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24 heures chrono
#302 : 14h00 – 15h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 3 guide des épisodes

Une menace est lancée contre Los Angeles. Si Ramon Salazar n’est pas libéré, des terroristes propageront un virus mortel dans la ville. Ce virus agit très vite et aucun antidote ne serait possible selon le Dr Macer. La présidence refuse toutefois de céder aux menaces, Wayne est donc obliger d’alerter la CAT.
Kim met au courant son père de sa relation avec Chase. Celui-ci se fait de plus en plus de soucis car il sait que « son beau père » est accro à la drogue.
Le principal suspect dans cette histoire de virus serait Hector, le frère de Ramon Salazar.


4.2 - 5 votes

Titre VO
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Titre VF
14h00 – 15h00

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


 24 Season 3 Episode 2 Promo

24 Season 3 Episode 2 Promo


Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Joel Surnow & Michael Loceff
Réalisé par : Ian Toynton & Jon Cassar


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• James Badge Dale : Chase Edmunds
• Dennis Haysbert : David Palmer

• Christina Chang : Sunny Macer
• Wendy Crewson : Anne Packard
• Joaquim de Almeida : Ramon Salazar
• Vanessa Ferlito : Claudia Hernandez
• Vincent Laresca : Hector Salazar
• Riley Smith : Kyle Singer
• Andrea Thompson : Nicole Duncan
• DB Woodside : Wayne Palmer
• Jesse Borrego : Gael Ortega
• Agnes Bruckner : Linda
• Lucinda Jenney : Helen Singer
• Ted Marcoux : Sam Singer
• Carlos Gomez : Luis Annicon
• Zachary Quinto : Adam Kaufman
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• David Labiosa : David Gomez
• Ty Upshaw : Jeff Benson
• Keith MacKechnie : Virologist

Dans son bureau, Jack Bauer ramasse la seringue qu’il avait jeté et la met dans la poubelle, cependant, après hésitation, il conserve la dose. Dans la salle de réunion de la C.A.T., a lieu une conférence vidéo avec Wayne Palmer, conseiller du Président Palmer.

Tony Almeida l’informe sur la situation : la menace terroriste semble émaner des proches de Ramon Salazar : certainement de son frère, Hector. L’ultimatum est simple : si Ramon n’est pas libéré, le virus sera relâché. Sur un autre écran, Sunny Macer, directrice technique du Service National de Santé (N.H.S.) informe Wayne que le corps qui a été déposé une heure plus tôt devant leurs locaux a été infecté par un virus qui tue après 24 heures d’exposition et qu’il n’y a aucun vaccin connu, elle insiste tout particulièrement sur sa rapidité après l’apparition des premiers symptômes.

Michelle intervient pour annoncer que la Cellule va envoyer au Président les premières estimations de pertes. Tony demande alors au conseiller ce que le Président Palmer compte faire et Wayne lui répond que la politique étasunienne est de ne pas céder aux terroristes, donc il ne faut pas compter sur la libération de Ramon Salazar. Avant de terminer la conférence, Tony demande à Wayne

Palmer que tous les moyens soient mis en œuvre pour aider la C.A.T. dans son travail. Alors que Kim utilise la ligne interne pour demander à son père de s’entretenir d’une affaire privée, Chase Edmunds entre dans le bureau de Jack Bauer : il vient lui parler de ses problèmes de drogue et pense que ce n’est pas le bon jour, ce à quoi Jack lui répond qu’il a arrête et qu’il ne veut pas que cela apparaisse sur son dossier.

Une fois la conversation terminée, Chloé s’entretient avec Chase sur la recherche du Virus. Kim rejoint alors Chase qui lui demande pourquoi elle tient absolument a parler de leur relation à Jack aujourd’hui. Pour Chase, Jack n’acceptera pas que sa fille sorte avec un agent fédéral de terrain.

Leur conversation se termine en parlant du boulot. Kim rejoint son père et cherche à savoir s’il va bien avec tout ce qui se passe et demande à lui parler. Elle lui révèle son aventure avec Chase, et espère que ça n’entachera pas les relations de travail entre lui et Chase. Jack est surpris voire déstabilisé. Kim ressort du bureau en se tournant vers Chase : « Je lui en ai parlé! ».

À son poste, Michelle reçoit un coup de téléphone de Sunny Macer, cette dernière lui révèle qu’elle a trouvé des particules de virus sans métabolisme, comme s’il était transporté sous forme de poudre : de la drogue? Kyle Singer est au bord d’une piscine avec un de ses amis : ce dernier refuse de l’aider à transporter de la cocaïne. Soudain le téléphone de Kyle sonne : c’est Zack qui s’assure que le jeune homme sait ce qu’il doit faire.

14h17. Michelle informe Jack qu’ils ont l’adresse de Goss (le corps contaminé), Bauer décide de s’y rendre avec Chase, la Police de Los Angeles devra les attendre avant d’intervenir. Tony demande à Michelle d’équiper Jack & Chase de transmetteurs afin de les suivre en temps réel.

En se rendant à la voiture, Chase aborde comme sujet sa relation avec Kim, mais Jack se montre froid. Au Campus USC, Wayne informe son frère sur la situation. David décide de donner carte blanche à la C.A.T., de plus, il pense que l’on devrait annuler le débat, mais Wayne pense que ce n’est pas une bonne idée, tout est sous contrôle. Soudain le candidat républicain, le sénateur Keeler, arrive, David l’accueille et pendant que les deux hommes s’échangent des banalités devant la presse, Wayne parle avec un homme.

Cela interpelle David qui demande des explications à son frère : ce dernier lui annonce qu’ils ont peut être une opportunité. Dans la voiture, Chase relance Jack. En réponse, Bauer explique que s’il a mis sa fille à la C.A.T., c’est pour l’avoir à l’œil et non pour qu’elle sorte avec un agent. Jack fait partager son expérience passée à Chase : « on ne peut pas exercer ce Job et avoir une vie privée à coté, spécialement avec ma fille! », quand son portable sonne : c’est Luis. L’homme s’inquiète d’un verrouillage de la Division concernant Salazar, il exige des explications et Jack lui dit que Ramon pourrait sortir sous la pression de son frère mais qu’il ne peut pas en dire plus.

À la prison, Luis fait sortir Salazar de sa cellule pour l’interroger sur les projets de son frère : la discussion est tendu et les deux hommes se menacent mutuellement.

Il est 14h30 quand Wayne prend des nouvelles auprès de Tony qui annonce que jack suit une piste. Après avoir raccroché, Wayne fait de nouveau un rapport à son frère et évite de répondre aux interrogations de David concernant l’opportunité, cependant face à l’insistance, Wayne révèle qu’il peut se procurer une copie de l’agenda du sénateur Keeler.

Palmer est surpris et refuse de s‘abaisser à ça, Wayne essaye de se défendre mais il y renonce bien vite. À la C.A.T., Kim s’entretient avec Michelle afin qu’elle partage son expérience de relation privée au travail.Au Mexique, Hector Salazar parle au téléphone avec un homme.

Quand il raccroche, il surprend Claudia, sa fiancée, qui se dispute avec son père, Hector la gifle, gifle qui lui est automatiquement rendue.Jack avertit Tony qu’ils n’utiliseront pas les transmetteurs et Tony exige d’être tenu au courant des infos qu’ils obtiendront le plus régulièrement possible. Arrivés à l’adresse indiquée, Jack & Chase retrouvent un agent de la Police qui les informe sur le bâtiments, alors remplit de junkies.

À 14h43, les deux hommes sont à l’intérieur du bâtiment, Jack surprend une femme en train de se piquer et marque un temps d’arrêt. Un homme leur demande ce qu’ils foutent là et Jack répond qu’il veut juste des infos et neutralise l’individu. Quelques mètres plus loin, ils trouvent un homme qui leur tire dessus, s’enclenche alors une poursuite dans les dédales de l’immeuble et Bauer arrive à arraisonner le fuyard.

Il l’interroge sur Goss et son fournisseur en héroïne : un certain Gretcha. Le junky les informe qu’ils ont embauché un homme pour livrer la coke : Kyle Singer. Justement Kyle est chez lui avec sa petite amie, alors que le propriétaire de sa mère vient demander le retard de loyer, Kyle décide de le payer. La mère s’interroge sur la provenance de tant d’argent. À la C.A.T., Tony tient au courant toute l’équipe au sujet de Kyle Singer et leur demande de se concentrer sur lui.

14h53. Après avoir découvert la drogue, la petite amie de Kyle lui montre sa désapprobation. Le jeune homme promet que ce sera la dernière fois mais la fille préfère partir, sous les yeux de la mère de Kyle qui se pose de plus en plus de question sur les activités de son fils.Au Campus, David rejoint son amie et médecin Anne Packard.

Il lui explique la situation et lui demande de prendre contact avec Sunny Macer, à cette nouvelle, Anne lui demande s’il ne vaudrait pas mieux qu’il quitte Los Angeles : Palmer s’y refuse, il tient a participer au débat et que tout le monde se tient prêt à l’évacuation en cas de besoin. Le chef de la sécurité de Palmer intervient : Wayne veut lui parler.

De son coté, Jack demande à Chase d’emmener le témoin à la C.A.T. pour interrogatoire, ce qui provoque chez le jeune agent le sentiment d’être évincé, ce à quoi Jack répond : « Ma fille t’aime, tu l’aimes? Dans ce cas je dois éviter de te mettre en danger. » De retour au Campus, David Palmer rejoint son frère qui lui tend un dossier : la copie de l’agenda de Keeler.

La première réaction de David est la colère, mais Wayne insiste. En effet, il a découvert que Keeler détient une information concernant Anne qui pourrait mettre Palmer dans de beaux draps.On aperçoit un écran d’ordinateur montrant une animation et un chiffre : 9% de la population.Hector rappelle l’homme avec lequel il s’entretenait un peu plus tôt. Après avoir raccroché, l’homme regarde des écrans montrant… les bureaux de la C.A.T..

Il sort de la pièce, traverse une grande salle, quand Kim l’interpelle : « Gaël?! » : il y a une taupe à la CAT.

JACK BAUER Voice over: The following takes place between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.



(We see a picture of KIM on JACK'S desk. He is working at his computer. Distracted he keeps looking up. He gets up, and crawls along the floor to a bin placed against the wall. He cleans up the remains from the smashed up syringes. He finds one vial of heroin and places it back in his medical kit.)


(A number of people are sat around a table, including TONY ALMEIDA and MICHELLE DESSLER. White House Chief of Staff, WAYNE PALMER is on a live feed.)

WAYNE PALMER: The President's not gonna make any descisions untill he knows what we're dealing with, so give me all the parameters Tony.
WAYNE PALMER: Well basically what we have here is a terrorist demand. Someone close to Ramon Salazar, we're guessing his brother Hector is demanding his release. If we don't comply, he's threatening to initiate the outbreak of a very deadly, fast acting virus.
WAYNE PALMER: How do we know if these people really are in possesion of it?
TONY: Wayne, I've got Doctor Sunny Macer on the line. She is technical director of National Health Services, We'll let her adress that.
(DR MACER appears on the live feed.)
DR MACER: Mr Palmer, about an hour ago, a body was anonymously delivered to our office. It was infected with a type three pneumonic virus, deliberately introduced to it's system. This virus kills within 24 hours of exposure, and there's no known antidote or vaccine. What's particularily disturbing is how fast it spreads. Take a look.
(The head of a white, blond male appears on the live feed.)
DR MACER: As you can see, it's latened for several hours, but once the symptoms present it consumes the host pretty rapidly.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Our office will be sending you preliminary projections of casualties, in case something like this should be unleased.
TONY: And Wayne, I gotta tell you, it's pretty bleak.
WAYNE PALMER: I don't understand this. I mean I thought we knew what biological threats were out there. How do we find ourselves up against the wall so suddenly with something that isn't even on our radar.
DR MACER: This is a strain we've never seen. The autopsy is confirming that someone has engineered this virus to kill ten times faster than its ordinary genotypes.
DR MACER: Sir, I can't underscore enough how potentially devastating it could be if this virus were released by terrorists.
TONY ALMEIDA: Given this information, what options will the President be looking at?
WAYNE PALMER: It's the unwavering policy of the United States to stand firm against any terrorist advance. Now I know the President, Tony. He will not free Salazar. No matter what the threat.
TONY ALMEIDA: Alright, then we can't waste any time on standard protocol today. We've been given five hours to comply. If we're gonna find these people and stop this threat, than CTU has to have every possible resource at it's disposal.
WAYNE PALMER: You'll have it.
TONY ALMEIDA: Alright, now if we have nothing left to discuss I'd like to get my team back to work.
WAYNE PALMER: Understood.


Kim is sitting at her desk. She pick up the phone and dials a number..
KIM BAUER: Dad, it's me.
KIM BAUER: Adam and I just found something on Goss. We're working it up now, we should have an adress for you pretty soon.
(Screen splits into two, JACK BAUER at the top, KIM BAUER at the bottom.)
KIM BAUER: And, uh, dad, remember I want to talk to you.
JACK BAUER: Why, is something wrong?
KIM BAUER: No, I was just wondering if I could come up for a few minutes. It's something personal.
(CHASE EDMUNDS is at the door. JACK motions for him to come in.)
JACK BAUER: Honey, right now is not a good time. As soon as I've got a moment I'll come down, Ok?
KIM BAUER: Yeah, thanks.
(KIM BAUER hangs up.)
JACK BAUER: We're getting close to Goss.
CHASE EDMUNDS: You didn't shoot up did you?
CHASE EDMUNDS: You think you can hide it from me?
JACK BAUER: I'm not trying to hide it from you, I'm trying to quit
CHASE EDMUNDS: Ok, people don't just quit Jack!
JACK BAUER: I've been tapering off. Ok, now it's time to stop.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Doesn't look like it's time. Today's not a good day for you to be needing a fix.
JACK BAUER: Why don't you go work with Chloe and see if you can pin down a location on Hector Salazar?
CHASE EDMUNDS: Whats wrong with the methadone programme? Ok, it takes a little time, but it works.
JACK BAUER: I am not going on record with this addiction, do you understand me? As of now you are the only person that knows about it and it's gonna stay that way.
CHASE EDMUNDS: This is nothing to be ashamed of, you did this in the line of duty. Doing junk was the only way you could get close to Salazar, nobody's gonna knock you for that.
JACK BAUER: I know what I did Chase. This conversation is over, just get back to work.
(JACK BAUER leaves his office. CHASE EDMUNDS follows.)


(CHASE EDMUNDS walks past.)
CHLOE O'BRIAN: I was just looking at playback at the House Services briefing.
CHASE EDMUNDS: What about it?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: The governement's not gonna let this happen, are they? I mean, Salazar's just one person, no matter how bad he is.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Forget about all that Chloe. We need to operate under our orders and that is to find the the carrier of this virus.
CHLOE O'BRIAN (disgusted): Find the carrier? In the next four hours? Come on Chase, that's not likely is it?
CHASE EDMUNDS: Not if we sit here and debate it. Weren't you supposed to find a modified list of Goss' associates?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Kim's bringing it up now.
CHASE EDMUNDS (looks over to JACK BAUER): Great. You can go over the autopsy report. See if there's anything we overlooked.
(CHASE walks away.)


(KIM BAUER walks up to the desk.)
KIM BAUER: Here are the files on Goss.
(She hands him the files. He takes them and leafs throught them.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: I heard you talking to your dad when I was in his office. Why do you want to tell him today?
KIM BAUER: 'Cos it's not a big deal.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Well it is a big deal. Not only do I work for him but I'm also a field agent. It's the last thing he wants for he daughter.
KIM BAUER: How do you know that?
CHASE EDMUNDS: I know, ok? I mean, he talks about things. (pause) About how he's never there for you, or your mum. Ok, he doesn't believe a field agent can have a relasionship outside work.
KIM BAUER: Well did you ever stop to think that maybe it would make him happy? That his daughter's found someone she loves?
CHASE EDMUNDS: Look, I love you too. Ok, I just don't think today's a good day.
CHLOE O'BRIAN (calling from down the hall.): Chase, I need you to copy me on that list.
CHASE EDMUNDS (to KIM BAUER): Ok, whats the calling key off that?
KIM BAUER: Um, that’s Family and that’s Legal
(KIM BAUER walks away.)


(KIM BAUER walks up to JACK BAUER'S office and knocks. She then stands at the door.)
KIM BAUER: Hey dad.
JACK BAUER: Hey sweetheart.
KIM BAUER: You alright?
JACK BAUER: Yeah, why, whats going on?
KIM BAUER: Chase said you were really stressed out.
JACK BAUER (nervous): Stressed? What do you mean stressed?
KIM BAUER: Salazar, the terrorist threat…
JACK BAUER (relieved): Yeah… Yeah, but I think we're gonna get it under control, we just got a lot of work to do.
KIM BAUER: Listen, can I talk to you now?
JACK BAUER: Yeah, sure, come on in. Have a seat.
(KIM BAUER walks into the office. He closes the door behind her)
KIM BAUER: After all we've been through, I find it very difficult to keep things from you.
JACK BAUER: Ok, whats up?
KIM BAUER: Chase and I have been going out for a while. It's starting to get serious.
(JACK BAUER looks across to CHASE EDMUNDS' desk.)
KIM BAUER: I mean, I think he wanted to be the one to tell you, but, uh, he was worried that it would cause a problem between you two.
JACK BAUER: I see. How long have the two of you been seeing each other?
KIM BAUER: Three months. I really care for him dad. (pause) So what do you think?
JACK BAUER: I don't know what I think. I'm really surprised. I'm sorry if I'm a little distracted with everything that’s going on today but…
KIM BAUER: I know. Forget it. I just had to let you know.
JACK BAUER: I'm glad you told me though.
JACK BAUER: I love you.
KIM BAUER: Me too.
(KIM BAUER leaves the office.)


(CHASE EDMUNDS is stood up next to his desk. KIM BAUER walks up to him.)
KIM BAUER: I told him.
CHASE EDMUNDS: What'd he say?
KIM BAUER: Nothing.
(KIM BAUER walks away. CHASE EDMUNDS looks over to JACK BAUER'S office.)


(The phone rings. MICHELLE DESSLER picks up.)
DR MACER: Michelle, it's Sunny. I think I've found something that may be heplful to you guys.
MICHELLE: What's that?
DR MACER: We found something odd in Goss' system. We found an unmetabolised virus particle. I'll skip the techno-babble. Bottom line, it looks like the virus was delivered in a crystalline form. It may be what you're looking for, a white powder.
MICHELLE DESSLER: So… it would look like a bag of cocaine or heroin?
DR MACER: Yeah, that may even be the strategy. Someone thinks they're selling a bag of coke when actually they're handling a virus.


(KYLE SINGER'S friend, TIM, climbs out of the pool.)
TIM: Look Kyle, I'm not gonna do it, ok? I don't care how much you pay me, it's dealing drugs.
KYLE SINGER: You're my best friend, come on, you've got to come through for me.
TIM: You should have talked to me before you went down to Mexico and bought a bag of coke.
KYLE SINGER: I'm not asking you to do anthing but wait in the car alright, I'll make the delivery.
TIM: No, I'm not gonna do it, I'm not gonna go with you.
(KYLE SINGER'S mobile phone rings. He picks up.)
ZACH: Kyle, it's Zach.
KYLE SINGER: Zach, hey. What's up? Hold on a second man.
(Two GIRLS who were in the pool climb out and question TIM.)
GIRL1: Who's Zach?
TIM: No one.
GIRL2: Yeah, what's with you guys today, everything's a secret.
TIM: He's got family stuff to deal with.
(We see KYLE SINGER climbing up stairs, heading inside.)
KYLE SINGER: What's going on man?
(Screen splits into two, ZACH on the left, KYLE SINGER in the right.)
ZACH: You tell me. You got the powder?
KYLE SINGER: Yeah, yeah, of course I do. What time you want me to drop it off?
ZACH: Tonight, come around seven thirty.
KYLE SINGER: Seven thirty, yeah. Can we just go over one more time how this whole thing's gonna go down?
ZACH (raising his voice): Go over what? You drop of the coke, I give you the money. Is that too much to handle?
KYLE SINGER: No! No, no. That's totally cool man.
ZACH: It better be.
(ZACH hangs up)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 02:09:26 to 02:09:28 before fading away.)


(The phone rings. JACK BAUER walks to it and presses the spearker phone button.)
(Screen splits into two,JACK BAUER at the top, MICHELLE DESSLER at the bottom.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: Jack, it's Michelle. We got a last known adress on David Goss, the infected body that was ropped off at Health Services.
JACK BAUER: How recent?
JACK BAUER: Ok, have LAPD send over a perimeter team. Tell them hands off until Chase and I get there.
(They both hang up. JACK BAUER walks to the window of his office and calls out to CHASE EDMUNDS.)
JACK BAUER: Chase, lets go, we're on.
(JACK BAUER walks down the stairs, CHASE EDMUNDS follows.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: You get an address?


MICHELLE DESSLER (to CHLOE O'BRIAN): Make sure they understand, they are not to go in until Jack gets there.
TONY ALMEIDA: Peter just told me you got an address on Goss.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Yeah, bringing it over to Jack now.
TONY ALMEIDA: You sure there's nothing more recent?
MICHELLE DESSLER: We can spend another hour looking but there's no guarantee we'll find anything better.
TONY ALMEIDA: We haven't got an hour to waste so, uh, put transmitters on Jack and Chase. I wanna be analysing all their interactions so we can work it up in real time.
(MICHELLE DESSLER walks over to JACK BAUER and CHASE EDMUNDS who are removing guns from a cabinet.)
JACK BAUER: What you got?
MICHELLE DESSLER: This is everything we have on Goss. Here's the address where he was arrested for dealing.
CHASE EDMUNDS: How recent?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Two months ago. It's all in the file, you can check it on the way.
(KIM BAUER walks up to JACK BAUER.)
KIM BAUER: Medical Kit Health Services had us put together for you. (to CHASE EDMUNDS) Be careful.
JACK BAUER (raising his voice): Lets go Chase.
(JACK BAUER and CHASE EDMUNDS head towards the CTU exit.)


CHASE EDMUNDS: We'll have to wait until we get there to see what the setup is. LAPD is locking it down for us. I know Kim told you about us, and I was gonna tell you myself , I just couldn't find the right time. Thought you should know. It's getting serious.
JACK BAUER (nodding): That's what she said.
(JACK BAUER climbs into the driver's seat of a black SUV, CHASE EDMUNDS climbs into the passenger seat.)


DAVID PALMER: What did CTU have to say?
WAYNE PALMER: It could be a very dangerous situation. They sent me a breakdown of what could happen if this virus is released, and it's not good.
DAVID PALMER: Give CTU carp-launch . Whatever they need, make sure they get it. We should cancel the debate.
DAVID PALMER: It's a mistake to continue prepping for tonight while there's an iminent biological threat against this country.
WAYNE PALMER: First of all, we don't know that it's happening David, and you know just aswell as I do that we get threats every day…
DAVID PALMER: Not this one. They said the body was infected with a weaponised virus.
WAYNE PALMER: Ok, lets say you're right. What do you really think you could do if you put your full attention on it? CTU and the Pentagon are handling this.
DAVID PALMER: I just want to make sure that you're not advising me out of fear that my image will suffer if we cancel it.
WAYNE PALMER: It will suffer, but I still think the best thing to do is to proceed as planned and respond when we have more information. Keeler's here.
(We turn to see JOHN KEELER walking towards DAVID PALMER, surrounded by the media.)
WAYNE PALMER (turning to walk away): Come on, lets go this way.
DAVID PALMER: I want a word.
(DAVID PALMER walks to meet JOHN KEELER. They shake hands.)
JOHN KEELER: Mr President? You haven't come all the way down here just to welcome me.
DAVID PALMER: No, it's no trouble.
(Meanwhile, WAYNE PALMER walks off, following one of JOHN KEELER'S staff.)
JOHN KEELER: I spoke with your old friend Jacod Weissly yesterday about a fundraiser.
DAVID PALMER: You stopped in South Dakoda?
JOHN KEELER: Just for dinner.
DAVID PALMER: How's he feeling?
JOHN KEELER: Better, much better, even playing a few rounds of golf.
DAVID PALMER (laughing):That's him. Well I don't want to have to keep you John, I know you've got a lot of last minute cramming to do to survive this debate.
JOHN KEELER: I won't argue with you there, Mr President. Your resources have the compliments of the tax-payers. I actually have to assemble the shoe-leather myself.
(We see WAYNE PALMER talking with one of JOHN KEELER'S staff.)
JOHN KEELER: I'll see you inside.
DAVID PALMER: Certainly will.
(DAVID PALMER and JOHN KEELER shake hands and walk away. DAVID PALMER calls WAYNE PALMER.)
DAVID PALMER: Wayne? We're ready.
(WAYNE PALMER walks toward DAVID PALMER. They walk while they talk)
DAVID PALMER: What were you talking to him about?
WAYNE PALMER: I think we may have an opportunity.
DAVID PALMER: What kind of opportunity?
WAYNE PALMER: Not now, after.


(JACK BAUER and CHASE EDMUNDS are driving in the black SUV.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: I'm sorry if you think I'm not good enough for your daughter, ok? But I can't help the way I feel.
JACK BAUER: Chase, why do you think I put Kim in CTU? Behind a desk, working on a computer? So I just can keep an eye on her, make sure she's safe. (raises voice) Not so she can start dating some Field Agent!
CHASE EDMUNDS: You're talking about her like she's twelve years old, she's a grown woman.
JACK BAUER: Damn it Chase, you've seen what this job can do to you. You've seen what it's done to me, it's ruined every relashionship I've ever had.
CHASE EDMUNDS: That's you Jack
JACK BAUER (angry): No! No! It's the job.
CHASE EDMUNDS: I don't think so.
JACK BAUER: You don't think so? What the hell do you know? My wife died because of this job, and I almost lost Kim too, I'm not gonna let that happen again. I will do everything I have to to protect her do you understand me? Everything. (sighs) Damn it Chase, you cannot have a normal life and do this job at the same time.
CHASE EDMUNDS: You saying I shouldn't have a relashionshp with anyone?
JACK BAUER: That's exactly what I'm saying. (pause) Especially with my daughter.
(JACK BAUER'S mobile phone rings. He picks up.)
ANNICON: Jack it's Lewis.
JACK BAUER: What's up?
ANNICON: You tell me. Tried to move Salazar back to solitary but there was a lock on it from Division. What's that all about?
JACK BAUER: I can't tell you right now.
ANNICON: Jack, the bastard murdered his attorney right in front of us. What the hell is Division doing protecting him?
JACK BAUER: They're not protecting him.
ANNICON: Then what?
JACK BAUER: I can't get into it right now.
ANNICON: Can't go into it? You're not the only one who gave up a chunk of his life to put this guy away. I need to be in the loop Jack.
JACK BAUER:This information doesn't go anywhere after you hang up the phone.
JACK BAUER: Salazar might walk.
ANNICON: Walk? What you talking about?
JACK BAUER: Look, I don't think it's gonna get to that, but someone on the outside's got a lot of leverage.
JACK BAUER: I think it's his brother Hector.
ANNICON: I don't believe this.
JACK BAUER: Just hang tight, I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
(JACK BAUER hangs up and looks over at CHASE EDMUNDS.)
JACK BAUER: You better start thinking about what we're gonna do when we get there. We'll talk about this later.


ANNICON (motioning to a cell door to the guards): Open the door.
(ANNICON, followed by two guards, walks down a long hallway lined with cells and stops at RAMON SALAZAR'S. The cell door opens. Ramon gets out and shouts something in spanish at ANNICON. A guard pushes him up against a cell wall.)
ANNICON: No I haven't found your new lawyer. I've got an excecution date.
RAMON SALAZAR (mockingly): Someone's not happy…
ANNICON: What do you know Ramon?
RAMON SALAZAR: What about?
(ANNICON nods to a guard, who slams his truncheon into RAMON SALAZAR'S stomach, who bends over in pain, winded.)
ANNICON: Talk to me.
RAMON SALAZAR: Talk to you about what?
ANNICON: What is your slimeball brother trying to do?
RAMON SALAZAR: Hector? Have you heard from him? His birthday's coming up next week. I don't even know what to get him.
ANNICON: You keep talking trash. You're not going anywhere.
RAMON SALAZAR: Maybe not, but let me assure you of one thing. If something does happens, and I am unexpectedly allowed to go free, I have no doubt that you'll come looking for me. Specially after the death of your wife, Elise, and you two boys. What are their names? Thomas and Christian?
(ANNICON lunges at RAMON SALAZAR and strangles him.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 02:20:26 to 02:20:28 before fading away.)


(WAYNE PALMER is on the phone with TONY ALMEIDA.)
WAYNE PALMER: You're expecting no follow up phone call from the terrorist?
WAYNE PALMER: So basically there's nothing we need to report to the President.
TONY ALMEIDA: No, not till I hear from Bauer. He's following up on the Goss lead right now.
WAYNE PALMER: Alright Tony, thanks.
(WAYNE PALMER hangs up. DAVID PALMER walks up to him.)
WAYNE PALMER: Well that went well.
DAVID PALMER: Yes, it did. So what's the latest?
WAYNE PALMER: Nothing new, CTU's working up leads, trying to work out who dropped the dead body.
DAVID PALMER: Still don't know who's behind this threat?
WAYNE PALMER: No. They're still speculating that it's Salazar's brother, Hector. What they don't know is if it's a bluff staged to release Salazar.
DAVID PALMER: How can it be a bluff? The virus has been confirmed.
WAYNE PALMER: Yes, but dropping off a dead body's one thing, aiming to infect an entire city, that's something different.
DAVID PALMER: Alright. I guess we'll know soon enough.
(WAYNE PALMER walks off. DAVID PALMER calls him back.)
DAVID PALMER: Hey wait. You spoke earlier about an opportunity…
WAYNE PALMER: Yeah... Yeah, I'm not really sure that's something we need to discuss right now.
DAVID PALMER: Which means whatever it is fell through, or you know I'm not going to like it so you're proceeding without me.
WAYNE PALMER: No, that's not it. I just think that because of this threat, I don't want to divert your attention.
DAVID PALMER (grinning): I can walk and chew gum at the same time. What is it?
WAYNE PALMER: Keeler's playbook… what if I can get us a copy?
DAVID PALMER: What exactly do you mean by "playbook"?
WAYNE PALMER: His entire prep for tonights debate. How he's gonna answer the questions, what issues he's gonna try and trip you up on… Everything.
DAVID PALMER: And how would we get it?
WAYNE PALMER: You don't need to know the details.
(The both look over to see KEELER walking down some stairs.)
DAVID PALMER: I'm surprised.
WAYNE PALMER: About what?
DAVID PALMER: The question. You know there's no way on Earth that I would ever agree to this.
WAYNE PALMER: David, I'm not… I am not talking about pulling a Sherry and stealing it. Now it may just drop in our laps and if it does, why shouldn't we look at it?
DAVID PALMER: Wayne, you are not in the private sector anymore. You have to get used to how my administration works.
WAYNE PALMER: And I'm just trying to give your administration four more years. (they look at each other for a while.)
WAYNE PALMER: Ok, if that's how you want it.
DAVID PALMER: That's how I want it.


(MICHELLE DESSLER is washing her hands. KIM BAUER walks in.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: Hey Kim, you all caught up?
KIM BAUER: Pretty much, I just have to refresh the data on my dad's panel.
KIM BAUER: Can I ask you a question about you and Tony?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Me and Tony what?
KIM BAUER: I don't know, I was jst wondering, is it a problem working with your husband in the same office?
MICHELLE DESSLER: No, no, it's not a problem. Why do you ask?
KIM BAUER: It's not a big deal.
MICHELLE DESSLER: No, we have a minute.
KIM BAUER: Well, I, uh, I've been dating Chase and I don't think my dad's too happy about it.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Oh, I see.Well, um, look I'm sure your dad's just trying to protect you but, ultimately, it's just between you and Chase.
KIM BAUER: Yeah, I know.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Right. Lemme know when you've finished those panels ok?
(MICHELLE DESSLER walks out. KIM BAUER arranges her hair in the mirror.)


TONY ALMEIDA: Hey, Analasis just called. They determined that if Hector Salazar's orchestrating this bio-threat then he's probably operating on Northern Mexico, so we're gonna need a list of his properties down there.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Chloe's working on that. She's going through the brief files that Jack turned in after the bust.
TONY ALMEIDA: Alright, I'll talk to her. Also, uh, fire up all our contacts down there just in case Hector was stupid enough to show his face in the last couple of days, alright?


(HECTOR SALAZAR is talking on a mobile phone.)
GAEL: Yeah.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Is it still in place?
GAEL: Yeah.
HECTOR SALAZAR: And the President's been informed?
GAEL: Yeah, and he's not cancelling the debate.
HECTOR SALAZAR: He's got some cojones, I'll give him that. Let's see what kind of a tough guy he is when there's a couple of million lives on the line.
(HECTOR SALAZAR hangs up. He looks over and sees CLAUDIA arguing with her father about her involvement with HECTOR SALAZAR'S illeagal activities.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: Claudia? What's going on?
CLAUDIA: Nothing, everything's fine.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Don't tell me nothing. Why you argue with your father?
CLAUDIA: Please Hector, it doesn't matter… He's not happy with how I live my life.
HECTOR SALAZAR: You mean he doesn't like you being with me?
(HECTOR SALAZAR walks over to CLAUDIA'S FATHER and they talk in spanish. CLAUDIA'S FATHER looks nervous and looks at the floor while they talk.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: Don't raise your voice to your father ever again.
(HECTOR SALAZAR slaps CLAUDIA, who slaps him back.)
CLAUDIA'S FATHER: Claudia, no!
CLAUDIA: How I conduct myself with my father is my concern, not yours.
(CLAUDIA starts to walk away. HECTOR SALAZAR hold her back, smiles and kisses her.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: Good, now that's settled.
(HECTOR SALAZAR says something and then walks back inside.)


(CHLOE O'BRIAN is on the phone.)
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Ok, I'll tell him.
(CHLOE O'BRIAN hangs up, and dials another number, TONY ALMEIDA picks up.)
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Tony, it's Chloe, I just got off the phone with Jack, they just arrived.
TONY ALMEIDA: Alright, is there a problem?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Jack's not gonna use the transmitters.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: He says it would take too long to wire them up.
TONY ALMEIDA (sighing): Whatever. Look, your running point from his side, any information he digs up I want it right away, you got it.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Uh, ok, you don't have to yell.
TONY ALMEIDA: No one's yelling, Chloe. Look, we got a body infected with a deadly virus, somehow we have to tie it to Salazar in the next three hours. Right now Jack's location is our only lead, so I need you to keep me up to the minute. Understood?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: I already said ok.
TONY ALMEIDA: Good, then get on it.


(JACK BAUER and CHASE EDMUNDS walk up to a plainclothes officer.)
JACK BAUER: Detective Fisher?
DETECTIVE FISHER: Yeah, you Bauer?
JACK BAUER: Yeah. This is my partner Chase Edmunds. What's the activity?
DETECTIVE FISHER: No one's gone in or out since we got here.
CHASE EDMUNDS: How's the inside layout?
DETECTIVE FISHER: Probably thirty people total, spread out on all floors. The property owned by the case is the corner one there, on the third floor.
CHASE EDMUNDS: You didn't go in there right?
DETECTIVE FISHER: Our orders were to stand down 'till you got here.
DETECTIVE FISHER: How much backup you want?
JACK BAUER: None, right now I just want your men to cover the exits.
DETECTIVE FISHER: None? There's thirty scumbags in there.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Yeah, we don't want to set off any alarms. Two of us can snake in without a fight.
DETECTIVE FISHER: You sureabout that?
JACK BAUER (handing DETECTIVE FISHER a radio): Keep this open on Channel One, we'll let you know when we want you to come in. (to CHASE EDMUNDS) You ready? Let's go.
CHASE EDMUNDS: You got it.

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 02:27:33 to 02:27:35 before fading away.)


(JACK BAUER and CHASE EDMUNDS walk down the hallway of a building, passing rooms filled with people taking drugs.)

MAN: This area's not open to the cops.
JACK BAUER: Just take it easy sport. We're not here to take anyone down, we just want a little information.
(The MAN reaches out to JACK BAUER, CHASE EDMUNDS punches him in the stomach and pins him against the wall. CHASE EDMUNDS holds him there while JACK BAUER walks down the hallway, checking the doors. The MAN shouts out something when JACK BAUER approaches a door. JACK BAUER calls for CHASE EDMUNDS to come. CHASE EDMUNDS drops the MAN, and runs to JACK BAUER, who kicks down the door. Both agents holding up guns. ZACH and another MAN are on the other side of the door, hidden behind a couch. ZACH shoots at JACK BAUER and CHASE EDMUNDS with a shotgun.)
JACK BAUER: Get back!
(JACK BAUER and CHASE EDMUNDS retreat back into the hallway. Then CHASE EDMUNDS runs into a room and hides behind a tipped table. JACK BAUER provides covering fire. CHASE EDMUNDS manages to take out ZACH'S ACCOMPLICE. Whilst JACK BAUER and CHASE EDMUNDS are reloading, ZACH runs out into the hallway.)
JACK BAUER: Chase, we got a runner.
(JACK BAUER cautiously chases after him.)
JACK BAUER (to himself): Son of a bitch!
(JACK BAUER goes down to the floor below. ZACH runs across an intersection and shoots at JACK BAUER, but misses. JACK BAUER runs after him, emptying his magazine. Eventually he manages to hit ZACH, who falls to the ground. ZACH tries to reach for his gun but Jack shoots it as a sign of warning.)
JACK BAUER: Don't even think about it.
ZACH (injured): I'm clean, I've got nothing on me.
JACK BAUER: Shut up, stupid. You just fired at a federal agent. You better start talking to me, or I will let you bleed to death right here on this landing. (calling) Chase? I got him, we're down here.
(CHASE EDMUNDS appears.)
CHASE EDMUNDS (into radio): Hey Fisher, we're good, we got our suspect.
JACK BAUER (to ZACH): Who is David Goss?
ZACH (struggling to speak because of the pain): Goss is a dealer, I score from him sometimes.
JACK BAUER: Yeah well not anymore, he's dead.
ZACH: Ok, he's dead.
(JACK BAUER hold ZACH'S throat.)
JACK BAUER: Don't be a smartass. Who was his supplier? (shouting) Who was his supplier? (to CHASE EDMUNDS) Chase?
(CHASE EDMUNDS leans into ZACH'S thigh.)
ZACH (screaming in pain): Ahh! No! Ow! A guy named Carlos Corretja! Ah! No! He works at a Tijuana.
JACK BAUER (to CHASE EDMUNDS): Corretja is one of Salazar's mid-level distributors. (to ZACH) You doing business with him?
ZACH: I'm supposed to call him tonight. Corretja wanted me to find a mule. Someone clean, without a record.
JACK BAUER: What for?
ZACH: He wanted to move a small bag of coke across the boarder. It didn't make any sense to me.
ZACH: He paid ten grand to bring it up. Coke isn't even worth that much.
JACK BAUER: Where's the bag of coke now?
ZACH: The guy who brought it across still has it.
CHASE EDMUNDS: What's his name?
ZACH: His name is Kyle, Kyle Singer.


(KYLE looks out of the window and see's the landlord talking to his mum.)
LANDLORD: You really aren't giving me any other choice.
(The LANDLORD hand's KYLE'S MUM a pice of paper.)
KYLE'S MUM: What is, what is this?
LANDLORD: It's a final notice. You don't pay the rent by tomorrow morning, eight am, I'm calling city services and they start the eviction process.
KYLE'S MUM: Oh Don, don't do this, no, please. I'm gonna have it in a couple of days.
(KYLE goes into his room and takes some money from a bag. KYLE walks outside to his mum.)
KYLE: How much do you owe him mum?
KYLE'S MUM: Stay out of this.
KYLE: How much?
KYLE'S MUM: Eightenn hundred dollars. And don't you worry about it, because your father is gonna talk to uncle Samford.
(KYLE chases after the LANDLORD. KYLE'S GIRLFRIEND gets up and looks in the bag where he took the money from. She spots the bag of cocaine.)
KYLE: Hey, eighteen hundred right? Here.
(KYLE counts out some money and hands it to the LANDLORD.)
KYLE: Now if you have a problem, you talk to me or my dad, ok? Leave my mum out of it. I expect a receipt in the mailbox.
KYLE'S MUM: Where did you ge that money?
KYLE: It doesn't matter, ok? We needed it, I got it.


TONY ALMEIDA: Alright, can I have eveyrone's attention please? Everyone should be working up the name Kyle Singer, alright? I want point sheets from Department Heads on my desk in the next five minutes. Everything there is to know about Kyle Singer I want it. Where he lives, where he works, and most importantly, where he's likely to be right now. Also, keep an open channel to Field Ops sothat Chloe can forward anything that comes in back to Jack. Alright? Let's go.

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 02:47:18 to 02:47:20 before fading away.)


KYLE'S GIRLFRIEND: So this is how you're gonna help your family? By dealing drugs?
KYLE: I'm not dealing 'em. Just a stupid delivery, alright? And it's quick money, which my folks need right now.
KYLE'S GIRLFRIEND: Well where they gonna get the money to bail you out of jail, Kyle?
KYLE: You're right It's stupid, and I know that, but I did it. I'm in this now. (Barely audible) I'm in the middle of this. I'm gonna make this delivery tonight alright? I promise it's gonna be over, I promise you.
KYLE'S GIRLFRIEND: I'm not waiting 'till tonight, it's over now.
KYLE: What are you talking about?
KYLE'S GIRLFRIEND: I can't be with someone who does stuff like this. I'm sorry Kyle.
(KYLE'S GIRLFRIEND walks out of the room. KYLE calls after her.)
KYLE: No, Linda. Come on, Linda, please.
(KYLE'S GIRLFRIEND leaves. KYLE'S MUM appears at the doorway.)
KYLE'S MUM: Are you going to tell me what's going on?
KYLE: We just had a little disagreement, that's all.
KYLE'S MUM: Where did you get the money to pay Dom?
KYLE: Mum, forget about it please.
KYLE'S MUM: What's your dad gonna say when he finds out? He's not gonna take "forget about it" as an answer.
KYLE: I don't know.
(KYLE walks back into his room.)


(DAVID PALMER walks into a room. ANNE and a MAN are sat at a table.)
DAVID PALMER (to the MAN): Would you excuse us please?
(The MAN gets up and leaves the room.)
DAVID PALMER: Sorry Anne, our schedule's been way off today.
ANNE: No, I, I thought you weren't able to join me for lunch so…
DAVID PALMER: I'm not, I only have a couple of minutes. I'm having your security level upgraded. I'm gonna need your advice today.
ANNE: What's going on?
DAVID PALMER: What do you know about tye three pneumonic viruses?
ANNE: Not a lot, they're fairly new, um, as far as I know, there are several strains, most of them are fast acting and all are deadly.
DAVID PALMER: Someone's threatening to release a virus here in LA.
ANNE: Oh god.
DAVID PALMER: I need you to talk to a Doctor Sunny Macer, at National Health Services.
ANNE: Yeah, I know Sunny, but David, do you think there's a remote possibility that this thing is for real? You need to get out of Los Angeles.
DAVID PALMER: That's not possible. The debate is in little over than two hours.
ANNE: No, don't tell me about the debate, you're talking about and outbreak here in this city. This isn't something the Secret Service can protect you against.
DAVID PALMER: I know, I know, and we are prepared to leave if the situation warns it, but right now, I need you to talk to Doctor Sunny Macer and learn everything you can about this thing.
ANNE: I will.
DAVID PALMER: That's ok, that alright.
(knocks at the door.)
AGENT PIERCE: Your brother would like to speak with you sir.
DAVID PALMER: Well send him in.
AGENT PIERCE: He's downstairs, he requests that you come see him.
DAVID PALMER: Come see him?
AGENT PIERCE: Yes sir, he has something to show you down there.
ANNE: You go ahead, I'm gonna call Sunny.
DAVID PALMER: See you later.


(JACK BAUER is talking into a mobile phone.)
JACK BAUER: No, I'm gonna check that out myself. Chase is bringing the suspect into CTU, I want you to set up a white room for him now.
(JACK BAUER hangs up.)
JACK BAUER (to CHASE EDMUNDS): I need you to take Parker down to CTU.
CHASE EDMUNDS: What about Kyle Singer?
JACK BAUER: I'm gonna take care of Singer, I want you to take care of Parker.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Anyone can take him back to CTU and set him up. Come on, I'm going with you to get Singer.
JACK BAUER: No, you're not.
(JACK BAUER turns and walks away.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Why you trying to get rid of me?
JACK BAUER: I'm not trying to get rid of you, I still think that Parker's got more information, I want you to get it out of him.
CHASE EDMUNDS: This about Kim? Are you punishing me for dating your daughter?
JACK BAUER: You listen to me, if that kid's walking around with a bag of cocaine that's got the virus in it, and he doesn't know it, I need to find it and stop him from putting it into circulation.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Yeah I know, that's why I wanna help you.
JACK BAUER; Well you can't, it's too dangerous.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Too dangerous?
JACK BAUER; You can't have it both ways, Chase. My daighter loves you, you wanna be with her, I've got to stop putting you in harms way.
CHASE EDMUNDS: You're kidding right.
JACK BAUER: Take Parker to CTU, that's an order.
(JACK BAUER gets into a black SUV and drives away.)


(WAYNE PALMER is talking on a mobile phone.)
WAYNE PALMER: Yeah, I'll call you right back.
(WAYNE PALMER hangs up, DAVID PALMER walks up to him.)
DAIVD PALMER: What is it Wayne?
(WAYNE PALMER slides a file across the table to DAVID PALMER.)
WAYNE PALMER: Don't be angry David, but I got copy of Keeler's playbook.
DAVID PALMER: Damn it, I told you to drop that.
WAYNE PALMER: You just listen to me, if you don't wanna use it then don't, but there is something you need to see.
DAVID PALMER: There's nothing I need to see.
(DAVID PALMER turns and walks away.)
WAYNE PALMER: It's about Anne.
(DAVID PALMER stops walking and turns around.)
DAVID PALMER: Keeler's too smart to play the race card or the girlfriend card.
WAYNE PALMER: It's none of those, which is why I'm bringing this to you. It's something that we didn't know about her. Something that, if true, could… Daivd, it could damage all of us. Just take a look at it.


(GAEL is looking at screens of surveillance camera's of CTU's main floor. A phone rings, he picks up.)
GAEL: Yeah?
HECTOR SALAZAR: Give me an update.
GAEL: Kyle's still in his house.
HECTOR SALAZAR: What about the package?
GAEL: It's with him.
GAEL: Kust waiting to come home.
(GAEL and HECTOR SALAZAR both hang up. GAEL looks at the screens and see's something. He leaves the room and walks out onto CTU's main floor. KIM BAUER walks up to him.)
KIM BAUER: Gael, there you are, Chloe's been looking for you.
GAEL: Where is she?
KIM BAUER: She's in IT.
GAEL: Alright.
(KIM BAUER walks away. GAEL smiles.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 02:59:57 to 03:00:00 before fading away.)

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