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24 heures chrono
#220 : 3h00 - 4h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 2 guide des épisodes

Mike donne l’ordre de séquestrer Lynne car elle en sait trop sur ce qu’il tente de faire dans le dos du Président. Lynne essaye alors de fuir. Palmer ne parvient pas à joindre Mike. Il a des soupçons sur ce qui se trame à Washington.
Après avoir échappé à la mort, Jack parvient à se sortir d'affaire et apprend que sa capture a été commanditée par un certain Kingsley.
L’heure de la réunion que Prescott a organisée approche, Chapelle demande à Tony de concentrer tout ses efforts sur l’attaque. Il a décidé que la guerre aura bien lieu, même si la décision du président ne va pas dans ce sens.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
3:00 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.

Titre VF
3h00 - 4h00

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


24 Season 2 Episode 20 Promo

24 Season 2 Episode 20 Promo


Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Nick Cohen
Réalisé par : James Whitmore Jr.


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Sarah Wynter : Kate Warner
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Dennis Haysbert : President David Palmer

• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• Tobin Bell : Peter Kingsley
• Lourdes Benedicto : Carrie Turner
• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick
• Michelle Forbes : Lynne Kresge
• Donnie Keshawarz : Yusef Auda
• Alan Dale : Vice President Jim Prescott
• Nick Offerman : Marcus
• Peter Outerbridge : Ronnie Stark
• Raymond Cruz : Rouse
• Maurice Compte : Cole
• Paul Schulze : Ryan Chappelle
• Glenn Morshower : Aaron Pierce
• Brian Goodman : Raymond O'Hara
• Jeffrey Wincott : Henchman (Davis)
• Mark Ivanir : Trask
• Peter Gregory : Dr. Spire
• Eugene Robert Glazer : Alexander Trepkos
• Chuti Tiu : Mae
• Gregory J. Barnett : Jesper Isberg
• John Rubinstein : Secretary of State Alex

Davis, homme de main de Peter Kingsley se rend à l’intérieur de la clinique afin d’y trouver de l’adrénaline. Ce dernier oblige alors un médecin à le suivre, sous peine de le tuer. Pendant ce temps, les autres tentent en vain de réanimer Jack. Stark a bel et bien été trop loin ce coup-ci. Kingsley, s’inquiétant du temps passant, cherche à le joindre et tombe sur O’Hara, un autre de ses lieutenants, et charge ce dernier de se débrouiller lui-même.

Le médecin arrive, adresse à Bauer une forte dose d’adrénaline, et parvient à le réanimer. Jack est vivant ! Stark réalise qu’il vient de sauver sa tête, avant qu’O’Hara ne l’abatte froidement afin de prendre les choses lui-même en main. 3h05, le vice-président Prescott et Novick complotent au téléphone.

Le premier cité tente de tenir un discours rassurant face aux doutes de Novick quant à la bonne intention de ce qui se prépare. L’entretien téléphonique se termine juste au moment où Palmer entre dans la pièce. La conversation entre les deux hommes tourne alors autour de la décision du président de retarder les frappes, ce qui, pour Novick, est une énorme erreur.

Palmer demande à ce que Kresgue le rejoigne dans son bureau. Novick, dans l’embarras, s’en sort en prétextant que se sentant mal, elle s’est absentée quelques dizaines de minutes pour se reposer.

3h10. Auda et Kate sont en difficultés. Les hommes les ayant agressé s’emparent, sans savoir ce qu’elle représente, de la puce en prenant le portefeuille d’un Yusuf très mal en point. Kate négocie et ne voit qu’une solution : les amener chez elle afin d’y trouver suffisamment d’argent liquide pour les payer en échange de la puce. Pendant ce temps, O’Hara cherche à savoir où est la puce.

Afin d’y parvenir, il oblige le médecin à préparer une seringue de béroglide, autre substance qui servira à torturer Bauer, allongé sur son brancard, en le faisant lentement suffoquer. Kingsley appelle : Jack en profite pour demander au médecin de tenter de le détacher discrètement.

Ce qu’il ne parvient à faire que partiellement, O’Hara revenant déjà et demandant au médecin de commencer l’administration du béroglide. Ce dernier s’exécute, mais pique discrètement à coté : Jack feint et fait semblant de se tordre de douleur.

Il est 3h18. Ryan Chapelle arrive à la cellule, Michelle l’informe de l’état désastreux des liaisons téléphoniques et satellites de la ville, à cause de l’explosion. Suite à cela, Chapelle passe un savon à Tony, lui reprochant d’avoir couvert les agissements de Bauer. Une conversation à propos de l’authenticité de la puce s’engage alors entre les deux hommes.

Tony est désormais persuadé qu’il faut laisser une chance à Bauer, mais Chapelle n’est pas de cet avis : la C.A.T. doit soutenir l’attaque du Moyen-Orient, point barre. Au même moment, dans la salle où elle est retenue, Lynne parvient à déclencher un incendie et par conséquent, à enclencher l’alarme. Cette dernière assomme le garde qui vient d’ouvrir la porte, et en profite pour s’enfuir. Une course poursuite entre les deux protagonistes s’engage alors, et une fois rattrapée dans les escaliers, Kresge chute en se débattant. Cette dernière gît au sol, inconsciente après une vertigineuse chute de plusieurs étages.

3h21. Face à l’impossibilité de joindre son vice-président, Palmer, songeur, demande à Aaron son avis quant à ce fait étrange. Celui-ci parait hésitant quand David, se doutant de quelque chose, lui demande s’il est au courant d’un quelconque complot mené par Prescott, mais lui fait finalement part de ce qu’il pense : pour Aaron, quelque chose de louche se prépare, et Palmer doit s’en méfier.

3h24. Kingsley reçoit quelques collaborateurs inquiets suite à la décision de Palmer de suspendre provisoirement les frappes, mais lui ne semble pas soucieux : tout en les assurant de la non dangerosité de Bauer, il affirme que le président sera contraint de déclencher une guerre contre le Moyen-Orient.

3h25, retour à la clinique où Raymond O’Hara fait toujours pression sur Jack. Lui feint toujours d’éprouver d’atroces souffrances suite à l’injection. O’Hara décide de recommencer lorsque Bauer accepte de lui parler. Jack hésite, bafouille...le médecin en profite pour injecter le béroglide à O’Hara qui se met à étouffer et se paralyse petit à petit, ce qui permet à Jack de se défaire de ses liens, de s’emparer de son arme avant de l’abattre et d’en faire autant avec le reste de l’équipe rester devant la porte. Jack est un surhomme !

Il est 3h32 au ministère. Palmer convoque Novick dans son bureau et lui fait part de son étrange sentiment : Jim Prescott l’évite, et il veut savoir pourquoi. Aussi, Palmer souhaite faire évaluer son discours par Kresge. Mike lui promet alors de le lui transmettre, avant de sortir, et, embarrassé par la situation, de foncer appeler le vice-président qui lui affirme qu’il ne lui faudra plus que 45 minutes maximum afin de réunir le monde nécessaire pour la "réunion secrète". Novick, se sentant seul, ne doit donc surtout pas céder maintenant et continuer à tenir Palmer à distance.

3h36, clinique de North Hollywood. Jack parvient à joindre Michelle mais la communication est coupée. Tony est informé mais se fait rappeler à l’ordre par Chapelle : Jack n’est plus de la partie, l’objectif c’est la riposte, point. Au même moment au ministère, Palmer et Prescott se parlent enfin. Une fois la conversation terminée, Palmer confie à Novick son manque de confiance vis-à-vis de son vice-président ; c’est alors qu’Aaron entre et informe David du fait que Kresge ait été retrouvé très gravement blessée suite à sa chute. Le président est offusqué, Mick, lui, ne sais plus quoi faire...

Il est 3h42. A la cellule Dessler et Almeida s’obstinent en tentant de localiser Jack, le tout sans éveiller les soupçons de Ryan Chapelle. Pendant ce temps, Bauer se rend au rendez-vous qu’il avait fixé à Warner et Auda. Il n’y trouvera que ce dernier, agonisant suite au rouage de coup dont il a été la victime. Il affirme alors que la puce a été prise par les agresseurs, et que Kate les a amené chez elle. Jack décide d’y aller avec lui, mais Auda n’en peut plus...il est 3h45, Yusuf meurt dans les bras de Bauer.

3h48, Palmer et Novick se précipitent vers Lynne qu’on est en train d’emmener à l’hôpital sur un brancard. David lui parle, malgré son piteux état et le fait qu’elle ne soit qu’à moitié consciente, et lui demande comment tout ceci s’est passé devant un Mick ne sachant plus où se mettre. Incapable de prononcer mot, Kresgue tente alors de pointer son doigt vers Novick, chose qui pourrait faire comprendre à Palmer ce qui s’est passé...ce que Mick, responsable de tout cela, parvient à éviter de justesse en prenant la main de Lynne et en la caressant comme si de rien était !

3h54. Chez Kate Warner, les bandits s’énervent face au fait qu’il n’y ait que des liquidités européennes et non des dollars américains, et décident de tuer Kate. Une violente poursuite débute dans la maison, avec coups de feu à la clé, avant que Jack ne débarque et ne tue un des trois hommes.

Les deux autres s’enferment dans la salle de bain et menacent de détruire la puce si Bauer tente d’entrer dans la pièce. Durant ce temps, le vice-président a enfin réuni l’ensemble des représentants du gouvernement, pour la fameuse "réunion". Assemblée à laquelle Mick Novick se joint par visiophonie.

Il est 4h...Jim Prescott annonce que tout est fin prêt pour débuter la réunion visant à destituer David Palmer, qu'il juge inapte à exercer sa fonction de président des Etats-Unis d’ Amérique.


[Shot of the Urgent Care Center waiting room. People are watching the news.]

[Split screen shot of TV screen and Bad Guy Davis is running in looking for something.]

TV REPORTER: Viewers just joining our special broadcast, the White House has confirmed the blast in the Mohabi Desert that occurred four hours ago at 10:59 pm was in fact a nuclear explosion.

[Shot of Davis entering a medical room and scouring the shelves for medication. A doctor with an injured man comes in.]

DOCTOR: ...on the table over there, we'll stitch you up and get you outta here, on your way.

[The Doctor sees Davis.]

DOCTOR: What are you doing here?

Davis: Looking for the epinephrine.

DOCTOR: This is a treatment room; I have a patient-

[Davis gets out a gun and shoots the patient. Then he grabs the doctor.]

DAVIS: Where's the epinephrine?

DOCTOR: Storage room.

DAVIS: Let's go.


[Shot to Jack unconscious on the floor. Bad Guy 2 is using heart paddles on him.]

BAD GUY 2: Clear.

[The heart monitor is still flat lined. Ronnie Stark proceeds with compressions.]

STARK: Still nothing. Go again. Increase the joules. You are not gonna die on me you son of a bitch!

[The phone rings.]

STARK: That's Kingsley; you talk to him.

[O'Hara answers the phone.]

O'HARA (into phone): Yes?

KINGSLEY (into phone): Let me talk to Stark.

O'HARA (into phone): He's a little busy right now, sir.

KINGSLEY (into phone): Did Bauer give you the chip?

O'HARA (into phone): No sir, not yet.

KINGSLEY (into phone): What's taking so long?

O'HARA (into phone): It's under control, Mr. Kingsley.

KINGSLEY (into phone): What am I hearing in your voice? Answer me, Raymond.

O'HARA (into phone): Well, Stark pushed Bauer a little too far. He's flat-lining.

KINGSLEY (into phone): Whatever he broke, he better fix it. And if Ronnie can't handle it, do it yourself.

O'HARA (into phone): Right.

[Bad Guy 2 shocks Jack again. He's still flat-lining. Davis comes in with the doctor.]

DAVIS: In here.

STARK: Where's the epinephrine?

DAVIS: Doctor's got it.

[O'Hara pulls a gun on the Doctor.]

O'HARA: You don't revive this man; you're dead.

[Bad Guy 2 shocks Jack again. He's still out.]

DOCTOR: I need you're men to put him on the gearny.

O'HARA: Put him up on the gearny.

STARK: Give him as much as he can take.

[The Doctor preps the needle as Bad Guy 2 and Davis lift Jack onto the gearny.]

STARK: Let's go, lets go!

[The Doctor holds the needle over Jack's heart but hesitates.]

STARK: What are you waiting for?! Do it!

[The Doctor injects Jack.]

STARK: Give him the paddles.

[Davis hands the paddles to the Doctor.]

DOCTOR: Clear.

[He shocks Jack. Nothing changes.]

DOCTOR: Still in V-fib.

STARK: Hit him again!

DOCTOR: Clear.

[He shocks Jack. Nothing happens.]

DOCTOR: It's too late; its not gonna work.


[The Doctor does so.]

DOCTOR: Clear. Come on. Come on.

[Jack's heart starts beating.]

DOCTOR: I gotta sinus rhythm. I need a Baxter set. A bag of normal saline.

[Jack starts coughing. Stark looks relieved.]

STARK (to O'Hara): What did Kingsley say?

O'HARA: He said I just got promoted.

[O'Hara shoots Stark in the head. O'Hara goes over to Jack.]

O'HARA: Hey, Jack. You thought death would save you. You're not gonna die until I kill you myself. Now where's that chip?


[Shot to Vice President Prescott on the phone.]

PRESCOTT (into phone): We'll be convening the cabinet within the hour. Does the President have any idea what's going on?

NOVICK (into phone): I don't think so.

PRESCOTT (into phone): Let's keep it that way. It's critical he doesn't find out.

NOVICK (into phone): It's not gonna be that easy. Lynn Kresge was about to warn him but I was able to intervene.

PRESCOTT (into phone): Where is she now?

NOVICK (into phone): I had to put her under guard.

PRESCOTT (into phone): I know it's difficult, it's difficult for all of us.

NOVICK (into phone): I just hope we're doing the right thing.

PRESCOTT (into phone): Mike, do you think these are the circumstances under which I wish to assume the Presidency? You know me better then that. This country was attacked with a nuclear weapon. And the President will not commit to a military response. I hope you're not wavering yourself.

NOVICK (into phone): No...I'm not.

PRESCOTT (into phone): Good. So, you're responsibility is to make sure the cabinet votes to remove him from office.

NOVICK (into phone): I have a responsibility to make sure the vote takes place, not to manipulate the outcome.

PRESCOTT (into phone): Poor choice of words, but my point is the same. You're doing the right thing, Mike. History will recognize that. 

[Mike hangs up and puts the phone in a drawer as President Palmer comes into the room.]

PRESIDENT PALMER: Anything from Jack Bauer?

NOVICK: Ah, not that I've heard.

PALMER: Mike...I know you think delaying a military response is the wrong call. NOVICK:

NOVICK: Only because you're relying on a single source.

PALMER: Jack Bauer says he has evidence that proves that we're being manipulated into this war. I have to give him the opportunity to produce the proof.

NOVICK: If there were anything I could say to make you change our mind.

PALMER: There isn't. Look Mike, I know this is an unpopular decision. And even though you don't agree either, your standing by me means a great deal. Send Lynn into my office; she's going to help me draft my statement.

NOVICK: I'll see if I can find her.

PALMER: What do you mean?

NOVICK: Ah, she wasn't feeling well. She took a few minutes own time, last I heard.

PALMER: That's fine; let her rest. I'll go over it with Jenny.

[Mike nods. The President leaves. Mike looks really guilty.]


[Shot to Lynn locked in the storage room.]

LYNN KRESGE: Please open this door. Whoever you are, you are conspiring against the President of the United States of America, do you have any idea what that means? Hello? You have no idea what's at stake here! Please open the door!

[She slams it a couple of times before getting a fire extinguisher and bashing the lock off a cupboard in the room. It's got some tools in it. She picks up a drill then puts it back. She finds a bag and searches through it, finding a blow torch.


[Shot of Kate and Yousef. Kate is still on the ground after being hit. Yousef is in bad shape. The three guys are done beating him up. Man 1 starts to rob him. Man 2 keeps a look-out. Man 1 takes his watch.]

MAN 3: Hey, get his wallet.

MAN 2: How much?

MAN 1: He's got a coupla hundred.

MAN 3: Come on. Let's go.

[Man 1 finds the chip.]

MAN 1: What's this?

MAN 3: Alright, let's get outta here. Come on!

MAN 2: Take it; let's go!

MAN 3: Get in the car, I'm driving.

[The three men get into Yousef's car. Yousef tries to tell Kate.]

YOUSEF: Kate...chip...chip...chip...

[Kate gets up. She tries to grab the chip but Man 1 holds her back.]

KATE: Wait. Wait! You took something from him. It's mine!

MAN 2: What are you doing with him anyway; you think he's got money? The only thing worse then these bastards in our country is people like you.

KATE: No, no, no, it's not like that. I just need that plastic case you took from him!

MAN 1: This?

KATE: Yeah!

[Man 1 hands it to Man 2.]

MAN 2: This?

KATE: Yeah!

MAN 2: What is this?

KATE: It's got information on it. It's not worth anything! Please, come on, give it to me!

MAN 2: What'll you give us for it?

KATE: I'll pay you. I've got money.

MAN 2: How much?

KATE: It's not here, it's at my house.

MAN 1: Forget it, Marcus, let's just go.

[Man 2 will now be known as Marcus.]

MARCUS: Where's your house?

KATE: Hancock Park.

MARCUS: That's not that far from here.

KATE: Come on. Come on!

MARCUS: Yeah, let's do it. Let's go get your money.

[They start to get into the car. Marcus goes over to Yousef.]

MARCUS: First I'm gonna put him out of his misery.

KATE: No. No!

MARCUS: This is for messing with our country.

KATE: Oh, please! NO!

MAN 1: Marcus, come on.

[Marcus pulls the trigger. But there's no bullet.]

[Man 2 and Marcus laugh.]

MARCUS: Come on; let's go.

[Man 2 shoves Kate into the car. They all pile in and drive off.]

[Yousef manages to crawl to a payphone. He goes through agony to get into the box, grab the phone and dial 911. Then he hears the following.]

OPERATOR: I'm sorry. All circuits are busy. Please try your call again later.


[Shot of the Doctor looking at Jack with concern.]

O'HARA: Give him more epinephrine.

DOCTOR: He's already had too much. It could strain his heart.

O'HARA: He's strong. He can handle it.

[The Doctor pumps more of the drug into the saline drip in Jack's arm.]

O'HARA: Now prepare a syringe of Peraglia.

DOCTOR: Peraglia? It'll collapse his lung!

O'HARA: Just do it.

[The Doctor goes to prep the syringe. Jack becomes slightly more conscious. O'Hara goes over to him.]

O'HARA: Hey. Now this Peraglia stuff, it's amazing. This'll paralyze your diaphragm. And you'll slowly suffocate. Feel like you're drowning. Until you tell me where the chip is.

JACK: I already told you. I don't know where the chip is.

[A cell phone rings.]

DAVIS: Kingsley wants to talk to you.

O'HARA: I'll be right back.

[O'Hara goes and joins Davis and Bad Guy 2.]

JACK (to Doctor): Help me loosen the rope.


JACK: Help me undo the rope.

DOCTOR: I-I can't do that.

JACK: He's on the phone. The other guys are far enough away; they'll just think you're working on me. Please, this is the only chance we've got.

DOCTOR: They'll kill me.

JACK: He's gonna kill you anyway. These men were willing to kill millions of people earlier tonight. I am the only chance you've got to get out of here alive. We don't have any time. Come on. Do it!

[The Doctor moves to the other side of Jack's bed to shield what he's doing. He starts to undo the ropes.]

JACK: Feed it through the bottom. Hurry.

[Jack watches at O'Hara gets off the phone.]

JACK: He's coming.

O'HARA: What're you doing?

DOCTOR: I had to disconnect his IV first.

O'HARA: Get the Peraglia.

DOCTOR: Yes sir.

[The Doctor goes and gets the needle.]

O'HARA: Start him off with two cc's.

[The Doctor injects Jack. At first nothing seems to happen. Then Jack starts gasping for breath.]


3:14:01, 3:14:02 3:14:03

3:18:26, 3:18:27, 3:18:28, 3:18:29, 3:18:30, 3:18:31


[Shot of Michelle walking down some stairs at CTU. She checks her watch. As she comes off the stairs she sees Ryan Chappelle coming into the building.]


RYAN CHAPPELLE: Hi Michelle, is Tony in his office?

MICHELLE: He went to IT, he'll be back in a minute.

RYAN: What's the status on the phones?

MICHELLE: Grid's down over most of the city.

RYAN: How about wireless?

MICHELLE: The cell service is pretty much out, too.

RYAN: Are you using SAT-com?


RYAN: Save SAT-com for your highest priority. We're sharing it with half a dozen other agencies.


[Chappelle sees Tony and goes over to him.]

RYAN: Tony.

TONY: Hey Ryan.

RYAN: Good work.

TONY: Good work on what?

RYAN: I know Bauer's trying to change our position on the Cyprus audio.

TONY: Ah, that's not exactly true.

RYAN: Whatever. You don't have to explain. I'm just glad you're not letting the tail wag the dog.

TONY: Ryan, ah, Jack may not be wrong about this. He's in the middle of an investigation.

RYAN: Wait, wait, wait, I don't wanna hear that. We're about to bomb the Middle East into next Wednesday. We're supposed to be processing Intel to support that operation.

TONY: I‘ve got most of my people on it already.

RYAN: I want all your people on it.

TONY: Ryan. Don't you think we need to eliminate any reasonable doubt about the authenticity of this recording?

RYAN: Your department has already authenticated that recording. Don't make me the bad guy here Tony. George Mason may have recommended you to direct CTU but you'll need my blessing to stay on. I assume that's what you want?

TONY: What I want is to do what's right in this situation.

RYAN: What's right is to follow the chain of command. Put everyone on domestic response.


[Shot of Lynn making a fire in the storage room in a bin. She puts the bin on a high cabinet and it sets off the alarm.]

[Shot of Yesper outside the room. He hears the alarm and goes to unlock the storage room door. The room is full of smoke so Yesper doesn't see Lynn coming at him with fire extinguisher. She knocks him down and runs out of the room.]

[Shot of Lynn running to the lift and pressing the button. Yesper gets up and comes after her so she runs for the stairs. He starts chasing her down them and eventually grabs her.]

LYNN: NO! Get off!

YESPER: Calm down.

LYNN: Stop it!

[She struggles. He struggles. He pushes her and she falls over the banister.]


[Shot of a guard outside Palmer's office.]

PALMER (into phone): What do you mean you can't get through to him?

WOMAN ON PHONE: Sorry, Mr. President, his office said he's temporarily unreachable.

PALMER (into phone): Unreachable? I want him now.

WOMAN ON PHONE: I'll try again sir.

[He hangs up.]

PALMER: Aaron!

[One of the guards comes in.]

AARON: Yes, Mr. President?

PALMER: Close the door, please.

[Aaron does so. Palmer motions for him to sit down.]

PALMER: How many administrations have you worked for?

AARON: I came in on Regan's second term.

PALMER: I haven't been able to establish contact with my Vice President in the last half hour. What do you make of that?

AARON: I wouldn't know how to respond to that, Mr. President.

PALMER: I just pulled our bombers out of the air against everyone's recommendations. Now my Vice President is suddenly unreachable. Should I draw any conclusions?

AARON: Sir, I'm not qualified to give an opinion on that, sir-

PALMER: Aaron, you've been doing this nearly twenty years. You know how the system works. Is Prescott planning something behind my back?

[Aaron speaks into his cuff radio.]

AARON (into radio): I'm going twenty-ten, please cover section three.

MAN ON RADIO: Roger that.

AARON: For what it's worth, I think the choices you've made today have been the right ones.

PALMER: That's not what I asked.

AARON: Sir, there are always those inside the administration who feel the delay is a weakness. If enough individuals share this point of view-

PALMER: Aaron. Is Prescott coming after me?

AARON: I'm not sure. But you have good instincts, sir. I'd listen to them if I were you.

PALMER: Thank you, Aaron.

AARON: Yes sir.

[Aaron exits.]


[Shot of Kingsley signing some papers. A woman shows two men into the room.]

MAN 1: Max is very unhappy.

KINGSLEY: Max can be unhappy. We're all entitled to our feelings.

MAN 1: Peter, spare me your usual metaphysical observations. Our entire project depends on military action the President just suspended.

KINGSLEY: For now.

MAN 1: Now is all that matters.

KINGSLEY: Now whose being metaphysical.

MAN 1: Peter.

KINGSLEY: Palmer's not going to be able to withstand the political pressure from his own administration. Let alone the will of the people. He's not gonna have any choice but to respond to the nuclear weapon.

MAN 1: You're assuming, of course, that this man Bauer hasn't already delivered proof to his people that the Cyprus audio was false.

KINGSLEY: Bauer won't be a problem.


[Shot to O'Hara looking over Jack.]

O'HARA: Tell me where the chip is; I'll make it stop.

DOCTOR: You're gonna kill him.

O'HARA: No. But he'll wish he stayed dead. I'm all done playing games with you.

[He punches Jack in the face twice.]

O'HARA: Now tell me what I wanna know! Tell me!

DAVIS: They'll hear you upstairs.

O'HARA: Hey, shut up and close the door!

[Davis shuts the door keeping him and Bad Guy 2 out of the room.]

O'HARA (to Doctor): Fill the syringe and double the dosage!

[The Doctor goes to do it.]

JACK: I'll tell you where the chip is.

O'HARA: Where?

JACK: Sinapaket.

O'HARA: Again.

JACK: It's in...a packet.

O'HARA: What? What did you say?

JACK: They're taking the chip to...

O'HARA: Taking it where?

[The Doctor slams the needle into O'Hara's back and injects him. O'Hara grabs him and tries to fend him off. Jack loosens his ropes all the way. O'Hara tries to get the needle out but he can't and the drug is already taking effect. Jack gets up, goes over to him, takes his gun and kicks him down. He shoots at the door. Davis and Bad Guy 2 hurry in. Jack shoots them both. He turns to the Doctor.]

JACK: Stay down.

[O'Hara starts choking.]

JACK: How much longer has he got before he's dead?

DOCTOR: As long as fifteen minutes.

[Jack gets his clothes and puts his pants on. Then he goes over to O'Hara and aims the gun at him.]

JACK: You tell me who was on the other end of that phone and I'll make it quick.

O'HARA: Peter...Kingsley.

[Jack shoots him and then stumbles.]


3:27:26, 3:27:27, 3:27:28

3:32:01, 3:32:02, 3:32:03, 3:32:04, 3:32:05, 3:32:06


[Shot of Mike Novick walking into the President's office.]

NOVICK: You wanted to see me, sir?

PALMER: Yes, close the door, please.

[Mike does so.]

PALMER: Have a seat, Mike.

[Mike sits across from Palmer.]

PALMER: I've been feeling a little disconnected from my people this last hour.

NOVICK: Mr. President, I've been trying to manage the Joint Chiefs and Homeland Security. If you want me closer-

PALMER: Not you, Mike. Back in Washington.


PALMER: Prescott. I think he's avoiding me.

NOVICK: Well, with what we've gone through in the last eighteen hours, I'm certain he's just being pulled in ten different directions.

PALMER: We were, and in some ways still are, on the brink of war. I'm the Commander in Chief. When I call, there's only one direction.

NOVICK (getting up): Absolutely. I'll get him on the phone right away.

PALMER: Do that. Oh, and Mike? This statement that Jenny made a pass on; its not working.

NOVICK: Well, what's the problem?

PALMER: The facts aren't updated. And I don't think Jenny's been apprised of everything. I want Lynn to go over it.

NOVICK: Why don't you give it to me? I'll get it to her.

PALMER: Thanks, Mike.

[Mike leaves the room and goes into a private office. He gets a phone from a drawer and dials a number.]

PRESCOTT (into phone): Prescott.

NOVICK (into phone): It's Mike Novick, can you talk?

PRESCOTT (into phone): Yeah.

NOVICK (into phone): Are you going forward or not?

PRESCOTT (into phone): Of course, nothing's changed.

NOVICK (into phone): Well, then the sooner you can execute the better.

PRESCOTT (into phone): We're going as fast as we can here.

NOVICK (into phone): David Palmer is not a stupid man. He knows something is going on. It won't take him long to figure out what it is.

PRESCOTT (into phone): How does he know?

NOVICK (into phone): Well, for one thing, you haven't returned his calls.

PRESCOTT (into phone): I'll call him now.

NOVICK (into phone): I think that's a good idea.

PRESCOTT (into phone): Mike, I'm counting on you. You gotta keep him busy until I can get everyone together.

NOVICK (into phone): How much longer?

PRESCOTT (into phone): A half hour. Forty-five minutes, tops.

NOVICK (into phone): The sooner the better. I'm all alone out here on this. He's starting to ask about Lynn Kresge. I can't keep up the act much longer.

PRESCOTT (into phone): And you won't have to. Just hold your mud, Mike.

[They hang up.]


[Shot of Jack running barefoot through the Urgent Care Centre halls. He has a phone. He dials a number.]

MICHELLE (through phone): CTU. Dessler.

JACK (into phone): Michelle, its Jack, I need to speak to Tony.

[Their connection is really bad.]

MICHELLE (into phone): Jack? Jack?

JACK (into phone): Michelle? I don't know if you can still hear me. Kate and Yousef have got the chip. I'm going to our agreed meeting place at Vineland and Moore Park. Just in case they're still waiting for me there. Michelle? Dammit!

[He hangs up as he gets into a car.]

MICHELLE (into phone): Jack?

[Michelle hangs up and goes to Tony.]


TONY: What's up?

MICHELLE: A call just came through, I think it was Jack.

TONY: What'd he say?

MICHELLE: We lost his signal.

TONY: You try him back?

MICHELLE: Yeah, I put an auto-trace on the number just in case he gets through again.

TONY: Right, go to dispatch, see if they picked it up on a log. Find out if it was a cell or landline.


[Michelle leaves. Chappelle is in the hall with another agent.]

AGENT: Yes sir.

[The agent leaves and Chappelle goes into Tony's office.]

RYAN: What's that all about?

TONY: Jack Bauer just tried to contact us. We lost connection.

RYAN: I told you I don't want Bauer distracting you or your resources. Whatever he's doing out there is irrelevant.

TONY: I'm not so sure it is, Ryan. Jack says he's got proof that the Cyprus audio was fabricated. Says he's bringing it her within the hour.

RYAN: If he's got proof, let him produce it. But I want you to keep your eye on the ball, Tony.

[Chappelle leaves.]


[Shot to Mike looking really nervous. He's alone in an office with Palmer who is on the phone with Prescott.]

PALMER (into phone): Jim, we both know you've been one of the most outspoken opponents in my decision to call of this attack.

PRESCOTT (into phone): Any criticisms you I may have had have been expressed behind closed doors; out of reach of any public scrutiny.

PALMER (into phone): I know we haven't had a chance to talk one on one since this all began. So if you have something to tell me, go ahead.

PRESCOTT (into phone): There's nothing, sir.

PALMER (into phone): My door's always open, Jim. If you have something to say, I would expect you to bring it to me first.

PRESCOTT (into phone): Of course, Mr. President.

PALMER (into phone): Thanks for getting back to me.

[They hang up.]

PALMER (to Mike): I still don't trust him.

NOVICK: What do you want me to do?

[Aaron enters.]

AARON: Sorry to interrupt sir.

PALMER: What is it?

AARON: Lynn Kresge is injured. She fell down some stairs.

PALMER: What happened?

AARON: We're still not sure; it appears she may have been running from a fire in an upstairs room.

PALMER: Is she okay?

AARON: On-site physician says she's critical.

PALMER: Show me where.

[Aaron and Palmer leave, followed by a guilty looking Mike.]


3:37:36, 3:37:37, 3:37:38

3:42:01, 3:42:02, 3:42:03, 3:42:04, 3:42:05, 2:42:06


[Shot of Carrie walking through CTU. She goes walks passed Michelle. Tony goes up to Michelle.]

TONY: So, what'd you find out through dispatch?

MICHELLE: Well, Jack called me from a cell. Came from somewhere between Encino and Studio City.

[Michelle pulls up a map on a computer screen.]

TONY: Mm-hm. Okay, so he was at an Urgent Care Centre right around here (points to map) about two hours ago.


TONY: If he was coming to CTU he probably woulda taken the 101 and the Fyrant.

MICHELLE: Do you want me to pull up the satellite?

TONY: No, that'll just raise a red flag with Chappelle. That's the last thing I need right now.

MICHELLE: What about police channels? I mean, even if he couldn't contact us maybe he tried someone local?

TONY: Can you monitor those without being detected?


TONY: Alright, focus on the downtown precincts.



[Shot of Jack driving and looking for Yousef and Kate. He pulls up, looks around and doesn't see them. He drives away. He passes the phone box and pulls to a quick stop. He reverses and parks just where Yousef had parked before. Jack sees him unconscious in the phone box and rushes over to him.]

JACK: Yousef!

YOUSEF: Jack, they took the chip.

JACK: What are you talking about? Whose they? Where's Kate?

YOUSEF: They took her to her house. Hancock Park. She offered to exchange money for the chip.

JACK: Come on; let's get you out of here.

YOUSEF: Jack, I'm not gonna make it. Go get the chip, Jack.

JACK: Yousef, just hang on. Just hang on.

YOUSEF: Go get the chip.

[Yousef loses consciousness again.]

JACK: Yousef, come on! Yousef hang on! Yousef!

[He won't wake up. Jack checks his pulse. He's dead.]

JACK: Yousef, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

[Jack gets back into the car and goes after Kate.]


[Shot of Kate being shown to her house by the three guys.]

MARCUS: All right, let's go. Everybody be cool.

[They walk up to her house.]

MARCUS: You live here?

KATE: Yes.

MARCUS: By yourself?

KATE: Yes.

[They reach the front door. Kate checks her pockets.]

KATE: I don't have my key.

[Marcus grabs her by the throat and slams her against the wall.]

MARCUS: Is this really your house?

KATE: Yes. There's s spare key under the pot.

[Man 2 checks and gets the key. He chucks it to Marcus who opens the door. He sets off the alarm.]

MAN 1: Get inside, come on!

MARCUS: Get in here, get in here! Shut it off.

[Kate is at the security pad. She's so scared she can't do it.]

MARCUS: I said shut it off! Shut it off! Shut it off!

[Man 2 grabs Kate.]

MAN 2: What's the code? What is it?

KATE: 5-1-2-2-4. 5-1-2-2-4.

[Man 2 enters the code and the alarm stops.]

MARCUS: Show us where the money's at.


[Shot of Lynn being pushed on a gearny to an ambulance. Palmer and Novick run over to her.]

PALMER: Doctor! What's her status?

DOCTOR: She's sustained some sorta neurological damage. We won't know the extent till we get her to the hospital.

NOVICK: Will she live?

DOCTOR: Too early to say.

PALMER: Can I talk to her?

NOVICK: Mr. President, that may not be a good idea.

DOCTOR: You can try. But she's been slipping in and out of consciousness.

PALMER (to Lynn): Lynn. Lynn it's me, David Palmer.

[She starts to cry.]

PALMER: I'm so sorry. We're getting you to the hospital. But I need you to tell me how this happened.

DOCTOR: Sir, she took a severe blow to the head. She has a concussion and she's not coherent.

PALMER: She's trying to say something.

LYNN: Dav-Dav-Dav-Dav...Dav.

PALMER: It's okay. I'm here. I'm listening. What is it, Lynn? What is it?

[She tries to point at Novick. But he sees her and takes her hand, as though she was reaching for him to hold it.]

NOVICK: It's alright, Lynn. They're going to take good care of you.

DOCTOR: We need to get her to the hospital.


[They put her in the ambulance.]


3:47:34, 3:47:35, 3:47:36

3:51:59, 3:52:00, 3:52:01, 3:52:02, 3:52:03, 3:52:04


[Shot of Jack trying to get Tony on the phone.]

JACK (to self): Come on, Tony, pick up the phone.

OPERATOR: All circuits are busy.

JACK: Dammit!


[Shot to Tony at a desk at CTU. Carrie goes over to him.]

CARRIE: Chappelle's going to find out.

TONY: What are you talking about?

CARRIE: He told you not to waste any more time looking for Jack, but that's all you and Michelle are doing right now.

TONY: Why aren't you working on the field Intel?

CARRIE: Don't shut me out, Tony; I'm just trying to do my job.

TONY: Really? By doing what?

CARRIE: Not saying anything.

TONY: Okay (goes back to his work) then don't say anything.

CARRIE: Ah, I want something in return.

TONY: And what would that be?

CARRIE: Michelle worked for me at District. Things worked much better that way. Oh, she's not qualified to be my boss. That's why things have been so messed up here tonight.

TONY: So, ah, you want Michelle's job. Is that was this is about?

CARRIE: Yes. And I assume you wanna keep yours.

TONY: Yeah. (He turns around)  Mr. Chappelle? Could you come over here a second?

RYAN: What do you need Almeida?

TONY: Carrie's got something she wants to tell ya.

[Chappelle comes over.]

RYAN: What is it, Carrie?

[Carrie looks at Tony. He motions for her to tell Chappelle.]

RYAN: Well?

TONY: Carrie was, ah, trying to extort a promotion outta me by promising to keep her mouth shut. (To Carrie) That about right?

RYAN: Mouth shut about what?

CARRIE: He and Michelle are still trying to find Jack Bauer. I was just trying to give Tony the courtesy of a warning. I was gonna tell you Mr. Chappelle-

RYAN: That's enough, Carrie. Get back to work.

[She walks away. Chappelle turns to Tony.]

RYAN: I thought I made myself clear, Tony, we're passed Bauer.

TONY: No sir, you are. I'm not. And I'm still Director of CTU and I'm allocating reasonable resources to ensure that we have all the facts. Now if your not comfortable if me making my own decisions; I suggest you relieve me of my duties right now.

RYAN: That's won't be necessary.

TONY: Thank you, sir.

RYAN: Don't thank me. I just don't have anyone to take your place right now. I don't like insubordination.


[Shot of Kate opening a safe in her cupboard.]

MARCUS: Come on. Better hurry up.

[Kate opens the safe.]

KATE: It's there.

[He tosses her over the side of the room. Marcus takes a wad of money from the safe.]

MARCUS: What the hell is this?

KATE: There should be at least ten thousand Euros there.

MARCUS: Euros?

KATE: European money.

MARCUS: I look European to you? Where's the cash?

KATE: That is cash. It's as good as dollars.

[Marcus holds a gun to Kate's throat.]

MARCUS: We want cash money, you understand me?

[Man 1 and 2 are looking through the safe. Man 1 removes an envelope.]

MAN 1: Marcus?

[Marcus takes it. There's American money inside. Man 2 finds a bracelet.]

MAN 2: You think this is real?

MAN 1: Nah, they keep the fake ones locked up.

[Marcus is counting the money.]

MARCUS: Fifteen hundred.

MAN 2: That's it?

MARCUS: That's it.

[Marcus pockets the money.]

MAN 1: Now what do we do?

[They look at Kate.]

KATE: Look. Just take it all. Just give me the chip.

MARCUS: She knows what we look like. She knows our names, too.

KATE: We had a deal.

MAN 2: Nah, he's right. We can't just leave you here.

KATE: Look, take everything! I won't tell anyone. I won't tell the police, I promise! Just give me the chip!

MAN 1: Marcus, don't do this man, let's just take the stuff and go.

MARCUS: The second we walk outta here she's calling the cops. I can't get locked up again, man.

[Marcus arms the gun and aims it at Kate.]

Man 1: No!

[Man 1 pushes Marcus over on to the bed. Man 2 ducks. Kate runs. Two shots are fired. Marcus follows her and shoots again but misses. They round a corner and she chucks a lamp at one of them. She keeps running and gets to the front door. Man 1 and Marcus grabs her before she can get out. She elbows Man 2 in the face.]

MAN 2 (to Marcus): Give me that!

[Marcus hands him the gun. He holds it to Kate's head.]

 [Jack shoots Man 2 down. Marcus grabs the gun and runs. Jack goes to Kate.]

JACK: Kate, are you alright?!

KATE: Yeah, they've got the chip!

JACK: How many rooms at the end of the hall?

KATE: Two! Master bedroom and a bathroom.

JACK: Stay down.

[Jack goes after the other guys. Man 1 and Marcus lock themselves in the bathroom.]

JACK: All I want is the chip!

[Marcus shoots at the door.]

JACK: My name is Jack Bauer. I'm a Federal Agent. All I want is the chip and I'll let you go.

[Marcus takes the chip out of his pocket.]

MARCUS: You shot my friend, man. You expect me to believe you?

JACK: Right now you don't have a choice.

MARCUS: You come in here and I'm gonna smash this thing! I'll put it right under my foot!

[Ease in shot on Jack's face.]

[Shot of Tony talking with people at CTU.]

TONY: Alright, we're looking for Jack Bauer. Last time we heard from him he was on a cell phone between Encino and Studio City. And we need to find him as soon as possible. I need everyone to make this priority one.

[Shot of Kate looking freaked at her front door.]

[Shot of Palmer deep in thought at his desk.]

[Shot of Jack outside the bathroom door.]

[Shot of Novick.]

[Shot of Chappelle coming down the stairs at CTU.]

[Ease in shot on Novick watching a monitor. Prescott is on it entering a room full of people.]


PRESCOTT: Ladies and Gentlemen. Let's begin. I'd like to thank you all for assembling at such short notice. I'm sure you're all wondering why I've asked you here. Why I've asked you to keep the news of this meeting to yourselves.

MAN ON SCREEN: Excuse me, Mr. Vice President, but shouldn't we wait for the President?

PRESCOTT: President Palmer will be joining us later.

MAN ON SCREEN: I'm not sure I understand, Jim.

PERSCOTT: The first part of this meeting will be a closed session.

MAN 2 ON SCREEN: Closed to the President?

PRESCOTT: I'm afraid that's the point of the meeting, Alex. To some of you, this will come as a surprise. For most of you though, I hope it comes as a relief. But it is my sincere belief that based upon his response to today's events, David Palmer is unfit to continue as President of the United States.  

Kikavu ?

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