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24 heures chrono
#307 : 19h00 – 20h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 3 guide des épisodes

Kim apprend que son père a été emmené de force par Salazar en avion et aussi que Gaël est la taupe infiltrée dans la CAT. Elle se retrouve prisonnière car Gaël la surprend dans la salle des machines.
Kyle est sorti d’affaire, aucune trace ne virus n’a été décelée sur lui.
La CAT pense que c’était une diversion et cesse de s’occuper de cette menace. Chase décide de partir à la recherche de Jack, il suit une nouvelle piste contre l’avis de ses supérieurs.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
7:00pm - 8:00pm

Titre VF
19h00 – 20h00


 24 Season 3 Episode 7 Promo

24 Season 3 Episode 7 Promo


Plus de détails

• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• James Badge Dale : Chase Edmunds
•  Dennis Haysbert : President David Palmer
• Jesse Borrego : Gael Ortega
• Wendy Crewson : Dr. Anne Packard
• Joaquim de Almeida : Ramon Salazar
• Vanessa Ferlito : Claudia Hernandez
• Vincent Laresca : Hector Salazar
• DB Woodside : Wayne Palmer
• Paul Schulze : Ryan Chappelle
• Conor O'Farrell : Ted Packard
• Zachary Quinto : Adam Kaufman
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• Miguel Najera : Tomas
• Andy Umberger : Dr. Linzer
• Carlos Sanz : Simon Cullens
• Jamie McShane : Gerry Whitehorn


Gaël, après avoir découvert Kim, l’attache et la bâillonne avant d’effacer des fichiers concernant Salazar sur les ordinateurs.De son coté, Michelle demande à Adam de déverrouiller ses fichiers pour les transférer à Gaël qui va prendre sa place, le temps qu’elle aille au chevet de Tony.

Ensuite, elle demande des nouvelles de Jack mais celles-ci sont vagues et on apprend que la Police de Los Angeles et le F.B.I. sont aussi sur le coup. Adam considère que la méthode employée pour prévenir Jack n’est pas efficace et il propose que l’on utilise les médias mais Michelle lui répond que le Président Palmer refuse d’alarmer les populations.

Gaël téléphone à Michelle pour lui dire qu’il aide Kim à finir son travail, mais Michelle lui dit qu’elle a besoin de lui pour la remplacer pendant son absence. Ainsi Gaël séquestre Kim dans la salle technique, en modifiant le code d’ouverture de la porte, après lui avoir expliqué qu’il la surveillait par vidéo.Un briefing est organisé, pendant lequel Ryan Chapelle annonce à toute l’équipe qu’il n’y a plus de menace sur Los Angeles, cependant trouver Ramon Salazar (et donc Jack) est leur nouvelle priorité car il est possible qu’ils disposent du Virus quand même.

Chapelle pense que Jack et Ramon ne resteront pas longtemps à Los Angeles et vont chercher à atteindre au plus vite la frontière mexicaine. Les autorités locales ont été mises en alerte.

Concernant Chase, Michelle pense qu’il va revenir à la C.A.T.. Dans l’avion des Salazar, l’ambiance est à la fête sauf pour Jack Bauer qui est enfermé et attaché à l’arrière de l’appareil.

Ramon lui n’est pas tranquille et l’envie le démange de plus en plus d’abattre Jack, malgré qu’Hector, son frère, ai donner des consignes inverses. Ryan Chapelle appelle Chase pour lui demander de revenir à la C.A.T., mais ce dernier a une piste : un indic inconnu d’Hector Salazar. Mais Chapelle insiste toujours sur le retour de Chase à la C.A.T., le menaçant de renvoi étant convaincu qu’il a couvert Jack et ses histoires de drogue. A la C.A.T., Adam s’inquiétant de ne plus voir Kim demande à Chloé O’Brian si elle ne l’a pas vu.

La programmation des Logs est en retard et Adam décide d’aller voir en salle technique, Gaël l’en empêche prétendant que Chapelle lui a confié une autre mission. Ensuite, Michelle annonce à Gaël qu’il a désormais tous les fichiers nécessaires pour la remplacer, mais avant de partir elle tient à régler un détail. Adam cherche toujours Kim ce qui provoque des sueurs froides à Gaël.

Il se rend à la salle technique, mais s’aperçoit que son code d’accès ne fonctionne pas, il demande à Michelle de le lui changer. Un fois le code modifié, Adam rentre dans la salle technique est découvre Kim qui lui dit que Gaël est une taupe. Gaël tente de fuir, mais il est rattrapé et arrêté par les services de sécurité et Michelle. Il est 19h18, Wayne annonce à Palmer que Jack n’a pas été retrouvé, en lui demandant de laisser faire la C.A.T., le F.B.I. et la Police, ayant d’autres chats à fouetter pour le moment.

Le président retrouve Anne au Q.G. de District, elle s’excuse pour l‘avoir décourager de payer son ex-mari, mais Palmer lui dit que ce n’est pas de sa faute. À la C.A.T., alors que Chapelle laisse mariner Gaël dans une salle d’interrogatoire, Michelle lui demande de la laisser partir assister au réveil de Tony, il se montre réticent mais fini par accepter.

Il rejoint Gaël et l’interroge sur la probable existence d’une autre taupe dans la C.A.T., pour lui délier la langue, il lui présente Johnson et son « kit de persuasion ». Chapelle cherche à savoir où va atterrir l’avion qui a embarqué Jack et Ramon et que Gaël a filmé.

Justement dans l’avion, Ramon fait la fête avec deux demoiselles (en petites tenues) mais il est inquiet de savoir Jack encore en vie. Il se demande pourquoi son frère veut le garde vivant. Il s’empare d’une arme mais l’un de ces hommes de main arrive à le dissuader de ne rien faire.

De son coté, Jack tente de convaincre son gardien de l’amener à Ramon pour lui parler de quelque chose mais il refuse, alors Jack en simulant une crise de manque, arrive à neutraliser le gardien et se libère avant de s’emparer d’une arme. 19h30.Au Q.G. de District, Wayne, Palmer et son responsable des affaires de presse tentent de trouver une explication à donner au pays suite à l’interruption du débat par Palmer.

Wayne, prend son frère à part et lui conseille de prendre ses distances vis-à-vis d’Anne.Celle-ci, reçoit un appel de son ex-mari qui veut lui parler en privé. Il veut arranger toute cette histoire en lui donnant, en personne, des documents qui prouveraient l’innocence d’Anne : elle accepte le Rendez-Vous. Chase, décidé à ne pas suivre les ordres de Chapelle, se rend chez son indic, un comptable du nom de Simon.

Ce dernier jure ne pas savoir où se trouve Hector et Chase lui demande d’éplucher les comptes afin de trouver une info. De retour dans l’avion, Ramon succombe à la tentation et s’apprête à liquider Jack, mais il n’a pas le temps, Jack a réagi plus vite et le prend en otage.

Au sol, Hector inquiet d’être sans nouvelles de Gaël se prépare à toute éventualité et coordonne ses troupes. À la C.A.T., l’interrogatoire « musclé » de Gaël se poursuit. Tout à coup, le téléphone de Gaël sonne et Chapelle fait tracer la ligne, afin de localiser Hector.

Gaël répond et rassure Hector en lui disant que Ramon et libéré, cependant il prétend ne rien savoir sur Jack et justifie son silence par le fait qu’on le surveille de plus en plus. L’appel trop court, n’a pas permis de repérage. À 19h43, Michelle arrive près de Tony qui se porte mieux que prévu.

Il se renseigne sur la situation et demande à parler à Gaël mais Michelle lui apprend que Gaël est une taupe et qu’il est actuellement interrogé : à cette nouvelle Tony décide de sortir de l’hôpital immédiatement en signant une décharge. Chez Simon, on retrouve la trace d’un dépôt à Las Nieves au nord du Mexique.

Chase décide de réquisitionner le Jet privé du comptable afin de s’y rendre ; il prévient Kim, qui est en « discussion » avec Chloé dans les toilettes de la C.A.T.. Après avoir pris connaissance à son tour de la situation à la Cellule, il demande à Kim de garder tout cela pour elle, après quelques hésitations, elle accepter de ne pas en parler. Dans l’avion, Ramon, toujours tenu en otage par Jack, le provoque, ce qui lui rapporte un magnifique : « Ta gueule! ». Il est 19h53 quand l’avion atterrit. À la C.A.T., tout le monde assiste, l’air éberlué, au retour de Tony qui demande où se trouve Chapelle.

Tony interrompt l’interrogatoire et demande à parler à Gaël en privé, Chapelle s’y oppose. À l’aéroport, Ramon et Jack sont accueillis par un bataillon armé. Quand Hector voit Jack tenir son frère en joug, il demande des explications, Jack lui dit que Ramon a tenté de le tuer et « s’étonne » du comité d’accueil.

Il relâche Ramon qui rejoint son frère et l’enlace, mais exigeant des explications. Hector lui en promet avant de se diriger vers Jack pour le féliciter de son boulot :

Jack lui rend son arme avant que les deux hommes s’enlacent. Ramon, lui, ne comprend rien tandis que Jack appuie sur un bouton de sa montre.

Au même moment, dans la salle d’interrogatoire, le pad de Gaël émet un « bip » qui interpelle Ryan Chapelle, Gaël dit qu’ « Il est dedans » et Tony explique que ce signal indique que Jack est de nouveau infiltré chez les Salazar, et qu’il donnera plus d’explications, mais qu’avant il faut appeler le Président

JACK BAUER Voice over: The following takes place between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.



(GAEL is pointing his gun at KIM BAUER and is pushing her to a corner of the room.)
KIM BAUER: Gael what are you doing? Let me go!
GAEL: Sorry Kim, you shouldn't have walked into this. (He places his hand over her mouth to silence her) Calm down, I have to ask you a few questions, ok? Now this room is sound proof, so if you scream, it won't do anything but make me made so you want to do that. So we're gonna be alright here?
(KIM BAUER nods. GAEL removes his hand from in front of her mouth.)
KIM BAUER: What are you doing to my father?
GAEL: I'll ask the questions, huh?
(GAEL wraps some duct tape around KIM BAUER'S legs.)
GAEL: You came in here to bring the logs back up to date, when do they expect you to finish? (KIM BAUER says nothing.) Don't make me ask you twice.
KIM BAUER: I don't know, ten minutes.
GAEL: And after that, what are you working on?
KIM BAUER: Just utility work.
GAEL: Good.
KIM BAUER: What do you think you're doing. This isn't going to work.
(GAEL places some duct tape over KIM BAUER'S mouth. He then walks over to his computer and deletes all the image data he had stored. He then leaves the room.)


(MICHELLE DESSLER walks up to ADAM'S desk.)
ADAM: Yeah?
MICHELLE DESSLER: I don't know if you gotten word but Tony's out of surgery, I'm trying to head over there in a few minutes.
ADAM: Well who's going to be in charge when you're gone?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Gael. I want you to unmount all my directories and transfer then over to his system, ok?
ADAM: Sure.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Anything new on Jack?
ADAM: No, our last location on him was the downtown subway station and Chase lost his trail after that.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Have we contacted LAPD?
ADAM: Yeah, they're all over it, so is local FBI.
ADAM: I think we're going about this the wrong way. Jack broke Salazar out of jail because he thought it was the only way to stop the bio-threat, but now that we have Kyle Singer, there is no threat. We should just saturate the media, maybe Jack'll get the message.
MICHELLE DESSLER: The President made it very clear, he does not want the public to know about the bio-threat, not at this point. We have to find Jack and Salazar ourselves.
ADAM: Yeah…
(MICHELLE DESSLER walks over to a phone that was ringing and answers it.)
GAEL: Michelle, it's me.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Gael, why aren't you in the teleconference room? The briefing's about to begin.
GAEL: Yeah well Kim bumped into some embedded no-ops in the local files, it'll take a few minutes.
MICHELLE DESSLER: She can handle that. I'm trying to head over to the hospital, I need you up to speed so you can take over for me.
GAEL: On my way.
(They both hang up. GAEL walks over to KIM BAUER and shows her footage of the room they're in on his handheld computer.)
GAEL: I'm watching you, so don't try anything. Alright?
(GAEL leaves the room and changes it's access codes. KIM BAUER is struggling in her chair.)


(The most important CTU workers are gathered in the room. MICHELLE DESSLER is talking to a colleague.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: Transport all blue alert key codes to Gael.
COLLEAGUE: Anything else?
MICHELLE DESSLER: That's it, thanks.
(RYAN CHAPELLE walks into the room.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: There is no longer an outbreak threat for the city of Los Angeles. Kyle Singer who was being held by Salazar's people, was not carrying the cordilla virus and turns out to be perfectly healthy. But we do know Salazar's organisation has the virus, which means finding Ramon Salazar is our top priority.
(GAEL enters the room.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: Thank you for joining us Gael. If you're taking over from Michelle, be on time.
GAEL: Sorry.
RYAN CHAPELLE: I was just saying, from this moment on, we are focused on one thing only, and that's finding Ramon Salazar. Adam, where are we on that?
ADAM: Uh, after Jack and Ramon ditched the chopper, we lost their trail. For all we know, they're still in LA.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Well they won't be for long. We suspect they're heading for the Mexican border.
MICHELLE DESSLER: We've contacted the Mexican government as well as the Central American Allies, we're asking them to monitor all air corridors.
RYAN CHAPELLE: What about Chase Edmunds?
MICHELLE DESSLER: I'm assuming that he's coming back here.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Don't assume assume anything.


(RAMON SALAZAR is having a party on his plane. JACK BAUER is in a back area of the plane; unconscious and handcuffed to a pipe.)
THOMAS: Ramon, have a drink, you're a free man!
(THOMAS pours RAMON SALAZAR a glass of champagne.)
(RAMON SALAZAR grabs the bottle of champagne and walks into the area of the plane where JACK BAUER is.)
THOMAS: Ramon!
(RAMON SALAZAR pours out the bottle of champagne onto JACK BAUER, who wakes up.)
RAMON SALAZAR: Hello Jack. The party's going well, I wanted you to know. There's something else I wanted you to know, for some reason Hector wants you alive, maybe he wants to kill you himself, or maybe he wants to watch me do it, I'm just not sure I can wait that long.
THOMAS: Ramon, let's get back to the party, come on, the girls. Sandra is waiting.


(CHASE EDMUNDS is in his black SUV. His phone rings and he answers it.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: Chase, this is Ryan Chapelle, what are you doing?
CHASE EDMUNDS: Trying to find Jack.
RYAN CHAPELLE: So is the rest of CTU.
CHASE EDMUNDS: I may have a thread.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Jack and I backpocketed some of Hector Salazar's contacts that aren't on the books.
RYAN CHAPELLE: If you have any other information we'll pass it on to a field team but I want you back here.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Ryan, there's no time for that. As soon as Jack hands Ramon Salazar over to his brother, they're gonna kill him.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Jack may already be dead.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Well I'm not stopping until I know for sure.
RYAN CHAPELLE (growing impatient): Chase, I want you back here now.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Because I just found out Jack's been using heroin, and since you're his partner, you must have known.
CHASE EDMUNDS: No, I had no idea.
RYAN CHAPELLE: I don't believe you. I believe you've been covering for him all along.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Sir, the only thing that matters right now is finding Jack and I can't do that from CTU.
RYAN CHAPELLE: If you even want a chance of keeping your job, get back here now and debrief me on Bauer. Do you understand?
CHASE EDMUNDS: Yes, I understand.
(RYAN CHAPELLE hangs up.)


(CHLOE O'BRIAN'S phone rings, she picks up.)
ADAM: Chloe, is Kim up there?
ADAM: Are your logs still lagging by six hours?
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Let me check.
(CHLOE O'BRIAN walks over to her computer and presses a few keys.)
ADAM: I thought Kim was supposed to take care of that.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Uh, I don't know what Kim's doing, I don't follow her schedule that closely.
(They both hang up. GAEL walks past ADAM'S desk.)
ADAM: Gael? Are you going back to Tech One right now?
GAEL: No, not right now, why?
ADAM: Uh, I just need something from Kim, it's cool, I'll get her.
GAEL: No, no, she's not there.
ADAM: Yes she is, she's backing up logs.
GAEL: She was, but Chapelle asked her to bring down a merit drive down to Network. She should be back in a few minutes, what do you need?
ADAM: What do I need? I need to find Jack. We're dead-ending everywhere, Kim's his daughter, maybe there's something we're overlooking that she can help us with.
GAEL: As soon as she gets back I'll send her over, ok?
ADAM: Yeah, ok.
(ADAM walks away. MICHELLE DESSLER walks up to GAEL.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: Gael, I had Adam transfer all of my directories over to your system, you're good to go.
GAEL: Thanks, great.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Oh, hold on, I want to go over the dispatches from Division. There's seventeen units out in the field, five of them are still downtown, they're trying to pick up Jack's trail.
GAEL: And the other twelve?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Health Services, LAX, um, hold on, let me pull up the rest for you.
(MICHELLE DESSLER sits down and starts typing at her computer. ADAM picks up his phone and tries to call Kim. Gael watches him. ADAM lets the phone ring for a while but KIM BAUER can't pick up because she's still tied to the chair. ADAM hangs up, GAEL looks relieved.)
MICHELLE DESSLER (to GAEL): This is the Matrix I used to balance resources, I'll transfer it to you.
(ADAM leaves the Main Floor and heads towards the ITS room. GAEL watches him.)
GAEL (to MICHELLE DESSLER): Is Tony out of surgery?
GAEL: Is he going to be ok?
(Meanwhile, ADAM is trying to get into the ITS room but his access code doesn't work. He picks up a phone and dials a number. MICHELLE DESSLER picks up.)
ADAM: Michelle, is Gael still with you?
ADAM: I can't get into Tech One, I'm having trouble with the access code.
MICHELLE DESSLER (to GAEL): Did you change the access code to Tech One?
GAEL: No why, what's going on?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Adam can't get in.
GAEL: What does he need?
MICHELLE DESSLER (to ADAM): What do you need Adam?
ADAM: I'm looking for Kim and she was in there.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Did you try calling her?
ADAM: There's something wrong with the phone. Um, can you override the door, because it's teaked?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Yeah, sure I can.
GAEL: What are you doing?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Overriding the access code, probably something wrong with the keypad. Ok, I'm resetting it to 1234, it'll take fifteen seconds to sync though.
ADAM: Thanks.
(They both hang up.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: Ok, I'm sending everything related to the virus over to Volume A. Where do you want the Salazar file?
(MICHELLE DESSLER turns around. GAEL is gone.)


(The door to the room opens, ADAM walks in. He hears KIM BAUER struggling.)
ADAM: Kim? Oh my God, Kim!
(ADAM runs over to KIM BAUER and rips the duct tape off of her mouth.)
ADAM: Kim!
KIM BAUER: Adam, it was Gael!
(ADAM runs out of the room.)


(GAEL is walking up the stairs to CTU's first floor. A SECURITY GUARD sees him.)
SECURITY GUARD: I have a visual on the subject…
(GAEL jumps down the stairs and runs into a hallway. He comes to an intersection and sees a SECURITY GUARD talking into his radio.)
SECURITY GUARD: I do not have a visual on the subject, I repeat, I do not have a visual on the subject. Please advise…
(GAEL continues on down the hallway. He comes to a SECURITY GUARD who has his back turned to him. He slams his fist into the SECURITY GUARD'S back, who falls to the ground. He continues running down the hallway. He comes to a door. He opens it and on the other side stands a security guard. GAEL pushes him into a wall and punches him in the face. He carries on running. He comes to a SECURITY GUARD'S desk. The SECURITY GUARD lifts his gun but GAEL already has his gun pointed at him.)
GAEL: Put it down, put it down, don't do it.
(The SECURITY GUARD lowers his gun. An elevator stops next to the desk. Two SECURITY GUARDS get out and point their guns towards GAEL. MICHELLE DESSLER comes running down the hallway with two more SECURITY GUARDS.)
GAEL: Don't get in my way Michelle!
MICHELLE DESSLER: External security is already in position, you're not going anywhere. You take one step outside, you know exactly what'll happen.
(GAEL drops his gun and a SECURITY GUARD pushes him against a wall, his hands behind his back.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 07:14:12 to 07:18:31 before fading away.)


(A black limousine is in the centre of a large convoy, driving to District Headquarters. DAVID PALMER and WAYNE PALMER are inside. WAYNE PALMER is talking on his mobile phone.)
WAYNE PALMER: Yeah ok I will. Alright, thanks.
(WAYNE PALMER hangs up.)
DAVID PALMER: What did they say?
WAYNE PALMER: They haven't found Jack Bauer yet, not even sure if he's still in the city.
DAVID PALMER: He's not in the city. His plan was to take Ramon Salazar back to his brother to prevent the outbreak. That's what he's going to do, even if it costs him his life.
WAYNE PALMER: You know David, that's probably true but there's nothing we can do about that right now. Our intelligence and military services are working overtime on that front so let them do their job. We, unfortunately, have other fires to put out.
(The convoy arrives at District Headquarters. DAVID PALMER gets out of the limousine and walks over to ANNE.)
ANNE: David I'm sorry about Ted and the debate…
DAVID PALMER: I don't want to hear it. It's not your fault.
ANNE: I was the one that told you to stand up to him but maybe I was wrong, maybe you should have paid him off.
DAVID PALMER: We're not wrong.
(WAYNE PALMER walks up behind them.)
WAYNE PALMER: Mr President? We have a lot of work to do.


(MICHELLE DESSLER and RYAN CHAPELLE are standing behind the one way mirror, looking into the room at GAEL.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: I still can't believe Gael could be a traitor. Has he said anything?
RYAN CHAPELLE: We haven't gone in yet, we're sweating him first.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Listen Ryan, Tony's out of surgery, I want to be there when he wakes up.
RYAN CHAPELLE: And I need you here. We just uncovered a mole, we don't know how badly we've been compromised by Salazar.
MICHELLE DESSLER: But you're handling that. Anything that spills over you can give to Chloe.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Chloe's a pain in the ass.
MICHELLE DESSLER: She can do it. At least until I get back.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Fine, if you think you're dispensable.
MICHELLE DESSLER: I just… want to be with my husband.
RYAN CHAPELLE (to JOHNSON): Ok, let's do this.
(RYAN CHAPELLE and JOHNSON walk into Interrogation Room One.)
You had us Gael. Now we have you. You working alone or does Salazar have other moles inside?
You know Johnson. You know what Johnson does. And you know that sooner or later you're going to tell me what you know, the only question is how hard you want to make this on yourself. Kim says you were monitoring a plane that had Jack Bauer on it, is that true?
GAEL: I have nothing to say.
RYAN CHAPELLE: If it's the last thing you ever do, you're going to tell me where that plane is landing.


(RAMON SALAZAR is still having a party on his plane. JACK BAUER is in a back area of the plane; unconscious and handcuffed to a pipe. RAMON SALAZAR is dancing with some girls. He looks distracted, and keeps looking at the door behind which JACK BAUER is being held. He stops dancing and starts to walk over to the door.)
THOMAS: What is it Ramon, huh? Don't you like the girls?
RAMON SALAZAR: Tell me again why Hector wants Bauer alive.
THOMAS: I don't know, he didn't say, but I…
RAMON SALAZAR: But! But nothing. Every time Bauer takes a breath is an insult to me. I spent three months in prison because of his betrayal.
THOMAS: I know Ramon, and I'm sure Hector feels the same way….
RAMON SALAZAR: Then you won't mind.
(RAMON SALAZAR takes THOMAS' gun from his holster and starts walking towards the second area of the plane, where JACK BAUER is being kept.)
THOMAS: Ramon, no!
(RAMON SALAZAR stops and turns around.)
RAMON SALAZAR: Are you giving me an order Thomas.
THOMAS: Ramon, I work for you and your brother, I love and respect both of you. Hector instructed me to keep Bauer alive until the plane lands…
RAMON SALAZAR: And I'm instructing you to sit down.
THOMAS: Why won't you honour the one wish of your brother, who arranged for your escape today. In less than an hour I'm sure that you will get your revenge on Bauer.
(RAMON SALAZAR hands THOMAS his gun.)
RAMON SALAZAR: Pour me another drink.
THOMAS: Yes Ramon.
(Meanwhile, in the furthermost area of the plane, JACK BAUER is still handcuffed to the pipe. PETRO, one of RAMON SALAZAR'S henchmen, is watching a film on a portable DVD player.)
PETRO: I'm not supposed to talk to you Jack.
JACK BAUER: Fine then, listen. I risked my life getting Ramon out of prison.
PETRO: You put him in prison!
JACK BAUER: Petro, I need to tell Ramon something, it's important. Before he gets too wasted, you know what he's like.
PETRO: Yeah, got drunk one time, threw some gun off plane. Keeps going like this, you might be landing before we do.
JACK BAUER: For God's sakes, listen to me…
PETRO: No you listen to me, I'm not talking to you, you're a dead man.
(JACK BAUER starts coughing heavily and shaking.)
PETRO: Jack? Jack?
(PETRO moves towards JACK BAUER.)
PETRO: Jack, what's going around? Jack? Jack!
(JACK BAUER kicks PETRO to the floor and breaks his neck using his feet. He takes his gun, and then uncuffs himself using the keys PETRO was carrying.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 07:26:03 to 07:33:22 before fading away.)


(The White House Press Secretary, GERRY WHITEHORN, is briefing DAVID PALMER.)
GERRY WHITEHORN: The bottom line is I think we can explain the national security issue that pulled you off stage but the allegation against Anne is going to be a lot harder to handle.
DAVID PALMER: He ex husband clearly had his own agenda and it shouldn't be difficult to prove that he's a liar.
GERRY WHITEHORN: I understand that but this is dirty laundry and we both know the public wants to hear it and unless you can offer the public something definitive, Anne is going to hurt you.
WAYNE PALMER: Gerry's right.
(GERRY WHITEHORN leaves the room.)
WAYNE PALMER: Listen David, I'm your brother, I'm your advisor and I do have some perspective on this thing. Do you want to hear it?
DAVID PALMER: Yes, I want to hear it.
WAYNE PALMER: Distance yourself from Anne.
WAYNE PALMER: Before you shut me down, just hear me out! You used up the public's good will with Sherry, they don't want to hear about you being involved with someone else who's not trustworthy. You have got to respect the people who voted for you.
(WAYNE PALMER walks away. Meanwhile, at the other end of the room, ANNE is talking with a colleague. Her mobile phone rings.)
ANNE: Hello?
TED PACKARD: Anne, it's me, Ted. We need to talk.
ANNE: About what? What could you possibly have to say to me? After what you have done I can't believe you even have the audacity to call.
TED PACKARD: I'm sorry.
ANNE: Oh, that's great. Now everything's alright.
TED PACKARD: That's why I called, because I want to make it right.
ANNE: How? How can you possibly undo the damage you've done.
TED PACKARD: Come up in my office, come up and I'll explain everything.
ANNE: I'm not coming over there.
TED PACKARD: Anne, listen to me. I have some documents that'll prove your innocence.
ANNE: What kind of documents?
TED PACKARD: Letters and memos. Please, this is how I want to do it, I want to give them to you personally, I promise I won't make a scene.
ANNE: I'll send someone over to get them.
TED PACKARD: No! Now we will do this my way or I swear I'll burn them right now.
ANNE: Alright, but you better not be wasting my time.
(ANNE hangs up.)


(CHASE EDMUNDS pulls up outside SIMON'S house. He gets out of his black SUV and rings the doorbell. SIMON, HECTOR SALAZAR'S accountant, comes to the door.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Simon, we need to talk.
SIMON: Chase Edmunds. Sorry, but I'm having dinner right now.
(CHASE EDMUNDS pushes into the house and pushes SIMON down onto a table.)
SIMON: What do you want?
CHASE EDMUNDS: I want information.
SIMON: Are you crazy.
(Simon's wife, RITA, his DAUGHTER and SON walk into the room.)
RITA: What's going on?
SIMON: Rita, take the kids upstairs, everything will be fine.
(They leave the room.)
SIMON: Now what do you want?
CHASE EDMUNDS: Ramon Salazar broke out of federal prison today. He's gonna hook up with his brother Hector…
SIMON: I told you and your partner Bauer that I'm a legitimate accountant. I don't have any business dealings with the Salazars.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Simon, I did not come here to bust you, but I am not leaving until I know where Hector is. Do you understand me?
SIMON: I don't know where Hector is now. He left Columbia over two weeks ago.
CHASE EDMUNDS: And he didn't tell you where he was going?
CHASE EDMUNDS: You're tied into his money flow right?
SIMON: Yes, some of it.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Let's take a look.
(SIMON sits down and starts typing on his computer.)


(RAMON SALAZAR is still having a party on his plane. He is distracted, and keeps looking at the door behind which JACK BAUER is being held. He reaches for a gun and walks towards the door.)
THOMAS: Ramon! Hector is meeting us. Just wait a few minutes. Ramon, please! Hector said…
RAMON SALAZAR: Are you ready to die Jack?
(RAMON SALAZAR opens the door. JACK BAUER grabs his arm and holds him at gunpoint. THOMAS draws his gun.)
JACK BAUER: Get back or I'll kill him! Get back!
RAMON SALAZAR: Shoot him Thomas! Shoot him!
JACK BAUER: If I die, he dies. Is that what you want Hector to see when you get off this plane? Drop the weapons!
(THOMAS and his men lower their weapons.)
THOMAS: Jack, there's no way out of this for you.
RAMON SALAZAR: He's right, my brother has an army out there. We're not in your backyard anymore Jack.
JACK BAUER: I'll worry about that, you just take a seat.
(JACK BAUER pushes RAMON SALAZAR down onto a chair.)
RAMON SALAZAR: Hey ladies, don't worry, everything's under control. The party will continue once we're on the ground. (laughing) The big American hero… Hey what do you think Jack, that Hector's not prepared for you? Huh?
JACK BAUER: Shut up.


(HECTOR SALAZAR is preparing a fully armed team to go and greet RAMON SALAZAR at his arrival.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: Rapido, rapido! Come on, in the car.
CLAUDIA: Why do you need so many people to pick up your brother?
HECTOR SALAZAR: I want to be prepared when the plane lands.
CLAUDIA: Prepared for what?
HECTOR SALAZAR: Whatever! I haven't heard from Gael, he should have checked in by now.
CLAUDIA: So why don't you call Ramon's plane.
HECTOR SALAZAR: No, no, it's too risky. The Americans are checking everything. (to his men) Come on! Vamos! Come on! Rapido, rapido!
HECTOR SALAZAR: I have to go, ok? (to a henchman) Claudio, come on.
(HECTOR SALAZAR climbs into a car and drives off.)


(JOHNSON is injecting some liquid into GAEL'S veins. GAEL groans with pain.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: Who else is working with you Gael? Let me make something clear, I would love nothing more then to hang you as a traitor and watch you jerk 'till you're dead. But I'm a realist. If there are others, tell me now and we might be able to cut you a deal.
(GAEL'S mobile phone, which had been placed on the table, starts to ring.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: Is that Hector?
(RYAN CHAPELLE runs out of the room and onto CTU'S main floor.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: Adam! Bring me a tracking note now. Now! Hector Salazar's calling!
ADAM: Kim, grab that laptop.
(RYAN CHAPELLE, ADAM and KIM BAUER run back into the interrogation room.)
ADAM: Plug the socket in C5 Kim.
KIM BAUER: Got it.
(They set up the tracking note.)
ADAM: Ok, go.
RYAN CHAPELLE (to GAEL): One wrong word, I swear to God, I'll make you regret it.
(RYAN CHAPELLE answers the call and pushes the phone up to GAEL'S mouth.)
GAEL: Hello.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Where have you been?
GAEL: Busy, I don't have a lot of time.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Where is Ramon?
GAEL: On his way to you.
GAEL: I think so.
HECTOR SALAZAR: What about Bauer?
GAEL: Don't know.
HECTOR SALAZAR: What do you mean you don't know, huh? What are you doing there?
GAEL: They put me on something else. They're watching me.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Call me when you can talk.
GAEL: Yeah.
(HECTOR SALAZAR hangs up.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: Did we get it?

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 07:39:07 to 07:43:38 before fading away.)


(TONY ALMEIDA is resting in a hospital bed. MICHELLE DESSLER enters the room.)
(They kiss.)
TONY ALMEIDA: How you doing?
MICHELLE DESSLER: You scared the hell out of me.
TONY ALMEIDA: I know, I'm sorry.
MICHELLE DESSLER (to DOCTOR LINDSOR): How's he doing Doctor?
DOCTOR LINDSOR: We couldn't have hoped for a better result. He should be in his feet in a few days.
MICHELLE DESSLER: When can he come home?
DOCTOR LINDSOR: Probably tomorrow, I just want to keep an eye on him, make sure he stays stable.
TONY ALMEIDA: Listen, Doctor, could we have a couple of minutes please.
(DOCTOR LINDSOR leaves the room.)
TONY ALMEIDA: Did the President let Salazar out of prison?
MICHELLE DESSLER: No, no. Jack broke him out. We think he did it so that the President wouldn't have to make the hard choice.
TONY ALMEIDA: Did he get away?
TONY ALMEIDA: I have to talk to Gael right away.
TONY ALMEIDA: Yeah, what, did something happen to him?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Tony, Gael's been working for the Salazars.
TONY ALMEIDA: How do you know that?
MICHELLE DESSLER: He was using Tech One to monitor Salazar's escape, and then when we found out he tried to run.
TONY ALMEIDA: Where is he now?
MICHELLE DESSLER: He's still at CTU. Chapelle and Johnson are questioning him.
(TONY ALMEIDA tries to get out of the bed.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: No, honey, where, where are you going?
TONY ALMEIDA: You have to get me over there right now.
MICHELLE DESSLER: No, you're no going anywhere! Doctor! Doctor! Doctor!
(DOCTOR LINDSOR enters the room.)
DOCTOR LINDSOR: Mr Almeida, what are you doing?
TONY ALMEIDA: Look, I have to get out of here, alright. You can release me to CTU Medical if you want.
DOCTOR LINDSOR: I can't do that.
TONY ALEMIDA: Ok, look! Look! If you're worried about liability, my wife'll sign me out. Look Michelle, if I ever need you to trust me, it's now.


(SIMON is looking at files on his computer. CHASE EDMUNDS is standing behind him.)
SIMON: You see, these are the bank transfers that he made from his account in Bogota. They stopped two weeks ago.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Follow the money, where did it go?
SIMON: Some of it to a bank account here in LA, a David Gomez.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Yeah, we already know about that, what else?
(SIMON continues typing.)
SIMON: That's interesting.
SIMON Seven hundred and twenty thousand dollars deposited. I've never seen this account.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Where is it?
SIMON: Banco del Oeste, it's in a town in Mexico, Las Nieves.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Ok, look out.
(CHASE EDMUNDS starts typing on the computer and brings up a map of the border between the United States and Mexico. Las Nieves is relatively close to the border.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: That's got to be it.
SIMON: Good, we're done?
SIMON: What else?
CHASE EDMUNDS: You have a private plane don't you?
CHASE EDMUNDS: Clear it for takeoff.


(KIM BAUER is washing her hands. CHLOE O'BRIAN walks in.)
KIM BAUER: Hey Chloe.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Did he hurt you? Gael I mean.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: It's crazy, he's been here what, two years and in CIA Five before that. How does someone like that end up a terrorist?
KIM BAUER: I don't know Chloe.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: Listen, I want to tell you that I don't think your dad is a bad person. If I ever said anything to offend you, I'm sorry.
KIM BAUER: That's ok, thanks.
CHLOE O'BRIAN: There, I said it.
(CHLOE O'BRIAN walks away. KIM BAUER'S mobile phone rings.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Kim, it's me, are you alone?
KIM BAUER: Hold on.
(KIM BAUER walks into the hallway.)
KIM BAUER: Where are you? Chapelle wants you back here.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Yeah, he did, but listen, I'm not coming back until I find your father.
KIM BAUER: How are you going to do that?
CHASE EDMUNDS: I just found out where Hector Salazar is. Small town in Northern Mexico called Las Nieves, I'm sure Jack's taking Ramon there now.
KIM BAUER: No Chase, it's the other way round. Ramon's taking my dad.
CHASE EDMUNDS: How do you know that?
KIM BAUER: There was a video feed… and I saw it. They knocked my dad out and dragged him onto a plane.
CHASE EDLUNDS: Wait, wait a minute, a video feed? Kim, I don't understand.
KIM BAUER: Gael has been working for the Salazars, he's been watching everything through surveillance cameras.
KIM BAUER: Yes, Gael has been helping the Salazars this whole time.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Well is Gael talking?
KIM BAUER: I don't know, Chapelle's got him now. I don't know if they're getting anywhere, I haven't heard anything.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Ok, Kim, CTU has been compromised, you cannot tell anyone you've talked to me, ok?
KIM BAUER: What about Chapelle?
CHASE EDMUNDS: Especially not Chapelle!
KIM BAUER: You cannot go in there alone. Hector's going to have an army down there.
CHASE EDMUNDS: No, I will call for backup when the time's right. Kim, I need to hear you promise me you're not going to tell anyone you talked to me.
KIM BAUER: I don't know Chase.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Think about it. Don't do this to us Kim. There's too much at steak.
KIM BAUER: I'm not doing anything to us. This is about your life… and my dad's.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Look, I know what this is about damn it, just listen to me. I have to go dark, there's no time to argue about it, just do this. (Pause) Kim?
KIM BAUER: Be careful Chase.
(KIM BAUER hangs up.)


(JACK BAUER is still holding RAMON SALAZAR at gunpoint.)
RAMON SALAZAR: So tell me tough guy, what's the plan?
JACK BAUER: You'll know soon enough.
RAMON SALAZAR: Come on, we're interested, tell the girls. So you think you're gonna land the plane, and arrest Hector? (laughing) No, even the great Jack Bauer can't take fifty men by himself. Oh I got it, you're gonna drop me off, turn the plane around… Hey but wait, you are a criminal in America, wanted, so where will you go? I don't think a third world country will suit you. I think that's called a dilemma Jack.
JACK BAUER: Shut up.

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 07:49:28 to 07:54:01 before fading away.)


(HECTOR and his men get ready. The plane starts to land.)


(TONY ALMEIDA walks onto CTU'S main floor followed by MICHELLE DESSLER. All of the CTU workers are astonished, wondering why he's back so soon after being shot.)
TONY ALMEIDA: Adam, where's Chapelle?
ADAM: He's with Gael.
ADAM: Interrogation eight twenty.
ADAM (to KIM BAUER): What the hell's going on?
KIM BAUER: I don't know.


(JOHNSON is about to inject another syringe full of liquid into GAEL'S veins.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Talk to me you son of a bitch.
(TONY ALMEIDA walks up to the door to Interrogation Room One.)
(The SECURITY GUARD opens the door. TONY ALMEIDA walks in, followed by MICHELLE DESSLER.)
TONY ALMEIDA: Johnson, that's enough.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Almeida, what are you doing here.
TONY ALEIDA: Get him out of the room.
TONY ALMEIDA: Trust me Ryan, get him out of the room.
(RYAN CHAPELLE signals to JOHNSON. JOHNSON leaves the room.)
TONY ALMEIDA: You too Ryan.
TONY ALMEIDA: I gotta talk to Gael by myself, alright, just trust me on this one.
RYAN CHAPELLE: Michelle, what's going on? (MICHELLE DESSLER struggles for words.) Look, I don't care what's going on between you two, I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying right here.


(HECTOR and his men are waiting on the airstrip. The plane finishes landing. The stairs come down. No one gets off the plane.)
(HECTOR SALAZAR motions for his men to move forwards.)
(The plane crew, the girls, PETRO and THOMAS leave the plane. THOMAS walks over to HECTOR SALAZAR.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: Where is Ramon?
(HECTOR SALAZAR draws his gun and places it against THOMAS' neck.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: Where's my brother?
(RAMON SALAZAR and JACK BAUER climb down the stairs form the plane. JACK BAUER is pointing his gun at RAMON SALAZAR.)
RAMON SALAZAR: Kill him! Kill Bauer! Do you hear me?
(All of HECTOR SALAZAR'S men draw their weapons.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: What are you doing Jack?
JACK BAUER: Your brother tried to kill me on the plane! Why all the guns? This is not what we talked about!
(HECTOR SALAZAR orders his men to lower their weapons.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: I was worried, Gael wasn't sure you were on the plane.
(JACK BAUER pushes RAMON SALAZAR forward.)
JACK BAUER: Go and see your brother.
HECTOR SALAZAR: My brother. I'm so glad to see you.
RAMON SALAZAR: What's going on? I don't understand.
HECTOR SALAZAR: I'll tell you in a minute, I promise.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Good job Jack.
HECTOR SALAZAR (to JACK BAUER): Come on, we have a lot of work to do.
(HECTOR SALAZAR walks back over to RAMON SALAZAR.)
RAMON SALAZAR: What are you doing Hector?
HECTOR SALAZAR: Come, I'll explain everything.
(JACK BAUER walks behind them. He presses a button on his watch.)


(GAEL'S hand held computer starts beeping.)
GAEL: He's in.
RYAN CHAPELLE: What are you talking about, who's in?
TONY ALMEIDA: Gael and I have been working with Jack, we've been trying to get him back undercover with the Salazars. That signal means he's back in.
RYAN CHAPELLE: I don't understand.
TONY ALMEIDA: Look, I'll explain everything, right now we've got to call the President.

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 07:59:57 to 08:00:00 before fading away.)

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