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24 heures chrono
#208 : 15h00 - 16h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 2 guide des épisodes

Ron Weeland, un journaliste qui était retenu contre son gré au QG, a retrouvé la liberté et révélé devant les caméras de télévision que la menace d'une attaque terroriste était sur le pays et que le Président en était au courant. David Palmer aimerait savoir pourquoi Armus a accepté de laisser Weeland partir.
Le corps de Carla est retrouvé dans un coffre de voiture qui s’avère être celui de la voiture de Kim et Miguel. Ils sont donc arrêtés par la police.
Kate fait appel à un détective privé afin de pouvoir accéder aux dossiers personnels de son père. Elle y découvre un document provenant du gouvernement.
A la CAT, Bob Warner se fait passer pour un homme de la CIA.
Nina tue Mamud Faheen après lui avoir soutiré toutes les informations dont elle avait besoin à propos de la bombe.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Titre VF
15h00 - 16h00

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


24 Season 2 Episode 8 Promo

24 Season 2 Episode 8 Promo


Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Joel Surnow & Michael Loceff
Réalisé par : James Whitmore Jr.


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Sarah Wynter : Kate Warner
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Xander Berkeley : George Mason
• Penny Johnson Jerald : Sherry Palmer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Dennis Haysbert : President David Palmer

• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• Skye McCole Bartusiak : Megan Matheson
• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick
• Michelle Forbes : Lynne Kresge
• Laura Harris : Marie Warner
• Phillip Rhys : Reza Naiyeer
• John Terry : Bob Warner
• Eric Christan Olsen : John Mason
• Innis Casey : Miguel
• Michael Cudlitz : FBI Agent Rick Phillips
• Christopher Murray : FBI Agent Dockerty
• Anthony Azizi : Mamud Rasheed Faheen
• and Sarah Clarke : Nina Myers
• Harris Yulin : Roger Stanton
• Al Sapienza : Paul Koplin
• Stan Rush : Agent Sloan
• Demitri Fields : Officer Ken  

Kim et Miguel tentent d’expliquer au policier les circonstances dans lesquelles ils ont dérobé la voiture de Gary mais le policier préfère les ramener au poste de police afin que les inculpés y subissent un interrogatoire plus poussé. Reza, Bob ainsi que Marie Warner arrivent à la C.A.T.

Michelle renseigne Tony sur la situation à la Cellule quelques heures après l’explosion : 17 blessés, 30 morts dont celle de Paula. Georges autorise Tony à utiliser tous les moyens pour faire parler Bob et Reza au plus vite.

Au Q.G. présidentiel, Roger Stanton essaie de sonder Lynne afin d’avoir son opinion sur l’arrivée de Sherry auprès du président mais Lynne reste de marbre et se réfugie derrière l’assentiment du président. Après avoir reçu un coup de téléphone du journal pour lequel travaille Ron Wieland, Sherry finit par faire avouer à David qu’il détient le journaliste au Centre de Commandement.

Sherry lui demande un entretien avec le journaliste afin de le convaincre d’accepter un marché : sa libération et son silence sur toute cette affaire contre une émission exclusive en direct lorsque tout danger sera écarté, proposition que Wieland avait décliné quelques heures plus tôt.

Le président donne son accord. Kim et Miguel sont séparés de Megan et emmenés au poste de police. Nina questionne Mamud Faheen, Michelle fournit la traduction à Jack. L’interrogatoire ne menant à rien, Jack emmène Nina à l’extérieur, conscient qu’elle ne lui sera plus d’aucune utilité.

Alors qu’il s’apprête à quitter les lieux en compagnie de la prisonnière, Jack se fait stopper par des agents chargés de veiller à la sécurité de Nina. Paul Koplin arrive à la maison des Warner sur ordre Ralph Burton afin d’analyser les fichiers de l’ordinateur de Bob Warner pour y déceler une quelconque trace de transaction avec Syed Ali.

Stanton est surpris d’apercevoir Armus en compagnie de Sherry Palmer à l’entrée de la cellule de Ron Wieland. Après s’être justifiée, Sherry s’entretient avec le journaliste. En échange de son silence pendant encore quelques heures, elle lui propose une visite avec le président en personne du Centre de Commandement des Etats-Unis, lieu où aucun journaliste n’a jamais pénétré.

15 : 18 Un fourgon circule dans la ville de Los Angeles. Les trois hommes à l’intérieur nous apprennent qu’ils sont en possession de la bombe et qu’ils l’acheminent vers l’endroit où celle-ci explosera quelques heures plus tard. Soudain, un pneu explose et déséquilibre le véhicule.

Le conducteur parvient malgré tout à faire s’immobiliser le fourgon sans problème. Les trois hommes acceptent l’aide d’un automobiliste même s’ils restent très vigilants. L’avion, transportant Jack, Nina et Mamud Faheen, a redécollé en direction de Los Angeles.

Nina continue d’interroger le terroriste, Michelle fournissant toujours la traduction à Jack mais Mamud reste inflexible. Nina enfouit dans la manche de son blouson une carte aux bords aiguisés qu’elle a dérobé au domicile de Mamud. Nina est ramenée auprès de Jack et le renseigne sur quelques petits points : elle a été contactée par Faheen six mois plus tôt mais elle ne sait pas où l’engin est censé exploser. Jack semble impuissant : Mamud reste désespérément muet alors que c’est le seul lien qui pourra les conduire jusqu’à la bombe.

L’automobiliste ayant changé la roue, le fourgon transportant la bombe repart. Sur la route les ramenant au poste de police de Los Angeles, Kim prévient le policier de la menace nucléaire et l’exhorte à appeler la Cellule Antiterroriste pour avoir confirmation. L’agent choisit d’appeler le FBI mais ceux-ci ne répondent pas. Wieland a refusé l’offre de Sherry.

Celle-ci tente de retrouver la confiance du président en avouant avoir commis de graves erreurs lors des élections primaires à cause de son obsession pour le pouvoir. Le président autorise son ex-femme à travailler de nouveau pour lui sans toutefois rien lui promettre en retour. Le conducteur du fourgon s’engage brutalement sur un chemin et arrête le véhicule, réalisant qu’il s’apprête à tuer des millions d’innocents.

Le terroriste situé à sa gauche dégaine son arme et le tue sans coup férir puis descend et fait le tour du véhicule afin d’extraire le corps. Mais le conducteur, dans un ultime effort, parvient à dégainer son arme et à tirer sur le terroriste, l’entraînant ainsi dans sa mort.

Le troisième homme, désormais seul, remonte dans le fourgon et repart vers son objectif initial, laissant les corps de ses deux compatriotes sur les lieux de leur mort. Paul Koplin parvient à retrouver les traces d’une transaction effectuée entre Reza et Syed Ali de près d’un demi-million de dollars mais, après consultation de l’emploi du temps de Bob Warner cette semaine-là, Paul parvient à rassurer Kate de l’innocence de son père, son emploi du temps ne correspondant pas avec la date de la transaction. Mais le soulagement est de courte durée ; en effet, quelques instants plus tard, Paul Koplin découvre un dossier gouvernemental dans le répertoire personnel de Bob. C’est un dossier crypté dont l’acquisition nécessite l’approbation des services du gouvernement.

15 : 40 A la Cellule Antiterroriste, Tony interroge Bob Warner. Ce dernier l’informe qu’il est consultant pour la CIA, justifiant ainsi en partie les découvertes de Kate et de Paul Koplin. Il a été contacté par la CIA cinq ans plus tôt afin que sa compagnie serve de canal de transmission d’informations mais il ne sait pas avec quel pays ou quelle organisation il est en contact mais, malgré tout, il dément formellement avoir eu de quelconques relations avec un homme du nom de Syed Ali. Tony sort de la salle d’interrogatoire et communique à Georges les résultats de cet entretien.

Les deux hommes sont persuadés que Reza a menti lors des interrogatoires ; Georges donne ainsi le feu vert à Tony pour interroger de manière un peu plus « musclée » Reza Nagyeer. Dans le même temps, Michelle reçoit un appel de la police l’informant de l’arrestation et de la détention de Kim pour meurtre.

Michelle passe instantanément la communication à Jack. Kim, paniquée, révèle sa situation à son père mais, dans le même temps, Nina s’entretient avec Mamud Faheen. Les deux prisonniers parlent à voix basse, de sorte que ni Jack ni la Cellule ne puissent entendre leurs propos. Puis, soudain, Nina se lève, sort de sa poche la carte aux bords aiguisés et tranche la gorge de Mamud ! Jack se rue sur elle mais il est déjà trop tard, Mamud est mort….

quelques secondes après avoir révélé à Nina l’endroit où la bombe explosera. Celle-ci demande que l’avion soit détourné vers San Diego en échange de la précieuse information. A la Cellule, Georges perd soudain patience et, dans un excès de folie, se rue sur Reza et l’étreint à la gorge. Des hommes s’interposent aussitôt et repoussent Mason. Au poste de police, l’agent qui a arrêté Kim quelques minutes plus tôt informe cette dernière qu’un homme de la Cellule viendra la chercher d’ici peu.

Suite à la demande du policier, Kim l’informe de la menace nucléaire planant sur la ville de Los Angeles. Michelle n’arrive pas à décoder les dernières bribes de conversation entre Nina et Mamud. Conscient de l’énorme travail qu’elle a fournit depuis le début de la journée, Tony l’autorise à quitter son poste l’espace de quelques minutes afin de prendre une douche et de se changer.

Mike interrompt subitement une conversation entre le président et Lynne et leur montre des images télévisées sur lesquelles on aperçoit le journaliste Ron Wieland, libre, donnant une interview à la presse. Il parle ouvertement de sa détention et de la menace nucléaire.

Le président demande instantanément à s’entretenir avec Armus, l’homme qui était en charge de la surveillance du journaliste. Alors que Kate raccompagne Paul Koplin à sa voiture, ils se font tous deux attaquer par des hommes. La lutte est brève : Kate et Paul sombrent rapidement dans l’inconscience sous l’effet de seringues hypodermiques.

On les place à l’arrière d’un fourgon qui ne tarde pas à démarrer. Jack se remémore le dernier week-end passé avec Teri quelques jours avant que Nina ne la tue. Soudain, un missile percute l’arrière de l’appareil…c’est la panique à bord…l’avion peut se crasher d’une minute à l’autre…


2X08: Day 2 - 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.




DISCLAIMER: This is a fan written account of this episode of 24. I do not wish to obtain any credit for it and am doing it for no financial gain. None of the characters and script are my own. All credit for this episode goes solely to the actors and writers who created it.

Recap: Previously on 24.

KATE WARNER: Why are they asking Dad questions?

MARIE WARNER: 'Cause you started a witch hunt in our family.

KATE: What did you accuse my father of?

REZA NAIYEER: I didn't accuse him of anything.

KATE: You're pointing at him to cover for yourself.


TONY ALMEIDA (PHONE): He says that Bob Warner's the one who had dealings with Syed Ali.

GEORGE MASON (PHONE): Bring them both in. We'll separate them and turn up the heat.


KATE: I need some help. I have to get into my father's private records.


JACK BAUER: Who is the man in Visalia?!

NINA MYERS: The man in Visalia is Mamud Faheen. He also thinks I'm in prison.

JACK: You better make him believe you got out.

NINA: I need to see Mamud.


[Nina steals a plastic card.]

RICK PHILLIPS: Jack should we go?

JACK: No! Not until I have confirmation it's Faheen.

JACK: Okay that's it! Everybody go!



LYNNE KRESEGE: Sir, we have to talk about Ron Wieland.

PRESIDENT DAVID PALMER: Does anyone know he's sequestered?

KRESEGE: No, but pretty soon they'll figure out the last person they saw him with was you.

PALMER: I have invoked executive privilege and granted Sheri provisional security clearance. Seems like every time I turn around somebody advises me to send you away.

SHERI: Why don't you�?

PALMER: 'Cause you may be able to get information nobody else can.


MIGUEL: Dammit! Just play cool.

KIM BAUER: Cool?! We're in a stolen car!

COP: Step out of the car please and open the trunk!

MIGUEL: Oh my god!

[Carla's bloody body is in the trunk.]

KIM: Carla! Oh my God he killed her!

COP: Put your hands behind your head.


The following takes place between 3PM and 4PM.


COP: So whose car is it?

KIM BAUER: It's her fathers.

COP: Did he give it to you?

KIM: Not exactly.

COP: Well then what, exactly?

KIM: We took it without permission.

COP: You stole this car?

KIM: I can't believe he killed her.

MIGUEL: Look, officer. Gary Matheson, the man Kim works for, had beaten his wife and was starting to hurt his daughter. Kim called me to help Megan get away from this guy.

COP: Well, if that's true, why didn't you go to the police? Why do I find you 20 miles outside of LA? � That's what I thought. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney; if you can't afford one, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights?


[Tony, Richards, Reza, Bob, and Marie arrive in CTU accompanied by guards.]

MARIE WARNER: Uh.. Is it safe in here?

TONY ALMEIDA: Just stay away from the cordoned areas, you'll be alright.

BOB WARNER: This was the building that was bombed this morning.

TONY: Yeah.


TONY: Hey� You got the rooms ready?

MICHELLE: Yeah. They're still a little messed up, but good enough for interrogation.

TONY: How are we doing here?

MICHELLE: Final tally� 30 dead, 17 wounded. Davidorff and Lindauer are critical.

TONY: What about Paula?

[Michelle looks away.]

TONY: Uhm.. Could you do me a favor and take them back to the rooms?

MICHELLE: Follow me please.

BOB: Listen� Can I talk to you alone?

TONY: Stay with them. I'll be there in a minute.

GEORGE MASON: Find anything new?

TONY: No, just what I told you on the phone. The two men are contradicting each other. There's definitely a tie to Syed Ali.

MASON: Looks more like Ali is at the centre of this. I hope it brings us closer to finding the nuke.

TONY: Just tell me how hard I can push him.

MASON: Hard as you have to. Stick bamboo shoots under their fingernails. Get what they got. Time's running out.

TONY: Okay.


ROGER STANTON: Call Henderson at FBI. Set up a conference call with him and the Attorney General.

[Lynne Kresege enters.]

STANTON: Lynne. Do you have a sec?

KRESEGE: Sure Roger.

STANTON: Uh.. I understand that Sheri Palmer has been given provisional security clearance.

KRESEGE: Yes that's right. The President has invoked executive privilege.

STANTON: You okay with that?

KRESEGE: It's different.

STANTON: Yes it its.

KRESEGE: So, you know- I've weighed in about it. If I feel that she's becoming a problem, I'll let the president know.

STANTON: Well. She's his ex-wife. That's a problem in itself.


SHERI PALMER: No. Sandra, thank you. I'll get back with you.

[Sheri hangs up her cell-phone. Palmer enters.]

SHERI: Tell me about Ron Wieland.

PALMER: What about him?

SHERI: I just got off the phone with Sandra Ivany at the network. She said no one's heard from him since he met with you this morning. David? You didn't detain him did you?

PALMER: You are here today to help me- not question my judgment.

SHERI: And I am trying to help. What's going on with Wieland?

PALMER: He was going to go public with a rumor.

SHERI: About the bomb?

PALMER: I cannot afford a panic.

SHERI: Well- You can't keep him locked up indefinitely. People are already starting to ask questions.

PALMER: We're holding him at the OC. When the crisis passes, I'll let him go.

SHERI: Yeah, well- meanwhile, you've got a problem. His disappearance could raise questions you don't want to answer.

PALMER: I put Armus on it.

SHERI: Apparently it hasn't helped. The word is getting out.

PALMER: What do you suggest?

SHERI: Give him an on-air exclusive when this is over.

PALMER: I offered that to him. He didn't want it.

SHERI: Then let me talk to him. David, one talent you know I have is dealing with the media. And I know Ron. He likes me.

PALMER: No. You're here to gather information.

SHERI: And to help. And today you can't afford to ignore that. Let me try talking to Ron.

PALMER: What would you say to him?

SHERI: Oh I'll make it worth his while not to say anything.


[Cop leading Megan Matheson away.]

MEGAN: Kim, I'm scared!

KIM: It's okay Megan. You're going to be fine. It's going to be fine. Where are you taking her? She can't go back to LA.

COP: Why not?

KIM: It's not safe.

[Cop sighs and walks away.]

MIGUEL: Why didn't you tell him?

KIM: My dad said not to tell anyone.

MIGUEL: Yeah well he didn't know you'd be charged with murder. I'm gonna tell him Kim.

KIM: No you can't. I'm telling Miguel. My dad said no one can know about this.

MIGUEL: I think you should tell him who your dad is. Let them call him. Let your dad explain why we're trying to get out of town.

COP2: Come on let's go. Come on.

[Cop 2 leads Miguel in handcuffs away. Kim stays in Cop 1's car. The three is separated in different vehicles.]

KIM: Listen. My father works at CTU, the place that got bombed this morning. His name is Jack Bauer. Please call him. He'll explain why it's not safe to be in LA today.

COP: You can call your father after you've been processed alright?


[Nina speaks in Arabic to Mamud Faheen. Michelle in CTU is on radio communication with Jack and his team in Visalia, Michelle is doing translation work by computer for Jack to help understand what Nina is saying.]

MICHELLE: Nina. Who are you working with in LA?

[Nina repeats phrase in Arabic. Faheen replies in Arabic.]

MICHELLE: Faheen. I'm not going to give you any information.

[Jack pushes open curtain that separates the two rooms and enters the room with Faheen and Nina talking. Faheen speaks in Arabic.]

MICHELLE: Faheen. It's too late. Don't waste your time. The operation will be done.

JACK: This is not working.

NINA: It will work. I just need a little more time.

JACK: No, you're done.

NINA: Jack! Don't do this!

[Jack leads Nina in cuffs away. Other agent leads Faheen away.]

AGENT: On your feet.

JACK: We're going back.

PHILLIPS: Did he talk?

JACK: No he wouldn't talk to her.

PHILLIPS: What do we do?

JACK: Call division, have them set up a white room. We'll handle it in Los Angeles.

NINA: Jack! Wrong move. The deeper you bring him in; the more he'll shut down.

JACK: We'll see.

NINA: Rick! Give me more time with him!

JACK: You've had enough time; it's over. Make sure Faheen gets to the airport.

PHILLIPS: What about you?

JACK: Right behind you.

[Jack slams Nina against the car.]

NINA: You see what he's doing?! He doesn't need me anymore!

PHILLIPS: Jack, you can't take her.

NINA: I have a document signed by the President! He can't do this!

PHILLIPS: Jack, I can't; my orders are to stay with you and her.

JACK: Forget your orders. All they need is Faheen.

PHILLIPS: Don't push this Jack. I can't leave you alone with her.

[Jack pushes Phillips away.]

JACK: It's got nothing to do with you! Back off!

HARRIS: Step away from the car, Bauer.

[Harris and Phillips pulls their gun on Jack. Jack slams door in frustration.]


03:09:32.. 33.. 34.. **Fades out.**

03:13:56.. 57.. 58.. 59.. 03:14:00.. 01


MAN (PK): Paul Koplin, Ms. Warner. Nice to meet you.

KATE: Thanks for coming. Come in.

KOPLIN: No problem. I spoke to Ralph. He told me what files we're going to have to get into.

KATE: Are they the ones that linked Reza to this terrorist?

KOPLIN: Yes. That's Syed Ali. The company computer is networked into this house. I'm going to have to hack some passwords. I assume you're authorizing me to do that.

KATE: Yeah. Yeah; of course.

KOPLIN: That's it?

KATE: Yeah. I still don't understand why they dragged my family in for questioning on my sister's wedding day.

[Koplin sits down at computer; you can see a gun in a leather holster on his belt.]

KOPLIN: I'm a little surprised about that too, but uhm.. It's a whole new world out there now. I'm sorry 'bout what happened, but as private investigators, we're required by law to report any terrorist-related information to Homeland Security right off.

[Koplin connects some USB chip to the computer.]

KATE: So here it is. I was able to access the monthly statements but I couldn't get into any detailed records.

KOPLIN: Alright. Let's see what we can do.


STANTON: Armus? Where are you going?

ARMUS: I'm taking Mrs. Palmer to one of the conference rooms.

STANTON: Does she have clearance?

SHERI: Excuse me. But you don't need to speak about me as if I weren't here, Mr. Stanton.

STANTON: I'm sorry, Mrs. Palmer. Roger Stanton.

SHERI: I know who you are, Roger.

[Sheri shakes hands with Roger Stanton.]

STANTON: Just uh.. This is a highly restricted area.

SHERI: Yes, I know. However, I have been granted access.

STANTON: Why do you need to be here?

SHERI: That you'll have to ask the president. � Armus?

ARMUS: S'cuse me.

[Armus runs his card through the security to the door.]

STANTON: My apologies, Mrs. Palmer. It's just we're very careful about the flow of information today.

SHERI: Well, there's no need to apologize. I would assume that you're careful about the flow of information everyday.

[Armus opens door to Ron Wieland's holding room.]

SHERI: Thank you.

[Sheri enters, Ron Wieland looks mildly surprised at her. Armus stands bored outside the door.]

WIELAND: Sheri Palmer.

SHERI: Hello, Ron.

WIELAND: Just when I thought this day couldn't get any stranger.

[Sheri laughs.]

SHERI: I uh.. I can imagine you're not happy about all of this.

WIELAND: I'd like to know what 'this' is.

SHERI: I don't exactly know myself.

WIELAND: I don't believe you Sheri. But, unless they kill me, I'm gonna have the story of the year. I've been kidnapped by the leader of the free world.

SHERI: Oh no, that's not necessarily true Ron. There actually has been precedent for this kind of executive action.

WIELAND: If you're here to shut me up, you're wasting your time. I sensed I was onto something; the fact that they locked me in here only confirms it. I'm coming out of here with a story; deal with it.

SHERI: Hm. Mind if I sit down?

WIELAND: Course not.

SHERI: We uh� We'd like to release you Ron. And we will. But we need assurances you won't go public with the rumor you threatening to broadcast.

WEILAND: In return for what? I get an exclusive with the President on some watered-down story?

SHERI: Not watered-down story. Something else. You go out there, let everyone know that you are not missing. Don't say anything about this morning. The President will let you inside of the OC to report first-hand. No journalist has ever been inside before.

WIELAND: Why did he send you down here to make this offer Sheri? In fact, what are you even doing back inside David Palmer's circle?

SHERI: Take the deal Ron. In a couple of hours they'll brief you. And then you'll know more than I do.


[Man speaks Arabic into a phone. Hangs up.]

MAN (ARABIC): Everybody's ready. They're just waiting for us to deliver the bomb.

[Three men in the truck exchanges dialog in Arabic. Suddenly, a loud bang was heard. Camera cuts to outside the vehicle to see one of the tires blown on the truck. The truck is out of control, but finally is managed to be stopped by a sidewalk safely. Man gets out. Opens the back, where they get one of the tools.]

MAN (ARABIC): Where's the handle?

MAN2(ARABIC): There is no handle.

PASSERBY: Hey guys! You need some help?

[A friendly neighborhood guy pulls up in a truck.]

MAN: Yeah.


[Jack and the others are on a plane. Nina speaks in Arabic to Faheen. Michelle is still doing translation work.]

MICHELLE: Nina. The only way out of this is to cooperate with them.

[Nina continues to speak in Arabic.]

MICHELLE: Nina. Mamud, it does your case no good if you end up dead. Think about it Mamud. We're on our way to Los Angeles.

[Mamud Faheed speaks.]

MICHELLE: Faheen. I'm not afraid to die.

[Nina slumps back in seat. Faheen rolls his eyes. Camera zooms in to the card Nina stole from the store back in Visalia. It has a sharp, torn edge. Nina holds it. Jack is busy at the computer. Nina conceals broken card in her shirt sleeve. She speaks in Arabic to Faheen.]

MICHELLE: Nina. How big is the bomb. What time is it supposed to go off. Faheen. You betrayed me. You betrayed us all. Traitor.

JACK: Bring her back here now.

[Harris gets out of seat, leads Nina to Jack.]

JACK: Nina we are out of time. If you want to live through this, you gotta be straight with me. Now when was this planned?

NINA: Six months before I was arrested.

JACK: And Faheen approached you?

NINA: Yes, but through an intermediary.

JACK: And he didn't tell you about the nuke.

NINA: No, I told you. I didn't know what the endgame was. I just knew it was something big.

JACK: Is there another way around Faheen?


JACK: Is he really willing to die?

NINA: Yes. � Jack, what are we going to do?

JACK: Take her back.

[Harris leads Nina back to her seat, but opposite to Faheen this time instead of at a diagonal. Faheen glares up at Harris. Jack stares in the two prisoner's direction.]

03:22:51.. 52.. 53.. 54.. **Fades out.**

03:27:16.. 17.. 18.. 19.. 20.. 21


[The nice passerby helps the three men who speak Arabic fix their tire.]

PASSERBY: I wouldn't drive too long on that spare. There's not a lot of tread left on it.

MAN: Yes. Thank you very much, sir.

PASSERBY: Hey, why don't you fellows follow me to Ventura Boulevard? There's a tire store there.

MAN: No, no, no. We'll be fine.

PASSERBY: Alright. You're all set.

MAN: Oh. Here. Please.

[The man who speaks Arabic hands the nice guy a wad of cash.]

PASSERBY: Don't worry about it. You know anybody who needs pool service, give 'em my card. I work the whole valley. Okay?

MAN: Thank you. Thank you sir.


[The camera focuses in on one of the men, and then at a bunch of boys playing basketball on sidewalk.]


COP2(PHONE): Well the kid said it was dangerous and to stay out of Los Angeles.

COP (PHONE): Yeah. This one told me a similar story. Didn't go into any detail though.

COP2(PHONE): Do you think it's true?

COP (PHONE): I don't think so.

COP2(PHONE): Then what then?

COP (PHONE): They're just telling stories.

COP2(PHONE): Want me to call it in?

COP (PHONE): Listen- we wait until we get back, okay?

COP2(PHONE): Alright. I'll see you there.

COP (PHONE): Yeah.

[They hang up. The cop chuckles.] COP: That friend of yours got quite an imagination.

KIM: Why? What did he say?

COP: The reason that you were leaving town because some kind of bomb's supposed to go off in LA today. Is that what you were talking about back then when you said it wasn't safe?

KIM: Please. Just call CTU and try and reach my dad. You need to get Megan, the girl that was with us. Keep her out of the city.

[Cop looks concerned.]

COP (RADIO): LA Dispatch, this is 621. Put me through to Frank Reed over at FBI Local.

WOMAN(RADIO): 621, I have been unable to reach anyone at the FBI for the last 45 minutes.

COP (RADIO): Unable to reach them, why?

WOMAN(RADIO): There's a lot of traffic on their lines for some reason.

COP (RADIO): Alright. Keep trying. Give me a call when you get through.

WOMAN(RADIO): Copy that.

COP: What the hell is going on�


PALMER: How did it go with Wieland?

SHERI: He's not gonna play ball. He thinks he's got the upper hand.

PALMER: He knows we have to let him go eventually. Whether there's a legal precedent for this or not, he's got one hell of a story.

SHERI: Oh I'm so sorry David, I thought I could charm him.

PALMER: Thanks, Sheri, that'll be all.

SHERI: David? Why are you treating me like this?

PALMER: It's not about you Sheri. I just have more important things to deal with right now.

SHERI: You know; you've always been able to forgive. Always given everyone a second chance, but not- not me. I came here today to tell you that you were right. Right to kick me off the campaign, right to file the divorce.

PALMER: Where's all this coming from?

SHERI: Well� A place of honesty, of realization. I was too caught up in the power.

PALMER: And you're not now?

SHERI: Of course. You know I love it. But now I am aware of what I can and can't handle.

PALMER: So what are you asking for?

SHERI: Let me help you. If what I bring to you can be useful, then you can consider it the start of a new confidence.

PALMER: Alright. But I promise you absolutely nothing in return.

SHERI: Okay.


[Three Arabic men in the car. The driver sobs and pulls the truck over to the roadside, stops it. Conversation exchanges in Arabic.]

MAN: I don't want to do this. I don't want to kill anyone.

MAN2: Just do your job.

MAN: No.

[Man 2 shoots Man several times in the chest. The third man watches in horror. The two live men exits car. Man 2 turns out not to be dead and uses his dying breath to shoot Man two with his own gun. Man 3 checks both pulses, to find them dead. He takes one of the guns and gets on the truck again.]


03:33:11.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 15.. **Fades out.**

03:37:37.. 38.. 39.. 40.. 41.. 42


KOPLIN: Alright, there are the transaction records. On the week of the 23rd, Reza made four withdrawals from the company's discretionary account.

KATE: $175,000, $150,000, $50,000, another $50,000� That's almost a half a million dollars.


KATE: What did he do with the money?

KOPLIN: Let's see. He wrote a check to Syed Ali for $475,000 in return for 'consulting services.'

KATE: So what? Maybe they were doing business?

KOPLIN: Syed Ali's only business is bankrolling terrorists.

KATE: What about my father, what's his connection to all this?

KOPLIN: Well, Reza probably convinced CTU that your father authorized these transactions, or maybe he just did them on his own. I'm speculating.

KATE: My father is not involved in terrorism. The government made a mistake. We have to find it, and clear him.

KOPLIN: Alright.. Let's uhm� Try and get into his personal calendar. Let's see what he did the days he wrote those checks. Okay. Here's your father's schedule for that week. Nothing here either.

KATE: Of course not. My father has nothing to do with any of this. Sorry Paul, I shouldn't have called you. This is such a waste of time.

KOPLIN: Wait a minute.

KATE: What?

KOPLIN: There's a file in his personal directory that's accessed almost daily. It has a resource tab on it, which means it's a government file.

KATE: My dad has government clients.


KATE: What?

KOPLIN: It's an auto-delete program.

KATE: Can't you do something?

KOPLIN: Yeah, I'm trying.

[The screen with the folder's disappearing files turns into a notepad page of self-generating script.]

KOPLIN: This can't be right

KATE: What?

KOPLIN: The data on this volume has a com-sat grid. You see, these are addresses. CSG14877. That's an encoded coordinate.

[Koplin points at the red colored word, CSG14877 on the computer screen.]

KATE: I don't know what you're getting at.

KOPLIN: The only people who have files like these have government security clearance.

KATE: Why would my dad have that?

KOPLIN: I don't know.


BOB: Why have I been kept waiting here like this?

TONY: Sit down, please, Mr. Warner.

BOB: I have some information.

TONY: Sit down!

[Bob Warner sits down. Tony presses something on the recorder.]

TONY: What information do you have?

BOB: I'm not supposed to talk to anybody about this, but under the circumstances�

[Bob takes out his wallet and a card, he hands the card to Tony.]

BOB: I am a consultant for the CIA. There's the contact code for my liaison. Call Langley, they'll verify.

[Tony looks at the card.]

TONY: Why didn't you tell me this back at the house?

BOB: Oh come on Agent Almeida. You know the drill. I'm not supposed to talk to anyone about this without clearance.

TONY: What's your I-3 protocol?

BOB: I was approached about 5 years ago because of my international investment work. They asked me if I'd like to help my country, and I said okay.

TONY: What do you do?

BOB: My corporation is used as a conduit to pass information back and forth.

TONY: To whom?

BOB: I don't know. That is the truth. Now you listen to me Mr. Almeida. I am not an enemy of this country, I am a patriot. I love my country. I don't know any Syed Ali, nor why there is a record of me doing business with him.

TONY: Well, if that's true, then you have nothing to worry about do you? But there is a connection between your company and Syed Ali. And I'm gonna find out what it is. So in the meantime, sit tight. I'm gonna check this out.

[Tony waves the card and exits.]

MICHELLE (PHONE): Kimberly Bauer?

COP (PHONE): Yes, we need to speak to her father, Jack Bauer.

MICHELLE (PHONE): Well he's not here right now. What's this about?

COP (PHONE): We have his daughter is in custody. It's important we speak to him immediately.

MICHELLE: Okay. Hold on. Laurie, I need you to call downstairs�

TONY: George, Bob Warner just told me he does deliveries for the CIA.

MASON: CIA? Did you check that out?

TONY: No. I was about to call his liaison, but it looks like he's got a legitimate contact code.

MASON: If that is the case, Reza is lying to us.

TONY: I don't know; I pushed Reza pretty hard, I think he's telling the truth.

MASON: Push a little harder than usual today. So dig in and see what you can find out. Let me know.

MICHELLE: Mr. Mason? It's the sheriff in Newhall. They're holding Kim Bauer.


MICHELLE: She's been charged with murder.

MASON: Call Jack.

MASON(PHONE): This is George Mason. Who am I speaking to?


[Jack's phone rings.]


MICHELLE(PHONE): Jack, it's Michelle.


MICHELLE(PHONE): Listen uh.. I don't know how to say this� But we're on the other line with the sheriff in Newhall. They're holding your daughter Kim.

JACK(PHONE): For what?

MICHELLE(PHONE): She's being held on some kind of criminal charges.

JACK(PHONE): What are you talking about?

MICHELLE(PHONE): I have her on the second line. Should I patch her through?

JACK(PHONE): Yes, get Mason on this now.

MASON(PHONE): I'm already on the with the precinct Jack. We're working on it.

JACK(PHONE): George, there's obviously some kind of a mistake. I need you to straighten it out and get Kim out of Los Angeles.

MASON(PHONE): I'll take care of it.

KIM(PHONE): Daddy?

JACK(PHONE): Kim, what happened?

KIM(PHONE): I was leaving the city, like you said. I was with Megan and my boyfriend, Miguel. And the CHP pulled us over for speeding. They found a body in the trunk. Carla's body.

JACK(PHONE): Carla? The woman you work for?

KIM(PHONE): Yeah. We took her husband's car. Gary must've done it this morning and put the body in the trunk. Oh my God daddy, help me.

JACK(PHONE): Just relax, we're gonna straighten this out.

KIM(PHONE): He beat her up. That's why I needed to take Megan. He was hurting her too.

JACK(PHONE): Kim. CTU is gonna send someone; they'll get you out of there now.

KIM(PHONE): I don't want them to send someone else, I want you to help me. Can't you do that? They think I killed Carla, dad!

[Jack is distracted by Nina and Faheen's conversation in Arabic.]

KIM(PHONE): Dad, I need you here now!

JACK(PHONE): Sweetheart, hold on a second. Michelle, are you still on the line?


JACK(PHONE): What is Faheen saying now?

MICHELLE(PHONE): Nina told him that the US forces have been sent to his village, that they're rounding up his family, his cousins. Faheen didn't believe her, called her a liar.


JACK(PHONE): Kim, hold on.

[Nina speaks in Arabic. Faheen bites his lip.]

MICHELLE(PHONE): She just told Faheen that she has the power to save them.


JACK(PHONE): Kim, hold on. What are they saying now?

[Nina and Faheen leans in, they continue talking in Arabic.]

MICHELLE(PHONE): We're not picking it up. The audio's too low.

KIM(PHONE): Dad, are you there?

JACK(PHONE): Yeah. George, I need you to help Kim now. If you have to supersede local authority, do it. Just get her out of Los Angeles.


JACK: Nina, what did he tell you?

[Nina takes the torn card out of her sleeve.]

NINA: Everything!

[Nina stands up and slits Faheen's throat with the torn card.]

JACK(PHONE): No! She just slit his throat!

KIM(PHONE): Hello?!

[Jack runs in, secures Nina. Phillip puts pressure on Faheen's throat.]

JACK: I got her! Get him on the floor! Get him on the floor!

PHILLIPS: Can't stop this!


JACK: Have you got him?

PHILLIPS: We're loosing him!

JACK: Sonuvabitch!

NINA: Jack!

JACK: Secure her!

NINA: I know where the bomb is! Take the plane to San Diego. I want a civilian transport to Sao Paolo. I'll tell you everything when we're on the ground.

JACK(PHONE): George, are you getting any this?

MASON(PHONE): Yeah I am.

PHILLIPS: He's gone.

JACK(PHONE): This is your call.

MASON(PHONE): We're running out of time. I don't like being dicked around with.

JACK(PHONE): We can bring her into CTU and try and press her there.

MASON(PHONE): No. It'll take too long. Take her to San Diego.


[Jack hangs up.]

JACK: Tell the pilot to go to San Diego.

PHILLIPS: You got it.

JACK: This is how it's going to work. We land; you tell me where the bomb is. We're gonna hold you until we get a result, you got that?

NINA: Got it.


03:47:03.. 04..05.. **Fades out.**

03:51:27.. 28.. 29.. 30.. 31.. 32


MICHELLE: Sir? I may have found something in the Faheen recordings.

MASON: What'd it say?

MICHELLE: A name. Marko Khachami. Listen.

[Michelle plays the recording. It begins with Faheen speaking in Arabic, and ended the sentence with the name Marko Khachami.]

MASON: Did you try cross-referencing?

MICHELLE: Yeah, he's connected to Syed Ali.

MASON: Mr. Naiyeer?

[Mason rolls up his sleeves and approaches Reza.]

REZA: What?

[Mason grabs Reza by the neck and pushes him against the wall.]

MASON: Who is Marko Khachami?!

REZA: I have no idea!

MASON: Who is he?!

[Marie runs in. Tony rounds the corner and runs in also.]

TONY: Get off!

MARIE: Somebody help me.

[Tony grabs Mason by the waist and separates Reza and Mason. Tony shoves Mason a good distance away.]

REZA: You're crazy!

[Guard restrains Reza. Tony pushes Mason all the way out of the secluded area, and against a metal cubicle wall. George Mason coughs.]

REZA: You're mad!

TONY: Just cool it! Cool down.

MASON: Let me go.

[Mason coughs.]


KIM: Are we being released?

COP: No, you're being transferred.

KIM: To where?

COP: I don't know. Someone from CTU called. Said they were coming to pick you up and take over the case.

KIM: What about Megan. You brought her back here right? What's gonna happen to her?

COP: It's none of your business.

KIM: You can't take her back to LA.

[Cop looks at Kim.]

COP: You listen to me. I checked you out. Your father does work for CTU. Now you tell me, what he tell you was gonna happen today in LA?

KIM: I can't say anything. But you can't take Megan back.

COP: Just tell me what's going on.

KIM: It's a nuclear bomb. The reason they didn't say anything is because they don't want to start a panic.

[The cop blinks, sighs and stands up. He nods.]

COP: Okay.

[The cop looks around and walks away.]


TONY: Were you able to get anything else off the recording of Faheen?

MICHELLE: It's 99% noise.

[Tony looks at Michelle, concerned.]

TONY: You okay?

MICHELLE: Just running on empty.

TONY: Then why don't you get something to eat?

MICHELLE: No, I'm fine.

TONY: Your neck's bleeding here.

[Tony points at Michelle's neck where a patch of red is. He touches her neck, and Michelle reaches up and touches her neck also.]

MICHELLE: Somebody else's blood.

[Michelle looks away, teary eyed.]

TONY: Look Michelle, why don't you take a few minutes, get cleaned up and changed. You'll feel better.

[Michelle sniffs.]

TONY: Hey. We're gonna survive this day. Alright? Come on, get changed, come on.

[Michelle exits. Tony looks on after her.]


KRESEGE: Mr. President? These are the updated guidelines that Stanton sent to local law enforcement and the FBI.

PALMER: I understand Sheri ran into Stanton.

KRESEGE: I didn't hear that.

PALMER: Has he said anything to you about her being here?

KRESEGE: I don't think he's very happy about it.

PALMER: Do you have a problem with her?

KRESEGE: I know you think she's useful to you.

PALMER: That's not what I asked.

KRESEGE: I honestly, welcome help wherever we can get it. If you feel she performs a function here then-

[Mike Novick enters.]

MIKE: Sir you better come out here.

PALMER: What is it Mike?

[Kresege and President walks out of his office to the general area of OC.]

WIELAND (TV): I've confirmed that there is an imminent threat to national security and public safety. While I cannot confirm the target or nature of the attack, the threat may come from Middle Eastern terrorists cells, but it indicates that domestic terrorists in the US may also be involved.

[Palmer inhales.]

PALMER: How did he get out?

WIELAND (TV): what I find troubling about this story is our president knows about this threat and isn't saying anything to the public.

PALMER: Who was controlling that room?

MIKE: Armus.

PALMER: I want to see him now.

[Mike Novick exits.]


KATE: It doesn't make sense. If my father really does work for the government- which is almost impossible for me to believe, wouldn't he know if Reza did something illegal?

[Kate opens the door, follows Koplin out.]

KOPLIN: I would think so, especially if terrorism was involved.

KATE: If he did know about Reza, what does that mean?

KOPLIN: Well, my guess is that your father was aware that Reza was involved in some kind of illegal activity. And he was monitoring him for some reason.

KATE: But that doesn't make sense either. My father would not let someone he was investigating marry Marie. I mean, he got upset if anyone made the slightest critical remark about Reza. He treated him like a son.

KOPLIN: I know Agent Almeida at CTU pretty well. I'll give him a call and see if we could find out-

[Two men approach Kate and Koplin from behind as they neared Koplin's car. The first man punches Koplin unconscious; the second injects a syringe into Kate's neck. They huel both unconscious bodies into the back of a truck.]

MAN: Go, go!


[Men who kidnapped Kate and Koplin driving away.]

[Palmer watching Ron Wieland report on television.]

[Bob Warner in a holding cell.]

[Kim and Miguel sitting in the police station.]


JACK: The Sunday before you killed my wife, Teri and I went down to the boardwalk in Venice. Just watching the rollerbladers and the musicians, laughing at the crazy people� Spending time together. And Teri sees this snow-cone stand. She giggles like a kid, takes off running, and she wants to get in line, she wants one. I remember I was watching her, just� I couldn't help myself. And I looked up at her, and she was talking with an old lady in line behind her, the two of them were laughing. I remember thinking to myself, "How the hell does she do that? How does she strike up a conversation with an absolute stranger?" And they just started laughing, like they've been friends forever. That's a gift. I remember thinking, "God I wish I could do that," but I can't. That was Teri. My wife. That's what you took from this world Nina. That's what you took from me and my daughter. I just wanted you to know that.

[Jack leaves his seat. Suddenly, there's an explosion. The plane had been shot. One of the guards were hanging on to the side of the plane, he crashes into the side and breaks his neck.]

JACK: We got a man down!


03:59:57.. 58.. 59..


Transcribed by Kat

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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