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24 heures chrono
#218 : 1h00 - 2h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 2 guide des épisodes

Jack, Kate, Youssef et Jonathan sont attaqués par un groupe de snipers et sont contraints de s’abriter. Jack veut savoir combien il y a de tireurs et quelle est leur position. Il contacte Michelle à la CTA afin qu’elle lui transmette les images satellites. Sachant qu'elle est sous surveillance, elle fait des recherches discrètement mais Tony le remarque tout de même et la met devant le fait accompli.
Le Président envoie la garde nationale pour calmer le peuple après avoir appris qu’il y avait des émeutes sur la côte est.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
1:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m.

Titre VF
1h00 - 2h00

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Première diffusion en France


24 Season 2 Episode 18 Promo

24 Season 2 Episode 18 Promo


Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Joel Surnow & Michael Loceff
Réalisé par : Jon Cassar


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Sarah Wynter : Kate Warner
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Dennis Haysbert : President David Palmer

• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• Lourdes Benedicto : Carrie Turner
• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick
• Michelle Forbes : Lynne Kresge
• Donnie Keshawarz : Yusef Auda
• Sterling Macer, Jr. : Deputy Raynes
• Gregg Henry : Jonathan Wallace
• Innis Casey : Miguel
• Peter Gregory : Dr. Spire
• Victor Rivers : Sgt. Amis
• Ted Sutton : General Blaye

Wallace, Kate, Auda et Jack se font attaquer de tous les cotés dans la ruelle par des hommes voulant empêcher le premier cité de divulguer la preuve. Ils parviennent à se réfugier dans l’entrepôt sauf Yussuf, resté à l’extérieur. Jack souhaite attendre des renforts de la C.A.T., Wallace s’y oppose, ayant peur que son identité soit révélée : Jack doit suivre son plan s’il souhaite obtenir la preuve que l’enregistrement de Chypre est un faux.

Un van supplémentaire rempli d’hommes arrive alors, et cerne l’immeuble. Jack doit impérativement passer son coup de fil s’ils veulent s’en sortir, ce que Wallace finit par accepter. Une fois jointe, Michelle informe jack qu’elle est surveillée par Tony depuis que ce dernier a appris qu’elle l’avait aidé à sortir avec Kate de la cellule. Elle va néanmoins faire tout son possible pour l’aider à sortir de l’entrepôt en utilisant le satellite afin de localiser les hommes situés dehors.

Au magazin, Kim se fait interroger par la police, affirme que l’arme avec laquelle Garcia, gravement bléssé par l’assaut, a tué le propriétaire dans le magasin était en fait à elle, et avoue ensuite que, suspectée de meurtre et de kidnapping, elle a échappé à la police l’après-midi même.

Il est 1h05. Au ministère, Palmer s’inquiète devant certains mouvements de mécontentements vis-à-vis de la maison blanche qui ne s’est toujours pas exprimée sur l’explosion. Novick l’informe du déploiement de la garde nationale dans les grandes villes, mais que les forces de polices locales risquent d’être rapidement dépassées dans les plus petites agglomérations.

Face à cela, Palmer décide d’appeler le Colonel Bowden et de faire intervenir l’armée de terre, ce qui est normalement impossible, ni l’armé ni l’air force n’ayant le droit d’intervenir sur le sol américain. Seul la navy et les marines y sont en effet autorisés, mais dans le cas présent, Palmer estime qu’ils seraient inefficaces.

L’heure tourne, les bombardiers ne sont plus qu’à 4 heures du moyen orient. A la cellule, Carrie surveille Michelle, et, la surprenant en train d’utiliser le satellite, en informe de suite Tony. Au même moment a l’entrepôt, Jack apprend à Kate que Wallace à besoin d’elle pour sortir du pays, les relations de Bob Warner avec la C.I.A. aidant sa société à affréter des avions. La seule condition étant que Kate y monte avec lui, le protocole imposant au moins un membre de la famille à bord. Mais Jack promet de ne pas la laisser partir. Pendantce temps, à la cellule, Carrie, par l’intermédiaire du système de vidéosurveillance, parvient enfin à distinguer l’écran du poste d’où Michelle utilise les images satellites.

1h15, Kim se fait conduire au poste de police après avoir été mise en état d’arrestation. Ce qui ne semble pas la choquer plus que ça : cette dernière croit toujours que son père est mort dans l’explosion, elle estime donc qu’elle n’a plus rien à perdre. Au même moment, à la C.A.T., Carrie découvre que Michelle analyse des images infrarouges et en informe Tony sans perdre une seconde. Ce dernier lui demande d’en relever les coordonnées: s’il s’avère qu’elles sont pour Jack, Tony saura alors où le trouver. Mais Michelle, plus maligne que jamais à préalablement brouillé les pistes : impossible pour Carrie de savoir celles qui l’intéressent.

Desler se rend alors aux toilettes d’où elle parvient à transférer à Jack les images satellites lui permettant de savoir où sont placés les hommes autour de l’entrepôt, avant de sortir et de se faire intercepter par Tony qui lui demande où est Bauer. Elle feint de ne rien savoir. A l’entrepôt, Jack et Wallace élaborent un plan en fonction de la disposition des hommes afin de sortir. Kate, qui sait aussi tirer, se voit également confier une arme.

Il est 1h20. Au ministère, Lynne Kresge informe le président que le ministre de la défense souhaite savoir combien de temps compte-il accorder à Bauer pour trouver la preuve. Pour Palmer, Jack dispose de la totalité du temps qu’il reste avant le début des bombardements, et il n’y aura pas d’attaque préventive, comme le préconise le ministre selon lequel, la marge de manœuvre se réduit au fur et à mesure que le temps passe. Mais Palmer est clair, l’enquête doit durer le plus longtemps possible! C’est alors que Novick arrive et annonce une nouvelle inquiétante.

D’après les télévisions, des problèmes raciaux apparaissent sur la côte EST, en particulier à cause de milices hostiles racistes et improvisées s’étant regroupées à Marietta, dans la banlieue d’Atlanta, où la population est essentiellement originaire du Moyen-Orient.

La journaliste affirme que seul quelques voitures de polices ont fait le déplacement : Palmer, extrêmement remonté, se voit en même temps confronté à un manque flagrant d’effectif, et décide alors de consacrer toutes les forces disponibles à la résolution du problème dans cette unique région, tout en informant les médias que c’est la bas qu’il va se passer quelque chose. Le président voyant là le meilleur moyen de montrer au peuple américain la manière dont il compte répondre à ces hostilités racistes et protéger ses citoyens.

1h27, Wallace Bauer et Kate se préparent à sortir de l’entrepôt. Yussuf, resté à l’extérieur, balance un fumigène. Un violent échange de balles s’engage alors dans la ruelle embrumée. Les balles fusent de partout, l’échange, d’une rare violence, dure encore et encore.

L’équipe parvient finalement à s’en fuir, mais Wallace, très gravement touché, s’oppose à la volonté de Jack de l’amener à l’hôpital, et tient à se rendre coûte que coûte à l’aéroport. Au même moment, Palmer doit faire face aux émeutes ayant désormais envahi tout Marietta : il décide d’instaurer un couvre feu, et de s’adresser à la population.

Il est alors1h32. A la cellule, Almeida informe Carrie du fait que des coups de feu ont été entendu à Studio City, et que des corps et des armes militaires y ont été retrouvé par la police. Carrie se met à comparer les coordonnées avec celles des images que Michelle analysait. Cette dernière avoue à Tony qu’elle était au courant des agissements de Bauer, mais que la cellule doit rester en dehors de tout ça s’il veut avoir une chance de retrouver la preuve.

Tony l’appelle tout de même, une conversation engagée a lieu entre les deux hommes, durant laquelle Bauer explique qu’il a du s’enfuir pour obtenir la preuve, car Wallace ne traiterait qu’avec lui, et non avec la C.A.T., avant de confirmer qu’il se débrouillerait seul.

1h38. Kim est emmenée au poste où l’officier chargé de l’interroger lui annonce que Garry Matheson est recherché pour le meurtre de sa femme, et qu’il n’y a plus de charges retenues contre elle. Elle est donc libre. Au même moment, Bauer et les autres se rendent à l’aéroport.

Durant le trajet, Kate, en tant que fille de Bob Warner est contrainte d’affréter un avion pour Wallace, qui est de plus en plus mal en point, et qui commence à perdre connaissance. Jack lui demande où est la preuve, l’assurant en même temps qu’il fera tout pour lui faire quitter le pays avant de décider finalement, devant son état critique, de l’emmener à l’hôpital.

Il est 1h42. Retour à la cellule, Tony reçoit un coup de fil de Kim lui disant qu’elle est libre. Almeida lui annonce alors que son père n’est pas disponible pour le moment car il est en mission. Kim, le croyant toujours mort, est alors folle de joie d’apprendre que son père a pu sauter de l’avion grâce à Mason qui a pris sa place. Jack arrive à la clinique, où Wallace reçoit de suite des soins pour la balle qu’il a reçu dans le cou.

Son état est plus que critique. Au même moment, Kim téléphone à Miguel, blessé dans l’accident, qui, malgré le fait de savoir qu’ils sont sortis d’affaire, lui annonce qu’il ne veut plus jamais la revoir, elle cause trop de soucis. Kim, incrédule et stupéfaite, raccroche, la caméra filmant Miguel s’avance, fait un plan général, et nous laisse apercevoir sa jambe droite... amputée au niveau du genou...

1h51. Au ministère, on expose la situation des bombardiers à Palmer, qui refuse toujours de confirmer l’ordre d’attaque, ce qui rassurerait le ministère de la défense. Novick lui apprend que la situation dégénère à Marietta, et que la garde nationale, dépassée, a tiré à balles en caoutchouc dans la foule, faisant deux morts : un agitateur, et...

un petit garçon d’origine arabe faisant parti de la population qu’on tentait de protéger. Palmer parait terriblement affecté par la nouvelle. A la clinique, le médecin montre les radios de Wallace, qui doit absolument être amené au bloc opératoire, ce que refuse Jack par manque de temps. Une intervention improvisée s’impose alors au cours de laquelle, Wallace, sentant qu’il ne va pas s’en sortir, décide de parler. La preuve se trouverait sur une puce mémoire, où les enregistrements originaux prouvent que celui de Chypre est faux.

Mais au moment de livrer l’endroit où elle se trouve, Wallace lâche prise et décède: Jack, reste figé, ne sachant que faire, et parait complètement dépassé, avant de se rendre compte, sur une des radios, qu’un objet métallique est situé dans la cage thoracique du décédé.

Il s’empare alors, plein de sang froid, d’un scalpel devant les yeux ébahis d’Auda, Kate et du médecin. Il est 21h, Jack, les mains pleines de sang, sort la puce. Il vient de récupérer la preuve...


[Scene picks up where it left off with Jack, Yousef and Wallace being fired at. They all have a gun and are shooting back.]

JACK: They're coming at us from both sides of the ally!

[More shooting. There are Enemy Guys everywhere.]

JACK: The roof!

[Yousef takes out a sniper on the roof.]

WALLACE: Fire escape!

[Jack takes out the guy on the fire escape. More firing of shoots. A number hit the trunk. Kate's inside.]

JACK (to WALLACE): Give me the key!


[He throws the keys to Jack.]

JACK: Yousef, give me cover!

[Yousef covers Jack as he unlocks the boots and grabs a terrified Kate.]

JACK: Kate, get out of the trunk and stay down!

WALLACE: Left, on the left!

JACK: Go for the door, now!

[Jack shoots another guy and follows Kate back inside the warehouse. Wallace follows them and shuts the door. Yousef runs further down the alley, still shooting Enemy Guys.]

[Shot to inside the warehouse of Kate looking freaked. Jack comes up behind her and grabs her arm.]

JACK: Kate! Come with me.

[He pulls her along to a covered corner and makes her sit. She does so, covering her ears.]

JACK: Get down! Stay down! (To Wallace) Who the hell are these guys?!

WALLCE: Follow up team sent by my employers. Must've finally figured out they didn't get me first time around.

JACK: How'd they know you were here?

WALLCE: Beats the hell outta me.

[Shot to Yousef at his car getting and reloading more guns. He gets out his phone.]

YOUSEF (into phone): Jack, you there?

JACK (into phone): Yousef, are you okay?

YOUSEF (into phone): Yeah.

JACK (into phone): Where are you?

YOUSEF (into phone): I've managed to get back to the vehicle and re-arm.

JACK (into phone): What's out there?

YOUSEF (into phone): There's three down that I know of. There's at least three more out there but I don't have there positions. I'm gonna find a better vantage point.

JACK (into phone): Okay, good. We're gonna figure out what we're gonna do in here. I'll get back to you. Stand by.

[Jack hangs up.]

WALLACE: Have him cover us, let's get to your car and get the hell outta here!

JACK: We don't know how many men are out there! (Gets out his phone again) Let me call my person at CTU; she can help us.

WALLACE: Negative! You're not calling anybody. The only way you get the proof Palmer needs is if we do this my way. We go now!

[Jack hangs up his phone.]

KATE: There's men out there trying to kill us. Doesn't that prove something?

JACK: Not to the joint Chiefs of Staff in DC.

[He grabs Kate to her feet.]

WALLACE: Call Yousef; let's shape and exit strategy!

YOUSEF (through phone): Jack?

JACK (into phone): Yousef, go ahead.

YOUSEF (into phone): I'm hearing something. Sounds like another HUM V just arrived.

JACK: Sonuvabitch, stand by. (He hangs up) (To Wallace) We are surrounded. We are running out of time. You've gotta let me make this call. I've got someone on the inside that can give us infrared satellite. I guarantee you I will not jeopardize your identity.

WALLACE: Offline.

JACK: Yes.


[Jack takes out his phone and dials.]


[Shot to Michelle Dessler answering her phone at CTU in the halls.]

MICHELLE (into phone): Dessler.

JACK (into phone): Michelle, its Jack. Are we secure?

MICHELLE (into phone): My cell's scrambled but don't call me on any agency numbers; I'm being monitored.

JACK (into phone): You were right. Sayed Ali's recording was fake. The President's about to invade the Middle East based on falsified evidence.

MICHELLE (into phone): Do you have proof?

JACK (into phone): No, not yet. But I can get it. I need your help.

MICHELLE (into phone): It's gonna be difficult. Tony's been breathing down my neck ever since I helped you get outta here.

JACK (into phone): You're gonna have to work around it. I need infrared satellite on my position now.

MICHELLE (into phone): Where are you?

JACK (into phone): You can get the coordinates of our cell phone connection. Get back to me.

MICHELLE (into phone): What are you looking for?

JACK (into phone): We're surrounded. We're in a warehouse; there's three of us inside. I need to know how many men are outside and what their positions are. I got a Friendly at the North end of the alley behind the dumpster.

MICHELLE (into phone): Okay, I'll see what I can do.

JACK (into phone): Thank Michelle.

[They hang up. Jack gets in touch with Yousef.]

JACK (into phone): Yousef?

YOUSEF (through phone): I'm here.

JACK (into phone): We're gonna be a few minutes, we're waiting on satellite. I'll get back to you. (hangs up) (to Wallace) It's gonna take awhile. She needs to secure our position.

[Wallace nods. Jack gets Kate.]

JACK: Come on.


[Shot of Kim Bauer and the police outside King's Liquor. She is with a Deputy who is taking notes.]

KIM BAUER: Is Mr. Garcia gonna be alright?

DEPUTY: He'll live. Alright. I'm gonna put down that you claim that the shooting was an accident.

KIM (nodding): It was.

DEPUTY: Yeah, well, he's still gonna have to explain to the DA what he was doing going into the store with a gun.

[A siren sounds as an ambulance pulls up.]

KIM: It wasn't his.

DEPUTY: What's that?

KIM: The gun. It was mine.

DEPUTY: What are you doing with a gun?

KIM: Someone gave it to me earlier tonight. Look, my name's Kim Bauer. This afternoon I escaped from police custody. I'm a suspect in a murder.


[Shot of District Headquarters Los Angeles. President Palmer, Lynn Kresge, Mike Novick and other government people are in a room watching a news broadcast about the days events.]

TV ANNOUNCER: While most Americans are still asleep and have not yet heard the news about the nuclear detonation in California, many are up and they are starting to react. Reaction is taking many forms and in some cases violence is erupting. We're still awaiting a statement from the White House that might shed some light on who is behind the attack in California. In the meantime, we hope this-

PALMER: That's enough.

[Mike turns it off.]

PALMER: What's the alert status of the National Guard?

NOVICK: They're ready to be deployed in all major metropolitan areas.

PALMER: What about outside the big cities?

NOVICK: If this thing gets out of control, we may have to get help from the military. Local law enforcement might not be able to do the job.  

PALMER: Call General Bowden. Tell him to put troops on stand by.

NOVICK: The army? We can't do that.

PALMER: You're worried about passé camitates?

NOVICK: Exactly. We can't use army or air force on American soil. Only the Navy and the Marines.

PALMER: No, Navy can't help us. And there are not enough Marines on stand by. I'll deal with consequences. Call Bowden.

NOVICK (picking up phone): Yes sir.

PALMER (to Lynn): What's the status of our bombers?

LYNN: They are proceeding as scheduled to their targets in the Middle East.

PALMER: And where are they now?

LYNN: Just South of Greenland. They should be entering into Middle Easter airspace in four or five hours.

PALMER: Thank you.


[Shot of Michelle at her computer trying to get infrared for Jack. Carrie comes up behind her.]

CARRIE: What are you doing on the satellite?

[Michelle closes the satellite window on her computer screen.]

MICHELLE: Just checking on something. Prep the files for the next shift?

CARRIE: Yeah, I'm almost done. I'm gonna go see if Tony needs some help.

[Carrie leaves. Michelle goes back to the satellite.]

[Shot of Carrie meeting Tony, on crutches, in a hall upstairs.]

TONY: Hey. What's up?

CARRIE: You asked me to keep an eye on Michelle?

TONY: Yeah.

CARRIE: She was just accessing a MODSAT screen at work station three.

TONY: Well, that's not unusual. We've been on MODSAT all night.

CARRIE: Just before that she received a call that wouldn't lock onto our log.

TONY: It was open?


TONY: Might've been Division.

CARRIE: Mighta been.

TONY: Alright, ah...find out what she was looking at. Let me know.

[Carrie leaves. Tony watches Michelle leave her work station and walk to another one.]


[Shot back to Jack, Kate and Wallace in the warehouse. The gunfire has ceased.]

JACK (into phone): Yousef, what's happening out there?

YOUSEF (into phone): I think they're repositioning.

JACK (into phone): We're still waiting on satellite. It's gonna be another minute. I'll get back to you.

[He hangs up and goes and kneels near Kate.]

JACK: With CTU's help, we're gonna get outta here. I promise.

KATE: What does Wallace want with me?

JACK: He needs you to help him get outta the country.

KATE: Needs me? How?

JACK: With your fathers CIA connections. His company has a special travel dispensation.

KATE: They wouldn't let him on board as a passenger unless...I was on the plane with him.

JACK: I know. Kate...I will not let you get on that plane.


[Shot back to Michelle working on the satellite at CTU. She looks around nervously.]

[Shot to Carrie who is watching everything Michelle is doing through a camera feed on a computer.]


1:10:44, 1:10:45, 1:10:46...

1:15:09, 1:15:10, 1:15:11, 1:15:12, 1:15:13, 1:15:14, 1:15:15


[Shot to police car driving down the highway. The Deputy is driving and there is another cop next to him. Kim in the back.]

KIM: Is there anyway I can find out how my boyfriend is doing?

DEPUTY: I don't know anything about that. You'll have to wait till we get to the station.

 KIM: Well, there was also another officer. I think his name was Brown. He was in the accident as well.

DEPUTY: Neither. Look...Miss...you're under arrest. So take my advice. Don't say anymore.

KIM: Doesn't matter anyway.

DEPUTY: You can make a phone call when we get to the station.

KIM: Who am I gonna call? My Dad is the one who was flying the plane; the one with the bomb in it. I don't have anyone anymore.


[Shot back to Carrie at CTU watching Michelle on her computer monitor. She sees Michelle is using the satellite and calls Tony.]

TONY (on phone): Almeida.

CARRIE (into phone): She's looking at infrareds. She's been collecting data now for almost ten minutes.

TONY (into phone): Alright, I'll tell you what, pull the coordinates off of what she's looking at. If she's doing it for Jack; that's where we're gonna find him.

CARRIE: I tried that.

TONY: Well, what's the problem?

CARRIE: She's covered her tracks. She's pulled over a hundred quadrants. I have no idea which one she's really interested in.

TONY: I'll tell you what, I'll deal with this Carrie. All right? Thanks.

[He hangs up and watches Michelle again as she gets up from her work station.]

[Shot of Michelle entering the bathroom. She checks that no one else is there before dialing her phone.]

JACK (on phone): Yeah?

MICHELLE (into phone): I don't a lotta time. Are you ready?

JACK (into phone): Give me one sec. (He gets out his palm pilot) Okay, go ahead.

MICHELLE (through phone): I count eleven; including your Friendly. I'm sending you their positions on an infrared map. They're all stationary except for one. Jack, he's roving.

JACK (into phone): Okay, send it.

MICHELLE (into phone): Okay.

[Michelle sends the information.]

MICHELLE (into phone): You get it?

JACK (into phone): Yeah, I got it.

MICHELLE (into phone): Jack...how much longer do you need to stay anonymous?

JACK (into phone): I don't know, why?

MICHELLE (into phone): Tony's watching me.

[Two women enter the bathroom.]

WOMAN 1: How're you holding up?

MICHELLE (into phone): Gotta go.

WOMAN 2: Oh, alright.

[She hangs up, exits the stall and leaves.]

WOMAN 2: There's just so much mess.

WOMAN 1: I know.

[Shot of Michelle as she leaves the bathroom and runs directly into Tony whose been waiting for her.]

TONY: You always take a phone with you to the bathroom? Where's Jack?

MICHELLE: I don't know.

TONY: Look Michelle, you know we've been monitoring all the communication coming in and out of this building all day. Now if you're breaking protocol-

MICHELE: I'm not.

TONY: All right. Then I'll ask you again. Where's Jack?

MICHELLE: I don't know. But you have to call President Palmer. You have to tell him not to act on the recording until Jack finishes the investigation.

TONY: So you have talked to Jack?

MICHELLE: I didn't say that.

[She starts to leave. Tony pulls her back.]

TONY: Listen carefully, Michelle. You don't work for Jack. You work for me.

MICHELLE: Would you get past your ego for one sec-

TONY: Ego?! I gotta job to do here. You don't like the way I'm doing it? That's your problem. But if you know anything about Jack Bauer, you better tell me about it right now!

MICHELLE: I have no information. I'm not helping Jack.

[She looks down at where he's grabbing her arm. He lets go.]

TONY: I hope you're not lying to me.

[Michelle walks away.]


[Shot back to Jack and Wallace going over the infrared that Michelle sent him.]

JACK: She counted nine plus one roving. It an elastic change of fire. If I were a sniper I'd cover the building from here. (Points to map).

WALLACE: Yeah, that looks right.

JACK: We're gonna have to build a corridor.

WALLACE: Which accent?

JACK: This one right here. (Points again) Go between these two groups; let em fire at each other. That should give us about ten seconds to get to the car.

WALLACE: With just us firing?

JACK: We don't have another way.

[Wallace heads away. Kate goes up to Jack.]

KATE: Jack. I know how to shoot a gun.

[He looks at her then hands her a pistol.]

JACK: Take this. You stay right behind me.

[Jack walks away and gets back on the phone.]

JACK (into phone): Yousef, this is Jack, do you copy?

YOUSEF (into phone): Yeah.

JACK (into phone): We're getting ready to make our exit. Lemme give you the positions of the shooters.

YOUSEF (into phone): Go ahead.

JACK (into phone): We've counted nine plus one roving. We got two shooters on the balcony right above me. I got three in the building adjacent.


[Shot back to District Headquarters. Palmer exiting an office and meeting Lynn.]

LYNN: Sir, I just got off with the Security of Defense. He wants to know how much longer you're giving Jack Bauer to disprove that tape before we failsafe the orders.

PALMER: As far as I'm concerned, Jack Bauer will have up until the time the planes start releasing bombs.

LYNN: Well, from the Secretary's point of view, that's tying the DOD's hands. He claims that the longer it takes for you to lock down a decision the less flexibility he has and he may very well want to launch a pre-strike from one of our carriers.

PALMER: There will be no pre-strikes on this mission. We're going to utilize every moment we have to be thorough.

LYNN: He's not gonna like that, sir.

PALMER: That's his problem, Lynn.

LYNN: I understand.

[Mike Novick comes up to them.]

NOVICK: Sir. There's a situation that requires your immediate attention.

PALMER: What Mike?

[The three of them start walking.]

NOVICK: Civil unrest is starting to tip up and down the East Coast. The area I'm most concerned about is outside of Atlanta.

PALMER: What's going on there?

[The three of them enter the room they were in before watching the news. There are other government people in there.]

NOVICK: Some Madhock Militias have joined forces. They're getting very aggressive in one of the suburbs.

PALMER: Is this racially motivated?

NOVICK: Absolutely. The demographics of the area are predominantly Middle Eastern.

[Mike clicks on the TV and it's another report.]

TV REPORTER: What do you hope to accomplish here?

ANGRY MAN: Well, we want Washington to know that we consider ourselves in a war situation. We want these people in turn. And if they won't do it? We will.

TV REPORTER: Who do you want in turn? I'm told that the majority of this neighborhood consists of US citizens.

ANGRY MAN: Naturalized. They weren't born here. I mean, some of em don't even know how to speak English. They memorize the answers to fifty questions and take the test. And then we let them vote.

TV REPORTER: Sir, how do you respond to the Governors claim that these people have no more to do with the bomb in California then you or I?

ANGRY MAN: If we'd have locked down our voters twenty years ago like we should've, none of this would've happened.

TV REPORTER: What's eerie about the scene is that even though this crowd has been here for over half an hour, there are only a few police cars on site.

PALMER: All right.

TV REPORTER: The officer told me that they're having to deal with-

[Mike shuts it off.]

PALMER: I thought we ordered the National Guard?

NOVICK: Some are on their way. Some are dispatched to other flash points.

LYNN: Do you want me to set up a phone call with the FBI and the Army?

PALMER: And tell them what? They've already received their orders.

NOVICK: The problem is resources. We just don't have bodies to cover everyone.

PALMER: Where's the media heading right now?

LYNN: Well, apparently it's happening all up and down the East Coast but the city Marietta in Atlanta seems to have most traction with the press. 

PALMER (rising): All right. This is what we're gonna do. We may be short on manpower, but it doesn't have to appear that way. Send all the Easter Georgia National Guard to Marietta. And tell the media that this is where something's going to happen.

NOVICK: What's going to happen, sir?

PALMER: If this is what the people are going to be watching, let's show them how we're going to respond. I want them to see how we protect our citizens. We will not put up with racism, or xenophobia. If this is where it's gonna start, this is where it's gonna stop!


1:22:57, 1:22:58, 1:22:59

1:27:21, 1:27:22, 1:27:23, 1:27:24, 1:27:25, 1:27: 26


[Shot to Yousef standing guard by the warehouse. He lays out some gas bombs.]

YOUSEF (on phone): All right. I'm all set up here.

JACK (into phone): Copy that. Start laying down the smoke. We're ready to go.

YOUSEF (into phone): Copy that. Going in on the smoke.

[Yousef chucks two gas cylinders into the alley.]

[Shot to Jack, Wallace and Kate.]

JACK (to Wallace): You take the men on the left. I got the ones right above us. You ready?

[Shot back to Yousef.)

YOUSEF (into phone): Smokes in place. I'll draw fire and go pick up the vehicle.

[Yousef gets out from behind the dumpster and starts firing.]


[Shot of Jack, Wallace and Kate exiting the warehouse shooting up a storm. Wallace gets one guy. Jack gets another. Kate looks utterly terrified.]

JACK: Kate?!

KATE: Jack!

JACK: Kate, get down!

[Kate hides behind a dumpsters, gets shot at and runs. Jack hits another guy.]

[Shot of Kate in a new hiding place. She heard a click behind her and turns. An Enemy Guy is walking on the level below her with a gun, unaware that she's seen him. He hasn't spotted her. He walks slowly up to the level she's on, still not seeing her. He stands right in front of her with his back to her. Kate aims the gun at him but can't seem to shoot him. Her hands are shaking like crazy. She lowers the gun. The guy turns around. She gasps and shoots him. He goes down.]

JACK: Kate!

[Jack comes up to her through the smoke. He grabs her arm.]

JACK: Come on, we gotta get going.

[Jack and Kate run. Jack takes down another guy. Wallace follows. He shoots another guy.]

JACK: Keep moving!

[Yousef pulls the car into the alley.]

JACK (to Kate): Get in the front seat and stay down! Get down!

[He practically shoves Kate into the car. Jack and Yousef cover Wallace so he can get to the car. Wallace gets in the back.]

JACK (to Kate): Stay down! (to Yousef) GO!

[Jack gets in the back behind Wallace.]


[Yousef drives away. The car is riddle with gunfire. A shot gets Wallace. He groans in pain. Jack checks him out.]

JACK: Let me look at it. (He looks) There's no exit wound. We gotta get you to a hospital.

WALLACE: NO! LAX. Cargo departures.

JACK: You will not make it.

WALLACE: Make it. Stop the bleeding.

JACK: Kate, in the glove box is a first aid kit. Get me all the gauze, pads and wraps.

[Kate gets them.]

JACK (to Wallace): Hold on, hold on. (He puts some bandages on the wound) Put pressure on it now.


[Shot back to Palmer and the others watching the news report. Lynn is on the phone.]

TV REPORTER: It's a surreal scene here at the Marietta. It's four-thirty in the morning and normally people would be at home asleep, yet today a showdown is in the making. The riots are escalating all over the city. Fires and looting are widespread. The National Guard continue to roll in as do the angry citizens who are taking out their frustration on this normally peaceful Middle Eastern community.

[Mike shuts off the volume.]

NOVICK: You got what you asked for, sir, it's on all the major news channels.

[Lynn hangs up the phone.]

LYNN: Sir, Kent Mansky of the National Guard wants to know what sort of tactical rule set you want to follow.

PALMER: What are they on now?

LYNN: Containment only. They're allowing minor misdemeanors to go unchallenged.

PALMER: That's unacceptable. I want the law enforced. Tell them to start making arrests and taking people in.

NOVICK: Sir, if you declare a curfew, you could start pulling every one of them in before this thing gets out of control.

PALMER: That's a good idea. (To Lynn) Do it. Tell Mansky we're not afraid to have him start taking action.

LYNN: Yes sir. (She gets back on the phone)

NOVICK: What will help more then anything, sir, is your voice. You need to talk directly to the people.

PALMER: I know. Tell Jenny I'll be down in a few minutes.

[Mike gets on the phone. A woman answers.]

WOMAN (through phone): Murphy speaking.

NOVICK: Yeah, this is Novick. We need Jenny Dodge.


[Shot back to CTU of Carrie at her work station. Tony goes up to her.]

TONY: Carrie.


TONY: LAPD just called. There's automatic weapon fire at Studio City. Police have arrived and they're finding bodies and military spec weapons. Communications got the address. Check it against the coordinates of the images Michelle pulled off the satellite, alright?

CARRIE: Right away.

[Tony goes over to Michelle.]

TONY: Is that the location, Michelle? Huh, is it? The police just got there and they already got four bodies. So let's talk!

MICHELLE: Yeah, that's it.

TONY: All right. We gotta call him; he may need our help.

MICHELLE: Jack made it very clear that the only way to get the proof on this tape is if CTU stays out of it.

TONY: We don't even know if he's still alive!

[Shot of Carrie looking on. Michelle picks up her phone.]

MICHELLE: He's on an open channel. You won't be able to trace it; but you can talk to him.


[Shot of Yousef speeding the car down the road. Wallace is in a LOT of pain. Jack's phone rings.]

JACK (into phone): Michelle?!

TONY (into phone): No, Jack. It's Tony.

JACK (into phone): Tony, trust me, stay outta this.

TONY (into phone): What's going on, Jack?

JACK (into phone): Tony, the President asked me to provide him with proof that the Cyprus recording was fake. I'm trying to do that. The man who can provide me with that proof will only deal with me. He will not cooperate if CTU is involved. That's why I had to leave the way I did.

TONY (into phone): How do we know he's not using you, Jack?

JACK (into phone): Because ten commandos just tried to kill him to stop him from making a deal with me.

TONY (into phone): What's he want?

JACK (though phone): He wants to disappear.

TONY (into phone): All right, bring him here Jack. We'll deal with him here.

JACK (through phone): Tony, I just told you; he will not cooperate with us under those circumstances.

TONY (into phone): I understand what you're saying, Jack. But this country's about to go to war over this, all right? This is way too big for one person to handle. Even you.

JACL (to Yousef): Keep going straight! (To Tony) Sorry. I can't do it. (Hangs up)


1:34:06, 1:34:07, 1:34:08

1:38:31, 1:38:32, 1:38:33, 1:38:34, 1:38:35, 1:38:36

[Shot of Jack and Wallace.]

JACK: He's still bleeding bad.


[Shot of a handcuffed Kim being led into a police station by the Deputy. He takes her to a font desk.]

DEPUTY: Hey, Bob.

BOB: This Kim Bauer? I'll take her.

DEPUTY: What about processing?

BOB: It's okay. Go fill out the report.

[The Deputy hands Kim off to Bob and walks away.]

BOB: Come with me.

[He leads Kim into a holding room.]

BOB: In here.

[He uncuffs her.]

BOB: Have a seat.

[Kim sits. Bob sits across from her and opens a file.]

BOB: Looks like you've had quite a day.

KIM: Yeah.

BOB: You took Megan Matheson from her parents home-

KIM: She was being abused.

BOB: Got into a fight with her father. Then you took Megan again. This time from the hospital. You stole Gary Matheson's car and fled the city.

KIM: I had to; I knew about the bomb.

BOB: Understood. But then you were stopped by CHP officer Raymond Brown who discovered the dead body of Carla Matheson in the trunk.

KIM: I didn't kill anyone.

BOB: I know you didn't. We know Gary Matheson killed his wife. We're looking for him now. There was a witness. And we found Gary's prints on the murder weapon.

KIM: You did?

BOB: Yes. So you're off the hook for everything that happened this morning.

KIM: Thank God.

BOB: But there's still the matter of you and your boyfriends' attempted escape from custody. Officer Brown was badly injured in the accident...but he's gonna make it. And we now know that you were telling him the truth about the bomb.

KIM: So I'm free?

BOB: You should probably have someone from CTU call the DA on your behalf. But yes, you'll be free to go.


[Shot of Yousef speeding down the road. Kate is on the phone.]

KATE (into phone): Yes I know my father usually does this but I have clearance. You can check your books

WOMAN ON PHONE: (Not sure what she says at first but it ends with)...requires you on the flight.

KATE: I'll be on it. Can you hold on?


KATE (to Wallace): Where are you going?

WALLACE: Jakarta. (To Jack) What're you surprised that I'm giving up my destination?

JACK: No. You'll just change it once you're in the air.

KATE (into phone): Prep a cargo transport to Jakarta, Indonesia. And give us priority clearance so we can leave tonight.

WOMAN ON PHONE: Who else is on the flight?

KATE (to Wallace): What name should I give them?

WALLACE: Passport...in my pocket.

JACK: I got it.

[Jack gets it and gives it to Kate. Kate opens it.]

KATE (into phone): William Patterson.

WOMAN ON PHONE: One moment.

[Wallace starts to lost consciousness.]

JACK: Come on, stay with me. He's losing consciousness! Wallace, we can't take this chance. Tell me where the evidence is and I give you my word; I will get you out of this country.

WALLACE: You know what, Jack? You were a real bad-ass back there at the warehouse. (He starts to laugh maniacally)

JACK: Sonuvabitch.

[Wallace starts convulsing.]

JACK: No. I'm losing him! Dammit!

[Jack leans through the front seat and presses the button on the in-car computer that says Medical Centers.]

KATE: What are you doing?

JACK: I wanna see if there's an urgent care centre in the neighbourhood. (Screen says "Loading Map") Come on! ( A map comes up) Four blocks! (To Yousef) Four blocks! Make a right! GO!

[Yousef nods. Jack goes back to Wallace.]

[Shot of the car speeding along.]


[Shot of Tony at a desk at CTU on the phone.]

TONY (into phone): I want ID's on all the bodies. And see what traces we can find on the weapons.

MAN ON PHONE: Bauer's actions are CTU's responsibility.

TONY (into phone): I know he's with CTU and believe me we're not gonna run away from this. Let's just find out who these people are.

MAN ON PHONE: Sending to forensics, right?

TONY (into phone): Yeah.

MAN ON PHONE: NSA and field units?

TONY (into phone): Yeah, that's fine.

[He hangs up. Another phone rings and a woman's voice comes over the speaker.]

WOMAN: Mr. Almeida? Kim Bauer on line four.

[Tony picks up the phone.]

TONY (into phone): Kim, where are you?

KIM (into phone): At a Sheriff's Station in Santa Clarita.

TONY (into phone): What happened?

KIM (into phone): It doesn't matter; they're not gonna charge me for murder or kidnapping but, ah, look I still might need some help.

TONY (into phone): Sure, what do you need?

KIM (into phone): Well, they were taking us back to Los Angeles and my boyfriend and I tried to escape and we got into a car accident. A police officer was injured.

TONY (into phone): Alright, look, I'll call the DA's office and see what I can do.

KIM (into phone): Thank you.

TONY (into phone): Kim...I'm sure you'd rather be talking to your Dad about this but I know they probably told you he's that not available right now.

KIM (into phone): What are you talking about?

TONY (into phone): Well, he's in the field.

KIM (into phone): In the field? You mean he's alive?

TONY (into phone): Oh my God, Kim! You still think he died in the plane!

KIM (into phone): He didn't?!

TONY (into phone): No, no, no. George Mason took over. He was able to get out in time.

KIM (into phone): Ah-Oh my god- when can I talk to him?

TONY (into phone): Ah, not for awhile, Kim.


[Shot to Yousef pulling up to the Urgent Care Centre. Jack and Yousef have to help and barely conscious Wallace from the car. Kate follows them.]

JACK: Come on, come on, get him!

[They go into the centre.]

JACK: I need to see the doctor now!

NURSE: Sir, you can't do that!

[Jack and Yousef are blocked by a locked door.]

JACK: Open the door!

NURSE: Sir, I will call the police!

[Jack pulls a gun on her.]

JACK: Lady, I am the police! Now open the door!

NURSE: Let him in. Let him in!

[Another nurse buzzes them in. Yousef and Jack pull Wallace into medical room with Kate trailing behind them.]

JACK: Doctor, we need you now!

DOCTOR: What the hell happened?

JACK: This man's been shot in the neck. I'm a Federal Agent. This man has information vital to national security. I need you to stop the bleeding and keep him alive.

[The Doctor looks at the wound.]

DOCTOR: This is just a clinic. This man needs a hospital.

JACK: We don't have time. You've got to do what you can, now! Doctor please!

DOCTOR: Alright, alright. (Turns to Nurse) Clara, get me suture kits, Lidacane with epi and a crash cart. Now! Now!

[The doctor looks at the wound. Jack shows it to him.]

JACK: It's right here. He's got a bullet lodged in his neck.


[Shot to Kim, still at the sheriff's station, making another phone call.]

[Shot to Miguel in a hospital bed looking mighty depressed. His phone rings. With some difficulty, he answers it.]

MIGUEL (into phone): Hello?

KIM (into phone): Miguel, it's me.

MIGUEL (into phone): Kim. Are you okay?

KIM (into phone): I'm fine. How are you?

MIGUEL (into phone): I'm okay.

KIM (into phone): Yeah? Look, its so weird but the police know Gary killed Carla. And we're not gonna be charged with anything. Except maybe the escape, but I think we're okay there too.

MIGUEL (into phone): That's good.

KIM (into phone): Good? It's great!

MIGUEL (into phone): Yeah.

KIM (into phone): How bout you?

MIGUEL (into phone): I'm fine.

KIM (into phone): Are you sure? I mean, you don't sound-

MIGUEL (into phone): I don't sound what? Excited? Gee, Kim, I'm really sorry.

KIM (into phone): Miguel, what's wrong? Why are you acting like this?

MIGUEL (into phone): I shoulda never let you talk me into doing all that stuff.

KIM (into phone): Yeah, but it worked out.

MIGUEL (into phone): For you. I'm the one that's here in the hospital.

KIM (into phone): You just said you were fine.

MIGUEL (into phone): I am going to be fine. I'm just gonna be...fine without you.

KIM (into phone): What?!

MIGUEL (into phone): I don't wanna see you anymore.

KIM (into phone): Why not?!

MIGUEL (into phone): There's no why not. It just is.

KIM (into phone): No. Miguel, what is going on? Are you okay? I'm coming to see you right now.

MIGUEL (into phone): Kim, I said no. It's over.

KIM (into phone): You mean that?

MIGUEL (into phone - crying): Yeah, I mean it.

[They hang up. Sweep shot of Miguel going up above his bed. His right leg has been amputated.]


1:46:53, 1:46:54, 1:46:55

1:51:18, 1:51:19, 1:51:20, 1:51:21, 1:51:22, 1:51:23


[Shot of Tony working in his office at CTU. Michelle enters.]

MICHELLE: I know the rules. I know that I work for you and if you fire me I wouldn't blame you.

TONY: This isn't about me firing you, Michelle. This agency is supposed to be supporting the President of the United States and the rest of this country. Now, if I can't account for our agents actions then all we've got is chaos.

MICHELLE: Jack is in an impossible situation. All I was trying to do was help him get the proof that the Cyprus audio is a forgery.

TONY: Yeah? Well, where's the proof? We don't have any proof. We don't have Jack. He doesn't wanna be found. (Pause) What do you want from me, Michelle?

MICHELLE: I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

TONY: Yeah, well...you've said it. If you don't mind, I got work to do, alright?

[Michelle leaves. Tony watches her go back to her desk.]


[Shot of Palmer being briefed by a Military Sergeant.]

SERGEANT: Our planes are currently over the Atlantic. The first of them will be reaching their targets in just under three hours.

PALMER: Pilots communication posture?

SERGEANT: Tom is open to them. The planes can be ordered back at any time.


SERGEANT: Sir? I don't know if anyone's told you, but as soon as we can lock this mission down, the more comfortable the Joint Chiefs are gonna be with it.

PALMER: Well, my job's not to make the Joint Chiefs comfortable. Thank you. That'll be all.

SERGEANT: Yes sir.

[The Sergeant leaves. Lynn and Mike come in.]

NOVICK: Mr. President. There's been a development in Marietta. National Guard took on a more aggressive posture at our request, but the disturbance got to be more then they can handle.

PALMER: What happened?

LYNN: Two people were killed, sir. The National Guard started shooting rubber bullets into the crowd and there were two fatal hits. One of the victims was a leader of the descent and, um...


LYNN: And the other was a young boy, sir. He was Middle Eastern and he was from one of the families that we were trying to protect.

[The President stands and paces in guilt.]

PALMER: What's going on now?

NOVICK: They've made some arrests, but the crowd is still unruly. And we might want to think about taking a step back. Maybe the presence of the National Guard is making matters worse?

LYNN: If we step back now those families are left completely unprotected.


PALMER: A young boy. What was his name? The boy?

LYNN: I don't know, sir.

PALMER: Well, the boy had a name. Find out.

LYNN: Indeed I will, sir.

[Lynn exits. Palmer looks furious. Mike goes over to him.]

NOVICK: It was a tragic accident.

PALMER: Tell the National Guard to hold their ground.

[Mike nods.]

PALMER: I want that neighbourhood protected. I want order restored.

NOVICK: Yes sir.

[Mike exits.]


[Shot of Jack washing the blood of his hands at the Urgent Care Centre. The doctor is putting X-rays on a scanner. Jack goes over to him. He points to an object on the X-ray.]

DOCTOR: There's the bullet. Missed the jugular but still caused a lot of damage.

[Shot of a female doctor working on an unconscious Wallace.]

JACK: What can you do?

DOCTOR: I might be able to tie off the bleeders but you can't get that bullet out unless he goes into surgery.

JACK: We don't have time for that.

DOCTOR: I gotta tell you; I don't feel comfortable with this. They can shut me down. I'm not authorized to perform procedures like this.

JACK: Doctor, I can guarantee you that that won't happen. I need you to do this now.

DOCTOR: Would you at least tell me what this is all about?

JACK: It has to do with the bomb that went off earlier this evening. I'm sorry; I can't tell you more then that.

DOCTOR (sighs): Alright. I'll see what I can do.

JACK: Thank you.

[The Doctor goes over to Wallace.]

DOCTOR: Give him some Veracet so I can work on him.

JACK: No, don't sedate him. I need him to be able to talk. Just numb the area around the wound.

[The two doctors look at each other. The male one nods at the female. Wallace looks at the female nurse.]

WALLACE: Don't worry beautiful. I been worse than this.

DOCTOR: Please get me some four by fours.

NURSE: I'll get them.

YOUSEF (to Jack): He's gonna die.

JACK: We better hope he doesn't.

KATE (into phone): Okay, and it'll depart at three-forty-five? That's be great. Thank you.

DOCTOR: Start the incision.

[Kate hangs up and goes to Jack.]

JACK: Is he on?

KATE: Yeah, they gave us a departure time of three-forty-five.

JACK: Good.

KATE: He's not gonna give you any information until we're off the ground.

JACK: I already told you, Kate, I'm not letting you get on that plane. All he wants to do is get outta the country. As soon as we get him to the airport; he'll give us the information we need. The rules have changed.

[They all watch the doctor.]

DOCTOR: Hold still.

WALLACE: It's done. It's done.

DOCTOR: It's not done. Please lie still or I'll have to sedate you.

WALLACE: I said I'm done. Get the hell away from me.

[Wallace shoves the doctor away.]

DOCTOR: Where's the Veracet now?

JACK: Wait!

[Jack goes over to Wallace.]


JACK: What?

WALLACE: Jack, I'm not gonna make it. I can feel it.

JACK: Wallace, tell me where the evidence is now.

WALLACE: It's...Its on the memory chip. Two AIF files. Source recordings...pr...prove the Cyprus audio is fake.

JACK: Where's the memory chip?

WALLACE: It's....insi...inside.

JACK: Inside what? Inside where? Come on, Wallace, inside where?!

[He collapses.]

JACK: Doctor!

DOCTOR: He's in V-fib!

[The doctor checks Wallace.]

JACK: No pulse.

FEMALE DOCTOR: We're at two hundred joules.

NURSE: Here you go, doctor.

[The Doctor warms up the heart paddles.]

DOCTOR: Charging. One, two, three, clear!

[The doctor shocks Wallace.]

DOCTOR: Still in V-fib. Charging. One, two, three, clear!


[He shocks Wallace again.]

DOCTOR: Still in V-fib. Charging. One, two, three, clear!


[He shocks Wallace again. The heart monitor flat lines. The doctor turns to Jack.]

DOCTOR: He's dead.

YOUSEF: Jack, what are we gonna do?

JACK: I don't know. I don't know.

[Jack leans on the bench with the X-above it and puts his head in his hands. The shot eases out to a corner of the screen.]

[Shot of Kim waiting in the holding room at the Sheriff's station.]

[Shot of Tony at his desk at CTU.]

[Shot of the everyone at the District Headquarters watching on a screen the planes traveling towards the Middle East.]

[Shot of Michelle working at CTU, looking up at Tony.]

[Ease in shot of Jack at the medical centre. He notices something on the X-ray and looks over at Wallace. He rips the covers off him and sees a scar on his rib cage. The same place that the X-ray shows a little metal object. He grabs a scalpel and cuts into the scar.]

DOCTOR: What are you doing? What are you doing?!

[Jack reaches into Wallace and pulls out the chip.]

JACK: We got it

Kikavu ?

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