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24 heures chrono
#209 : 16h00 - 17h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 2 guide des épisodes

Kate et son détective privé sont enlevés et subissent un interrogatoire dirigé par Syed Ali. Reza propose de conduire Tony pour être couvert dans les locaux de la compagnie afin d'en savoir plus sur une facture pour du matériel envoyé à Syed Ali.
Kim essaye de convaincre l’officier de police qu’une bombe nucléaire menace Los Angeles. Nina parvient à prendre Jack en otage après le crash de leur avion. Elle demande au président de faire un échange : s’il ne la condamne pas pour le futur meurtre de Jack, elle lui donnera des informations sur la bombe.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Titre VF
16h00 - 17h00

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


24 Season 2 Episode 9 Promo

24 Season 2 Episode 9 Promo


Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Howard Gordon
Réalisé par : Rodney Charters


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Sarah Wynter : Kate Warner
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Xander Berkeley : George Mason
• Penny Johnson Jerald : Sherry Palmer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Dennis Haysbert : President David Palmer

• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• Skye McCole Bartusiak : Megan Matheson
• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick
• Michelle Forbes : Lynne Kresge
• Laura Harris : Marie Warner
• Phillip Rhys : Reza Naiyeer
• John Terry : Bob Warner
• Innis Casey : Miguel
• Michael McGrady : Officer Brown
• Aki Avni : Mohsen
• Francesco Quinn : Syed Ali
• Al Sapienza : Paul Koplin
• Michael Cudlitz : Agent Rick Phillips
• Michael Holden : Ron Wieland
• Terry Bozeman : Richard Armus
• Sarah Clarke : Nina Myers

David Palmer est furieux envers Sherry, il pense que c'est elle-même qui a libéré Ron Wieland mais, quelques instants plus tard, Mike lui montre l'enregistrement des caméras de surveillance sur lesquelles on voit Armus en train de libérer le journaliste. Après avoir donné à Mason les coordonnées du lieu où le pilote va essayer de faire atterrir l'avion, Jack demande à nouveau à Nina de lui révéler l'endroit précis où la bombe est censée exploser mais celle-ci refuse, craignant que Jack ne la tue après avoir parlé. Soudain, le pilote les avertit qu'ils ne pourront se poser à l'endroit prévu...

l'avion est en totale perdition...la communication entre Jack et la Cellule se coupe...Michelle demande en urgence les nouvelles coordonnées du lieu du crash au Ministère de l'Aviation... Se rendant compte de son erreur de jugement, David demande des excuses à son ex-femme. Quelques instants plus tard, Mike les informe du crash de l'avion. L'agent Bauer s'extirpe péniblement de l'appareil, blessé à la jambe. Il aperçoit Philips mais celui-ci est gravement blessé ; quelques mètres plus loin, il tombe enfin sur Nina Myers, inconsciente. Après l'avoir déharnachée de son siége et lui avoir pratiqué le bouche-à-bouche, Nina se réveille enfin.

16 : 21 La confrontation entre Reza et Bob Warner porte ses fruits : chacun accuse l'autre d'être impliqué dans la menace nucléaire. Finalement, Reza craque et avoue à Georges qu'il existe des preuves dans la base de données d'un des ordinateurs de son bureau montrant l'implication de Bob Warner dans la transaction avec Syed Ali.

Michelle fait part à Tony de ses craintes sur l'état de santé de Georges, redoutant qu'il ait été exposé à des rayons radioactifs à Panorama City. Tony trahit sa promesse et avoue la vérité à Michelle. Même si cette dernière doute de la capacité de Georges à diriger la Cellule, Tony garde malgré tout confiance en son supérieur et promet à Michelle d'en avertir la Division s'il juge que celui-ci n'est plus performant dans son travail. Après avoir retrouvé ses armes au sein des décombres, Jack éloigne Nina de l'appareil. Subitement, ils aperçoivent des hommes armés rôdant autour de l'avion. L'un d'entre eux tue l'agent Philips, confirmant ainsi à Jack que ces hommes ne font pas partie de l'équipe d'intervention envoyée par la C.A.T.

La fusillade éclate entre Jack et ces hommes. Jack se sert de Nina pour l’aider à localiser les soldats et ainsi gagner en précision dans ses tirs. Kate se réveille dans une maison, un homme se présente à lui, c'est Syed Ali ! Il demande à Kate de lui fournir toutes les informations qu'elle détient sur son compte. Devant son refus, il l'emmène dans la salle voisine où est torturée Paul, un membre de la famille Warner. Syed Ali réitère ses questions mais Kate reste muette.

Alors que la fusillade se poursuit entre Jack et les soldats, Nina en profite pour subtiliser une arme qu'elle enfouit dans l'une de ses poches. Alors que Jack commence à manquer de munitions, un hélicoptère de la C.A.T. fait irruption et élimine les derniers soldats encore en vie. Après que l'hélicoptère se soit posé, Jack se précipite vers celui-ci mais Nina sort l'arme de sa poche et surgit derrière Jack, l'obligeant ainsi à se désarmer.

Les hommes de la Cellule interviennent quelques secondes plus tard mais Nina ne faiblit pas et demande à s'entretenir avec le président sous peine d'éliminer l'agent Bauer.

16 : 43 Kim retrouve avec soulagement Megan puis un agent emmène la fillette auprès de sa tante qui l'attend à la sortie de l'hôpital afin de la ramener chez elle à Santa Barbara où elle sera en sûreté. Michelle informe Georges et Tony de la requête de Nina. Pendant ce temps, Reza avertit Marie de la probable implication de son père dans l'affaire Syed Ali. Mais Marie prend mal cette annonce et reproche à Reza son absence de reconnaissance envers celui qui a tant fait pour lui. Marie préfère laisser Reza à son sort et quitte la C.A.T. Nina s'entretient avec Mike Novick, le secrétaire général du président.

Nina demande l'immunité pour le futur meurtre de Jack Bauer en échange de quoi elle leur révélera l'endroit où est située l'engin nucléaire. David Palmer demande auparavant conseil à Georges afin de savoir s'il existe une alternative mais celui-ci lui annonce avec regret qu'il n'en existe aucune, Nina Myers étant le seul atout pour retrouver cette bombe. Après quelques instants de réflexion, le président finit par accorder cette immunité.

Suite à cela, Nina leur révèle l’adresse de Syed Ali puis certifie au président qu’elle attendra que la bombe ait été retrouvée avant de mettre fin à la vie de Jack Bauer.

Le président demande à Jack si il peut faire quoique ce soit pour lui mais celui-ci lui affirme qu’il désire uniquement que l’on s’assure que sa fille soit en parfaite sécurité. Avant que le président ait pu expliquer son choix, Jack lui affirme qu’il comprend parfaitement son point de vue : la vie de millions de personnes pouvant être sauvé grâce à son sacrifice.

Alors que David est encore sous le choc, Lynne vient le chercher pour une conférence de presse. Kate dément toujours détenir de quelconques informations pouvant intéresser Syed Ali. Celui-ci, jugeant que Kate ne pourra effectivement lui être d’une quelconque utilité, tue Paul puis demande au bourreau qui torturait Paul d’éliminer à son tour Kate.

Nina pointe toujours son arme dans le dos de Jack : « Tu ne pensais pas que ça finirait comme ça, hein Jack ? - C’est pas encore fini… » lui répond l’agent Bauer.


**Recap: Previously on 24.**

SHERI PALMER: Tell me about Ron Wieland.

PRESIDENT DAVID PALMER: He was going to go public with a rumor.

SHERI: About the bomb?

PALMER: We’re holding him at the OC. When the crisis passes; I’ll let him go.

MIKE NOVICK: Sir you better come out here.

RON WIELAND(TV): What I find most troubling about this story is that our President knows about this threat and isn’t saying anything to the public!

PALMER: Who was controlling that room?

MIKE: Armus.

PALMER: I want to see him now.

MEGAN MATHESON: Kim I’m scared!

KIM BAUER: Where are you taking her? She can’t go back to LA.

COP: I checked you out. Your father does work for CTU. Now you tell me- what did he tell you was gonna happen today in LA?

KIM: It’s a nuclear bomb.

KATE WARNER: What about my father? What’s his connection to all this?

PAUL KOPLIN: He wrote a cheque to Syed Ali for $475,000 in return for consulting services.

KATE: Maybe they were doing business.

KOPLIN: Syed Ali’s only business is bankrolling terrorists.

BOB WARNER: I’m a consultant for the CIA.

[Kate and Koplin getting kidnapped outside of the Warner residence.]

MAN: Let’s go!

[Nina Myers speaks in Arabic to Mamud Faheen.]

MICHELLE DESSLER(PHONE): Nina. How big is the bomb?

JACK BAUER: Nina what did he tell you?

NINA MYERS: Everything.


[Nina slits Faheen’s throat with card.]

RICK PHILLIPS: We’re loosing him!

NINA: Jack…

JACK: Secure her!

NINA: I know where the bomb is!

[The plane gets hit.]


**The following takes place between 4PM and 5PM.**


RON WIELAND(TV): Judy, I was illegally detained inside the president’s retreat for the last six hours. That pretty much tells you the degree of how much he did not want this information to come out.

SHERI PALMER(PHONE): No Karen. Karen. No. That does me no good.

KAREN(PHONE): What am I looking for?

SHERI(PHONE): Ron Wieland has a source inside of this administration, and I need to know who.

KAREN(PHONE):I’m on it.

SHERI(PHONE): Fine. Then get back to me with that. Ok. No, I need the information. Good.

[Sheri hangs up, President Palmer enters and turns off the TV.]

SHERI: What’s going on?


SHERI: What does that mean?

PALMER: Ron Wieland’s been contained for the six hours. 10 minutes after you met with him, someone let him out.

SHERI: And you think it was me? Even if I had the resources, which I don’t, why in God’s name would I want to see Ron Wieland cause a panic? Especially today?!

PALMER: I don’t know.

SHERI: David, I had nothing to do with this. I swear on the lives of our children.

[Mike Novick enters.]

MIKE NOVICK: Mr. President.

PALMER: Wait here.

[Palmer follows Mike out to the hall, where Mike shows him the surveillance tape on computer.]

PALMER: You find Armus yet? I wanna know how Wieland got pass him.

MIKE: Take a look.

PALMER: What’s this?

MIKE: A digital playback from the surveillance feeds at OC.

PALMER: That’s Armus.

MIKE: This happened 25 minutes ago.

[The tape shows Armus using his keycard, opened the door to Ron Wieland’s holding room. Wieland walks out, Armus escorting him.]

PALMER: Armus let him out?

MIKE: Yeah.

PALMER: Where is he now?

MIKE: We haven’t found him yet. Mr. President. If Armus is working covertly against you-

PALMER: It’s not covert now! It’s in my face!

MIKE: We will find him sir.

PALMER: Oh we’d better! Because whomever he’s working for is trying to keep me from finding this bomb.


[Jack Bauer staggers around the plane.]

RICK PHILLIPS: How long till we go down?

JACK BAUER: Any minute! The pilot think he found us a safe place to crash land. I gotta get the coordinates to George.

JACK(RADIO): George?!

MASON(RADIO): Jack. What’s happening there?

JACK(RADIO): We’re going down. The pilots don’t know what’s going on. If felt like some kind of explosion. We’re losing all kinds of power up here. They think they can make a safe crash landing on a soft riverbed located in sector J. The coordinates are 34-30-44 north. 119-0-niner-0-5 west. Did you get that?

MASON(RADIO): Yeah we got it!

JACK: Nina, there’s a chance we’re not gonna make it through this. We need to know the location of the bomb now. Nina we’ve given you everything you’ve asked for! Please!

MASON(RADIO): Jack can she hear me?

JACK(RADIO): Hold on, I’ll put you on speaker.

[Jack types something on his computer to put the radio to CTU on speaker so Nina could hear.]

MASON: Nina, the deal you’ve asked for is in place. You got your pardon from the President. What more do you want?

NINA MYERS: Even if I survive this, Jack’s gonna kill me anyways.

MASON: That’s what Phillips is there for, to protect you.

NINA: He can’t protect me from Jack!

JACK: Nina! All I want is the location of the bomb. I give you my word; I will not harm you in any way!

NINA: I don’t believe you.

[Rick Phillip gets up and goes over to Nina, he pulls out his gun and holds it against Nina’s neck.]

PHILLIP: Where is the bomb?

JACK: Rick, holster your weapon!

PHILLIP: At least do one last good thing with your life!

MASON: Hey Phillips, what de hell is going on?!

JACK: Phillips! That’s an order! Take your seat!

[Phillips takes his seat.]

CAPTIAN(INTERCOM): This is the Captain Richard. I don’t think we’re gonna make it to the riverbed. Everyone assume crash landing position and get ready for impact.

JACK: George, we’re going down! We’re not gonna make it to the riverbed. The coordinates I gave you, they’re going to be off-

[The communication is cut off, static noise. CTU personnel looks at each other in horror.]

MASON: Get the crash-site coordinates from the ATC, and send in search and rescue.

MICHELLE(PHONE): ATC, this is CTU, I need the exact coordinates.


PALMER: Okay, I’ll prepare a statement in the next hour. In the meantime, let’s find Armus.

MIKE: Yes sir.

[Palmer enters Sheri’s room.]

PALMER: Sheri, I owe you an apology.

SHERI: Why, what did Mike say to you?

PALMER: Richard Armus was the one who let Wieland go.

SHERI: But Armus doesn’t have his own agenda, he must be working for someone else.

PALMER: We’re looking into it now. I’m sorry I jumped to the wrong conclusion.

SHERI: It’s alright. I don’t expect you to change your attitude towards me overnight. Apology accepted… David? What are you gonna do?

PALMER: Talk to the press, I’m not sure how, but I may have to go after Ron’s credibility.

SHERI: Ron’s credibility?

PALMER: Yes, make it look like his report was motivated by personal dislike, that it’s not based on fact.

SHERI: Yes, but it is based in fact.

PALMER: Believe me, I wish there’s another way.

SHERI: Maybe there is. Why don’t you just tell the truth David? It’s what you do best. I mean, you pulled it off with Keith, with our divorce. You’ve earned the public’s trust. Just use it. What?

PALMER: I’m just wondering if you’ve really changed… Or if you’ve just gotten better at pretending.

[Mike enters.]

MIKE: Sir?

PALMER: Yes, what is it?

MIKE: We just got word from CTU in Los Angeles. The plane that Jack Bauer was returning in just went down.

PALMER: It crashed?

MIKE: We’re still waiting for details.

PALMER: Oh. My god!

[Palmer exits, stomping off in a hurry.]


[Jack coughs in the wreckage of their plane crash. He stumbles and rolls out of the metal frame, clutching his stomach. He tries to walk, but falls down again. A sharp branch was stuck in his leg. He pulls out the bloody stick, and staggers around looking for survivors. He spots Rick Phillips who is still secured in the planes seat.]

JACK: Rick. Rick! Rick!

[Jack tries to pull Rick up. Jack flips over the wreckage covering Rick, and goes back over to Rick and holds up his head.]


JACK: I haven’t found her. I don’t even know if she made it.

PHILLIPS: Find her…

JACK: I’m gonna find her. You gotta hang in there.

[Jack fossicks through Phillip’s jacket and took his keys and phone.]

JACK: You hang in there Rick, alright? Search and rescue will be here any minute. Just hang in there. I’ll be right back.

[Jack spots Nina Myer’s chair seat, he runs over and turns it over. Jack un-cuffs Nina from her seat and pulls her seat away. Jack throws away the broken plane seat, leans in to listen for Nina’s breathing.]

JACK: Come on. Come on!

[Jack sticks his finger in Nina’s mouth to open it. He does mouth-to-mouth a couple of times. Nina breathes deeply and coughs. Jack rolls over and clutches his arm in pain.]


04:11:42.. 43.. 44.. **Fades out.**

04:16:07.. 08.. 09.. 10.. 11


[Michelle sits in her seat looking at her screen, troubled. Mason takes his anti-nausea pills in the bathroom. Mason exits the bathroom and goes over to Michelle, who shows him her screen. Mason is oblivious to the fact that he is not bleeding from the nose.]

MICHELLE: These images were taken around the time the pilot reported the explosion.

MASON: God they were shot down.

MICHELLE: Yeah by some kind of ground-to-air missile.

[Blood from Mason’s nose bleed drips onto the screen Michelle was holding. He takes out his handkerchief and covers his nose.]

GEORGE MASON: Compile a list of anybody that might have had access to their flight plan.


MASON: I guess it’s safe to assume whoever it was, that if Nina didn’t die in the crash, they’re gonna probably wanna finish the job.

MICHELLE: Alright I have search and rescue’s scrambling now.

MASON: Make sure they’re well armed. And get me their ETA as soon as you have it.

[Mason walks away, still sniffing.]

TONY ALMEIDA: Hey George! Richards just told me you had Warner and Naiyeer transferred to room 7.

MASON: That’s right.

TONY: Well I had them separated for a reason.

MASON: Yeah. Because I told you to, and it’s not working, so let’s put them together and play them off each other right?

TONY: I don’t get you George. You know, one minute you’re running away, trying to save your own ass, the next minute you’re back here trying to act like you give a damn about anybody but yourself-

GEORGE: Hey! Back off!

TONY: No I’m not gonna back off George, not today. Now, what’s going on?

[Mason ponders for a moment.]

MASON: Remember the warehouse in Panorama City?

[Tony nods.]

MASON: Weapons-grade plutonium, airborne in the firefight.

TONY: You were exposed?

MASON: Yeah. Said I’d be lucky if I made it through tomorrow.

TONY: I don’t know what to say George. I’m sorry.

MASON: Me too.

[Tony puts his hand up to his forehead and shakes his head. George Mason chuckles.]

TONY: Does anybody else know about this?

MASON: Just Jack. You. Can we keep it that way?

[Tony nods.]

TONY: Do you need anything; is there something I can do?

MASON: Just do your job, let me do mine.

[Tony nods again. Mason exits.]


[Bob and Reza are in the same room, staring at the table from opposite sides. George Mason enters.]

MASON: So you’re both claiming not to know Syed Ali. Is that it?

REZA NAIYEER: It’s not a claim, it’s the truth.

MASON: Sit down.

REZA: I’d rather stand.

[Reza crosses his arms. Mason looses his temper.]

MASON: Sit down!

[Mason clutches Reza by the shirt and throws him into a chair.]

MASON: Where the hell do you think you are? Wake up! Six hours ago, a cache of weapons-grade plutonium was found in a warehouse in Panorama City! We believe a nuclear bomb was assembled there and it’s set to be detonated at some point today.

REZA: A nuclear bomb?

MASON: We also found this in the warehouse. What do you make of that guys?!

[George Mason takes out a piece of paper from his pocket, straightens it and slaps it on the table. Bob Warner puts on his reading glasses and looks at it. Reza looks at paper, then at Bob.]

BOB WARNER: This is a bill of lading from our company.

MASON: For a container sent to Syed Ali, Which means at least one of you is lying right now.

[Reza takes paper after Bob reads it, and looks horrified.]

MASON: Now I’ll let you two work that out between yourselves. Whoever talks first gets immunity. It’s a one-time offer. It expires in ten minutes.


KIM: Don’t worry they’re gonna come for us soon.

MIGUEL: What’s taking them so long?

KIM: I don’t know, but they’ll be here.

COP: We’re leaving in just a second.

MIGUEL: Where are we going?

COP: Central booking.

MIGUEL: LAPD?! That’s downtown!

COP: Yeah. I know where it is.

MIGEUL: Aw man! What did I tell you, I don’t believe this.

KIM: Wait, someone from CTU is supposed to pick us up. Can you call George Mason?

COP: Captain says it’s out of their jurisdiction, he overruled it. Look you’re both suspects in a capital crime okay?

KIM: We told you why we can’t go back to LA.

COP: Yeah I know. The bomb.

KIM: Yes.

COP: Well I checked it. There hasn’t been a single departmental alert or elevated threat status.

KIM: They do not want the entire city to panic at the same time.

MIGUEL: Do you think we’re making this up? Call CTU. They’ll tell you what’s going on.

COP: I’m a cop; I have my orders, okay? I’ll sign you two out before I take you back to the city.

MIGUEL: I don’t believe this. We can’t go back to LA.

KIM: As soon as my dad finds out, he’ll fix things.

MIGEUL: I don’t think we should be counting on your father. No offence, but you were right when you said how messed up he is.

KIM: Everything I’ve said about my father is because I was angry. And I blamed him for what happened to my mom.

MIGUEL: Maybe you were right.

KIM: No. No, listen, it wasn’t his fault and he did the best he could. It just all turned out wrong.


REZA: No. This is crazy. How can they keep us here without letting us see a lawyer? Huh?! What are we gonna do?!

BOB: Nothing. Because nothing we say will make any difference. They’ll find a way to make it look like we’re involved.

REZA: With a nuclear bomb?! I’ve done nothing wrong! This is crazy! I have nothing to hide! … What about you Bob?

BOB: What about me?

REZA: You got anything to hide?

BOB: Of course not. No.

REZA: Well you’re the one who made the authorization to Ali.

BOB: No I didn’t.

REZA: Huh? Then who did?!

BOB: Don’t interrogate me Reza. That’s exactly what they want.

REZA: Yeah? Well I’m not asking for them. If you didn’t make the authorization Bob-

[Tony Almeida and George Mason are watching the two men in the interrogation room through a television.]

TONY: Naiyeer’s levels are even. Warner’s spiking all over.

REZA: They also said… that you work for the CIA.

BOB: I let the CIA pass information through our distribution network a couple of times. That’s it.

REZA: Why didn’t you tell me?

BOB: Because it is none of your concern!

REZA: I think it concerns me now!  I think a nuclear bomb pretty much concerns everyone! Don’t you? You know what I’m thinking Bob? I’m thinking that all your generosity and acceptance is just a load of crap.

BOB: Reza you better sit down and shut up before you say something you will regret for the rest of your life.

REZA: You lied to me.

[Reza glances at surveillance camera. Mason and Tony are monitoring them from outside through TV. Reza stands up and speaks towards the camera.]

REZA: I can track the shipping order! Bob’s code signature will show that he authorized the transaction order.

[Bob pins Reza to the wall. Mason and Tony goes to the interrogation room.]

REZA: Get off of me!

BOB: No, just stop it.

[Shoving starts, two guards restrains Bob Warner.]

REZA: The database is at the office. I’ll take you there.

MASON: Step outside.

REZA: I’m not taking the fall for you Bob.

MASON: Come on. Take it easy.

BOB: Alright. Alright…


04:23:50.. 51.. 52.. 53.. **Fade out.**

04:28:03.. 05.. 06..07..


JACK: Search and Rescue’s alert. We need the flaregun.


MICHELLE: Hey where’s George?

TONY: With Naiyeer. He broke.

MICHELLE: Look he wants an ETA on the search and rescue, could you tell him they’re about 12 minutes away from the crash site?

TONY: Okay.


TONY: Yeah?

MICHELLE: What’s going on with George?

TONY: As far as what?

MICHELLE: He’s sick isn’t he? He’s got some kind of radiation poisoning doesn’t he?

TONY: Where’d you get that?

MICHELLE: Hazmat’s all over the warehouse he raided this morning, so it’s gotta be hot right? I was just working with him and his nose started bleeding, and that was after Shipler told me he was throwing up in the bathroom. And it doesn’t take a doctor to figure it out. Besides, I can read your face pretty well by now.

TONY: Look, he doesn’t want anybody else to know, okay?

MICHELLE: How bad?

TONY: Pretty bad.

MICHELLE: Can he run things in his condition?

TONY: Yeah I think so.

MICHELLE: No. That’s not good enough. I mean I feel bad for him, but if he’s compromised mentally or physically, we can’t-

TONY: He can do his job, Michelle. He wants to do his job like I’ve never seen. He’s determined to stop this bomb.

MICHELLE: Yeah, well so am I, which is why I think he should step down.

TONY: Alright look. I’ll keep an eye on him. And the second he misses a step, I’ll make sure he backs off.

MICHELLE: No, you have enough to do without having to baby-sit him.

TONY: I’m not baby-sitting him Michelle. Now you gotta trust me on this.


LYNNE KRESEGE: Can I see that information as soon as you get it?

SHERI: Lynne? Lynne. I made some notes on David’s speech. I thought you might want to incorporate them.

KRESEGE: How did you get that?! I haven’t even shown that to the President yet.

SHERI: Jenny showed me a draft.

KRESEGE: Well she shouldn’t have.

SHERI: She’s known me for a long time Lynne. She knows what I have to offer.

KRESEGE: Mrs. Palmer. The President believes that you can be an asset to him during this time of crisis. That, is why you’re here. He did not, however, give you license to insinuate yourself into-

SHERI: Wait wait wait wait, hold- hold. Put your back down Lynne. I am not here to trespass on your territory. I am here to help. That’s why I’m coming to you first before I go directly to David.

KRESEGE: Mrs. Palmer, that sounds like a threat to me.

SHERI: Unless David’s speech is pitch-perfect, which right now it is not, Ron Wieland’s allegations just might bring down this presidency. 

KRESEGE: I don’t need you to tell me how important this speech is-

SHERI: Then you owe it to David to look at my revisions.

[Sheri throws down the speech and stomps out.]


[Jack pockets a flare gun, rounds the corner and un-cuffs Nina from the airplane wreck where she was secured.]

JACK: Gimme your hand. Come on.

[Jack limps up the hill, led by Nina, to find a safe place to take cover.]

MAN: We got a survivor over here.

[Jack looks over at the team of men just arrived.]

JACK: This doesn’t look like search and rescue.

[The man who found the Phillips takes out his gun and shoots him. Jack drags Nina down with him to take cover near a bush.]

JACK: Who the hell are those soldiers? Are they coming here for you?!

NINA: I don’t know!

[Jack shoots the flare gun at the man who just walked into their sight. A bright red flare is stuck to the man’s chest, the man starts screaming, and fires his automatic weapon. Nina tries to make a grab for the weapon when the man is down. By now, the rest of the man’s team knows that one of their man is down and there are survivors who can protect themselves.]

JACK: Don’t even think about it! Keep going!

MAN: Go go!

[Bullets kicks up dirt around where Jack and Nina stands. The team of men closes in. Jack took the man’s weapon and shoots at them for a few seconds. They run.]

JACK: Keep going! Keep going! Take cover in the creek bed. There’s too many of them for me to handle on my own. I need your help. Give me your hands.

[Jack un-cuffs Nina.]

JACK: I need you to run recon for me and handle the ammunition. You screw with me now, and we both die. Do you understand that?

NINA: Jack. We need to get to higher ground so I can spot for you.

JACK: Take the ammunition. Go. Go!

[Rapid gunfire at Jack and Nina’s retreating figure. Jack returns fire over elevated ground. He ducks once in a while to dodge the enemy’s bullets.]


[A man speaks in Arabic to a cell phone, the conversation is quickly concluded and he hangs up. The man peers past the curtains and out the window. He walks back to the unconscious figure of Kate Warner on the sofa and clicks open a capsule to wake her up.]

MAN (SA): Would you like some water, Kate? Maybe some tea?

KATE: How do you know my name?

MAN (SA): I know more than that. I know you are 29 years old, unmarried. I know you have an economics degree from Stanford.

[Kate tries not to barf.]

KATE: Who are you?

MAN (SA): My name is Syed Ali. You know who I am?

KATE: I’ve heard your name mentioned.

SYED ALI: What else have you heard about me?

KATE: Nothing.

ALI: Kate, what have you found in your father’s files? You were looking in places you do not belong. You must have seen some things.

KATE: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

ALI: Really?

[Syed Ali holds Kate by the head and leads her away.]

KATE: Let go of me! Let go of me!

KOPLIN: I told you a thousand times, I don’t know what you are talking about. You got the wrong guy.

[Paul Koplin is being hanged on the shower rail, naked. Another man is wearing a transparent protective covering for his body and holding a chainsaw like tool. Ali holding Kate enters.]

KATE: Paul? Oh my God. What are you doing?

ALI: He is telling us your father works for the CIA. This is not new information Kate. We know your father. We need to know what you saw and who you told.

KOPLIN: We didn’t tell anyone anything because we didn’t see anything! How many times do I have to tell you?!

KATE: He’s telling the truth! Please don’t do this!

ALI: Listen to me. Nothing can get in the way of this sacred day. Tell us what you saw and who you told.

KATE: We didn’t see anything. I swear! The files deleted themselves before-

ALI: Don’t lie to me Kate!

KATE: I’m not lying, I’m not lying!

KOPLIN: She’s not lying! They were self deleting files! We don’t know anything! What are you-

[The man in the protective suit starts the saw and the camera turn to focus on Paul Koplin’s bottom half of the face. He is screaming. Ali is holding Kate.]

KATE: No! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!


04:35:54.. 55.. 56.. **Fade out.**

04:40:07.. 08.. 09.. 10.. 11


[Jack and Nina goes to elevated ground. Jack shoots. Nina takes cover.]

NINA: Jack, I can spot you from here.

[Nina throws Jack a magazine of ammunition. Jack loads. Nina organizes the remaining ammunition.]

JACK: I’m set. Where are they?

NINA: 11 o’clock. 90 meters, moving left.

[Jack takes out several enemies. He clicks empty and he takes cover again. We can clearly see 2 magazines left, but Jack doesn’t know that.]

JACK: I’m out!

NINA: Last pack, Jack!

[Nina throws Jack one of the magazines. Jack loads.]

JACK: Where are they?

NINA: Ten o’clock. Within 50 meters.

[Jack shoots towards them, takes several of them out. Jack runs out of ammo pretty quickly.]

JACK: That’s it!

[Jack throws down the rifle he took from the enemy and takes out his pistol. He flips the safety off.]

JACK: Where are they now?

NINA: Ten o’clock, two o’clock. Higher ground.

[Jack shoots at them. The enemy return fire. We can hear a helicopter overhead. It’s CTU backup and/or search and rescue.]

JACK: It’s a CTU chopper! They’re gonna make a sweep! Stay down!

[Jack and Nina takes cover. CTU sweeps, taking out all the terrorists. Nina looks up.]

JACK: Stay down!

[Nina takes cover again. Jack walks out, gun out to greet the CTU backup. He leaves Nina and the rifle behind. Nina picks up the rifle, loads, and the gun cocks from behind Jack.]

NINA: Drop it Jack. I said drop it!

[Jack doesn’t move. Nina shoots the dirt next to Jack.]

NINA: I don’t wanna shoot you just yet, but I will if I have to!

[Jack clicks off the safety and drops the gun. One of the CTU agents emerges with a rifle.]

CTU AGENT: Drop the gun! Drop it, it’s over!

NINA: Stand down! Stand down or he’s dead.

JACK: Stand down! She’s the only one who can get us to the bomb!

[CTU agent waves to his team to signal to do as told.]

NINA: I wanna talk to the president. NOW!

[Jack nods One of the agents leave to go get a radio/phone.]


KIM: Megan.

[Megan is walking with the cop to her Aunt. Kim watches from the other side of the glass window. Megan spots her. Just when the cop was about to open the latch to her Aunt, Megan dodges under the cop’s arm to Kim.]

KIM: Megan! Come here.


KIM: Are you alright?

MEGAN: Kim. Yes.

[Megan and Kim embraces. Megan cries.]

MEGAN: I’m scared.

KIM: I know, it’s scary, but you’re doing so good.

COP: Let’s go.

KIM: Wait, where are you taking her? Where is she going? Do you know where you’re going baby?

MEGAN: Aunt Emily. She’s my mom’s sister.

KIM: Do you know where she lives?

MEGAN: Santa Barbara.

KIM: Santa Barbara? Santa Barbara, that’s so good.

[Cop sighs as they hug.]

MEGAN: Why can’t you come with me?

KIM: Oh… Oh .. I will soon Okay?

MEGAN: I don’t wanna go.

KIM: I know.

COP: Ok, let’s go. Your aunt’s waiting.

KIM: Go on okay? You can go now. Go on, go on, don’t cry. No, no. Shh.. I’m gonna see you soon okay?

[Megan looks back at Kim as she goes past the latched door to her aunt.]

KIM: Santa Barbara, that’s like, what, 50 miles outside of LA?

MIGUEL: It’s more like a hundred.

KIM: Oh god. She’s gonna be okay.

[Kim and Megan waves to each other. Aunt Emily signs Megan out.]


[George Mason and Tony Almeida escorts Reza Naiyeer out of the interrogation room. Reza is held by the cuffs by a guard. Marie watches.]

MICHELLE: Mr. Mason, Tony.

TONY: Yeah.

[The group stops. Michelle walks over. Reza spots Marie, they look at each other.]

MICHELLE: Alright. Jack’s alive. 7 hostiles were killed in the operation, but there’s a complication.

MASON: What?

MICHELLE: Nina Myers took Jack hostage. She’s demanding to speak to the president.

MASON: Have Richards and Maccabee take him to Bob Warner’s office.

[Mason walks away. Tony walks over to Reza and holds him by the arm.]

REZA: Let me talk to her.

TONY: She’ll be here when you get back.

REZA: We were supposed to get married in an hour. Just let me explain everything to her.

TONY: Alright you have one minute. Watch him. I’m gonna make a call.

[The guard with Reza nods, Marie walks over. Tony exits.]

MARIE: Are you alright? What did they do to you?

REZA: They just asked me questions. Everything’s fine.

MARIE: Are you sure?

REZA: Yes.

MARIE: Okay Larry’s on his way over with a criminal lawyer, Alex Holtman. He’s one of the top guys in the city.

REZA: I’m not gonna need a lawyer, but your father might.

MARIE: I don’t understand. Reza, what’s going on?

REZA: It’s your father Marie. They think that he might have something to do with Syed Ali.

MARIE: My father?

REZA: Yeah he tried to use me.

MARIE: Use you how?

REZA: To do business with Ali, who they say, is part of this terrorist group.

MARIE: My father? Part of a terrorist group?!

REZA: They have proof. Sweetheart. They have this transaction that’s connecting one of us to Ali. And I know I didn’t write it. I’m sorry, to put you in this impossible situation. I love you. And I wanna be with you. But right now, something really bad might happen if I don’t help them.

MARIE: After everything he’s done for you, to turn on my father...?

REZA: He turned on me. He turned on us. What else was I supposed to do?! Marie!

[Marie recedes away from Reza’s touch. She goes back to her spot and picks up her bag, her tears streaming down her cheeks, her eyes puffy and red. Tony appears again.]

TONY: Come on. Let’s go.

REZA: Marie.

[Marie Warner walks away slowly.]


04:48:02.. 03.. **Fades out.**

 04:52:15.. 16.. 17.. 18.. 19


[A CTU agent places a radio/phone near Jack and Nina. Nina is sitting on the steps in a covered area. Jack is kneeling with his hands behind his head, fingers criss-crossed.]


MICHELLE: We have a secured line ready.


[Phone rings.]

NOVICK: That’s Nina Myers.

PALMER: Mike, you should talk to her first. I don’t want to give her access to me until she gives us something in return.

[Palmer presses speaker button on his phone.]

MIKE: Ms. Myers. Mike Novick, I am the President’s Chief of Staff.

NINA: I asked to speak with the President.

MIKE: He’s not available.

NINA: Do you want to stop this nuclear bomb or not.

MIKE: Of course we do.

NINA: Then put the President on.

MIKE: I’m authorized to negotiate on his behalf.

NINA: What I want is nonnegotiable.

MIKE: What do you want?

NINA: I’ll tell you where the bomb is in exchange for immunity.

[Palmer shrugs and lifts his hands in the air with a confused and disbelief expression. Mike Novick nods.]

MIKE: The President’s already granted you a total pardon.

NINA: Expect this is a crime I haven’t committed yet.

MIKE: What crime?

NINA: The murder of Jack Bauer.

[Palmer looks up at Mike. Jack Bauer is just kneeling there, blinking.]

NINA: Add that to my pardon, and I’ll tell you where the bomb is.

MIKE: And if we don’t comply?

JACK: We don’t have a choice.

MIKE: Is that you Mr. Bauer?

JACK: Yes. Please tell the President that I do not believe he has any other choice but to accept her deal.

[Palmer looks down, pressed the button labeled ‘Line 2’ on his phone.]

PALMER: Is CTU on a secured line?

MASON: Yes sir, this is George Mason. We’re on a designated channel. Also Michelle Dessler and… uh Tony Almeida.

[Mason points towards Michelle. Tony wanders in a few seconds later.]

PALMER: Do you have any alternatives to what she’s asking? Any weaknesses that we maybe able to exploit?

MASON: None. She’s a survivor sir. She knows Bauer. She knows if she doesn’t kill him now, he’ll hunt her down and find her later.

PALMER: So, in your assessment, Nina Myers is our best chance to stop this bomb?

MASON: Sir, she may be our only chance.

[Palmer blinks, looks down. Turns around and paces in his room.]

PALMER: Ms. Myers, this is President Palmer.

NINA: I’m listening.

PALMER: Is Jack Bauer there?

JACK: Yes, Mr. President. I’m here too.

PALMER: Ms. Myers… If the information you provide culminates in the successful interception of the nuclear device, you will get everything you asked for.

[Palmer bites his lip. Jack seems to be smiling slightly. Jack looks down.]

PALMER: You will be pardoned in advanced for the murder of Jack Bauer.

NINA: I can live with that.

JACK: Start talking Nina.

NINA: The bomb will be detonated by a man named Syed Ali.

MASON: We know about Ali. We need to know where he is.

NINA: He’s at a house in Chatsworth, on Starling court. 18 Starling Court.

MASON: Contact the local law enforcement to set up a perimeter.

[Tony nods and leaves.]

MASON: Coordinate among the relevant agencies.

[Michelle nods and leaves also.]

PALMER: Ms. Myers, you’re not to take any action until we put our hands on this bomb.

NINA: Agreed.


JACK: Yes sir.

PALMER: Is there anything you want me to do?

JACK: Please make sure that my daughter is safe sir.

[Palmer looks as if he’s about to cry.]

JACK: Tell her that I love her.

PALMER: I’ll do that.

JACK: Thank you Mr. President.


JACK: Mr. President. Please you don’t have to say anything sir. There was only one right choice to make, and you made it.

PALMER: I’m sorry Jack.

[They hang up.]

MIKE: He’s right Mr. President. It’s the only way we’re going to find this nuclear device…

[A tear rolls down President Palmer’s cheek, glistening from the lights in the room.]

MIKE: … before it’s too late.

[Palmer wipes his cheeks. Lynne Kresege enters.]

KRESEGE: Sir? The press corp is waiting.

[Kresege hands Palmer his script. Palmer dabs at his eyes with his handkerchief, they walk pass Sheri’s office, Sheri stares at the retreating figure of the two of them. They stop by the door.]

PALMER: You’ve made some changes.

KRESEGE: Yes sir.

PALMER: It’s better.

KRESEGE: Thank you sir.

[Palmer exits. Kresege looks at Sheri; Sheri looks at Kresege in return and smirks.]


[The man throws salt on Paul Koplin’s open wounds made by the chainsaw on his back. Koplin screams in pain.]

KATE: For God’s sakes stop it! What do you want? I don’t know what you want!

ALI: Yes you do.

[The man pats Koplin’s hurting back with is salt-smeared hand. The man’s protective goggles are splattered with blood.]

KATE: We didn’t see anything. We didn’t tell anyone anything! I swear! I don’t know anything! How can I tell you what I don’t know!

ALI: I believe you.

[Ali takes a gun from the back of his belt, the man seemed to have read his mind beforehand and steps away from Paul’s withering body. Ali shoots several times into Paul Koplin’s back. The other man looked away to shield himself from the splatter of blood. His face is dotted with Koplin’s blood, so is his shirt’s covering and hair. Kate Warner is screaming and gasping in horror. She kneels down to the ground.]

ALI: If she knew anything, she would have told us. Kill her.

[The man reaches up to his glasses with his blood-soaked glove and removed them. Kate sobs in the corner. Ali exits. The man also shrugs off the plastic cover.]


[Reza Naiyeer sitting in a car.]

[Miguel and Kim Bauer sitting in the police station. The cop checking something on a notepad.]

[President Palmer making an entrance, the press corps chattering in excitement and shouting out questions.]

[Jack Bauer kneeling with his hands behind his head.]


NINA: It won’t take them long to find Ali. This isn’t how you thought it would end, is it Jack?

JACK: This isn’t over yet.


04:59:57.. 58.. 59.. 05:00:00.

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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