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24 heures chrono
#305 : 17h00 – 18h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 3 guide des épisodes

Jack permet à Ramon Salazar de s’évader en déclenchant une émeute après avoir mis Chase en prison.
Kyle Singer est capturé et mis en cellule avec son amie Linda par les hommes de Salazar. Kyle veut éliminer le virus qui est en lui et tente alors de se suicider.
Anne Packard se retrouve mise en accusation pour une affaire de falsification de documents par le Sénateur Keeler lors du débat télévisé qui a lieu avec le Président Palmer.


4 - 3 votes

Titre VO
5:00pm - 6:00pm

Titre VF
17h00 – 18h00


 24 Season 3 Episode 5 Promo

24 Season 3 Episode 5 Promo


Plus de détails

• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• James Badge Dale : Chase Edmunds
• Dennis Haysbert : President David Palmer
• Wendy Crewson : Dr. Anne Packard
• Joaquim de Almeida : Ramon Salazar
• Vanessa Ferlito : Claudia Hernandez
• Vincent Laresca : Hector Salazar
• Riley Smith : Kyle Singer
• DB Woodside : Wayne Palmer
• Jesse Borrego : Gael Ortega
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• Zachary Quinto : Adam Kaufman
• Kevin Chapman : Warden Mitchell
• Geoff Pierson : Senator John Keeler
• Lobo Sebastian : Prisoner Peel
• Leonard Roberts : Guard Buchanan
• Agnes Bruckner : Linda
• John Pyper-Ferguson : Inmate
• David Labiosa : David Gomez

A la prison, c'est le chaos total. Les prisoniers commencent à prendre le contrôle de la situation, et Jack et Ramon Salazar se retrouvent coincés. Pour sortir, ils attirent l'attention de deux gardes, les assoment et prennent leurs uniformes. Mais bien vite, ils sont interceptés par les prisoniers qui se sont déjà défaits de plusieurs autres gardes.

Conscient qu'ils n'ont aucune chance s'ils sortent dans la cour de la prison, à cause des snipers, le "leader" des prisoniers, Peel, annonce que, une fois retranchée dans une pièce "sure", ils vont "s'amuser un peu". Pendant ce temps, Kyle et Linda sont toujours retenus enfermés.

Kyle, conscient que non seulement il est un danger pour toute la population mais qu'en plus il sera rapidement contagieux, ceci ne laissant aucune chance à Linda, décide de mettre fin à ses jours en se pendant avec les fils électriques qui passent dans la chambre d'isolement.

Mais la petite Linda ne l'entend pas de cette oreille, et parvient à avorter la tentative de suicide de Kyle. A la CAT, la piste pour retrouver Kyle Singer se précise. Hector Salazar téléphone à Gael et lui dit de les empêcher le plus longtemps possible de retrouver la trace de Kyle. Kim et Adam sont sur le point de retrouver l'immatriculation du véhicule ayant enlevé Kyle lorsque se produit une coupure du réseau informatique.

Kim se rend dans la salle des routeurs pour voir ce qu'il s'y passe. Gael est déjà sur place lorsque Kim arrive. Il lui dit qu'il a localisé le problème sur un des routeurs, et que tout devrait désormais être rentré dans l'ordre. Mais Kim sait que ce n'est pas censé être le boulot de Gael et se doute de quelque chose...

Pendant ce temps, Michelle demande une liaison vidéo avec la salle d'opération de Tony. Elle assiste en direct à l'opération de son mari, et elle est au bord de craquer, mais elle tente néanmoins de garder son sang-froid pour continuer à diriger la Cellule.

La plaque d'immatriculation du véhicule ayant enlevé Kyle est enfin identifiée, un avis de recherche est envoyé à la police de Los Angeles, retrouver Kyle n'est maintenant plus qu'une question de minutes...

De retour à la prison, où le "petit jeu" orchestré par les prisonniers a débuté. Prenant 2 à 2 les gardes-otages, ils les forcent à jouer à la roulette russe. Le premier duel met face à face un des gardes et Jack, toujours vétu de l'uniforme qu'il a pris sur un des gardes.

Le "vrai" garde tire, et est abattu... Le second duel met face à face Jack et Ramon. Chacun tire une balle, et juste avant le 3ème coup, Jack aperçoit une caméra d'observation à travers la bouche d'aération. Il se rend compte que les gardes de la prison, maintenant dirigés par Chase, vont faire sauter le mur et donner l'assault.

Jack tire à bout portant sur Peel, l'abbat, et au même instant le mur saute. S'en suit un violent échange de balles entre le camp des gardes et le camp des prisonniers. Dans la panique, Jack et Ramon parviennent à s'échapper sans être suivis.

Le débat présidentiel a quant à lui débuté depuis près de 45 minutes. La discussion reste relativement "inintéressante", jusqu'à ce que le Sénateur Keeler aborde le sujet tant redouté. Il accuse Anne d'avoir fabriqué des résultats d'analyse médical, ayant conduit à la mort de 3 patients. David nie en bloc ces allégations, mais dans les coulisses, Anne se montre dépitée et Wayne lui lance "Tu comprends maintenant ?"

A la demande de Michelle, afin d'en découvrir d'avantage sur les motivations réelles de Jack à faire sortir Salazar de prison, Chloe investigue dans le bureau de Jack. Elle fini par y découvrir dans la poubelle la seringue et le flacon d'héroïne. Elle le fait analyser, le test est positif.

Kim déboule à ce moment dans le bureau de son père, demande à Chloe se qu'elle fait. Chloe lui avoue que son père se drogue. Puis elle va avertir Michelle de ce qu'elle vient de découvrir.

A la prison, Jack et Ramon se rendent compte qu'ils sont cernés. Ils n'ont aucune chance de s'en sortir s'ils passent en force. Jack fait alors comme s'il détenait Ramon en otage.

Il se retrouve face à Chase, qui, certainement dans un soucis de protéger son futur beau-père... demande au directeur de la prison de les laisser partir. Jack et Ramon monte à bord d'un hélicoptère en s'envolent.

Au même instant, un commando de la Cellule Anti-Terroriste fait irruption dans le lieu où sont retenus Kyle et Linda, et abat leurs ravisseurs. Chase est immédiatement informé de la situation, mais Jack est déjà à quelques mètre du sol...

 Il lui fait des grands signes de bras pour lui indiquer qu'ils ont Kyle et qu'il n'y a plus aucune raison d'emmener Ramon.

Jack l'ignore, et s'en va.

JACK BAUER Voice over: The following takes place between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.



(The DEBATE HOST is talking to the public. JOHN KEELER and DAVID PALMER are waiting backstage.)
DEBATE HOST: Good evening to those of you on the east coast and good afternoon to those of you in the west. Welcome to the first of three debates between President David Palmer and Senator John Keeler. We'll begin tonight with a two minute opening statement followed by the first question, which will go to President David Palmer, which was decided by a coin flip backstage just moments ago…
(ANNE and DAVID PALMER are standing backstage.)
ANNE: How are you feeling?
DAVID PALMER: Is that a medical question, or a personal one?
ANNE: Both.
DEBATE HOST:… and will be conducted within the formats and rules agreed to by each member of the debate, and by the two campaigns. Now we'll bring to the stage the candidates, ladies and gentlemen, Senator John Keeler.
(The crowd applauds. JOHN KEELER walks onto the stage.)
ANNE: David I'm sorry you have to deal with my ex husband's lies.
DAVID PALMER: It's alright, we have the truth on our side.
DEBATE HOST: Ladies and Gentlemen, President David Palmer.
(The crowd applauds. DAVID PALMER kisses ANNE on her forehead and walks onto the stage. He waves to the crowd, shakes JOHN KEELER'S hand and walks to his stand.)
DAVID PALMER: Ladies and Gentlemen, Senator Keeler, good evening. I'm looking forward to discussing some of the critical issues…


(All of the prisoners are out of there cells and are rioting. JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR are running down a hallway.)
JACK BAUER: Ok, when I tell you to, you start fighting with me over the gun. I've gotta try and pull two guards off the main corridor.
(JACK BAUER removes RAMONSSALAZAR'S handcuffs. He sees some guard running down the corridor.)
JACK BAUER: Ok, they're coming.
(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR fight for the gun.)
JACK BAUER: Help! Help! Help!
(Two guards come running towards them. JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR stop fighting. They wrestle the guards to the floor. RAMON SALAZAR continues to beat one of them with a truncheon.)
JACK BAUER: That's enough! That's enough! Put on his uniform and helmet now.
(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR start undressing the guards.)


(WARDEN MITCHELL is briefing his men.)
WARDEN MITCHELL: Split up your men, I want a team at every security post.
CHASE EDMUNDS: No, Jack and Salazar are somewhere in East Block, you need to put your men over there.
WARDEN MITCHELL: I've got to control this prison, your partner's not my only problem.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Warden, today he is. He and Salazar need to be contained and they need to be kept alive.
WARDEN MITCHELL: You want me to re-deploy my men? Then I need to know how real this terrorist threat is.
(CHASE EDMUNDS leads WARDEN MITCHELL into a corner of the room.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Ramon Salazar's brother will spread a deadly virus into the population unless we release him unharmed. If we don't, the death toll will be in the hundreds of thousands.
WARDEN MITCHELL (into his radio): This is Warden Mitchell, Tactical Unit Five report to control centre, you are now under the command of Agent Edmunds.
(CHASE EDMUNDS' mobile phone rings. He picks up.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: Chase it's Michelle, what the hell is going on over there?
CHASE EDMUNDS: Jack tried to break Salazar out of prison, he started a riot.
CHASE EDMUNDS: I think in his own twisted way he thinks he's going to deliver him to Hector and stop the virus from being released.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Well, he's going to get himself killed, not to mention Salazar.
CHASE EDMUNDS: I know, I know. I'm trying to protect him. What about Kyle Singer?
MICHELLE DESSLER: We're getting close to locating him.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Michelle, as soon as you do, call me. If Jack knows we've got the carrier of the virus, he'll give Salazar back.
MICHELLE DESSLER: We've got everyone working on it Chase. We'll find him.


(KYLE SINGER and LINDA are locked in an airproof chamber.)
KYLE SINGER: I'm sorry Linda. (Pause) Linda?
LINDA: Are we gonna die?
KYLE SINGER: It depends… if they find us in time.
LINDA: What do you mean?
KYLE SINGER: The guy from the government, he told my dad that I had a couple more hours before I… before I become contagious. Maybe they'll find us by then. You'll be ok.
LINDA: Yeah, maybe.
(KYLE SINGER stands up on a chair and starts pulling on the pipes on the ceiling of the chamber.)
LINDA: What are you doing?
KYLE SINGER: There must be some wires in here.
LINDA: What do you need wire for?
KYLE SINGER: Get you out of this.


(KIM BAUER is working on her computer. Some images come up on the screen.)
KIM BAUER: Adam, look at this. Got it from a caltran server. Traffic camera, right near the mall. Look at that, it's a blue shirt, isn't that what Kyle Singer was wearing?
ADAM: Yeah. I think there's enough to enhance, release it to my screen.
KIM BAUER: Got it.
(MICHELLE DESSLER walks up to KIM BAUER'S desk.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: I need you a second.
KIM BAUER (to ADAM): You got this?
ADAM: Yeah.
KIM BAUER: Alright.
(KIM BAUER gets up and walks over to MICHELLE DESSLER.)
KIM BAUER: Is something wrong?
MICHELLE DESSLER: You haven't been following what's going on at the prison have you?
KIM BAUER: No, Adam and I have been working on finding Singer. Why? What is it?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Your dad's trying to break our Salazar.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Yeah, he's not out yet but he's acting on his own authority. He's trying to remove Salazar by force.
KIM BAUER: I don't understand what you mean by force.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Looks like he started a prison riot to cover the escape.
KIM BAUER: Why is he doing this?
MICHELLE DESSLER: That's what we're trying to figure out. When's the last time you heard from him?
KIM BAUER: About a half hour ago. He asked me to issue a transfer order for Ramon Salazar and he gave me a password.
MICHELLE DESSLER: And you did it?
KIM BAUER: Yeah, he said that Salazar needed to be moved. But now you're telling me this isn't true?
MICHELLE DESSLER: No Kim, I'm sorry, your dad lied to you.
KIM BAUER: Why would he do that?
MICHELLE DESSLER: 'Cos he knew if he asked anybody else, they would know he was violating protocol.
KIM BAUER: What's gonna happen to him?
MICHELLE DESSLER: We're gonna try to find him. The best way out of this whole situation is to find Kyle Singer, then your dad 'll give up Salazar. So go back to work help Adam.
KIM BAUER: Yeah, sure.
(MICHELLE DESSLER walks away.)


(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR are dressed in the Tactical Unit suit. JACK BAUER looks around a corner.)
(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR run down a corridor.)
JACK BAUER: They're gonna funnel all their forces through one entrance to keep the personnel count.
RAMON SALAZAR: There must be another way Jack.
JACK BAUER: There is but the prisoners are taking control. We're going to have to fight our way through them. Get ready.
(JACK BAUER runs up to a prisoner and hits him with his truncheon. All of the other prisoners swarm around him and beat him and RAMON SALAZAR to the ground.)
RIOT LEADER: Pick them up! Come on! Come on, get them on their feet. Come on, let's go! Move it! Move it!
(The group of prisoners run past CHASE EDMUNDS and his Tactical Unit. CHASE EDMUNDS shoots at the RIOT LEADER but misses. The RIOT LEADER shoots back and then runs for cover with the rest of the prisoners behind a wall.)
RIOT LEADER: Hold your fire! We got hostages, so back off!
CHASE EDMUNDS (to his men): Hold your fire!
(The RIOT LEADER , JACK BAUER, RAMON SALAZAR and the rest of the prisoners run past CHASE EDMUNDS and his tactical group.)
RIOT LEADER: Go! Move it! Move it!
(CHASE EDMUNDS realises that one of the hostages is JACK BAUER and lowers his gun. The prisoners then run through the corridor)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 05:11:14 to 05:15:45 before fading away.)


(KIM BAUER is working on her computer. ADAM is stood next to her, looking at a file.)
ADAM: Kim, did you send me that Calman filter?
ADAM: Calman filter. I needed to clean up that image.
KIM BAUER: Oh shoot, I forgot about it, it's in my outbox.
ADAM: How can you forget, it's the only thing you're working on?
KIM BAUER: I'm sorry, look, I'm sending it to you right now. Done.
ADAM: Kim, I don't know where your head is at, but we need to find Kyle Singer before he's contagious.
KIM BAUER: Relax, I'm doing the best I can.
ADAM: The best I can isn't what we do around here Kim. It's either done, or it's not.
KIM BAUER: So why are you lecturing me, it's in your system.
(ADAM'S phone rings. He walks over to his desk and picks up.)
ADAM: Kaufman.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Is there a problem?
ADAM: I just need to make sure things are running smoothly around here…
MICHELLE DESSLER: Look, Adam, I haven't had a chance to brief you but, Jack's created a situation over at the prison.
ADAM: What kind of situation?
MICHELLE DESSLER: He started a riot to free Salazar, now they're caught up in the middle of it.
ADAM: Woah!
MICHELLE DESSLER: He even used Kim to create a transfer order that started the whole thing so just cut her a little slack .
ADAM: Um, yeah ok, I understand.
MICHELLE DESSLER: We're all under a lot of pressure here, so let's just find Kyle Singer before it's too late.
ADAM: Yeah ok, thanks Michelle.
(They both hang up.)


(KYLE SINGER is fiddling with some wires attached to the ceiling of the chamber.)
LINDA: Kyle, what are you doing, there is no way out of here.
KYLE SINGER: You don't deserve what happened. I do. If I die, the virus is dying with me.
(KYLE SINGER pulls a noose he had made from the wires around his neck and kicks back the chair he was standing on, hanging himself.)
LINDA: Kyle!
(LINDA pulls the chair up and pushes it under him.)
LINDA: Kyle, put your feet up here! Kyle! Kyle, hold on!
(LINDA climbs onto the chair and grabs a hold of the pipes on the ceiling. She kicks the chair away and dangles from them. They start to come loose and then fall to the ground. KYLE SINGER and LINDA also fall. KYLE SINGER starts coughing and LINDA removes the noose from his neck.)
LINDA: Oh Kyle!


(People are setting up a homecoming party for RAMON SALAZAR. HECTOR SALAZAR watches them work. CLAUDIA walks up to him.)
CLAUDIA: A welcome home party? You shouldn't be doing this.
HECTOR SALAZAR: What are you talking about?
CLAUDIA: You've been running things. Show Ramon you're going to be his partner, not his caterer.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Why do you care? You don't want to be involved in my business.
CLAUDIA: No puppy, I care about you. And I want you to get what you've earned.
(CLAUDIA walks away. HECTOR SALAZAR'S mobile phone rings.)
GAEL: It's me. The riot's still going on.
HECTOR SALAZAR: But we know that Ramon's alive.
GAEL: Yeah, but Bauer's got to get him out soon. CTU's getting close to finding Kyle Singer and if they do, they'll never let Ramon go.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Then make sure they don't find Singer.
GAEL: I'm working on it.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Get it done.
(GAEL hangs up.)


(KIM BAUER is working on her computer, enhancing an image. The enhanced image reveals KYLE SINGER sitting in the back of a van.)
KIM BAUER: That's him, that's Singer.
ADAM (looking at the image): Is that a gun?
(KIM BAUER enhances the image.)
KIM BAUER: Yeah. Someone's got him.
ADAM: We're not going to be able to get the truck's licence plate from this shot.
KIM BAUER: I'll get access to the traffic cameras in the direction they're heading, see if we can find them again.
(ADAM picks up his phone and dials a number.)
ADAM: Michelle, we've found Kyle Singer being driven away from the mall forty seven minutes ago.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Are you working up a vehicle ID?
ADAM: We will as soon as we're able to get another visual.


(CHASE EDMUNDS and WARDEN MITCHELL are looking at some CCTV footage.)
WARDEN MTICHELL: This camera's damaged but functional.
CHASE EDMUNDS: They must have the hostages on the right. Try and pan the camera over.
WARDEN MTICHELL: They may see the camera move.
CHASE EDMUNDS: We don't have a choice. (to a PRISON GUARD) Do it.
(The camera turns to the left and CHASE EDMUNDS and WARDEN MITCHELL can see JACK BAUER and some other hostages lined up against a wall.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: There they are.
(The RIOT LEADER sees the camera move and shoots it. The image turns back.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: We've got to get in there before they start killing everyone.


(The laundry room has been taken over by the prisoners. They are barricading themselves in. The hostages are lined up against a wall.)
PRISONER: Lets start wasting the guards unless they let us walk.
RIOT LEADER: First step outside, bam, head shot from a sniper.
PRISONER: You don't now that.
RIOT LEADER: I know 'cos that's what went down in Gino. They'll let the guards get wasted 'cos all they care about is keeping us in.
PRISONER: What the hell are we doing here then?
RIOT LEADER: Give me your gun.
(A prisoner hands his gun to the RIOT LEADER.)
RIOT LEADER: Bring them over here. We're going to have a little fun with them. Put them on their knees.
(The hostages are brought down to one end of the room.)
RIOT LEADER (to the hostages): Who wants to live?
(The RIOT LEADER shoots one of the hostages.)
RIOT LEADER: Ok, lets try it again. Who wants to leave.
RIOT LEADER: Him, over here.
(The PRISON OFFICER is dragged to a table and pushed down onto a chair.)
RIOT LEADER: Who else? (to JACK BAUER) I ain't never seen you before.
JACK BAUER: I'm new here.
RIOT LEADER (to prisoners): Him, over here.
(JCAK BAUER is dragged to the table and pushed down onto a chair. The RIOT LEADER places one bullet the gun chamber, spins it and places it on the table.)
RIOT LEADER: One in six chance. (to the PRISON OFFICER): You first.
PRISON OFFICER: Please, don't make me do this.
RIOT LEADER: There's nothing to it you little bitch. Just put the gun to your head and…
PRISON OFFICER: I can't… I can't.
(The RIOT LEADER grabs the PRISON OFFICER by the face.)
RIOT LEADER: You're gonna do it, you hear me? You're gonna do it.
PRISON OFFICER: Please, please.
RIOT LEADER: It's easy, see. All you gotta do is smile, then pull the trigger.
(The RIOT LEADER puts the gun to his head and pulls the trigger. The gun doesn't go off. The other prisoners cheer.)
RIOT LEADER: Now it's one in five. (Pause) Let's go!
(The RIOT LEADER forces the PRISON OFFICER to take the gun. He lifts it to his temple and then drops it back down on the table.)
PRISON OFFICER (in tears): No, no, I can't!
(The RIOT LEADER slams his fists into the table.)
RIOT LEADER: This is a waste of my time. Shoot him.
JACK BAUER: No wait!
RIOT LEADER: Shoot him!
JACK BAUER (to the PRISON GUARD): Come on man, just do it. This way at least you got a chance ok? Do it.
RIOT LEADER: Come on! If you don't do it, we will.
(The PRISON OFFICER, trembling, pushes the gun against his temple and pulls the trigger. A bullet is released from the gun and buries itself in his head. He falls to the ground, dead. The prisoners cheer.)
RIOT LEADER: We have a winner, let's hear it for the new guy.
(The prisoners cheer.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 05:24:34 to 05:29:05 before fading away.)


(KIM BAUER is working on her computer.)
KIM BAUER: I've got a shot coming in from a camera at the next intersection, definitely the same truck.
ADAM: Can you read the licence plate?
KIM BAUER: We won't be able to read anything until it finishes downloading.
ADAM: I just saw the IAD inquiry come in over the system about what your father's doing at the prison. They're questioning the transfer order you generated for him.
KIM BAUER: I heard.
ADAM: If you want me to say that you didn't know he was going to use it to break out Salazar, I will.
KIM BAUER: Thanks, I'll be ok. Hold on, it's stopped downloading, I'm getting an error message.
ADAM: Error 402, that means trouble with an internal router.


(GAEL is manipulating a router and watching KIM BAUER at her desk on the monitor. KIM BAUER leaves her desk and walks into the ITS room. )
KIM BAUER: Gael? What are you doing?
GAEL: There's a problem with one of the routers. I'm trying to fix it.
KIM BAUER: Why don't you call a tech?
GAEL: No, it's ok, I think I've found the problem. Check the circuit's kicked in. Must have been a line surge. Should be up and running now. Let me know if you have any more problems.
KIM BAUER: I will.
(KIM BAUER back onto the MAIN FLOOR.)
ADAM: Hey, it's back up, what was it?
KIM BAUER: I'm not sure. Is it possible a line surge could have knocked out a router?
ADAM: Not from my side, you could ask Chloe.
(They walk back to their desks and ADAM types at his computer. He pulls up the licence plate of the van.)
ADAM: Got it.
(ADAM picks up his phone and dials a number.)
MICHELLE DESSLER (to someone on another line): Hold on. (to ADAM) Dessler.
ADAM: Michelle, I've got a plate on the pick-up.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Good, where do you last have it.
ADAM: The shot's in the north part into Setterface Springs, it was driving west.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Ok, I want you to put this out to mobile units LAPD. I want everyone looking for this vehicle.
ADAM: Ok, right.
(MICHELLE DESSLER presses a few buttons on her phone.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: Alright Ryan, I'm back.
RYAN CHAPELLE: So do you have any idea his Bauer is trying to break out Salazar on his own or if he's working with someone.
MICHELLE DESSLER: I'm trying to figure that out now. I'll get back to you when I find out.
RYAN CHAPELLE: You do that.
(MICHELLE DESSLER hangs up. She then presses a few keys on her computer and Chloe comes up on her screen.)
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Yeah Michelle?
MICHELLE DESSLER: You following what's going on at the prison?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: I just saw the update come over. What the hell's happening?
MICHELLE DESSLER: We don't have all the details yet but Jack's behind it. I need you to check his phone logs, e-mail, see what case files he's accessed recently.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: What am I looking for?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Anything that will help us figure out why he's doing this.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Are you sure you really want me snooping in his office?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: You got it.
MICHELLE DESSLER closes the conversation. She then picks up the phone and dials a number.)
NURSE: Surgery.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Yeah, this is Tony Almeida's wife Michelle. How's he doing.
NURSE: Uh, I'll check. One moment please.
NURSE: Mrs Almeida?
NURSE: He's still in surgery. You'll be contacted as soon as he's rolled into recovery.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Oh, what room is he in?
NURSE: Um, Operating Room 4.
NURSE: You're welcome.
(MICHELLE DESSLER hangs up and dials another number.)
EVAN: Network Ops, Evan.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Yeah Evan, it's Michelle. Do you know if we get O.R. feeds from Good Samaritan?
EVAN: Let me check it. (Pause) Uh, yeah they do, what do you need?
MICHELLE DESSLER: See if they're video-docking O.R. 4.
EVAN: Yeah they are. Where do you want it?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Send it to my desktop.
EVAN: Alright. It'll take a second. There you go. Anything else?
MICHELLE DESSLER: No, thank you.
(MICHELLE DESSLER hangs up. She then brings up the footage from Operating Room 4 onto her screen. She sees TONY ALMEIDA being operated on and gasps.)


(TONY ALMEIDA is lying on the operating table. Surgeons are operating on a wound in his neck.)
MALE SURGEON: Four by four.
FEMALE SURGEON: More pressure.
MALE SURGEON: Hold that down.
FEMALE SURGEON: I've got it.
MALE SURGEON: There you go. You got another clamp?
NURSE: Clamp.


(CHASE EDMUNDS is briefing his men.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: The laundry room's a hundred yards in. I'll ID the exact location for the explosives once we get there.
OFFICER: Your weapon sir.
(The OFFICER hands CHASE EDMUNDS a gun.)
OFFICER: Sir, we're ready for you. Put this on.
(The OFFICER hands CHASE EDMUNDS a headset and tests a fibre optic camera.)
OFFICER: Monitor's up, you should be seeing it on your eyepiece.
CHASE EDMUNDS: It's working.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Radio silence while we're in there. If they hear us, they might kill everyone. Let's go.
(CHASE EDMUNDS leads his team into a maintenance tunnel.)


(JACK BAUER is still sat down at the table.)
RIOT LEADER: Alright, round two!
(The other prisoners cheer. The RIOT LEADER walks up to RAMON SALAZAR..)
RAMON SALAZAR: I'm a prisoner, not a guard. Ramon Salazar, I'm sure you've heard of me.
(RAMON SALAZAR is dragged to the table and pushed down onto a chair.)
JACK BAUER: You should pick someone else, he's telling you the truth. He was just transferred to the cell block less than a week ago. I'm a federal agent, I was escorting him out of the prison. That's why you've never seen us here before.
RIOT LEADER: Good, a federal agent. What's your name?
JACK BAUER: Jack Bauer.
RIOT LEADER: Alright, it's gonna be Agent Jack against Ramon Salazar. A battle to the finish!
(The prisoners cheer. Meanwhile, CHASE EDMUNDS is using the fibre optic camera to observe what is going on in the room.)
RIOT LEADER: Come on Jack, show this foreigner how it's done.
(JACK BAUER takes the gun, places it against his temple and pulls the trigger. The gun doesn't go off. The prisoners cheer. The RIOT LEADER slides the gun across the table to RAMON SALAZAR.)
RAMON SALAZAR: If I die, my brother will find you.
RIOT LEADER: Shut up! Do it! Do it! (the other prisoners start chanting) Do it! Do it! Do it!
(RAMON SALAZAR places the gun against his temple and pulls the trigger. The gun doesn't go off. The prisoners cheer. Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall, in the maintenance tunnel, CHASE EDMUNDS is placing an explosive against the wall.)
RIOT LEADER (to JACK BAUER): Alright, you're up. It's your second chance for the title Jack.
(The prisoners start chanting again. JACK BAUER spots the fibre optic camera peering through a ventilation shaft. He takes the gun and shoots the RIOT LEADER. CHASE EDMUNDS then detonate the explosives and him and his team burst through the wall and start firing.)
JACK BAUER: Ramon, stay down!
(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR mange to crawl away while CHASE EDMUNDS and his team try and take out the prisoners.)
CHASE EDMUNSD: All clear, hold your fire. Jack? Jack?

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 05:38:49 to 05:43:20 before fading away.)


(CHLOE O'BRIAN is looking through JACK BAUER'S files. She then walks over to his bin and looks through it. She finds an empty vial and syringe.)
(CHLOE O'BRIAN walks over to the phone and dials a number.)
CHLOE O'BRIAN: This is Chloe O'Brian, I'm in Jack's office. Could you send someone up with a drug kit please?
LAB TECHNICIAN: He's on his way.
(CHLOE O'BRIAN hangs up.)


(DAVID PALMER and JOHN KEELER are still debating.)
JOHN KEELER: The differences on the issues are clear, but I believe you don't elect a platform, you elect a man, and I am frankly troubled by some of the personal choices that this president has made, and continues to make. We're all aware of the allegations and enditements surrounding the President's former wife. Most of us have operated on the assumption that the President would not repeat his history of associating with persons of questionable moral character. However, my office has just learned that the woman with whom the President is currently involved, Doctor Anne Packard, is being accused of helping to fabricate the results of a clinical drug trial. A trial which later lead to the deaths of three innocent people.
DAVID PALMER: This is outrageous. This debate is not a court of law, nor is it a tabloid paper. This is neither the time, nor the place to a personal attack on a private citizen.
DEBATE HOST: Mr President, the Senator still has thirty more seconds, sir please…
JOHN KEELER: This is exactly the right time because I believe the choices your leaders make in their own lives reflect the choices that they will make on your behalf. And so the question remains, did the President know of these accusations and choose to ignore them, or is he repeating past mistakes once again?
DEBATE HOST: Mr President?
DAVID PALMER: I can tell you with complete confidence, that the Senators accusation is false and I believe that it is the Senator's way of avoiding the issues at hand. Now I came here tonight to discuss the real issues pressing our country…
(Meanwhile backstage, ANNE and WAYNE PALMER are watching the debate on television.)
ANNE: Oh god.
WAYNE PALMER: Now do you get it?
JOHN KEELER: I do not believe this is something to be swept under the rug and forgotten.


(A LAB TECHNICIAN is testing the vial found in JACK BAUER'S bin. CHLOE O'BRIAN watches him, distraught.)
LAB TECHNICIAN: It's positive.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: I'll go tell Michelle.
(CHLOE O'BRIAN gathers up some files and starts to leave. KIM BAUER walks up to her.)
KIM BAUER: Chloe, what are you doing in my dad's office?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Michelle wanted me to go through your dad's stuff.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: To find anything that could help us understand what he's doing. What's up?
KIM BAUER: I wanted to know if a line surge could shut down a router on your side of the ITS room.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: No, my server protectors are upstairs, not in ITS. Why?
KIM BAUER: Uh, it's probably nothing.
(KIM BAUER starts to walk away. She stops and turns around.)
KIM BAUER: Did you find anything?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: I can't talk about this.
KIM BAUER: Why not, maybe I could help.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: You can't help so just go, ok?
KIM BAUER: What's in the box?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Just stuff I'm taking to Michelle. This is really inappropriate behaviour Kim.
KIM BAUER: Why are you doing this Chloe, I mean, I'm just trying to help you.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: You can't help, and I don't have to have this conversation. Under Field Ops mandate there's a regulation, I believe it's 40 or 41 that says that I have jurisdiction all prerogative, so can you just leave.
KIM BAUER: Not until you tell me what's in the box.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: I think your dad's been using drugs.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: That's right.
(CHLOE O'BRIAN hands KIM BAUER several items from the box.)
CHLOE O'BRIAN: A rubber tourniquet, syringe, we just had the vials tested for opiates. It was positive. And he's been acting really weird, ok? It's really not fair that you made me do this. This is very uncomfortable.
(CHLOE O'BRIAN leaves the room and walks downstairs to MICHELLE DESSLER.)
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Michelle? I didn't find anything in Jack's records but there's something you need to see.
(CHLOE O'BRIAN shows MICHELLE DESSLER the syringe, tourniquet and vials.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: You found this in his office?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: I wanted to make sure I knew what it was before I showed you, the liquid in these vials tested positive for opiates, probably heroin. I think Jack's a user.
(ADAM is on the phone at his desk. He hangs up.)
ADAM: I got it. A patrol car just found the truck Kyle Singer was in parked at an industrial complex at Fuller and Forth, two thousand block.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Pipe this in to the teams on standby. Assume everyone on site is contagious and use Level One CDC protocol. Let's get 'em!


(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR approach a door leading outside, where many SWAT teams are grouped.)
RAMON SALAZAR: Damn, is there any other way out?
JACK BAUER: No, we're pinned in.
RAMON SALAZAR: You must have known this could happen. What's the plan Jack?
JACK BAUER: Give me the shotgun.
(RAMON SALAZAR doesn't give JACK BAUER the weapon.)
JACK BAUER: Give me the shotgun.
(RAMON SALAZAR hands JACK BAUER the shotgun.)
JACK BAUER: Take off your uniform.

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 05:50:18 to 05:54:49 before fading away.)


(The phone rings. MICHELLE DESSLER picks up.)
SWAT TEAM MEMBER: This is Calguild, we're approaching the industrial complex on Fuller. There are three warehouses on the property.
MICHELLE DESSLER: I'll see if we can narrow it down with infrared.
(MICHELLE DESSLER hangs up and dials another number.)
ADAM: Kaufman.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Adam, see if you can pull up infrared satellite on the industrial complex.
ADAM: Alright.
(ADAM hangs up.)
ADAM: Kim, log on to the NHS server, we need to see if they have any satellites in position. (Pause) Kim?
(KIM BAUER wipes tears from her eyes.)
ADAM: What's the matter?
KIM BAUER: Nothing, I'm fine.


(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR have removed the uniforms. CHASE EDMUNDS walks out of the holding facility and up to the SWAT team.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: We just swept the east block, there's no sign of Jack or Salazar.
WARDEN MITCHELL: I've got a team in the cell block but they can't do a proper search until we lock it down,; that could take up to a half hour.
JACK BAUER: You wanna get out of this thing, you're gonna have to trust me, and do everything that I tell you. You understand?
(Back inside.)
JACK BAUER: Come on, let's go.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Ok listen, this is what I want you to do, I want you to take that chopper and I want you to sweep the perimeter.
(JACK BAUER walks outside, covering himself behind RAMON SALAZAR.)
(All of the police officers outside point their guns towards JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: What are you doing Jack?
JACK BAUER: You get these people to move back or you're going to have to take me out. We need that chopper.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Don't do this, I just spoke with Michelle, we're close to getting Kyle Singer.
JACK BAUER: Close ain't gonna cut it this time, I gotta deliver Salazar now!
CHASE EDMUNDS: I'm not letting you go Jack.
JACK BAUER: How long's it going to take you to find Kyle Singer? A half an hour? An hour? I gotta get Salazar in the air in that chopper in the next sixty seconds, or a hundred thousand people will die.
(CHASE EDMUNDS turns around to talk to WARDEN MITCHELL.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Let him go.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Let him go. Track the chopper. I need you to keep your people under control Warden. Please, I can't have anything happen to Salazar.
WARDEN MITCHELL: Alright. (into radio) This is Warden Mitchell, I want all teams to stand down, I repeat, stand down. Agent Bauer will be take Salazar to the SWAT chopper. I want a confirmation from all teams on the stand down order. Stand down.
CHASE EDMUNDS (to SWAT TEAM): Let him take the chopper. Alright, back off. (to JACK BAUER) Alright Jack, no one's going to try and stop you.
JACK BAUER: Get these men to back off and holster their weapons.
CHASE EDMUNDS (to his men): Back off! Stand down! Let him through.
(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR edge their way towards the helicopter.)
JACK BAUER: Get them to holster their weapons, now!
CHASE EDMUNDS: Holster your weapons!
JACK BAUER: Lower your weapons. Get the snipers down off the roofs, now!
CHASE EDMUNDS: Off the roof, now! Back off! Do what he says!
(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR climb into the helicopter.)


(A SWAT TEAM kicks down the door to the warehouse, enters and shoots GOMEZ and his DRIVER.)
SWAT TEAM LEADER: We have Singer plus one, Central, we have Singer plus one.


(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR are siting in the helicopter. JACK BAUER is fiddling with a box at his feet.)
WARDEN MITCHELL: What's he doing?
CHASE EDMUNDS: He's disabled the com and the locator.
(CHASE EDMUNDS' mobile phone rings. He picks up.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: Chase, it's Michelle, we have Kyle Singer.
CHASE EDMUNDS: I can't hear you.
MICHELLE DESSLER: We found Kyle Singer.
CHASE EDMUNDS: They found Kyle?
(The helicopter takes off.)
(CHASE EDMUNDS hangs up and signals to JACK BAUER.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Jack, we found Kyle Singer! Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack!
(The helicopter glides away. Inside the helicopter, RAMON SALAZAR starts laughing.)
RAMON SALAZAR: Congratulations, now you are an even bigger enemy to your country than I am.

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 05:59:57 to 06:00:00 before fading away.)

Transcriptions en VO fournis par 24transcripts

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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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