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24 heures chrono
#306 : 18h00 – 19h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 3 guide des épisodes

Ryan Chapelle se retrouve de nouveau à la direction des opérations de la CAT en l’absence de Tony Almeida.
La CAT parvient enfin à retrouver Kyle et Linda. Ils les libèrent et s’en occupent.
Jack prend la fuite avec Ramon Salazar à l’aide d’un hélicoptère malgré la tentative de Chase pour les empêcher.
Jack doit être prévenu que le virus est en lieu sûr et qu’il peut maintenant livrer Salazar à la CAT.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
6:00pm - 7:00pm

Titre VF
18h00 – 19h00


 24 Season 3 Episode 6 Promo

24 Season 3 Episode 6 Promo


Plus de détails

• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• James Badge Dale : Chase Edmunds
• Dennis Haysbert : David Palmer
• Jesse Borrego : Gael Ortega
• Wendy Crewson : Anne Packard
• Joaquim de Almeida : Ramon Salazar
• Vanessa Ferlito : Claudia Hernandez
• Vincent Laresca : Hector Salazar
• Riley Smith : Kyle Singer
• Andrea Thompson : Dr. Nicole Duncan
• DB Woodside : Wayne Palmer
• Geoff Pierson : John Keeler
• Ted Marcoux : Sam Singer
• Lucinda Jenney : Helen Singer
• Paul Schulze : Ryan Chappelle
• Zachary Quinto : Adam Kaufman
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• Steve Rankin : Major John Blanchard
• Andy Umberger : Dr. Linzer

Jack et Ramon, à bord de l'hélicoptère, décident de ne pas se rendre à Mexico. Jack dit à Ramon "de lui faire confiance". Chase les poursuit comme il peut en voiture grâce à la localisation GPS de l'appareil. L'hélico prend le chemin de la ville...

Chapelle arrive à la CAT, et demande aux forces militaires de descendre l'appareil s'ils n'arrivent pas à l'intercepter avant qu'il rentre dans l'espace aérien de la ville. Il va voir Michelle, et lui annonce qu'en l'absence de Tony, la Division souhaite qu'une personne plus expérimentée prenne le contrôle de la Cellule, à savoir lui. Il demande à Michelle de mettre immédiatement en place une réunion.

6:04 Ryan Chapelle anonce lors de cette réunion que si l'hélico pénètre dans la ville, alors il sera abattu. Pendant ce temps, Hector s'impatiente de ne pas recevoir de nouvelles de Jack et Ramon. Claudia est furieuse après lui d'apprendre que Jack va les rejoindre, elle ne comprend qu'il puisse faire confiance à l'homme qui a mis le frère d'Hector en prison, mais Hector lui rétorque qu'il a un plan pour Jack...

A la Cellule, Adam fait pression sur Chloe pour qu'elle puisse le plus rapidement possible rentrer en contact radio avec l'hélico. 6:08 Michelle annonce à Kim qu'elle est Chapelle ne souhaite pas trop voir Kim s'occuper de cette affaire qui la touche de beaucoup trop près.

Kim lui assure qu'elle fera son travail tout à fait normalement, mais Chapelle ne semble pas l'entendre de cette oreille... A bord de l'hélicoptère, Jack se rend compte qu'ils sont pris en chasse par l'armée. Toujours à leur poursuite depuis sa voiture, Chase téléphone à Chapelle.

Il lui demande de contacter le Président Palmer qui ne voudra certainement pas que l'hélicoptère de Jack soit descendu. Ryan lui répond que c'est uniquement sa décision, qu'il n'a pas besoin de l'avis du président. Mais, craignant des représailles ultérieures, il décide néanmoins de temporairement annuler l'ordre d'abattre l'hélico.

Il téléphone à Wayne Palmer et l'informe que si d'une part Kyle Singer est désormais sous contrôle, Jack et Ramon présente une menace importante. En plein milieu du débat, Wayne décide alors de prendre contact avec David par l'intermédiaire de son oreillette. Une fois informée, David annonce qu'une situation d'extrême urgence nécessite son intervention immédiate, et qu'il ne pourra participer à la fin du débat, et quitte la salle.

6:18 Kyle arrive à l'hôpital où il est placé en isolement. Il apprend qu'il n'était pas encore contagieux, et que Lynda tout comme ses parents seront sains et saufs.

6:20 Les hélicoptères militaires arrivent à portée de tir de l'hélico de Jack et Ramon, et le Major commandant l'opération en informe immédiatement Ryan à la CAT, qui lui dit d'attendre encore un peu.

6:21 Pendant ce temps, David dit à Wayne qu'il ne peut donner l'ordre de descendre Jack. Wayne tente de le persuader, en lui rappelant que c'est Jack qui s'est mis dans cette situation et qu'il en connaissait les conséquences, et que David ne peut pas laisser ses sentiments personnels interagir avec la résolution du problème. David appelle Ryan, et donne son accord pour que l'hélico soit abattu. Michelle en informe Chase par téléphone, mais, sur le fil, Jack arrive au-dessus des zones habitables.

Le descendre serait trop dangereux, et le tir est annulé. L'hélico se pose en plein milieu d'une rue. Jack et Ramon s'enfuit dans une station de métro en courant. Chase arrive enfin à entrer en contact avec l'hélico, mais trop tard.

6:30 Les parents de Kyle arrive à l'hôpital. Ils sont accueillis par Nicole Duncan, qui les informe que leur fils n'en a plus que pour quelques heures à vivre. Ils vont lui parler, et son père s'excuse de tout ce qu'il a pu lui dire plus tôt dans l'après-midi. Kyle lui répond qu'il ne lui en veut pas car il pense que son père a toujours fait du mieux qu'il le pouvait pour l'élever. Chase arrive à l'hélicoptère, où le LAPD est déjà présent.

Ils l'informe que Jack et Ramon se sont enfuit dans une station de métro, mais que les trains ont tous été stoppés et sont en train d'être examiné. Chase se doute que Jack va tenter de s'enfuire par une sortie de secours du métro, et demande à Kim de localiser les sorties possibles. Elle l'informe qu'il n'y en a qu'une seule, Chase s'y rend en courant.

6:35 Michelle confirme à Kim que Salazar doit être arrêté, quelqu'en soit les conséquences, mais que maintenant qu'ils sont au sol, il est probable que si Salazar est abattu, Jack sera tout de même sauf. Chase arrive à la trappe par laquelle sont sortis Jack et Ramon.

Elle est ouverte, mais il n'y a déjà plus de trace d'eux, il est arrivé trop tard. Ceux-ci arrivent sur un parking où ils volent une voiture. Chase demande à ce que tout le périmètre soit bouclés.

6:41 Wayne parle à David et lui dit qu'il n'a pas d'autre choix que de dénoncer Jack. Les journalistes savent déjà qu'il a fait sortir Ramon de prison, il ne peut pas continuer à le couvrir et il doit donner une explication à la presse concernant la suspension du débat. Jack prend contact avec le pilote d'un avion privé ammené par Hector, conversation à laquelle Gael assiste également, depuis la Cellule. Ils conviennent de l'aéroport le plus proche pour pouvoir s'enfuire au Mexique à bord de l'appareil.

6:45 Michelle téléphone à la clinique où Tony a été opéré, et apprend finalement que celui-ci est hors de danger, la balle n'ayant touché aucun nerf. Tony devrait être sur pied d'ici à quelques heures.

Gael entend Kim et Adam arriver dans la salle de contrôle et éteint rapidement sa conversation avec le pilote de l'avion. Il cache la fenêtre de la caméra de surveillence de l'aéroport montrant l'appareil posé, et Adam lui dit que Michelle veut lui parler. Il quitte la salle, mais Kim semble suspicieuse.

6:52 David parle à Ann et lui dit que tout va bien. Ann n'est pas de cet avis, consciente qu'elle est en train de mettre en danger la campagne présidentielle de David. Elle lui propose qu'ils arrêtent de se voir jusqu'aux élections, mais David refuse, lui disant que quoiqu'il arrive, il a besoin d'elle à ses côtés.

6:55 Nicole Duncan reçoit les résultats des tests effectués sur Kyle. Elle demande immédiatement à entrer en contact avec Chapelle. Elle annonce la nouvelle aux Singer : leur fils n'est pas contaminé. Par téléphone, Ryan en est informé.

6:57 Jack et Ramon arrivent à l'aéroport. Ramon, maintenant qu'il n'a plus besoin de Jack, se moque de lui en lui disant qu'il ne croyait quand même pas qu'il allait continuer à lui faire confiance, alors que c'est lui qui l'avait mis en prison, et veut le tuer.

Mais un homme qui sort de l'appareil interpèle Ramon et lui dit qu'hector a demandé à ce que Jack lui soit ammené en vie. Ils montent tous dans l'avion et celui-ci décole.

A la Cellule Anti-Terroriste, Kim va voir sur l'ordinateur de Gael, sur lequel celui-ci a oublié de fermer sa session dans l'empressement. Elle trouve la fenêtre de la vidéo de l'aéroport, et voit que son père a été emmené de force.

Gael arrive dans la salle, dit à Kim "Je viens juste de me rappeler que j'avais oublié de fermer ce fichier...". Il pointe une arme sur elle.

JACK BAUER Voice over: The following takes place between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.



(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR are in a helicopter flying over Los Angeles.)
RAMON SALAZAR: Do we have enough fuel to get to Mexico?
JACK BAUER: We're not going to Mexico.
RAMON SALAZAR: What do you mean, why not?
JACK BAUER: If we make a run for the border they'll just try and force us down. You're gonna have to trust me.


(CHASE EDMUNDS is driving back to CTU in a black SUV. He calls CHLOE O'BRIAN.)
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Field ops, O'Brian.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Chloe, it's Chase. Jack disarmed his locator but the military should have him on radar by now.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: They're feeding us the stream now Chase. I'm sending it to you. He just banked, he's heading west towards downtown.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Downtown… He knows they can't shoot him down over a populated area. We may be able to override what he did to his com unit through an emergency haling frequency, we have to get through to him Chloe. We've got to let him know we've found Kyle Singer.


(RYAN CHAPELLE walks into CTU. He's talking on his mobile phone.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: Major Blanchard, this is Ryan Chapelle, what's the status of your pursuit craft?
MAJOR BLANCHARD: I have two helicopters that have just taken off from down here.
RYAN CHAPELLE: How quickly will they intercept?
MAJOR BLANCHARD: Well that's changed, Bauer just turned, he's no longer headed south towards us.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Where's he headed?
MAJOR BLANCHARD: It looks like he's headed toward the city. At his current speed it'll take us ten minutes before we get within range.
RYAN CHAPELLE: You've gotta force him down, even shoot him down if it comes to that.
MAJOR BLANCHARD: Well we can't do that while he's over the city without incurring serious collateral damage.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Well then you have to do it before he gets to the city, if he lands, he'll be difficult to catch.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Keep this line open.
(RYAN CHAPELLE hangs up.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: Michelle, I'm taking over for Tony, Division wants a senior officer in charge of CTU. Give me an update.
MICHELLE DESSLER: We're trying to make contact with the chopper. Now that we have Kyle Singer and the virus has been contained we need to contact Jack, let him know that the attempted escape of Salazar is pointless.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Ok, assemble all the department heads in the conference area, I want everyone on the same page.
ADAM: What about C band.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: It's a SWAT chopper, they wouldn't be using those frequencies.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Adam, tie up whatever you're doing. We have a briefing in the conference area in two.
(ADAM calls KIM BAUER over to his desk.)
ADAM: Kim, over here.
KIM BAUER: What do you need?
ADAM: I need you to anchor these lists for Chloe wile she's trying to find an emitting channel for the chopper.
KIM BAUER: I'm on it.
(ADAM walks away.)
CHLOE O'BRIAN: I'm sorry I lost it in your dad's office.
KIM BAUER: That's ok. Did you tell Michelle about the drugs you found in there?
KIM BAUER: What are they gonna do?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: I don't know, everything came in right after that, so no one's had time to process. I'm sending you over the first two groups.


(MICHELLE DESSLER walks into the Conference area and sits down. Her colleagues are all gathered around a table, RYAN CHAPELLE is standing up, briefing them.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: We'll make every attempt to communicate with Jack, try to resolve this peacefully, but if we can't, I need everyone absolutely clear on this, Salazar's terrorist connections are a serious threat to this country, we can not let him leave. Now that we've got Singer, should it come to it, both Salazar and Bauer are expendable.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Weren't we focusing on other options that would bring down the chopper without force.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Jack's not giving us any options, he's on a suicide mission either way. One he hands Ramon off to Hector, they'll have no use for him, they're going to kill him. I just got off the phone with Major Blanchard. He has pursuit craft tracking Jack, however, if they're not able to catch him by the time he reaches metro airspace, then we have a whole new set of problems. We need to co-ordinate with local authorities now.


(HECTOR SALAZAR dials a number on his mobile phone. It rings but nobody picks up. He gets angry, throws his phone onto a table and sits down. CLAUDIA walks over to him.)
CLAUDIA: Hector, relax.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Why can't I reach Gael?
CLAUDIA: He can't get away.
HECTOR SALAZAR: I need to know what's going on with Ramon, now.
CLAUDIA: The government is probably releasing him, it's just taking some time.
HECTOR SALAZAR: They're not releasing him. I want to tell you.
CLAUDIA: Tell me what?
HECTOR SALAZAR: The plan has changed. Jack Bauer is the one who's going to deliver Ramon.
CLAUDIA: Jack Bauer? What is that, a joke?
CLAUDIA: Well how is that possible? I mean Ramon would never accept help from the man who put him in prison.
HECTOR SALAZAR: I know. He is accepting his help. Bauer is now a criminal in his own country for doing this.
CLAUDIA: Hector, what's going on? How could you let Bauer come to us? That's too dangerous.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Don't worry about it Claudia.
CLAUDIA: No, I am worrying. Look what he's already done to us. It's some kind of trick.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Don't worry about Jack Bauer, I have plans for him.
(HECTOR SALAZAR'S mobile phone rings.)
GAEL: I don't have a lot of time, we're in the middle of this.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Is Ramon alive?
GAEL: Yes. He and Bauer have escaped in a helicopter.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Have they contacted Rapailic yet?
GAEL: No, no, no, no, they're being pursued. Everything will be decided in the next few minutes.
(GAEL hangs up.)


(KIM BAUER walks up to ADAM.)
KIM BAUER: Hey, what did Chapelle say in the briefing?
ADAM: He said a lot of stuff.
KIM BAUER: Are they going to try and shoot down my father?
ADAM: If they have to, yeah. But if they can contact him first it won't come to that. (to CHLOE O'BRIAN) Chloe, where are you at?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: No progress on the hailing frequency, without that, we can't get through to Jack.
ADAM: Ok, here's some new ones to try, use a tree search, we've got to get through to that chopper.
(MICHELLE DESSLER calls KIM BAUER to her desk.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: I need to speak to you.
(KIM BAUER walks over to MICHELLE DESSLER'S desk.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: Ryan and I feel you shouldn't be here until the situation with your father is resolved.
KIM BAUER: I'm qualified to handle the work Michelle.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Your qualifications aren't at issue. Your emotions are.
KIM BAUER: I can control my emotions. My father's doing this so that the virus won't get out, if he knows that Kyle Singer's in custody, he'll give Salazar back.
MICHELLE DESSLER: I know but we can't reach your father.
KIM BAUER: Not yet but Chloe and Adam are getting there, and I can help them. I'm a resource Michelle, don't do this.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Ok, go back and help Adam.
RYAN CHAPELLE: If we have to fire on that chopper, I want her out of here.
(RYAN CHAPELLE walks away.)


(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR are in a helicopter flying over Los Angeles. Suddenly, some buttons start flashing.)
RAMON SALAZAR: What's going on?
JACK BAUER: It's military.
RAMON SALAZAR: How can you tell?
JACK BAUER: Their formation, their rate of speed. They're gonna be on us in the next three to four minutes.
RAMON SALAZAR: And then what?
JACK BAUER: I assume they've got orders to shoot us out of the sky.


(CHASE EDMUNDS is driving in a black SUV. He dials a number on his mobile phone.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: I just spoke with someone at CTU, they said you authorised the use of force against the chopper.
RYAN CHAPELLE: That's right Chase, I did.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Does President Palmer know about this?
RYAN CHAPELLE: Palmer? First of all he's in the middle of a national debate, and I don't need his authorisation. Bauer just helped Salazar break out of prison.
CHASE EDMUNDS: He did that to make sure Salazar's people don't release this virus.
RYAN CHAPELLE: I don't care. Look, this is my jurisdiction.
CHASE EDMUNDS: All I'm saying is that getting Palmer's authorisation might be the smart play here, think about it. Jack Bauer has a personal relationship with the President. He saved his life more than once, and Palmer has interceded on his behalf before.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Our mandate does not bend to accommodate personal relationships.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Your right Ryan, and after you shoot Jack down you can personally explain that to the President.
(CHASE EDMUNDS hangs up. RYAN CHAPELLE'S mobile phone rings.)
MAJOR BLANCHARD: Our aircraft are about to make visual contact with Bauer, we can be ready to fire in…
RYAN CHAPELLE: Do not fire. Repeat, do not fire, until you hear back from me.


(The debate is underway. JOHN KEELER and DAVID PALMER are on stage.)
JOHN KEELER: The President has spoken of his administration's support for the American worker, but I'm sure these words sound hollow to Armando Rodriguez of Galveston, Sean O'Brown of Biloxi of Biloxi, Kendal Taylor of Tampa and to a hundred thousand of their fellow workers who have lost their jobs because of trade agreements signed by President David Palmer. It's my belief that opportunities have been missed…
(Backstage, WAYNE PALMER and ANNE are watching the debate on the television. WAYNE PALMER'S mobile phone rings, he answers.)
WAYNE PALMER: Wayne Palmer.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Mr Palmer, Ryan Chapelle calling.
WAYNE PALMER: Mr Chapelle, what's the latest on the bio threat?
RYAN CHAPELLE: Kyle Singer, who we believe to be the only carrier of the virus has been taken into custody.
WAYNE PALMER: Are you telling me there's no longer a risk of this virus being released.
RYAN CHAPELLE: That's what I'm saying.
WAYNE PALMER: Oh thank God.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Yes. We still have the Bauer situation to deal with.
WAYNE PALMER: What's the status on that?
RYAN CHAPELLE: Bauer has taken Salazar from the prison in a helicopter, we have him in our sights but are unable to communicate with him.
WAYNE PALMER: So what are you planning on doing?
RYAN CHAPELLE: Salazar can't be allowed to leave the country, I'm afraid our only other alternative is to shoot him down.
WAYNE PALMER: Mr Chapelle, my brother is not going to like that alternative.
RYAN CHAPELLE: I understand, that's why I'm calling, I don't want to fire on Bauer without the President's permission.
WAYNE PALMER: Yeah, well the President is in the middle of a televised debate right now so I'm sorry but this is going to have to wait.
RYAN CHAPELLE: It can't wait, in a few minutes their helicopter is going to be over downtown LA and we'll be unable to shoot it down without risking significant civilian casualties.
WAYNE PALMER: I may get back to you Ryan.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Soon, Mr Palmer, otherwise Bauer will be able to land that chopper and disappear with Salazar into the population.
(WAYNE PALMER hangs up. Onstage, JOHN KEELER and DAVID PALMER are debating.)
JOHN KEELER: Whose economic exports? The administration's? I for one cannot accept the blurred numbers being projected by the so called economic exports of this administration.
(WAYNE PALMER has put on a headset and talks to DAVID PALMER, who hears him through his earpiece.)
WAYNE PALMER: David, it's me. The bio threat's been eliminated, we have Kyle Singer in custody. However, Jack Bauer doesn't know this, now he's facilitated Salazar's escape and they're in a chopper on this outskirts of the city. Now listen to me carefully David, it may be necessary to shoot him down.
(Whilst WAYNE PALMER was speaking, JOHN KEELER had been talking.)
JOHN KEELER: I would like to hear the President's answer to that question.
WAYNE PALMER (through the earpiece): Are you prepared to authorise this?
DEBATE HOST: Mr President, your response?
WAYNE PALMER (through the earpiece): Come on David, what do you want to do?
JOHN KEELER: I think the entire American workforce would like to hear his answer.
DEBATE HOST: Mr President?
DAVID PALMER: My fellow Americans, I have just been informed of an impending national emergency that requires my immediate attention, therefore, I must withdraw from this debate. Excuse me.
JOHN KEELER: Now what is this.
(DAVID PALMER walks off stage.)
DEBATE HOST: This is, to say the least, an unusual situation. No one is quite sure what this emergency is…
(Meanwhile backstage.)
WAYNE PALMER: I need this room clear. (shouting) Get these people out of here!

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 06:14:00 to 06:18:31 before fading away.)


(KYLE SINGER is being wheeled into the building in an enclosed bio-stretcher. He is panicking.)
KYLE SINGER: Where are you guys taking me? Where are you taking me? Why won't you talk to me? Help me! Help me! Help!
(The staff who wheeled him in leave him in a room and walk away.)
KYLE SINGER: Hey where are you going? Where are you going? Hey!
(Another group of doctors, wearing Hazmat suits enter the room and take him to another area of the facility.)
KYLE SINGER: Talk to me please!
NICOLE DUNCAN: Kyle, I'm Doctor Duncan, I need you to calm down.
KYLE SINGER: Where's my girlfriend? Where's Linda?
NICOLE DUNCAN: We have her in another part of the facility.
KYLE SINGER: Is she ok?
NICOLE DUNCAN: Yeah, she's fine. There's an incubation period of four hours. With this particular virus, if you haven't become symptomatic, you haven't transmitted it.
KYLE SINGER: But what about my parents? Are they going to be ok too?
NICOLE DUNCAN: Yeah, they're on their way.
KYLE SINGER: What happens when I do become symptomatic? This is a serious thing, isn't it? It's gonna eat me alive.
NICOLE DUNCAN: We'll keep you as comfortable as possible.


(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR are in a helicopter flying over Los Angeles. Two military helicopters fly up behind them.)
JACK BAUER: They've got us, they've locked onto our heat signature.
RAMON SALAZAR: Then why aren't they firing?
JACK BAUER: I don't know.


(CHASE EDMUNDS is driving in a black SUV. He is on talking to CHLOE O'BRIAN on his mobile phone.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Chloe, come on, give me the hailing frequency.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: I can't make the servers go any faster ok?


(RYAN CHAPELLE is on the phone with MAJOR BLANCHARD.)
MAJOR BLANCHARD: Mr Chapelle, we've just locked onto the chopper. It is not yet over a populated zone, I need an answer.
RYAN CHAPELLE: How much time do we have precisely?
MAJOR BLANCHARD: Before collateral damage becomes an issue, just over four minutes.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Stay on course Major, I'm waiting to hear back from the President.


(The DEBATE HOST is on talking television.)
DEBATE HOST: We still haven't gotten any indication as to the nature of this national emergency and Senator Keeler's staff is questioning whether or not this emergency actually exists. If this indeed is a national emergency of any sort…
(DAVID PALMER walks into a room with WAYNE PALMER and a BODYGUARD.)
WAYNE PALMER: Could you give us a moment please?
(The BODYGUARD leaves the room. WAYNE PALMER watches DAVID PALMER swallow some pills.)
WAYNE PALMER: David I'm sorry but we don't have a lot of time here, so what do you want to do about shooting down this chopper?
DAVID PALMER: I can't give the order to kill Jack Bauer.
WAYNE PALMER: Well you can't let Salazar go either.
DAVID PALMER: Is it Salazar you're worried about? Or are you worried that if Jack Bauer lives he'll talk about our arrangement?
WAYNE PALMER: It's a fair question, to be blunt, yeah, yeah I am worried about that even if you're not. But you still have to think about national security David. I mean Salazar not only runs a drug trade but he's connected to terrorist organisations, and he has proven to us today that he has the infrastructure to launch a biological attack on our soil. Now we can't allow him to do that again.
DAVID PALMER: Jack Bauer sacrificed everything to prevent that attack.
WAYNE PALMER: Jack Bauer volunteered. Jack Bauer knew the risks, now David you have got to make this decision as if it wasn't Jack Bauer on that helicopter. You have to do what's right for this country David. Listen, this is your call, but you gotta make it now.
DAVID PALMER: Get me Chapelle.
(WAYNE PALMER takes out his mobile phone and dials a number.)


MAJOR BLANCHARD: We have just over one minute until they reach the no fire zone, I repeat, we have just over one minute until…
(RYAN CHAPELLE'S phone rings.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: Hold on Major.
(RYAN CHAPELLE answers the phone.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: Ryan Chapelle.
DAVID PALMER: This is President Palmer, why can't you force down that chopper without firing on it?
RYAN CHAPELLE: Bauer won't communicate with us Mr President, he's forcing our hand.
DAVID PALMER: How much time do we have.
RYAN CHAPELLE: In sixty seconds he'll be out of reach. (Pause) Sir?
DAVID PALMER: You have my authorisation to fire.
(RYAN CHAPELLE hangs up and goes back to the line with MAJOR BLANCHARD.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: Major, shoot him down.
(MAJOR BLANCHARD picks up a radio and speaks into it.)
MAJOR BLANCHARD: This is Alpha One to Zebra One and Zebra Two, proceed. You have a go, I repeat, you have a go.
MILITARY HELICOPTER PILOT: Roger that Alpha One, preparing to launch.


(CHASE EMDUNDS is on the phone with CTU.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Damn it, what's happening?
MICHELLE DESSLER: They gave the order.
KIM BAUER: No please…


(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR'S helicopter banks to the left, the military helicopters are close behind them.))
MILITARY HELICOPTER PILOT1: He's diving, I don't have a shot.
MILITARY HELICOPTER PILOT2: He's changing course, get under him, get under him. Do you have a shot?
MILITARY HELICOPTER PILOT1: Negative, negative, he knows we're on him, he's trying to get away.
MILITARY HELICOPTER PILOT2: I've got the shot again, rockets engaged, going live. Clear for shot. Target locked, I'm taking the shot.
MILITARY HELICOPTER PILOT1: Hold fire, hold fire. Stand by. Alpha One, he's reached downtown core, please advise. Do we still fire?
MAJOR BLANCHARD: No. Stand down. I repeat, do not fire, do not fire.
MILITARY HELICOPTER PILOT1: Roger that Alpha One, standing down.
(Inside JACK BAUER'S helicopter.)
JACK BAUER: Hold on, we're going in.


(RYAN CHAPELLE walks down the stairs from his office.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: Alright everyone, fall back to B protocols, have all units on the ground prepared. Wherever Bauer lands, I want to be on top of him.


(CHASE EDMUNDS is driving back to CTU in a black SUV. He calls MICHELLE DESSLER.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Michelle, what's going on?
MICHELLE DESSLER: They're not firing, Jack's over the city.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Can you get him on the hailing frequency yet?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Chloe's getting close. (Pause) Ok, he's putting it down, I've got to go.
CHASE EDMUNDS: No, no, get me to Chloe. Get me to Chloe.
(MICHELLE DESSLER hangs up and patches CHASE EDMUNDS through to CHLOE O'BRIAN.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Chloe? Chloe?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Any second now Chase.
CHASE EDMUNDS: There's no time damn it, I need to get through to him before he lands.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: I got it Chase, I got it. Patching you through. You're in, go.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Jack? We found Kyle Singer, I repeat, we found Kyle Singer, the virus has been contained. There's no need for you to be doing this.


(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR have left the helicopter in the middle of a road and are running into a subway. They did not hear CHASE EDMUNDS' message.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 06:26:08 to 05:30:37 before fading away.)


(SAM and HELEN SINGER are led into the National Health Services building. NICOLE DUNCAN greets them.)
NICOLE DUNCAN: Mr and Mrs Singer, I'm Doctor Duncan.
(SAM and HELEN SINGER watch a Doctor in a Hazmat suit run tests on their son while NICOLE DUNCAN talks to them.)
NICOLE DUNCAN: …but our options for treatment are limited.
SAM SINGER: I don't understand, if he's not sick yet, why isn't there any way to treat him.
NICOLE DUNCAN: Once someone's exposed and starts incubating the virus, there's nothing we can do.
SAM SINGER: Well how long does he have?
NICOLE DUNCAN: The lab tests haven't come back yet, once they do we'll have a more…
SAM SINGER: Please, just give me some idea.
NICOLE DUNCAN: Hours, not days. I'm sorry.
SAM SINGER: Can we see him?
(NICOLE DUNCAN walks away and motions for them to follow.)
SAM SINGER: Come on Hon.
HELEN SINGER: No, I can't, I can't!
SAM SINGER: Hey, Helen, he needs to know that we're not angry with him, ok?
(NICOLE DUNCAN dials a number on an intercom.)
NICOLE DUNCAN: Kyle, your parents would like to speak with you, they can hear you on the intercom. (to KYLE SINGER'S PARENTS) Take your time, I'll be just outside.
(KYLE SINGER is helped up from his bed and walks over to a glass door, separating him and his parents.)
SAM SINGER: The Doctor told us everything.
HELEN SINGER: But maybe they're wrong, maybe it isn't as bad as they think.
KYLE SINGER: They're not wrong. I deserve what I'm getting.
SAM SINGER: Don't say that, all you deserved was a father who could do better for you, so you wouldn't have to go and get money and bring it home because I couldn't.
SAM SINGER: I'm sorry. Kyle, I'm so sorry.
KYLE SINGER: I love you. You've always taken care of me. Now I never… now I never told you this, but you made me feel safe. Even now, you make me feel safe. You did the best you could dad.
(KYLE SINGER and his parents press their hands up against the glass.)
KYLE SINGER: I don't want to die.


(CHASE EDMUNDS arrives at the place where JACK BAUER left the helicopter. He gets out of his car and walks up to a POLICE OFFICER.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Edmunds, CTU. Anybody seen him?
POLICE OFFICER: Witnesses was your suspect run down into the station about five minutes ago.
CHASE EDMUNDS: How many trains have left?
POLICE OFFICER: Two. One made a stop ten blocks east of here. We've got officers searching that area. We stopped another train in the tunnel, they're searching it now.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Jack's not gonna let himself get trapped on a train.
POLICE OFFICER: You think he's still down in the tunnel?
(CHASE EDMUNDS pulls his mobile phone from his pocket and dials a number.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Kim, I need the MDA schematics of the Person's square station.
KIM BAUER: What's going on Chase?
CHASE EDMUNDS: Your dad got out of the chopper before I could tell him about Kyle Singer, he and Salazar are on the run.
KIM BAUER: Hang on. Ok, I've got the schematics.
CHASE EDMUNDS: How many tunnel emergency exits are there between here and Grant?
KIM BAUER: I'm looking.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Come on, let's go!
KIM BAUER: There's one. In the alley just off Sixth Street's south west corner.
CHASE EDMUNDS: How far is that from here?
KIM BAUER: One block, but they're all one-ways so you're better off on foot.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Ok, I'll get back to you.
(CHASE EDMUNDS hangs up.)
CHASE EDMUNDS (to POLICE OFFICERS): Hey, are we co-ordinating with you guys or not?
(CHASE EDMUNDS runs off.)


(KIM BAUER leaves her desk and walks over to MICHELLE DESSLER.)
KIM BAUER: Michelle, I just got off the phone with Chase, he's at the metro station.
MICHELLE DESSLER: What did he want?
KIM BAUER: Information about the subways.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Whatever you gave him, copy our other agents.
KIM BAUER: They know not to use lethal force, right?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Mandate's the same, stop Salazar by any means necessary. (Pause) But, now they're on the ground, they can probably do that without harming your father.
(KIM BAUER walks away.)


(CHASE EDMUNDS runs into Sixth Street. He sees that the emergency tunnel exit has been opened. He takes his mobile phone from his pocket and dials a number.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Michelle, it's Chase. Jack got out of the tunnel thorough a maintenance access off of Michigan. It's at nine hundred block. You need to re-deploy all your people to this area, seal off a ten block radius.


(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZR run into car park. JACK BAUER takes the keys to a car.)
JACK BAUER: Come on, get in.
(They both get in the car and drive away.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 06:37:19 to 06:41:50 before fading away.)


(DAVID PALMER is watching the debate host on television. WAYNE PALMER is talking on his mobile phone.)
DEBATE HOST: The exit of the President did come at a critical time during the debate, and even pundits on both side of the isle are speculating that it is quite odd, to say the least…
WAYNE PALMER: Yeah, I will. I'll tell him. Thanks.
(WAYNE PALMER hangs up.)
WANYE PALMER: That was CTU. They still haven't found Bauer or Salazar. LAPD's placing a net around the area where the chopper landed.
DAVID PALMER: Hopefully they'll be picked up without incident.
WAYNE PALMER: Yeah. Yeah, it's probably more likely that Bauer'll slip through. David listen, you're gonna have to stop thinking about his welfare for the moment. Now Bauer breaking Salazar out of prison has already leaked to the press. Now you're gonna have to go out there and explain to them that's why you ended this debate. And then explicitly denounce what Bauer did.
DAVID PALMER: So Jack puts his life on the line to stop the virus and we hang him out to dry.
WAYNE PALMER: David, we cannot allow anyone to know that we sanctioned what he did. That would do irreparable damage to you, to the office. Now you know what I'm saying is true. I'm sorry but you're going to have to let him go.
(WAYNE PALMER walks away. DAVID PALMER sighs.)


(JACK BAUER and RMON SALAZAR are speeding down a street in the car they stole. JACK BAUER gets out his mobile phone and dials a number.)
RAMON SALAZAR: Who are you calling?
JACK BAUER: Your pilot. Your brother gave the FBI contact instructions in his last call, he's got a plane circling waiting to pick you up.
RAMON SALAZAR: So CTU knows about the plane? Will that be a problem?
JACK BAUER: Not for long.
(The PLANE PILOT answers the phone.)
JACK BAUER: Yeah, this is Jack Bauer, I've got Salazar. I'm on a secure cell. Seven, one, one, star, six, five, five, nine. Reconfigure your frequency and call me back.
PLANE PILOT: I get confirmation?
JACK BAUER: That's right.


(GAEL is in contact with the PLANE PILOT.)
PLANE PILOT: Is this the real thing?
GAEL: Yes, yes it is, he's got Salazar. Call him back and make arrangements.
PLANE PILOT: And we're buffered from CTU?
GAEL: It's handled.


(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR are still in the car. JACK BAUER'S mobile phone rings, he answers.)
PLANE PILOT: Where are you?
JACK BAUER: Uh, twenty seven hundred block at Figaro, we're headed south.
PLANE PILOT: Alright, the closest safe airstrip is Santa Margarita. Do you know where that is?
JACK BAUER: Yeah, I can get there in about ten minutes.
(JACK BAUER hangs up. RAMON SALAZAR smiles.)
RAMON SALAZAR You really are the best Jack. When you were down there with us, I had no idea you were an agent. We accepted you, you didn't have to put a needle in your arm. You did that for other reasons, same reason as all junkies, to kill the pain. What's your pain Jack? What does the needle make go away, huh?


(MICHELLE DESSLER is talking on the phone.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: Make sure to call Division, tell them that they need to move their men out of Downey. Yeah, we need everyone downtown. Yeah call me back with confirmation.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Michelle, Doctor Lindsor on line three.
DOCTOR LINDSOR: Well, your husband's out of surgery.
DOCTOR LINDSOR: There was no nerve damage, the injury was entirely vascular.
MICHELLE DESSLER (trembling): And that… it's what we were hoping for right?
DOCTOR LINDSOR: Yes, he should recover fully.
DOCTOR LINDSOR: He's going into post op so he should be awake within the next hour or so.
MICHELLE DESSLER: I'll be there. Thank you… thank you Doctor.
(MICHELLE DESSLER hangs up. RYAN CHAPELLE walks up to her.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: Uh, it was the hospital, Tony's gonna be ok.
RYAN CHAPELLE: That's good news.
(They hug.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: Have you heard back from INS?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Yeah, we sent out an alert, and we're covered from Baha to New Mexico.
RYAN CHAPELLE: How about local airfields?
MICHELLE DESSLER: We're trying to shut down everything we can but we're getting a low bug down with the FAA.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Have Gael run a pattern analysis on local air traffic. We may come up with an anomaly.
MICHELLE DESSLER: That's a good idea.
(MICHELLE DESSLER picks up her phone and dials a number.)
ADAM: Kaufman.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Adam, where's Gael?
ADAM: Um, uh, Tech One. Kim and I are just about to head down there, do you need me to tell him something?
MICHELLE DESSLER: No, just, uh, send him over to my office.
ADAM: Ok, I'll let him know.


(GAEL is watching a video feed of the plane at the airstrip and is talking to the pilot.)
GAEL: Once you get back in the air, I'll be off-line. Re-encrypt your frequency every fifteen minutes, I'll pick you up on twenty two seven.
PLANE PILOT: Roger that.
(GAEL sees KIM BAUER and ADAM approaching his room on a monitor.)
GAEL: I'll get back to you.
(GAEL hangs up and removes any trace of the video feed from his computer.)
ADAM (to KIM BAUER): So everything on the system hasn't been updated since eleven a.m., so that's where you should start. (to GAEL) Gael? Michelle needs to see you in her office.
ADAM (to KIM BAUER): You can use this station right here.
KIM BAUER: What are you doing?
ADAM: Uh, bringing the log back up to date, we got really behind when everything hit the fan today.
GAEL: I can do that a lot faster than she can.
GAEL: No, Michelle needs to see you now.
(GAEL walks away. KIM BAUER looks at him curiously.)
ADAM: Ok, you're all set.
ADAM: See you in a bit.

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 06:48:07 to 06:52:38 before fading away.)


(DAVID PALMER is sat at a table, preparing his statement. ANNE enters the room.)
DAVID PALMER: Can you give me a moment?
ANNE: Yeah.
DAVID PALMER (to STAFF MEMBER): I want these two paragraphs inverted and have the secretary meet me in the morning. Alright?
(DAVID PALMER stands up and leads ANNE to another area of the room.)
ANNE: Is everything ok?
DAVID PALMER: Well we had to make some fast choices and I couldn't do that while I was on stage. Yes, everything's ok now.
ANNE: Are you sure?
DAVID PALMER: This is just damage control.
ANNE: David, I'm sorry. I still can't believe Keeler would repeat those lies in a national debate.
DAVID PALMER: You don't have to apologise for anything. We didn't sink to their level, and in the long run, it's gonna pay off.
ANNE: I hope you're right.
DAVID PALMER: But I'm more concerned about you. You've only been brought into this because of me.
ANNE: I'm fine.
DAVID PALMER: Yes you are.
(They kiss. WAYNE PALMER walks over to them.)
WAYNE PALMER: David, Jerry scheduled a press conference. They're expecting your statement this evening.
WAYNE PALMER: Good. We've got to get right on the response of Keeler's accusation about Anne.
DAVID PALMER: What did the quick polls tell us?
WAYNE PALMER: Well, I'm not going to lie to you, we got hit hard. Voters who were on the fence may have just fallen into Keeler's camp.
ANNE: But that is ridiculous! Once they find out that Ted was lying…
WAYNE PALMER: And how are they supposed to do that Anne? I mean it's he said, she said. This is politics, it's not medicine, so do me a favour and stay out of it.
ANNE: Stay out of it? I am it.
DAVID PALMER: That's enough. Wayne, you'll have to be patient. Anne's not going anywhere, and we're not changing our strategy.
WAYNE PALMER: David, we really need to talk about this…
DAVID PALMER: Right now it's Mr President.
WAYNE PALMER: Yes sir, Mr President.
(WAYNE PALMER walks away.)
ANNE: I may not agree with his bedside manner, but I think he's right, you don't need this right now.
DAVID PALMER: What are you saying?
ANNE: I think we should put our relationship on hold until after the election.
DAVID PALMER: Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. First of all, that won't resolve anything, and second of all, I need you.
ANNE: Then I'm right here.
DAVID PALMER: That's my lady.
(They hug.)


(NICOLE DUNCAN hangs up a phone and looks at some files.)
NICOLE DUNCAN: Wait a minute, how can that be? Have we rechecked these results?
ASSISTANT: Three times Doctor.
NICOLE DUNCAN: You're sure?
ASSISTANT: Very sure.
NICOLE DUNCAN: Ok, thanks.
(The ASSISTANT walks away. NICOLE DUNCAN picks up her phone and dials a number.)
NICOLE DUNCAN: Yeah, get me Chapelle at CTU. Put him through to my cell.
(NICOLE DUNCAN hangs up the phone and walks over to KYLE SINGER'S parents. She tell them something and then opens the door to the air tight room where KYLE SINGER is being kept. She walks in.)
KYLE SINGER: What's going on?
NICOLE DUNCAN: There's no trace of the virus in your blood.
NICOLE DUNCAN: We re-rant he tests several times and had them double checked at another lab. You're clean.
(HELEN SINGER hugs KYLE SINGER and then SAM SINGER does. NICOLE DUNCAN mobile phone rings.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: Nicole, Chapelle.
NICOLE DUNCAN: Kyle Singer's tests came back negative.
RYAN CHAPELLE: How is that possible?
NICOLE DUNCAN: It's only possible if he was never infected.
RYAN CHAPELLE: So you're telling me this whole virus scare was a bluff?
NICOLE DUNCAN: I don't know if I'd say that. That dead body they dropped off this morning was definitely infected.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Then why wouldn't they have infected the boy. What the hell is going on here?
NICOLE DUNCAN: I don't know, you tell me.


(JACK BAUER and RAMON SALAZAR drive up to the airstrip. Two men carrying guns run up to the car.
JACK BAUER: What the hell's going on?
(RAMON SALAZAR grabs JACK BAUER'S gun and points it at him.)
RAMON SALAZAR: You didn't think I was just going to let you deliver me and leave did you? (to the MEN) Get him out.
JACK BAUER: Ramon! What the hell is going on? Ramon!
(JACK BAUER is knocked to the ground and dragged towards RAMON SALAZAR by the men. RAMON SALAZAR then places a gun against his back.)
RAMON SALAZAR: Thanks for the ride Jack.
MAN: Ramon! Hector said to bring him back, alive.
(RAMON SALAZAR lowers his gun.)
RAMON SALAZAR: Fine, let's go.
(RAMON SALAZAR climbs the stairs into the plane and JACK BAUER is carried up them.)


(KIM BAUER is working alone in the IRS room. She sees that GAEL has not logged off from his computer. She walks over to it, turns his system back on and sees the video feeds. One of them shows JACK BAUER, unconscious, being dragged onto the plane. She picks up a phone and tries to call for help. The door to the ITS room opens and someone walks in.)
KIM BAUER: Adam! Adam, there's something seriously wrong with…
GAEL: I just remembered, I forgot to close that file.
(GAEL draws his gun.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 06:59:57 to 07:00:00 before fading away.)

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