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24 heures chrono
#502 : 08h00 - 09h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 5 guide des épisodes

La femme du Président Logan prévient son mari que Palmer l'a averti d'un problème de sécurité nationale juste avant sa mort, mais il découvre qu'elle ne suit plus son traitement contre ses halucinations répétitives. Pour se prouver que ce n'est pas qu'une pure invention, Walt va être chargé de vérifier grâce aux enregistrements téléphoniques.
La CAT apprend que Jack Bauer se trouvait, une heure avant le coup de feu, dans l'immeuble face à celui où Palmer a été tué. Il devient le principal suspect et Buchanan en informe immédiatement le Président Logan. Jack, de son côté, veut retrouver le responsable de la mort de Palmer, mais aussi celui qui veut lui faire endosser la responsabilité de ce meurtre. Il se rend  sur le lieu du crime à la recherche d'indices.


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO
8:00am - 9:00am

Titre VF
08h00 - 09h00


24 Season 5 Promo HD

24 Season 5 Promo HD


Plus de détails

Date de diffusion US: 15 janvier 2006
Date de diffusion FR:
Audience: 15.5 millions de téléspectateurs


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer 
• Kim Raver : Audrey Raines 
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian 
• Gregory Itzin : President Charles Logan 
• James Morrison : Bill Buchanan 
• Roger Cross : Curtis Manning 
• Louis Lombardi : Edgar Stiles 
• and Jean Smart : Martha Logan 

Special guest appearance

• Dennis Haysbert : David Palmer 

Guest starring

• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick 
• Connie Britton : Diane Huxley 
• Brady Corbet : Derek Huxley 
• Geraint Wyn Davies : James Nathanson 
• Sandrine Holt : Evelyn Martin 
• Jonah Lotan : Spencer Wolff 
• John Allen Nelson : Walt Cummings 
• DB Woodside : Wayne Palmer 
• David Dayan Fisher : Anton Beresch 
• Matt Battaglia : Agent Jennings 
• Nick Jameson : Yuri Suvarov 


• Kevin E. West : Spotter 
• Taras Michael Los : Chevensky 
• Musashi Alexander : Agent at Checkpoint 
• Kathleen Gati : Anya Suvarov 

• Elizabeth Espinoza : Field reporter

A la CTU, Audrey s’occupe avec Bill de la protection de Logan pendant le sommet avec le Président russe. Edgar les interrompt : il vient découvre les images d’un suspect dans l’affaire de l’assassinat de Palmer. Le suspect en question était dans l’immeuble d’où l’ex-Président a été abattu.

Sur les images, on peut voir Jack Bauer. Ce dernier, toujours à la raffinerie de pétrole, informe Chloé qu’on veut lui faire porter le chapeau pour le meurtre de Palmer. L’ex agent fédéral veut aller inspecter la scène du crime, pour voir si Palmer n’a rien laissé d’important derrière lui.

Malgré les dissuasions de Chloé, Bauer ce met en route pour l’appartement de Wayne Palmer, où David a été assassiné. Pour cela, il va utiliser le van des terroristes. Derek, de son côté est choqué de ce qu’il vient de voir et ne veut pas monter dans le van avec Jack. Après une explication plutôt musclée entre les deux, il monte docilement dans le véhicule.

A la CTU, Audrey a du mal à croire que Jack est vivant, et encore moins qu’il ait tué Palmer et attaqué Michelle et Tony. Buchanan a également du mal à y croire, mais les preuve étant là, il est obligé de lancer ses agents à la poursuite de Jack.

Dans le même temps Curtis découvre que Chloé a eu des contacts avec Palmer et Tony le jour de la « mort » de Jack La CTU vient de découvrir que Chloé savait que Jack n’était pas mort. De son côté, Logan a encore des problèmes avec sa femme, qui est obsédée par le coup de fil de Palmer.

Walt, son conseiller, propose d’étudier les appels reçus par Martha Logan. Le Président reçoit un coup de fil d’Audrey, qui l’informe de la situation. Logan a, bien sur, beaucoup de mal à accepter que Bauer soit toujours en vie. La représentante du département de la défense redemande au Président Logan de reporter le Sommet, mais il refuse catégoriquement.

Il est 08h09, un homme découvre les cadavres des terroristes tués par Jack un peu plus tôt. Il est au téléphone avec un autre homme, qui semble être le cerveau des opérations de la matinée, nommé Nathanson. Il a prévu quelque chose pour dans moins d’une heure….

Dans le van, Jack découvre un matériel de militaire, lorsque soudain il reçoit un coup de fil. C’est Diane qui s’inquiète beaucoup pour son fils et pour Jack. Elle parle quelques instants avec Derek, mais le van est bientôt arrivé et le jeune homme doit raccrocher.

Chloé présente sa carte de la CTU pour entrer dans le bâtiment, tandis que Jack et Derek sont cachés à l’arrière du véhicule. Grâce à un kit de communication trouvé dans le van, qui est désormais dans le parking souterrain de l’immeuble, Chloé et Jack pourront communiqué quand l’ex-agent de terrain s’introduira dans le bâtiment.

L’analyste de la cellule antiterroriste, grâce à son accès à la CTU, peut voir les agents qu’il y a dans l’immeuble, ce qui aidera beaucoup Jack. Le coin grouillant d’agents du FBI et de policiers, Jack, pour passer inaperçu, maîtrise un agent fédéral, prend son insigne et prend sa veste : Il a désormais tout d’un agent du FBI. Bauer monte donc dans l’immeuble, David Palmer ayant été assassiné au dernier étage.

Jack entre dans l’appartement, et découvre alors le corps sans vie de l’ex-Président recouvert d’un drap. Bauer est visiblement très ému par cette vision. Il se reprend, et entre dans une chambre, où il y a un ordinateur. Jack regarde si il n’y a rien d’intéressant, et trouve finalement un fichier crypté tandis que Derek s’informe sur le passé de Jack auprès de Chloé. L’ancien agent de terrain entend alors un bruit : quelqu’un arrive dans la chambre ou il est. Pourtant, Chloé lui annonce qu’il n’y a aucun agent près de la chambre…

L’homme entre finalement, et Jack le plaque contre le mur, arme pointé sur lui. Ce n’est autre que Wayne Palmer. Celui-ci est très surpris et très énervé, car il croit, comme presque tout le monde, que c’est Jack qui a tué son frère. Bauer essaye de le convaincre du contraire, mais sans succès. Il donne alors son arme à Wayne.

Celui-ci la braque sur Jack quelques secondes, mais décide finalement de l’aider. De son côté, Martha Logan est toujours bouleversée par la mort de David Palmer. Walt, le conseiller du Président l’informe qu’ils ont décidé de vérifier l’appel qu’elle a reçu. Chez Wayne, Jack essaye de décrypter le fichier qu’il a trouvé avec l’aide de Chloé.

Il réussit, et découvre que le fichier crypter n’est autre que 1er chapitre des mémoires de David, ce qui n’a aucun sens, puisque il y en a plein le bureau. Les 2 hommes pensent que l’ex-Président a caché des informations dans le fichier crypté, et le compare avec un tirage.

A la CTU, Spencer a besoin d’un niveau d’accès plus élevé. Il utilise alors le code d’accès de Chloé, mais bien sur, cela ne marche pas Chloé étant déjà connectée à distance. Edgar comprend ça, et essaye de la localiser. Il la trouve, et informe Bill de la situation, qui lui-même fait parvenir l’info au chef des Services Secrets.

Il est 08h33, des hommes chargent d’armes un camion. Ils ont quelque chose à voir avec un évènement qui devrait se passer dans 20 minutes. Ce sont les hommes de Nathanson.

Dans l’appartement de Wayne, Jack découvre sur le fichier crypté une adresse, qui se trouve près de l’aéroport d’Ontario, accompagné d’un nom, un certain Chevanski. Au même moment, Chloé l’informe que les agents du FBI se redéploie : ils savent que Jack est dans l’immeuble.

Il réussit quand même à sortir de l’appartement, et descend pour revenir au van, en maîtrisant au passage deux agents. Dans le van, Chloé informe Jack qu’elle a trouvé qui était Chevanski : c’est le responsable des bagages à l’aéroport d’Ontario. Mais a peine l’information annoncé, le van se retrouve encerclé par plusieurs agents. Le véhicule démarre alors en trombe et sort du parking souterrain.

Le van n’ira cependant pas très loin : il est bloqué par 2 voitures de polices. A l’intérieur, il n’y a que Chloé, qui se fait passer les menottes aux bras. Jack et Derek sont sortis du véhicule avant. Ils sont maintenant dans une voiture qu’ils ont « emprunté », roulant vers l’aéroport d’Ontario. Il est 08h42, Jack appelle Diane et lui donne rendez-vous devant l’aéroport d’Ontario.

A la cellule, Buchanan apprend que Chloé a été arrêté, et demande à lui parler. O’Brian l’informe de la situation, et Bill lui demande ou est Jack. Elle décide de ne rien dire, ce qui met Buchanan plutôt de mauvaise humeur. Il ordonne de ramener l’analyste à la CTU. Dans la voiture, Derek et Jack discute, notamment sur le passé de Bauer.

Ce dernier déclare qu’il tient beaucoup à Diane et à son fils. De son côté, Logan a récupéré l’enregistrement de l’appel que sa femme a reçu de David, où il était question de, d’après Martha, la sécurité nationale. Sur l’enregistrement de la conversation, on entend la voix de Palmer disant : « ce n’est pas vraiment une question de sécurité nationale ». La First Lady, a une réaction très vive en entendant l’enregistrement de l’appel.

Elle dit qu’il a été truqué… Logan, évidemment, refuse de la croire mettant ça sur le compte de la maladie de sa femme. A la CTU, Edgar annonce à Bill et à Audrey que d’après une source fiable à 95%, le sommet devrait être prit pour cible dans les 15 minutes qui viennent. C’est justement à ce moment là que Suvarov, le président russe, doit arriver.

Buchanan annonce alors la nouvelle à Mike Novick Dans le camion remplit d’hommes armés, Nathanson appel un de ses hommes, et lui dit que l’hélicoptère du président russe sera à l’heure, l’homme lui répond que lui et son commando seront également à l’heure… Mike informe Logan de la menace pesant sur l’hélicoptère de Suvarov, et lui demande de repousser le sommet. Logan refuse : l’hélicoptère atterrira bien à l’endroit prévu, au moment prévu.

Il est 08h54, Derek et Jack arrive à l’aéroport où Diane les attend déjà. Derek ce jette dans les bras de sa mère. Celle-ci exige des explications sur ce qu’il s’est passé, et demande à « Franck ». Jack en profite alors pour lui révéler sa véritable identité. Il les envoie alors tous les 2 à la CTU pour les protéger. Jack, lui, entre dans l’aéroport, pour essayer de trouver Chevanski. Au même moment, le Président russe atterrit. La scène est suivie depuis la CTU, et finalement, rien n’arrive à l’hélicoptère de Suvarov.

Il est 08h57, Diane et Derek sont en route pour la CTU, lorsqu’ils aperçoivent le camion des terroristes. Ces derniers sortent du véhicule et entre dans l’aéroport. Derek pense que quelque chose cloche en voyant ces hommes, et entre à son tour dans l’aéroport pour prévenir Jack, malgré les protestations de Diane.

Dans le terminal, Jack trouve finalement Chevanski et lui demande pourquoi le Président Palmer a été assassiné. Mais une explosion intervient : le chef des terroristes à l’intérieur de l’aéroport vient de faire exploser le camion, qui était garé devant le terminal.

Cet explosion créée un mouvement de panique dans l’aéroport et surprend Jack, qui lâche quelques secondes Chevanski. Celui-ci en profite pour se suicider, en croquant une pilule de cyanure.

A l’intérieur de l’aéroport, les terroristes ouvrent le feu sur les agents de la sécurité : c’est une prise d’otage, et Derek fait parti des otages. Par contre, les terroristes ne savent pas que Jack est également dans l’aéroport. Ils déclarent aux otages que aucun mal ne leur sera fait tant que le Président Logan obéira aux demandes des terroristes.

Nathanson, de son côté, reçoit un appel d’un homme qui déclare s’être occupé du problème Martha Logan, et qu’il a pu trafiqué l’enregistrement. Cet homme, c’est Walt Cummings, le conseiller du Président.

Il est alors 9h00, et une prise d’otage se déroule à l’aéroport d’Ontario.

Voiceover: Previously on 24

Wayne: What’s going on?

David: What do you mean?

Wayne: I’m your brother. Whatever it is, you can tell me.

David: It’s all right, really.

Wayne: Ok.

Wayne: One more chapter and we’ll take a break.

[Palmer is shot, and falls to the ground.]

[Wayne rushes over and holds David.]

Wayne: No, no. Get help!

Logan: Whoever did this, I want them dead or in custody by the time the Russians get here.

Bill: I would ask that you consider postponing the signing of the treaty, sir.

Logan: No. Absolutely not.

Martha: I think … that David was killed because of something he was about to tell me. He said it concerned national security and that it involved you.

Walt: Well, is she all right?

Logan: No, Walt, she’s not all right. She’s having another one of her delusions.

Diane: What is this, an interrogation?

Derek: I just don’t like being lied to.

Diane: No one’s lying to you, Derek.

Derek: [gets up from the table] Yeah. Not hungry. [He leaves the room.]

Diane: Sorry. You don’t owe me an explanation. If you’d wanted to tell me about your past, you would have told me already?

[Jack’s phone rings.]

Jack: [Into phone] Yeah?

Chloe: Jack, I know this isn’t protocol; please don’t hang up on me. I need your help. They got Tony and Michelle. Michelle is dead; Tony is in a critical condition. Now they’re going to kill me.

[At the oil rig]

Jack: What the hell are you doing here?

Derek: I’m sorry I followed you! I’m just – just worried about my mother.

Jack: You’re going with me.

[Jack shoots the car coming at him – a scene from the prequel.]

[Haas approaches Chloe and Derek from behind, aiming a gun at them. Jack shoots him in the leg. Chloe turns and shoots Haas three times in the chest.]

Jack: Hold your fire, Chloe!

Haas: [He is badly injured] Palmer was … primary target … Set you up – make it look like you did it.

Jack: You’re the one who killed Palmer.

Haas: Yeah.

[Jack shoots him in cold blood.]

Voiceover: The following takes place between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM.

Audrey: The president’s retreat is still vulnerable. You need to post two more people here at delta; that’s a high probability point of infiltration.

Bill: We’ll have to pull assets from somewhere else. 

Audrey: [on cell phone] Yeah, Marcie, hi. Could you give me the figures? [turns and moves away to continue her phone conversation.]

Edgar: [enters the office] Yeah, excuse me, sir, sorry to interrupt.

Bill: What is it, Edgar?

Edgar: We got visual on the suspect. I thought you might wanna know. He may be the Palmer shooter.

Bill: Do we have an ID?

Edgar: I think you should see for yourself. Bout an hour before Palmer was shot, someone broke into the service entrance of the building across the street – the one the sniper used. We have a frame grab from a security video. I ran it through a hi-res filter, so it may take a few seconds to render. [He steps back, leaving Bill to look for himself. As the image clears up, the identity of the man in the picture starts to dawn on Bill. He looks shocked.]

Bill: Audrey.

[Audrey approaches the computer, staring at the screen. The image has been fully cleaned up, and the man is clearly Jack Bauer.]

[Cut to the oil rig. Jack walks away from Haas’s body, towards Chloe and the van.]

Chloe: What is going on here, Jack?

Jack: They’re setting me up to take the fall for Palmer’s assassination.

Chloe: Palmer’s not even President anymore; why would they want him dead?

Jack: I don’t know.

Chloe: You need to get as far away from here as you can – just disappear.

Jack: No, what I need to do is I need to find out who really killed President Palmer.

Chloe: How are you going to do that?

Jack: Start at the beginning – investigate the original crime scene. David Palmer as visiting his brother when he was shot – maybe there’s something there that can help me.

Chloe: [shaking her head] That’s crazy. Palmer was assassinated an hour ago; the place is going to be swarming with secret service, FBI, local police –

Jack: I need access to a building schematic and an agency deployment grid. Can you get that for me or not?

Chloe: Yeah. I should be able to log on remotely from off site.

Jack: OK. Come on, let’s go.

[Derek is still staring at Haas’s body, obviously horrified. Chloe walks round to the front of the van, while Jack continues to check his equipment and weapons. Derek turns to Jack.]

Derek: How could you kill that guy?

Jack: Sorry you had to see that. Get in the van.

Derek: I’m not going anywhere with you.

[Jack slams shut the back door of the van and walks quickly over to Derek. Grabbing him by the arm, he drags him towards the truck.]

Jack: You’re going to do exactly what I tell you until I pass you off to your mother.

Derek: [struggling] Let go of me!

[Jack pushes him up against the truck and grabs him by the throat.]

Jack: Let’s get something straight, kid. The only reason you’re still conscious is because I don’t wanna carry you. Now get in the van.

[He releases Derek, who gets into the van angrily.]

[Back at CTU, Edgar, Bill and Audrey, as well as several other members of the CTU, are looking at the image of Jack caught on security camera.]

Edgar: Preliminary analysis indicates the video hasn’t been doctored.

Bill: Then Jack was in the building from which the sniper fired at the same time President Palmer was assassinated.

Audrey: That’s impossible. This whole thing is impossible. Bill, you were there when Jack was shot – he had no pulse, no vitals.

Bill: And I have no idea why Jack staged his own death, but I understand his reasons. He was about to be handed over to the Chinese government to spend the rest of his life in prison.

Audrey: But none of that explains why Jack would wanna kill David Palmer.

Bill: I had Curtis pull the phone logs. Palmer, Tony and Michelle were all talking to Jack right before he was supposedly killed. Our working theory is that they conspired to help Jack fake his own death.

Audrey: Now you’re saying that Jack was behind the attack on Tony and Michelle too? [Bill looks away] Why would Jack wanna kill the people who helped him?

Curtis: Something may have happened, and he stopped trusting them to keep the secret.

Audrey: Jack would never murder his friends.

Bill: Audrey, I don’t want to believe Jack did this either. [Audrey sighs in frustration.] But right now, it’s the best explanation for the evidence we have. [Audrey is close to tears.] I’m sorry. The White House needs to know about this.

Audrey: Yeah, I’ll call the president.

Bill: Thanks.

[Audrey walks away.]

Curtis: Bill?

Bill: What is it, Curtis?

Curtis: I had Adamson run a data recovery program on Tony’s phone records. They show Chloe was on those calls with President Palmer and Tony.

Edgar: Chloe knew Jack was alive?

Curtis: Apparently.

Bill: We called her in an hour ago; she should have been here by now.

Edgar: I’ve been trying to call her on her cell but she’s not answering. I wanted to run a locater but Spencer talked me out of it. [to Spencer] If anything happens to her it’s your –

Bill: Stop. Have Adamson track her cell; we need to get to her before Jack does. [Spencer leaves to do this.] Put out an inter-agency alert. Jack Bauer is now the prime suspect in President Palmer’s assassination. Emphasise that he is a former agent, well trained, and should be considered extremely dangerous.

[Curtis reaches for his phone.]

08:06:33 … 08:06:34 … 08:06:35 …

[President Logan’s retreat. He stands at the door looking out into the garden. Cummings approaches from inside.]

Walt: Excuse me, sir.

Logan: [turning to face him] What is it, Walt?

Walt: Mrs Logan called again. [Both men look uncomfortable discussing this.] I can’t keep putting her off about this phone call David Palmer made.

Logan: Now why would David Palmer call my wife about a national security threat? That’s what he said he wanted to talk to her about. “A matter of national security”.

Walt: Maybe if I investigated the phone call …

Logan: No, you need to stay focussed on the summit.

Walt: I am, sir. Which is why we can’t risk having Mrs Logan obsessing about this phone call. She’ll want to hear the truth – might help her get on with her responsibilities today.

Logan: So what are you – what are you suggesting?

Walt: Well, David Palmer called her yesterday. Our communications office will have a recording of their conversation.

Logan: [nods] Get that for me.

Walt: Yes sir. [He turns to leave.]

Logan: And Walt? [Walt turns back to face him.] Thank you for doing this.

[Before Walt can respond, Logan’s phone starts beeping.]

Logan’s secretary: [over the phone] Mr President? Audrey Raines is holding on line two.

Logan: Ah! [He walks over to the phone, gesturing to Walt to stay and listen. He turns the phone onto speakerphone. [to phone] Ms Raines? This is President Logan. You’re also on with Walt Cummings.

Audrey: [in her office] Sir. CTU has a suspect in the assassination of David Palmer.

Logan: Good! Who is it?

[Audrey is silent; she is still shocked and somewhat upset.]

Logan: Ms Raines?

Audrey: It’s Jack Bauer, sir.

Logan: Jack Bauer is dead.

Audrey: We’ve all been living under that assumption, sir.

Logan: I don’t understand; what makes you think it’s Bauer?

Audrey: CTU has verified security footage placing Jack Bauer in the same building at the same time as the sniper.

Walt: Audrey, this is Walt Cummings. Lemme get clear on this; are you saying that Bauer shot David Palmer?

Audrey: We’re proceeding under that assumption, yes.

Walt: Why? For what possible reason?

Audrey: David Palmer might have known that Jack Bauer was still alive; knowledge he shared with three other CTU agents, all of whom have been targeted in the last hour.

Walt: The man does have a history of insubordination, irrational behaviour, drug addiction. 

Audrey: Jack Bauer has a history of great service to this country.

Walt: How does this affect your threat assessment for the summit?

Audrey: We’re still recommending that you delay or reschedule until Jack Bauer is apprehended.

Logan: Ms Raines, you have a suspect. Find him!

Audrey: Yes sir. [She ends the phone call.]

[At Logan’s retreat.]

Walt: Sir. President – arrives within the hour. Should we think about informing the security chief that he is a potential target?

Logan: No. No. I want this information limited to those who are involved in the manhunt for Jack Bauer. Understood?

Walt: Yes sir. [Walt leaves]

08:09:06 … 08:09:07 … 08:09:08 … 08:09:09 …

Man: [talking on a cell phone] I found Haas. He and his men are all dead.

Nathanson: [watching TV coverage of the Palmer assassination, with the volume off.] How did this happen?

Man: I’m not sure. The last time I spoke to Haas, he was about to move on Bauer and the woman.

Nathanson: Is there any sign of Bauer now?

Man: No. I’ll dispatch a team and track him. We’ll have him in 24 hours.

Nathanson: No. Let CTU find Bauer. Once they have him in custody, we’ll take him out.

Man: You’re not concerned Bauer will impede the operation?

Nathanson: He won’t have a chance. We launch in less than an hour.

08:09:36 … 08:09:37 … 08:09:38 …

08:14:03 … 08:14:04 … 08:14:05 … 08:14:06 … 08:14:07 … 08:14:08 …

[Split-screen, with Chloe, Jack and Derek in the van; Bill and the team at CTU in the office; Audrey in her office; and Nathanson still watching assassination coverage.]

[In the van, Jack opens the box of equipment.]

Jack: All of their hardware is military spec. Fragmentation grenades, percussion grenades. [He checks another bag.] There’s more we can use.

{Transcriber’s Note – for the life of me, I could not figure out exactly what he said here.}

Chloe: Who are these people?

[Jack’s phone rings. He answers.]

Jack: Yeah?

Diane: Frank? Will you please tell me what’s going on?

Jack: Diane, I know it’s hard, but please try not to worry. Derek is fine. Where are you now?

Diane: Um; I’m – I’m about a half hour outside of LA. Just tell me where to meet you.

Jack: I don’t know yet. Just keep heading towards the city; I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Diane: Can I talk to him?

Jack: Of course, hold on. [He covers the phone and speaks quietly to Derek.] It’s your mother; talk to her. [He hands Derek the phone.]

Derek: Mom?

Diane: Derek? Are you OK?

Derek: Yeah, I’m all right.

Diane: Are you sure?

Chloe: Jack, we’re about a block away.

Diane: Who was that?

Jack: [quietly] Say goodbye to your mother.

Derek: I have to hang up now, mom. Don’t worry, I’m fine.

Diane: Derek, I love you.

Derek: Yeah, me too.

Jack: [quietly] Give me the phone. [Derek hands the phone to Jack, who ends the call and puts the phone in his pocket.] Get in the back of the van. Go!

08:15:06 … 08:15:07 … 08:15:08 … 08:15:09 …

[The van arrives outside Wayne Palmer’s apartment block. There are many news crews and bystanders, many carrying flowers or looking distressed, outside the police barricades.]

Reporter: [to television camera] While security agencies are remaining hush, speculation begins to grow. We’re told, however, that that speculation will not be addressed because government security right now is of upmost importance. Now you look behind me; you’ll see the apartment building where President David Palmer was assassinated a little more than an hour ago. You can also see Americans of all ages and …

[Chloe drives up to the police barricades. An agent steps up to the window.]

Agent: Hold up please. Credentials?

[Chloe hands over her credentials. The agent checks her name against a list, then looks into the back of the van. He cannot see Jack and Derek.]

Agent: All right, go on through. [To another agent] Let her through.

[The other agent removes one of the fences and Chloe drives through. She drives into the carpark under the apartment block. She parks, and watches while two agents enter the stairwell in front.]

Chloe: We’re clear. [She gets out her computer. Jack climbs back towards the front of the van.]

Jack: [to Derek] Come on up front. [He hands him a torch.] Hold the light on the bag. [He pulls out the box he was holding earlier, and takes an earpiece out of the box. After examining it for a second, he puts it in his ear.] Can you get a wireless access point from down here?

Chloe: Yeah, I’m reading the agents’ transponders; I can track their locations to within three feet. [She pulls up a plan of the apartment block on the computer, followed by a plan of Wayne Palmer’s apartment.] Jack, there are 167 agents in and around the location; 25 of them in Wayne Palmer’s apartment alone.

Jack: I know. That’s why we better hope this is going to be the last place they’re going to be looking for me.

[Chloe looks very nervous about how this plan is proceeding.]

Jack: [into another earpiece] Testing, one, two. Testing, one, two, three. [to Chloe] OK. This is a field ops communication unit; all you need to do is put it in your ear and we’re set to go. [Chloe does so.]

[They look up to see another FBI agent getting out of his car, and putting his access pass around his neck.

Jack: Derek, put out the light.

[Jack gets out of the van, puts on a pair of dark glasses, and approaches the FBI agent, while Chloe and Derek watch, a little nervously.]

Jack: Officer? After I entered the building, I was told I had to check in with one of the agents here to visit my apartment.

FBI Agent: OK, let me check. [He walks around to the passenger door on the side of the car facing away from the van; Jack follows him and grabs him around the throat. The two men fall to the ground.]

Derek: What …

Chloe: Relax. He’s really good at this.

[Seconds pass.]

Derek: You sure he’s OK?

Chloe: Yeah. [A few seconds later … ] I think.

[Jack appears, walking round the back of the car, with the FBI agent’s access pass around his neck. He takes the man’s bag out of the boot of the car and walks towards the stairwell.]

Jack: [discreetly] Chloe, do you copy?

Chloe: Yeah.

[Jack enters the stairwell. Chloe turns to her computer. Jack approaches the elevators.]

Chloe: Wayne Palmer’s apartment is the penthouse.

Jack: [entering the elevator] Going up now.

Chloe: Jack, there are four agents waiting at the lobby; hold off on going up if you can.

[Jack tries to stop the elevator from reaching the lobby, but with no success.]

Jack: Too late.

[The elevator doors open, and the four agents enter, talking quietly to each other or on cell phones. Jack stands at the back of the elevator. The elevator reaches the penthouse.]

08:19:43 … 08:19:44 … 08:19:45 …

[Jack leaves the elevator and walks into the apartment. The apartment is swarming with agents.]

Jack: I’m entering the apartment. [At the end of a hallway, he sees David Palmer’s body, covered with a white cloth. He is obviously very affected by this sight.]

Chloe: Most of the agents are in the living room; that must be where Palmer was shot. There are two rooms to the north; about 15 feet – probably bedrooms. They’re clear – no agents.

[Jack walks to the end of the hallway, and looks in at the agents in the living room, and Palmer’s body on the floor. He is upset by the sight, and slowly, anger towards the assassins shows on his face. After a moment, he wakes up to the situation he is in, and withdraws to one of the bedrooms, closing the door after him.]

Jack: This first room is a study. Let me know if anyone comes this way.

Chloe: Will do, Jack.

[Jack sits down at the desk and looks at the computer.]

[In the van …]

Derek: You keep calling him Jack. He told my mother and I his name was Frank. Who is he really?

Chloe: His name is Jack Bauer. Up until a year and a half ago, he worked for the government.

Derek: Is that why we’re in the building where the President was killed?

Chloe: Please don’t ask me any more questions.

Derek: Can’t you at least tell me why he had to pretend he was someone else?

Chloe: Certain people thought the best way to cover up their mistakes was to get rid of Jack.

Derek: You mean, kill him?

Chloe: Yes. Jack had to give up everyone and everything in his life, including his daughter.

Derek: He has a daughter?

Chloe: I’ve already told you more than I should have.

Jack: Chloe, I have a computer in the study booted up. President Palmer had a user account.

Chloe: Is it password secured?

Jack: No. There are about a dozen files. Only one of them’s encrypted; that’s where we wanna look.

Chloe: OK, give me the computer’s IP address. I’ll upload a decryption program to it.

Jack: Hold on. [He finds the IP address.] [He hears the door of the room open.] Someone’s at the door. [He stands against the wall, gun in hand.]

Chloe: Not according to the deployment grid; there are no agents there.

[A man enters the room. Jack grabs him by the throat and pushes him up against the wall. It is Wayne Palmer.]

Jack: Do not raise your voice.

Wayne: You son of a bitch. You killed my brother.

Jack: Mr Palmer, you know I didn’t do that. Whatever evidence they have told you against me has been fabricated. I served your brother for years; I would have gladly given my life for his. [He steps back.] He was my friend. The only reason I am here is to try and find out how and why he was assassinated. I was hoping to find clues on that computer.

Wayne: Why don’t you step into the next room, Jack, and ask the secret service to help you find –

Jack: Because I’m being set up. Whoever’s behind this has planted evidence making me the shooter. It would be useless trying to convince the authorities otherwise.

[Wayne is emotional and angry, and has tears in his eyes.]

Wayne: And you think you’re going to convince me?

Jack: If I killed your brother, why didn’t I kill you when you walked through the door? Think about this, Wayne. Why would I be here? Please. I need your help.

Wayne: Jack, how do you expect me to believe you under these circumstances?

Jack: [lowers the gun] Take the gun.

Chloe: Jack, what are you doing?

Jack: [holding out the gun] Take the gun.

[Wayne takes the gun from Jack’s hand, then abruptly swings it up and points it at Jack. After a few seconds, Jack turns away and sits at the computer. Wayne is breathing heavily and is upset; after a few seconds, he lowers the gun and closes his eyes, leaning against the wall and fighting back tears.]

08:24:05 … 08:24:06 … 08:24:07 …

[President Logan’s retreat.]

[Martha is watching news coverage of the Palmer assassination.]

News reporter: After two terms in the House and one in the Senate, David Palmer was elected President with a 60% plurality, recapturing some of the …

Evelyn: There you are, Mrs Logan. 

News reporter: … party’s key states that had been held by the opposition party for over …

Martha: [with tears in her eyes.] David and I first got to know each other when he was elected to Congress. He and Charles never saw eye to eye politically, but … [Evelyn fixes Martha’s clothing.] David never let that get in the way of our friendship. [Martha points to an image on the television coverage.] Oh! That picture’s from his inauguration. At the ball, I was one of the first people David asked to dance.

Evelyn: Mrs Logan, we need a few more minutes with your hair –

Martha: I know, I can do it myself.

Evelyn: I’m just trying to help you.

Martha: I know, I’m sorry.

[Walt knocks at the door, and enters.]

Walt: Mrs Logan, may I have a word?

Martha: Of course.

[Evelyn leaves.]

Walt: The President asked me to look into the phone call from David Palmer that you told him about.

Martha: I was beginning to think you were ignoring me.

Walt: Oh. [Smiles] So when did this call take place?

Martha: Last night. It woke me up; I had fallen asleep watching the news. So, it was somewhere between ten and eleven.

Walt: Well, I’ll have someone pull up the call from the audio archives.

Martha: Walt … he doesn’t believe me, does he – Charles? He thinks I’m making the whole thing up.

Walt: [obviously uncomfortable with this conversation] I wouldn’t say that, Mrs Logan.

Martha: Well of course you wouldn’t say it!

Walt: Mrs Logan –

Martha: Walt. You can go now. [Walt turns and leaves. Martha turns back to the television.]

News reporter: … leaves behind a son and a daughter, as well as a shocked and grieving nation. President David Palmer, dead today, at 55.

[Back in the study in Wayne’s apartment.]

Jack: Did your brother say or do anything out of the ordinary before he was shot?

Wayne: He’d been distracted ever since he came back to Los Angeles. [He puts the gun back on the desk beside Jack.] I finally called him on it this morning.

Jack: What did he say?

Wayne: He never had the chance to say anything, Jack.

Chloe: The decryption program’s finished running; you should be able to open the file.

Jack: OK, I’m going into it now. [He opens the file.]

Wayne: That’s the first chapter of his memoir. It doesn’t make any sense; why would he encrypt that? I mean, there are printouts of it all over the place.

Jack: Maybe he hid some information in the document; we’re going to have to compare this to the printout; see if he added or changed anything.

Wayne: [picks up a collection of printed pages] I’ve got one right here. [They start the comparison.]

[Back in CTU, Spencer approaches his desk, walking past Edgar.]

Edgar: You haven’t sent the file location; what’s the problem?

Spencer: Need a higher level access code. Look, if you’re still upset about me and Chloe –

Edgar: I don’t care about that. I care that if you hadn’t left her on her own this morning, she would be OK right now.

Spencer: Don’t you think I know that? You’re just making it harder for me to do my job.

Edgar: Use Chloe’s access code; JJ72. I broke her firewall with it.

Spencer: Thank you. [He returns to his own computer to try the code.]

08:26:56 … 08:26:57 … 08:26:58 … 08:26:59 …

[The screen displays a system error.]

Spencer: Edgar?

Edgar: What?

Spencer: This is weird. I tried logging in under Chloe’s access code; the system says I’m already signed in.

Edgar: Lemme see. [He tries to log in as well.] This says Chloe’s logged in remotely.

Spencer: Are you sure it’s her?

Edgar: Yes. See the way the traffic’s redirected to an external socket? Even I don’t know how to do that.

Spencer: Then she’s alive. [Both men look relieved. Edgar grabs a phone.]

[Cut to the conference room where Bill and Audrey are working. The phone rings, and Bill answers.]

Bill: Buchanan.

Edgar: Sir, it’s Edgar. I think we can find Chloe.

Bill: How?

Edgar: She’s accessing our system through a laptop; I’m running a locate now.

Bill: What’s she using our system to do?

Edgar: All I can see from here – she’s tracking secret service and FBI deployments. The locate came back. She’s at Wayne Palmer’s building. The signal’s faint; it’s possible she’s in a parking garage under the building.

Bill: Let me know if she changes location. [He ends the phone call, and dials another number.]

Audrey: Why would Chloe be at the scene of Palmer’s assassination tracking agents?

Bill: She wouldn’t be – unless someone was forcing her.

Audrey: What do you mean?

Bill: Maybe Jack left evidence behind he needed to erase.

Audrey: Surrounded by all those agents? Bill, it doesn’t make sense.

Bill: Jack can explain it to us when we apprehend him. [into the phone] This is Bill Buchanan at CTU. I need to speak to the secret service field director immediately.

08:28:27 … 08:28:28 … 08:28:29 …

08:32:54 … 08:32:55 … 08:32:56 … 08:32:57 … 08:32:58 … 08:32:59 …

[Split screen, with the terrorists preparing their bomb vests; the living room of Wayne Palmer’s apartment and David’s body; Jack working on the computer in Wayne’s study; and Chloe checking the laptop in the van.]

[The terrorists are packing crates of weapons and explosives. Beresch’s phone rings.]

Beresch: [to phone] Yes?

Nathanson: Have you left yet?

Beresch: No, we were delayed. We’re still loading the truck.

Nathanson: You should be on your way by now.

Beresch: We’ll be there in 20 minutes as planned.

Nathanson: Call me when you’re approaching.

[Beresch ends the call.]

[In Wayne Palmer’s study, Wayne and Jack are comparing the printout of David’s memoirs to the formally encrypted version on his computer.

Wayne: [pointing at the screen] Stop, stop, stop. Right there. He added something in the middle of a sentence. A – a name and an address. There.

Jack: [reading off the screen] Chevensky – 16 Transport Way. Chloe, did you get that? It looks like an address.

Chloe: Yes. Transport Way is the street of the Ontario airport.

Jack: Ok, I want you to check all inbound flights into Ontario; look for a passenger Chevensky. Try to make the connection.

[Chloe’s computer beeps.]

Chloe: Jack? Secret Service is changing their deployment.

Jack: How?

Chloe: Suddenly there are a lot of agents moving into the building.

Jack: I’m on my way down. [to Wayne] They know that I’m here. [He puts his dark glasses back on.]

Wayne: Let me help you get out of here, Jack.

Jack: No. You can risk being connected to me. And until we know who to trust, you can’t tell anyone about what we found. Do you understand?

[Wayne nods.]

Jack: I’m going to do everything I can to find out who did this to your brother. I’ll be in touch. [He leaves the room.]

[Jack opens the door slowly. He looks down the hall towards the elevators, only to see several agents, all carrying his picture.]

Jack: Chloe, I need another way out of here.

Chloe: Checking … Jack, across the hall, through the kitchen. One agent at the door.

Jack: Copy that. [He walks out and over to the kitchen.]

08:34:42 … 08:34:43 … 08:34:44 … 08:34:45 …

[As he arrives at the kitchen, an agent walks out of a side corridor. Jack knocks him out. He hides near the elevators, then sneaks in after a few agents leave.]

Jack: I’m in the elevator. Where are they concentrating their agents?

[Chloe’s computer beeps, and the green dots on the building schematic disappear.]

Chloe: Jack, they cut off access to my grid; I don’t know where the agents are. They were grouping in the lobby.

Jack: [presses the Level Two button] I’m getting out on the second floor.

[Jack runs to the stairwell and enters. As he reaches Lever One, an agent comes through the door. Jack knocks his gun out of his hand, and in the scuffle the agent is thrown down the stairs. Jack keeps running down the stairs.]

[Chloe and Derek wait nervously in the van, watching the entrance to the stairwell.]

Chloe: Come on, Jack.

[The side door of the van opens suddenly, startling Chloe and Derek. It is Jack.]

Jack: What did you get for me on Chevensky?

Chloe: He’s not a passenger; he’s a baggage supervisor at the airport.

[From outside the van … Several secret service agents are moving into the carpark, guns drawn.]

Agent Jennings: Jack Bauer. Agent O’Brien. The perimeter is sealed. There is no way out. Step into view with your hands in the air.

08:36:27 … 08:36:28 … 08:36:29 … 08:36:30 …

Agent Jennings: We know you’re down here. Step into view, with your hands in the air.

Secret Service Agent 2: We got a visual!

[Chloe’s van drives out suddenly. The agents jump out of the way.]

Agent Jennings: Do not shoot! We need them alive!

[The secret service agents chase the van out of the carpark. Up on the street, other agents are waiting. The van crashes through the barricade at the exit of the carpark, and sideswipes a car parked on the opposite side of the road.]

Agent Jennings: Hold your fire! Do not fire!

[Two police cars block the road. The van stops.]

Police officer: Out of the vehicle!

Agent Jennings: Step out of the vehicle.

[Chloe steps out and puts her hands up.]

Agent Jennings: [to other agents] Check the back. Check the sides. [to Chloe] Step to your left. [She obeys.] Get down on your knees. [to other agents] Cuff her.

[The other agents cuff Chloe.]

Agent Jennings: Open the back. [The back of the van is empty. Jack and Derek are not inside.] Secure the area.

[Chloe is pulled to her feet.]

[Cut to another street. Jack smashes the window of a car. He unlocks the door and enters. He throws open the passenger door for Derek.]

Jack: Get in.

[Derek gets in quickly.]

Jack: Give me my bag. [He attempts to start the car.] Got it. [They drive away.]

08:38:07 … 08:38:08 … 08:38:09 …

08:42:32 … 08:42:33 … 08:42:34 … 08:42:35 … 08:42:36 … 08:42:37 …

[Split screen, with Bill and Audrey working in CTU; President Logan at his retreat; and Jack and Derek driving through Los Angeles.]

[In the car, Jack pulls out his cell phone and calls Diane, who is also driving through LA.]

Diane: Frank?

Jack: Yeah, it’s me. Listen, Derek is all right; I just need to know where you are.

Diane: I’m, uh, I’m on the 2-10 at the 10.

Jack: OK, I want you to take the 10 east to the Ontario airport. When you get there, I want you to go to the parking lot in front of the terminal. I’ll meet you on the west side of that parking lot; do you understand me?

Diane: Yeah, yeah.

Jack: Diane, listen to me. I am so sorry that I got you involved in this, but everything’s going to be all right. I’ll be there in a few minutes, OK?

Diane: OK.

Jack: OK, thanks. [He ends the call.]

[Back in front of Wayne Palmer’s apartment block, the Agent Jennings is calling CTU]

Agent Jennings: Mr Buchanan, this is Agent Jennings. There’s no sign of Jack Bauer yet, but we’ve apprehended one of your agents – Chloe O’Brien. She was trying to escape our agents and get away from the building.

Bill: Are you telling me she wasn’t under duress?

Agent Jennings: Not as far as I can tell.

Bill: Put her on the phone.

[Agent Jennings walks over to where two other agents are holding Chloe.]

Agent Jennings: Uncuff her. [He hands Chloe the phone] Bill Buchanan wants to talk to you.

Chloe: [to phone] Hi.

Bill: Chloe, what the hell’s going on?

Chloe: Jack didn’t kill anyone; he’s being framed to cover up the real reason Palmer was assassinated.

Bill: This is according to Jack.

Chloe: This is according to the man who killed Palmer; I heard his dying confession. You’ll find his body at the refinery just north of the city.

Audrey: Chloe, do you have evidence Palmer’s assassination has anything to do with the summit?

Chloe: No. Jack’s trying to figure all that out.

Bill: How? Where is he?

Chloe: I can’t tell you.

Bill: Why not?

Chloe: Because I don’t think you believe him; I think you’re just trying to arrest him.

Bill: Chloe, I’m not going to ask you again. I’m ordering you to tell me where Jack is.

Chloe: I’m sorry, I’d like to tell you but I can’t. [She gives the phone back to Agent Jennings. Bill is irate.]

Bill: Chloe!

Agent Jennings: Sir?

Bill: Bring her back to CTU. [He ends the call.] Curtis, take a team to the refinery; see what you can find there. Edgar, make sure Chloe goes into a holding cell when she gets back.

08:44:37 … 08:44:38 … 08:44:39 …

[Cut to the car with Derek and Jack.]

Derek: That woman – Chloe – she told me some stuff about what you used to do.

Jack: Yeah, well, she shouldn’t have.

Derek: Why did you have to lie? Couldn’t you have just told us the truth?

Jack: First of all, Derek, you have to understand – I never thought anything like this could ever happen. After your mother rented me that room – I started to remember what it was like to have a family. How nice it was. I started to believe that I guy like me could actually get a second chance. I know you don’t believe this now, but I really do care about you. And I care about your mother. I hope one day you can understand that.

[Cut to President Logan’s retreat.]

Martha: Charles? Evelyn said you wanted to talk to me?

Logan: I do.

Martha: Did Walt find the tape of the phone call? I told him approximately when it took place.

Logan: Why don’t we sit down?

Martha: No. I don’t want to sit down.

Logan: All right. You don’t need to be concerned that there’s any connection between David’s death and the phone call he made to you.

Martha: He said it was a matter of national security; those were his exact words. There’s got to be a connection of course.

Logan: There isn’t. He was killed by an unstable ex-CTU agent. This is not a conspiracy; it was one man acting out some sort of grudge.

Martha: Did you hear the call?

Logan: Marty, can we just drop this?

Martha: Did you, or didn’t you, hear it?

[Logan takes a tape player out of a briefcase and plays the tape:]

Martha: [on tape] Hello?

David: [on tape] Martha? It’s David Palmer. Did I wake you?

Martha: [on tape] No, no, David, not at all. What’s going on?

David: [on tape] I need to talk to you. It’s hardly a matter of national security. We’re hosting a charity dinner next month for the Scholarship Program.

Martha: No! That’s not what he said! That’s not it!

David: [on tape] I would very much like you and the President to be there.

Martha: No that is not it; that is not it! No, Charles, that’s not it; let me -

[Martha grabs for the tape; Logan grabs her wrists and holds her back.]

Logan: Martha, listen! [He releases her.]

Martha: [on tape] We’ll talk more in the morning, then.

David: [on tape] Thank you, Martha.

Martha: [on tape] Of course.

David: [on tape] Please send the President my best …

Martha: No, that’s not – that’s not what he said.

Logan: Yes, it is.

Martha: No, that is – that is a trick.

Logan: Martha, listen –

Martha: I am not crazy! I know what I heard! I know what I heard! 

Logan: Martha! Martha! Listen. I spoke to Doctor Hill. [Martha starts crying.] He said if you were not consistent with your medication, you could become disoriented. Your memory can be affected.

Martha: Listen …

Logan: [pulling her into a hug] Yes. That’s why you remember something different. I know you don’t like how these pills make you feel, but you need to take them.

[Cut to the CTU. Audrey and Bill are walking out of an office.]

Audrey: If Jack was responsible for President Palmer’s assassination, why would Chloe cover for him? It just doesn’t make sense. There’s something else going on and we’re missing it.

Edgar: NSA just intercepted some chatter identifying the summit as a target. We’re sourcing it now, but the reliability’s approaching 95%.

Bill: Is there a time frame?

Edgar: The next 15 minutes.

Bill: That’s when the Russian President’s scheduled to land.

Audrey: President Logan said he will not postpone this summit.

Bill: In light of this, he may not have a choice. [He dials a number on the phone.]

Lady on Phone: Operations.

Bill: Put me through to Mike Novick.

Lady on Phone: Yes, sir. 

08:48:47 … 08:48:48 … 08:48:49 … 08:48:50

[Cut to the terrorists in their van, heading towards the airport. They are all checking their weapons. Beresch is on the phone.]

Nathanson: I’m watching Suvarov’s helicopter leave the airbase. His arrival at the retreat is on schedule.

Beresch: As are we.

Nathanson: We’ll go dark now. No communication until after you strike. I will monitor your progress from here.

Beresch: Understood.

[Cut to the President’s retreat. Logan is walking to meet the Russian President when he lands.]

Novick: Mr President?

Logan: Yes, Mike, what is it?

Novick: CTU has confirmed intelligence suggesting President Suvarov’s helicopter will be targeted.

Logan: How good is this intelligence?

Novick: Very good. They’re updating their recommendation that you delay or reschedule it –

Logan: No. I’ve told them; I’m telling you. I will not postpone this summit.

Novick: Then at least have Suvarov alter his arrival plane. He had land his helicopter at a different site and arrive here by motorcade; the risk would be substantially reduced.

Logan: And the impact of his arrival would also be reduced. I’ve got the media waiting for an arrival five minutes from now.

Walt: Mr President –

Logan: I don’t wanna hear it, Walt. It’s up to the secret service and the air force to protect our airspace. Make sure they do the job. [He walks away quickly.]

08:49:54 … 08:49:55 … 08:49:56 …

08:54:22 … 08:54:23 … 08:54:24 … 08:54:25 … 08:54:26 … 08:54:27 …

[Split screen, with the terrorists in their van; Jack and Derek arriving at the airport; Nathanson waiting for the strike to occur; and a close-up of Jack driving.]

[Cut to Jack and Derek parking on the western side of the car park at Ontario airport. They see Diane.]

Jack: There’s your mom.

[Derek goes to get out of the car; Jack grabs his arm.]

Jack: Hey … I’m sorry about the way I treated you earlier. You’re a good kid. [Derek looks touched by this.] Go see your mom.

Derek: [getting out of the car] Mom?

[Diane hears him; she rushes over to him. They hug each other.]

Diane: Thank God. Oh, are you OK? I was so worried.

[Jack gets out of his car and walks over to them.]

Derek: Everything’s all right. I’m fine.

Diane: [to Jack] You gotta tell me right now – what the hell is going on here, Frank?

Jack: My name’s not Frank. It’s Jack Bauer. I lied to you. I lied to you about a lot of things. I’ll explain as soon as I can, but right now, you and Derek need to go to this address.

Diane: CTU?

Jack: Counter Terrorist Unit; I used to work there. You need to ask for a man named Bill Buchanan; tell him I sent you. I’m sorry. I have to go. [He walks away.]

Diane: When we get there, what do we tell them?

Jack: Tell them the truth.

[He runs into the airport, carrying his bag.]

08:56:06 … 08:56:07 … 08:56:08 … 08:56:09 …

[Jack enters the airport, and approaches the security desk.]

Jack: Where can I find the baggage claim supervisor?

Security officer: [pointing] Down that hall; to the left.

Jack: Thank you.

[He walks in the direction indicated.]

[Cut to CTU. Audrey is looking at a computer screen; Bill stands behind her.]

Audrey: DOD is still giving us the all clear on the air space above the retreat.

[The television coverage shows Suvarov’s helicopter approaching the retreat.]

News reporter: … unprecedented levels of security. President Suvarov has been given …

Bill: Any word from our agents on the ground?

Spencer: Ok. All quiet so far. If they’re going to attack the helicopter, it’s going to be now.

News reporter: The helicopter is touching down now. This is the only moment before President Logan and President Suvarov meet for the very first time. Of course, there had been speculation that the summit might be postponed, following the assassination of former President Palmer, but President Logan said that the former President would not have wanted this vital step towards ensuring international cooperation –

[Cut to the ground of the Presidential Retreat. President Suvarov exits the helicopter with his wife, and is greeted by Logan.]

Logan: Mr President.

Suvarov: Mr President.

Logan: Pleasure to see you.

[Cut to CTU]

News reporter: President Logan, smiling broadly, extends a greeting to his Russian counterpart. No doubt …

Bill: Our intel must have been wrong.

News reporter: … giving no indication of his relief that the Russian President has arrived without incident. The ceremony will be carried live throughout the world, and of course …

[Cut to the exterior of Ontario Airport. Diane and Derek are driving past the terminal on their way to the exit of the carpark. They stop at a red light. Derek sees a number of suspicious men getting out of the back of a truck.]

Derek: Mom, do you see those men?

Diane: Yeah.

Derek: That’s where Jack went.

[The men enter the terminal.]

Derek: Something’s wrong. I have to warn Jack. [He takes off his seatbelt and gets out of the car, and runs towards the terminal.]

Diane: Derek, where are you going? Come back here! Derek, come back here! Derek! Come back here!

[She is stopped by a police officer.]

Diane: Come back here! I have to – get back here!

Police officer: No! You can’t!

[Derek runs into the terminal, looking round for Jack.]

Police officer: Please move your car.

Diane: [getting into her car] I gotta get my son. Derek!

Police officer: Get back in.

[Diane gets back in her car.]

[Inside the terminal, Beresch looks at his watch. More of his men enter the building. He walks on. Derek looks around the building for Jack.]

[Jack is walking through the corridors of the airport, looking for Chevensky’s office. He finds the office, but just as he opens the door, Chevensky walks out of a nearby corridor.]

Jack: Chevensky.

[Chevensky tries to run, but Jack grabs him and points his gun at his face.]

Jack: Why was President Palmer killed?

Chevensky: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

[Jack hits him in the stomach area twice.]

Jack: You are going to tell me what I want to know; it’s just a question of how much you want it to hurt.

[Beresch remotely detonates explosives in the van outside. People outside and within the terminal are shocked and horrified. Jack is briefly startled by the explosion; he moves away from Chevensky and glances down the corridor. Chevensky grabs a pill from his belt and bites into it. It is a suicide pill. He convulses. Jack glances back and sees this; he rushes back over and tries to get the pill out of Chevensky’s mouth.]

Jack: No!

[Beresch fires an automatic into the air. Bystanders scream and drop to the ground.]

[Jack is distracted by the gunfire. When he looks back, Chevensky is dead. Jack moves out of the room.]

[People are screaming as more men with guns enter the main part of the airport. They shoot the security guards. Some passengers who try to move towards the exits are knocked to the ground by terrorists.]

Terrorist 1: Stop!

[Derek is standing nearby; Terrorist 1 points his gun at him.]

Terrorist 1: Get on the floor. Get down!

[Derek drops to his knees with his hands spread apart.]

[Jack runs down a corridor, and sees people being herded into the main area by an armed man.]

[Beresch stands in the middle of the hostages.]

Beresch: Quiet! Quiet! [There is silence. The hostages stare at him, terrified.] You will not be harmed as long as your President complies with our wishes.

[The screen splits, to show Jack leaning against the wall; Derek kneeling on the ground; and Diane outside the airport. We focus in on Diane.]

Diane: Derek! Derek! [She is attempting to run towards the airport, and is continually running into people fleeing the scene.] Derek!

[She is grabbed by a police officer.]

Officer: Ma’am, stop!

Diane: Derek! My son’s in there! [She is sobbing.] I have to get my son.

[Cut to another split screen, with Martha Logan taking her pills; Logan shaking hands with Suvarov; Chloe being brought into CTU; and Spencer and Edgar watching Chloe being brought in.]

[Cut to Nathanson. He is on the phone to Walt Cummings.]

Walt: I have dealt with the Martha Logan situation.

Nathanson: She’s not going to be a problem?

Walt: No. I was able to alter the tape of the phone call before the President heard it. There’s no longer any evidence on my end that President Palmer was trying to warn her about the attack.

Nathanson: Good. The terminal and the hostages are secure. It’ll only be a matter of time before the President is notified of the demands. [The call is ended.]

08:59:57 … 08:59:58 … 08:59:59 … 09:00:00 …

Kikavu ?

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09.03.2019 vers 17h

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06.02.2017 vers 13h

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !