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24 heures chrono
#222 : 5h00 - 6h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 2 guide des épisodes

Le Président Palmer est relevé de ses fonctions et mis à l’écart dans l’attente d’une conférence de presse pendant laquelle l’annonce de l’entrée en guerre sera faite. Prescott a donné l’ordre d’attaquer les trois pays mis en cause dans l’enregistrement de Chypre.
Jack se rend au domicile d’Alex Hewitt, la personne qui aurait fabriqué cet enregistrement afin de parvenir à empêcher l’attaque de pays innocents. Arrivé sur les lieux, il se retrouve face à Sherry Palmer.
Carrie, qui surveille les faits et gestes de Tony et Michelle, prévient Chapelle de leur double-jeu. Kim se rend chez les Matheson pour récupérer ses affaires.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
5:00 a.m. – 6:00 a.m.

Titre VF
5h00 - 6h00

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Première diffusion en France


24 Season 2 Episode 22 Promo

24 Season 2 Episode 22 Promo


Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Virgil Williams & Duppy Demetrius
Réalisé par : Ian Toynton


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Sarah Wynter : Kate Warner
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Penny Johnson Jerald : Sherry Palmer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Dennis Haysbert : David Palmer

• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• Lourdes Benedicto : Carrie Turner
• Billy Burke : Gary Matheson
• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick
• Alan Dale : Jim Prescott
• Paul Schulze : Ryan Chappelle
• Glenn Morshower : Aaron Pierce
• Rick D. Wasserman : Alex Hewitt
• Paco Farias : Deputy Sheriff
• Alex Daniels : Bryce

Sherry pénètre dans le domicile d’Alex Hewitt sous l’œil attentif de Jack qui s’est dissimulé. Prescott, le nouveau Président, discute avec l’Etat major de l’offensive prévue. Pendant ce temps-là, Mike va trouver David Palmer pour lui demander ses codes et le prévient que dans deux heures le nouveau Président annoncera au peuple sa nomination, puis il se retire.

A la cellule, Ryan Chapelle a organisé une réunion générale pour dévoiler la destitution de David Palmer et la nomination de Prescott. Tony s’insurge, il croit que Palmer a été évincé parce qu’il hésitait à lancer l’offensive militaire. Chapelle donne l’ordre impératif de ne mettre aucun moyen à la disposition de Jack.

Tony insiste, si Jack, malgré tout, avait raison, et si on se préparait à bombarder trois pays innocents ? Pour Chapelle, la situation est claire, les faits disent que l’enregistrement est original et il faut arrêter de se fier aux intuitions. Tony, resté seul avec Michelle, veut contacter un membre de l’équipe de Prescott, si la théorie de Jack est juste, il faut que l’on puisse valider la preuve.

Sherry et son garde du corps s’apprêtent à partir à la recherche d’Hewitt quand Jack surgit et met hors circuit le garde du corps, puis il commence à interroger Sherry qui lui révèle qu’elle est à la recherche des commanditaires de la bombe, à la demande de David Palmer. Elle sait qu’Hewitt a fabriqué l’enregistrement, qu’il travaille pour un certain Peter Kingsley, représentant des magnas du pétrole de la mer Caspienne, mais Jack l’interrompt, il a entendu du bruit et débusque Hewitt caché derrière une porte. Sherry, paniquée demande à Hewitt de se taire, Jack est un agent fédéral, et il ne doit rien lui dire.

5 heures 15 Sous la pression de Jack, Hewitt finit par assurer qu’il ne parlera qu’à Sherry, elle seule peut l’aider. Jack l’enferme puis retourne questionner Sherry sur sa présence. Elle reconnaît qu’elle figure sur les enregistrements qui la compromettent, Kingsley lui avait assuré que la bombe n’exploserait pas, cependant étant la seule à pouvoir faire parler Hewitt, elle exigera une immunité complète. Elle voulait se venger de David, tandis que Kingsley avait besoin d’une guerre au Moyen Orient pour faire monter le prix du pétrole.

5 heures 13 Palmer parle avec son gardien, Aaron, pour lui expliquer les raisons pour lesquelles il fait confiance à Jack pour trouver la preuve que l’enregistrement est faux. Il est vital qu’il contacte Jack et pour cela il lui faut une ligne sécurisée. A la cellule, petite altercation entre Michelle et Carrie, interrompue par Tony. Puis Carrie va voir Chapelle pour lui rapporter que Tony n’est pas en état de commander la cellule ; Michelle et lui tentent d’aider Jack, en opposition aux ordres donnés.

5 heures 27 Jack contacte Tony qui lui raconte que Palmer a été destitué en vertu du 25ème amendement et que Prescott est le nouveau Président. Jack demande un hélicoptère pour ramener Hewitt à la cellule, Tony va devoir agir contre les ordres de Chapelle. Sherry répète à Hewitt qu’elle est la seule personne à pouvoir le sauver et lui garantir l’immunité totale. A la cellule, Tony demande à Chapelle d’envoyer un hélicoptère pour ramener Jack et Hewitt, Chapelle refuse, et précise à Tony qu’il a été réaffecté et qu’il lui reste 15 minutes pour quitter les lieux.

Hewitt croit que Jack et Sherry vont s’entendre sur son dos ; il demande à parler en particulier à Jack, rassuré par celui-ci, il commence à préparer la démonstration qu’il va faire pour prouver la façon dont il a truqué l’enregistrement.

5 heures 39 Un adjoint du shérif accompagne Kim chez les Matheson. Tony, pendant qu’il prend quelques affaires avant de partir, reçoit un appel de David Palmer qui veut parler à Jack. Tony transfère l’appel, David Palmer apprend que l’enregistrement est bien un faux, que Jack s’apprête à conduire Hewitt à la cellule pour le faire témoigner et que Sherry est présente.

David Palmer veut parler à Sherry et il lui demande de rester en dehors du chemin de Jack. Il est impératif que l’hélicoptère vienne les récupérer le plus rapidement possible et Tony va avoir besoin d’aide pour déjouer la surveillance de Chapelle. Mike surgit dans le bureau où se trouve Palmer pour récupérer le téléphone et Aaron qui a fourni le téléphone est mis en arrestation malgré l’intervention de David. Alors que Kim emballe ses affaires,

on voit Matheson qui pénètre dans la maison avec une arme, lui aussi jette dans une valise quelques objets. Kim entend du bruit. A la cellule, Michelle, sous un faux prétexte, attire Chapelle dans une salle où Tony l’attend pour le neutraliser, il l’endort et demande à Michelle d’envoyer l’hélicoptère à Jack.

5 heures 51 Jack révèle à Sherry que David a été destitué et que Prescott est maintenant président. Kim voit par la fenêtre que l’adjoint du shérif gît à côté de son véhicule, elle s’enfuit après avoir aperçu Matheson armé.

Celui-ci la poursuit dans le grenier où elle s’est réfugiée, elle le bouscule et ils dégringolent tous les deux par la trappe. Matheson reste inconscient et Kim récupère le portable et l’arme, elle appelle Michelle à la cellule et demande Jack, Michelle transfère l’appel. Jack lui dit de sortir de la maison, au moment où Matheson reprend conscience, Jack lui ordonne alors de tirer, ce qu’elle fait à deux reprises.

Puis il appelle Kate, il voudrait qu’elle aille chercher Kim qui est sous le choc du meurtre de Matheson, et la ramène à la cellule. Pendant que Jack contacte la cellule, Hewitt poignarde Sherry qui tentait de le retenir et prend la fuite, aussitôt poursuivi par Jack.


NOVICK: There are cabinet members, who question whether you are fit to continue as chief executive of this country.
PRESCOTT: Mr. President, we are invoking the 25th Amendment. - What I intend to show is a pattern of erratic and irrational behavior on your part since the start of this crisis. - You see the results, the vote is against you. I must ask you to remove yourself from the decision-making process. - I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the President of the United States. So help me God.

TONY: I just got a message that the president called off the military offensive over an hour ago. Is it true?
TONY: And you knew about it.
TONY: And you didn't tell me. Why are you so determined to keep my people processing intel on an operation that's been scrapped?
CHAPPELLE: There is a strong possibility the White House will reinstate the attack order.

KIM: Dad?
JACK: Sweetheart.
KIM: Tony told me, you're alive. I've been trying to reach you.
JACK: Are you still at the sheriff's station?
KIM: They are taking me to the Mathesons' house to pack up my things. Glad, you're okay.
JACK: Me too.

JACK: Did you get the audio file?
JACK: What do you mean, "no"? Are you telling me that there's no audio file on that chip?
MICHELLE: If there were, they were destroyed when the chip was damaged.
TONY: Michelle was able to trace the sequence back to a hacker named Alex Hewitt.
JACK: You think this is the technician that created the Cyprus audio file?

JACK: I'm checking up on an address of a man who engineered the Cyprus recording for Kingsley.
PALMER: Are you absolutely convinced that the Cyprus recording was forged?
JACK: Yes, sir, without a doubt.




[Hewitt's apartment. Sherry Palmer and her bodyguard are looking around. Jack Bauer is hidden and watches them.]
BODYGUARD: Hewitt's not here.
SHERRY: I'm not surprised. Ah, check the garage, see if his car is still here.
[The bodyguard leaves.]

[The White House.]
MILITARY OFFICER: Even with the delay, we predict we have not lost the element of surprise. As you can see here, sir, the primary targets are still relatively unguarded. Resistance should be insignificant.
PRESCOTT: When were these pictures taken?
OFFICER: Ten minutes ago, sir.
PRESCOTT: Then we can proceed with the attack as originally planned.
OFFICER: Yes, Mr. President.

[Novick and another man enter David Palmer's room.]
NOVICK: I need your key codes, sir.
PALMER: How much longer is Prescott going to detain me?
NOVICK: Until after the press conference. In a couple of hours he's going to announce the US response to the bomb and his ascension to the office. - Your key codes belong to President Prescott now. It's protocol.
[Palmer lays down a small card bag on the table. The second man takes out a card and puts it into a reader.]
MAN: Confirmed.

05:04:23, 05:04:24, 05:04:25, 05:04:26

[CTU. The whole staff enters the conference room.]
MICHELLE: Do you know why Chappelle called this meeting?
TONY: No, he just told everybody to save their work and get in here.
CHAPPELLE: The information you are about to receive is confidential. It'll stay inside until it's been made public, which should be in the next few hours. The cabinet has invoked the 25th Amendment and removed David Palmer from office. Jim Prescott is now the president.
TONY: Why?
CHAPPELLE: That isn't relevant to our charge.
TONY: Yes, it is, Ryan.
CHAPPELLE: What's your problem, Almeida?
TONY: I think, we all know that President Palmer was removed because he didn't wanna go on with the bombings. That makes what Jack Bauer's doing even more relevant.
CHAPPELLE: Bauer has cried wolf twice already. He has come up with nothing. I have a standing order from District that disallows any further resources from being expended on him.
TONY: Why is everybody so afraid to look at all the sides of this thing? What if Jack Bauer's right? What if that Cyprus recording was forged and we're about to bomb three innocent countries? You're gonna tell me that's not relevant?
CHAPPELLE: Tony, let me first say that your office has done a remarkable job today. There is no way that the people on the Hill are not gonna reward everyone of you for the role you've played in averting disaster.
TONY: And what does that have to do with anything?
CHAPPELLE: Let me finish. The success of this office today is due in large part to the technical team. The same team that has concluded that the Cyprus audio is an untreated, unforged original. There comes a time when you have to let go. Not every hunch works out. Bauer is chasing a ghost. I can't put it any simpler than that. That's all.
[He leaves.]
MICHELLE: What are you gonna do?
TONY: I don't know, I have to talk to somebody in Prescott's staff. If ... Jack comes in here with the evidence, we have to have somebody in place to take it to.
MICHELLE: Be careful, Tony. If Chappelle finds out you're doing an end run -
TONY: I know. I know.

05:06:24, 05:06:25, 05:06:26, 05:06:27

[The bodyguard enters Hewitt's loft.]
BODYGUARD: The car is gone.
BODYGUARD: What do you wanna do?
SHERRY: Well, there's nothing left here. I'm sure that Kingsley had his people take anything important. We gotta find Hewitt. Let's go.
[Jack jumps in their way.]
JACK: Stop right there!
[He knocks down the bodyguard.]
JACK: (to Sherry) Sit down!
SHERRY: Let go of me!
JACK: (to the bodyguard) Don't move. Don't move! - Who are you?
[The bodyguard looks over to Sherry.]
JACK: Don't look at her, look at me! Who are you?
BODYGUARD: I'm nobody.
SHERRY: He's my private bodyguard.
JACK: Secret Service?
[Jack knocks him out with his gun. Then he turns to Sherry, aiming his gun at her.]
JACK: Mrs. Palmer.
SHERRY: Jack Bauer.
JACK: Stand up.
JACK: Stand up!
[She stands up.]
SHERRY: What are you gonna do to me?
JACK: Turn around.
[He searches her.]
SHERRY: I'm not carrying any weapons.
JACK: Take a seat.
[She does so. He ties the bodyguard to a grille.]
JACK: What are you doing here?
SHERRY: I'm trying to help David.
JACK: Helping David with what? You are no longer a part of his life.
SHERRY: Don't believe everything you read in the papers. David has asked me to pool my resources to see if I can find anything about the people behind the bomb.
JACK: I don't believe you.
SHERRY: I don't care what you believe.
[They look at each other. Then Sherry stands up.]
SHERRY: Do you know who did this? Who ransacked this place? - You must be here for the same reason I am.
JACK: What reason would that be?
SHERRY: To find Alex Hewitt.
JACK: Why?
SHERRY: Well, you must know. You are here.
JACK: Why don't you tell me?
SHERRY: He created a recording that's about to start a war.
JACK: How do you know about that?
SHERRY: I don't like the way this conversation is going. You answer my questions -
JACK: How do you know about the Cyprus audio?
SHERRY: How dare you talk down to me?
[Jack takes his gun up and shoots into the wall behind Sherry.]
JACK: Let's put it right, Ma'am. I'm not a politician and I'm not gonna debate this with you. So answer my question. What do you know about the Cyprus recording?
SHERRY: I know about it because every expert in the government with priority clearance has been working on it for the past six hours. I've got a lot of sources.
JACK: What do you know about Alex Hewitt?
SHERRY: I know that he's a freelance audio technician.
JACK: Who does he work for?
SHERRY: A man named Peter Kingsley.
JACK: Why?
SHERRY: Kingsley represents Caspian Sea oils interests that want the United States to go to war with the Middle East. Kingsley hired Alex Hewitt to fabricate the Cyprus recording. You know, Mr. Bauer, I've walked the corridors of power my entire life. You'd be surprised how much information you can get if you have something to trade.
[Jack notices something and looks about the wall behind Sherry.]
SHERRY: What are you doing?
JACK: Take a seat. - Take a seat!
[He looks suspiciously at some holes in the wall. Then he fires some shots into the wall.]
JACK: Come out! Open the door slowly, I wanna see both your hands! Now! Now!
HEWITT: Please, don't hurt me!
JACK: Get on the ground!
JACK: Don't move! Get on the ground! Who are you?
HEWITT: Mrs. Palmer!
HEWITT: You said on the phone that you would help me. Why does he have a gun?
JACK: Shut up. Go sit with her.
HEWITT: I didn't do anything wrong!
JACK: Move! Move!
HEWITT: You said you'd get here -
SHERRY: Shut up. Don't say anything ... He's a federal agent.
JACK: Mrs. Palmer, shut up.
SHERRY: I am not talking to you!
JACK: Shut up!
[He takes Hewitt up and into the next room.]
SHERRY: Don't say anything, Alex. - Alex, don't say anything!
JACK: You're gonna talk to me now.

05:10:18, 05:10:19, 05:10:20


05:14:44, 05:14:45, 05:14:46, 05:14:47, 05:14:48, 05:14:49, 05:14:50

[Carrie walks to her place at CTU. Palmer still is in the holding room. Jack threatens Hewitt. Mrs. Palmer watches them.]
JACK: You took voice samples from the leaders of three Middle Eastern countries and intercut them with Syed Ali's voice to create the Cyprus audio.
HEWITT: I didn't say that!
JACK: And Peter Kingsley paid you for it.
JACK: You're a traitor of your country, Alex. Do you know what they're gonna do to you?
HEWITT: I'm not. I - I didn't know, I swear. Look, I already told this to Mrs. Palmer. Get her in and she'll tell you.
JACK: Forget about her. She's not gonna help you. But if you tell me everything that I need to know about the Cyprus audio I will do everything that I can.
HEWITT: I'm not gonna say anything else until I talked to lawyer.
JACK: I am your lawyer, son. Those people that you were working for, they thought you were gonna die in the bomb blast. They're gonna keep coming after you. So if you wanna stay alive, you better start telling me everything I need to know.
HEWITT: No, I only wanna talk to Mrs. Palmer.
JACK: Why her? How's she connected to this? How do you know her?
HEWITT: I just met her today. She called, said she could help me. Look, I know who she is. She's the president's ex-wife. She's got connections high up.
JACK: She can't help you now, Alex. I'm the only one who can help you now.
HEWITT: I wanna talk to her.
JACK: OK. Let me see what I can do. Gimme your keys.
JACK: Gimme your keys!
[Hewitt takes out a bunch of keys.]
JACK: Which one of these locks this door?
HEWITT: This one.
JACK: Just step back.
[Jack locks the door behind him.]
SHERRY: What did he say?
JAKC: What are you doing here, Mrs. Palmer? Please, don't tell me it's to help the president.
SHERRY: All right. I came here to protect myself. I told you, Alex was paid by Kingsley to record certain conversations. Well, some of those conversations were with me, they incriminate me.
JACK: So you know Peter Kingsley. You're collaborating with him?
SHERRY: He assured me that the bomb would never go off.
JACK: What were you thinking? What the hell were you thinking?
SHERRY: Who are you calling?
JACK: CTU. I'm a sworn federal agent, Mrs. Palmer. You just confessed to a federal crime.
SHERRY: I suggest you hang up that phone, Mr. Bauer.
JACK: This is Jack Bauer, I need to speak to Tony Almeida.
SHERRY: I am the only one who can get Hewitt to cooperate. And for that I'll want full immunity from prosecution. Now hang up the phone and I'll tell you everything.
TONY: Jack, it's Tony. What's going on?
JACK: Sorry, I'm gonna have to get back to you.
[He shuts the phone.]
JACK: Start. - Start!
SHERRY: I wanted to bring down David's presidency. I was so angry with David for what he did to me. I worked tirelessly for years to put him into office. I sacrificed everything. My career, my family. David betrayed me.
JACK: So you wanted revenge. What did Kingsley want?
SHERRY: Money. A war in the Middle East would triple the value of his oil.
JACK: So the only reason you're here is to make sure that no one can connect you to Peter Kingsley.
SHERRY: Yes, like I told you. I came to protect myself. Look, Mr. Bauer, there's only one person you need to prosecute for this. And that person is sitting in that room there. I want full immunity. Otherwise it's just your word against mine.
[Jack looks at her. Then he stands up and opens the door to the next room.]
JACK: She'll talk with you.
SHERRY: I know you're scared.
HEWITT: He said I'm in trouble, you told me that I would be OK!
SHERRY: I - I know. There has been a little wrinkle, but we can fix that.

05:19:00, 05:19:01, 05:19:02, 05:19:03

PALMER: What do you think, Aaron? Do you think I'm unfit to fulfill my duties as president?
PIERCE: Sir, I'm under orders not to discuss this with you.
PALMER: Are you under orders not to listen?
PIERCE: No, sir.
PALMER: Good. Then I'll do all the talking. I assume you remember Jack Bauer. He believes the Cyprus recording, the single piece of evidence that's propelling us into this war with the Middle East, was fabricated. I've been removed from office because I believe in Bauer. If it wasn't for Jack, Los Angeles would be a killing field by now. Still, Prescott and the cabinet refuse to believe that he might be right. If Jack finds the evidence after the planes have dropped their payloads, then it'll be too late. We will be at war against three innocent countries.
PIERCE: Well, I'm sure, if Jack Bauer finds evidence, Vice President Prescott - I mean, the president, will recall the bombers.
PALMER: (smiles) I thought you were under orders not to speak to me here.
PIERCE: I'm doing my best, sir.
PALMER: Your best would be to help me.
PIERCE: By doing what?
PALMER: I need to talk to Jack Bauer. Find out if he has secured the evidence.
[Pierce thinks about this.]
PALMER: If I remember correctly, you have a son in the Navy.
PIERCE: Yes, sir, I do.
PALMER: It's a fine thing to defend one's country. You should be proud.
[Pierce nods.]
PALMER: Let's make sure the cause he's fighting for is the just one. Get me a sat phone. I need a secure line.

05:21:04, 05:21:05, 05:21:06

MICHELLE: Carrie. I need you to put these in the overnight database. Chappelle is gonna need them for his morning briefing.
CARRIE: Why are you giving this to me? This is your situation report.
MICHELLE: I'm on something else.
CARRIE: What else?
MICHELLE: I don't have to explain myself to you, Carrie. Just, please, do it.
CARRIE: You do need to explain yourself because I think you're going behind Chappelle's back, trying to help Jack Bauer.
MICHELLE: Do you really wanna do this, Carrie? Come after me? Because I've been letting you get away with a lot of since you got here. But if you want the gloves to come off - fine.
[They look at each other. Tony comes up.]
TONY: What's going on here?
CARRIE: She's asking me to take on some of her workload. I just wanna know why.
TONY: Why don't you wanna tell her?
MICHELLE: It's none of her business, Tony.
TONY: Look, just tell her, so we can get back to work here.
MICHELLE: All right. District has asked me to step in as a breech liaison to facilitate the power shift. I'll be on the phone for the next two hours.
CARRIE: Sounds like a promotion. Congratulations.
MICHELLE: You think, she believed me?

[Chappelle talks with a man.]
CHAPPELLE: Go over it again. Look, I need you to find it fast, even if you need to pull ... agents who can help you. This needs to take first priority. Division is breathing down my neck over this for some reason. That's something I just don't need right now.
MAN: ... I'll take care of it.
CHAPPELLE: All right.
[Carrie walks up to Chappelle.]
CARRIE: Mr. Chappelle.
CHAPPELLE: Yes, Carrie?
CARRIE: In my opinion, Tony Almeida is not fit to run CTU.
CARRIE: He's got Michelle working off book.
CHAPPELLE: Doing what?
CARRIE: I can't say for sure. But I have a feeling the two of them are still trying to help Jack Bauer.
CHAPPELLE: Thank you.

05:23:22, 05:23:23, 05:23:24


05:27:47, 05:27:48, 05:27:49, 05:27:50, 05:27:51, 05:27:52, 05:27:53

[Pierce sits down. Sherry talks to Hewitt. Jack is on the phone. CTU office.]
SHERRY: It'll be fine.

[Tony speaks with a woman. His phone rings.]
TONY: All right, Carol, thanks.
CAROL: Hmmhm.
TONY: Almeida.
JACK: Tony, it's Jack.
TONY: Hey, Jack, what's happening?
JACK: Is the president still holding off on the attack?
TONY: No, things have gotten much worse. It's not public yet, but Palmer's been pulled.
JACK: What do you mean, "pulled"?
TONY: His cabinet invoked the 25th Amendment because he wanted to wait for confirmation of the Cyprus recording. Prescott's now president.
JACK: I'm ready to bring new evidence that proves that that recording has been forged. Are you telling me, Prescott won't even listen to it?
TONY: No, I'm telling you, he won't wait for it. Jack, get me that evidence as quickly as possible, and I'll call Prescott with it.
JACK: Fine, you can start by sending a chopper to the address you gave me. I got Hewitt.
TONY: Is he definitely the one who made the recording?
JACK: Yes, absolutely.
TONY: Will he testify?
JACK: We are working on it.
TONY: All right. Look, Jack, if I go to Chappelle and request a chopper for you, he's just gonna deny it. He's got orders from District.
JACK: Just deal with it, Tony. We got bombers in the air. Right now Hewitt's our only chance of stopping this thing.
TONY: All right, I'll do my best.
JACK: OK, thanks, Tony.
[Sherry still talks with Hewitt.]
SHERRY: I know, Alex. I understand your concern. But the fact remains, we both made a mistake. But we're lucky because they need us. Any deal I make will include you, and vice versa. Remember, we're in this together.
HEWITT: Are you sure about this?
SHERRY: Honey, I would never lie to you. But you have to remember this one thing. I am the only one looking after your interest. No one else. I know how these things work. Just do as I say, and it'll all turn out well.
HEWITT: (re: Jack) What about him?
SHERRY: Don't worry about him. I'll handle Agent Bauer. He won't be a problem. He's very low on the food chain.
HEWITT: So, if I do this, you can keep me out of jail?
SHERRY: Absolutely. You'll be granted full immunity, just like I promised. OK?
[Hewitt nods. Sherry walks over to Jack.]
SHERRY: All right, Jack, this is how it's gonna work. He's gonna come in and he'll testify. He can demonstrate the technology in a matter of minutes.
JACK: Good. The chopper is on its way.

MICHELLE: You heard what Chappelle said. He's not gonna let us have a chopper if he knows it's for Jack.
TONY: Yeah, but Jack's got Hewitt. And he had definitely made that recording. Chappelle can't ignore that.
MICHELLE: He can do whatever he wants.
[Chappelle is on the phone.]
CHAPPELLE: Yeah. - Hmmhm. - OK. Let me get back to you, Marc.
[Tony walks up to him.]
TONY: Jack Bauer just contacted us.
CHAPPELLE: Really? Where is he?
TONY: North Hollywood.
CHAPPELLE: What's he doing?
TONY: He has got the guy who forged the Cyprus recording. He wants to bring him in.
CHAPPELLE: Fine. Let him.
TONY: Ryan, he's too far away. We need to send a chopper.
CHAPPELLE: We've been through this, Tony. I'm done with Bauer. He's chasing a trail that leads nowhere. We're onto other things.
TONY: Ryan, what could be more important than keeping the US from launching military strikes based on false information?
CHAPPELLE: The thing is, Tony, you've been reassigned.
TONY: Reassigned? Where?
CHAPPELLE: I'll let you know in a few days. For now you can go home.
TONY: Ryan, you can't reassign me now.
CHAPPELLE: This recording is real. We are going to war. We need to prepare for the domestic response. You have made yourself a liability I just can't afford. You've got 15 minutes to clean out your desk and get out.

05:31:34, 05:31:35, 05:31:36, 05:31:37

[Hewitt runs around gathering things and sticking them into a computer.]
JACK: What are you doing?
HEWITT: They took the disk that had my comb filter in. I'll need to rebuild that file to demonstrate the process.
[He works on the computer.]
HEWITT: OK. The tar ball has to decompress, it'll take about 20 minutes.
JACK: How's it gonna work?
HEWITT: I'm gonna make a recording for them. Right on the spot, shift it around, reframe segments. It'll have the same specs as Cyprus. It'll blow their minds.
JACK: Good.
HEWITT: And then I'm free to go, right? That's what she said.
[Sherry nods slightly.]
JACK: Yes, you'll be fine, Alex.
HEWITT: How come you're being so nice to me all of a sudden?
JACK: What do you mean?
HEWITT: Ten minutes ago it was all my fault. You, you called me a traitor, and now everything is - "fine, Alex"?
[He looks up to Jack, then over to Sherry.]
HEWITT: You guys are gonna screw me, don't you?
JACK: We're not gonna screw you.
HEWITT: Yes, you are. You two made a deal, you're gonna hang me out.
JACK: Alex, calm down. We can't hang you out. You have the proof. Without you there is no deal.
HEWITT: Fine, then I want it in writing. Why won't you let have me an attorney?
JACK: Because we don't have time. Right now there are bombers in the air that are gonna start a war. Alex, you gonna have to trust me on this.
HEWITT: Why? Why should I trust you?
SHERRY: Maybe he's right, Jack. Why don't you have federal counsel meet us wherever we're going?
JACK: Excuse me?
SHERRY: It's just one phone call.
HEWITT: That's right. We, we, we want federal counsel.
JACK: No. I'm not trading with you, Alex. You're gonna do your demonstration, then I'll help you. That's the deal. That's it.
[Hewitt looks from Jack to Sherry and back to Jack.]
HEWITT: I wanna talk to you in private.
SHERRY: Wait, wait, Alex, what are you doing?
HEWITT: (to Jack) I wanna talk to you.
SHERRY: I told you, I handled everything.
HEWITT: Then what are you afraid of? He said I was the only one who can make this happen. I wanna talk to him alone.
SHERRY: OK, all right, what - whatever you want. I'll be over here.
[She walks away.]
JACK: What's going on, Alex?
HEWITT: Is she trying to screw me?
JACK: No. She's trying to help you.
HEWITT: Why? I mean, she - she doesn't even know me.
JACK: Maybe because she thinks you got tricked into doing something - you didn't fully understand. She wants to use her influence with the president to try and help you.
HEWITT: Because she thinks I'm innocent?
JACK: Yeah, maybe.
HEWITT: And I, and I think she likes me.
JACK: I think she does.

05:34:42, 05:34:43, 05:34:44


05:39:07, 05:39:08, 05:39:09, 05:39:10, 05:39:11, 05:39:12, 05:39:13

[Hewitt is working. Palmer is waiting. Chappelle walks through CTU.]
[The police officer that drove Kim walks her to the Mathesons' house.]
OFFICER: Do you need any help?
KIM: No, it should only be one suitcase.
[The officer unlocks the door.]
OFFICER: Take your time. I'll be waiting in the car.
KIM: Thanks.
[She enters the house and walks up to her room.]

MICHELLE: He just reassigned you? He didn't give any explanation?
TONY: Chappelle doesn't want me in the job. He's got his own people and I know I'm not one of them.
MICHELLE: What are you going to do?
[He doesn't answer. The phone rings.]
MICHELLE: Tony, it's Satcom.
[He takes the call.]
TONY: Almeida.
PALMER: Mr. Almeida? This is David Palmer.
TOMY: Mr. President. What can I do for you, sir?
PALMER: I need to speak to Jack Bauer. Do you know how to reach him?
TONY: Can you hold on, sir?
PALMER: For a moment.
[Tony calls Jack.]
JACK: Yeah.
TONY: Jack, it's Tony. I have President Palmer on the line.
JACK: OK, good. Patch him through. Tony, how are we doing on the chopper?
TONY: I'm working on it.
JACK: Work faster.
TONY: Here's the president. Mr. President, I have Jack on the line. Jack, go ahead.
JACK: Yes, Mr. President.
PALMER: Jack, I don't know if you have heard, but I've been unseated.
JACK: Yes, sir, I have, I'm sorry.
PALMER: Where are you on your investigation of the Cyprus audio?
JACK: Mr. President, I can tell you for certain, the Cyprus audio has been forged. I have in custody the man who engineered it. I'm gonna be bringing him in soon. We'll patch him through to the White House and the Department of Defense, so he can testify. Meanwhile, CTU is trying to process everything they can on him. Mr. President, there is something else though.
JACK: Your ex-wife, sir, Sherry. She's here with me.
PALMER: How did that happen?
[Jack doesn't answer immediately.]
JACK: Yes, sir.
PALMER: You can't talk.
JACK: No, sir.
PALMER: Don't trust her, Jack. Do you understand?
JACK: Yes, Mr. President.
PALMER: Let me talk to her.
[Jack hands the phone to Sherry.]
JACK: He wants to talk with you.
SHERRY: David?
PALMER: What are you trying to do, Sherry?
SHERRY: I'm just trying to help you.
PALMER: How can you help me? If you wanted to help me, you shouldn't have lied to me.
SHERRY: That's the problem, David. It's not always about the truth.
PALMER: And what's that supposed to mean?
SHERRY: The truth is, the Cyprus recording was forged. The truth is, you are right and they are wrong. The truth is, you are trying to prevent an unnecessary war, and Jack Bauer and I are the only ones who can help you.
PALMER: Stay out of his way, Sherry.
SHERRY: All right. All right, David.
PALMER: Let me talk to Jack.
[She hands the phone to Jack.]
JACK: Yes, Mr. President.
PALMER: Jack, I need this man to come forward now.
JACK: I understand, sir.
PALMER: All right. Thank you.
JACK: Tony, you still on the line?
TONY: I'm here.
JACK: Alex, how much time have we got?
HEWITT: Ah, six minutes.

05:42:50, 05:42:51, 05:42:52, 05:42:53

JACK: Tony, can you hear me?
TONY: Yeah, go ahead, Jack.
JACK: We need that chopper now.
TONY: I understand. You'll have it.
JACK: Thank you.
[Tony sets down the phone.]
TONY: (to Michelle) I'm gonna need your help.

[Kim packs her things. The officer is at his car and talks to the Central.]
OFFICER: I'm still here at the Mathesons' house.
[Gary Matheson hides against the house's wall.]

[Novick and a second man enters the President's room at the OC.]
NOVICK: Where is it, sir?
PALMER: Where is what?
NOVICK: Please, David. Don't make me do this. Give me the phone.
[Palmer takes the phone out of a drawer and throws it over to Novick. Novick catches it and turns around.]
NOVICK: (to the other man) Place Pierce under arrest.
PALMER: Mike, don't. I coerced him into getting it for me.
NOVICK: You didn't coerce anyone.
PALMER: Shame on you. For placing us both in this position. It should be you putting yourself on the line for me. Instead, Aaron did.
NOVICK: I tried to be a friend to you, sir.
PALMER: I don't want a friend. I need someone to do the right thing.
[Novick leaves.]
PALMER: I'm sorry, Aaron.
PIERCE: There's nothing to be sorry for, Mr. President.

[The Mathesons' house. Kim is still packing. Gary Matheson walks up the stairs and gathers some things from his room. Kim hears a noise.]
KIM: Officer, is that you?
[No answer. She looks into the other room.]
KIM: Hello?
[Matheson hides from her. She leaves the room.]

[CTU. Michelle's phone rings.]
MICHELLE: Dessler.
TONY: You ready?
TONY: All right. Let's go.
[Michelle phones Chappelle.]
MICHELLE: Sir, Rudin needs you. He's in holding room 2.
CHAPPELLE: Tell him to call me.
MICHELLE: The com's out in that room.
CHAPPELLE: All right, I'm on my way.
[Chappelle walks into the holding room. Michelle stands there waiting for him.]
CHAPPELLE: Where's Rudin?
[Tony grabs Chappelle from behind and puts a rag over his face. Chappelle sinks down.]
TONY: I got this. Go send that chopper to pick up Jack.
[He draws up a syringe.]

05:47:13, 05:47:14, 05:47:15


05:51:26, 05:51:27, 05:51:28, 05:51:29, 05:51:30, 05:51:31, 05:51:32

[Hewitt's loft.]
SHERRY: When are your people getting here?
JACK: Soon.
SHERRY: Listen, Jack. It's not just out of my own selfish desire that I'm trying to stay clean on all this.
JACK: Really?
SHERRY: It wouldn't be good for David's presidency if his ex-wife was implicated in this bomb.
JACK: So, now you care about his presidency?
SHERRY: In light of what has happened today, my resentments seem obscenely petty. I don't know what I was thinking.
JACK: There's something I haven't told you yet about Mr. Palmer.
SHERRY: Mr. Palmer?
JACK: Yes, Mr. Palmer. His cabinet invoked the 25th Amendment less than an hour ago.
JACK: Prescott is president now.
SHERRY: Oh my God.
JACK: You got what you wanted.
[His phone rings.]
JACK: Yeah.
TONY: Jack, it's Tony. The chopper's about to leave. ETA's about 20 minutes.
JACK: So, Chappelle is on board with us?
TONY: Not exactly.
JACK: What do you mean?
TONY: Look, Jack, it's better if you don't know.
JACK: OK, fine, Tony, look. You're gonna have to get the Attorney General involved in this.
TONY: What for?
JACK: Mrs. Palmer is gonna want to try cut a deal.
TONY: A deal?
JACK: Hewitt's testimony incriminates her.
TONY: All right, look, I'll make sure everything's in place.
JACK: Yes, it has to go like clockwork. There is no margin for error here.
TONY: Yeah, I know.
[Jack shuts his phone. Sherry walks up to him.]
SHERRY: What did you mean, I was "gonna try to cut a deal"? I explained to you that Alex was not gonna say anything without my permission.
JACK: Mrs. Palmer, all that I care about right now is that he convinces Prescott and the Joint Chiefs that he forged the Cyprus audio. After that you're free to try and cut any kind of deal you want.
SHERRY: No. That is not what we discussed.
JACK: Well, I'm sorry, that's the way it is.
SHERRY: Well, we'll see about that.
[She turns. Jack holds her back.]
JACK: Mrs. Palmer, the conversations end here. You don't talk to him again, do you understand me?
[She looks at him.]
JACK: Don't try me, Mrs. Palmer. Take a seat on the couch.

05:54:19, 05:54:20, 05:54:21, 05:54:22

[Kim looks out of a window. She sees the police car in the driveway. Then she spots the officer dead between some plants. She takes her two bags and runs out of her room. She sees Gary down in the living room. He looks up at her. She runs into the next room. He comes after her. She's not in there.]
[He spots the attic's door in the ceiling.]
MATHESON: You know, this is all your fault, don't you?
[He takes the handle in his hand.]
MATHESON: Carla would probably still be alive if it wasn't for you. Probably.
[He draws the door open and the ladder down.]
MATHESON: You think I wanted to hurt her? I didn't. I loved her.
[He steps up the ladder. Kim beats him on the head. He falls down the ladder onto the floor. Suddenly the attic's floor caves in and Kim falls down on the unconscious Matheson. She crawls away into a corner. Then she takes his gun. She takes her phone out and dials.]

05:56:14, 05:56:15, 05:56:16, 05:56:17

[CTU. A phone rings.]
KIM: This is Kim Bauer. I need to speak to my father.
MICHELLE: Kim, your Dad's not here right now.
KIM: Please, find him. It's an emergency.
MICHELLE: All right. Hold on.

[Jack's phone rings.]
JACK: Yeah, Tony?
MICHELLE: No, Jack, it's Michelle. Your daughter's on the other line.
JACK: OK, fine. Put her through.
MICHELLE: OK, Kim, go ahead.
KIM: (desperately) Dad.
JACK: Sweetheart, what's wrong?
KIM: I'm at the Mathesons' house. Gary was here. He has a gun. He killed the officer that brought me here.
JACK: Where is he now?
KIM: He's passed out. I - I knocked him out.
JACK: OK, get out of the house.
KIM: What if I killed him?
JACK: It doesn't matter, sweetheart. Just get out of the house now.
[She gets up. Matheson moves his hand. He wakes up.]
KIM: (crying) Oh God! No!
[She falls back into the corner.]
JACK: Kim, what's going on?
KIM: He's moving!
JACK: Grab his gun.
KIM: I've got it.
[Matheson starts getting up.]
JACK: Shoot him.
KIM: What?
JACK: Shoot him.
KIM: I can't.
JACK: Kim, I want you to point the gun at his chest and pull the trigger now.
KIM: No, I can't.
[She takes the gun up aiming at Matheson.]
JACK: Kim, shoot him now.
[Matheson looks at her, unbelievingly.]
MATHESON: Kim, you little bitch.
[She cries out and shoots him. He falls down on his back.]
JACK: Kim! Kim! Kim, can you hear me?
[Kim drops the gun and gets up the phone.]
KIM: Dad!
JACK: Did you do it?
KIM: (crying) Yeah.
JACK: Again. I want you to shoot him again.
[Kim stares at Matheson. He is moving.]
JACK: Shoot him again now, Kim.
[She gets up.]
JACK: Shoot him again now.
[She drops the phone and aims at Matheson. She cries out and shoots him again. Then she breaks down again.]

[Matheson lays on the floor, eyes wide open. Palmer sits in his room. Prescott walks around. Carrie is disturbed. Kim takes the phone.]
KIM: Dad.
JACK: Is he dead?
KIM: Yeah.
JACK: OK, sweetheart, listen to me. I'm gonna send someone to pick you up now. I want you to go downstairs and wait for them. Can you do that?
KIM: Yeah.
JACK: OK, baby, hurry.
[He dials a number. Hewitt gets up. Sherry holds him back.]
SHERRY: Where are you going?
HEWITT: This is taking too long. I don't trust you any more.
SHERRY: Don't be ridiculous. Everyone is looking to hunt you down. Kingsley, the government. We are the only ones who can help you. Without us you don't stand a chance.

[Kate Warner is taking a bath. Her phone rings.]
KATE: Hello?
JACK: Kate, it's Jack Bauer.
KATE: Is everything all right?
JACK: No, it's not. I need your help. My daughter has been involved in a self-defense shooting, I think she's in shock. I need you to take the police officer that I left behind with you, and go and pick her up and take her over to CTU.
KATE: Sorry, Jack, I sent the officer home.
JACK: Son of a bitch. I don't - I don't know what else to do.
KATE: I could do it. Go pick up Kim.
JACK: Can you?
KATE: Yeah.
JACK: OK, then, please call the police and tell them to meet you at 12, Blue tree Drive. OK, it's in your neighborhood, do you know where it is?
KATE: Yeah.
JACK: OK, I'll call CTU now.
KATE: OK, I'll leave right away.
JACK: Please, Kate, hurry.
[He dials again. Hewitt still tries to come by Sherry.]
HEWITT: Get out of my way.
JACK: Alex, get back to work! Sherry, stay away from him!
[Someone answers the phone.]
JACK: This is Jack Bauer, I need to speak to Tony Almeida and Michelle Dessler immediately.
CTU: Is it an emergency?
JACK: Yes, it's an emergency.
[Hewitt tries to leave his place again. She blocks his way.]
SHERRY: Alex, you -
[He stabs her.]
SHERRY: Ah! Ah, ah!
[Jack drops the phone and takes up his gun.]
JACK: Alex!
[Hewitt runs away and leaves through a hole in the wall.]
SHERRY: Help me.
[Jack looks at her. She's not badly injured. He runs after Hewitt.]
JACK: Alex!
[He climbs through the hole.]

05:59:57, 05:59:58, 05:59:59, 06:00:00

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