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24 heures chrono
#205 : 12h00 - 13h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 2 guide des épisodes

Jack Bauer apprend par Wald que c'est Nina Myers qui a commandité l'attentat à la CAT. Elle est toujours emprisonnée et demande une grâce présidentielle contre sa coopération.
Roger Stanton remplace Eric Rayburn et prépare avec hâte sa rencontre avec l’ambassadeur pour en savoir plus sur la Second Wave.
Tony Almeida se rend chez les Warner pour interroger Reza sur ses liens avec Syed Ali...
Kim prend contact Miguel, son petit ami, après avoir été alertée du danger qui plane sur Los Angeles.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Titre VF
12h00 - 13h00

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Gil Grant
Réalisé par : Jon Cassar


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Sarah Wynter : Kate Warner
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Xander Berkeley : George Mason
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Dennis Haysbert : David Palmer

• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• Skye McCole Bartusiak : Megan Matheson
• Billy Burke : Gary Matheson
• Timothy Carhart : Eric Rayburn
• Michelle Forbes : Lynne Kresge
• Sara Gilbert : Paula Schaeffer
• Tracy Middendorf : Carla Matheson
• Phillip Rhys : Reza Naiyeer
• John Terry : Bob Warner
• Sal Landi : Arroyo
• Jon Gries : Joseph Wald
• Scott Allan Campbell : Porter
• Scotch Ellis Loring : Paramedic
• Douglas O'Keeffe : Eddie Grant
• Jimmi Simpson : Chris

A la C.A.T, alors que les ambulanciers font tout leur possible pour tenter de ranimer Paula, Tony informe Georges qu'il part suivre une piste à Los Angeles sur un homme qui aurait eu des contacts avec Syed Ali. Jack met au courant Georges, le directeur de la Cellule Antiterroriste sur l'implication de Nina Myers dans la menace nucléaire.

Sur l'ordre de Chappelle, Nina va être transférée à la C.A.T pour y subir un interrogatoire. Au Q.G, Lynne apprend au président que l'ambassadeur, accompagné du chef des renseignements, sont sur le point d'atterrir. Kim, qui est toujours à l'hôpital St Virgil, croise Gary, le père de Megan, au détour d'un couloir.

S'ensuit un échange de propos acerbes entre les 2 protagonistes : Gary menace de porter plainte pour kidnapping. L'entretien se terminera par la fuite de Kim, alertée par la présence des forces de police non loin d'elle. Roger Stanton, le chef de la N.S.A, déconseille vivement au président un quelconque entretien avec l'ambassadeur ; selon lui, la seule motivation de la partie adverse est d'obtenir de précieux renseignements et non de collaborer avec les forces américaines.

Malgré tout, Palmer fait fi de ces objections et désire que cet entretien ait lieu. Jack arrive a la C.A.T et découvre, dépité, l'étendue des dégâts. Mason, même si il sait que toute rencontre entre Jack et Nina risque d'être explosive, laisse quand même à Jack le droit de pouvoir rédiger son rapport au sein de la Cellule. Sitôt terminé cet entretien, un des ambulanciers annonce que Paula est réveillée.

De suite, Michelle et Mason lui demandent les codes de décryptage afin de pouvoir accéder aux précieux dossiers que Paula était sur le point d'envoyer à la N.S.A. Celle-ci, dans un ultime effort, parvient à leur donner l'emplacement de cette clé sur son ordinateur. Quelques secondes plus tard, elle décéde. 12:17 Kate et Reza rentrent au domicile des Warner.

Bob Warner était au courant pour la maison des futurs mariés et il tente de rassurer sa fille aînée au sujet des suspicions sur Reza. A ce moment arrive Tony qui demande justement à pouvoir s'entretenir avec Reza. Kate part prévenir l'intéréssé de la situation. Celui-ci lui demande de veiller à ce que Marie reste sagement dans sa chambre afin qu'elle n'ait en aucune façon connaissance de cet interrogatoire. L'embassadeur s'entretient avec le président Palmer : depuis la conversation échangée le matin même entre le Premier Ministre du pays en question et le président des Etats-Unis, 4 hommes soupsonnés d'appartenir à Seconde Vague ont été arrêtés et ils subissent un interrogatoire.

Stanton exhibe au chef des renseignements étranger quelques photos prises au-dessus de leur pays montrant les lacunes de ce gouvernement en terme de répression. L'ambassadeur désirerait que les deux pays s'échangent leurs renseignements, ils veulent plus particuliérement toutes les informations des U.S.A concernant le terrorisme dans leur pays. David Palmer clôt l'entretien en leur demandant de patienter quelques minutes, la décision qu'il s'apprête à prendre étant lourde de conséquences.

Stanton est contre : il pense que le gouvernement du pays en question soutient le groupe terroriste Seconde Vague, Lynne approuve également ce point de vue. Kim appelle son pére : il lui ordonne de fuir au plus vite chez sa tante puis, devant les interrogatiuons de Kim, il finit par lui avouer la menace nucléaire planant sur Los Angeles ; il lui demande également de ne le révéler à quiconque.

En effet, si d'autres personnes en avaient connaissance, cela pourrait créer un vent de panique dans la ville. Michelle, sur ordre de Mason, tente d'apporter son aide à Jack pour son débriefing mais celui-ci refuse. Justement, à ce moment précis, le silence se fait dans la salle, tous les regards se tournent vers l'entrée : Nina Myers fait son apparition, enchainée et surveillée par plusieurs gardes.

12:32 Mason entre dans la cellule d'interrogatoire où se trouve Nina. Il lui demande de lui révéler toutes les informations qu'elle détient sur la menace nucléaire. Nina pose ses conditions : "Je vous donne mes contacts, tous mes renseignements, la documentation... mais pour ça, je veux d'abord la grâce présidentielle..." Alors que Reza dément connaitre Syed Ali même si son nom apparait dans les dossiers de son ordinateur, Kate de son côté commence à craindre que le mariage puisse être annulé.

Son pére lui demande de se rendre auprés de Marie afin d'éviter qu'elle ne se rende compte de la présence des agents de la Cellule. Alors que, au Q.G., on fournit les informations sur le terrorisme à l'ambassadeur, Chappelle met au courant le président sur la demande de Nina Myers.

Jack donne son rapport à Michelle. Il reçoit un appel du président : ce dernier tout d'abord le remercie pour ce qu'il a accompli lors des derniéres heures puis il lui annonce que, finalement, il n'a eu d'autre choix que d'accorder la grâce présidentielle à la femme qui a assassiné son épouse quelques mois auparavant. Jack approuve sans ciller même si son regard méle dépit et colére à la fois. "Ils vont la relâcher..." murmure-t-il à Michelle avec une voix dans laquelle l'émotion est palpable.

Miguel, aprés quelques hésitations, finit par accepter la requête de Kim et part la rejoindre à l'hôpital. Georges Mason se rend aux toilettes et ingére une pilule. Jack intervient peu aprés et lui demande si il peut s'occuper personnellement de l'interrogatoire de Nina Myers; les nombreuses années de travail passées en sa compagnie lui ayant permis, selon lui, de la connaitre mieux que quiconque. Mason s'obstine à ne pas lui accorder ce droit et quitte les toilettes, oubliant derriere lui le flacon contenant les pilules que Jack, bien sûr, répére instantanément.

Jack,suspicieux, demande à michelle de lui fournir le planning de Mason des 12 dernieres heures afin de s'assurer qu'il est apte a diriger la Cellule. Marie Warner s'aperçoit de la supercherie lorsqu'elle sort de sa chambre. Kate s'isole avec elle afin de lui expliquer la situation : elle lui avoue qu'elle a engagé un détective privé afin d'enquéter sur Reza.

Même si Kate a agi de la sorte dans l'unique but de protéger sa petite soeur, Marie est furieuse contre elle et ne veut plus la revoir. 12:54 Miguel arrive en taxi à l'hôpital St Virgil où il retrouve Kim. Elle le met au courant de la situation : l' "enlévement" de Megan, les coups, la plainte de Gary ... ainsi que de la menace nucléaire.

Jack attend Mason dans son bureau. Etant au courant pour la contamination, il lui propose un marché : il interroge Nina et, en contrepartie, il ne fera part à quiconque de l'état de santé de Mason.

Ce dernier donne son accord. Alors que Lynne informe au président qu'ils devraient recevoir dans l'heure les premiéres informations sur Seconde Vague, Stanton intervient et leur fait voir sur une chaine de télévision un hélicoptére en perdition qui finit par se crasher .

C'est en fait.... l'hélicoptére de l'ambassadeur... et il n'y a aucun survivant !! Un des assistants signale à Michelle que leurs vidéos de surveillance sont prêtes pour l'interrogatoire.

Jack observe Nina par écran interposé, ils ont tous les 2 un air de défi. Que va faire jack ? Suivre la voie de la raison ou tenter de venger la mort de Teri ?...


02X05: 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.


Transcript by Daniel Smith

Do not archive this transcript without permission from the transcriptionist.

JACK BAUER (voice over): The following takes place between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.


(Rescue workers and firemen are all over the place. The fire Marshall is walking around with Tony Almeida and George Mason.)

FIRE MARSHALL: None of these girders are stable. I can't guarantee that they're gonna hold. Nothing behind this corded area is safe. I don't want to see anyone in there, or I'll shut this building down. I don't care what the Governor says.

(Michelle Dessler is trying to get some equipment up and running.)

MICHELLE DESSLER: No don't even try that bank. The switches are destroyed. (AS SHE WALKS AWAY) See if you can set up a generator line to the "A" island.

TECH AGENT: I'm on it Michelle.

(George Mason walks over to the Paramedics that are trying to revive Paula. )

GEORGE MASON: Progress here.

PARAMEDIC: We're trying to bring her around using a combination of stimulants and hydrating fluids, but it might make her more unstable.

GEORGE MASON: We're running out of time, so just wake her up.

(Tony Almeida passes George.)

GEORGE MASON: Where are you headed?

TONY ALMEIDA: To follow up on a lead that just came in. There's an L.A. connection to Syed Ali.

GEORGE MASON: Well send somebody else. I need you here.

TONY ALMEIDA: To do what? Watch Paula die?

GEORGE MASON: Tony, we got to get the encryption codes out of her or we're gonna lose everything. We can't let that happen today.

TONY ALMEIDA: Yeah, well, like I said, you got it covered. I'm going to follow up on this lead.

GEORGE MASON: No, your going to stay here and that's an order.

TONY ALMEIDA: Look, there's a middle Eastern businessman in L.A. who's had contact with Syed Ali recently.Now Ivers and Appell are dead. Who do you want me to send?

GEORGE MASON: Be reachable.


(Tony throws his bag over his shoulder, grabs Agent Richards and they leave the building.)

C.T.U. AGENT: Mr.Mason? It's Jack Bauer for you.

GEORGE MASON: Yeah, put him through Jack?

JACK BAUER: George, I got to Wald. I found out who commissioned him to take out C.T.U.


JACK BAUER: It was Nina Meyers.


JACK BAUER: She was his connection to C.T.U.

GEORGE MASON: It doesn't make any sense. She's been in prison.

JACK BAUER: Wald approached her before we took her down. She sold him everything. Schematics, Gate information, Personal data. All of this has to be connected to the nuke.

GEORGE MASON: So what, they bombed C.T.U. to cripple our response capability?

JACK BAUER: Yes, Look I've already called Chappelle.


JACK BAUER: I couldn't find you George.

GEORGE MASON: What did he say?

JACK BAUER: He agreed we need to talk to her. He's having her transferred over to C.T.U. now for questioning.

GEORGE MASON: Look, why don't you debrief at Division? It's a total disaster here.

JACK BAUER: Well what are you going to do about Nina?

GEORGE MASON: I'll take care of it.

JACK BAUER: Don't just hand her off to the F.B.I. George.

GEORGE MASON: Forget it Jack. You did a great job here, okay? Go find yourself somewhere safe. (hangs up phone.)

GEORGE MASON: Michelle, can you get somebody to set up an interrigation room? We have somebody coming in.


GEORGE MASON: Nina Meyers. MICHELLE DESSLER: The C.T.U. Agent that killed Jack's wife?

GEORGE MASON: Yes. I need as close to maximum security as I can get. I need three armed Agents standing by.

12:04:32, 12:04:33, 12:04:34


{President Palmer is listening in on a briefing from one of the United States Army Generals.)

GENERAL: We've reduced the likelihood on some of the targets. We are left with six probable sectors.

{The General turns on the screen showing a map of Los Angeles.)

GENERAL: There's the Harbor, Port of Los Angeles. It's one of the busiest ports in the world. A strike there will knock out infrastructure.....

{Lynne walks up to the President)

LYNNE: I'm sorry to interrupt, Mr. President. The Ambassador's just about to land.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Has there been any communication while he was en route?

LYNNE: No, not since this morning when It was decided he would come here.


LYNNE: No, he's being accompanied by Farhad Salim. Their ranking intelligence officer.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Get me anything new we've learned about Second Wave since this morning.

LYNNE: Yes sir.


LYNNE: Yes sir?

PRESIDENT PALMER: Is Roger here yet?

LYNNE: He's upstairs. They're bringing him up to speed on Rayburn's dismissal.



{Kim is waiting on Megan's condition as she spots a police car outside. She freaks and starts to walk down the hallway. As she opens the swinging hallway door, Gary Matheson is there.)

GARY MATHESON: Everything is going to be fine Kim. Tell you what. If you leave now, I'll tell the police that It was a misunderstanding. If you don't, They're going to arrest you.

KIM BAUER: Arrest me for what?

GARY MATHESON: For kidnapping my daughter.

KIM BAUER: Where's Carla?

GARY MATHESON: As soon as these officers talk to the doctors, Kim. It's going to be pretty obvious that your the one that hurt her.

KIM BAUER: That's a lie and you know It. I would never hurt her. I've been protecting her from you.

GARY MATHESON: Well, the only thing that can be proved, Kim is that you took Megan without our permission.

KIM BAUER: You beat up your wife. Who's going to believe you?

GARY MATHESON: Carla will back me up. You know that. If you don't believe me you can call her... Go ahead Kim, Call her... You walk away while you have the chance. Otherwise you'r going to jail... Stay away from my family. Don't ever come to my house again.

(Kim walks away as the officers enter the hallway.)


(President Palmer is finishing up a call with Mike Novick, His cheif of staff who is on a plane to the operations complex.)

PRESIDENT PALMER (on phone): Look I wouldn't rule anything out Mike. If you co-opt local law enforcement at this time the story could leak. That's one of my biggest concerns. Roger just walked in. I'll talk to you when you land. (HANGS UP)

12:07:41, 12:07:42, 12:07:43

ROGER STANTON: Mr. President. It's good to see you sir.


(They shake hands as they walk toward and enter the President's office. )

ROGER STANTON: I can't tell you how disturbed I was with Eric's decision regarding CTU.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Twenty nine dead and counting.

ROGER STANTON: It's inexcusable sir. There will be a full investigation. Possible criminal charges.

PRESIDENT PALMER: You know I hate to meddle in your rice bowl, but on a day like today, I couldn't wait for you to arrive.

ROGER STANTON: Say no more.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Are you all caught up on everything?

ROGER STANTON: All caught up sir. I'd like to talk to you about this meeting with the Ambassador.

PRESIDENT PALMER: What are your thoughts?

ROGER STANTON: We have everything to lose, nothing to gain.

PRESIDENT PALMER: What we have to gain is stopping a Nuclear bomb.

ROGER STANTON: This meeting benefits only the other side. He wants to be able to say to the world "Look we tried to stop the bomb." It's a ploy to gain access to our intelligence. Nothing more.

PRESIDENT PALMER: You might be right. but I'm not as certain as you are. I'm going to meet with him.

ROGER STANTON: Very good sir.


MICHELLE DESSLER: Sir, off duty Agents are finally arriving. Plus Division called. The chopper just lifted off. Nina Myers is on board.

GEORGE MASON: Good. Let's set up the mobile video unit for the interrogation then.

(Jack walks into the building. He looks around as he can't believe what he's seeing.)

12:09:51, 12:09:52, 12:09:53

GEORGE MASON: Jack, What the hell are you doing here? I sent you to Division.

JACK BAUER: I want to do the debrief here.

GEORGE MASON: I'm not going to mince words with you. Nina killed your wife. I don't want you anywhere near her.

JACK BAUER: George, My goal is the same as yours. To stop this bomb. It makes more sense If I do the debrief here because there's no information on the Wald operation at Division. Please.

GEORGE MASON: All Right. Let me set you up with Knoll at uh Tech Support.

JACK BAUER: What about Ivers?



GEORGE MASON: Dead. We lost alot of good people Jack.

JACK BAUER: I'll get started on the debrief.

GEORGE MASON: Do us both a favor. Finish and go.

(Jack walks toward a desk. The paramedic yells out for Mason.)

PARAMEDIC: She's awake. You better move fast. I don't know how much time she has.

GEORGE MASON: Paula, It's George Mason. Can you hear me?

PAULA SCHAFFER: What happened?

GEORGE MASON: We had a big explosion. Do you remember the encryption codes Paula? Your the only one who has them... Stay with us Paula.

MICHELLE DESSLER: Paula, you were transferring files out to N.S.A. Do you remember that?


MICHELLE DESSLER: Well the transfer didn't complete. They didn't have the source decryption key.


MICHELLE DESSLER: Yeah, the source key. That's right. The router was destroyed. Did you make a copy of the source key before you sent it?


GEORGE MASON: What is it?


MICHELLE DESSLER: Which one paula?


MICHELLE DESSLER: Come on... come on... That's it. That's it... Got it.

GEORGE MASON: Hey, you did great. What you did just saved a lot of peoples lives. Go on get her out of here.

(As the Paramedics wheel her out, her heart rate stops and Paula dies. )

12:13:16, 12:13:17, 12:14:18



12:17:48, 12:17:49, 12:17:50


(Reza and Kate arrive back at the house as Bob Warner is standing on the front lawn. Reza gets out and walks away. Kate gets out and walks up to her father.)

BOB WARNER: So did you like the house?

KATE WARNER: You knew about it?

BOB WARNER: Of course. Why did you think I insisted on you going.

KATE WARNER: Dad, It's not that I think Reza doesn't love Marie. I just think if he's doing something illegal�

BOB WARNER: Honey, You don't know that.

KATE WARNER: Well I know that Ralph Burton found a transaction.

BOB WARNER: Ralph Burton is a P.I. The man could connect me to the Manson family if he looked hard enough. Did they straighten out that business about lunch?

(In his Government thunderbird, Tony Almeida and Agent Richards arrive at the Warner house. They get out of the car and start to walk to Bob and Kate Warner.)

BOB WARNER: Who's this?

TONY ALMEIDA: Hello sir, I'm Tony Almeida from Los Angeles CTU. This is Agent Richards.


TONY ALMEIDA: Counter Terrorist Unit. I'm looking for Reza Naiyeer.

BOB WARNER: What's this all about?

TONY ALMEIDA: Sir It's a Government matter.

KATE WARNER: A Government matter?

TONY ALMEIDA: I just need to ask him a few questions.

BOB WARNER: Mr.Almeida, Right? My daughter hired a private investigator to do a background check on Reza. It's been all cleared up.

KATE WARNER: Actually dad It hasn't been all cleared up.

BOB WARNER: Can this wait? You see that today is my other daughter Marie's wedding.

TONY ALMEIDA: Look I'm sorry for the bad timing but no it can't wait. Now I'm authorized to interrogate Mr.Naiyeer. Are you going to take me to him, or do I have to find him myself?

BOB WARNER: Kate, go find Reza.


(Kate enters the kitchen and finds Reza unpacking lunch.)

REZA NAIYEER: Hey Kate. What's up?

KATE WARNER: There's a man here who needs to talk to you.

REZA NAIYEER: Who is he?

KATE WARNER: He's from the Government.

REZA NAIYEER: The Government?

KATE WARNER: Counter Terrorism Agency.

REZA NAIYEER: What are you talking about?

KATE WARNER: That's all I know.

REZA NAIYEER: What's this all about Kate?

KATE WARNER: I don't know.

REZA NAIYEER: Marie's in her room adjusting her dress. You just make sure she doesn't find out about this.

(Reza walks into the hallway)



AGENT RICHARDS: I'm Agent Richards. Right this way.

12:21:30, 12:21:31, 12:21:32


(The Ambassodor and his ranking officer have arrived and are sitting down talking to President Palmer, Roger Stanton, and Lynne.)

AMBASSADOR: I want you to know that since your conversation with the Prime Minister this morning, we have taken four suspected members of Second Wave into custody. We have begun interrogations.

PRESIDENT PALMER: What have you learned?

AMBASSADOR: We are still questioning them.

FARHAD SALIM: As a ranking security officer I can assure you that we are doing everything possible to clamp down on this kind of activity

(Roger Stanton reaches for some photos.)

ROGER STANTON: These satellite photos were taken over your country an hour ago. Doesn't look like too much of a clamp down to me.

FARHAD SALIM: We do not have the resources that you do. Surely, even you can't tell me that your aware of every single paramilitary compound currently operating in the U.S.

AMBASSADOR: If this bomb goes off Mr. President, and you don't believe that we did everything possible to stop it, there will be heavy repercussions for my country. You have already made that clear that you will have no choice but to retaliate against us. We want to help.

PRESIDENT PALMER: What do you propose?

AMBASSADOR: A mutual exchange of intelligence.

PRESIDENT PALMER: What kind of exchange?

FARHAD SALIM: We need access to your files on Second Wave.


FARHAD SALIM: Yes, anything.Anything that pertains to suspected terrorism in our country. PRESIDENT PALMER: I'm not sure how much intel it's in our intrest to share with you at this time.

AMBASSADOR: I understand Mr. President, but be assured that we want to prevent this incident. We are prepared for an exchange in both directions. We are willing to open up our files to you as well.

PRESIDENT PALMER: I'll have to think about this Mr. Ambassador.

AMBASSADOR: Of course.

PRESIDENT PALMER: We have prepared a room for you. You'll have our answer shortly.

AMBASSADOR: Thank you Mr. President.

(The President and Ambassador shake hands as the ambassador and Farhad Salim walk out of the room leaving the President alone with Roger Stanton and Lynne.)

ROGER STANTON: You can't give him this information sir.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Explain. What's the downside?

ROGER STANTON: We have Agents in their country right now. Those files would expose their identities.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Fine, Go through the files. Take out anything that would jeopardize our people.

ROGER STANTON: It's a dangerous precedent.

PRESIDENT PALMER: We can't worry about precedent. Not today. Not under the threat of a Nuclear attack.

ROGER STANTON: I guess my point is I don't trust the Ambassador. We can't ignore the possibility that his country is supporting Second Wave.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Lynne, what do you think?

LYNNE: I agree with Roger. I think It's too risky.

12:25:00, 12:25:01, 12:25:02


(Jack is at a desk working on his debrief as his cell rings.)


KIM BAUER: Dad It's me.

JACK BAUER: Kim, are you all right?

KIM BAUER: I'm okay. What about you? Were you at Were you at CTU when the bomb went off?

JACK BAUER: No. Honey I'm fine. Look are you on your way up to Aunt Carol's?

KIM BAUER: I haven't left yet. Look what is going on? You sounded weird on the phone.

JACK BAUER: It doesn't matter. You have to get to Aunt Carol's right away.

KIM BAUER: I can't. That's why I'm calling.

JACK BAUER: Why what's wrong?

KIM BAUER: It's Megan. Her dad freaked out this morning and hit her. I'm at a hospital right now.

JACK BAUER: Sweetheart I'm sorry but you�re gonna have to let that go. It's not safe in Los Angeles today.

KIM BAUER: Why not?

JACK BAUER: Something bad is going to happen. Sweetheart just trust me.

KIM BAUER: Dad, tell me.

JACK BAUER: Sweetheart, there's a Nuclear bomb in Los Angeles. It might go off today.

KIM BAUER: Oh my God. All right I'll leave but�

JACK BAUER: No buts Kim, Go now.

KIM BAUER: What about you Dad? Are you gonna meet me at Aunt Carol's?

JACK BAUER: Yes, as soon as I'm finished here at CTU. I'll be right there okay?

KIM BAUER: All right.

JACK BAUER: Kim... Don't tell anyone about this, okay? We can't start a panic.


JACK BAUER: Call me as soon as you get there.

KIM BAUER: Okay. Uh Dad I love you.

JACK BAUER: I love you too, sweetheart... Now go.


(Jack hangs up. As Jack walks back over to the desk he was working at, Mason is upstairs in his office looking down on the floor. He wants Jack to leave before Nina Myers arrives. Michelle looks up at Mason as he signals Michelle to assist Jack but Jack won't let her.)

MICHELLE DESSLER: George wanted me to find out if there's anything I can do to help.

JACK BAUER: No, thank you.

MICHELLE DESSLER: I could fill out that boilerplate stuff for you if you want.

JACK BAUER: Michelle, I know George wants me out of here. Take my advice, don't get caught in the middle.

(At the main entrance of the CTU about five armed Agents enter with Nina Myers. She is handcuffed as we here very intense music in the background. George Mason walks down from his office. Jack notices this as he turns around and looks at Nina. They bring her into holding room 2 as Jack is at a loss for words.)

12:28:13, 12:28:14, 12:28:15


12:32:40, 12:32:41, 12:32:42


(Nina is sitting down behind a desk. George Mason enters the room.)

GEORGE MASON: Hello, Nina.

(George sits. )

GEORGE MASON: So you weren't just working for the Drazens. Selling information to anybody who'd buy it. Presidential assassins, Terrorists. Didn't matter... What do you know about this Nuclear bomb?

NINA MYERS: Here are the terms George. They're nonnegotiable... I'll give up my contacts, my background material, all my intel. I'll work with whoever you want. Here or in the field. For that I want a full Presidential pardon. Third party certification guaranteed in writing.

GEORGE MASON: That's not going to fly.

NINA MYERS: Then take me back.

GEORGE MASON: Your not buying a used car here. You have to deal within the confines of reality. Your not going to get anything unless you produce results.

NINA MYERS: It's in my interest to produce results.

(George gets up and exits the room. he heads back to the main floor. He orders a Agent to connect him to Chappelle.)

JACK BAUER: Is she going to help?

GEORGE MASON: Finish your debrief and go... (He walks away) Ryan It's me... (coughing) Hold on...

12:34:51, 12:34:52, 12:34:53


(Tony Almeida begins his interrogation of Reza Naiyeer)

TONY ALMEIDA: So as Chief financial officer you oversee all the money that comes in and out of the company. Is that right?

REZA NAIYEER: Right. Now in case you haven't noticed, I'm getting married today so If we could just do this another time. I'd appreciate it.

TONY ALMEIDA: Could you sit back down please. We're not done. Sit down... Why don't you tell me about Syed Ali?

REZA NAIYEER: I don't know any Syed Ali.

TONY ALMEIDA: Oh you don't... Then how do you explain the fact that his name is in your personal computer files?

REZA NAIYEER: I don't know.

TONY ALMEIDA: You don't know... All right... Why don't we start again.


(Agent Richards is guarding the door as Kate and Bob Warner wait.)

BOB WARNER: Where is Marie?

KATE WARNER: She's still in her room working on the dress.

BOB WARNER: How much longer is he going to be?

AGENT RICHARDS: Sorry sir I don't know.

KATE WARNER: Dad, she's gonna find out the second she walks out of the room. Are we gonna be able to go through with this?

BOB WARNER: What do you mean?

KATE WARNER: The wedding. Dad It's in less than six hours.

BOB WARNER: No one is cancelling anything. Just make sure Marie stays away from these people. Okay?


(The President has agreed to exchange information.)

PRESIDENT PALMER: Roger I want you to monitor how they use our intel.

ROGER STANTON: I'm not comfortable with this.

LYNNE: Well we've flagged the restricted topics.

ROGER STANTON: This should be a one way dialogue.

(A secret service agent enters with a phone.)

AGENT: Mr.President, It's Ryan Chappelle. Division Los Angeles.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Thank you... Yes Ryan.

RYAN CHAPPELLE: Mr.President, I have an update on the Nina Myers situation. She's demanding a full Presidential pardon.


(Jack walks over to Michelle Dessler with his debrief.)

JACK BAUER: Here's my debrief. It's finished.


(Jack is now looking in on the holding room where Nina is.)

MICHELLE DESSLER: I am supposed to get you out of here. That's not going to happen is it?

JACK BAUER: It's the first time I've seen her since...

MICHELLE DESSLER: Why are you doing this to yourself Jack? Mason's right you should get out of here.

(Michelle answers a ringing phone.)

MICHELLE DESSLER: Dessler? Yeah he's right here� It's for you.


OPERATOR: Jack Bauer?


OPERATOR: Mr.Bauer hold one moment for the President.


JACK BAUER: Mr.President.

PRESIDENT PALMER: I want to thank you for your good work this morning.

JACK BAUER: Yes sir.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Jack there's something else. I wanted you to hear it from me personally. It's about Nina Myers. We're gonna have to grant her a shadow asylum.

JACK BAUER: That sounds like a pardon sir.

PRESIDENT PALMER: It is. Only a few people will ever know about it. She'll be deported to another country... Jack I know how difficult this must be for you to hear. It was a painfull decision. As you know, she has information that can help us find this bomb. I wish there was another way.

JACK BAUER: So do I sir.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Let's just through this day. Eventually we'll make it right.

JACK BAUER: Yes sir.



(Jack, with anger in his eyes just stares at the holding cell for a minute.

JACK BAUER: They�re gonna let her go.

12:40:13, 12:40:14, 12:40:15


12:44:38, 12:44:39, 12:44:40


(Kim calls her boyfriend, Miguel.)

MIGUEL: Hello?

KIM BAUER: I've been trying to reach you.

MIGUEL: I have my cell off when I'm recording.

KIM BAUER: I need you.

MIGUEL: I really need you too.

KIM BAUER: Quit it Miguel. I'm in trouble.

MIGUEL: What happened? Are you okay?

KIM BAUER: No, no it's not me. It's Megan. Look you have to come help me.

MIGUEL: Help you with what?

KIM BAUER: I can't explain over the phone. Miguel please.

MIGUEL: I have a whole studio full of people here.

KIM BAUER: You just have to trust me.

MIGUEL: Okay where are you?


(George Mason walks in the bathroom and takes his pills. he throws some water on his face. Jack walks in.)

JACK BAUER: President Palmer told me he had to take a deal with Nina. I want the case. I know how she thinks.


JACK BAUER: Yes and you know it.

GEORGE MASON: I'm not talking to you Jack. Cause your not here.

(Mason exits as Jack notices George's medication bottle lying on the sink. )


(Marie Warner exits her room. Kate walks up to her.)

MARIE WARNER: I am starved but I don't want to eat anything. The dress fits perfect right now. KATE WARNER: Marie, there's a bit of a problem.

MARIE WARNER: Of course there's a problem It's a wedding. What now?

KATE WARNER: It's about Reza.

MARIE WARNER: What is he backing out? What's going on? Where's Reza?

BOB WARNER: He's in the dinning room.

MARIE WARNER: Who are you?

AGENT RICHARDS: Ma'am I'm Agent Richards from CTU Los Angeles.

KATE WARNER: Reza's in the dinning room talking with another Agent.

MARIE WARNER: What for? What does he want with Reza? Dad? I want to see Reza!

AGENT RICHARDS: I'm sorry ma'am I can't let you in at this time.

MARIE WARNER: This is our house I WANT YOU OUT OF OUR HOUSE! NOW! Kate, do you know what's going on here?

KATE WARNER: Marie, I want you to come with me.



(They walk into another room.)

KATE WARNER: This whole thing started with me. Please try to understand. I saw something in the company books that didn't check out, so I hired a private investigator to check up on Reza.


KATE WARNER: The private investigator came across the name of a man reza's had dealings with. A man involved in terrorist activities.


KATE WARNER: I did it for you. To protect you.

MARIE WARNER: To protect me? All this time, you've been checking up on reza? Behind our backs?

KATE WARNER: These people found out something about Reza's past.

MARIE WARNER: This is my life, It's my wedding day. How dare you interfere with it like this.

BOB WARNER: Marie, calm down. Look, these men will be out of here soon. It's just a big misunderstanding. Let's try to remember that we're a family.

MARIE WARNER: Not any more... I don't want you at the wedding.

BOB WARNER: No Marie, come on�

MARIE WARNER: No Dad, It's unacceptable that she did this without telling me.

KATE WARNER: Marie I'm sorry. It was wrong of me not to tell you at first.

MARIE WARNER: Apology accepted... Now get out.

12:50:10, 12:50:11, 12:50:12


12:54:47, 12:54:48, 12:54:49


(Miguel gets out of a cab and walks up to Kim.)

KIM BAUER: Where's the car?

MIGUEL: I let Rod take it. Why?

KIM BAUER: We need it.

MIGUEL: We'll take a cab.

KIM BAUER: We can't.

MIGUEL: Kim, what's going on?

KIM BAUER: We need to get Megan out of here.

MIGUEL: What happened?

KIM BAUER: Gary threw her down to the ground. She hit her head.

MIGUEL: Did you talk to the police?

KIM BAUER: I can't. He threatened to arrest me for kidnapping if I said anything.

MIGUEL: Kidnapping?

KIM BAUER: I took her out of the house. I had to.

MIGUEL: Look she's safe as long as she's here at the hospital. You need to talk to Carla. KIM BAUER: It's too late for that... You know that building that blew up today? My father used to work there. They go after terrorists. I talked to him a half hour ago. He seems to think we need to get out of Los Angeles as soon as possible.


KIM BAUER: He said there was a Nuclear bomb in the city. He thinks it might go off today.

MIGUEL: Whoa... You believe him?


MIGUEL: Let's get out of here.

KIM BAUER: Not without Megan.


(As George enters his office, Jack is inside.)

GEORGE MASON: What are you doing in my office?

JACK BAUER: How long did they give you? George I know you were expossed to high levels of radioactive materials in Panorama City this morning.

GEORGE MASON: How'd you figure that out?

JACK BAUER: Your anti nausea medication. It's for radiation sickness. I checked the logs. I made a few calls. You inhaled plutonium George.


JACK BAUER: So I'm not the only person who shouldn't be here today... How long do you have?

GEORGE MASON: I'll probably be dead by this time tomorrow. Why? What's it to you?

JACK BAUER: I want to you know what your plans are for Nina.

GEORGE MASON: Soon as we get a signature from Palmer, she's gonna tell us everything she knows.

JACK BAUER: Who's gonna be the handler?


JACK BAUER: Forget about O'Neill. I want to do it.

GEORGE MASON: I'm dying Jack but I'm not crazy.

JACK BAUER: If you don't do this, I'll phone District and tell them about your condition. Now let me do it.


12:58:19, 12:58:20, 12:58:21


(Roger Stanton runs in.)

ROGER STANTON: Mr.President take a look at this. Internal feed from Fox news.

(The screen shows a helicopter blown out of the sky and crashing to the ground.) br>
PRESIDENT PALMER: Where is this? L.A.?

ROGER STANTON: No sir, right here.

PRESIDENT PALMER: I don't understand.

ROGER STANTON: It's the Ambassador's chopper. First indications are there were no survivors.


(Jack walks over to the monitors and watches Nina on the screens.)

12:59:57, 12:59:58, 12:59:59, 1:00:00

Transcript by Daniel Smith

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