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24 heures chrono
#304 : 16h00 – 17h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 3 guide des épisodes

Michelle prend les commandes de la CAT pour faire face à la nouvelle situation de crise qui se présente. Gomez a blessé gravement Tony au centre commercial lors de la tentative d’approche avec Kyle. Celui-ci fuit toujours mais il est beaucoup perturbé depuis qu’il sait qu’il porte en lui le virus.
Chase décide de retourner sur le terrain même s’il cela lui est interdit tout comme l’est désormais sa relation avec Kim. Wayne veut acheter le silence de l’ex-mari d’Anne afin qu’aucun scandale ne salisse sa réputation avant le débat avec Keeler.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Titre VF
16h00 – 17h00

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


 24 Season 3 Episode 4 Promo

24 Season 3 Episode 4 Promo


Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Stephen Kronish
Réalisé par : Ian Toynton


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• James Badge Dale : Chase Edmunds
• Dennis Haysbert : President David Palmer

• Wendy Crewson : Dr. Anne Packard
• Joaquim de Almeida : Ramon Salazar
• Vanessa Ferlito : Claudia Hernandez
• Vincent Laresca : Hector Salazar
• Riley Smith : Kyle Singer
• Andrea Thompson : Dr. Nicole Duncan
• DB Woodside : Wayne Palmer
• Jesse Borrego : Gael Ortega
• Kevin Chapman : Warden Mitchell
• Agnes Bruckner : Linda
• Zachary Quinto : Adam Kaufman
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• Andy Umberger : Dr. Linzer
• David Labiosa : David Gomez
• Conor O'Farrell : Ted Packard
• Julian Rodriguez : Sergio

Au centre commercial, Tony est évacué en ambulance. À la C.A.T., la nouvelle arrive qu’il y a eu des coups de feu à l’intérieur du centre et le doute plane d’autant qu’ils n’arrivent à joindre ni Tony ni Jack.

Après une courte attente qui semble une éternité à Kim et Michelle, les nouvelles arrivent enfin et Jack annonce que Tony a été touché à la nuque, puis il demande à Michelle de choisir soit de rester soit d’aller au chevet de son mari, à savoir que si elle reste, elle devra se concentrer à fond sur son travail plus que sur les événements.

Michelle est très émue et décide d’aller à l’hôpital mais son devoir la rappelle et finalement, elle choisit de rester puis demande à Kim de se renseigner sur Tony et son état. Elle rejoint la salle de conférence où toute une équipe (comprenant également Gaël) travaille sur une seconde bande sonore provenant des terroristes qui y posent les conditions de libération de Ramon Salazar.

De son coté Kyle Singer prévient sa copine de sa position cependant, ses poursuivants le rattrape et Kyle a juste le temps de grimper dans la voiture de sa petite amie et de s’échapper.

De retour à la C.A.T., Kim et Chase discutent des derniers événements mais restent plutôt distants (évitant de parler de leur relation et de Jack). Ensuite, même si Kim lui dit que Jack pense que c’est une perte de temps, Chase décide d’aller interroger Ramon Salazar à la prison. Dans son bureau Michelle reçoit un coup de fil du chirurgien de Tony : il lui annonce que la plaie est importante mais qu’il est entre de bonnes mains.

Michelle le remercie avant de le prévenir qu’elle risque de ne pas être présente à la sortie du bloc et donc lui demande de l’appeler pour la tenir au courant, puis elle raccroche le téléphone et se met à pleurer. À 16h12, au Campus, Wayne Palmer dit à son frère qu’il a rendez-vous avec l’ex-mari d’Anne et David commence à montrer quelques signes de regrets d’avoir accepter de payer.

Soudain le téléphone de David Palmer sonne : C’est Jack Bauer en ligne. Jack tient au courant le Président des derniers faits de l’affaire : s’ils arrivent à arrêter un dénommé Kyle Singer, porteur du virus, ils n’auront pas à satisfaire à la demande des Salazar, cependant Jack prévient le président qu’ils l’ont perdu et qu’il ne pense pas pouvoir le retrouver avant le délai fixé, ce à quoi David Palmer répond : « Donc soit je libère Ramon Salazar, soit je prends le risque que son frère ne répande le virus. » avant de réaffirmer que la politique du gouvernement envers les terroristes n’avait pas changée d’un poil : « Je ne négocierais pas avec des terroristes! ».

Après avoir raccroché, le Président demande à son frère de réunir les services compétents afin de le briefer sur l’évaluation des pertes humaines.Kyle est toujours en fuite avec sa petite amie. Cette dernière lui demande des explications et il lui révèle qu’il pourrait être porteur d’une maladie.

À cette nouvelle, la jeune femme lui ordonne de se garer et décide de s’en aller en lui laissant voiture et argent : elle ne veut pas être en contact avec la maladie. Cependant, les poursuivants les ont rattrapé et les embarquent tous les deux.La conférence vidéo est organisée entre Palmer, Michelle et les services de santé : le plan concernant une probable contamination est l’établissement d’une zone de quarantaine de 72h permettant de filtrer les individus ayant pu être en contact de près ou de loin avec Kyle Singer : ceci permettrait de réduire les pertes de 60 à 90.000 individus.

À la fin de la conférence, Wayne passe un téléphone à son frère, c’est de nouveau Jack Bauer. Une fois en ligne, ce dernier s’assure que ladite ligne est sécurisée avant de préciser au Président qu’il comprend et partage sa position vis-à-vis des terroristes, c’est d’ailleurs pour cela qu’il propose une autre solution permettant de mettre fin à la menace et de respecter les directives du pays en matière de terrorisme : il se propose de faire évader Salazar.

Le président pense qu’il doit y avoir une autre solution mais Jack affirme que c’est la seule solution et qu’il est l’homme idéal pour ça (liens avec Salazar, antécédents d’insubordination, etc.).

Jack fini en demandant le feu vert au Président Palmer, lequel lui rétorque qu’il n’aura aucune possibilité de le protéger et donc que Jack sera un fugitif, Jack le comprend bien et dit que ce sera sa dernière mission.

Face au Président qui ne sait pas quoi dire, Jack considère son silence comme un feu vert et avant de raccrocher lance : « Bonne chance Monsieur le Président » puis il quitte le parking du centre commercial à bord de son 4x4. 16h20. Anne s’apprête à rejoindre David quand elle surprend Wayne une valise à la main : elle devine que David a accepté de payer.

De son bureau, Michelle appelle le bloc afin d’avoir des nouvelles de son mari.Gaël, qui discute avec Chloé, reçoit un coup de fil sur un téléphone personnel (ce qui étonne Chloé) : c’est Hector Salazar qui souhaite savoir où en est la libération de son frère. Après avoir raccroché, Hector donne une petit leçon tir (et du pouvoir que donne les armes à feu) au petit frère de Claudia, quand celle-ci le découvre elle n’apprécie guère et met en joug Hector qui l’encourage par provocation et, donc, Claudia abaisse son arme…

Kyle Singer et sa petite amie son amené dans un bâtiment à l’intérieur duquel on les enferme tous les deux dans un caisson hermétique.De son coté Palmer reçoit la visite d’Anne qui tente de le décourager de céder au chantage de son ex-mari. Étonnement, David se montre difficile à convaincre, il se cache derrière les nécessités politiques et l’avertit que si cette histoire sort, elle (Anne) se retrouvera exposée à la folie des médias…

Wayne est au lieu de rendez-vous quand sont frère l’appelle pour lui dire de faire volte-face : il s’est laisser convaincre par Anne. 16h39, à la C.A.T., Gaël, Chloé et Adam proposent à Michelle de la couvrir en s’organisant pour lui permettre de visiter Tony à l’hôpital, Michelle apprécie leur geste mais refuse trouvant ceci irréalisable. Gaël la prend alors à part et lui propose de prendre sa place en cas laissant Adam et Chloé à leurs postes initiaux, mais une nouvelle fois Michelle refuse.

Kim reçoit un appel de son père qui lui demande d’établir un formulaire de transfert de prisonnier afin de transférer Ramon Salazar sur autorisation spéciale : Kim s’exécute et Jack profite du temps de préparation pour s’excuser de sa réaction quelques heures auparavant. Une fois le document prêt Kim l’envoie à la Prison quand soudain son père lui demande où est Chase, elle fini par avouer qu’il est parti interroger Salazar.

Jack raccroche et appelle Chase qui arrive juste à la prison : Jack lui ordonne de rentrer à la C.A.T. et Chase refuse d’obtempérer. Malgré les résistances du nouveau responsable de la prison, Chase arrive à pouvoir s’entretenir avec Ramon sans surveillance vidéo. Chase retrouve Ramon dans sa cellule et commence à le frapper afin de le faire parler.

On retrouve Chase toujours en train de frapper Ramon à 16h50. Soudain il est interrompu par Jack : les deux hommes discutent puis Jack s’attaque à Chase et le neutralise. L’agent Bauer explique à Ramon Salazar le programme des heures a venir.Au campus, Wayne rejoint Anne et lui demande ce qu’elle va ressentir si David perd les élections par sa faute. Elle n’envisage pas cette possibilité.

Wayne lui rétorque qu’il ne la laissera pas détruire la carrière de son frère sans broncher, ce à quoi elle répond qu’il ne lui fait pas peur.À la prison, Ramon cherche à savoir pourquoi Jack le libère.

Lors d’un contrôle de l’autorisation de transfert, le directeur s’entretient avec Jack concernant une erreur dans l’ordre de transfert, cependant Jack arrive à convaincre le nouveau directeur de le laisser emmener Ramon.

En rebranchant le réseau vidéo dans la cellule de Ramon, le directeur se rend compte qu’on a touché à la caméra et file voir ce qu’il se passe. Alors que Jack reprend son arme (à l‘armurerie de la prison), le directeur découvre Chase bâillonné et déclenche l’alerte pour arrêter Jack et Ramon.

Au son de l’alarme, Jack s’attaque à deux gardes puis va dans la salle de contrôle de la prison et ordonne à l’officier en charge d’ouvrir toutes les portes des cellules : les gardes se retrouvent à la Mercie des prisonniers et une émeute éclate qui devrait permettre à Jack et Ramon de passer dans les mailles du filer,

il est alors 17h00, heure de Los Angeles.

JACK BAUER Voice over: The following takes place between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.



(TONY ALMEIDA is on a stretcher and is being wheeled out of the mall. He is put into an ambulance.)


KIM BAUER: Jack isn't picking up, aren't there any other agents there, isn't Tony there?
ADAM: I can't get through to him either. I'm trying Mika right now.
(MICHELLE DESSLER enters the room.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: What's going on?
KIM BAUER: There's been gunshots at the mall.
KIM BAUER: About two minutes ago. Can't get in touch with my dad or Tony.
ADAM: Mika said someone's down.
ADAM: It's either Tony or Jack, he's not sure, he's about to find out.
(Pause while ADAM is on the phone.)
ADAM: Hold on.
(ADAM hands the phone to MICHELLE DESSLER.)
ADAM: It's Jack. He wants to talk to you.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Jack, ,what's going on, where's Tony?
JACK BAUER: He's been shot.
JACK BAUER: He was shot in the neck. He's still alive, they're getting him to the hospital now.
JACK BAUER: Michelle, I know how difficult this must be for you right now, but you need to make a decision.
JACK BAUER: With Tony down you're in command. If you want to be by his side at the hospital you're gonna have to hand CTU over to someone else. No one will fault you for whatever you choose to do, but if you choose to stay, we need you to work at full capacity.
JACK BAUER: Michelle, I'm sorry.
(MICHELLE DESSLER hangs up the phone and starts crying.)
KIM BAUER: Is Tony alright?
MICHELLE DESSLER: They don't know yet, he was shot in the neck.
(CHLOE O'BRIAN walks up to them.)
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Michelle, we're starting to overload the network. When the virus threat came in we had to start stealing cycles from the CPU.
KIM BAUER: Chloe, now is not a good time.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: What are you talking about, are you out of your mind?
KIM BAUER: Just deal with it ok?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Michelle?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Offload the Arcod files and send them to division, it should free up the network.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Fine, that's all I needed to know.
(CHLOE O'BRIAN walks away.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: I have to get to the hospital.
(MICHELLE DESSLER starts to walk away. ADAM walks up to her.)
ADAM: Michelle, I need you in the conference area, the second call for Hector Salazar's people just came in.
MICHELLE DESSLER: I am not in a position to deal with this right now.
ADAM: Who else is there? You're the ranking agent on site.
(MICHELLE DESSLER walks back over to KIM BAUER.)
Kim, I want you to find out what hospital they took Tony to. The second anyone knows anything, you have them patched through to me.
(MICHELLE DESSLER walks into the conference area where the call from HECTOR SALAZAR'S PEOPLE is being played back.)
SCRAMBLED VOICE: Deliver Ramon Salazar to the Van Nice dam, adjacent to the 101 freeway. Provide him with a full spectrum band with radio adjusted to frequency XQ2137. DO not attempt aerial or ground surveillance. You how two hours from the receipt for this message to comply. If you violate any one of these conditions, we will release the virus.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Does the encoding scheme match the first message?
ADAM: Yeah.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Is there any way you can find out where it came from.
ADAM: I can scan the frequency, maybe we'll get lucky.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Whoever sent this message is controlling Kyle Singer's movements. We have to hours to find him before they release the virus.


(LINDA is stuck on traffic outside the mall. KYLE SINGER is running through the parking lot. KYLE SINGER calls LINDA on her mobile phone.)
LINDA: Kyle?
KYLE SINGER: Linda, where are you?
LINDA: I'm trying to find a place to park but they're putting up some kind of barricade. Something's going on here.
KYLE SINGER: No, no, don't go to the garage, meet me outside the east entrance, ok?
LINDA: On Vermont?
KYLE SINGER: Yeah, yeah, go there now, I'll be there in a second.
(JACK BAUER sees KYLE SINGER in the parking lot.)
JACK BAUER: Kyle! I found him!
(KYLE SINGER starts to run away. JACK BAUER gets into a car and they follow him. Meanwhile, LINDA pulls up outside the east entrance. KYLE SINGER runs up to her car and gets on the driver's seat.)
KYLE SINGER: Move over! Go! Get over!
LINDA: What's going on?
KYLE SINGER: I don't know.
LINDA: Where are we going?
KYLE SINGER: We just gotta get out of here.
(KYLE SINGER drives away. JACK BAUER attempts to follow but a car blocks his way.)


(KIM BAUER is talking to a group of colleagues.)
KIM BAUER: This is all contact frequency, so if he shows up anywhere, please let me know as soon as possible, ok?
(CHASE EDMUNDS walks into the room. KIM BAUER spots him.)
KIM BAUER: Excuse me.
(KIM BAUER walks over to CHASE EDMUNDS.)
KIM BAUER: What's up?
CHASE EDMUNDS: I just heard about Tony.
CHASE EDMUNDS: How's he doing?
KIM BAUER: He's on his way to the hospital.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Why isn't Michelle with him?
KIM BAUER: She knows it's gonna set us back if she and Tony are both gone.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Tell Michelle I'm heading over to Downey.
KIM BAUER: You're going to see Salazar?
KIM BAUER: My dad said questioning him is a waste of time.
CHASE EDMUNDS: No, sitting around here is a waste of time.
KIM BAUER: Don't you think you should clear it with Michelle first?
CHASE EDMUNDS: We lost the kid who's infected with the virus. If anyone knows where he's going, it's Salazar.
KIM BAUER: At least run it by her before you go.
CHASE EDMUNDS: I'll call her from Downey.
(CHASE EDMUNDS walks away.)


(MICHELLE DESSLER is sitting at her desk. The phone rings and she picks up.)
DOCTOR LINDSOR: I'm looking for Tony Almeida's wife.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Yes, this is Michelle.
DOCTOR LINDSOR: Michelle, this is doctor Lindsor at Good Samaritan Hospital.
DOCTOR LINDSOR: I'm afraid the wound to your husband's neck is going to require some vascular repair, we're just about to go into surgery.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Well, can I talk to him?
DOCTOR LINDSOR: No, we've medicated him, in fact that's why I'm calling you. We need your verbal consent to operate.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Yeah, yes, yes, um, of course, whatever you have to do.
DOCTOR LINDSOR: Great, thanks.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Are you sure he's going to be ok?
DOCTOR LINDSOR: Well, we can't say anything with a hundred percent certainty until we operated but he's gonna be in good hands.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Please let me know the second you finish.
DOCTOR LINDSOR: I'll find you in the waiting room when we're out of surgery.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Doctor Lindsor, I will do my best to be there but, you may have to reach me through this number.
DOCTOR LINDSOR: Ok, we'll find you.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Thank you Doctor.
(They both hang up.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 04:08:09 to 04:12:40 before fading away.)


(DAVID PALMER and WAYNE PALMER are alone in a room.)
WAYNE PALMER: I just spoke with Anne's ex husband. I'm meeting him in half an hour. Unless you're changing your mind?
DAVID PALMER: I've never given in to blackmail in my life.
WAYNE PALMER: Yes, but considering everything that you're up against today, we decided it would..
DAVID PALMER: I decided, Wayne. It's my choice.
WAYNE PALMER: Then David, you're making the right one. Give this guy some money, he crawls back under his rock and life will be a lot simpler for everyone. Including Anne.
DAVID PALMER: I hope so.
(DAVID PALMER'S phone rings. He picks up.)
SECRETARY: I have Jack Bauer on the line sir.
DAVID PALMER: Put him through.
JACK BAUER: Mr President, it's Jack Bauer.
DAVID PALMER: Hello Jack. I was told that Hector Salazar has given your office final instructions on delivering his brother.
JACK BAUER: Yes sir.
DAVID PALMER: I've also been told that you might be able to pre-empt that demand.
JACK BAUER: We identified the person carrying the virus. It was a young man named Kyle Singer.
DAVID PALMER: Then you know where he is?
JACK BAUER: No sir, unfortunately we lost him.
DAVID PALMER: Can you find him?
JACK BAUER: Not in the time frame that Hector Salazar has given us to release his brother.
DAVID PALMER: So either I hand over Ramon Salazar, or risk that his brother will release the virus?
JACK BAUER: Mr President, I understand that this is an impossible choice.
DAVID PALMER: It's not a choice Jack. Not really. This nation's policy of non-negotiation with terrorists has been a proven deterrent. Capitulating to Salazar would effectively destroy that policy.
JACK BAUER: Mr President, hundreds of thousands of innocent people may die within the week.
DAVID PALMER: I would die in the long run if I release Salazar. I would be declaring open-season on the American people.
JACK BAUER: This is your final answer sir?
DAVID PALMER: I don't negotiate with terrorists Jack. I won't negotiate with terrorists.
JACK BAUER: I understand Mr President, thank you.
(They both hang up.)
DAVID PALMER: Conference NCDC and Health Services, I want a full briefing on quarantine and evacuation procedures.
WAYNE PALMER: Yes Mr President.


(KYLE SINGER and LINDA are driving down a street.)
LINDA: Can you just tell me where we're going?
KYLE SINGER: I don't know, ok? I just gotta get out of town for a second and figure this whole thing out.
LINDA: I thought you had to meet with those guys. That's why I brought you the money.
KYLE SINGER: Things have changed, alright?
LINDA: What are you in to Kyle? I mean you ask me to steal this money from my father so these guys won't hurt you over losing their drugs and then it's like…
KYLE SINGER: I don't think it was drugs.
LINDA: What do you mean, what is it about?
KYLE SINGER: I don't know, ok? These cops, they came to my apartment today and they were saying something about using me to bring some weird disease into the country.
LINDA: A disease?
KYLE SINGER: This cop, he was, he was saying that it was inside of me.
LINDA: In your body?
KYLE SINGER: I know. It sounds ridiculous right? (Pause) Right? I mean this whole thing Linda.
LINDA: Pull over.
LINDA: A said pull over!
KYLE SINGER: What are you doing?
(LINDA grabs the steering wheel and pulls the car to the side of the road.
KYLE SINGER: What are you doing?
(LINDA gets out of the car, KYLE SINGER follows.)
LINDA: Take the car, take the money. Whatever you're doing, I don't want any part of it.
KYLE SINGER: Hey look Linda! Linda, chill out ok?
LINDA: Stay away from me, ok? If you've got some kind of disease, I don't want it? You should have never done any of this.
KYLE SINGER: Don't you think I know that?
LINDA: Kyle, please.
KYLE SINGER: Alright, fine baby, you're right. You're right, I'll stay away, ok?
LINDA: The money's under the front seat.
KYLE SINGER: Ok look, come on Linda, please…
LINDA: Ok, look Kyle, I really don't want anything to happen to you, ok, I really don’t, but I can't do this!
KYLE SINGER: How stupid! Come on! I'm sorry.
(A car pulls up behind them. GOMEZ and his DRIVER get out.)
KYLE SINGER: Go, run! Run Linda!
(LINDA starts running away.)
KYLE SINGER: I don't have it ok, I don't have it!
(GOMEZ grabs KYLE SINGER and the DRIVER grabs LINDA.)


(MICHELLE DESSLER is talking on a live feed to DAVID PALMER and his staff.)
MICHEELE DESSLER: Sir, we have a monitoring plan for everyone inside the quarantine zone.
DAVID PALMER: Define the quarantine zone.
MICHEELE DESSLER: Everyone within a two mile radius of ground zero, ground zero being the shopping centre where Kyle Singer was last seen.
NICOLE DUNCAN (on the phone): Mr President, this is Doctor Nicole Duncan with Health Services. Medical teams are in place and are ready to start screening and releasing people from quarantine over a seventy two hour period. If we move quickly, we believe we can lower the prior casualty estimate.
DAVID PALMER: Lower it to what?
NICOLE DUNCAN: Between sixty and ninety thousand.
DAVID PALMER: Alright thank you, Mrs Dessler, Doctor Duncan.
DAVID PALMER (to his staff): We're about to set into motion a chain of events that will create panic throughout the country, and will take some time to control. If anyone here sees an option that I'm overlooking, now's the time to offer it up.
(WAYNE PALMER walks up to DAVID PALMER with a phone.)
WAYNE PALMER: It's Jack Bauer. He needs to talk to you in private and he says it's urgent.
DAVID PALMER: Would you all excuse me for a moment?
WAYNE PALMER: In the meantime, I want everyone to contact their key personnel, make sure they're ready to go.
(DAVID PALMER'S staff leaves the room.)
DAVID PALMER: What is it Jack?
JACK BAUER: Mr President, is this line secure?
DAVID PALMER: Yes, what do you need to tell me Jack?
JACK BAUER: For what it's worth sir, I agree with you supporting this country's policy to not negotiate with terrorists.
DAVID PALMER: Jack, you didn't call me to express your approval of my decision.
JACK BAUER: I have another option for you to consider.
DAVID PALMER: Another option?
JACK BAUER: Yes, one that I believe that will protect the integrity of this nation's policy, and stop this outbreak from beginning.
DAVID PALMER: And how would I do this.
JACK BAUER: By simply doing nothing sir.
JACK BAUER: Yes Mr President.
DAVID PALMER: Hector Salazar will view that as non compliance with his demands.
JACK BAUER: Not if he gets his brother back.
JACK BAUER: Ramon Salazar would be broken out of prison and delivered to him. The public and more importantly other terrorist groups would view this as a prison break as opposed to a capitulation to their terrorist demands.
DAVID PALMER: Sounds like quite a plan Jack, but who will break Salazar out?
JACK BAUER: I will sir.
DAVID PALMER: By yourself.
JACK BAUER: I know the prison, I have full access to the prisoner. Because of my nature of involvement with the Salazar's I could break him out and deliver him. I have a history of insubordination with CTU, they would believe that I switched sides. The cover story would stay clean.
DAVID PALMER: This doesn't sound like a one man job.
JACK BAUER: In order to protect you Mr President, it has to be.
DAVID PALMER: I don't know Jack. There has to be some other way.
JACK BAUER: No, no, not in the time that we've got left. The Salazar's are going to release the virus within the next two hours. Regardless of how successful you are at containing the initial outbreak, the resulting civil unrest would far outreach any quarantine zones you've established. The damage to this country sir would be catastrophic. Mr President, I need your Ok on this.
DAVID PALMER: Even if you succeed, I won't be able to correct your legal status, you'll be a fugitive.
JACK BAUER: I understand Mr President, this will be my last assignment.
DAVID PALMER: I don't know what to say.
JACK BAUER: If you don't say anything, Mr President, I will accept that as a go for this mission. (Pause) Good luck Mr President.
(JACK BAUER hangs up and drives off.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 04:20:26 to 04:24:57 before fading away.)


(ANNE is talking on her mobile phone.)
ANNE: I want the information from Doctor Duncan sent directly to my office. My eyes only.
(ANNE hangs up. She sees WAYNE PALMER talking to a man. They finish talking and he walks towards her.)
ANNE: Wayne, where are you going?
WAYNE PALMER: Excuse me.
ANNE: Wait…
WAYNE PALMER: I'm sorry, but, I, uh, I have an appointment, and I, I'm running late.
ANNE: An appointment? The debate starts in thirty minutes. Who are you meeting?
WAYNE PALMER: Uh, I'm sorry again but that's confidential. It's government business.
ANNE: Does this have anything to do with my ex-husband?
WAYNE PALMER: Like I said, it's government business.
(WAYNE PALMER walks away.)


(MICHELLE DESSLER is working on her computer. She stops, picks up the phone and dials a number.)
NURSE: Surgery, nurse's station.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Yeah, this is Tony Almeida's wife, Michelle. I was wondering if he'd gone into surgery yet?
NURSE: Yes, he has.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Um, I just wanted Doctor Lindsor to know that he's allergic to penicillin.
NURSE: Yes, he's aware, the allergy card was in his wallet.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Is there any way to know how he's doing in there?
NURSE: No, but the Doctor will contact you as soon as he's out of surgery.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Ok, thank you.
NURSE: You're welcome.
(MICHELLE DESSLER hangs up. CHLOE O'BRIAN walks up to her desk.)
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Uh, the site profiles are done.
MICHELLE DESSLER: You could have sent these to my system.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Yeah, I know, I wanted to come down here anyway.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Because of earlier.
MICHELLE DESSLER: What is it Chloe?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: I just want you to know that I didn't know that Tony had been shot in the neck when I was insensitive earlier, and had I known that I certainly would have been more careful about my choice of words, ok?
MICHELLE DESSLER: It's fine Chloe.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: I do try and be aware of other people, you know that don't you?
MICHELLE DESSLER: I said it's fine.
(CHLOE O'BRIAN walks away and towards GAEL.)
GAEL: What?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: I think we should be careful about how we talk to Michelle today, she's really sensitive. About Tony being shot in the neck.
GAEL: Of course.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: So I'm telling everybody, make sure everyone in your department knows.
(GAEL'S mobile phone rings.)
GAEL: I've gotta take this call.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Is that a personal cell? I thought those were prohibited because they can't be monitored.
GAEL: I'm using it for inter-agency, moving around a lot. They'll monitor it at the other end. I've really gotta take this call.
(CHLOE O'BRIAN walks away. GAEL answers the phone.)
GAEL: Hello?
HECTOR SALAZAR: When did you make the second call?
GAEL: Twenty minutes ago.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Are they letting Ramon go or not?
GAEL: They're still deciding.
HECTOR SALAZAR: What are they waiting for? They have less than two hours.
GAEL: I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything.
(They both hang up. Angry, HECTOR SALAZAR drops his mobile phone onto a table. He realises that a gun case has been opened and that one of the weapons is missing. He draws his gun and carefully walks into another room where he finds SERGIO, Claudia's brother, playing with it.)
SERGIO: I'm sorry.
HECTOR SALAZAR: It's not good to touch what's not yours. Does your sister know you are here?
HECTOR SALAZAR: Did you know it was loaded? It's a nice gun, huh?
(SERGIO nods. HECTOR SALAZAR hands him the gun.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: Take it Sergio. It's ok.
(SERGIO takes the gun.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: Ah. Huh? You like the way it feels? Huh? Want to pull the trigger? Hear the noise it makes? Huh? That is one power feast Sergio. It feels like a gun.
HECTOR SALAZAR (smiling): Sure. Sure. Come on.
(HECTOR SALAZAR and SERGIO walk over to a balcony.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: Do you see that vase down there? Ok now I want you to aim, and squeeze the trigger, very slowly
(SERGIO pulls the trigger. The vase shatters.)
(CLAUDIA walks into the room.)
CLAUDIA: What are you doing? (She pulls SERGIO away) Get out of here! Go! Now!
(to HECTOR SALAZAR) How many times do I have to tell you to leave him alone, he's just a boy.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Your boy needs to become a man.
CLAUDIA: No. You're not his father.
(CLAUDIA points the gun at RAMON SALAZAR.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: What you gonna do, huh? You gonna shoot me? Huh? Come on, pull the trigger. (RAMON SALAZAR points to his forehead.) Right here. Come on.
(CLAUDIA lowers the gun and throws it on a couch.)
CLAUDIA (to SERGIO): Get in there.


(KYLE SINGER and LINDA are led into a warehouse by GOMEZ and his DRIVER.)
KYLE SINGER: Hey, what is this? What is this? What did you do to us?
(KYLE SINGER and LINDA are put inside an airproof chamber. They watch as GOMEZ and his DRIVER are prayed down by a man in a Hazmat suit.)


(DAVID PALMER is standing in a room. ANNE knocks on the door.)
ANNE: We never really finished our conversation, I was just wondering what you had decided.
DAVID PALMER: Decided about what?
ANNE: The debate, what to do about my ex-husband. I ran into Wayne a few minutes ago. I know he's never liked me but this was different. He was avoiding me, and I had a feeling I wasn't able to shake.
DAVID PALMER: What kind of feeling?
ANNE: That you're paying Ted to keep quiet. Is that what you're doing David?
DAVID PALMER: Sometimes you have to do the wrong thing for the right reason.
ANNE: How can you reward someone for threatening you with a lie? It's wrong.
DAVID PALMER: There are political realities I have to consider if I want to stay in office.
ANNE: Tell yourself that if it makes you feel better but…
DAVID PALMER: It doesn't make me feel better, it just happens to be the truth. Anne, I have been in this job for nearly four years and I have learned the hard way, that there are no absolutes. Sometimes you have to make compromises.
ANNE: Politically yes, but when it comes to morality. David, you have to draw the line.
DAVID PALMER: I have drawn the line. We're just standing on different sides.
ANNE: You're running scared.
DAVID PALMER: I'm fighting to stay in office and serve the people that put me here. Then face Keeler's lie with the truth and trust that the people will be able to tell the difference.
DAVID PALMER: It's not that easy.
ANNE: You've never been about what's easy, you've been about what's right. That's who you are, that's who the people elected to lead them, for what it's worth, that's who I fell in love with.
DAVID PALMER: I was, I was trying to protect you.
ANNE: Protect me?
DAVID PALMER: This won't end with Keeler's allegation. You're going to be in the media's crosshairs.
ANNE: I'm used to public scrutiny.
DAVID PALMER: Not like this. This will be different, and much uglier than you can imagine.
ANNE: I can defend myself.
(ANNE leaves the room. DAVID PALMER calls WAYNE PALMER on his mobile phone.)
DAVID PALMER: Have you made contact with Packard?
WAYNE PALMER: He just got here.
DAVID PALMER: Are you with him now?
WAYNE PALMER: No, he's coming over now, why?
DAVID PALMER: Walk away.
DAVID PALMER: You heard me.
WAYNE PALMER: David, we've been through this. Now you decided to bury this thing, remember?
DAVID PALMER: I've changed my mind.
WAYNE PALMER: Anne talked to you didn't she?
DAVID PALMER: Wayne, walk away.
(WAYNE PALMER hangs up and drives off.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 04:35:01 to 04:39:32 before fading away.)


(ADAM, CLHLOE O'BRIAN and GAEL are sitting in a room. MICHELLE DESSLER walks in.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: You wanted to see me?
GAEL: Well I've spoken to Chloe and Adam, and we'll cover for you if you want to go to the hospital to be with Tony.
GAEL: Well we know you've got a lot on your mind right now.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: We just though that…
ADAM: Look, Michelle, I've been taking thirty percent of Chloe's load since the biothreat came in, I can handle half of Com's load as well.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: We'll just need to route use your password on District's servers, we won't be slowed down by request authorisations.
MICHELLE DESSLER: It's Joe Tomasarlow's area. He put a twenty four hour delay on user mods because of security problems we've been having.
GAEL: So what if I call Joe and get him to wave those.
MICHELLE DESSLER: I tried that. He's unreachable.
GAEL: Is there any other way to do this?
ADAM: More bodies. We need at least four more system-ready analysts to take on the work that we've been doing.
GAEL: I can make some calls, get the next shift in early.
MICHELLE DESSLER: I've already tried that, by the time they got here, it would be too late. Look, I appreciate this but, it's not gonna happen. So let's get back to work.
(MICHELLE DESSLER starts to leave, Gael calls her back.)
GAEL: Michelle? Listen, I agree, we can't run this place by committee. Let me step in for you. Adam and Chloe stay at their posts.
MICHELLE DESSLER: What about yours.
GAEL: When I was at Langley I filled in for my bureau-chief a couple of times and we got through it.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Was there a bio threat? President in town all in one day? Thank you anyway Gael.
(GAEL walks away.)


(KIM BAUER is working at her computer. The phone rings and she picks up.)
JACK BAUER: Kim it's your dad. What are you doing right now?
KIM BAUER: I'm still trying to locate a point of origin on that phone call from Salazar's people.
JACK BAUER: Ok look, I'm going to need you to do something for me first that's not going to take long.
JACK BAUER: I need you to generate a prisoner transfer document. Look into your file form under the heading "Federal Transit Authorisation".
KIM BAUER: What's this about?
JACK BAUER: I need to move Ramon Salazar.
KIM BAUER: Why are you going to move him?
JACK BAUER: Kim, this has been given priority clearance, no one at CTU is supposed to know, that's why you're the only person I can trust to do this for me so please, help.
KIM BAUER: Ok, it's asking for a clearance code.
JACK BAUER: Hit *99.
KIM BAUER: Now it wants a password.
JACK BAUER: Lincoln65fGa.
KIM BAUER: Ok, it's cycling. It's gonna take a minute.
JACK BAUER: Ok, good. Look Kim, I know you tried to come up to my office earlier today and talk to me about something that was really important to you and I know I wasn't very supportive and I just wanted to…
KIM BAUER: You don't have to do this Dad.
JACK BAUER: Sweetheart, I do. I need to tell you I'm sorry. I know that I'm overly protective of you, I just watched so many things happen to you over the past few years, I don't want you to get hurt anymore. But the fact is I trust you, I trust your judgement, and I need you to know that anything you ever chose to do I would support you in. Ok?
KIM BAUER: Thanks, that means a lot to me.
JACK BAUER: Good. O love you so much Kim.
KIM BAUER: I love you too dad.
(JACK BAUER breathes heavily.)
KIM BAUER: Are you ok?
JACK BAUER: Yeah, yeah, I'm alright. Look, is the document up yet?
JACK BAUER: Ok, I need you to send it to Warden Mitchell over at Downey now.
JACK BAUER: Ok, good. Let me speak to Chase.
KIM BAUER: He's not here.
JACK BAUER: What are you talking about? Where is he? Kim? Kim, where is Chase?
KIM BAUER: He went to interrogate Salazar.
JACK BAUER: Chase is at the prison now?
KIM BAUER: He left about fifteen minutes ago. He's gonna be there soon.
JACK BAUER: I'm gonna have to get back to you.
(JACK BAUER hangs up.)
JACK BAUER: Son of a bitch.
(JACK BAUER dials a number on his mobile phone.)
JACK BAUER: Chase, what are you doing?
CHASE EDMUNDS: I want to talk to Salazar.
JACK BAUER: Get back to CTU now!
CHASE EDMUNDS: And do what? Some filing, maybe some dusting around the office?
JACK BAUER: No, I want you to work with Michelle and find Kyle Singer.
CHASE EDMUNDS: She's got a dozen IT people on that right now.
JACK BAUER: Listen to me…
CHASE EDMUNDS: No, listen to me Jack. I know you're angry about me and Kim, I get that, but I'm not gonna let you stop me from doing my job.
JACK BAUER: Your job is to follow my orders.
CHASE EDMUNDS: You're in no condition to give me orders.
JACK BAUER: Chase, I'm warning you, don't go against me.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Jack look, you know I respect you but you also know I've been covering for you since you've been back I've been keeping the fact that you're a junkie from Kim and everybody else at CTU. I'm not doing it anymore, I'm done.
JACK BAUER: Chase, listen to me…
(CHASE EDMUNDS hangs up.)
JACK ABUER: Chase? Chase! Damn it!


WARDEN MITCHELL: Get this guy processed and get him out of here.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Warden. I need to see Salazar.
WARDEN MITCHELL: I've got a lot going on right now.
CHASE EDMUNDS: I'll have Division follow up with written authorisation but you need to let me see Salazar now.
WARDEN MITCHELL: Salazar's been behind two murders today, no one gets close to him without full paperwork.
CHASE EDMUNDS: You don't understand what's happening today? Well Salazar has information that I need.
WARDEN MITCHELL: What kind of information?
CHASE EDMUNDS: It's classified.
WARDEN MITCHELL: This is my facility, I need to know.
CHASE EDMUNDS: We're dealing with a major terrorist threat. Salazar's brother is behind it. Go ahead and confirm it with Division if you want to, but hundreds of thousands of lives are at steak here. Now Jack and I have been coming here twice a week for the last three months. Salazar has prevented us from doing our job with his stalling and his lawyers and his due process. Now we don't have time for that. I need to go one on one with him, right now.
WARDEN MITCHELL: He's in an isolation cell on D-Block, come on, I'll take you.
(WARDEN MITCHELL and CHASE EDMUNDS walk into an adjacent room.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Are there any cameras?
WARDEN MITCHELL: There are three.
CHASE EDMUNDS: I need the turned off.
WARDEN MITCHELL: It's against regulations.
CHASE EDMUNDS: There won't be any marks, I promise.
WARDEN MITCHELL (sighing): You got thirty minutes.
(WARDEN MITCHELL picks up a phone and dials a number.)
WARDEN MITCHELL: This is Warden Mitchell.
WARDEN MITCHELL: I need you to go black on isolation B.
PRION OFFICER: For how long Sir?
WARDEN MITCHELL: Until further notice.
(WARDEN MITCHEL hangs up and opens RAMON SALAZAR'S cell. CHASE EDMUNDS walks down to him.)
RAMON SALAZAR: You are a tough guy, you are not worried about what might happen if you lay a finger on me. Ok, if you're not worried, neither am I.
(CHASE EDMUNDS pushed his fingers into RAMON SALAZAR'S neck and starts punching him.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Let me know when you start to worry.

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 04:46:24 to 04:50:55 before fading away.)


(CHASE EDMUNDS is still beating up RAMON SALAZAR.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Where's Kyle Singer? Huh?
RAMON SALAZAR: I told you I don't know.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Well you're gonna tell me who does.
(CHASE EDMUNDS continues punching RAMON SALAZAR. JACK BAUER appears at the top of Cell Block D.)
JACK BAUER: Chase? Put him in his cell.
(CHASE EDMUNDS throws RAMON SALAZAR into his cell and walks over to JACK BAUER.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: What are you doing here Jack?
JACK BAUER: We ran out of options. We can't find Singer, Salazar's our only hope, you were right.
CHASE EDMUNDS: He's tougher to break than I though, maybe the two of us could…
CHASE EDMUNDS: Look Jack, about what I said before…
JACK BAUER: Forget about it.
CHASE EDMUNDS: So we're ok, you and me?
JACK BAUER: Yeah, we're ok. Tell me about the security cameras.
CHASE EDMUNDS: They're disabled.
JACK BAUER: Good. Get him out of his cell.
(CHASE EDMUNDS walks down to RAMON SALAZAR'S cell. JACK BAUER walks behind him and punches him in the back and strangles him. He falls to the ground, unconscious.)
RAMON SALAZAR: Are you going to kill me now Jack?
JACK BAUER: I'd love to, but I can't. If you play this cool Ramon, you're walking out of here with me now, you'll be with your brother in the next couple of hours. Now grab his feet.
(They both lift CHASE EDMUNDS into RAMON SALAZAR'S cell.)
JACK BAUER: Now turn and face the wall.


(WAYNE PALMER walks towards ANNE.)
WAYNE PALMER: How you gonna feel Anne, if David loses this election because of you?
ANNE: I don't think that's very likely.
WAYNE PALMER: Hmm, then you really don't know what you're talking about do you, because this allegation may cost him this debate, and David needs this debate to win this election.
ANNE: It was blackmail…
WAYNE PALMER: And David made a decision to pay. It wasn't up to you to change his mind.
ANNE: If he believed the decision was right, he wouldn't have changed his mind. The problem is, you can't stand the fact that your brother wants me in his life.
WAYNE PALMER: Because you're a distraction Anne, and you're a liability.
ANNE: Compared to whom? Sherry?
WAYNE PALMER: I'm not going to sit here and try and defend Sherry, she went off the rails, but at least she understood the game, and she understood David, she was with him for over twenty years.
ANNE: I have been with him long enough to know the kind of man he is…
WAYNE PALMER: You don't know anything about him, or what it takes to survive in the world he lives in.
ANNE: We disagree Wayne, we always have.
WAYNE PALMER: Anne, I will not stand by and watch you jeopardise everything that he's worked for, I won't do it.
ANNE: I don't scare easily.


(CHASE EDMUNDS is lying in RAMON SALAZAR'S cell, tied up. JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR leave the isolation block.)
RAMON SAMAZAR: What's happening Jack? After all you went through to put me here, I can't believe you let me out.
JACK BAUER: Shut up.
RAMON SAMAZAR: I don't believe you sold out, it's not your nature, but then, why knock out the kid? Did your government cave, but can't admit it, and didn't want to help you? You don't look so good Jack, that's a bitch.
JACK BAUER: When we get out of here, you keep your mouth shut and do what I say, do you understand me? (to PRISON OFFICER) We've been cleared to pass.
PRISON OFFICER: The warden wants to see you first. He'll be here in a minute.
JACK BAUER (whispering to RAMON SALAZAR): Don't you move.
WARDEN MITCHELL: Sorry to keep you waiting Jack.
JACK BAUER: What's the problem?
WARDEN MITCHELL: The access codes to this transfer order, they don't correspond to the ones assigned by the Bureau of Prisons.
JACK BAUER: Division superseded those access codes. CTU has a mandated prefix.
WARDEN MITCHELL: This is yesterday's prefix.
JACK BAUER: Son of a bitch. Someone in my office must have screwed up. We'll go get you the proper prefix right away.
WARDEN MITCHELL: Look, I know about the terrorist threat, Agent Edmunds told me.
JACK BAUER: That's exactly why we need to move the prisoner now. It's classified priority one, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, but I can't afford to loose any time over some small technical detail. Come on Kevin, help me out.
WARDEN MITCHELL: Where's Agent Edmunds?
JACK BAUER: He's conducting a search of the prisoners cell, trying to find some additional information. He'll be right behind me, he can help you out with the paperwork.
WARDEN MITCHELL: Pick up your badge and get a receiving.
JACK BAUER: Thanks, I owe you.
(A gate opens.)
(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR walk through the gate. Meanwhile we see CHASE EDMUNDS trying to cut himself loose. WARDEN MITCHELL walks into another room.)
WARDEN MITCHELL: Turn on isolation three please. (Images appear on the screen) What the hell? Someone turned the camera, the angle's wrong. Get Benjamin to meet me in isolation. Door.
(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR walks through another gate.)
JACK BAUER: Face the wall. (to PRISON OFFICER) Agent Bauer, I'm here to get my gun and my badge.
(WARDEN MITCHELL runs into isolation Block D. He sees CHASE EDMUNDS tied up in RAMON SALAZAR'S cell. He is untied.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Whatever Bauer told you, he's lying.
(Meanwhile, a PRISON OFFICER hands JACK BAUER his gun and badge.)
PRISON OFFICER: One minute, I'll check you out.
(An emergency siren comes on. JACK BAUER punches a guard, takes his keys and opens a gate. JACK BAUER enters the central control room. He points his gun at the PRISON OFFICER inside.)
JACK BAUER: Open the cell blocks, now.
PRISON OFFICER: I can't do it from here.
JACK BAUER: Is it worth losing your life over? Do it now!
(The PRISON OFFICER opens all of the cell blocks. The prisoners walk out of their cells and start punching the guards, causing havoc.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 04:59:57 to 05:00:00 before fading away.)

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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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Nouveau sondage spécial Noel à Kaamelott ouvert à tous et toutes, calendrier, pdm et survivor, on vous espère nombreux

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Hello! Nouvelle PDM et nouveau sondage sur Outer Banks! N'hésitez pas à passer! Bon we à tous!

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