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24 heures chrono
#117 : 16h00 - 17h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 1 guide des épisodes 

Kim part à la recherche de sa mère qui erre sur les routes après avoir perdu la mémoire. Teri est prise en stop par une jeune femme qui veut l’emmener à l’hôpital.
Elizabeth Nash est accompagnée par Jack et Nina jusqu’à l’hôtel où elle a rendez vous avec Alexis Drazen. Tout est prêt pour que le piège se referme sur le terroriste.
Palmer est inquiet et n’est pas d’accord pour mettre la vie d’Elizabeth en danger.
Kim revient en ville et prévient la CAT que sa mère a disparu mais Mason refuse que l’on alerte Jack.


4.4 - 5 votes

Titre VO
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Titre VF
16h00 - 17h00

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Michael Chernuchin
Réalisé par : Stephen Hopkins


• Kiefer Sutherland: Jack Bauer
• Leslie Hope : Teri Bauer
• Sarah Clarke : Nina Myers
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Dennis Haysbert : David Palmer

• Eljko Ivanek : Andre Drazen
• Vicellous Shannon : Keith Palmer
• Xander Berkeley : George Mason
• Daniel Bess : Rick Allen
• Misha Collins : Alexis Drazen
• Vincent Angell : Phil Parslow
• Kara Zediker : Elizabeth Nash
• Pauley Perrette : Tanya
• Glenn Morshower : Aaron Pierce
• Navi Rawat : Melanie
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Andre Canty : Henry Martin
• David Franco : Alan Morgan

Kim qui a réussi in extrémis à s'extraire de la voiture avant que celle-ci ne s'écrase au fond du précipice essaye de se relever et part à la recherche de sa mère. Cette dernière a été prise par une voiture qui passait sur la route, mais le choc l'a plongée dans une profonde amnésie. Elle ne souvient absolument plus qui elle est.

Jack et l'équipe de la cellule arrivent à l'hôtel où Palmer a installé son QG. Il met au point, avec Elizabeth Nash, les derniers détails pour le rendez-vous qu'elle a avec Alexis Drazen dans moins d'une demi-heure.

Le sénateur n'est pas tranquille à l'idée d'exposer un membre de son équipe de cette façon. Mais Elizabeth tient à se rendre utile. Teri se fait arrêter par sa conductrice providentielle dans un endroit qui lui semble familier. Il s'agit d'un restaurant.

Kim appelle la Cellule pour y joindre son père. Tony décroche, mais Jack n'est pas au bureau. Il lui propose de venir la prendre, mais Kim ne fait plus confiance à personne après les évènements qui se sont produits à la maison dans laquelle elles étaient censées être en sécurité.

En désespoir de cause, elle appelle Rick et lui demande si elle peut venir chez lui. Après avoir hésité, Rick finit par accepter. Durant les derniers préparatifs avant l'arrivée d'Alexis Drazen, Jack s'inquiète pour sa famille, il sent que la menace pèse encore sur elle et reproche à Nina ne pas être restée avec sa femme et sa fille.

Keith fait écouter à son père l'enregistrement sur lequel il a les aveux de Carl Web. Le sénateur lui demande de lui remettre la bande pour qu'il la mette en sécurité pour l'instant. Alexis Drazen appelle son frère André. Ce dernier juge suspect l'empressement avec lequel Elizabeth veut le revoir. Il lui demande de se débarrasser d'elle après son rendez-vous.

A l'hôtel, Jack explique à Elizabeth qu'elle devra placer un dispositif de localisation dans le portefeuille d'Alexis et qu'il lui suffira de faire un signe si quelque chose se passe mal avant que ce soit fait. Tout est maintenant prêt pour l'arrivée d'Alexis. Au restaurant, Teri est reconnue par le directeur des lieux.

Il lui explique qu'elle venait souvent à une époque accompagnée d'un homme qu'il lui propose d'appeler. Mais Teri ne se souvient toujours de rien. En attendant l'arrivée d'Alexis, Jack essaye de savoir comment s'est passée l'interview de Teri. Nina lui explique alors qu'elle a tout compris de leur liaison passée et que Teri a eu du mal à l'accepter.

Drazen arrive finalement à l'hotel et Elizabeth le rejoint dans sa chambre. Alexis Drazen ne comprend pas vraiment pourquoi son attitude est différente, mais Elizabeth met ça sur le compte de la nervosité et la fatigue devant l'imminence des premiers résultats des primaires.

Elle réussi ensuite à prendre son portefeuille et à y insérer le dispositif comme prévu. Mais une fois l'objet remis en place, elle se saisit d'un couteau et poignarde Alexis.

L'équipe intervient immédiatement et conduit Alexis à l'hôpital dans un état critique. Kim arrive chez Rick, mais Mélanie, la copine de Rick ne voit pas la chose d'un très bon œil et est plutôt furieuse.

A l'hôtel le téléphone d'Alexis Drazen sonne. Jack décroche. Un homme, qui visiblement ne connaissait pas Alexis, confirme un rendez-vous et lui demande d'amener une importante somme d'argent en échange du service qu'il doit rendre.

Tout n'est pas perdu, une nouvelle piste s'ouvre pour Jack qui décide de se faire passer pour Alexis Drazen.

JACK BAUER: [Voice over] The following takes place between 4:00 p.m and 5:00 p.m. on the day of the California Presidential primary.


[Kim Bauer is walking along the road]


***CUT TO***


TANYA: Do you remember anything?


TANYA: Must be weird. I mean, I never met anyone with amnesia before.

TERI BAUER: I really appreciate you helping me out.

[Teri takes a look at her wrist as it's all scraped up]

TERI BAUER: What's your name?

TANYA: Tanya.

TERI BAUER: Tanya. I hope your not going to far out of your way.

TANYA: It's fine. The hospital isn't far from here. So you come from money? You look like you might, or your husband.

TERI BAUER: My husband?

TANYA: A little band of gold? On your finger?

TERI BAUER: I don't have any memory of my husband.

***FADE OUT***

JACK BAUER: Agent Pierce? Jack Bauer, we met at the Senator's breakfast this morning.

AGENT PIERCE: Yeah, I'm sorry about that. We didn't know the pressure you were under. Is your family doing okay?

JACK BAUER: Yes, they're fine thank you. This is my partner Nina Myers. Agents Johnson and Aleshire, they're our surveillance technicians. You've al ready met Miss Nash.

AGENT PIERCE: Yes from the Senator's staff meeting.

ELIZABETH NASH: Can I just say how sorry I am to have caused so much trouble?

AGENT PIERCE: You didn't know who Alexis Drazen really was. Now you know he's a killer, it takes courage to walk back into the room with him.

JACK BAUER: I hate to interupt but we must get going.

[They start walking down the hallway]

AGENT PIERCE: All right, Drazen is down here in room 1243. We went over it. There's nothing unusual. It's ready to rig however you want it.

JACK BAUER: Okay that gives us thirty minuets to set up visual and audio.

AGENT PIERCE: Fiber optics?

JACK BAUER: Yes. Were also going to need to set up monitors in an adjacent room.

AGENT PIERCE: We have 1242 across the hallway. It's been vacated.

JACK BAUER: Okay good. Gentlemen, I want you to get started right away. I want coverage of every foot of this room from at least two angles. Nina?


JACK BAUER: I want you to take Miss Nash into 1242, start prepping her, we'll be there in a minuet.

NINA MYERS: All right.

JACK BAUER: Have you set up other checkpoints?

AGENT PIERCE: Yes, every entrance into this hotel is covered. So is every approach from a block away on all four sides.

JACK BAUER: Any civilians left on the floor?

AGENT PIERCE: No we've sealed it off.

JACK BAUER: Good work. You let me know as soon as Drazen enters this hotel.

4:05:27, 4:05:28, 4:05:29


{Teri Bauer see's something that she remembers}

TERI BAUER: Wait. Pull over.

TANYA: You see something you remember?

TERI BAUER: Yeah I think so.

TANYA: The restaurant?


{They pull into the parking lot of the restaurant.}

TANYA: You recognize anything?

TERI BAUER: I been here before. I was with someone.

TANYA: Your husband?.......Maybe we should keep going to the hospital.

TERI BAUER: No just being here helps.

TANYA: {To waiter} Hey is there a maitre 'd or manager around?

WAITER: Manager. Mr.Martin.

TERI BAUER: Is he here?

WAITER: No but he should be in about twenty minuets.

TERI BAUER: Thank you. I'm going to wait.

{Teri looks around then takes a seat}

TERI BAUER: Maybe Mr.Martin knows something about me. I think I'm going to stay. You don't have to wait with me. Just give me your number and when I'm better I'll send you what I can afford.

TANYA: You know what? Send me whatever you can afford plus ten bucks. It's cab fare to the hospital. In case Mr.Martin can't help you.

{She throws the money on the table and walks out.}

****FADE OUT****


NINA MYERS: So obviously without compromising yourself you need to behave the same way you always have with him.

ELIZABETH NASH: It's just the thought of him touching me again.

NINA MYERS: I understand. What do you talk about? His work?

ELIZABETH NASH: The truth is we didn't talk much. It wasn't that kind of relationship. It was more "Take the plunge".


{Jack Bauer next to his laptop computer on radio}

JACK BAUER: Okay I'm waiting on a signal.

{Enter Senator Palmer}

SENATOR PALMER: Elizabeth! I heard what's going on. You sure about this?


SENATOR PALMER: If you have the slightest heisitation.

ELIZABETH NASH: No. I want to.

SENATOR PALMER: {To Jack} Can I talk to you a minuet.

JACK BAUER: Yes sir.

SENATOR PALMER: I told you to look after her. Not put her in danger.

JACK BAUER: Senator, I don't need to remind you but the threat agaisnt you is very real.

SENATOR PALMER: That's no reason to put someone else at risk.

JACK BAUER: I don't think I have. I'm going to be right across the hall with a squad of agents ready to come in case anything goes wrong.

SENATOR PALMER: This man is a professional killer. Things can happen quickly.

JACK BAUER: And we know that Alexis Drazen is not working alone. Arresting him won't stop the others. If you want to end this now sir we keep him on the hook.

SENATOR PALMER: I know you have been through alot. I know you and your family have been through hell today.

JACK BAUER: What does that have to do with this?

SENATOR PALMER: I hope your not letting a desire for payback cloud your judgment.

JACK BAUER: Sir. This has nothing to do with payback. This is simply the best way to nail these guys.

SENATOR PALMER: Elizabeth's father is one of my oldest friends. I have known her since she was born. If anything happens to her I'm holding you personally responsible.

JACK BAUER: I understand Senator. I promise I will take care of her.

{Senator looks at Elizabeth as he walks out of the room}

4:10:32, 4:10:33, 4:10:34


4:14:45, 4:14:46, 4:14:47

{Kim runs across the street almost hit by a car as she grabs a pay phone and calls c.t.u.}

TONY ALMEIDA: c.t.u. Almeida.

KIM BAUER: I'd like to speak to Jack Bauer please.

TONY ALMEIDA: He's not here. Can I take a message?

KIM BAUER: It's really important. I need to speak with him.

TONY ALMEIDA: Who is this?

KIM BAUER: Kim, his daughter.

TONY ALMEIDA: You calling from the safe house?

KIM BAUER: No. The safe house was attacked. The agent that were guarding the house are all dead, and my mother is gone.

TONY ALMEIDA: The agents are dead?

KIM BAUER: Yes and I think they kidnapped my mother again. I need to speak with my father.

TONY ALMEIDA: He's not here Kim. Where are you calling from?

KIM BAUER: Um....Can I speak to Nina Myers?

TONY ALMEIDA: She's not here either. Where are you calling from?

KIM BAUER: A pay phone.


KIM BAUER: Who did you say this was?

TONY ALMEIDA: This is Tony Almeida I work for your father. Tell me where you are and I'll have someone come get you.

KIM BAUER: That's what they said to my mother.

TONY ALMEIDA: That was Jamey Farell, she's dirty. She's not here anymore. That won't happen again.

KIM BAUER: I need to speak to my father or Nina Myers.

TONT ALMEIDA: He's not here Kim. Neither one of them are here.

{Kim hangs up as Tony walks up the stairs into Jack's office}

TONY ALMEIDA: We got a problem. I just had a call from Jack's daughter. She said the safe house was hit and the agents are dead.

GEORGE MASON: Call over there right now.

TONY ALMEIDA: Nothing. Not even ringing.

{Mason contacts Agent Parker}



GEORGE MASON: Get Biselli and go to the safe house on Pine Canyon. Heads up could be trouble. Call me from there.

AGENT PARKER: I'm on it.

TONY ALMEIDA: She also said that her mother might have been recaptured.

GEORGE MASON: How did the girl get out?

TONY ALMEIDA: She didn't say.

GEORGE MASON: Get a list of all pay phone calls that have been made within a five mile radius of the safe house.

TONY ALMEIDA: You gonna call Jack?


TONY ALMEIDA: It's his wife and kid.

GEORGE MASON: That's exactly why. His emotions will distract him, whichs puts Elizabeth Nash in jeopardy. She's meeting Drazen in fifteen minuets. We need to keep Jack focused.

TONY ALMEIDA: All right. When do we tell him?

GEORGE MASON: We don't I do. When the situation is under control and not until. Understood?

{Tony walks out}


JACK BAUER: Are you finished yet?

NINA MYERS: Ready in ten.

JACK BAUER: How's Elizabeth doing?

NINA MYERS: She says she's okay but Jack. I don't know. Are you sure we're doing the right thing?

JACK BAUER: Well if she can plant the device, It'll lead us to everything else, yes we're doing the right thing.

NINA MYERS: And if she can't?

JACK BAUER: Then we'll arrest him and try to turn him. He can't touch her. We can protect her.

NINA MYERS: I hope so.

JACK BAUER: Stay focused and we can.



NINA MYERS: Are you all right?

JACK BAUER: I'm sorry. I just can't stop worrying about Teri and Kim. I mean when I think about what they have been through over the last 12 hours my little girl thought she was going to die.

NINA MYERS: Jack, we're gonna get them okay? From what I could tell Teri and Kim seemed all right.



JACK BAUER: Okay thanks.

{Nina starts to walk away as Jack calls for her again}



JACK BAUER: You said that Paulson was going to finish the debrief?


JACK BAUER: Why didn't you stay and finish it?

NINA MYERS: Because it was my understanding that you wanted me back here as soon as they were safe.

JACK BAUER: No I asked you to stay with them so that they would....

MIKE: Yeah Nina?

NINA MYERS: Yeah Mike just a minuet.

JACK BAUER: Go back, I will be there in a minuet.


{Kim calls Rick again}

RICK: Yeah.

KIM BAUER: Rick it's me.

YEAH: I told you, you can't keep calling here.

KIM BAUER: Look, The safe house was bad. The agents are dead and my mother has been kidnapped again. I know there after me. You need to help me. Listen to me I'm coming to your place.


KIM BAUER: Your the only one who knows the people that have my mom.

RICK: I don't.

KIM BAUER: Rick I can't go to the police I don't trust them. After today I don't know who I can trust, but if you don't help me right now, I will tell the police everything.........Now what is your adress?

RICK: 1804 Glade. In Echo Park.

KIM BAUER: Okay I'm calling a cab now. Wait for me.


***Fade Out***

INT. Palmer Hotel room

KEITH PALMER: How's the election going?

SENATOR PALMER: Exit polls look very good.

KEITH PALMER: That's great.......Dad I'm sorry.

SENATOR PALMER: Sorry about what?

KEITH PALMER: You weren't covering up Faragamo's death to protect your campaign. You did it to protect me.

SENATOR PALMER: Where did you hear that? Your mom?

KEITH PALMER: No not mom.

{Keith pulls out the mini recorder and hits play}

SENATOR PALMER: You know how dangerous it was seeing Carl wearing a wire?

KEITH PALMER: Look it doesn't matter. I got it, now you can take it to the police.

SENATOR PALMER: Give me the tape?

KEITH PALMER: What are you going to do with it?

SENATOR PALMER: Do you trust me Keith?

{Keith hands him the tape recorder}





{Alexis Phones Andre in his car on his way back to the hotel.}

ALEXIS DRAZEN: It's me. There's been a development. Palmer is staying in Los Angeles after all.

ANDRE DRAZEN: The Nash girl call you?

ALEXIS DRAZEN: Yes. I'm on my way to the hotel now.

ANDRE DRAZEN: Did she say why the Senator changed his plans?

ALEXIS DRAZEN: Nope. He didn't tell her.

ANDRE DRAZEN: Really? She's a highly placed aide.

ALEXIS DRAZEN: Well they've tightened security since the attempt on his life at breakfast.

ANDRE DRAZEN: I wonder that she wants to see you again so quickly. You were just with her a couple of hours ago.

ALEXIS DRAZEN: You don't understand women Andre.

ANDRE DRAZEN: I understand them well enough that they can use as well as be used.

ALEXIS DRAZEN: Not this one.

ANDRE DRAZEN: Palmer should of been killed hours ago. We can't afford any more mistakes we're running out of time.

ALEXIS DRAZEN: He's as good as dead already. You have to trust me on this. The Nash woman will tell me Palmer's schedule. She doesn't suspect a thing.

ANDRE DRAZEN: Maybe not. Just to be safe, when your finished, kill her.

***FADE OUT***


JACK BAUER: Miss Nash please follow me. We have planted fiber optic cameras throught the room

ELIZABTH NASH: I'm not really sure what those are.

JACK BAUER: I'm sorry. Please sit down.......Fiber optic cameras are tiny little cameras There almost impossible to see even if you know where to look so when you come into the room we will hace complete visual coverage of the entire suite.

ELIZABETH NASH: And you'll be able to hear everything?

JACK BAUER: Yes every word. This is the tracking device we want you to plant on him.

ELIZABETH NASH: Where do I put it?

JACK BAUER: Preferably his wallet. As soon as you plant this device I will call your cell phone. I will tell you the Senator is waiting for you. You make your excuses and you get out of there.

ELIZABETH NASH: So I plant the tracker, The phone rings....

JACK BAUER: And then you leave.......One more thing. If you start to think he's getting suspicious all you have to do is utter the words "I hope I'm not getting a cold." Then I'll be in this room with at least a half a dozen other agents.

ELIZABETH NASH: But that would ruin the plan.

JACK BAUER: That doesn't matter. Right now all we are concerned about is your safety. Do you understand?

ELIZABETH NASH: I understand.

***Fade Out***

MR.MARTIN: Mrs.Bauer?

TERI BAUER: You know me?

MR.MARTIN: Of course. Will Dr.Parslow be joining you?

TERI BAUER: Dr.Parslow? I'm sorry what's your name?

MR.MARTIN: Mrs.Bauer are you feeling all right?

TERI BAUER: Actually no. I must have been in a accident or something. I seem to have lost my memory. I was driving by and this place looked familiar so....You so my name is Bauer?

MR.MARTIN: Yes.......Does that sound familiar?

TERI BAUER: Yes, It does but this man you mentioned.

MR.MARTIN: Dr.Parslow. You two used to come here quite often.

TERI BAUER: But he's not my husband?

MR.MARTIN: Well, he's a doctor and a friend. Maybe he can help shall I give him a call?

TERI BAUER: Yes please.

***Fade Out***


{Jack enters the room}

JACK BAUER: We're set. Is everything up and running?


{Weird silence between the two until}

JACK BAUER: You want to tell me what's going on?

NINA MYERS: What do you mean?

JACK BAUER: You've been holding something back ever since you got back from the safe house early.

NINA MYERS: This isn't the time Jack. Let's not get distracted.

JACK BAUER: If you don't start to tell me I'll be distracted so spit it out.

NINA MYERS: All right. {Sighs} Teri knows about us. She guessed it, I don't know how but she did. She asked me point blank. I couldn't deny it, She would have known.

JACK BAUER: Did you tell her that it was over?


JACK BAUER: This whole thing is my fault.

{Agent Peirce radios Jack}

AGENT PIERCE: Agent Bauer come in.


AGENT PIERCE: We're a go, Drazen just dropped off the car with the valet. Should be upstairs in about two and a half minuets.

JACK BAUER: Copy. All personnel in the lobby and on the floors we're a go we're a go.





{Alexis Drazen has entered his room. }

INT. 1242

JACK BAUER: {On radio} He's in the room.

AGENT PIERCE: Copy that. Advise when you are green to go.


{He takes his keys and cell phone out of his pockets and sets them on the table}


NINA MYERS: There's no wallet there.

JACK BAUER: {On radio} Let Elizabeth Nash know that the wallet is either in his pants or the jacket on the bed.

AGENT PIERCE: Copy that.


{Elizabeth Nash gets out of the elevator and knocks on Alexis's door as he answers}


{She walks in but Alexis pulls her to him. He tries to kiss her as she pulls away}

ALEXIS DRAZEN: So good to see you. I can't believe how much I've missed you.

ELIZABETH NASH: Oh me to. Even though it's only been two hours.

ALEXIS DRAZEN: Seems like teo years. Are you okay?

ELIZABETH NASH: I'm fine. Why?

ALEXIS DRAZEN: You seem a little tense.

ELIZABETH NASH: No not at all. Well maybe a little. The polls back East close in less than an hour and were all on pins and needles.

ALEXIS DRAZEN: Well you must have some idea of the outcome. Don't you take a...



ELIZABETH NASH: But there not official.

ALEXIS DRAZEN: What can we do to help you relax?

{He grabs her and kisses her.}

ELIZABETH NASH: I know it's a little early but a vodka would be nice.

ALEXIS DRAZEN: Nothing else?......{He moves into another room}

{Nash tries to find his wallet.}

JACK BAUER: She's going for the jacket. I want swat at the door quietly.

NINA MYERS: She's got the wallet.

{Nash puts the device on his wallet but she drops it.}

NINA MYERS: Oh God Jack she dropped it.

{Nash picks up the wallet and puts it in her jacket pocket.}

NINA MYERS: She put it in her coat.

ALEXIS DRAZEN: To the future.

JACK BAUER: Swat team at the door stand down. Stand down at the door.


ALEXIS DRAZEN: Sorry this campaign is giving you so much stress.

ELIZABETH NASH: Goes with the territory.

ALEXIS DRAZEN: Maybe when this is over we can go somewhere together.


ALEXIS DRAZEN: Doesn't matter to me. Just as long we are together.

{Alexis takes Elizabeth's glass and his and sets them on the table and gently throws her on the bed.}

ALEXIS DRAZEN: So, Who do I have to thank for leeping you in town? What made the Senator decide to changes his plans?

ELIZABETH NASH: I don't know.

ALEXIS DRAZEN: Is he going to stay in town for long?

ELIZABETH NASH: It's hard to say.

ALEXIS DRAZEN: What about his victory speech? Will he be giving it at the hotel?

{Elizabeth climbs on top of Alexis}

ELIZABETH NASH: Why are you so intrested in the campaign all of a sudden?

ALEXIS DRAZEN: I have no intrest in the campaign. My intrest is you and I know you go wherever he goes.

ELIZABETH NASH: Well I don't know where that is just yet.......I'm sorry. I just realized that I haven't eaten all day, which could explain why I'm in such a foul mood. You think we could order something up?

ALEXIS DRAZEN: What are you hungry for?

ELIZABETH NASH: Where's the menu?

{Alexis gets up and walks to the other room as Elizabeth places the tracker in his wallet and puts the wallet in Alexis's jacket pocket.}

:::::MEANWHILE :::::

ROOM 1242

JACK BAUER: {On radio} She made the plant. Clear the hallway. Copy, clear the hallway.

::::BACK TO 1243::::

{Alexis has a thought}

ALEXIS DRAZEN: I know this might sound a little soon........I've fallen in love with you.

{Elizabeth looks at him very surprised}

{Jack Bauer begins to phone Elizabeth}

{Her cell rings}

JACK BAUER: Pick up the phone.

ALEXIS DRAZEN: Aren't you going to answer it?

ELIZABETH NASH: It's just someone from the campaign.

ALEXIS DRAZEN: No it could be important.

ELIZABETH NASH: They can call back.

{Alexis hands her her purse. Elizabeth grabs her cell phone and hangs up}

ELIZABETH NASH: Say it again Alexis. Say that you love me.

JACK BAUER: She hung up on me. {Dials again}

ALEXIS DRAZEN: I love you.

{Cell rings again. She hangs up again}

INT. 1242

JACK BAUER: What is she doing?

NINA MYERS: I don't know. Why did she take her coat off?

{Alexis sits down and orders a burger for Elizabeth as she walks over to the desk and picks something up. Alexis can't see it though.}

JACK BAUER: What's that in her hand?

ALEXIS DRAZEN: So now is there anything else?


JACK BAUER: Oh my God she has a knife.

NINA MYERS: Squad team HIT THE DOOR NOW!!!!!!!


ELIZABETH NASH: SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



JACK BAUER: {Screaming} HOLD YOUR FIRE. GET SOME TOWELS FROM THE BATHROOM. Nina call in a medevac we're losing him. We can not let him die. DAMIT.




{Kim Bauer arrives at Rick's place. Meline, Rick's girlfriend answers}

MELINE: Who are you?

KIM BAUER: A friend of Ricks.

MELINE: You the one who keeps calling?

KIM BAUER: He said I could come over.

MELINE: Not to me he didn't.

{Rick walks down the hallway.}

RICK: I was about to tell you. I just didn't think she would get here so fast.

MELINE: What's going on Rick?

RICK: I'll explain everything.

MELANIE: I'm listening.

RICK: First let her come in.

MELANIE: What does she want?

RICK: Something got screwed up with Dan last night. Big surprise right? That's how my arm got messed up. The guys Dan was with. They shot me.

MELANIE: You said you cut your arm on a fence.

KIM BAUER: The people Dan knows. I need to find them. I was hoping I could go in his room and find something that could lead me to them.


{Dr.Parslow enters the resteraunt}

PHIL PARSLOW: Teri. You all right?

{Teri just gives a dirty look back at him as if she didn't trust a single soul}

PHIL PARSLOW: You don't remember me?

TERI BAUER: Phil? Are you my doctor?

PHIL PARSLOW: No not exactly. Were going to figure out what this is all about. Were going to get you well again. It's going to be fine.

****FADE OUT****


{Jack Bauer on phone with George Mason}

JACK BAUER: Look I don't know what you want me to say. We misjudged her emotional state.

GEORGE MASON: No we didn't. You did.

JACK BAUER: Mason it was a unexpected outcome for everyone.

GEORGE MASON: That's what I said. A bad idea.

JACK BAUER: Fine, maybe. Right now we need to figure out our next move.

GEORGE MASON: What's the status on Alexis?

JACK BAUER: They're giving him a 50/50 shot. Even if he comes through they don't know when he'll talk.

GEORGE MASON: Anything in the room? Phone numbers, documents?

JACK BAUER: No nothing yet.



JACK BAUER: George, hold on.

SENATOR PALMER: Where's Elizabeth? I heard something about a stabbing.

JACK BAUER: She's fine.

SENATOR PALMER: Where is she?

JACK BAUER: She's across the hall, she's in custody.


JACK BAUER: She stabbed Drazen.

SENATOR PALMER: It must of been self defense.

JACK BAUER: No sir that's not how it went down. She broke from the plan, she attcked him.

SENATOR PALMER: You should of never let her go through with this in the first place.


JACK BAUER: George I got to call you back.

SENATOR PALMER: Elizabeth don't tell them anything until you talk to a lawyer.

ELIZABETH NASH: I'm sorry I don't know what happened.

JACK BAUER: Senator please. Step away and let us handle this.

SENATOR PALMER: I let you take care of this before and look where we are.

{A cell phone rings}

JACK BAUER: Sir you are not helping things right now.


JACK BAUER: Excuse me for one second. {Walks to Nina} What?

NINA MYERS: It's Alexis's phone ringing. What do we do?


JACK BAUER: We got to take a chance.

{Jack grabs the phone and answers it in a low voice}


MAN: You have the money?


MAN: Okay. We'll meet in 45 minuets.


MAN: I already told you...........At Connie's, downtown.

JACK BAUER: How will I recognize you?

MAN: I'll wear a red baseball cap.

{The man hangs up and walks away out of a cheap hotel room.}


5:00 p.m.

Kikavu ?

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25.02.2021 vers 11h

21.05.2020 vers 15h

15.01.2020 vers 09h

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10.02.2018 vers 17h

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