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24 heures chrono
#308 : 20h00 – 21h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 3 guide des épisodes

Hector Salazar attend son frère et Jack Bauer à la descente de l’avion. Ils se trouvent au Mexique. Hector remercie Jack qui a permis l’évasion de Ramon.
Tony Almeida est de retour à la CAT après son opération. Il annonce à son équipe qu’il travaillait en collaboration avec Gaël pour que Jack puisse s’infiltrer parmi les Salazar. Il se confie aussi à son supérieur, Ryan Chappelle, et au Président des Etats-Unis, David Palmer. Tony leur explique qu’au début, sa véritable mission était d’intercepter un virus mortel qui se trouve actuellement dans les mains de terroristes ukrainiens. Il désire donc utiliser les Salazar pour y parvenir.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
8:00pm - 9:00pm

Titre VF
20h00 – 21h00


24 Season 3 Episode 8 Promo

24 Season 3 Episode 8 Promo


Plus de détails

• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• James Badge Dale : Chase Edmunds
• Dennis Haysbert : President David Palmer
• Jesse Borrego : Gael Ortega
• Wendy Crewson : Dr. Anne Packard
• Joaquim de Almeida : Ramon Salazar
• Vanessa Ferlito : Claudia Hernandez
• Vincent Laresca : Hector Salazar
• DB Woodside : Wayne Palmer
• Paul Schulze : Ryan Chappelle
• Conor O'Farrell : Ted Packard
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• Zachary Quinto : Adam Kaufman
• Marco Sanchez : Agent Rafael Gutierrez
• Greg Ellis : Michael Amador

Ryan Chapelle et Tony s’entretiennent au sujet de la nouvelle infiltration de Jack chez les Salazar : Chapelle regrette de ne pas avoir été tenu au courant de cette opération, en tant que supérieur hiérarchique, il veut des explications et Tony lui promet qu’il comprendra mieux après que le Président Palmer ai été mis au courant.

Tony et Chapelle se retrouve dans une salle de réunion avec les différents membres de la C.A.T. pour une conférence téléphonique avec le président. Tony révèle au Président (accompagné de Wayne, son directeur de cabinet) que tout ce qui s’est passé depuis 13h fait partie d’une opération planifiée par Jack, Gaël et lui-même.

Tony justifie le fait que le Président n’ai pas été mis au courant par la volonté de Jack de l’écarter de toutes retombées négatives en cas d’échec. C’est alors que Tony montre une vidéo (via le réseau) à Palmer : dans cette vidéo Jack s’excuse du secret et lui explique que depuis quelques mois un groupe de scientifiques ukrainiens essayent de vendre un virus, après avoir les avoir contacté, il les a mis en relation avec les Salazar afin par la suite de neutraliser le danger en retirant le reprenant au Salazar.

Jack renouvelle ses excuses et demande à ce que Palmer désigne Tony comme coordinateur des actions de la C.A.T. avec les militaires. Après la vidéo, Palmer n’accepte pas qu’on ne l’ai pas tenu au courant de ce problème de sécurité nationale, il juge cela comme une erreur et averti la C.A.T. qu’ils devront endosser toute responsabilité à la fin de l’opération.

Le Président se renseigne sur la position de Jack et Tony l’informe que Jack se trouve au nord du Mexique en train d’organiser la réunion entre les Salazar et les ukrainiens qui aura lieu d‘ici quelques heures.

La conférence audio se termine par l’activation du plan (mettant Tony à la tête des opérations) par le Président qui promet à Tony qu’il n’en a pas fini avec cette histoire, et qu’il y aura des sanctions.

Dans le bureau de Palmer, David ne digère toujours pas la tournure des évènements mais son frère est persuadé que le choix de Jack de tenir secret cette opération était le bon même et que donc il faudra en tenir compte lors de la punition.De retour à la CAT, on revient au cours normal des choses, Chapelle dit à Tony qu’il ne croit pas en la réussite de cette opération, Tony lui répond que pour le moment il ne veut pas l’avoir sur le dos et que s’il a des réclamations, le Président l’aillant mis à la tête des opération, c’est à lui d’en référer ce qui ne serait pas une bonne idée vue son humeur.

A Las Nieves, chez les Salazar, Ramon est rejoint dans la cuisine d’un ranch par Jack et Hector. Ce dernier demande l’attention de son frère et lui explique que des ukrainiens sont près à leur vendre un virus 100.000.000$ qu’Al-quaida et la Corée du Nord seraient près a racheter 10 fois plus cher, il ajoute que les ukrainiens lui ont fait une démonstration et que Jack a déposé le corps devant les services de santé de Los Angeles.

Jack intervient en disant qu’il doit appeler un certain Michael Amador dans l’heure afin de convenir d’un rendez-vous. Ramon lui demande ce qu’il gagne dans cette histoire, et Jack lui répond : « 15.000.000$ » avant de poursuivre en disant que son boulot lui a retiré sa femme, que sa fille n’est plus la même depuis et que suite à l’arrestation de Ramon, la seule chose qu’il ai obtenu c’est : « Une tape dans le dos et une addiction à l’héroïne ».

Hector donne une arme à Ramon en lui disant que si il veut arrêter là, il peut… Ramon tire sur Jack mais le coup est dévié par Hector, s’ensuit une explication entre les 2 frères qui s’accusent mutuellement d’être fous. Jack les coupe dans leur dispute en leur rappellent qu’il doit appeler dans l’heure.

20h15. Tony coordonne les force militaires à 15 km autour du Ranch des Salazar et demande où est Chase : « Toute les ressources de la C.A.T. doivent se focaliser sur Jack Bauer ». Kim décide alors de dire à Tony que Chase ne rentrera pas à la Cellule, qu’il est en partance pour sauver Jack, qu’il croit toujours capturé par les Salazar, à Las Nieves, le tout à couvert, ce qui le rend injoignable.Dans une des chambres du Ranch des Salazar, Jack fait une crise de manque quand Claudia rentre pour lui apporter à manger, elle s’approche de lui et le gifle déçue que Jack n’ai pas tenu sa promesse de la sortir d’ici, elle lui dit qu’il n’a pas trahi qu’elle mais aussi Hector et la C.A.T..

Jack lui demande si Hector est au courant de leur relation, Claudia lui répond que non et lui propose une dose qu’il refuse.Dans son bureau, Tony, au téléphone, demande à l’agent Gutierrez d’intercepter Chase, avant de s’effondrer sur le sol. Il se relève puis rejoins Michelle et Kim afin de chercher un endroit discret où Chase irait se poser, pour le retrouver.Au Q.G. de district, Palmer s’inquiète de l’absence d’Anne, Wayne l’ignore et en profite pour conseiller à son frère de rester évasif sur cette affaire auprès des médias.

David envoie un agent à la recherche d’Anne.On retrouve cette dernière dans la chambre d’hôtel de son ex-mari. Celui-ci s’excuse et donne les lettres innocentantes à Anne. Quand elle aperçoit une arme elle s’inquiète d’abord pour elle mais ensuite elle craint que Ted (l’ex) veuille se suicider. Il l’exhorte a partir mais elle refuse et essaye de le dissuader puis de s’emparer de l’arme, mais rien n’y fait, il pose le canon sur sa tempe et se tire une balle dans la tête.

20h29. Dans le bureau de Tony, Michelle s’inquiète de l’état de santé de son mari, mais ce dernier pense aussi qu’elle est préoccupée par autre chose : elle fini par avouer à demi mots qu’elle regrette de ne pas avoir été tenue au courant du plan de Jack, ce qui l’inquiète le plus c’est que depuis de nombreux mois elle ne s’est aperçu de rien.Au Q.G., Wayne rejoins son frère pour le prévenir que Tony les briefera tous les ¼ d’heure, quand le téléphone sonne : c’est Anne, elle lui annonce le suicide de son ex-mari et aussi qu’elle était là quand ça s’est passé, il lui demande ce qu’elle y faisait et elle lui réponds qu’elle était venu pour des documents l’innocentant et qu’elle veut les lui remettre.

Après avoir raccroché, David annonce la nouvelle à son frère qui fait son mea-culpa d’avoir mal jugé Anne.Chez les Salazar, Ramon n’est toujours pas convaincu par Jack, Hector essaye de le convaincre et lui dit que de toute façon après être entré en possession du virus, ils tueront Jack.

À ces douces paroles, Ramon se laisse convaincre même si il se méfie toujours de Bauer et demande à ce qu’on lui amène Bauer avant de prendre une décision. Ramon annonce à Jack qu’il ne lui fait pas confiance et qu’il a envie de le saigner sur place mais il préfère continuer à s’amuser avec Jack et faire la transaction, cependant, il doivent encore attendre 15 minutes avant de pouvoir appeler Amador.

À 20h41, l’agent Gutierrez qui opère en solo près de Las Nieves, sur une piste d‘atterrissage de fortune, fait son rapport à Tony qui lui demande d’être prudent avec Chase qui est un agent entraîné. Soudain, un jet atterri, l’agent inspecte les environ du Jet mais ne trouve personne quand soudain Chase l’attrape, Gutierrez se présente et lui donne son portable.

Chase appelle Tony mais la conversation à peine débuté, les deux hommes sont attaqués : Gutierrez est tué et Chase est capturé par les hommes de Salazar. De retour au Q.G., il est 20h51, quand Anne apporte les documents, Wayne s’excuse auprès d’elle de l’avoir trop vite jugé.

En privé, Anne avoue à David que ces événement lui ont confirmé l’impression qu’elle avait de ne pas pouvoir vivre dans le monde du pouvoir et qu’elle ne lui apporte pas l’aide donc il a besoin, ainsi elle préfère rompre.Au Ranch Salazar, Jack appelle Amador qui note le numéro afin de le rappeler plus tard, quand tout à coup les hommes de main des Salazar entre avec Chase, Ramon le reconnaît et sa méfiance pour Bauer reprend de plus belle.

Ce dernier affirme qu’il ne savais pas que Chase les suivait. Chase demande ce qui se passe et demande à Jack : « Tu es avec eux? », la réponse affirmatif de Jack entraîne un début de bagarre entre les deux hommes.

Ramon donne alors une arme à Jack en lui dictant de le tuer, Jack pense qu’on peut lui soutirer des infos mais Ramon insiste et Jack pointe l’arme sur Chase avant d’appuyer sur la détente… un cliquetis raisonne, le chargeur est vide : c’était un test de Ramon qui ordonne à ses hommes de faire parler Chase pour savoir ce qu’il sait.

Tout le monde s’embraque pour un lieu plus sûr et Jack se retrouve dans la même voiture que Chase : Jack le regarde furieusement et lui demande de la fermer, avant de remarquer que sa montre (qui fait office de traceur) a été endommagé dans l’empoignade qu’ils ont eu. À la C.A.T.,

Gaël informe Tony que le traceur de Jack est mort pour une raison inconnu ce qui implique qu’ils ne savent plus où Jack et les Salazar se trouvent...

JACK BAUER Voice over: The following takes place between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.



(RYAN CHAPELLE and TONY ALMEIDA leave Interrogation Room One and walk onto the Main Floor.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: So you're telling me that Bauer's been playing a game with us all this time?
TONY ALMEIDA: It's no game Ryan.
RYAN CHAPELLE: But he's back under with the Salazars, and they trust him again?
TONY ALMEIDA: That's what we're counting on, yeah.
RYAN CHAPELLE: I'm your boss Tony, you should have come to me first.
TONY ALMEIDA: Look Ryan, you'll understand everything once I've explained it to the President. After that, if you feel like I've acted inappropriately, can do what you've got to do.
RYAN CHAPELLE: I will, count on it.
(CHLOE O'BRIAN walks up to TONY ALMEIDA. She is holding a phone.)
CHLOE O'BRIAN: The President's coming on the line.
TONY ALMEIDA: Thank you.
(TONY ALMEIDA takes the phone.)
TONY ALMEIDA: Mr President, this is Tony Almeida, director at CTU, Los Angeles.
TONY ALMEIDA: Thank you for taking my call Mr President.
DAVID PALMER: You're also on with my chief of staff, Wayne Palmer. I was told this is an urgent matter.
TONY ALMEIDA: Yes Sir, it is. It's also fairly complex so I'll try to keep it as clear and concise as I can.
TONY ALMEIDA: Sir, everything that's happened today from the infected body at Health Services to, to Ramon Salazar's prison break has been part of an elaborate sting operation.
DAVID PALMER: Sting operation?
TONY ALMEIDA: Yes Sir, planned and executed by Jack Bauer, agent Gael Ortega and myself.
DAVID PALMER: Elaborate Mr Almeida.
TONY ALMEIDA: Jack Bauer wanted to fill you in on the situation himself sir.
DAVID PALMER: Jack Bauer is a fugitive from the law.
TONY ALMEIDA: If you'll indulge me Sir, there's a video file you should see.
DAVID PALMER: It's on a designated CTU server, you can access the file with the passcode Delta Three Delta Five Nine.
(WAYNE PALMER types the passcode into his computer, a pre recorded video of JACK BAUER comes up on the screen.)
JACK BAUER: Mr President, the fact that you are viewing this recording now means that I have successfully completed the first phase of a secret operation. Contrary to what you've been led to believe, the Salazars are not in possession of the Cordilla virus. The idea that they are is a lie which
I promoted deliberately in order to achieve a more important goal. Please Sir, let me explain.
About a month ago I learned from a contact that a group of scientists from the Ukraine were trying to sell a weaponised virus on the open market. They were looking for a buyer with cash and credibility.
I only managed to get their interest when I suggested the Salazars a potential buyers. As long as I could get the Salazars to agree, CTU would seize the virus as the sale took place. Our goal was to remove the virus stockpile from the market place, because Mr President, is it without a doubt the most lethal threat we have ever faced. With all of this hinged on me convincing the Salazars that I had switched sides, and the only way to gain their trust was to break Ramon Salazar out of prison. Mr President, I'm sorry for deceiving you, but I assure you it was a benign deception and I assume complete responsibility for my actions. Sir, if things went wrong, you would have been exposed, personally, legally and politically and this was the only way I could see to avoid that risk, but now it's time for you to know the truth and I'm asking you to allow CTU Director Almeida to co-ordinate an interdiction with the military so we can take possession of this virus and keep it from our enemies. Thank you Mr President.
(The video goes blank.)
TONY ALMEIDA: Mr President?
DAVID PALMER: Keeping me in the dark on a matter of national security is inexcusable.
TONY ALMEIDA: We were trying to protect you sir.
DAVID PALMER: I know what you were trying to do, and it was a mistake and you and your colleagues will take responsibility for it when this is over.
TONY ALMEIDA: Yes Sir, I understand.
DAVID PALMER: Where's Bauer now?
TONY ALMEIDA: In northern Mexico, he's setting up a meeting between the Salazars and the Ukrainians who are selling the virus.
DAVID PALMER: When is this meeting expected to take place?
TONY ALMEIDA: In the next few hours Sir. Mr President, I'm requesting your permission to activate the interdiction plan.
DAVID PALMER: Under the circumstances, I don't have a choice but to say yes Mr Almeida, but even if this plan works flawlessly, you haven't heard the last of it.
(DAVID PALMER hangs up.)
DAVID PALMER: I don't like decisions being taken out of my hands.
WAYNE PALMER: Well David, some decisions you want to keep as far away from as you can.
DAVID PALMER: Not this decision, it's too important. Jack Bauer had no right to keep me out of the loop.
WAYNE PALMER: I disagree. Bauer protected you as he should have. Now when this is all over, you're probably going to have to punish him for form C, but while you're punishing him, know this, he did do the right thing.


(All of CTU'S staff are filing out of the conference room. MICHELLE DESSLER I about to leave when TONY ALMEIDA calls her back.)
TONY ALMEIDA: Michelle, we need an extended network using protocol four, alright?
(RYAN CHAPELLE walks into the room.)
RYAN CHAPELLE: I'm not so sure this is going to work out well for you Almeida.
TONY ALMEIDA: Maybe not, but right now I've got to help Jack get this virus, and I don't need you looking over my shoulder, alright?
RYAN CHAPELLE: You work for me, you don't give orders, you take them.
TONY ALMEIDA: Yeah, except the President put me in charge of this particular operation. Now if you object, give him a call. I may be wrong but I didn't get the impression he's in the mood for any bureaucratical squabbling today. Ryan, just let me do my job alright?
RYAN CHAPELLE: I'll be watching.
(RYAN CHAPELLE leaves the room.)


(RAMON SALAZAR is standing in a room. HECTOR SALAZAR and JACK BAUER walk in.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: Are you ready to listen Ramon?
RAMON SALAZAR: Alright, tell me how the man who betrayed us is now our friend.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Bauer came to me with an opportunity.
RAMON SALAZAR: An opportunity?
HECTOR SALAZAR: Yes. To make more money than we have ever dreamed of. Bauer found out about a virus that was coming on the market, these men who have it, they're from the Ukraine, they're scientists. All they want to do is make their money, and disappear.
RAMON SALAZAR: How much are they asking?
HECTOR SALAZAR: A hundred million.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Al Qaeda pays ten times as much, North Koreans too. I made all the calls Ramon, I have the virus all lined up. That's a billion dollars.
RAMON SALAZAR: How do you know this virus is real?
HECTOR SALAZAR: The Ukrainians gave us a demonstration. Bauer delivered one of the bodies to Health Services in LA. He used it to scare the Americans into letting you go.
RAMON SALAZAR: The scientists, where are they now?
JACK BAUER: They're not far from here. I'm supposed to call their representative, a man named Michael Amador, in the next hour.
RAMON SALAZAR: What's in it for you Jack?
JACK BAUER: Fifteen million dollars. Ramon, we don't like each other, but it doesn't mean we can't do business together. I need your capital, and you need my access to the virus.
RAMON SALAZAR: I would never have thought that Jack Bauer was for sale. And I am not that sure now.
JACK BAUER: A few years ago my wife was killed because of my job, my daughter's never been the same since. This last year, well you know what I went through to bring you in, what did I get for it?
A pat on the back, in the end a demotion, and a heroin habit. I'm tired of putting my ass on the line for nothing. I'm done putting my ass on the line for nothing.
HECTOR SALAZAR (to RAMON SALAZAR): If you don't want to go through with it, blow him away.
(HECTOR SALAZAR places his gun on the table in front of RAMON SALAZAR.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: But just remember, you're blowing away a billion dollars.
(RAMON SALAZAR lifts the gun to shoot JACK BAUER. HECTOR SALAZAR pushes his arm and he misses.)
HECTOR SALAZAR: No! No! Are you crazy?
(HECTOR SALAZAR pulls the gun from RAMON SALAZAR.)
RAMON SALAZAR: You are crazy for trusting him! Give me the gun.
RAMON SALAZAR: Who are you to refuse me? I run our business, not you!
HECOTR SALAZAR: If not for me, me, you wouldn't even be here!
JACK BAUER: Like I said, I have to call him within a hour. These men are not going to wait around, there's too much at stake. You can either shoot me, or let me make the call, but you better decide quickly.

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 08:10:46 to 08:15:16 before fading away.)


(TONY ALEMDIA is briefing CTU'S staff.)
TONY ALMEIDA: Jack's transponder pinpoints his location somewhere east of Las Nieves, just south of the border. Satellite photos show that it's some sort of ranch or farm. Our units will hold a perimeter of ten miles. All communication will be on a designated frequency and nobody makes a move unless it goes through me first, alright? Chloe, I want you and Chase to provide tactical assistance. Where is Chase?
MICHELLE DESSLER: We're not sure, Chapelle ordered him back over an hour ago.
TONY ALMEIDA: Alright, let me know when he gets back here. Now let me make this perfectly clear, for the next few hours, all of our resources are dedicated to helping Jack Bauer intercept this virus. Any questions? Alright, let's get back to work.
(CTU STAFF all walk back to their working areas. KIM BAUER walks over to TONY ALMEIDA.)
KIM BAUER: Tony. I spoke to Chase.
KIM BAUER: About an hour ago. He is not coming back to CTU.
TONY ALMEIDA: What are you talking about, I thought Chapelle gave him a direct order.
KIM BAUER: He ignored it. He still doesn't really know what's going on, none of us did until you spoke to the President. Chase still thinks my father was captured by the Salazars.
TONY ALMEIDA: And he thinks he's going in to rescue Jack?
KIM BAUER: Yes. He knows about Las Nieves, he's on his way there right now, probably by plane.
TONY ALMEIDA: How the hell did he find out about Las Nieves?
KIM BAUER: He said he followed a lead.
TONY ALMEIDA: Damn it, if he's goes in there he's gonna blow Jack's cover and we're gonna loose this virus.
KIM BAUER: I know.
TONY ALMEIDA: Alright, maybe I can get a hold of him.
KIM BAUER: Tony, you won't be able to reach him.
KIM BAUER: He's gone dark.


(JACK BAUER is lying on a bed. He is sweating and panting. CLAUDIA enters the room with some food.)
CLAUDIA: Hector thought you might be hungry.
CLAUDIA: Look at you. You're pathetic. You're still a junkie aren't you? That's the only real thing about you. It makes me sick to think that I ever believed you. You said you'd take ma away from here, remember? Do you remember Jack?
JACK BAUER: Yes, I remember.
CLAUDIA: Yeah… There was one small thing you forgot to mention, you were a cop. But even that wouldn't matter if you meant half the things you said to me.
JACK BAUER: I meant everything I said to you.
CLAUDIA: Do you think I am stupid? You were doing a job. My compliments, you did it very well, but you know the saddest thing Jack? You couldn't even be true to that. You betrayed Hector and Ramon, you betrayed me, and now you betray your own people. God knows there are times when I despise Hector, but at least he is true to himself. He knows who he is. You? You're a man without a soul.
JACK BAUER: Does Hector know about us?
CLAUDIA: Do you think I'd be alive if he did? You know where he is right now? He's with Ramon, deciding whether you should live or die, while you site here shaking like a leaf. You need a fix don't you. There's plenty here Jack, I'm going to go and get you a fix. Is that what you want?
CLAUDIA: Jack, you were a man once, what happened?
(CLAUDIA leaves the room.)


(TONY ALMEIDA is sitting at his desk. He is on the phone with MIGUEL, a man from Las Nieves. He sends him a picture of CHASE EDMUNDS.)
TONY ALMEIDA: Alright, I'm sending his photo to you right now. Now remember Miguel, this guy's acting on his own authority, so make sure you tell Gutierrez that he's armed and dangerous.
TONY ALMEIDA: Yeah, alright, good.
(TONY ALMEIDA hangs up. He gets up out of his chair up but collapses onto the floor. H manages to pull himself to his feet and walks down onto CTU's main floor and over to MICHELLE DESSLER and KIM BAUER..)
TONY ALMEIDA: I just spoke to my contact in Mexican intelligence, he says he can get a man to Las Nieves in twenty minutes, an agent named Raphael Gutierrez.
KIM BAUER: Won't local police be quicker?
MICHELLE DESSLER: No, if we bring them in we might as well send a telegraph to the Salazars that Chase is on his way.
KIM BAUER: What about our Delta teams?
TONY ALMEIDA: No, it's gonna take them over an hour, it'll be way too late.
(MICHELLE DESSLER turns to her computer where we see a satellite image of a landing strip in Las Nieves.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: We're analysing the aerial map of Las Nieves, there's only one landing strip.
KIM BAUER: He won't use it. A landing strip's too exposed, especially if it's the only one.
TONY ALMEIDA: Alright, run a topographical overlay, find the most likely landing area the size of the air field.


(DAVID PALMER is sat behind a desk. WAYNE PALMER walks into the room.)
DAVID PALMER: Have you seen or heard from Anne?
WAYNE PALMER: Not for some time, why?
DAVID PALMER: I can't reach her.
WAYNE PALMER: This about your health?
DAVID PALMER: No, I'm concerned about her, she was pretty ripped up after the debate.
WAYNE PALMER: We're all pretty ripped up here David. Listen, this allegation by Anne's ex husband is no small bump in the road. I've been thinking about this and there may be no way to defend ourselves against Keeler's accusation that Anne was involved in something illegal.
DAVID PALMER: You have to do better than that Wayne.
WAYNE PALMER: I know you like to deal with things head on, but I think the best course of action for right now is to be evasive, so if the press brings this up you make it clear that you're not going to answer any question, that you're going to wait for all the facts to come in as should they.
DAVID PALMER: Well you maybe right but in the meantime I need you to find Anne. The reporters are going to be chasing her and she's not up to this.
WAYNE PALMER: I'll put Perry on it.
DAVID PALMER: Thank you.
(WAYNE PALMER leaves the room.)


(ANNE gets out of a lift and walks to a door. She knocks. TED PACKARD opens the door.)
TED PACKARD: Hello Anne, thanks for coming. I just wanted to have a chance to apologise face to face for what I did, I don't know what I was thinking.
ANNE: Where are the letters Ted?
TED PACKARD: Right here.
( While TED PACKARD pulls the letters out of his briefcase, ANNE spots a gun on his desk.)
TED PACKARD: For God's sakes.
(TED PACKARD pulls his jacket over the gun.)
TED PACKARD: That's not meant for you.
ANNE: No, for whom then?
TED PACKARD: Just take the letters and go.
ANNE: Ted, you're not thinking about killing yourself?
TED PACKARD: Oh no, it's, it's for self defence.
ANNE: Don't lie to me.
TED PACKARD: Look, you got what you came for, so go. You don't need to be here for this.
ANNE: Ted… at least talk to someone. I know some good doctors.
TED PACKARD: High priced phoneys who are going to talk me out of doing what I should have done five years ago? No thank you. I'm a failure Anne, everything I touch goes bad, it's just the way it is. Don't shed any tears for me because it don't deserve it, just… just go.
(ANNE moves towards the gun. Then so doe TED PACKARD. They struggle for the weapon. TED PACKARD grabs it and presses it against his temple.)
TED PACKARD: Don't come any closer.
ANNE: Let me call someone.
ANNE: Please.
TED PACKARD: You're a great woman Anne, much better than I ever deserved and I'm sorry I let you down but just get the hell out of here. (ANNE doesn't move. TED PACKARD shouts) I said go!
ANNE: Ted, it doesn't have to be like this.
TED PACKARD: No? How can it be? Can we be twenty five again?
ANNE: What you did was wrong, but you made it right, and that means something, that means you can start again. People do it all the time Ted, why not you?
(TED PACKARD lowers the gun.)
TED PACKARD: You're really something. I believe if I gave you a few more minutes, you might actually be able to talk me out of doing it.
(TED PACKARD places the gun against his head again. ANNE tries to grab it. TED PACKARD pushes her away and gets ready to pull the trigger.)
ANNE: Ted…
(TED PACKARD pulls the triggers and falls to the ground, dead.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 08:25:33 to 08:29:52 before fading away.)


(TONY ALMEIDA is talking on his phone.)
TONY ALMEIDA: The President can expect updates directly from me
WAYNE PALMER: How often will you be calling?
TONY ALMEIDA: Every fifteen minutes.
WAYEN PALMER: I'll let him know.
TONY ALMEIDA: Alright. We'll be in touch.
(TONY ALMEIDA hangs up. MICHELLE DESSLER appears at the door to his office.)
MICHELLE DESSLER: You should be in the hospital.
TONY ALMEIDA: I'm fine. What have you got?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Briefing package on Las Nieves. Alternate landing sites that Chase might use instead of the airstrip.
TONY ALMEIDA: Thanks. Is there something wrong?
MICHELLE DESSLER: Just worried about you, that's all.
TONY ALMEIDA (unconvinced): Uh huh? What is it?
MICHELLE DESSLER: It's not the time.
TONY ALMEIDA: Michelle… what is it?
MICHELLE DESSLER: This whole thing that you've been planning with Jack…
TONY ALMEIDA: Look, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you. Jack planned it and he wanted absolute secrecy and I agreed.
MICHELLE DESSLER: You don't have to explain…
TONY ALMEIDA: No, I want to explain. Listen to me, I trust you with my life, but this job is what it is.
MICHELLE DESSLER: Jack said he came up with the plan a month ago, is that how long you've known?
TONY ALMEIDA: Something like that, yeah.
MICHELLE DESSLER: I just… I had no idea you were hiding something from me. But that's my problem.
(MICHELLE DESSLER leaves the office.)


(DAVID PALMER is sitting at a desk in a room. WAYNE PALMER enters.)
WAYNE PALMER: I just got off the phone with CTU, Bauer's near a place called Las Nieves, Delta teams are scrambling now.
DAVID PALMER: When does CTU expect to intercept the virus from the Ukrainians?
WAYNE PALMER: As soon as Bauer gives them a signal. Tony Almeida says he'll be giving us an update every fifteen minutes.
(WAYNE PALMER'S mobile phone rings. He answers it)
WAYNE PALMER: This is Wayne Palmer. … Yeah. … Yeah, hang on. (to DAVID PALMER) David it's Anne, she says it's important.
(DAVID PALMER walks into another room.)
ANNE: David, it's Ted, he just committed suicide.
DAVID PALMER: Oh Anne, I'm so sorry. Are you alright?
ANNE: I don't really know, I was with him when he did it.
DAVID PALMER: What were you doing there?
ANNE: He asked to see me David, he said that he was sorry and that he wanted to make things right and I…
DAVID PALMER: Did you call the police?
ANNE: Yes, yeah, they're here now.
DAVID PALMER: What can I do to help?
ANNE: Well there's something that I need to give you, something Ted wanted me to give you.
DAVID PALMER: What's that?
ANNE: It's letters that, um, exonerate me from any connection to the falsified research data. That's why I was here in the first place, because he wanted to give them to me.
DAVID PALMER: And you have these letters?
ANNE: Yes I do so, I'll be in the clear and hopefully it puts and end to the negative fallout for you as well.
DAVID PALMER: That's secondary to your well-being.
ANNE: I'll be ok. I'll come over as soon as I'm done here.
DAVID PALMER: Good, I'll see you then.
ANNE: Ok, bye.
(They both hang up. DAVID PALMER walks back into the room where WAYNE PALMER is waiting.)
WAYNE PALMER: Is everything alright?
DAVID PALMER: Ted Packard just committed suicide, and he did it in front of Anne.
WAYNE PALMER: Oh my God David, I'm so sorry. Listen, I don't mean to… I don't mean to sound callous but what was she doing with him?
DAVID PALMER: He wanted to give he letters, which apparently prove she's innocent.
WAYNE PALMER: You serious?
DAVID PALMER: She's going to bring them over in a little while.
WAYNE PALMER: Well I guess that's some sort of silver lining. Listen, David, I know I've been somewhat hard on Anne, but she cleaned up her own mess, and I respect that. Maybe she's learning what it takes to be in this game after all.


RAMON SALAZAR: Why do we even need Bauer?
HECTOR SALAZAR: Because he made the first contact with the Ukrainian scientists, they want to deal with him, they trust him.
RAMON SALAZAR: You trust him too, the man pretended to be our friend and then put me in prison.
HECTOR SALAZAR: And got you out again!
RAMON SALAZAR: He has an angle Hector, count on it.
HECTOR SALAZAR: OF course he does, fifteen million dollars. A big angle. You saw him, he's a shell, there's nothing left. No future, no family, and a habit he can't beat. He's not the same man who fooled us before.
RAMON SALAZAR: You so sure of that?
HECTOR SALAZAR: You know we have people in the American agencies, in the military too, all of them, every one of them confirmed that the prison break was real. Bauer is a fugitive from his own country. If they hadn't wanted you alive, they would have killed him, that's a fact.
RAMON SALAZAR: So, if we go through with this, what happens afterwards? We just forget what Bauer did to us and let him walk away?
HECTOR SALAZAR: Do you think I could forget what he did to us? As soon as we have the virus, we kill him.
RAMON SALAZAR: Now that's the first thing you've said that I like. Now Bauer is clever, he'll expect it…
HECTOR SALAZAR: But what can he do, alone, surrounded?
RAMON SALAZAR: Don't underestimate him.
HECTOR SALAZAR: It's me who's being underestimated Ramon, but I will earn your respect when we make more money in one day than in all of our lifetimes, but you don't have all night to decide. This man Amador is waiting for Bauer's call.
(RAMON SALAZAR picks up a radio.)
RAMON SALAZAR (into radio): Bring Bauer in.
HECTOR SALAZAR: What have you decided Ramon?
RAMON SALAZAR: I'm not sure yet.
(JACK BAUER enters the room.)
RAMON SALAZAR: I don't trust you, and I never will. All I want right now is to spill your blood, but I won't, not yet anyway. Out of respect for my little brother, I am willing to play this out a little longer. So make your call.
JACK BAUER: Amador won't be at the number he gave me for another fifteen minutes.
RAMON SALAZAR: We'll wait.
JACK BAUER: Then you won't be sorry.

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 08:37:39 to 08:41:58 before fading away.)


(TONY ALMEIDA walks onto CTU'S main floor. A CTU WORKER calls him.)
CTU WORKER: Tony, it's Raphael from Las Nieves.
TONY ALMEIDA: Ok, patch it over here.
(TONY ALMEIDA walks over to a desk and picks up a phone.)
TONY ALMEIDA: Yeah, Raphael?
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ: Yeah, I'm at the landing area now. There's no sign of any incoming craft.
TONY ALMEIDA: Alright. What size team do you have?
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ: What team? It's just me.
TONY ALMEIDA: You've got to be kidding me!
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ: Look, this is a corrupt area, Salazar's got a lot of influence here, we don't know how far it reaches. Miguel wanted me to do this on my own.
TONY ALMEIDA: Alright well you're gonna have your hands full because Chase is one of our more capable agents.
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ: Alright. How do you want me to approach?
TONY ALEMDIA: Well don't surprise him, make sure he knows you're working with CTU.
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ: Hang on, I hear something.
(RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ gets out of his car and looks up into the sky with some binoculars.)
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ: Yeah, this must be him. It's a twin engine prob on approach. He's landing now.
TONY ALMEIDA: You have the photo we sent you?
TONY ALMEIDA: Make sure it's him, be careful. We'll keep this line open.
(RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ takes one last look at the photo CTU sent him and runs over to the plane which has successfully landed.)
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ (to TONY ALMEIDA): Alright, I'm moving in.
TONY ALMEIDA: Alright, be careful, he's not expecting company.
(RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ reaches the static plane.)
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ: Edmunds? Edmunds? I'm here to help. Edmunds?
(RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ pulls down the door and steps onto the plane.)
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ: Edmunds? Edmunds?
TONY ALMEIDA: Gutierrez, talk to me!
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ: He's not here, the plane's empty.
TONY ALMEIDA: He must have spotted you.
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ: He shuck away. I'll call you back.
TONY ALMEIDA: Yeah alright.
(They both hang up. RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ continues to search around the plane.)
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ: Edmunds? Edmunds? Edmunds!
(RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ is just about to get into his car when CHASE EDLUNDS runs up behind him and wrestles him to the ground.)
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ: Wait, wait, wait! Take it easy.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Who the hell are you?
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ: My name is Raphael Gutierrez, Mexican Intelligence. Check my pocket, my left pocket. Check it!
CHASE EDMUNDS: Get on your knees, hands behind you head and lock your fingers.
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ: Alright, alright.
(RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ does as CHASE EDMUNDS says. CHASE EDMUNDS then checks his pocket and takes out his badge.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: How do you know my name?
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ: Your boss sent me to find you, Tony Almeida, CTU. His access code is Three Tango Six Six Four.
CHASE EDMUNDS: What does he want?
RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ: He wants you to call him, I've got a phone right here, his says it's a matter of life or death about Jack Bauer.
CHASE EDMUNDS: Give me your phone.
(CHASE EDMUNDS dials a number. In TONY ALMEIDA'S office, his phone rings. He answers.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: It's Edmunds.
TONY ALMEIDA: Listen Chase…
CHASE EDMUNDS: If you're trying to get me to come back you're wasting your time…
(A sniper has shot RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ in the head.)
TONY ALMEIDA: Chase! Chase, what's going on? Chase can you hear me?
(CHASE EDMUNDS gets into RAPHAEL GUTIERREZ'S car and quickly drives away.)
CHASE EDMUNDS: Tony, are you there?
TONY ALMEIDA: What's going on?
CHASE EDMUNDS: The guy you sent is dead, a sniper took him out. I'm being pursued.
(CHASE EDMUNDS'S car crashes.)
TONY ALMEIDA: Chase! Chase!
(The men who were chasing CHASE EDMUNDS run over to his car and pull him out.)

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 08:47:23 to 08:51:41 before fading away.)


(ANNE walks up to the room where DAVID PALMER and WAYNE PALMER are sitting.)
ANNE: I'm supposed to see the President.
(DAVID PALMER'S HEAD OF SECURITY knocks on the door to the room.)
(ANNE walks in.)
DAVID PALMER: Anne… How are you holding up?
ANNE: I'm ok.
(They kiss.)
WAYNE PALMER: Are those the letters?
(ANNE hands WAYNE PALMER a file. WAYNE PALMER opens it and starts reading)
WAYNE PALMER: Now this is good David, this is very good. This clears up everything.
ANNE: Yes, yes it does.
WAYNE PALMER: Once these get authenticated, we'll take them to the press, you'll be off the hook and Keeler should be hoisted right up on it.
ANNE: Yeah, I thought you'd be pleased.
WAYNE PALMER: Anne listen, uh, I'm sorry about Ted, I really am and if there's anything that I can do, anything at all, please just let me know.
ANNE: Thank you.
WAYNE PALMER: Excuse me.
(WAYNE PALMER leaves the room.)
ANNE: I'm alright David, I'm going to be alright but.. something came out of this, and it was suddenly so clear to me…
DAVID PALMER: What was clear?
ANNE: I don't know how to say this except to just say it… I think we need to end things.
DAVID PALMER: After what's just happened, after what's been happening all day, I can understand why you'd want some time apart…
ANNE: David, it's not about time apart.
DAVID PALMER: Anne don't do this…
ANNE: And it's true this day has been awful, but it just confirms something that I've been feeling for a while. I can't live in your world. The things that people do to each other, the things they have to do in order to survive, I just, I can't…
DAVID PALMER: That's exactly why I need you.
ANNE: You need someone who can stand beside you, not someone who stands back and watches and, well, maybe passes judgement on things she doesn't really understand. I'm sorry. You are the finest man I have ever known, and Wayne, God bless him, he's just what you need and I'm so glad you have him but… it's not for me.
(They kiss.)
ANNE: Goodbye David.
(ANNE leaves the room. DAVID PALMER calls for her.)
(ANNE doesn’t turn back.)


(JACK BAUER, HECTOR SALAZAR and RAMON SALAZAR are in the living room. JACK BAUER has just dialled a phone number and is waiting for someone to answer. He paces the room impatiently.)
JACK BAUER: Michael? It's Jack Bauer, can you hear me?
MICHAEL AMADOR: I can hear you Jack. I'm glad you arrived safely.
JACK BAUER: Where are you?
MICHAEL AMADOR: You know I can't tell you that Jack.
JACK BAUER: Ok fine, then when do you want to meet?
MICHAEL AMADOR: I'll call you back in a few minutes, give me the number you're calling from.
JACK BAUER: Ok, I'm on a satellite phone, one sec.
(JACK BAUER checks the number of the phone.)
JACK BAUER: The number's Three Four Two Two One.
MICHAEL AMADOR: You'll hear from me soon.
JACK BAUER: Ok good.
(They both hang up.)
JACK BAUER (to RAMON SALAZAR): You better have your money prepared.
RAMON SALAZAR: Don't worry about that.
(The front door of the ranch opens and men walk in dragging CHASE EDMUNDS with them.)
MAN: He came in by plane, just off of the town. He was with a federali that we killed.
RAMON SALAZAR: I know this man. It's Bauer's partner.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Was he with anyone else?
MAN: No, just the federali and him.
JACK BAUER: What the hell are you doing here?
RAMON SALAZAR: Hey shut up! If he's here, others will be here soon. We gotta get out of here. Thomas, make sure everything is ready, we're moving out of here, now! (to HECTOR SALAZAR) Bauer has been lying to us all along.
JACK BAUER: That's not true, I had no idea he was coming down here.
RAMON SALAZAR: You've been playing us for fools again.
JACK BAUER: Ramon, you're making a mistake. Hector please, we can still do this deal, don't let your brother piss away a billion dollars.
HECTOR SALAZAR: Ramon, what if he's telling the truth?
RAMON SALAZAR: You keep hearing what you want to hear. This is an act, it's all been an act.
HECTOR SALAZAR: How do you know.
JACK BAUER: Ramon I swear to you, I'm not lying. Please, let's do this deal.
CHASE EDMUNDS: What the hell is going on here Jack?
JACK BAUER: Shut up Chase, you should never have followed me down here.
CHASE EDMUNDS: You with them?
JACK BAUER: Yes, I'm with them.
(CHASE EDMUNDS punches JACK BAUER twice in the stomach. JACK BAUER is knocked back and his watch, which held a transponder, smashes against the corner of a wall. The MEN grab CHASE EDMUNDS.)
RAMON SALAZAR (to JACK BAUER): You say he's not with you?
JACK BAUER: Yes, that's right.
RAMON SALAZAR: Then kill him.
RAMON SALAZAR: Kill your partner.
JACK BAUER: You want me to kill him, fine I'll kill him Ramon, but it would be smarter to use him for information, and maybe even as a hostage.
RAMON SALAZAR: No more clever talk! You keep saying you're on our side, now prove it once and for all.
(JACK BAUER takes the gun.)
JACK BAUER: You should never have come down here Chase. You should have listened to me.
(CHASE EDMUNDS spits at JACK BAUER. JACK BAUER then reluctantly points the gun towards CHASE EDMUNDS' head and pulls the trigger. The gun clicks. It wasn't loaded. RAMON SALAZAR starts to clap.)
RAMON SALAZAR: Very good Jack. (to his MEN) We'll take him with us, Bauer's right, let's find out what he knows. Break him down, see if anyone came in with him.
(The MEN drag CHASE EDMUNDS away and into a car. JACK BAUER hands RAMON SALAZAR the gun.)
RAMON SALAZAR: We'll go to a safe house, and we'll wait for Armador's call.
(JACK BAUER walks over to a car. CHASE EDLUNDS is sat in the back, he gets onto the passenger seat.)
JACK BAUER: Shut up Chase, if you want to get through this just shut up.
(JACK BAUER sees that his watch is broken.)
JACK BAUER: Damn it.


(GAEL runs up to TONY ALLEIDA'S office.
GAEL: Tony, I don't know how but the transponder in Jack's watch just went dead.
TONY ALMEIDA: Did you try a reset?
GAEL: Yeah, nothing.
TONY ALMEIDA: Damn it! By the time the assault teams are in position, we'll have no idea where he is.

(The 24 timer comes up, and goes from 08:59:57 to 09:00:00 before fading away.)

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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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