtis: How many street level degrees points are there?

Michelle: At least 30.

Curtis: Which means Marwan's probably gone past our perimeters already.

Tony: Yeah, well, we still have to keep looking. LAPD and FBI will set down a grid down there. I want you to coordinate your men with them.

Curtis: We just found a video tape on a man we shot. It's been damaged, but we should be able to recover most of what's on it.

Michelle: We'll have one of your men come back here with the video tape. Edgar's repositioning the satellite. We'll let you know if we find anything.

Curtis: You got it.


[Buchanan has to explain to Novick and President Logan that Marwan escaped because of the Secret Service's breach.]

Logan: How did Marwan get past your men?

Buchanan: They had to move in before they were ready.

Logan: Why?

Buchanan: Secret Service showed up to take Bauer into custody, which compromised one of our positions.

Logan: I didn't mean... That's not what I meant to have happen.

Buchanan: With respect, sir, your orders were explicit.

Mike: What other search protocols are you running?

Buchanan: None, Mr. Novick. We're essentially without a lead.

Mike: Bill, give us a few minutes. We'll get right back to you.

Buchanan: Standing-by.

[Buchanan hangs up.]

Logan: This is not my fault. None of this would have happened if Jack Bauer hadn't disobeyed my orders in the first place!

Mike: I'm sorry, sir, but if you're asking me to agree with that assessment, I can't. If it wasn't for Jack, we wouldn't have located Marwan. CTU's waiting for us to call them back with a directive. What would you like me to tell them, Mr. President?

Logan: I have no idea. And that's the problem, isn't it? It is my fault we lost him. This man, Marwan, has a nuclear warhead and I allowed him to escape.

Mike: Mr. President...

Logan: Stop. I don't even know if I deserve to be called that.

Mike: Whatever I call you won't change the fact you are President of the United States.

Logan: I shouldn't be. For the good of this country, I should resign.

Mike: That's not an option, sir. Not without destroying the public's confidence, which is already at its limits. Free presidency as many hours will be devastating.

Logan: Then what should I do, Mike? Tell me what to do.

Mike: There's someone who can advise you better than I can. You should consider bringing him in here to help you through this.

Logan: Who?


News reporter on TV: President Keeler is in critical condition after Air Force One crashed in the Mojave Desert a few hours ago.

[The phone rings.]

News reporter on TV: A White House spokesperson reports that the President was taken to an undisclosed military hospital following the crash. The details are still forthcoming, but what we know is...

Secret Service Agent: Sir, there's a secured call coming through for you.

[The agent hands Palmer the phone.]

Palmer: Thank you, Alex.

[Palmer takes the call.]

Palmer: Hello?

Mike: Mr. President.

Palmer: Mike?

Mike: Yes, sir. I'm sorry to disturb you so late.

Palmer: No, I've been up all night following the news. This is a tragic day for our country.

Mike: Yes. May I ask when you received your last intelligence briefing?

Palmer: Three hours ago. Why?

Mike: Since then, the terrorist behind today's events, Habib Marwan, has taken possession of a nuclear warhead.

Palmer: Oh, my God. How?

Mike: Well, he recovered the Football from the wreckage of Air Force One, and he used it to track and steal a warhead. President Logan feels he needs help.

Palmer: What kind of help?

Mike: Substantial.

Palmer: I'm not sure what you're asking me to do.

Mike: President Logan is requesting you run the effort to recover the stolen weapon and be in place to make whatever decisions need to be made. A crisis is looming. Hard choices may need to be made. By the President's own admission he feels he may not be up to the task. This county is very possibly about to face the worst terrorist act in its history. We need your leadership.

Palmer: Before I do anything, I wanna speak to President Logan face to face.

Mike: Fair enough. I'll notify your Secret Service detail to bring you to the White House.

Palmer: All right, Mike.

Mike: Thank you, Mr. President.


[Outside the nightclub, Jack is released by the Secret Service.]

Curtis (over the phone): Secret Service resented the order. Yeah, they're releasing Jack now. All right. Yeah.

Moorefield: Please step out of the car, Agent Bauer.

[Still handcuffed, Jack gets out of the car.]

Jack: What's going on?

[A Secret Service Agent takes Jack's handcuffs off.]

Moorefield: President Logan realized this was a mistake. You're free to go. I am genuinely sorry about all this.

[Moorefield hands Jack his gun back.]

Jack: It doesn't really help us with our situation, does it? We had Marwan. Any sign of him?

Curtis: We have people all over the tunnels. So far, nothing.

Jack: We had him. Dammit, we had him!

Curtis: They're not finished searching the tunnels.

Jack: If you haven't found him yet, you're not going to. Too many ways in, too many ways out. CTU have any new leads on Marwan or the warhead?

Curtis: No.

Jack: Great. Load everybody up, we're going back to CTU now.

Curtis: All right, everyone, let's go!


Chloe: Edgar.

Edgar: I'm busy, Chloe.

Chloe: I need you to release your system.

Edgar: Why?

Chloe: It's the only one with the random sequence search.

Edgar: You're gonna have to wait.

Chloe: It can't wait. Someone called a lead in, and now that Marwan's escaped, I need to pursue this.

Edgar: This is more important. I have agents out there looking for Marwan. I need to reconfigure the perimeter for them.

Chloe: You don't need your system to do that. Just tell them to use the profiles we loaded onto their panels.

Edgar: That won't be good enough. Things are changing every minute.

Chloe: They're field agents, they have guns. They don't need you to cuddle them.

Edgar: You know, that's a pretty rood attitude.

Chloe: I need your system.

Edgar: No.

[Chloe goes over to Tony.]

Chloe: Tony.

Tony: What?

Chloe: A woman called in and she thinks her boyfriend may have had something to do with today's terrorist attacks.

Tony: Did you verify it?

Chloe: No, that's the problem. I need to use Edgar's system.

Tony: Why?

Chloe: Her evidence involves data that she got from her boyfriend's computer. It's in preparatory format.

Tony: Well, what's Edgar doing?

Chloe: He's screwing around, moving agents that Jack and Curtis don't need.

Tony: Edgar!

Edgar: Yeah?

Tony: Let Chloe into your system.

Edgar: What about tactical I'm running? I still got guys out there.

Tony: Marwan's long gone. Most of those agents you can call back in.

Chloe: Excuse me.

[Chloe sits at Edgar's system.]


Sabir: All right.

[Morrison calls Marwan, who is in an underground sewer tunnel.]

Marwan: Yes?

Morrison: This is Morrison. Is there a problem? I haven't heard from you.

Marwan: CTU found the club.

Morrison: How'd they know you were there?

Marwan: Must have been Prado. Has the warhead been reconfigured?

Morrison: Yes.

Marwan: Then our timetable remains unchanged.

Morrison: Marwan. We may have a potential security breech here.

Marwan: Who?

Morrison: The technician, Sabir. His girlfriend's getting suspicious.

Marwan: But it's being taken care of?

Morrison: Of course. It's being handled.

Marwan: Let me know when it's done.

[Marwan hangs up. Marwan climbs out of the tunnel through a manhole cover.]


[Chloe updates Tony and Buchanan on what Nabila found on Sabir's computer.]

Chloe: Tony.

Tony: Yeah?

Chloe: The woman with the phone tip, who is suspicious about her boyfriend panned out.

Tony: What'd you find?

Chloe: She sent us a schematic of a microchip that we did analysis on. It's used exclusively in Legacy nuclear warheads.

Buchanan: Does this include the warhead Marwan has control of?

Chloe: Yes. This is the design of the chip that controls the trigger on the stolen warhead.

Tony: What do we know about the man whose computer we found this on?

Chloe: His name is Sabir Ardakani. According to his girlfriend, he's recently become radicalized.

Buchanan: I want his picture and ID on an all-agency distribution list, highest priority.

Chloe: She thinks he's out of state, but she has no idea where.

Tony: Well, if he's in this with Marwan, he's probably somewhere in the Iowa region with the warhead.

Buchanan: This woman who gave you the tip, is she local?

Chloe: Yes, Las Vilas. She says that the rest of the files on his hard driver are locked. If that's the case, we're gonna need a specialist.

Tony: We're gonna need to sent a team over there as soon as possible, see what else we can dig up on him.

Buchanan: All right. Chloe, I want you over there.

Chloe: What?

Buchanan: Take a team with you, let's get on this.

Chloe: Oh, I'm not a field agent. I don't do that.

Buchanan: Chloe. We need a specialist on this. You're the only one who can get those files off that hard drive. I wanna know what Ardakani is doing and where he is. Chloe, I'm giving you an order. Go.


[Chloe calls Edgar from the car to make sure he has everything covered.]

Chloe: Edgar, it's Chloe. Does my panel have a live link to the tactical network?

Edgar: Not yet.

Chloe: What are you waiting for?

Edgar: We don't do that until the agents are on site.

Chloe: I'm not an agent.

Edgar: I know that, but you're attached to a mobile unit, Chloe. I'm just trying to do things by the book. Isn't that always what you tell me to do?

Chloe: Why do you have to be so contrary? I'm just not comfortable out here. I wanna make sure you have everything covered.

Edgar: Fine. You have your live link. What else?

Chloe: Trunk my audio in with Bergin and White. I wanna make sure that I can monitor the two-way between them and CTU.

Edgar: Done.

Chloe: OK. I can't think of anything else right now, but if I do, I'm gonna call you, but I really hope you don't give me so much resistance next time.

Edgar: Chloe, I know you're scared, and I'll make sure everything is covered on this end.

Chloe: Why did they ask me to do this? I really hate it.

Edgar: While you were prepping, I asked Buchanan if I can go instead of you. He wouldn't let me. He said you were the best analyst we have. He's right.

Chloe: I know. I'll call you if I can think of anything else.

Edgar: OK.

[Edgar hangs up.]


[Chloe and two other agents arrive at Nabila's house.]

Chloe: Hi. I'm Agent O'Brian. These are Agents Bergin and White. You're Nabila Argamila?

Nabila: Yes.

Chloe: Where's the computer?

Nabila: Please come in.

Chloe: These men need to search the house. Did Mr. Ardakani keep records other than on his computer?

Nabila: There are some papers in the bedroom.

Chloe: This is the computer you found the chip schematic on?

Nabila: Yes, but like I told you before on the phone, the rest of his files are encrypted.

Chloe: Are you sure?

Nabila: Yes. I ran a check on the builder subroutine to confirm. I have a doctorate in computer sciences.

Chloe: OK, let's see. You're right. They used Blowfish Algorithm.

Nabila: How can you tell?

Chloe: By the tab on the file headers.

Nabila: Can you decrypt it?

Chloe: CTU has a proprietary Algorithm. It shouldn't take that long. We'll start by trying to hack the password. Let's start with the basics. Write down nicknames, birthdays, pets, anything you think he might have used.

Nabila: OK. What was that?

Chloe: I don't know.

[A gunman kills the two CTU agents. Chloe takes the computer and she and Nabila run and hide inside another room.]

Chloe: Go. Go!

Nabila: In here!

[With no weapon, Chloe barricades the door and calls Edgar for help.]

Man: Your men are dead. Open the door!

Nabila: Do you have a gun?

Chloe: I work with computers.

Man: Open the door!

Edgar: Edgar Stiles.

Chloe: Edgar, it's Chloe, this is an emergency. We're being shot at!

Edgar: Where are you?

Man: Open the door!

Chloe: The Las Vilas location. We need help.

Edgar: OK, all right. Jack, Curtis, Chloe's in the field, she's under fire.

Jack: What's her location?

Edgar: 1482 Franklin, Las Vilas.

Jack: Curtis, how far out are the closest tac teams?

Curtis: I'm on it.

Jack: Chloe, it's Jack. What's your situation?

Chloe: I barricaded us in the laundry room.

Jack: Who are you with?

Chloe: Our informant. Bergin and White were with me. Bergin's down. I don't know where white is. I'll call you back.

Jack: Chloe, don't hang up the phone.

[Chloe hangs up.]

Jack: Get her back on the line, now.

[Chloe and Nabila escape through a window out of the house.]

Jack (over the phone): This is Jack Bauer. I need an LAPD response at 1482 Franklin. We have two agents down, one under fire.

[Jack hangs up.]

Jack: Where are the tac teams?

Curtis: About 15 minutes.

Jack: It's too long.

[Chloe and Nabila get inside the CTU car.]

Chloe: We're opening the door... We're opening... Where are the keys? Where are the keys? Where are the keys?

[Chloe calls CTU again.]

Edgar: Jack, it's her!

Jack: Put her on speaker.

Chloe: Jack, how far away is help?

Jack: At least ten minutes.

Chloe: Ten minutes is too long!

Jack: Chloe, just try to stay calm. Tell me where you are now.

[The man gets out of the house and starts to shoot at the bulletproof car.]

Chloe: He's shooting at us! The glass is bulletproof.

Jack: Chloe, I need you to tell me where you are.

Chloe: We're in the CTU car. He's shooting at us from outside. I don't... I don't have the keys. Can I hotwire this?

Jack: No, it's secure, but there should be weapons stored inside the vehicle.

Chloe: There's a rifle in the back. It's locked. I need the combination.

Curtis: I'm on it.

Nabila: He's going. Where is he going?

Chloe: Wait. I think he's leaving.

[The gunman gets in his car.]

Jack: Have we got the combination?

Curtis: Not yet.

Chloe: He's gonna ram us!

[The man rams his car and the CTU vehicle.]

Nabila: Oh, God!

Chloe: What's taking so long, Jack?

[The man rams his car and the CTU vehicle again.]

Curtis: Got it. It's 3143.

Jack: Chloe, did you get that?

Chloe: 31...

[Hearing all the noise from outside, one of Nabila's neighbors gets out of his house.]

Man: What's going on here? What are you doing?

[The gunman shoots him dead.]

Chloe: Go. Get out! Get out! Get out!

[Chloe and Nabila exit the car, and Chloe fires an automatic rifle at the gunman. She kills him.]


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pretty31, 04.12.2024 à 11:08

Une nouvelle bannière est en vote pour le quartier HypnoClap, merci pour votre aide

Locksley, 04.12.2024 à 13:14

Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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Nouveau sondage spécial Noel à Kaamelott ouvert à tous et toutes, calendrier, pdm et survivor, on vous espère nombreux

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Hello! Nouvelle PDM et nouveau sondage sur Outer Banks! N'hésitez pas à passer! Bon we à tous!

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