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24 heures chrono
#219 : 2h00 - 3h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 2 guide des épisodes

Palmer fait stopper toute attaque car il doute de la véracité de l’enregistrement provenant de Chypre. Lynne prévient Mike qu’une rumeur circule : le vice président organiserait une réunion dans le dos du Président Palmer. Jack tente de s’enfuir et de semer ses poursuivants mais il se fait capturer et torturer.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
2:00 a.m. – 3:00 a.m.

Titre VF
2h00 - 3h00

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Howard Gordon
Réalisé par : James Whitmore Jr.


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Sarah Wynter : Kate Warner
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Dennis Haysbert : David Palmer

• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• Tobin Bell : Peter Kingsley
• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick
• Michelle Forbes : Lynne Kresge
• Lourdes Benedicto : Carrie Turner
• Donnie Keshawarz : Yusef Auda
• Gregg Henry : Jonathan Wallace
• Alan Dale : Vice President Jim Prescott
• Nick Offerman : Marcus
• Peter Outerbridge : Ronnie Stark
• Justin Louis : Danny Dessler
• Paul Schulze : Ryan Chappelle
• Carmen Argenziano : General Gratz
• Brian Goodman : Raymond O'Hara
• Raymond Cruz : Rouse
• Mark Ivanir : Trask
• Gregory J. Barnett : Jesper Isberg
• Maurice Compte : Cole

Au quartier général, le Président Palmer a réunit l’Etat Major. Les forces armées ont été massivement mobilisées dans la région du Moyen-Orient. Alors que les généraux sont favorables à lancer les premières frappes aériennes rapidement afin de garantir un effet de surprise maximum, c’est-à-dire avant que Palmer ne s’adresse à la Nation, le Président hésite car il demeure un doute sur l’authenticité de l’enregistrement sonore incriminant les 3 Etats.

Devant son indécision, le vice-président Prescott et les généraux l’avertissent que plus l’attente avant les premières frappes sera important, plus les pays visés auront le temps d’organiser leurs défenses et plus le nombre de victimes américaines augmentera.

Devant cet argument, le Président décide de maintenir le plan d’attaque. Au même moment, dans la clinique de North Hollywood, Jack a récupéré la puce mémoire contenant les sources audio originales discréditant l’enregistrement de Chypre. Comme il n’arrive pas à entrer en contact direct avec le Président, il joint Tony et l’informe que Wallace est mort mais qu’il détient la preuve.

Malgré les réticences de Tony à contacter Palmer tant qu’il ne sera pas sûr que l’enregistrement a été falsifié, Jack réussit à le convaincre. Pendant ce temps, Yussuf examine la puce et constate qu’un transpondeur y a été greffé, ce qui permet aux hommes qui poursuivaient Wallace de tracer la puce.

2 :05 Alors que Yussuf fait tout son possible pour déconnecter le traceur, Jack remarque par la fenêtre que 3 hommes sont déjà sur leur piste. Yussuf parvient à séparer le transpondeur. Lui assurant que celui-ci continue d’émettre, Jack décide de faire diversion : pendant qu’il essaiera de semer les hommes qui les filent, Kate et Yussuf iront en voiture jusqu’au parking situé au croisement de Moorpark et Vineland et l’y attendront.

Si Jack ne les a pas rejoint d’ici 15 minutes, ils devront apporter la puce à la Cellule et la remettre en mains propres à Tony. Guidés par le signal émit par le transpondeur, les hommes pénètrent dans la clinique et se lancent à la poursuite de la puce.

2 :13 Mike avise le Président que des émeutes à caractères racistes éclatent un peu partout sur le territoire américain. Lynne pénètre dans la pièce et indique que Tony Almeida est en attente sur la ligne satellite d’urgence. Tony renseigne Palmer que la puce est en leur possession mais qu’ils ne l’ont pas encore authentifiée.

Le Président est intrigué : comment savoir si un enregistrement est vrai et l’autre non ? Tony répond que lui-même est dans le doute mais que Jack est convaincu qu’il s’agit de la preuve décisive qu’ils ont été abusés par l’enregistrement de Sayed Ali. Sur ces informations, David Palmer décide d’annuler les frappes en dépit des contestations de Mike et de Lynne.

2 :18 Yussuf est au volant de la voiture les menant lui et Kate au lieu de rendez-vous fixé par Jack. Il s’inquiète sur la position prise par le gouvernement américain et sur le conflit qui, s’il éclate, toucherait son pays.

Dans la clinique, les poursuivants de Jack constatent que le signal ne bouge plus. Ils découvrent le transpondeur isolé de la puce et réalisent qu’ils ont été bernés. Ils s’élancent à la poursuite de Jack qui s’enfuit dans les rues adjacentes à la clinique. Les truands indiquent à leurs complices restés patrouiller dehors la direction prise par le fugitif. Malgré tous ses efforts, Jack est appréhendé et il s’écroule inconscient sur le bitume.

2 :25 Au QG, Lynne s’entretient avec Mike. Elle soupçonne le vice-président Prescott de vouloir organiser une réunion avec les membres du cabinet ministériel, ceci dans le dos de Palmer. Dans une pièce de la clinique, Jack gît dénudé sur le sol, vomissant ses tripes. L’homme qui l’interroge, Starks, est contacté par son commanditaire, un dénommé Peter Kingsley.

Il lui indique que la fouille au corps n’a rien donné, Bauer ne porte pas la puce sur lui. Kingsley décide alors de parler directement avec Jack afin de procéder à un arrangement.

2 :29 Jack, refusant de vendre la puce, Starks prépare ses instruments de torture. A la CTU, nouvelle friction entre Carrie et Michelle, cette dernière ne possédant pas les droits d’accès au logiciel d’authentification qu’elle veut utiliser.

Tony remarque l’accrochage et convoque Michelle dans son bureau. La jeune femme lui explique qu’autrefois elles avaient travaillé ensemble à la Division mais que depuis que son frère Danny a tout plaqué pour Carrie puis que celle-ci l’aie laissé tombé comme une vieille chaussette, leurs relations sont pour le moins tendues. A ce moment-là, Danny fait irruption dans la CTU afin de s’excuser de son attitude auprès de Michelle.

Tout à coup il aperçoit Carrie et son passé ressurgit. Il ne peut s’empêcher de blâmer la jeune analyste. Le ton monte entre les deux personnes et dans un accès de colère, Danny referme ses mains autour du cou de Carrie qui suffoque. Des agents de sécurités ne tardent pas à intervenir et à maîtriser le frère de Michelle.

2 :38 Mike Novik converse avec Lynne. Il lui confirme son information : une réunion va bien avoir lieu entre Prescott et certains ministres. Ne sachant pas si elle possède un lien direct avec l’annulation des frappes annoncée précédemment, il glisse à Lynne qu’il doit rencontrer sous peu une de ses sources à la Défense.

La jeune femme insiste pour être présente à cet entretien. Les médecins examinent l’état de Carrie dans les locaux de la Cellule. De son côté, Michelle craque, elle craint que son ancienne amie engage des poursuites contre son frère. Tony essaie de consoler la jeune femme, l’enlace puis l’embrasse. Starks poursuit son entreprise de déstabilisation sur Jack qui résiste tant bien que mal aux souffrances qu’on lui inflige. Le bourreau s’empare d’un fer à souder brûlant. L’agent ne craque toujours pas.

Alors que Starks s’apprête à apposer une seconde fois le fer sur la peau de Jack, le téléphone interrompt la scéance : c’est Kingsley qui souhaite savoir si leur détenu a enfin révélé le lieu où est cachée la puce.

2 :46 Mike rejoint Lynne sur les lieux où il doit rencontrer son contact de la Défense. Justement, l’homme arrive. Avant de entretenir avec lui, Mike questionne Lynne sur sa position quant à la décision de David Palmer. Lynne lui exprime son total soutien et déclare que si Prescott veut organiser une telle réunion, c’est lui qui doit être poursuivi pour trahison.

Mike rétorque que « c’est ce qu’il craignait ». Devant ces paroles, elle réalise que lui-même fait partie du complot contre le Président et qu’elle a été prise au piège. La porte se referme et Lynne, prisonnière, ne peut avertir Palmer de ce qui se trame derrière son dos.

2 :53 Kate écoute les informations dans la voiture pendant que Yussuf guette dehors l’arrivée de Jack. Alors que la journaliste radio déclare que le Président va bientôt s’adresser à la Nation, Yussuf remonte et s’installe au volant. L’attente a trop duré, ils doivent rejoindre la CTU mais Kate insiste pour patienter encore un peu.

Tout à coup, deux hommes attaquent Yussuf sous prétexte de se venger de ceux qui ont posé une bombe atomique sur leur sol. Mais Yussuf, agent entrainé, réussit sans peine à maîtriser son agresseur et sous la menace de son revolver, somme aux deux hommes de s’allonger face contre terre.

Il ne voit pas leur troisième complice resté à l’écart s’approcher dans son dos et lui assener un coup de brique sur le crâne. Yussuf s’écroule et est passé à tabac. Kate tente de s’interposer mais elle est également envoyée au tapis. Pendant ce temps, Chapelle fait route vers la CTU. Il indique à Tony son arrivée imminente avec quelques renforts de la Division.

2 :56 Jack s’évanouie sous la douleur. Il est réveillé dans l’instant par les truands. Comme il n’est toujours pas passé aux aveux, Starks perd patience et décide donc de s’essayer à un nouvel outil, un Tazer.

Il électrocute Jack qui s’évanouie de nouveau. Cette fois-ci, il n’y a pas moyen de lui faire reprendre conscience. Son cœur est arrêté. Jack est mort...


[Shot to the President and officials being briefed by Military Sergeant.]

SERGEANT: In order to exploit the advantages of a surprise attack, we've launched twelve bomb squadrons from three stateside bases. Btu initial air strikes will be launched from our bases in the region here (points to map) here and here. Sir, that is consistent with your request for the air strikes to begin before your to address the nation.  

PRESIDENT PALMER: I know what I asked for. (Pause) That came out wrong. You and the Joint Chiefs have done a remarkable job mobilizing our forces on such short notice.

SERGEANT: Thank you, sir.

VICE PRESIDENT (on satellite): Mr President. Is it fair to assume that you're still behind the attack? Because I'm sensing some...equivocation.

PALMER: I told the Vice-President, but I haven't shared this with the rest of you. Jack Bauer, the CTU agent most responsible for finding the bomb, has reason to believe that the Cyprus audio was fabricated.

VICE PRESIDENT: Bauer has no hard evidence.

PALMER: Not at this point.

SERGEANT: Mr. President. This battle plan requires our surprising the enemy with an initial strike of overwhelming force. We will lose that advantage if we wait any longer. The target countries will mobilize their defense. And our causalities will increase over the long term.

PALMER: By how much?

SERGEANT: Up to twenty thousand troops.

PALMER: Then we have no choice. We are to proceed with the plan as stated.


[Shot to the Urgent Care Centre. Yousef looking at the chip under a light. Jack is on the phone.]

JACK (into phone): Yes, I understand. But what I have to say to the President will have a direct impact on the meeting he is in.

MAN ON PHONE: He can't be disturbed at this time.

JACK (into phone): Fine. Fine. Just make sure he knows I called.

MAN ON PHONE: Yes sir.

JACK (into phone): Thank you. (He hangs up) The Presidents in a meeting with the Joint Chiefs and they won't interrupt him until it's finished.

[Jack dials another number.]

JACK: Come on.


[Shot of Tony at CTU. His phone rings and he answers it.]

TONY (into phone): Almeida.

JACK (into phone): Tony, its Jack.

TONY (into phone): Jack, where are you?

JACK (into phone): Tony, I can barely hear you. You're gonna have to speak up. We got a really bad connection.

TONY (into phone): Yeah, well, I want you to bring Wallace back here now.

JACK (into phone): Tony, Wallace is dead. But I got the evidence that proves the Cyprus audio was forged. It's a CPB memory chip containing the original source recordings.

TONY (into phone): How do you know its real, Jack?

JACK (into phone): Because he died trying to give it to me. He had it surgically implanted. I hardy think he would've gone to that kinda trouble if it wasn't authentic.

TONY (into phone): Alright. Where are you?

JACK (into phone): We're at an Urgent Care Centre somewhere in North Hollywood. We're about forty minutes outside of CTU. We're gonna bring you the chip now.

TONY (into phone): Alright, call in your route from the road so I can send an aerial escort

JACK (into phone): Okay, fine, Tony I need you to get in touch with the President. I've been trying to get through; he's in the middle of a meeting with the Joint Chiefs. They won't patch me through.

TONY (into phone): Jack, I'm not calling the President until I confirm what you're holding is real.

YOUSEF: Jack, come here.

JACK (into phone): Tony, you've got to at least tell him what's going on.

YOUSEF: I need you here, Jack.

JACK (into phone): Tony, can you hear me?

TONY (into phone): Yeah, I hear you, Jack.

JACK (into phone): I gotta go. Please, just do what I ask.

[Jack hangs up and goes over to Yousef.]

JACK: What?

YOUSEF: We can't go anywhere with this memory chip.

JACK: Why not?

YOUSEF: Look at this. Embedded in the silicone?

JACK: What is it?

YOUSEF: Some kind of passive transponder. Attached like a tracking device.

JACK: Are you sure?

YOUSEF: Our group uses circuits like this to, ah, track sensitive material.

KATE: I don't understand.

JACK: Whoever Wallace stole the chip from can track it. That's how they tracked him to the warehouse.

YOUSEF: And now they'll find us if I don't disconnect this tracker first.

JACK: Can you do it without destroying the audio file?

YOUSEF: I think so.

JACK: Good.


[Shot of Michelle on the phone at CTU.]

MICHELLE (into phone): Danny, you have to stop doing this, okay? I told you not to call. I'm sorry you're upset. I don't have time for this right now.

DANNY DESSLER (into phone): Why? Why-What's going on?

MICHELLE (into phone): Nothing's-

[Another agent comes over with something for Michelle to sign.]

AGENT: Got a minute? Set up a time?

[Michelle signs the papers.]

MICHELLE (into phone): Don't worry; we're taking care of things here.

DANNY (into phone): Really? Well, what-what am I supposed to do?

MICHELLE (into phone): Just sit tight. I'll call you as soon as I get a chance but I have to go. I have to-

DANNY (into phone): Forget it.

[He hangs up on her. Tony comes over.]

TONY: Hey.

MICHELLE: There's something wrong with the phones.

TONY: Yeah, networks been overloaded ever since news of the bomb broke. Who were you talking to?

MICHELLE: No one. What's going on?

TONY: Well, Jack just called. He said he's got the evidence from Wallace.

MICHELLE: Does the President know?

TONY: No. We haven't confirmed that it's authentic yet.

MICHELLE: Tony, the Presidents acting on the assumption that the Cyprus audio is real.

TONY: And this evidence may prove that its not. I know.

MICHELLE: Tony; you've gotta call the President.

TONY: I'm thinking about it.

[He walks away.]


YOUSEF: This is too big. I need something with a finer point.

[Kate gets a needle from the tray nearby.]

KATE: What about this? Will that work?

YOUSEF: Yeah, good.

[Jack is keeping watch by the window. He looks out and sees some bad-ass looking guys getting out of a car. They are wearing headsets and one has a handheld device.]

JACK: Yousef, how much longer do you need?

YOUSEF: One minute. Maybe two.

JACK: Which is it? One or two?

YOUSEF: One if you stop bothering me.

JACK: You know those people who want their chip back? They're here. Will the tracker still be functional after you separate it from the chip?

YOUSEF: I'll have to lose the antenna but, yeah, the signal should still transmit.

JACK: Good. I think I can lure them away from here so you and Kate can get the chip to CTU.


JACK: Don't worry; this is gonna work.

[Jack moves closer to the door.]

JACK: Kate, move here against the wall.

[Shot of the bad-ass guys coming towards the centre.]

YOUSEF: Got it.

JACK: Bring it here.

[Shot to bad-ass guys.]

BAD GUY 1: Still locked on target?

BAD GUY 2: This way.

[They enter the medical centre. Shot to Yousef handing Jack the tracking device.]

JACK: Okay. I want you to meet me at Moore Park and Vineland. Its a few blocks West from here. If I'm not there in fifteen minutes, you leave without me. But you get that chip to Tony Almeida.

YOUSEF: Got it.

KATE: Be careful.

JACK: I'll be okay.

[Jack goes out into the hall with the tracker. The Bad Guys come into the medical centre.]

BAD GUY 2: The signal is dropping off. Wait. He's moving.

BAD GUY 1: Where?

BAD GUY 2: Just ahead. Toward the East entrance.

[Bad Guy 1 sees Wallace's dead body in a room.]

BAD GUY 1 (into headset): I'll catch up.

[Bad Guy 1 enters the room just as Kate and Yousef exit out a door on the opposite side of the room. Bad Guy goes over to Wallace's body. He lifts up the blanket and sees the chip has been removed. Bad Guy exits. Kate and Yousef come back into the room. Yousef has a gun. He checks the hall and they exit to another room.]


2:09:06, 2:09:07, 2:09:08

2:13:19, 2:13:20, 2:13:21, 2:13:22, 2:13:23, 2:13:24, 2:13:25


[Shot of Mike Novick walking up to the President who is sitting at the end of the table in the boardroom. The other people are clearing out.]

NOVICK: I waited until the meeting broke to tell you that the Governor called from Sacramento.

PRESIDENT PALMER: What's going on now?

NOVICK: More people are hitting the streets. The Governor wants you to dispatch the National Guard like you did in Marietta.

LYNN KRESGE (entering): Mr. President? Tony Almeida from CTU is holding for you on the emergency SAT-com network.

PALMER: Why on SAT-com?

LYNN: Well, since news of the bomb got out, network circuits have been completely overloaded. Ninety percent of all systems went down a few minutes ago.

NOVICK: I can talk to Almeida if you want.

PALMER: No, put him on speaker.

PALMER (into speakerphone): Mr. Almeida? This is President Palmer. You're also on with Mike Novick and Lynn Kresge.

TONY (into phone): Mr. President, Jack Bauer just called with some new information. The truth is I'm a little conflicted about contacting  you with this but, um, he claims to have evidence that proves the Cyprus recording is counterfeit.

PALMER (into speakerphone): What kind of evidence?

TONY (into phone): Source recordings of each of the men on the Cyprus audio. Which were then re-edited.

PALMER (into speakerphone): Have these been authenticated?

TONY (into phone): Not yet; we're getting them soon.

PALMER (into speakerphone): How soon?

TONY (into phone): Within the hour, sir.

NOVICK (into speakerphone): Mr. Almeida. Your confidence in Jack Bauer is curious. An hour ago you told me he assaulted CTU personnel and took illegal custody of a witness.

TONY (into phone): Sir, Jack had no choice under the circumstances.

NOVICK (into speakerphone): I don't follow.

TONY (into phone): The man who had the evidence would not have turned it over had Jack involved CTU.

PALMER (into speakerphone): Mr. Almeida, what makes you so sure that this is any more real than the Cyprus recording.

TONY (into phone): Well, that's just it, sir. I'm not.

PALMER (into speakerphone): But Jack Bauer is?

TONY (into phone): Yes sir.

PALMER (into speakerphone): *Sighs* Thank you for your candor, Mr. Almeida. I'll take this information under advisement.

TONY (into phone): Thank you, Mr. President.

[They hang up. Palmer gets up and starts to pace again.]

PALMER: I'm calling off the attack.

NOVICK: Sir, before you do that, we should talk through the consequences.

PALMER: We've talked enough, Mike.

NOVICK: Mr. President, I appreciate your respect for Jack Bauer, I do. But you know that man's reputation.

PALMER: I know the man.

NOVICK: Then maybe you better start thinking about your own reputation.

PALMER: Meaning?

NOVICK: A nuclear bomb was detonated on US soil and we've been shown proof connecting the weapon to three nations in the Middle East.

PALMER: Proof that may be false.

NOVICK: Unless you respond decisively. Your enemies will exploit that as a failure of leadership. As a sign of personal weakness. 

PALMER: So what are you saying, Mike? That I should continue with a military operation just to prove that I'm decisive? What if Jack Bauer's right?

NOVICK: What if he's wrong?

LYNN: Sir, we've all heard the Pentagon's assessment. Stopping and restarting military action could cost tens of thousands of American lives.

PALMER: An acceptable risk if the alternative is waging war on three innocent countries.

NOVICK: Mr. President. We know from past experience that these countries aren't innocent. I'm urging you in the strongest possible terms to reconsider.

[Long pause.]

PALMER: I've made up my mind. Now get General Gratz back in here and conference in the Joint Chiefs.


[Shot to Michelle at CTU talking with a female agent.]

MICHELLE: You look fine; just send them to district...

[Michelle sees Tony watching.]

MICHELLE: Ah, excuse me.


[Tony and Michelle meet in the hall.]

TONY: Hey. Look, um, I just wanted you to know that, ah, I told the President about Jack.

MICHELLE: You did?

TONY: Yeah. If Jack has what he says he has, the President should know about it.

MICHELLE: How did he react?

TONY: He wants us to keep him apprise of the situation.

MICHELLE: You did the right thing, Tony.

TONY: We'll find out when Jack gets here with that chip.

MICHELLE: When did he say?

TONY: About twenty minutes.


TONY: Look, when he does get here, I want you to make sure that thing is real.

MICHELLE: I'll pull up the CPB software right now.

TONY (exiting): Alright, thanks.


TONY: Yeah?

MICHELLE: Thank you.

TONY: Yeah.


[Shot to Yousef and Kate driving down the highway. Kate's on the phone.]

VOICE ON PHONE: All circuits are busy. Please try your call again.

[Kate hangs up.]

YOUSEF: Still no signal?

KATE: No, I have signal. I just can't get through. I keep getting a recording.

YOUSEF: Maybe it's from CTU's end. Should be very busy gearing up for the war against my country.

KATE: There won't be a war, Yousef. They'll get the chip. They're gonna know the truth.

YOUSEF: Assuming they want the truth.

KATE: They don't want war.

YOUSEF: You sure about that? You might feel differently if it was your family being. threatened. Vineland and Moore Park, Right?

KATE: Yeah.

[Yousef parks the car and starts to get out.]

YOUSEF: I'll keep an eye out for Jack.

KATE: Okay.


[Shot back to the Bad Guys in the halls of the medical centre following the signal.]

BAD GUY 2: He's in the North-East quadrant.

BAD GUY 1: Moving or static?

BAD GUY 2: Just stopped.

BAD GUY 1 (into radio): Davis, where are you?

DAVIS (into radio): In the basement sweeping North along the East wall.

BAD GUY 1 (into radio): He's in side the North-East corner. Pin him down; we're coming your way.

DAVIS (into radio): Yes sir.

BAD GUY 1 (into radio): Do not kill him until I have that chip.

DAVIS (into radio): Understood.

[All three Bad Guys meet up in the hallway in front of a door. They get out guns and prepare to storm in. Davis kicks the door open and they file inside. There doesn't seem to be anyone there. Bad Guy 2 turns on the light and they start searching. They find the tracking device in a piece of paper under a bed. ]

BAD GUY 2: He took the tracker off the chip.

[Bad Guy 1 looks out the window and sees Jack running away.]

BAD GUY 1: Ronnie! He's running North towards Magnolia. Come on, lets go!

[Shot of Jack running. Two cars come to cut him off. He gets out his gun, slides over the bonnet of one car and kills the driver of car two. The driver in car one, Stark, shocks him with an electrical weapon and Jack goes down. Bad Guys 1 & 2 plus Davies run over.]

RONNIE STARK: All right, let's get him back inside.

[Bad Guy 1 & 2 lift up an unconscious Jack and drag him away.]


2:21:03, 2:21:04, 2:21:05

2:25:16, 2:25:17, 2:25:18, 2:25:19, 2:25:20, 2:25:21


[Shot of Mike Novick on the phone to the General.]

GENERAL (through phone): I'm starting to question the President's dedication to this action.

NOVICK (into phone): Believe me, General, this was not a decision he made lightly.

GENERAL (through phone): I haven't been briefed on this, Mike.

[Lynn enters.]

NOVICK (into phone): The President has every intention of explaining his decision to you personally. But until he does, you should brief your own staff.

GENERAL (through phone): All right, I'll take care of it.

NOVICK (into phone): Thank you for your patience.

[They hang up.]

LYNN: More blow back?

NOVICK: And then some.

LYNN: Mike, have you heard anything about this meeting that the Vice President called?

NOVICK: Meeting?

LYNN: Well apparently he's asking cabinet members to be on hand and hour and a half from now.

NOVICK: What's the agenda?

LYNN: I don't know. Because I wasn't invited.

NOVICK: Who told you about this meeting?

LYNN: It was someone on Gendler's staff, but he doesn't know anything more then what I'm telling you.

NOVICK: Are you thinking it has something to do with the President calling of the military strikes?

LYNN: Mike, what else could it be?

NOVICK: Did you tell the President about this?

LYNN: No, no, no. Not yet. Not until I find out more. For all I know it could just be a rumour.

NOVICK: That's probably all it is but, ah, I'll ask around anyway.

LYNN: Alright, keep me posted if you hear anything, alright?

[Lynn leaves.]


[Shot of a naked Jack on the floor of a room throwing up. One of the Bad Guys has a gun to him. Another guy is checking his clothes with a scanner. Then he checks the vomit. Stark is unraveling a belt full of torturing tools. A phone rings. Bad Guy 1 answers and from now on will be known as O'Hara.]

O'HARA (into phone): O'Hara.

MAN ON PHONE: Where's Stark?

O'HARA (into phone): Right here.

[Takes the phone to Stark. Stark takes the phone.]

RONNIE STARK (to O'Hara about Jack): Get him up. (into phone) Yes?

KINGSLEY: Ronnie, you got the chip?

STARK (into phone): Not yet, I'm with the agent who took if off Wallace.

KINGSLEY: It was Jack Bauer, wasn't it?

STARK (into phone): Yes sir. Scanned his body and his clothing and we've induced vomiting to check his stomach contents.

KINGSLEY: That's a waste of time; he's not gonna have it on him. Let me talk to him.

[The Bad Guys string Jack to his feet by a rope binding his hands, tied to a pulley.]

STARK (into phone): Yes sir.

[Goes over to Jack.]

STARK (into phone): You're on with Bauer.

[Stark holds the phone to Jack's ear.]

KINGSLEY: Jack. You're a hero here, congratulations. Lemme tell you what I wanna do. The world doesn't have to know anything about this little arrangement you and I are about to make, alright? We'll keep it private.

JACK (into phone): Who am I talking to?

KINGSLEY: Gimme a break. Look, I need the chip. So lets not be pigs here, alight? You tell Ronnie where it is. I'll authorize a very large sum; large enough to compensate you for any kind of guilt you might feel about this.

JACK (into phone): It's not for sale.

KINGSLEY: If someone wants to buy it, it's for sale.

JACK (into phone): How can you justify starting a war just to profit from the outcome?

KINGSLEY: We're just controlling the chaos, that's all.

JACK (into phone): No, you're causing it.

KINGSLEY: Look, let's not waste each others time trying to bridge our differences, okay? There's only one thing we need to agree on. A price.

JACK (into phone): I already gave you my answer.

KINGSLEY: Well, when Ronnie's finished working on you, you'll give me another.

JACK (into phone): No, my answers final.


JACK (into phone): I think he wants to talk to you.

STARK (into phone): I heard what he said. I'll get you your answer.

KINGSLEY: This man Bauer, I've read his file.

STARK (into phone): So have I.

KINGSLEY: Then you know he won't be easy to break.

STARK (into phone): He'll break.

KINGSLEY: While I appreciate your confidence-

STARK (into phone): I've earned it.

KINGSLEY: Yes you have. But there's also a time issue.

STARK (into phone): Then you better let me get started, sir.

[They hang up.]

[Shot of the helicopter flying over the city.]

STARK: The chip, Jack.

[He doesn't answer. Stark goes over to his tools. Bad Guy 2 puts a gag in Jack's mouth. Stark gets a scalpel, dips it in alcohol and goes over to Jack. He holds the tool in front of his eyes.]

STARK: The chip, Jack.

[Jack doesn't answer. Stark cuts him above the hip.]


[Shot to Michelle as her desk at CTU. Carrie walks over.]

CARRIE: You wanted to see me?

MICHELLE: Yeah. Jack's bringing the chip in.

CARRIE: Yeah, that's what Tony said.

[Michelle answers as though it's the last thing she wants to do.]

MICHELLE: Well, he wants me to run point on the analysis and I'm having trouble accessing CPB software.

CARRIE: No problem. Just send it to my screen; I'll do it.

[Michelle looks exasperated.]

MICHELLE: No, I just need you to unlock the indexing function.

CARRIE (getting annoyed): And I said I would do it.

MICHELLE (getting pissed): I don't need you to do it, Carrie! I need you to unlock he indexing function!

[Shot of Tony in his office. He can hear the arguing.]

CARRIE: What is your problem, Michelle?!

MICHELLE: You know what?! You've been gunning for me the moment you got here!

CARRIE: I could say the same thing about you!

[Shot of Tony dialing a number on his office phone.]

CARRIE: I'm just trying to do my job!

MICHELLE: Really?!

[Shot to Michelle and Carrie. Michelle's phone rings.]

MICHELLE (into phone): Dessler.

TONY (into phone): Can I see you up here a second?

MICHELLE (into phone): Yeah, sure.

[Michelle hangs up and starts to leave, but not before having one more go at Carrie.]

MICHELLE: Just do what I asked.


[Shot of Michelle entering Tony's office.]

TONY: So what was that about?


TONY: You and Carrie, what were you arguing about?

MICHELLE: It's nothing. I asked her to open some CPB software and she's making me jump through hoops.

TONY: I know you don't wanna tell me but, ah, whatever bad blood there is between the two of you, I gotta know what it is.

MICHELLE: It doesn't matter. Especially with everything that's going on today.

TONY: That's exactly why it does matter, Michelle, its interfering with your work. Now what's the problem?


MICHELLE: When I worked for Carrie over at Division...we were friends. I introduced her to my brother, he was married; kids. He left them for her. And then she got bored. She dumped him. Danny lost everything. His family, his job. He got so bad he tried to kill himself.

TONY: Look...its unfortunate you two have to work together. But you do. And I gotta keep this office running today, alright?

MICHELLE: I understand.

TONY: Good.

[Tony's phone rings.]

TONY (into phone): Almeida.

WOMAN ON PHONE: Tony, sorry to bother you, can I speak to Michelle?

TONY (into phone): Yeah, just a second. (To Michelle) Its for you.

[He hands her the phone.]

MICHELLE (into phone): This is Dessler.

WOMAN ON PHONE: Your brother Danny's here to see you.

MICHELLE (into phone): Ah, okay, ah, show him to my station. I'll be right down.

WOMAN ON PHONE: Right away.

[Michelle hangs up and starts to leave.]

MICHELLE: Are we okay here?

TONY: Yeah.

[Michelle leaves.]

[Shot of Danny Dessler entering CTU. He looks at the mess.]

DANNY DESSLER: Wow, this is-this is nuts.

[He sees Michelle.]

DANNY: Hey! Hey, little sister.

MICHELLE (to Guard): Thanks for bringing him in.

[Danny hugs Michelle.]

DANNY: How are you? You, ah, you okay?

MICHELLE: Yeah I'm fine. Danny, what are you doing here?

DANNY: Well, I know, I just, I ah, I wanted, y'know, I wanted to talk to you.

MICHELLE: We were talking and then you hung up on me.

DANNY: No, I know. I know. And I-I tried to call you back but the-the phones, they weren't working.

MICHELLE: Yeah, so you came here at two-thirty in the morning. Look, Danny, I don't have time for this right now-

DANNY: No, listen, no, look- cos I just, I wanted to-I wanted to apologize to you, y'know, face to face, y'know, I'm sorry that I, y'know, I yelled at you before. I'm-I'm sorry.

MICHELLE: Okay, apology accepted.

DANNY: Okay.

MICHELLE: But you have to go now, okay?

DANNY: It's just this whole thing with the-with the bomb, y'know. And its not-its not just me. A lot of people out there, they're-they're freaks cos, they're afraid of what's gonna happen next. Nobody's knows what to do, y'know.

MICHELLE: It's gonna be okay.

DANNY: Yeah?

MICHELLE: Yeah, we're taking care of things here.

DANNY: No, I know, I know you are. Okay.

[Danny sees Carrie talking to Tony.]

MICHELLE: Why don't you go home and get some sleep. I'll come over as soon as I can.

[Michelle sees that Danny has noticed Carrie.]

TONY: So, Jack is gonna bring in the chip.

MICHELLE (to Danny): Ignore her.

DANNY: You didn't tell me Carrie works here.

MICHELLE: No, she's not working here. We were short handed. She came here a couple of hours ago.

DANNY: Oh my God.

[He heads over to Carrie.]

MICHELLE: Danny, please.

DANNY (to Carrie): What, you don't return my calls?! I called-I called you five times.

TONY: Who are you?

DANNY: Don't worry about it, my sister works here.

CARRIE: Look, I've been in the middle of things right now, Danny.

DANNY: Oh, is that right? Cos, I was -I was just worried about you, that's all. I-I was hoping that maybe you would be worried about me too.

MICHELLE: Danny, stop it.

DANNY: Stop?! Why?! Why-What're you taking Carrie side now?

MICHELLE: Of course I'm not taking her side, just come to my station.

DANNY: What, no. (Sees Carrie leaving and grabs her) Hey, hey, hey, come here! I want to talk to you.

[Danny grabs Carrie around the throat.]

MICHELE: Danny! Danny!

CARRIE: Danny, get off! Stop, Danny!

[Tony tries to pull him off her.]

DANNY: Why didn't you call me back?!

[Some security people grab him.]

DANNY: Hey! Get your hands off-a me!


DANNY: Tell em I'm your brother Michelle! TELL EM!


2:33:57, 2:33:58, 2:33:59

2:38:10, 2:38:11, 2:38:12, 2:38:13, 2:38:14, 2:38:15, 2:38:16


[Shot of Lynn walking down the hall of District Headquarters. Mike meets her.]


[He directs her into a more private room.]

NOVICK: You were right about the meeting, it's not a rumour. Prescott's calling all the cabinet members personally to set it up.

LYNN: Is this about the President's decision to call off the attack?

NOVICK: I don't know yet. I have a source at Defense who says he has information. He agreed to meet me.

LYNN: Who is it?

NOVICK: His name is Yesper Isaburg. But he won't tell me anything over the phone.

LYNN: When are you meeting him?


LYNN: Where?

NOVICK: I don't think you should be there, Lynn. You might spook him.

LYNN: Mike, I'm the one that brought you into this and I wanna hear what's going on first hand before we take this to the President.

NOVICK: Ah, there's a room upstairs. 522? It's used for storage.

LYNN: I'll meet you there.

[Lynn leaves the room. After a moment, Mike leaves too.]


[Shot of Carrie getting her neck checked out by a medic. Tony is with her. He sees Michelle watching. She leaves.]

TONY: Look, ah, I'll be right back.

[He goes after Michelle. She's in a hall crying. Tony comes up to her.]

TONY: Michelle? Where're you going?

MICHELLE: Ah, I was just going over to IT. I'm still trying to access the CPB software.

TONY: IT's the other way.

MICHELLE: I-I just, I just need a minute, Tony.

TONY: Hey, (he moves closer to her) Carrie's gonna be fine.

MICHELLE (upset): Is she gonna-Is she gonna press charges?

TONY: No. I don't think so.

MICHELLE: It's all my fault. I should've seen it coming.

TONY: It's family. Things happen, you can't see it coming.

MICHELLE: He's my brother. I mean, his kids...maybe I should've told him about the bomb.

TONY: It was a tough choice but you made it, and by the way, you were right. Yeah.

MICHELLE: No. Nothing I've done today is right, I.

TONY: Michelle...

MICHELLE: All these people today. Dead. And then-and this recording, I mean, and I don't know if we're right about that, I-I just-I can't-I can't do this anymore, Tony, I can't. I can't.

TONY: Oh, Michelle. Come here. Come here.

[He hugs her.]

MICHELLE: I'm so tired and I'm-I'm so scared.

TONY: It's okay. It's okay. It's alright. It's alright.

[Michelle kisses him.]

Michelle: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

[They kiss again!! And their love begins!]

CARRIE (o.s.): Tony. Chappelle's looking for you.

TONY: Yeah, okay.


[Shot to Jack still being tortured.]

STARK: Jack.

[Jack doesn't respond. Stark gets himself a drink of water then evilly offers it to Jack. He then picks up another tool and takes it and the bottle over to Jack and puts it in front of his eyes. He puts the tool on the bottle and it melts the plastic with ease. Jack starts to struggle in the ropes. He holds the tool in front of Jack. He doesn't speak. Stark puts the tool on a gash that he already gave him. Jack screams. The Bad Guys look on, worried.]

STARK: Come on, Jack.

[He stops burning him and goes to do it again, but Bad Guy 2 grabs his arm.]

BAD GUY 2: You're gonna kill him. You can't keep doing this.

STARK: Don't ever touch me again.

[Bad Guy 2 lets go of him. Stark goes back to a weary looking Jack. His phone rings. Stark answers it.]

STARK (into phone): Yes?

KINGSLEY: Have you made any progress?

STARK (into phone): We're still working on him.

KINGSLEY: I told you there's a time issue.

STARK (into phone): Yes sir, you told me.

KINGSLEY: You do not wanna disappoint me on this. Get me that chip, Stark.

[Stark hangs up.]

STARK: I will.


[Shot of Mike getting out of a lift at Headquarters. He hesitates before going into the storage room where Lynn is waiting.]

LYNN: So where's this person that we're meeting?

NOVICK: He'll be here soon.

LYNN: So have you heard anything else about why Prescott called this meeting with the cabinet behind the Presidents back?

NOVICK: We knew there's be consequences, Lynn. Descent within the administration, but nothing like this.

LYNN: Like what, Mike?

NOVICK: What do you know about Section 4 of the 25th amendment?

LYNN: It provides that if the majority of his cabinet feels he's unfit to fulfill his duties that the President could be removed from office.

NOVICK: And the Vice President becomes acting President.

LYNN: Prescott can't do that. Mike, we're talking about a Ballis Coo, your-

[A man appears in the doorway and clears his throat. Mike and Lynn turn to him.

NOVICK: Yesper Isaburg?


NOVICK: Give us a moment, please.

[Novick shuts the door.]

NOVICK: Lynn, before we talk to him I need to know where you stand visa ve the Presidents decision.

LYNN: Mike, are you questioning my loyalty?

NOVICK: There's going to be a lot of lobbying among the cabinet. I need to know where you stand.

LYNN: Look, I may not agree with the President's decision, but it was his decision to make and as far as I'm concerned it's Prescott who should be charged with treason.

NOVICK: Are you sure that's how you feel?

LYNN: Yes, Mike.

NOVICK: I was afraid you'd say that, Lynn. Mr. Isaburg?

[Yesper comes back in.]

NOVICK (to Lynn): I'm sorry. (He starts to leave)

LYNN: Mike, what are you doing? Where are you going? Mike.

[Lynn follows. Yesper blocks the doorway so she can't get out.]

LYNN: What? Oh my God. You're with Prescott?

NOVICK: Only because David wouldn't listen to reason. You said so yourself.

LYNN: Mike, you can't-

[She tries to leave again but Yesper blocks her.]

NOVICK: We've been worried about his indecisiveness since he took office. And now its going to cost the lives of twenty thousand Americans. I can't let that happen. I'm doing this for the good of the country, Lynn.

LYNN: You lie to yourself all you want but don't you dare lie to me.

NOVICK: I'm sorry.

LYNN: Mike, this not-

[Mike walks away. Lynn tries to follow him but Yesper blocks her again.]

LYNN: What are you doing? Mike! MIKE!

[Yesper pushes Lynn into the room and shuts the door. She tries to open it but can't.]

LYNN: Open this door! Open this door! Mike!

[Shot to the outside of the room. Yesper locks the door and looks at Mike.]

NOVICK: Until you hear from me, only me, do not let her out.

LYNN (through door): Open it! Open it! Mike! Mike!

YESPER: Understood.

LYNN: Open this door!


2:49:02, 2:49:03, 2:49:04

2:53:15, 2:53:16, 2:53:17, 2:53:18, 2:53:19, 2:53:20


[Shot of Lynn.]

LYNN: Open this door!


[Shot of Kate sitting in the car, still waiting for Jack with Yousef. She is listening to the radio.]

WOMAN ON RADIO: The White House has confirmed the nuclear explosion and the President will be addressing the nation shortly. The news has already reached the Southland and police have reported a number of hate crimes against Middle Eastern businesses and places of worship. Authorities are urging people to stay inside their homes and off the street.

[Kate turns off the radio. Yousef comes back to the car.]

YOUSEF: Jack said we should leave without him if he wasn't here.

KATE: Well, let's give him another minute.

YOUSEF: Kate, we've given him much longer than he asked for already.

[Holds up the chip.]

YOUSEF: We have to get this chip to CTU. They're expecting it and we can't reach them on the phone.

KATE: What about Jack? What if he needs our help?

YOUSEF: Getting this to CTU is our priority.

KATE: Okay.

[Yousef starts the car. They start to reverse onto the street and are almost hit as a fire truck speeds past.]

KATE: Are you okay?

YOUSEF: Yeah, you?

KATE: Yeah.

[Someone opens Yousef's door and pulls him out.]

MAN: Hey!

KATE: Hey!

[The man throws him against the car. He has a buddy. Kate gets out of the car.]

MAN: He's a damn towel head. You people tried killing us with that bomb but it didn't' work. And you're not getting a second chance.

[Yousef grabs the guy and holds a gun to his neck.]

YOUSEF (to Man 2): Get back. Get back, put your hands up, get on the pavement. Face down! Hands where I can see em, now!

MAN 1: Do-Do what he says!

[Yousef moves away from the car with Man 1.]

YOUSEF (to Man 1): Get down.

[The man gets on the ground by his friend. Yousef keeps his gun on him.]

YOUSEF: Kate, get back in the car.

[Kate goes to. When she reaches the other side of the car, she sees another man getting a brick.]

KATE: Yousef!

[He looks to Kate.]

KATE: Behind you!

[Yousef turns as the other man smacks the brick into his head.]


[All three men start beating Yousef up.]

KATE: No! Stop it! You don't know what you're doing!

[Kate tries to get the men off him. One of them smacks her in the face and she falls.]


[Shot of Ryan Chappelle in a car with a driver and a guy in the back. Ryan's phone rings. He answers it.]

RYAN (into phone): Chappelle.

TONY (into phone): Ryan, its Tony Almeida. I was told you were trying to reach me?

RYAN (into phone): Thanks for getting back to me so soon. Congratulations on the promotion.

TONY (into phone): I wish it could've been under better circumstances.

RYAN (into phone): Yeah, Mason was a good man.

TONY (into phone): Yeah, he was. Look, Ryan, ah, we're pretty busy around here.

RYAN (into phone): Yeah, I just wanted to give you a heads up.

TONY (into phone): About what?

RYAN (into phone): I'm on my way over with a couple of Keys from Division.

TONY (into phone): Why?

RYAN (into phone): I thought you could use some help. I know what's going on.

TONY (into phone): We're doing pretty well here, Ryan, thanks.

RYAN (into phone): I'm sure you are. I'll see you in thirty minutes.

[They hang up.]

[Shot of Tony watching Michelle work. He picks up his phone and calls her.]

MICHELLE (into phone): Dessler.

TONY (into phone): Hey. So, um, have you heard anything about your brother yet?

MICHELLE (into phone): Yeah, they sedated him. They said they'd call me when he wakes up.

TONY (into phone): How are you holding up?

MICHELLE (into phone): Okay. You?

TONY (into phone): I'm okay.

MICHELLE (into phone): Listen, um, about what happened before, um, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-

TONY (into phone): No don't, don't. Don't be sorry. I'm not.

[Michelle looks up at him.]

MICHELLE (into phone): Really?

TONY (into phone): Really.

MICHELLE (into phone): What about Carrie?

TONY (into phone): Don't worry about Carrie.

MICHELLE (into phone): No, I know her. She's not gonna let this go.

TONY (into phone): Look, it's none of her business. It's gonna be okay.

MICHELLE (into phone): Alright.


[Shot to Jack being tortured still. He is being burned. His skin is smoking. He falls unconscious.]

STARK (to others): Wake him up.

O'HARA: We should probably give him a minute.

STARK: Wake him up.

[Bad Guy 2 breaks one of those capsules under Jack's nose. He wakes with a start.]

STARK: You've been on this side before Jack. And you know as well as I do that everybody has a limit to how much they can take. Everybody has a breaking point. Even you. (he grabs a tazer) I understand you have a daughter. Is it Kim? You wouldn't want Kim to be an orphan, would you?

[He holds the tazer in front of Jack's eyes then hands it to O'Hara.]

STARK: Hit him.

[O'Hara hits Jack in the chest near the ribs. He screams. O'Hara looks to Stark.]

STARK: Again.

O'HARA: But he's no good to us dead.

[Stark storms over to O'Hara, grabs the tazer and shocks Jack in the middle of his chest. Jack screams and loses consciousness again. Stark grabs his chin.]

STARK: Wake him up.

[Bad Guy 2 tries. Jack doesn't wake up. He tries again. Jack doesn't wake. He grabs Jack's face.]

STARK: Wake him up.

[Screen eases in.]

O'HARA: What's the problem?

BAD GUY 2: I don't know; he's not responding.

[Shot of Mike looking guilty.]

[Shot of Lynn still banging on the door.]

[Shot of Yousef on the ground still getting beat up by the men who are laughing.]

[Shot of Lynn going to the cabinet and pulling out stacks of files.]

[Shot of Kate still on the ground bleeding from the nose.]

[Shot of Bad Guy Number 2 checking Jack's pulse.]

Bad Guy 2: He's dead.

STARK: Cut him down!

[They do so.]

STARK: No, no, wait!

[Stark takes over and starts giving Jack CPR. Bad Guy 2 looks through the medical cabinets.]

STARK: Get some epinephrine! Clear his airway. Where's the epinephrine?!

BAD GUY 2: There isn't any.

STARK: Well, find some!

[Bad Guy 2 takes off.]

[Shot of Stark trying to revive Jack.]

Kikavu ?

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