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24 heures chrono
#217 : 0h00 - 1h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 2 guide des épisodes

Jack quitte la CAT avec Kate Warner malgré le désaccord de Tony. En fait, un individu est prêt à lui fournir les preuves que l'enregistrement est un faux en échange de Kate ce qui explique son opposition.
Carrie annonce à Tony que Michelle doit être venue en aide à Jack. Il la met alors sous surveillance pour en avoir la confirmation.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
12:00 a.m. – 1:00 a.m.

Titre VF
0h00 - 1h00

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24 Season 2 Episode 17 Promo

24 Season 2 Episode 17 Promo


Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Evan Katz & Gil Grant
Réalisé par : Jon Cassar


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Sarah Wynter : Kate Warner
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Dennis Haysbert : President David Palmer

• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick
• Michelle Forbes : Lynne Kresge
• Lourdes Benedicto : Carrie Turner
• Gregg Henry : Jonathan Wallace
• Donnie Keshawarz : Yusef Auda
• Alan Dale : Vice President Jim Prescott
• Sterling Macer, Jr. : Deputy Raynes
• Justin Louis : Danny Dessler
• Lombardo Boyar : Ramon Garcia
• Brent Sexton : Frank Davies
• Jamison Jones : Deputy Nirman
• Nicole Gomez Fisher : Lucia Garcia
• Shontina Vernon : Agent Hannah Zoltan

Dans le parking de la cellule, Jack monte dans une voiture et sort du bâtiment avec Kate en forçant la sécurité. Durant le trajet, il lui explique son geste et la situation actuelle. Alors que Tony, mal en point après avoir été frappé par Jack, est allongé par terre, Carrie arrive pour le secourir. Il semblerait que le nouveau directeur de la CTU se soit fait une entorse à la cheville en tombant.

Carrie fait part de ses soupçons concernant Michelle sur cette « extraction de témoin ». Elle affirme l’avoir vue parler à Jack avant de distraire Baker pour que Kate soit seule.

00:05:08 Palmer et son équipe arrive à Los Angeles. Le vice-président Jim Prescott l’informe par téléphone qu’il désire mettre au courant l’ambassadeur de Grande-Bretagne des actions militaires qui sont en cours.

Mais Palmer n’est pas d’accord. Il explique que la possibilité d’annuler l’attaque n’est pas à exclure car l’enregistrement de Chypre est susceptible d’être fabriqué. Après cette conversation, Mike confie au président que le fait qu’il remette en doute l’authenticité de la preuve simplement parce que Jack Bauer lui a dit qu’il avait des réserves le met assez mal à l’aise…

Pendant ce temps, au magasin, Kim essaye de ranimer le gérant qui s’est pris une balle dans le ventre. Garcia, l’agresseur, refuse toujours de les laisser sortir. Le gérant meurt.

00:09:04 Jack et Kate continuent leur route vers le point de rendez-vous situé dans un entrepôt. Jack s’aperçoit qu’une voiture les suit. Après l’avoir attiré dans une ruelle, il braque le chauffeur et reconnaît Yusuf Auda, qui les a suivi depuis la cellule. Ce dernier a les mêmes intentions que Jack : il veut prouver que l’enregistrement est faux et que son pays est innocent. Il s’allie donc à notre héros. A la CTU, Tony demande à Michelle si elle a éloigné intentionnellement Kate Warner de l’agent Baker. Elle répond que non, elle n’était pas de connivence avec Jack, ce qui bien sûr est faux.

00:17:19 Kim, toujours détenue par Garcia, lui demande de sortir et de se rendre aux autorités. Dehors, un policier compose le numéro du magasin et Garcia répond. Pour relâcher Kim, il exige que sa femme soit amenée en lieu sûr, à Monterey.

00:19:48 Jack arrive à l’entrepôt en compagnie de Kate. L’agent de la CTU pénètre seul dans le bâtiment, laissant Kate seule dans la voiture. A l’intérieur, il rencontre Jonathan Wallace, l’homme qui l’a appelé, qui se trouve être le 7eme soldat du groupe Serpent Corail.

C’est cet homme qui a tué tout les membres de sa propre unité pour les empêcher de neutraliser la bombe. Wallace affirme aussi que c’est lui qui a introduit le faux enregistrement chez Syed Ali pour incriminer les trois pays. Son but était de déclencher une guerre entre les Etats-Unis et ces pays du Moyen-Orient. Les employeurs de Wallace contrôlent le pétrole de la Mer Caspienne et une guerre dans cette région quadruplerait la valeur de leurs avoirs…

Wallace a rempli sa mission, mais une heure auparavant, ses employeurs ont essayé de l’éliminer. Ils ont échoués, mais ils ont tué l’équipe qui était chargée de le faire sortir du pays.

Wallace veut donc utiliser Kate, qui, grâce à l’entreprise de son père, peut affréter un avion et donc lui faire passer la frontière. Il promet de remettre la preuve que l’enregistrement est faux si sa revendication est exaucée. Cependant, un problème se pose à Jack : Kate doit être à bord de l’avion au moment du vol, et après que Wallace ait atteint sa destination, il s’en débarrassera.

Malgré cette condition, Jack est contraint d’accepter, et il demande à Yusuf d’amener Kate dans l’entrepôt…

00:31:03 Le président Palmer est dorénavant au siège du Ministère, en plein centre de Los Angeles. Mike Novick demande à Lynne le numéro de la cellule anti-terroriste pour joindre Jack Bauer et s’entretenir de l’enregistrement de Chypre avec lui, sans en informer le président. Lynne lui rappelle que travailler à l’insu du président est dangereux.

Mike affirme que c’est justement dans son intérêt qu’il agit, ce qui convainc Lynne de lui donner le fameux numéro. Mike tombe sur Tony, le nouveau directeur de la cellule. Il lui demande de lui passer Bauer, mais l’agent Almeida l’informe qu’il n’est plus à la cellule et qu’il a enlevé un témoin. Mike dit alors à Tony qu’il faut absolument le retrouver car le président ne donnera pas son soutien total à une action militaire tant qu’il n’aura pas de nouvelle de Jack.

00:33:46 Après avoir raccrocher, Tony demande à Carrie de rejoindre son bureau pour lui demander des nouvelles de Jack et de Kate. Elle lui indique qu’ils n’ont pour l’instant rien trouvé. Tony demande également de filtrer toutes les communications de Michelle, au cas où Jack la contacterait.

00:35:41 Au magasin, les policiers amènent la femme de Garcia à Monterey, comme convenu. Un agent téléphone au magasin pour persuader le « tueur malgré-lui » de relâcher Kim. Garcia refuse obstinément car il pense qu’après l’avoir relâché, les policiers feront irruption dans le bâtiment en tirant. Pendant que son agresseur est au téléphone, Kim en profite pour s’échapper par une porte de service. Quand il s’en aperçoit, Garcia tente de l’en empêcher, en vain.

00:44:13 En travaillant sur son ordinateur, Michelle obtient une alerte d'erreur du serveur de secours. Elle appelle Carrie pour lui demander si elle a reçu la même alerte, mais Carrie dit que le problème doit venir de son côté. Michelle s’absente de son poste pour trouver une solution.

Carrie en profite alors pour se rendre sur son ordinateur afin d’activer un programme qui lui permettra de suivre les communications de Michelle depuis son propre ordinateur. Au siège du Ministère, Mike informe le président Palmer que Jack a enlevé un témoin et qu’il a agressé un membre du personnel de la CTU. Il lui indique aussi que toute son attention doit être portée sur les représailles militaires et qu’il doit se préparer à une guerre.

Mais Palmer est catégorique : tant qu’il n’a pas l’entière certitude que l’enregistrement de Chypre est authentique, il veut à tout prix éviter de commettre une erreur historique. Wallace dit à Bauer qu’il lui indiquera où est la preuve quand il se sera échappé avec Kate. Yusuf amène Kate à l’intérieur du bâtiment. Jack lui dit à contrecœur qu'elle doit aller avec Wallace.

00:53:40 A la cellule, Michelle reçoit un appel téléphonique d’un homme appelé Danny. Ce dernier est paniqué après l’explosion nucléaire et il demande si il est en sécurité à L.A. Carrie, qui surveille toutes les communications de Michelle, supprime cet appel de sa base de données car il n’a aucune importance.

00:55:30 Garcia n’est toujours pas sorti du supermarché. Les policiers décident donc d’entrer et de le faire sortir par la force. Une fois à l’intérieur, des tirs retentissent et une équipe médicale est appelée. Alors que Palmer est en entretien avec Ryan Chappelle, Mike et Lynne organise une vidéo-conférence avec le vice-président Prescott. D’après lui, l'ambassadeur britannique est frustré parce que les Etats-Unis projettent une attaque contre le Moyen-Orient en le tenant à l’écart.

Prescott pense que le président Palmer a peur de s’engager dans une action militaire et que l’enregistrement de Chypre est un prétexte pour l’éviter. Selon Novick, le président fait ce qu’il lui semble juste, en prenant toutes ses précautions. Après que Prescott ait raccroché, Mike avoue à Lynne que si Palmer rappelle ses avions à cause de simples spéculations d’un seul agent, sa présidence se trouverait menacée…

00:58:36 A l’entrepôt, Wallace se prépare à partir avec Kate, quant tout à coup, des coups de feux éclatent.


[Jack and Kate enter the parking garage. Jack presses the alarm on the keys to find the right one. The go towards it.]

JACK: Come on.

KATE: Wait, Jack. Tell me what's going on?

JACK: Do you trust me? Kate, do you trust me?

KATE: Yes.

JACK: I will explain everything to you in the car but we've gotta go now. Come on.

[Jack and Kate get into the car.]

[Shot of Carrie entering a hall inside CTU.]

TONY: Carrie!


[Tony is lying on the ground. She runs over to him.]

CARRIE: What happened?

TONY: Agh, it was Jack. I tried to stop him from taking Kate Warner out of here.

[Carrie tries to help him up.]


CARRIE: What is it?

TONY: My ankle.

CARRIE: I'll get the medic.

TONY: Hey! Call security first; make sure they stop Jack.


[Shot of Jack reaching the security gates in the parking lot. He waves to one of the guards. The guard waves back and opens the gate. The phone in the guard station rings. The guard picks it up. Jack knows he's caught out. He drives forwards.]

GUARD: Security? Hold on. He's out here. Stop that vehicle!

[The side mirror is taken off as Jack speeds through the gate.]

GUARD: Hey! Stop!

[Jack gets away.]

JACK: You okay?

KATE: Yeah.

JACK: I'm sorry; I didn't mean to frighten you back there. But let me try and explain everything to you. Right now the United States is preparing to retaliate against the Middle East for what happened tonight. In the next few hours we're going to be involved in a full scale war which will affect every country on this planet.

KATE: What does that have to do with me?

JACK: Ten minutes ago, a man called me. Told me he had proof that the evidence that the President was using to base his decisions on was forged. He wouldn't give me any other information unless I brought you to him.

KATE: Who is this man?

JACK: I don't know. That's the problem, Kate; I don't know who he is.

KATE: What would he want with me?

JACK: That's what we've gotta find out. If I can provide the President with concrete proof that the Cypress recording was fake, then we can stop a war. I will do everything I can to protect you but you have to make a decision now. You have to decide whether or not you want to accept the risk.

KATE: Do you really think we can do this?

JACK: I'm not gonna lie to you. This is very, very dangerous. I'm sorry; I don't know what else to do. I'm running outta time.

[Cut back to CTU. Carrie entering the hall to Tony with a medic.]

TONY: They stop him?

CARRIE: He drove right through the gate.

MEDIC: What's your problem?

TONY: My ankle.

MEDIC: Let's take a look.

[Medic examines Tony's ankle.]

TONY: Did you call LAPD?

CARRIE: Yeah. And the FBI. They're all looking for him.

MEDIC: Could be a torn ligament. Maybe a sprain. I don't think its broken. We've gotta get you an X-ray.

TONY: Great.

MEDIC: I'll be right back with the First Aid Kit.

CARRIE: You said Jack took Kate Warner with him?

TONY: Yeah.

CARRIE: I don't think he was working alone.

TONY: What do you mean?

CARRIE: When Baker was keeping an eye on Kate, Michelle distracted him just a few minutes before I found you.

TONY: Distracted him how?

CARRIE: She called him away on some paperwork.

TONY: Well, so, Jack could have just been using that as a window. Doesn't mean they were working together.

CARRIE: I think it does. Michelle was talking to Jack right before she went to Baker.

TONY: He might have been setting her up.

CARRIE: It didn't appear that way.

[Cut to the President leaving Air Force One with Lynn Kresge and Mike Novick.]

LYNN KRESGE: The Vice-President's in Washington ready for your call, sir.

PRESIDENT PALMER: When's his meeting with the British ambassador?

LYNN: Right after he speaks with you.

[A chauffeur holds the door to a limo open for them.]

CHAUFFEUR: Sir. Ma'am.

LYNN: Thank you.

[They all get in the limo]

MIKE NOVICK: The Vice-President is gonna want you to authorize him to inform the ambassador or our deployment.

PALMER: He told you that?

NOVICK: He didn't have to; you know where Jim stands on this. He's gonna want to let everyone know we're on a war footing. Especially the British.

LYNN: What's your position, sir?

PALMER: Once we bring our allies in on this, it'll make it much harder to recall those planes. Put him through.

LYNN (into phone): The President is ready to speak with him now.

WOMAN ON PHONE: Right away.

LYNN: Thank you.

[The limo phone rings. The President answers it.]

PALMER: Hello Jim. What's the British reaction to the California bombing?

[Cut to The White House.]

JIM: Everyone over there is stunned. They've placed there military on high alert.

PALMER: The British ambassador?

JIM: He's waiting to hear from us. I take it after this conversation I'm free to, ah, inform him about the stealth bombers?

PALMER: Not just yet, Jim. Still premature.

JIM: Mr. President, those planes are due to drop their payloads in a little over four hours.

PALMER: We're holding off notifying our allies because there's a possibility that we may not go through with the attack.

Jim: I-I don't understand.

PALMER: We have reason to believe the Cypress audio that implicated the target countries was fabricated.

JIM: I thought we analyzed it; proved it was real.

PALMER: As did I. But CTU, Los Angeles is in the process of obtaining intelligence that may show otherwise.

JIM: In the process? Meaning they don't have any proof yet?

PALMER: Correct.

JIM: Did you run it by CIA? Do they have any indication it's a fraud?

PALMER: Not as of yet.

JIM: Mr. President, you authorized this military action and, ah, justifiably so. With all do respect, it's too late for second thoughts.

PALMER: We will not start a war on false or incomplete information. Say nothing to the ambassador.

JIM: Yes, Mr. President.

[They hang up.]

NOVICK: Mr. President? I know you trust Jack Bauer implicitly, but to equivocate our response in a matter of this importance because of one man's reservations...makes me very uncomfortable.

[Palmer looks to Lynn.]

LYNN: I'm afraid I'm with Mike on this one, sir.

PALMER: Noted.

[Cut to the liquor store with the police surrounded the building. Shot to inside with the store owner bleeding, Kim Bauer trying to help him and the man who shot him apologizing.]

DEPUTY RAYS (on megaphone): This is Deputy Rays. Mr. Garcia, we have officers surrounding the building. You're only option is to throw your weapon out and come out with your hands on top of your head.

KIM (to owner): Stay with me.

[Kim is trying to stop the bleeding.]

KIM: No. (To Mr. Garcia.) I can't stop the bleeding. We need to get him to a hospital,

MR. GARCIA: Please don't let him die.

KIM: You need to talk to the police. You have to tell them that you're gonna give up. We gotta let them in here right now!

MR. GARCIA: No, I didn't mean for this to happen. A bomb went off. There's gonna be a war. I was just trying to protect my wife-she's pregnant!

KIM: I understand. I will tell the police that. We gotta get outta here!

OFFICER: Mr. Garcia, please respond! Do you have someone in there who needs medical attention? We can work this out.

KIM: Stay with me.

OFFICER: But first you have to put the weapon down and come out.

KIM: Let's walk outta here.

OFFICER: Come on, Mr. Garcia. You're only making this worse by prolonging it.

[The store owner grabs Kim's arm and then falls unconscious.]


KIM: Come on! NO!

[Kim starts CPR.]

MR. GARCIA: No, please don't die. Please don't let him die.

[Shot of Jack and Kate in the car.]

KATE: Why won't they help you? Back at CTU?

JACK: Tony Almeida's just been put in charge there. He's under a lotta pressure. He doesn't think the tape's a forgery so he's following the proper protocol. He's doing what he thinks is right.

[Jack notices something in the mirror.]

KATE: Where are we supposed to meet this man?

JACK: Small warehouse out of Studio City.

[Kate realizes Jack has noticed something.]

KATE: What is it?

JACK: We're being followed.

KATE: Who do you think it is?

JACK: I don't know; hold on.

[Jack takes a sharp left into an alley. The following car does the same. AS it does, Kate pulls their car around to block him in and Jack comes out from a hiding place and stands in front of him with a gun.]

JACK: Turn the ignition off and put your hands on the wheel! Put your hands on the wheel!

[Jack goes closer and starts to check out the man.]

JACK: You alone?

[Shot reveals that it's Yousef Ouda.]


JACK: Yousef, why did you follow me from CTU?

YOUSEF: Since I arrived, no ones given me any information. I told you when we were at CTU that my country is being implicated. I don't know who I can trust. But I saw you take out Tony Almeida who's in charge there which means you're not on board with what they're doing. You don't want your country to invade mine.

JACK: My agenda is not to help your country. My responsibility is to make sure the President of the United States makes his decisions based on fact.

YOUSEF: My country is not responsible for this bomb!

JACK: Maybe, but Sayed Ali is a citizen of your country and he runs his terrorist network from there.

YOUSEF: Yes. Which means he's a criminal to my government just as much as yours. Why would my country deliberately invoke an attack that would eventually decimate us? We have everything to lose; nothing to gain.

[Jack lowers the gun and puts it back in his pocket.]

JACK: What do you want?

YOUSEF: When you broke out, you isolated yourself. Whatever you're doing; you'll need help.

[Cut to shot of Tony limping on crutches through CTU. Michelle comes up to him.]


TONY: Yeah?

MICHELLE: What'd the doctor say?

TONY: Ah, I dunno. They think I tore a ligament or something.

[They enter Tony's office.]

Look, ah, Carrie told me that she saw you talking to Jack right before he took Kate Warner out of CTU. 

MICHELLE: Yeah. Is that a problem?

TONY: Well, that depends on what you were talking about. What were you talking about?

MICHELLE: Are you interrogating me?

[Tony sits at his desk.]

TONY: Did you help Jack take Kate Warner outta here?

MICHELLE: Of course not. Is that what Carrie told you? That I'm in collusion with Jack?

TONY: Yeah?

MICHELLE: Well, I don't know what to tell you. She doesn't know what she's talking about.

TONY: Look, Michelle, it doesn't matter whether you think Jack is right or wrong. The fact is this is my command and what happens here is my responsibility.

MICHELLE: I know that.

TONY: So I need you to be honest with me, now. Did you intentionally draw Agent Baker away from Kate Warner?

MICHELLE: No. I did not.

TONY: So why would Carrie tell me you did?

MICHELLE: Because she'd like to see me outta here.

TONY: And why's that?

MICHELLE: Because I don't like her and she knows it.

TONY: You wanna tell me about it?

MICHELLE: No, not really.

TONY: Look, if you've got a problem that's interfering with your work-

MICHELLE: It's not interfering with my work. It's not.

TONY: Okay. Thanks.

[Tony turns away from her to his computer. Michelle leaves his office.]

12:12:54, 12:12:55, 12:12:56...

12:17:19, 12:17:20, 12:17:21, 12:17:22, 12:17:23, 12:17:24...

[Shot of liquor store surrounded by the police.]

OFFICER (megaphone): Mr. Garcia; we are contacting you by phone. Please answer.

[Shot to inside. Kim walking slowly around the dead owner. Mr. Garcia freaking out y the counter.]

MR. GARCIA: What have I done? I'm going to prison for the rest of my life.

KIM: You don't know that.

MR. GARCIA: I killed a man!

KIM: It was an accident. I saw it. If you turn yourself in now; they'll consider that. If you don't it'll only get worse.

MR. GARCIA: I gotta get outta here.

[The store phone rings. Kim moves to answer it.]

MR. GARCIA: Hey! Don't touch that phone.

[Kim moves away. Mr. Garcia answers it.]

MR. GARCIA (into phone): Yeah?

DEPUTY RAINS: Mr. Garcia, this is Deputy Rains. Now whatever the problem is; we can work this out. Now who's in there with you?

MR. GARCIA: A customer. A girl.

DEPUTY: Okay. Is she hurt?

MR. GARCIA: No. It's the owner.

DEPUTY: Okay, we have to get him outta there.

MR. GARCIA: It's too late. Look, I didn't mean it; it was an accident.

DEPUTY: Now, that's okay. Let's talk about it.

MR. GARCIA: It's because of the bomb. Look, there's gonna be a war. I'm trying to get my wife outta the city. You understand that, right?

DEPUTY: Your wife is right here, Mr. Garcia. She's worried about you.

MR. GARCIA: Okay, put her on the phone. Let me talk to her.

[Mr. Garcia goes to the window and looks out.]

MRS. GARCIA (on phone): Ramone? Are you okay? Why are you still in there?

MR. GARCIA: Meho...I killed a man.


MR. GARCIA: It was an accident. Look, they won't believe me. You and the baby have to leave now. It's not safe to be in the city.

MRS. GARCIA: Ramone...meho...come out.

MR. GARCIA: No, not yet. Okay, look...I'm gonna tell the police to take you where you'll be safe. I love you, Mani.

MRS. GARCIA (crying): I love you, too.

DEPUTY: Alright, Mr. Garcia, now you talked to your wife. We'd like you to come out.

MR. GARCIA: Okay, but I want you to do one thing for me first.

DEPUTY: And what's that?

MR. GARCIA: Take her to Moneray. She's got a sister there. When she gets there, I'll let the girl go and then I'll come out.

[Shot of Kate and Jack pulling up to the alley. Jack goes to the back of the car and gets some guns out of the boot.]

KATE: So, what do you want me to do?

JACK: I want you to stay here. I'm going in. if you need to get in touch with me there's a cell phone in the centre console. Press one; it's on speed dial. Kate? You okay?

[She nods.]

JACK: Don't forget; I will do everything I have to to protect you, okay?

KATE: Yeah.

JACK: Just stay put.

[Jack takes off. He goes through more alleys, checking out cars and hiding places before he comes to a door and goes into a building. He enters some sort of warehouse. He walks through it, gun ready. He hears a noise and spins around. Captain Jonathan Wallace comes around the corner with his a gun in one hand and his arms raised.]

JACK: Drop the weapon! Put the weapon down!

CAPTAIN WALLACE: Alright. My weapons right there on that table.

[Wallace puts his gun on the table that already has a number of guns on it.]

WALLACE: I'm unarmed.

JACK: Put your hands behind your head. Interlock your fingers. You know the drill.

[Jack gets out a scanner and runs it over Wallace.]

WALLACE: That's a Dunlop. Pick up a piece of shrapnel that's still in my ribcage.

[Jack scans the man's chest and it starts to beep.]

WALLACE: Yep, see?

[Jack pads the guy down and doesn't find anything.]

JACK: Take a seat.

[Wallace sits.]

JACK: Who are you?

[Jack checks out the rest of the place for other people.]

WALLACE: Jonathan Wallace. Captain. Seventh Light Arm and Reconnaissance battalion. Third marine division. Special ops attachment Delta Fort Benning.

JACK: Slowly. Raise your right arm. Show the inside of your forearm to me.

[Wallace does so and shows Jack the Coral Snake tattoo on his wrist.]

JACK: Coral Snake Unit.

WALLACE: That's right.

JACK: So you're the seventh man. You took out your entire unit that was tracking the bomb so they couldn't stop it, why?

WALLACE: I was responsible for two things. Making sure the bomb went off. Planting the Cypress recording to blame the bomb on those three countries.

JACK: To what end?

WALLACE: What else, Jack? To start a war. The end game was always to get the United States to attack the Middle East.

JACK: Why?

WALLACE: They didn't tell me. But they didn't have to. These men control the oil in the Caspian Sea. If there's a war in the Middle East, their holdings quadruple in value for at least a decade.

JACK: At the cost of detonating a nuclear device in the centre of Los Angeles. 

WALLACE: You got it.

JACK: What do you want with Kate Warner?

WALLACE: About an hour ago, the people who hired me tried to have me killed. Obviously they didn't succeed. They took out my transport team. I need an alternate way out of the country. Warner Industries has DOD variants; she can authorize a departure.

[Shot of Wallace pressing a loose power cord with his foot.]

JACK: So, evidence against the Cypress recording for your departure. That's the deal?


[Wallace hits the power cord again. Shot of outside the building where a neon sign saying ‘GARAGE' is starts to flick on and off. A waiting man sees it and walks off.]

[Shot of Kate waiting in the car.]

[Shot of the man walking up behind the car and seeing Kate inside.]

[Shot of Kate staring out the window. The man comes up and hits his gun on the window.]

MAN: Keep your mouth shut and get out of the car. Unlock the door. Do it now.

[Kate unlocks the door.]

MAN: Come on. Get outta the car.

[Kate gets out looking scared. The man is hit from behind and goes down.]

YOUSEF: You okay?

KATE (inaudible): Oh my God. Oh.

[Shot back to Jack and Wallace.]

WALLACE: So where's the Warner girl?

JACK: When we're done. Tell me more about the evidence. How does it prove the Cypress recording was forged?

WALLACE: I have the source recordings. Before they were mixed down to create the fake tape.

[Jack's cell rings. He answers it.]

JACK: Yeah.

YOUSEF: Jack, there was another guy. I took care of him. Is he there?

[Jack hands the phone to Wallace.]

JACK (smirking): It's for you.

[Wallace takes the phone.]

WALLACE (into phone): Hello?

YOUSEF: The man you sent to pick up Kate Warner is unconscious. He'll be out for awhile.

WALLACE: You're lying.

YOUSEF: He's 6"2, dark hair. Pretty nasty scar on his face.

[Wallace hangs up the phone.]

WALLACE: Okay. Doesn't change anything. I still got what you need. And I'm not gonna give it to you until you gimme Kate Warner.

JACK: Fine. I'll take you to her. And we'll arrange your charter.

WALLACE: No, no, no. She can't authorize and unscheduled charter unless one of the partners of the company is on board and right now your people have Bob Warner in custody. So she's coming with me.

JACK: What do you plan to do with her when you reach your final destination?

WALLACE: I'll have to dispose of her. You know that.

JACK: Can't let that happen.

WALLACE: We're done here.

[Wallace stands and starts to pack some guns in a bag. He starts to walk away. For a moment it looks like Jack's gonna let him walk.]

JACK: Wait.

[Wallace turns around. Jack picks up his phone.]

JACK (into phone): Yousef, do you copy?

YOUSEF: Yeh, we're here, Jack. What do you want me to do?

JACK: Bring her in.

[Jack hangs up.]

12:26:44, 12:26:45, 12:26:46...

12:31:03, 12:31:04, 12:31:05, 12:31:06, 12:31:07, 12:31:08, 12:31:09...

[Cut to District Headquarters, Los Angeles. Lynn Kresge walks out of a meeting.]


LYNN KRESGE: Yeah, Mike.

NOVICK: How do I get a hold of Jack Bauer?

LYNN: Last I heard he was debriefing at CTU, why?

NOVICK: The President is hesitating this operation based solely on a conversation he had with Bauer. I want to talk to him myself.

LYNN: Behind the President's back?

[They both glance at the President who is shaking hands with people in the meeting room.]

LYNN: Mike, that is so dangerous.

NOVICK: If I can get some concrete information I can support the President more effectively.

LYNN: And if you can't?

NOVICK: Then I'll have the conviction to talk him through the situation. Right now I'm in the dark.

LYNN: Mike, I'm not sure-

NOVICK: Lynn, Lynn, Lynn, this is my call. Your recommendation not to go around the President is dually noted.

[Lynn takes out her phone and finds Jack's number. Mike puts it in his phone.]

NOVICK: Thanks.

[Lynn walks away. Mike dials the number.]

[Shot of Tony in his office at CTU. The phone rings. A woman's voice comes over the intercom.]

WOMAN: Mr. Almeida? Mike Novick, President Palmer's Chief of Staff, is on the line.

[Tony picks up the phone.]

TONY: Mr. Novick? This is Tony Almeida.

NOVICK: Hi Tony. I need to reach Jack Bauer.

TONY: Yeah, well, we're trying to locate him ourselves, sir.

NOVICK: What do you mean? What's the problem?

TONY: Well, Jack was here earlier debriefing from the days events...when he grabbed a material witness and took her off the premises illegally. He also assaulted CTU personnel.

NOVICK: Why on earth would he do something like that?

TONY: Jack's working on a hunch that the Cypress recording was fabricated, sir.

NOVICK: This is what I wanted to talk to him about. The President is not giving his full support to the military action until he hears from Bauer.

TONY: I understand sir.

NOVICK: What about the witness he's taken...how does that factor in?

TONY: Well, her name's Kate Warner. Her sister Marie was involved with the Second Wave terrorists. We're trying to connect the dots but, ah, that's the other reason we need to find Jack, sir.

NOVICK: The second you make contact with Bauer, you put him through to me. We're at district.

TONY: Yes sir.

[They hang up.]

[Tony dials another number.]

CARRIE (on phone): Turner.

TONY: Carrie?

CARRIE: What's up?

TONY: Yeah, I need to see you.


[Carrie and Michelle glance at each other as Carrie heads to Tony's office.]

CARRIE: Yes, Tony.

TONY: Where are we regarding Jack?

CARRIE: His exit wasn't picked up on satellite and he hasn't initiated contact with anyone.

TONY: What about Kate Warner?

CARRIE: Her house and her father's company are being watched in case they go there.

TONY: Good.

CARRIE: Have you talked to Michelle?

TONY: Yeah. In fact, ah, I wanted to talk to you about that. Do you have a problem working in the same office as Michelle?

CARRIE: Is that what you think? That I'd be making up stories about her because I have a problem working with her?

[Tony answers with a look.]

CARRIE: She and Jack were talking before he took Kate Warner. They weren't trading recipes. It was conspiratorial.

[Tony glances down at Michelle. She's looking at him. Tony nods.]

TONY: Alright. Look, ah, I need you to put a filter on all of Michelle's communications, alright? Ah, emails, phone calls, open channels. I want you to let me know when Jack tries to contact her, alright?


[Carrie leaves the office. Tony glances at Michelle again.]

[Shot of a crying Mrs. Garcia being helped into a police car outside the liquor store. Mr. Garcia watches as they drive her away.]

KIM: What's going on out there?

MR. GARCIA: They're taking my wife where she'll be safe.

KIM: And then what? You're gonna let me go, right?

MR. GARCIA: Don't push me. You got me into this.

KIM: I didn't get you into this.

MR. GARCIA: You pointed this gun at me. That's how this whole thing started. What were you doing with a gun anyway? Huh? What?! Were you gonna rip this place off?

KIM: No.

[He aims the gun at Kim.]

MR. GARCIA: You ruined my life. It's all your fault.

KIM: Please don't. I'm sorry. I should've never taken out that gun.

MR. GARCIA: Yeah? Well why did you?

KIM: I was afraid.

MR. GARCIA: Afraid? What do you have to be afraid of?!

[Kim backs away.]

MR. GARCIA: Answer me!

KIM: My daddy died tonight. The bomb that went off; he was there.

[MR. GARCIA lowers the gun. The store phone rings again. He goes over and answers it.]

MR. GARCIA (into phone): What?

DEPUTY: Alright, Mr. Garcia, your wife is on her way to Moneray. Everything cool in there?

MR. GARCIA: No, it's not cool. You just make sure my wife gets there and you don't need to be calling me every five minutes.

DEPUTY: Okay, Ramone, you need to stay calm. Now, we're doing exactly what you said. But you've got to think this thing through. Now, you're gonna be in custody pretty soon.

MR. GARCIA: I didn't mean to kill anybody!

DEPUTY: We know. But what would help your case is if you let the young lady out now.

MR. GARCIA: I'm not stupid. She's the only reason you haven't shot your way in here yet. And I'll tell you something, if I see you coming in, I'll kill her! You better believe that!

[Kim glances at a back exit.]

DEPUTY: You're not a killer, Ramone.

[Kim takes off for the exit.]

DEPUTY: You've got no record. Be smart.

[Kim finds a door and goes into a room locking it behind her.]

MR. GARCIA: Oh, I'll be smart. You be smart!

[He sees Kim is gone.]

MR. GARCIA: Dammit!

[The only way out of the room Kim is in is padlocked shut. She tries to get out as Mr. Garcia pounds on the door.]

MR. GARCIA: Get back here! Open the door! Open it! Open this door! Open it!

KIM: Help me, please! I'm at the back door! Help! Please!

[Police at the back door hear Kim and run, guns ready, to her aid.]

MR. GARCIA: I don't wanna hurt you but I will!

DEPUTY (on megaphone): Mr. Garcia, what's going on in there?

[Kim gets the door unlocked but the chain is still on. The police try and help her get it undone. Mr. Garcia starts to shoot the lock open.

KIM: Ah! Let me out!

[Kim squeezes through the gap in the door as Mr. Garcia kicks the door open.]

KIM: No!

DEPUTY (on megaphone): Mr. Garcia, pick up the phone!

[Mr. Garcia sees the police at the back door.]


[Mr. Garcia runs back into the store.]


DEPUTY (on megaphone): Please respond, Mr. Garcia.

[Shot of Kim being rushed away to safety.]

[Cut to outside the alley. Yousef is cuffing Wallace's accomplice to a metal bin. He slaps him awake.]

YOUSEF: Hey. Hey!

[He wakes up.]

YOUSEF: Is there anyone else besides you?

[The man doesn't answer. Yousef pulls a gun and aims it at the man's head. He turns back to Kate.]

YOUSEF: Kate, look the other way.

[Kate turns.]

MAN: No, no, no! No one else. There's no one else.

[Yousef lowers the gun and hits the man in the head so he's knocked out again. Then Yousef goes to Kate.]

YOUSEF: Come on.

KATE: Wait, the warehouse is that way.

[Yousef gets out his phone.]

YOUSEF (into phone): Jack?

JACK: Yeah, go ahead.

YOUSEF: I'm gonna approach in a sweep pattern; it'll take a few minutes.

JACK: Copy that.

[Jack turns to Wallace.]

JACK: They're gonna be five minutes.

WALLACE: And here we are without a deck of cards. You know, I was down in Benning when Samuels tries to recruit you? Yeah. He was real disappointed you turned him down. Said you were a born killer. Is that true?

12:39:48, 12:39:49, 12:39:50...

12:44:13, 12:44:14, 12:44:15, 12:44:16, 12:44:17, 12:44:18...

[Shot of Carrie working on her computer at CTU.]

[Shot of Michelle working at her computer. An error message comes onto the screen. Michelle tries to keep working but the error wouldn't go away. She picks up her phone.]

CARRIE: Turner.

MICHELLE: Yeah, I just got an alarm condition on the backup server, do you have one?

CARRIE: No I don't. Must be on your side of the router. Want me to go to patch bay and check out the connections?

MICHELLE: No, um, you need C clearance for that. I'll have to do it.

CARRIE: Right, I forgot.

[They hang up. Michelle gets up and walks away. Carrie watches her and then grabs a file and goes over to another worker whose desk is next to Michelle's. She hands him the file.]

CARRIE: Can you give this to Tompkins for me?


[The worker gets up and leaves. Carrie turns to Michelle's station. She uses Michelle's computer to monitor all her communications to her own computer. Then she walks away.]

[Cut to District Headquarters. President Palmer is in an almost empty boardroom. There are a couple of people at the end of the table and a woman showing Palmer some folders.]

PALMER: Thank you.

[The woman leaves. Mike Novick enters.]

NOVICK: Mr. President, may I?

PALMER: What is it, Mike?

[Novick sits down.]

NOVICK: Jack Bauer took a material witness from CTU and assaulted an agent in the process. I know how much this country owes him, sir, but he's obviously suffered some kind of emotional collapse. It would be understandable given everything he's been through. 

PALMER: Well, we don't know that. What he did might have been necessary under the circumstances.

NOVICK: We already have incontrovertible proof from Langley that the Cypress recording is authentic. Finding Jack Bauer isn't going to change that. The country needs your energy and attention on what happens after those bombs are dropped. We need to prepare for this war.

PALMER: If this recording's not authentic, and Jack Bauer turns out to be right, we will have made a mistake of historic proportions.

NOVICK: Mr. President-

PALMER: That's all, Mike. Find Jack Bauer.

[Novick gets up and leaves.]

[Cut to warehouse with Jack and Wallace. Jack checks his watch.]

JACK: She'll be here any minute. Where's the evidence?

WALLACE: Okay. Here's how it's gonna go down. I take Kate with me, she sets up the plane, it picks us up at an airport of my choosing. When I'm on that plane, I'll call you and tell you where the evidence is.

JACK: What assurances do I have that you'll even call?

WALLACE: None. One of those things where you're just gonna have to trust me.

JACK: Well, I don't.

WALLACE (pats Jack's arm): Jack, you're the last person in the world I want tracking me down.

[A door opens. Both Wallace and Jack get their guns out and aim them as Yousef and Kate come in.]

KATE: Jack? What's going on?

WALLACE: You and I are going on a little trip.

KATE: Jack?

JACK: You have to go with him.

KATE: What about you?

WALLACE: Jack's not coming.

[Wallace gets his bag. Kate looks from him to Jack.]

KATE (to Jack): You gave me your word.

JACK: I'm sorry it has to be done like this.

[Wallace takes Kate's arm. She shrugs him off.]

KATE: Let go of me.

WALLACE: Talk to her, Jack, otherwise I'm gonna have to do this differently.

JACK: Kate, remember everything I said to you in the car? Do what he says and I promise you, you will not get hurt.

KATE: You're giving me up, aren't you?

12:49:15, 12:49:16, 12:49:17...

12:53:40, 12:53:41, 12:53:42, 12:53:43, 12:53:44, 12:53:45...

[Shot of Michelle back at her desk at CTU. Her phone rings.]


DANNY: Hey. Hey, it's me.

MICHELLE: Danny, what are you doing up?

[Shot of Carrie listening to the call through headphones.]

DANNY: I can't-I can't sleep. Listen, are you-are you sure it's safe here?

MICHELLE: Ah, yeah, as far as I know it is.

DANNY: As-As far as you know it? What the-What the hell's that mean? As-As far as you know?

MICHELLE: Look, Danny, you know my situation,

DANNY: Yeah, well, you know what? Your situation sucks! You know, I mean, you're talking about my life here, the least you-you could do is tell me what I-what it is the hell you know.

MICHELLE: Look, there's nothing to know. Just stay where you are, get some sleep, I'll come over tomorrow.

DANNY: Listen, I swear to God, don't you patronize me. Don't you patronize me cos I-I want answers. A nuclear bomb just went off. Alright, I-I wanna know if it's safe to stay here in LA? Hey, what-what about the kids? Don't-Don't you care about the kids?

MICHELLE: Yeah, of course I do. If there was anything to know, I would tell you.

DANNY: Is that right? Well you-you didn't tell me about the bomb. What happened there? Did it-Did it slip your mind?

MICHELLE: I already explained it to you; I wasn't allowed to tell anyone.

DANNY: Oh, you know what? Hey, maybe I should call Carrie. She'd- She'd tell me.

MICHELLE: I thought you two weren't speaking?

DANNY: We're not. She's a bitch.

MICHELLE: Danny, I will take care-

DANNY: Forget it.

[Danny hangs up.]

[Carrie takes the earpiece out and starts typing at her computer. She proceeds to delete the call from Danny from Michelle's records.]

[Cut to outside the liquor store. The police are preparing to charge into the store. Mr. Garcia is on the floor inside freaking out.]

MR. GARCIA: Oh! Don't shoot me! Please! I'm sorry!

[Shot to outside where the Deputy has a megaphone. Kim is next to him.]

DEPUTY (through megaphone): Throw the weapon out the front door and come out with your hands behind your head. 

MR. GARCIA: No! I need more time! My wife's gonna be safe, right!

DEPUTY: Come on, Ramone, you gotta cooperate now. You got nobody left in there. (Into radio) Anybody have a visual on the suspect?

RADIO: No. Not coming out. Should we hold position?

DEPUTY: No, no. Ever since that bombs gone off we got a new call every ten minutes. We gotta be done here.

KIM: Please don't, give him some more time. He'll come out on his own.

DEPUTY: Alright, all units go. Go now! Go!

[Police storm both the front and back entrances to the store.]

POLICE: Drop your weapon! Get down!

KIM: No!

[A number of different gunshots are heard. Kim looks scared and worried.]

RADIO: Code four. Code four. Send medical.

DEPUTY: Medical team, go!

[Two medics wheel a gurney towards the store.]

[Cut to Lynn Kresge at District in a boardroom. A man shows her something on the phone.]

LYNN: Thank you.

MAN: Alright.

[The man leaves and Mike Novick enters.]

NOVICK: We ready?

LYNN: Yes, we are Mike.

[Lynn hits a button and the TV comes on showing the Vice-President.]

NOVICK: Mr. Vice-President. You're on with me and Lynn because the President is being briefed by Ryan Chappelle. He asked that we go ahead without him.

JIM: Fine.

NOVICK: How did it go with the British Ambassador?

JIM: Not well. He knows that we're planning a retaliation against the Middle East but he's frustrated because we're not coordinating with them.

NOVICK: I'm sure he'll understand once he gets all the facts.

JIM: What are the facts, Mike? We got planes in the air. Either we're committed or we're not.

NOVICK: If the evidence shows that she Cypress recording was falsified, the President wants the option of calling those planes back.

JIM: You know what it sounds like to me? An excuse to call this off. Do you believe the President is capable of doing the hard thing, Mike? The right thing?

NOVICK: Yes sir, I do. He's committed to this action. All he's doing is making sure every base is covered.

JIM: I hope so.

NOVICK: The President will be contacting you as soon as anything develops.

JIM: Alright Mike,

[Lynn turns off the TV. She and Mike looked rooted.]

LYNN: Mike. You think the Vice-President is right, don't you?

NOVICK: If the President turns those planes around based on the unconfirmed speculation of a single CTU agent, it'll be a disaster.

LYNN: So, what do we do about it?

NOVICK: I don't know.

[Shot of Wallace and Kate leaving the warehouse. Jack and Yousef follow. Wallace presses a button on his keys and the trunk opens.]

KATE: Where are you taking me?

WALLACE (indicated the trunk): Get in.

KATE: I'm not gonna try and escape.

WALLACE: I said get in.

JACK: Kate. Get in the trunk; it's for your own safety.

[Kate gets in. Wallace shuts the trunk.]

[Split screens of Jack watching Wallace. Carrie watching Michelle at CTU. Ramon Garcia on a gurney bleeding profusely and being wheeled to the ambulance and Kim watching. Shot of Palmer on the phone with Mike watching. Shot of Tony eying Carrie.]

[Cut back to Jack and Yousef watching Wallace.]

YOUSEF (whispers to Jack): Tracker's in place. It's been activated.

JACK: Good.

WALLACE: Jack. It's been a real pleasure. I'll be in touch.

[Just as Wallace is getting into his car, gunshots fire from somewhere above. Jack gets out his gun.]

Kikavu ?

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