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24 heures chrono
#507 : 13h00 - 14h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 5 guide des épisodes

Cummings voit son plan partir en fumée. Impuissant, il ne peut aider Jack à retrouver les neurotoxiques. Le Président demande personnellement à Bauer de les aider à sortir de cette crise. La CAT intercepte un appel entre Erwich et un inconnu qui va l'aider à déverrouiller les tubes de gaz. Il leur faut localiser l'appel et identifier l'interlocuteur. Chloé propose de réintégrer Spencer temporairement pour accélérer les choses.


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1:00pm - 2:00pm

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13h00 - 14h00


 24 Season 5 Episode 7 promo

24 Season 5 Episode 7 promo


Plus de détails

Date de diffusion US: 6 février 2006
Date de diffusion FR:
Audience: 13.6 millions de téléspectateurs 


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer 
• Kim Raver : Audrey Raines 
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian 
• Gregory Itzin : President Charles Logan 
• James Morrison : Bill Buchanan 
• Roger Cross : Curtis Manning 
• Louis Lombardi : Edgar Stiles 
• and Jean Smart : Martha Logan 

Guest starring

• Sean Astin : Lynn McGill 
• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick 
• Jonah Lotan : Spenser Wolff 
• Glenn Morshower : Aaron Pierce 
• John Allen Nelson : Walt Cummings 
• Mark Sheppard : Ivan Erwich 
• Angela Sarafyan : Inessa Kovalevsky 
• Penny Balfour : Jenny McGill 
• Channon Roe : Cal 
• Robert Maffia : Andrei 
• Patrick Bauchau : Jacob Rossler 


• Matthew Boylan : Dwayne Thompkins 
• Scott Vance : Security Guard #1 
• J. David Shanks : Security Guard #2 
• Kevin Sizemore : CTU SWAT Medic 
• Senator John McCain : CTU Bureaucrat

Dans le bureau de Logan, Cummings explique qu’il fut contacté par Nathanson, ancien agent de la C.I.A., 6 mois plus tôt afin de mener cette opération. Logan est extrêmement énervé. Jack compose le numéro de Nathanson par l’intermédiaire de Chloé, prête a tracer l’appel.

Initiative sans résultat puisque la ligne à été coupée, ce numéro ne servira plus à rien dorénavant, tout comme Cummings. Ce dernier est emmené en détention. Logan demande avec insistance à Jack de rester dans la partie, chose que ce dernier ne souhaite pas.

Selon lui la C.A.T. pourra très bien se débrouiller sans son aide, tout ce que Bauer souhaite c’est repartir dans l’ombre… Pendant ce temps, Erwich discute avec ses hommes dans un terrain vague.

De toute évidence un problème se pose : les tubes de gaz on été reprogrammés, il est donc impossible de les armer. Erwich affirme que seul un certain Rossler pourra les aider… A la C.A.T., Lynn McGill reçoit un appel d’une certaine Jenny visiblement mal en point.

McGill semble très embarrassé par l’appel de la jeune fille qui lui demande de l’argent avec insistance, ce que Lynn accepte sous la contrainte. Il lui donne rendez-vous 20 minutes plus tard dans un parking hors de la cellule. On apprend alors que cette jeune fille n’est autre que… sa sœur.

Pendant ce temps dans la salle de briefing, Buchanan expose la description faite par Cummings des tubes de gaz. Chloé, qui travaille d’arrache-pied, annonce qu’elle a peut-être trouvé un moyen pour tracer le téléphone d’Erwich. S’il reçoit un appel de quiconque, la cellule le saura.

Au même moment, Erwich reçoit un coup de téléphone de Jacob Rossler, ce dernier affirme qu’il leur faut ouvrir les tubes et écouter expressément ses instructions. Appel que Chloé a réussi à intercepter : la voix d’Erwich est identifiée, l’adresse d’où l’appel est parti est localisée, et Bauer est mis au courant. Celui-ci est donc en route afin d’arrêter Jacob Rossler. Au même moment, Chloé trouve d’après ses fichiers informatiques que le système de sécurité de la résidence dans laquelle se trouve Rossler sera des plus tenace à brouiller.

O’Brien ne voit qu’une seule solution afin que Jack puisse entrer dans la résidence… réintégrer Spencer dans l’équipe. Pendant ce temps, Bauer appelle Audrey. Conscient qu’il sera exposé en public s’il réintègre la C.A.T., il lui demande d’appeler Kim et de la ramener à la cellule.

Bauer ne souhaite pas que Kim apprenne que son père est en vie de n’importe quelle façon… Au même moment, Erwich et ses hommes débarquent dans un garage de moto. Le patron se voit pointer un révolver sur le torse et est menacé d’être tuer s’il ne coopère pas : Erwich souhaite savoir s’il y a à disposition des outils de précisions et tranchant l’acier dans le garage afin de pouvoir ouvrir les tubes de gaz et ainsi avoir accès au minuteur.

Il est 13h17. Martha Logan entre dans le bureau de son mari afin d’avoir une petite discussion. Elle regrette les moments où il lui demandait toujours son avis avant les autres, et lui affirme qu’elle souhaite que la situation redevienne de la sorte avant de lui asséner une violente gifle.

Elle veut reprendre son rôle d’épouse et de confidente auprès du président. C’est alors que Novick frappe à la porte et entre. Celui-ci semble embarrassé à l’idée de parler à Logan devant sa femme mais cette dernière est encouragée à participer à la conversation par le président.

Mike affirme alors que le cas Cummings doit être géré avec la plus grand discrétion afin d’éviter l’humiliation du président, ce que Martha interprète comme un mensonge au peuple Américain. La femme de Logan conseille à son mari de faire une déclaration sur ce qui s’est passé.

La pire des chose qui pourrait arriver est que le peuple américain ait le sentiment qu’on lui ait menti. Logan accepte, lui et sa femme vont rédiger un discours à ce propos. A la cellule, Spencer prend position aux cotés de Chloé afin d’essayer de hacker le système de sécurité du bâtiment où se trouve Rossler. Bâtiment où Jack arrive au même moment, rejoignant ainsi Curtis déjà présent sur les lieux.

Pendant ce temps, Rossler est encore au téléphone avec Erwich : s’il veut pouvoir armer les tubes il lui faut d’abord les ouvrir à 10cm du bord avec précision. Jack et Curtis, de leur coté, parviennent à rentrer dans l’immeuble en déjouant le système de sécurité grâce à Spencer.

Un violent échange de coups de feu se produit une fois Jack et Manning à l’étage. Deux gardes de sécurités sont tués, Jack parvient à entrer dans les bureaux de Rossler, et ce dernier est maîtrisé. Grâce au satellite, O’Brien et Spencer parviennent à percevoir une activité dans une pièce adjacente aux bureaux, Jack se dirige alors vers la pièce et demande à un individu caché derrière le lit de se montrer…

On voit alors une très jeune fille en pleurs et mal en point se montrer, répondant au prénom de Inessa et déclarant qu’elle veut renter chez elle… Il est 13h27.

Il est 13h32 au garage. Erwich donne ses instructions au patron : il ne sera pas tué s’il coopère et accepte d’ouvrir les tubes de gaz. Erwich lui donne sa parole et l’homme s’exécute… Aux bureaux de Rossler, Jack commence à interroger le suspect mais ce dernier ne parlera que s’il obtient l’immunité diplomatique lui garantissant le déblocage de ses fonds, un véhicule afin de fuir vers un pays de son choix, et le tout en compagnie de la jeune Inessa…

Bauer refuse le deal mais est contraint d’accepter, ordre venant de McGill suivant l’interrogatoire à distance. 1h43. Rossler accepte de parler mais assure qu’il ne connaît pas Erwich. Il lui a parlé pour la première fois 30 minutes plus tôt, et ils furent mis en relation par un contact commun en Russie, un certain Sergei Voronov, commandant dans le mouvement de résistance.

Rossler informe Jack qu’il doit recevoir un appel d’Erwich dans l’heure, une fois que ce dernier sera parvenu à ouvrir les tubes de gaz et aura récupéré les clés d’identification des tubes. Ils conviendront alors d’un rendez-vous ultérieur, une fois que Rossler aura reconfiguré la puce d’armement grâce aux clés. Bauer veut la puce mais Jacob Rossler n’indiquera le lieu où elle se trouve qu’une fois qu’il aura vu le document d’immunité… J

ack appelle Buchanan et apprend qu’Inessa est portée disparue à Kiev depuis 19 mois et n’a que… 15 ans. A la cellule, O’Brien vient annoncer à Spencer qu’il n’était impliqué que dans la tâche qu’il vient de réalisé. Il est désormais viré. Pendant ce temps, Martha et Charles Logan rédigent le discours que celui-ci donnera face à la presse. Le discours est simple, clair, et précis.

La confiance semble de retour au sein du couple et quelques sourires s’esquissent lorsque le président reçoit un appel de Mike. Celui-ci leur demande expressément de le rejoindre dans un couloir du bâtiment. Ces derniers s’exécutent, on les voit alors marcher l’un à coté de l’autre bouche bée en direction de Mike, ce dernier se pousse et… laisse apparaître à l’écran le corps sans vie de Walt Cummings qui s’est pendu dans sa cellule.

Il est 13h48. Retour à la C.A.T. Lynn McGill se dirige discrètement sur un parking où il rejoint sa sœur, cette dernière s’empresse de lui demander s’il a l’argent mais Lynn refuse et lui donne le numéro d’un docteur qui pourra l’aider à arrêter de se droguer, cette dernière s’énerve, refuse, et on voit alors un homme attaquer Lynn dans le dos, le rouer de coups et lui voler son portefeuille le tout devant les yeux de Jenny. Les deux individus s’enfuient laissant McGill inerte à terre.

Il est 13h54, retour chez Rossler. Jack appelle Audrey pour savoir si elle a pu contacter Kim mais elle n’a pas réussi. Bauer raccroche, on voit alors la jeune Inessa le prendre à part pour lui demander de contacter sa famille. Jack, sans doute pris de remords à l’idée d’autoriser Rossler à s’enfuir avec elle dans le cadre de son immunité lui explique ce qu’il va se passer.

Jack explique qu’ils seront suivis mais Inessa, prise de panique, refuse catégoriquement qu’on le laisse l’emmener. Jack se lève et quitte la pièce en lui demandant de s’habiller.

Au garage, le patron a terminé sa tâche et se faire froidement abattre par Erwich. Tous les tubes sont ouverts et chargés dans le camion, les clés d’identification sont enregistrées par Erwich qui décide alors d’appeler Rossler pour les lui transmettre afin qu’il puisse reprogrammer la puce. Un rendez-vous est pris par les deux hommes, le coup de fil prend fin.

Bauer va chercher Inessa dans la chambre, Rossler est emmené également, les deux individus se retrouvent alors l’un à coté de l’autre et c’est alors qu’Inessa sort une arme cachée dans on gilet et tire à deux reprises sur Rossler…

Un médecin est appelé, Inessa est maîtrisée, et Manning informe Bauer que le seul et unique homme susceptible de pouvoir mener la cellule jusqu’à Erwich… est mort.

Voiceover: Previously, on 24.---

Walt: Has Bauer arrived at CTU?

Spenser: No, not yet.

Walt: I need you to clear an entrance.


Bill: Why are you tracking Jack Bauer, Spenser? What’s going on?

Spenser: I’m sure if they’re tracking Jack Bauer, they have a reason


Jack: This man is a professional assassin. He just killed Dr Paulson and he tried to kill me. Did you let him into CTU?

Spenser: They told me he was here to place a tap on one of the servers; that’s all I knew.

Jack: Who told you?

Spenser: The White House. Mr Cummings


Jack: David Palmer was murdered because he was about to expose Walt Cumming’s connection to the terrorists. You want the nerve gas, Cummings is your connection.

Mcgill: Cummings is the President’s chief advisor; how exactly do you suggest we get to him?

Jack: I can secretly meet with Mike Novick.


Jack: Who did you tell? Who did you tell?

Novick: I didn’t tell anybody, Jack!

Novick: Tell your agents to stand down!

Agent: Sorry, sir, we can’t do that.

[Jack is handcuffed.]


Walt: The gas is being smuggled out of the country by separatists who think they’re going to use it against the Russians. However, that nerve gas will never reach Russian soil.

Logan: And you know this how?

Walt: We control the remote detonators on those gas canisters. As soon as they reach the terrorist base, we’ll trigger the canisters by satellite and release the gas.

Logan: You’re a traitor.

Walt: You let things play out as they are. Otherwise, your administration will be implicated, and your presidency will be destroyed.


Jack: Mr President, my name is Jack Bauer, and I’m sorry to have to confront you like this. But your Chief of Staff is withholding information that is vital to this nation’s security.

[Walt attempts to grab the phone. Jack grabs him and starts punching him.]

Logan: Stop this!


Jack: I’m done talking with you, you understand me? So for the last time, where is the nerve gas?

Walt: Stop! Stop! Stop! I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you. It’s on a freighter leaving the port at Longbridge at 2:30.


Agent Finn: CTU, we have located the target container. No hostiles present.

Bill: You have a green light. Take possession of the canisters.


[The agents check the boxes, but the canisters are gone.]


Agent Finn: There are no gas canisters here, CTU. Repeat, the nerve gas is not here.


Jack: Where are the canisters?

Walt: I’ve told you everything.


Erwich: We know you’ve altered the arming codes, Mr Cummings.

Walt: We can negotiate something.

Erwich: I don’t negotiate with my enemies. I eliminate them. Your country is about to pay a very steep price for betraying us.


Voiceover: The following takes place between 01:00 PM and 02:00 PM.

[In Logan’s office.]

Walt: I was approached six months ago by a man named James Nathanson. He was my contact.

Jack: Who is he?

Walt: Former CIA. He said he was recruiting like-minded individuals for this initiative.

Logan: “Initiative”. Is that what call this? You helped terrorists acquire weaponised nerve gas!

Walt: I told you, we were going to trigger the detonators once the terrorists reached their base in central Asia. This was not supposed to happen.

Logan: But it happened! You got into bed with these people, and now they’re threatening to use the gas on American citizens.

Walt: Oh, you make it sound like our goal was to kill Americans.

Logan: What the hell was your goal, Walt? Explain that to me.

Walt: We’re patriots, Mr President. We’re acting in the best interests of this country.

Logan: How is any of this in our best interests?

Walt: Gaining a strategic partner in the war on terror, ensuring a stable flow of oil. How is any of that not in the national interest?

[The phone beeps.]

Operator: I have Chloe O’Brien on the phone for Jack Bauer.

[Jack accepts the call.]

Jack: Chloe, are you set up for the trace?

Chloe: All set, Jack.

Jack: We’re ready to call Nathanson.

Walt: How long do I have to keep him on the line?

Jack: Until I give you the signal. Chloe, dial the number. [Chloe does this.]

Chloe: The line’s been disconnected, Jack. There’s nothing I can grab onto.

Walt: He must have found out something went wrong. He’s gone dark.

Logan: Dammit, Walt.

Walt: I don’t want this weapon deployed on US soil any more than you do. Nathanson cannot help you now, and neither can I. These terrorists are operating on their own.

Jack: Mr President, I think he’s telling us the truth. He can’t help us anymore.

Logan: Aaron, get him out of here.

Aaron: Yes, sir. [Aaron leads Walt out of the room.]

Logan: Jack. What do we do now?

Jack: I need to be debriefed. After that, I’m leaving, sir. Given the current situation, things have become more complicated. CTU is gonna have to be responsible for the retrieval of the canisters.

Logan: Why are you leaving?

Jack: Sir, I have a daughter that doesn’t know that I’m still alive. If I have to disappear again, in all fairness to her, I don’t think she should know.

Logan: Jack, terrorists just threatened to deploy chemical weapons on US soil. They have the ability to kill millions of people.

Jack: I understand that, Mr President, and I believe CTU can handle this.

Logan: Jack, your experience could make a crucial difference in stopping them. Look, you and I have a complicated history and I acknowledge that. I’m not naïve enough to expect any personal allegiance from you, but I know your respect for this office and your concern for this country is just as great as it was when you served under David Palmer. I’m asking for your help, just until this crisis is over. I will reinstate you. I will give you all the support you need.

Jack: Mr President, you and I -

Logan: Please. For God’s sake. We need to recover this nerve gas before it’s too late.

[Cut to Erwich.]

Terrorist: The microcircuitry on this remote has been tampered with. As far as I can tell, unless we can repair it, we can’t arm the canisters.

Erwich: Rossler will have a way. He should have called by now.

Terrorist: Our real enemy is Russia. We should be figuring out another way to get back home. We’re wasting time trying to use the gas against the Americans.

[Erwich punches him, knocking him to the ground, then trains a gun on him.]

Erwich: Question my orders again and I will kill you. Do you understand? [The man nods.] They have closed the ports. They will hunt us till they find us. So if we cannot use the gas against Russia, we will use it against America. Get up.

[Cut to CTU. McGill’s phone rings. He answers.]

Mcgill: Hello?

Jenny: Lynn?

Mcgill: [sighs] Jenny, now is a really bad time.

Jenny: Yeah, Lynn I know you’re busy, but I need to see you, please?

Mcgill: What is it?

Jenny: I need some help?

Mcgill: You mean money.

Jenny: Lynn, I’m clean, I’m working two jobs, and busting my ass to put my life back together.

Mcgill: How much?

Jenny: 500. Can I – can I come over there?

Mcgill: Absolutely not.

Jenny: Why? Are you afraid I’ll embarrass you?

Mcgill: Yeah. I am.

Jenny: Lynn, I got nobody else to turn to. I can’t go back on the street again. You don’t – if you don’t help me, I swear I’m gonna hurt myself. For God’s sake, Lynn, I’m your sister. [She starts crying.]

Mcgill: Listen – Jenny, listen. There’s a parking lot across the street from CTU. I’ll meet you there in 20 minutes.

Jenny: OK. Thank you, Lynn. [Mcgill hangs up, and sighs, frustrated. He walks into the situation room.]

01:08:02 … 01:08:03 … 01:08:04 … 01:08:05 …

Mcgill: Sorry I’m late.

Bill: I was just explaining that Cummings provided us with a schematic of one of the canisters. Triggers on the canisters can only be activated via satellite relay. Cummings says the terrorists have been given invalid codes.

Audrey: That means the canisters are useless to them.

Bill: Unless they can find a way to control the triggering mechanism.

Mcgill: Are we running evacuation scenarios?

Bill: Evacuation isn’t feasible, not without a time frame or a target. Erwich’s threat was intentionally vague.

Mcgill: What are we doing to track the canisters?

Bill: Chloe?

Chloe: I pulled a voiceprint from Erwich’s call to Cummings and I’m doing a scan of all chatter.

Bill: If Erwich is in contact with anyone on the bandwidth, we should be able to intercept and trace the call.

Mcgill: Well, we’d better get lucky, cause we just a new assessment from Civil Defence. They’re estimating that the nerve gas from each canister will create a kill zone of between one to three square miles. The terrorists are in possession of 20 canisters. We’re talking about potential casualties in the hundreds of thousands, or over a million.

[Cut back to Erwich. His phone rings and he answers.]

Erwich: Yeah?

Rossler: Ivan Erwich?

Erwich: Go ahead.

Rossler: Jacob Rossler. I was asked to call you by a friend in Moscow.

Erwich: You’ve been briefed on our situation.

Rossler: You need to reconfigure the remote trigger for a sentox chemical delivery system, right?

Erwich: Yes.

Rossler: Do you have the canisters with you?

Erwich: Yes.

Rossler: You’ll need to start by cutting into them. I’ll give you the specifications.

[Cut to CTU. Chloe answers her phone.]

Chloe: O’Brien.

Agent: We’ve got some chatter, ma’am.

Chloe: Send me the hit. [She hangs up.]

[Audrey walks by, talking on her phone.]

Audrey: All inter-agency search files are being run through CTU. … No, Ken, no one is going around you. … All right, we’ll make sure you’re briefed in real time.

Bill: Audrey. [She ends the call.] I thought you should know. Logan’s reinstated Jack on a temporary basis. He has full autonomy and access.

Chloe: We’ve got a possible intercept on Erwich; this just happened. [She plays the intercepted conversation.]

Rossler: [on recording] On the inner casing, you will find a display window with a seven digit read out. I’ll need that.

Erwich: [on recording] Then what?

Rossler: [on recording] And then, I will program a new chip for your remote trigger.

01:10:05 … 01:10:06 … 01:10:07 … 01:10:08 …

[Bill dials Jack’s phone number.]

Bill: Put me through to Jack Bauer.

Operator: Yes sir.

Chloe: Voice print is a 95% match; it’s Erwich.

Edgar: He’s on a sat phone; I can’t trace it, but the call originated from a landline downtown. [He starts tracing the location.]

Operator: I have Jack Bauer for you, sir.

Jack: [in a helicopter] This is Bauer.

Bill: Jack, we may have a lead on Erwich.

Jack: I’m listening.

Bill: We intercepted a call between Erwich and an unknown associate. We weren’t able to trace Erwich but we may have a location for the associate. 22 North Figuerga – penthouse. Chloe, bring up the building manifest. See who’s in there.

Chloe: On it.

Bill: From what we heard, Erwich is trying to recover some kind of activation code.

Jack: He’s trying to reconfigure the trigger mechanisms so he can disperse the sentox. Bill, we’re running out of time.

Chloe: The penthouse is leased to a man named Jacob Rossler. I’m cross checking. He’s a software programmer indicted for high security code infiltration, identity theft – never convicted.

Jack: OK, I’m gonna need schematics on the building and vectors for every entrance.

Bill: We’ll have it for you by the time you get there.

Jack: Bill, we’re going to need to go in covertly. Have Curtis meet me at the location with a small team of four, but tell them to stay out of sight till I get there. I’ll be in touch. [He hangs up.] [to the pilot] This is our new destination; I’ll clear a landing area for you.

[Cut back to CTU.]

Chloe: Mr Buchanan, this building’s security system uses proprietary technology; it’s a high end platform. It’s a bitch to hack into, especially with the time constraints we’re under.

Bill: Well, get Edgar to help you.

Chloe: Spenser is better.

Bill: Chloe. Absolutely out of the question.

Chloe: Spenser can do this faster than Edgar and I put together. He wrote an infiltration code that took us four months to hack.

Edgar: That’s a bad idea.

Chloe: Stay out of this, Edgar. He didn’t know Cummings was dirty; his polygraph proved that.

Edgar: He was spying on us. He was spying on you; he lied to you.

Chloe: Sir, if you don’t let Spenser help us, we’re not gonna get it done in time.

Bill: [after a second] He has to wear a security wristband and be under constant supervision.

Chloe: Fine.

[Cut to Audrey. Her phone rings and she answers.]

Audrey: Audrey Raines.

Jack: Audrey, it’s Jack.

Audrey: Hey.

Jack: Listen, I wanted to tell you myself – the president asked me to stay on till the canisters are retrieved.

Audrey: [moving away from her desk] Jack, you know what this means. You’ll be exposed. CTU can handle the crisis.

Jack: Audrey, the President thinks I can help.

Audrey: Jack, you don’t owe them this.

Jack: Listen, Audrey, the reason why I called – I need you to do me a favour.

Audrey: What?

Jack: Kim doesn’t know I’m alive yet. I don’t want her to find out the wrong way.

Audrey: Do you want me to tell her?

Jack: No, I just want you to call her and bring her in to CTU. I’ll see her when I get back.

Audrey: All right.

Jack: Are you sure you’re comfortable doing this for me?

Audrey: Of course.

Jack: Thank you.

Audrey: Sure. [She hangs up.]

01:12:46 … 01:12:47 … 01:12:48 … 01:12:49 …

[Erwich drives into a mechanic’s yard with his men. The mechanic is inside on the phone.]

Cal: Yeah. … Well, your sidearm needs to be replaced. … Yeah, we’re open till five.

[Erwich enters. Cal ends the call.]

Cal: Can I help you?

Erwich: Do you have some kind of precision tool for cutting metal?

Cal: Sure.

Erwich: Where is everyone else?

Cal: Lunch, why?

[Erwich pulls out a gun.]

Erwich: I need you to do some work for us, and we need it done fast. If you do it, you’ll live. Do you understand?

Cal: Yeah. Just take it easy.

Erwich: [to his men] Get the canisters.

01:13:32 … 01:32:33 … 01:32:34 …

01:17:53 … 01:17:54 … 01:17:55 … 01:17:56 … 01:17:57 … 01:17:58 … 01:17:59 …

[Split screen, with Erwich’s men unloading the canisters; Jack in the helicopter; and Rossler in his penthouse.]

[Cut to Logan’s retreat.]

Logan: [on phone] Why haven’t I gotten an update? Bauer left here on some sort of lead … Find out if CTU is any closer to finding the nerve gas.

Agent: Yes, sir. [Logan ends the call. Martha enters.]

Logan: How are you feeling?

Martha: Remarkably well for someone whose husband tried to have her committed without so much as a goodbye. [Logan turns and walks away.] I’m sorry. I didn’t come here to fight with you. [He turns back.]

Logan: You have every right to.

Martha: The two of us used to be a pretty good team. Do you remember? I was the one you would always come to first for advice.

Logan: I remember.

Martha: We’ve got to get back to that relationship, Charles. You’re right – things are going to get rough for you. And you are gonna need me and everything that I can give you.

Logan: I don’t know what to say, Marty.

[Martha slaps him.]

Martha: Don’t you ever do that to me again.

[Mike Novick knocks at the door.]

Logan: Mike. Come in.

01:19:32 … 01:19:33 … 01:19:34 … 01:19:35 …

Novick: Mr President. Mrs Logan.

Martha: Mike.

Logan: Mike, I owe you a profound apology.

Novick: You were in an impossible situation, sir, I understand why you did what you did.

Logan: No. I panicked, Mike. That was it. Plain and simple. [looking at Martha] I intend to make it right from this point on. [looking at Mike] I would like you to resume your duties.

Novick: Of course, sir.

Logan: Thank you, Mike.

[Martha smiles.]

Logan: CTU is in the process of tracking down the canisters, but we still have to deal with the issue of Walt Cummings.

[Mike looks at Martha.]

Logan: It’s all right, Mike, I would like Martha’s input on this. So, what do we do about Walt? We can’t detain him indefinitely.

Novick: Maybe not, but we can keep him out of sight long enough for us to construct a credible narrative.

Martha: Mike, are you talking about a cover up?

Novick: I mean exercising discretion to spare this country un-necessary humiliation.

Martha: Walt Cummings was complicit in David Palmer’s assassination. He has allowed this terrorists to get their hands on weaponised nerve gas –

Novick: Martha –

Martha: - that at this point is a very real and present threat –

Novick: With respect, Mrs Logan, if we go public with Cummings, the President’s reputation won’t be the only casualty. The credibility of this office will be destroyed.

Martha: Charles, you are gonna take a hit on this, but it won’t destroy you. You did nothing wrong except trust someone who betrayed you. You are human.

Logan: You might be overestimating the public’s capacity for forgiveness.

Martha: No. I’m not. The only thing they won’t forgive is being lied to. I think you should issue a statement to the Press, and the sooner the better.

Logan: I agree. Why don’t you and I work on it together, and see what we come up with?

Martha: OK.

[Cut to CTU. Spencer re-enters the main room and approaches Chloe.]

Spenser: Chloe.

Chloe: Go to station three; we don’t have much time.

Spenser: Thanks for getting me reinstated.

Chloe: I only did it because I need your help getting Jack through a high security building, not because I forgive you, because I don’t. Have a seat. [Spenser moves to station three and sits.] We need to gain access to the security server at 22 North Figueroa. It’s a proprioratory network, so get to work.

Spenser: Chloe, I swear I thought I was following the president’s orders –

Chloe: I don’t care, Spencer. 

01:22:13 … 01:22:14 … 01:22:15 … 01:22:16 …

[Jack arrives on the roof of a building in his helicopter. Curtis meets him. Curtis hands a headset to Jack.]

Curtis: CTU – they’ve got eyes and ears on the building’s security. We’ve got two units; one east, one west of the building. [They move away from the helicopter.]

Jack: [into headset] Chloe, do you copy?

Chloe: [in CTU] We’re here, Jack. Spencer’s countervailing the building’s security protocol.

Jack: What are you talking about? Spencer’s under arrest.

Chloe: Buchanen released him from holding.

Jack: Fine, just give me Rossler’s position.

Spencer: I’ve hacked into the building’s motion sensors. According to them, Rossler is still in the penthouse. [Looking at video footage from inside the building] I have two guards on the penthouse level.

Jack: What about the ground level entrance?

[Jack and Curtis enter the building which the helicopter landed on.]

Spencer: One guard, three surveillance cameras.

Jack: Stand by to take out all security cameras covering the front desk and the elevators.

Spencer: I can only shut them down for 60 seconds; after that they will reboot automatically. That’s as long as you have to subdue the lobby guard.

Jack: Copy that. Teams A and B, you will remain in the holding position until you get a go. We are one minute out; we have to cross the street to get to Rossler’s building. [He and Curtis enter an elevator.]

[Cut to the mechanic’s shop. Erwich is on the phone to Rossler.]

Erwich: We’re ready to cut into the canisters.

Rossler: You have to cut precisely ten centimetres from the bottom of the casing.

Erwich: How thick is the outer casing?

Rossler: Five millimetres. Call me with the ID numbers when you’re done.

01:24:13 … 01:24:14 … 01:24:15 … 01:24:16 … [Cut to Jack and Curtis running towards Rossler’s building. They pause outside the door to the lobby.]

Jack: We’re in position; we’re set; we’re ready to go.

Spencer: Just a few more seconds to execute control. OK, here we go, Jack. On my mark … Cameras gone. [Jack and Curtis enter the lobby, guns drawn.]

Jack: [to guard] Federal agent; let me see your hands. Let me see your hands! [The guard raises his hands.]

Curtis: Elevator code; let’s have it.

Lobby Guard: Uh, 4, zero, 7, 3, pound. [Curtis types the numbers into a keypad by the elevators.]

Guard in control room: [over radio to guard in lobby] Unit one, status check; we’ve just lost cameras A and C.

Jack: Tell him you don’t know why the cameras went down but everything is OK. Everything is OK.

[The guard picks up a radio.]

Lobby Guard: Base, status check blue. Don’t know why the cameras are out; everything’s fine down here. [He puts the radio down. Jack approaches him from behind.]

Jack: Back up to me, back up to me. [He pushes him towards the elevators.] [to headset] Where are the elevators?

Spencer: The elevator’s almost there; you have two floors to go.

Chloe: The cameras will reboot in ten seconds; then you’ll be visible.

[Jack, Curtis and the lobby guard wait by the elevators. The elevator arrives and they hurry inside. The doors close just as the cameras come back online.

[In the control room, the guard sees that the lobby guard is not at his post.]

Guard in control room: Unit one, status check. Where are you?

Jack: You tell him you had to use the men’s room.

[The lobby guard gets his radio.]

Lobby guard: [to radio] Base. Headed to the men’s room.

[Jack knocks him up and dumps him in the corner of the lift.]

Guard in control room: [to other guard] Something’s wrong. [he calls Rossler.]

Rossler: Yes?

Guard in control room: Mr Rossler. We may have a situation.

Rossler: What kind of situation?

Guard in control room: I’m not sure; please remain in your office until we get the all-clear.

Chloe: The guards look suspicious. One of them has an automatic weapon.

Jack: Copy that.

[The elevator arrives at Rossler’s floor. Jack and Curtis emerge.]

Jack: Federal agents –

[The guards fire on them. Curtis and Jack return fire. Curtis is shot. The two guards are taken down.]

Jack: You OK?

Curtis: Yeah. Go ahead. Hit my vest.

[In his room, Rossler pulls a gun out of a drawer.]

Spencer: Rossler’s on the move.

Jack: Where is he?

Spencer: Nine o’clock.

[Jack advances on the room in that direction. He enters and shoots Rossler. Rossler is alive but injured.]

Jack: Federal agent; drop the weapon. Drop the weapon! [Rossler tosses the gun away. Curtis approaches to cover Rossler.] Put your hands behind your head. Do it! Interlock your fingers. [He handcuffs Rossler.] Rossler is in custody; I repeat, Rossler is in custody. Back-up teams move in. I need a medic!

[In the situation room, Lynn and Bill are being patched in to the call.]

Operator: We’re patching you through to the situation room.

Chloe: Someone else is in the penthouse, Jack.

Spencer: In the bedroom, to your right. North side.

[Jack approaches the room, gun drawn.]

Jack: Curtis, cover him.

Curtis: I got it.

[Jack kicks the doors open.]

Jack: Let me see your hands. Let me see your hands!

Inessa: [scared] Don’t shoot. [She has a bruise above her left eye.]

Jack: Who are you?

Inessa: I’m Inessa.

Jack: Who did that to you?

Inessa: You are the police?

Jack: Counter Terrorist Unit, Los Angeles.

Inessa: He is holding me here. I want to go home. [She is crying.]

01:27:54 … 01:27:55 … 01:27:56 …

01:32:22 … 01:32:23 … 01:32:24 … 01:32:25 … 01:32:26 … 01:32:27 …

[Split screen, with Audrey in the situation room; Spencer and Chloe at their desks; and the mechanic at work.]

[Cut to the mechanic’s shop.]

Erwich: You need to cut the outer casing exactly ten centimetres from the bottom. The casing is five millimetres thick; you cannot puncture the inner lining.

Cal: What’s in these things?

Erwich: Do not worry; just do what I say.

Cal: I just … Can’t you tell me what this is all about?

Erwich: Do you have a family, Cal?

Cal: A wife.

Erwich: My wife is in prison. She’s been there for seven years. Her only crime was to support me while I fought for my country. My son lives in a state-run facility. He does not even remember what I look like. You want to know what this is about? It’s about justice. It’s about ending tyranny. When you’re finished, we will leave.

Cal: You won’t hurt me?

Erwich: You’re not my enemy. Your government is my enemy. Hey. You have my word. Begin. [Cal starts work.]

01:34:04 … 01:34:05 … 01:34:06 … 01:34:07 …

[Cut back to Rossler’s apartment.]

Jack: Everything’s all right. You’re all right. [Jack leads Inessa out of the bedroom. Rossler sees her. Inessa looks away quickly.]

Jack: Just take a seat. You’re safe now.

Jack: [to an agent] We should have a medic take a look at her. Get her information; I want CTU to run a full background check. [pointing at Rossler] I don’t mind if they dress this one, but don’t give him anything for the pain.

Agent: Yes, sir. [He moves away.]

Jack: Curtis, put him in a chair.

Curtis: All right, let’s go. Get him up. [He and other agents pick Rossler up and put him in a chair in the adjacent room. Rossler grunts in pain.]

Rossler: Easy on my leg.

[In CTU, Bill, Audrey and Lynn listen in.]

Jack: My name is Jack Bauer, and I’m with CTU. Twenty-five minutes ago, you contacted a man named Ivan Erwich. What did he want you to do for him?

Rossler: I want my lawyer.

Jack: You’ll get your lawyer as soon as I get what I need. Mr Erwich is in possession of 20 canisters of Sentox VX nerve gas, which he’s threatened to deploy here in the United States.

Rossler: I guess you have a problem.

Jack: I’d say you have a problem. You’ve been conspiring with and aiding a known terrorists, which means I get to hold you for as long as I want. Now we know Mr Erwich can’t deploy the canisters unless he reconfigured a trigger mechanism; is that what he wanted you to do? Trust me, you do not wanna go down this path with me.

Rossler: Go to hell.

[Jack hits him in the face.]

Jack: That is exactly where I’m gonna send you unless you start to cooperate. You like hurting girls? Curtis.

[Curtis steps on Rossler’s wound.]

01:36:06 … 01:36:07 … 01:36:08 … 01:36:09 …

Jack: I’ve been trying to finish with you; you’re gonna wish you felt this good again. Where is Erwich?

Rossler: I want full immunity, unfreezing of all my assets, and transport to a foreign country of my choosing.

Jack: No.

Rossler: And Inessa. [Inessa can hear the conversation, and looks horrified.] She comes with me. That’s the deal.

Jack: Maybe I’m not making myself clear. We’re not making a deal. Curtis. [Curtis puts more pressure on Rossler’s wound. Rossler groans in pain.]

Mcgill: Jack, it’s Lynn.

[Jack walks away from Rossler.]

Jack: Go ahead.

Mcgill: We don’t have the luxury to engage in brinksmanship.

Jack: He’s gonna tell us what we wanna know.

Mcgill: You may be right, but we’re not gonna wait around to find out. Accept the deal. That’s an order.

Jack: Fine, that’s your call.

Bill: We’re signing off. [He ends the call.]

Mcgill: Make sure he follows through. I’ll be back in a few minutes. [He leaves quickly.]

[Jack walks back to Rossler, obviously unimpressed by McGill’s decision.]

Jack: I’ve been instructed to accept your proposal.

Rossler: A certified agreement, signed by the Attorney General. When I see that, I’ll tell you what you want. And remember, I want Inessa.

01:38:56 … 01:38:57 … 01:38:58 …

01:43:02 … 01:43:03 … 01:43:04 … 01:43:05 … 01:43:06 … 01:43:07 …

[Split screen, with Cal cutting through the canisters; Erwich walking him; and Inessa sitting in the penthouse.]

Jack: Your immunity agreement’s being drawn up; now I want something. Where’s Erwich?

Rossler: I have no idea. I don’t’ know the man, not even what he looks like. I first spoke with him thirty minutes ago. We were put in contact by a mutual associate in Russia.

Jack: Who?

Rossler: He’s a commander in the Resistance movement.

Jack: What does Erwich want?

Rossler: He wants to reprogram the chip of that trigger. He’s calling me back with the identification keys.

Jack: What’s your timeframe?

Rossler: On the hour.

Jack: How’s Erwich received the package?

Rossler: I was going to deliver it. We haven’t agreed on the meeting place.

Jack: I want that chip.

Rossler: It’s in a safe place. Once I see some paperwork, I’ll show it to you.

Jack: [quietly, to Curtis] I want you to be ready to fit that chip with a transponder so we can track it.

01:43:37 … 01:43:38 … 01:43:39 … 01:43:40 …

[Jack calls Bill.]

Bill: Buchanen.

Jack: It’s Jack. Where are we with Rossler’s immunity agreement?

Bill: We have the Attorney General’s sanction; you should have the documents in a few minutes.

Jack: OK, good. Did we get any information on the girl?

Buchanen: There isn’t much. Inessa. Reported missing nineteen months ago from Kiev. The assumption is she was kidnapped by traffickers in the sex slave trade. She’s 15, Jack.

Jack: She’s 15? [He looks sickened.] OK, thanks Bill. I’ll get back to you. [He looks from Inessa to Rossler, considering his options. He walks over to Rossler.]

Jack: You can’t take the girl.

Rossler: Then you don’t have a deal.

Jack: You’ll have your immunity and freedom; leave the girl out of this.

Rossler: No. Inessa is all I care about. She comes with me, or you’ll lose Erwich.

[Cut to CTU. Chloe approaches Spencer.]

Spencer: I’ve almost finished compiling the surveillance protocols.

Chloe: Whatever you have, port it over to Edgar’s station.

Spencer: Why?

Chloe: He’ll be finishing that task.

[Edgar listens in on the conversation from his desk.]

Spencer: Fine. Chloe, don’t you understand?

Chloe: I know.

Spencer: I bet you do.

Chloe: You don’t work here anymore, Spencer, that’s what I’m trying to tell you.

Spencer: What?

Chloe: Your reinstatement was temporary until we got Rossler into custody.

Spencer: There’s still a lot of stuff that has to be done here –

Chloe: We have people from Division; we don’t need you anymore. These men will escort you out. [She moves away, and two guards approach Spencer. Chloe doesn’t look at him as he is led away.]

Edgar: I know that was hard, but you did the right thing.

Chloe: Shut up, Edgar.

[She walks away. Edgar has a smug grin on his face.]

[Cut to the retreat. Martha is editing a speech for Logan.]

Martha: [crossing out some lines] You’re right. We don’t need that part. OK. [reading from the paper] “I promise a full and open inquiry into this matter, and will not rest until I have restored the faith you have placed in this office, and I can demonstrate to you, the American people, that I bear its mantle of responsibility with respect and deep humility.” [Logan nods, liking the speech.] See this way, you’re assuming responsibility for Walt’s actions, but you’re also personally taking initiative to bring him to justice.

Logan: Well, I’ll have to run it by Mike, but I think it works.

Martha: I think it’s the right move, Charles.

01:46:42 … 01:46:43 … 01:46:44 … 01:46:45 …

Martha: Thank you for letting me help you.

Logan: I’m glad to have your help. It’s been a long time since you and I worked together like this. [The phone rings. Logan answers.] Yes?

Novick: Mr President, it’s Mike.

Logan: What is it, Mike?

Novick: I think you should come here. I’m in the west hallway.

Logan: What’s going on?

Novick: Just come here, sir.

Logan: I’m on my way.

[Cut to the mechanic’s shop. He is still cutting through the canisters. He finishes cutting one. Erwich removes the cut-off piece. On the inside of the cylinder is a panel with a set of numbers.]

Erwich: Good.

[Cut back to the retreat. Martha and Logan are in the west hallway. They look shocked, walking slowly down the corridor. Walt Cummings has hung himself.]

Novick: Cut him down. [The agents obey.]

01:48:16 … 01:48:17 … 01:48:18 …

01:52:42 … 01:52:43 … 01:52:44 … 01:52:45 … 01:52:46 … 01:52:47 …

[Split screen, with Erwich at the mechanic’s; Rossler in his penthouse; and Lynn in the parking lot opposite CTU.]

[Cut to Mcgill. He sees Jenny and she approaches him.]

Jenny: Thanks for meeting me. You got the money.

Mcgill: Jenny, I’m not here to bring you money. [He gives her a card.] Here’s the name of a doctor; he’s a good man. I want you to call him. I’ll pay all the expenses; it won’t cost you a cent.

Jenny: I can’t.

Mcgill: We’ll call him together.

Jenny: I can’t.

[A man hits Mcgill from behind, and throws him into a car.]

Jenny: Don’t hurt him! [Mcgill is punched to the ground. The man searches his pockets and takes his wallet.]

Jenny: Hurry up.

Man: Let’s go.

Jenny: I’m so sorry, Lynn.

Man: Come on! [They walk away, leaving Mcgill in pain on the ground. He manages to get to his feet.]

01:54:05 … 01:54:05 … 01:54:06 … 01:54:07 …

[Cut to Rossler’s penthouse. Curtis and Jack are walking through it.]

Curtis: Rossler’s been given a shot for the pain, and we have air and land pursuit teams on standby. As soon as he moves out, we’ll be ready.

Jack: No one’s going anywhere unless Erwich makes that call. Stand by the phones.

Curtis: Yeah.

Jack: Excuse me. [He gets out his phone and calls Audrey.]

Audrey: Audrey Raines.

Jack: It’s me.

Audrey: Hey.

Jack: Did you manage to get ahold of Kim?

Audrey: No. I tried her but she wasn’t in. I left a message.

Jack: Would you mind trying again for me please?

Audrey: Of course.

Jack: Thanks. [He hangs up. He turns around to find Inessa standing behind him.]

Inessa: I want to contact my family. They must be so worried about me.

Jack: I need to explain something to you. Please, sit down. [She does so. Jack crouches in front of her.] For now, we need you to go with Mr Rossler, just for now. Men like me, agents, are going to follow you, and when we get what we need from Mr Rossler, they’re going to move in and take you away from him.

Inessa: [shaking her head] You don’t know what he does to me when we are alone.

Jack: I promise I won’t let him be alone with you.

Inessa: I don’t believe you. I won’t do it.

Jack: Please, I –

Inessa: Let me go. Please.

Jack: I’m sorry, I can’t.

Inessa: Then you are no different than Rossler.

Jack: I am not Rossler. Look at me. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise. We need you to get dressed, please. [She nods.] Thank you. [He walks out of the room and closes the doors.]

[Back at the mechanic’s Cal finishes cutting through the last canister.]

Erwich: Good job. [He shoots Cal. Cal falls to the ground, dead.]

01:57:02 … 01:05:03 … 01:05:04 … 01:05:05 …

[One of the terrorists enters the code in the canister into a PDA which already contains the codes of the other canisters.]

Terrorist: That’s it.

Erwich: Load the canisters. Get rid of the body. [He men obey his orders. Erwich calls Rossler.]

[The phone rings in Rossler’s penthouse. Curtis and Jack listen in on the call, which is also recorded.]

Jack: Pick it up.

[Rossler answers the phone.]

Rossler: Yes?

Erwich: We have the identification keys; I’m messaging them to you now. [The codes appear on Rossler’s computer screen.]

Rossler: I have them.

Erwich: How long will it take you to reprogram the chip and deliver it back to us?

Rossler: I’ll be ready in ten minutes. You and I need a place where we can meet.

Erwich: You’re coming personally?

Rossler: Unless you have someone you have someone who can install and program a binary chip.

Erwich: I’ll call you back in five minutes with the location.

Rossler: I’ll be here. [He hangs up.]

Jack: Get him set up for a wire. I’ll get the girl.

Agent: Yes sir. Mr Rossler, I need to give you a transmitter.

[Jack knocks on the bedroom door, then enters. Inessa is dressed.]

Jack: We’re ready to go. [They walk out of the room.] You’re going to be fine.

[At the mechanic’s, the canisters are loaded in the truck, and one of the men drags Cal’s body into another room.]

Erwich: Let’s go.

[In Rossler’s penthouse, Curtis enters the room.]

Jack: What’s happening?

Curtis: We couldn’t pin down the trace, but we have it narrowed down to a ten block radius.

Jack: Thanks.

[Inessa pulls a gun out of her shirt and shoots Rossler twice.] Jack: No! No! [to Curtis and other agents as they draw their guns] No! [He moves in front of Inessa to protect her.] Hold your fire.

[Rossler lies on the floor.]

Curtis: Get a medic in here now!

[Inessa points the gun at Jack.]

Jack: Inessa, give me the gun. I know you don’t wanna hurt anybody else. [He knocks the gun out of her hands.] Is he gonna make it?

Curtis: No. He’s dead. Rossler was our only link to those canisters. Erwich’s gonna call here any minute, and he’s gonna expect to talk to him.

[Jack looks worried.]

01:59:57 … 01:59:58 … 01:59:59 … 02:00:00.


Source : twiztv

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5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

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