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24 heures chrono
#312 : Minuit – 01h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 3 guide des épisodes

Chase est le nouvel éclaireur de la CAT. Il est envoyé sur le lieu de la transaction pour vérifier l’existence ou non du virus. Hector et Ramon se disputent car Hector décide de se retirer de la vente. Pour lui, ça devient trop dangereux. Ramon abat alors son frère d’une balle dans le dos.
Nina tente de persuader Ramon que Jack est en train de lui tendre un piège, mais il ne la croit pas. Pendant ce temps, Sherry rencontre Kelly, qui se prétend témoin ce qui permettrait de pouvoir inculper Milliken dans l’histoire de l’accident qui a coûté la mort de sa fille. Kelly accepte de coopérer si son fils incarcéré pour meurtre est libéré.


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Minuit – 01h00


24 Season 3 Episode 12 Promo

24 Season 3 Episode 12 Promo


Plus de détails


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• James Badge Dale : Chase Edmunds
• and Dennis Haysbert : President David Palmer

Special guest stars

• Penny Johnson Jerald : Sherry Palmer

Guest starring

• Joaquim de Almeida : Ramon Salazar
• Vincent Laresca : Hector Salazar
• DB Woodside : Wayne Palmer
• Greg Ellis : Michael Amador
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• Zachary Quinto : Adam Kaufman
• Jack Kehler : Kevin Kelly
• Gina Torres : Julia Milliken
• Gonzalo Menendez : Pablo
• Rick Ravanello : Captain Reiss
• and Sarah Clarke : Nina Myers

Ramon Salazar vient de tirer sur son frère. À la C.A.T., Tony voit avec Michelle si tout le monde est près car ce sera leur seule chance d’acquérir le virus, Michelle le conforte en lui disant que tout le monde sait ce qu’il a à faire et Tony commence à montrer des signes de tensions.

Une fois cette tension redescendue, il demande si Jack à appelé et Michelle lui répond par la négative.Au Mexique, Hector et toujours vivant, les hommes des Salazar veulent l’emmener à l’hôpital mais Ramon affirme qu’on ne peut pas et achève (non sans émotions) son frère devant Jack et Nina qui semblent toujours ne pas en revenir.

Après que Ramon ai promis de lui offrir des funérailles dignes de ce nom à a fin du deal, Jack s’approche de lui et se montre désolé mais lui dit qu’il faut penser au deal maintenant, alors que Ramon s’en va, Nina l’interpelle : « Il travaille toujours pour la C.A.T., ton frère avait raison », mais Ramon la prie (à sa manière!) de ne plus mentionner le nom de son frère puis ordonne à tout le monde de lever le camp direction le Deal.

Au Q.G. Présidentiel, David qui sort d’un briefing est rejoint par Sherry qui l’avertit qu’elle part. David cherche encore une fois à savoir quelle est la piste qu’elle poursuit mais Sherry refuse de parler et le rassure sur sa sécurité. Avant de partir, elle lui dit qu’elle croit toujours en sa présidence et qu’ils arrêterons Alan Milliken.

Tony explique à toute son équipe comment va se dérouler l’opération d’acquisition du virus en insistant bien sur le rôle d’éclaireur que va jouer Chase.Justement Chase observe de loin le lieu de rendez-vous quand il voit arriver les hommes de Salazar et Jack. Ramon dispose ses hommes (de façon à ce qu’ils soient discret).

 Alors qu’on l’emmène à l’intérieur d’un bâtiment Nina reprend de plus belle et affirme qu’elle peut prouver que Jack est un traître et qu’il travaille toujours pour la C.A.T. : elle dit à Ramon qu’elle connaît les protocoles et lui conseille de faire repérer les environs afin de vérifier que personne n’est en éclaireur.

Ramon suit ces conseils avisés et envoie des hommes pour inspecter la zone.À la C.A.T., Adam découvre le bébé sous le bureau de Kim, elle lui explique qu’il s’agit de l’enfant de Chloé ce à quoi Adam s’étonne : « Chloé n’a pas d’enfants !».Dans le bâtiment du lieu de rendez-vous, Jack se ménage un poste d’observation et inspecte les environs.

Il est rejoint par Nina et Ramon qui prend des nouvelles sur les hommes envoyés pour fouiller les environs : les deux répondent que tout est Ok (l’un d’eux est alors sous la menace de Chase). Nina est discréditée et Jack conforté. Ramon explique à Nina ce qu’elle a à faire pour le deal. À minuit 16, Kim demande des explications à Chloé sur le bébé.

Chloé lui répond, gênée, qu’il est à son petit ami ayant des problèmes avec la mère de l’enfant. Chloé est alors rappelée à son devoir par Michelle.Sherry rejoint un certain Mr Kelly dans son mobil-home. L’homme est le père d’une enfant de 12 ans qui a été renversée par Alan Milliken (qui a alors pris la fuite) et qui a été payé pour son silence. Sherry lui demande de tout révéler mais l’homme veut qu’en échange on gracie son fils qui est dans le couloir de la Mort pour meurtre.

Sur le lieu de Rendez-Vous, Nina dit à Jack qu’elle sait qu’il travaille toujours pour la C.A.T. mais Jack continue de feindre d‘avoir changé de camp sans pour autant la convaincre. Ramon vient alors libérer Nina pour qu’elle se prépare et ordonne qu’au moindre problème on l’abatte.Chase prévient la C.A.T. des derniers événements sur le lieu de Rendez-vous.

Minuit 27. À la C.A.T., Tony continue de tout coordonner à distance, quand Kim demande à lui parler en privé à propos de Chloé.Au Q.G. présidentiel, Wayne et David son au téléphone avec Sherry qui leur explique toute l’histoire. Wayne pense que son frère ne devrait pas être impliqué dans cette histoire et qu’il ne devrait pas gracier le fils de Kelly.

Wayne semble ne pas comprendre ce que son frère fait.À la C.A.T., Kim explique à Tony que Chloé n’a pas d’enfant et que l’explication qu’elle a donnée n’est pas valable. Tony lui demande de laisser ça de coté un moment car Chloé est la plus à même de les aider dans cette opération.Sherry retourne voir Mr Kelly mais elle ne le trouve pas, en découvrant le mobil-home sans dessus-dessous et avec des taches de sang, elle quitte les lieux pour rejoindre sa voiture, là elle voit une autre voiture lui arriver dessus, elle panique mais c’est une fausse alerte.

Au Mexique, Chase voit arriver le véhicule d’Amador et prévient la CAT.Le deal débute. Amador présente le Virus à Nina qui lance la procédure d’authentification. À minuit 39, alors que la CAT a des problèmes de connexion audio, Tony tient au courant Wayne du déroulement des opération et Wayne n’hésite pas a mettre la pression sur les épaules de la C.A.T..De son coté, Nina a la confirmation de l’authenticité du Virus, ce qui met Chase, la C.A.T. et l’équipe Delta en action.

Amador préfère reprendre le virus le temps du transfert et glisse sa main dans sa poche pour une raison inconnue… Une fois le transfert de fond effectué, Amador donne la mallette censée contenir le Virus à Nina et s’en va sous les yeux de Chase qui relate les fait à la C.A.T. qui à de plus en plus de problèmes avec la connexion son.

Une fois le signal récupéré (après un moment de panique) tout le monde se remet en action à la C.A.T.. Nina ramène le Virus à Ramon qui décide d’éliminer Jack cependant il n’en a pas le temps recevant une balle d’en l’épaule : une fusillade éclate alors entre les hommes de Salazar et les équipes Delta laissant le champ libre à Ramon et Nina pour s’enfuir. Jack poursuit Ramon, vite imité par Chase. Il est minuit 51 dans la demeure de Milliken quand Julia reçoit un coup de téléphone de Sherry qui cherche à la convaincre d’empêcher tout ça et demande à s’entretenir avec elle en personne : elle décide de la rejoindre chez le couple Milliken.

Jack est rattrapé par Chase et des membres de l’équipe Delta. Tout ce beau monde recherche activement Ramon qui détient toujours le virus. Ils le retrouvent vite, Ramon ne veux pas retourner en prison, puis il prend le virus entre ses mains et alors qu’il se laisse convaincre par Jack de se rendre et de poser le virus à Terre, ce dernier émet un signal sonore et explose (ainsi que Ramon par voie de conséquence) : ce n’était pas le virus, il faut intercepter Amador.

Justement Amador qui file toujours est rattrapé par des membres de l’équipe Delta, cependant Amador avait prévu l’affaire en ayant positionné des hommes qui éliminent tous les membres de l’équipe Delta : Amador est toujours (et encore!) en fuite et devient impossible à repérer venant juste de détruire son portable.

À la C.A.T. on apprend la nouvelle de la débandade et on prévient Jack qu’Amador est toujours en fuite : leur seule chance de retrouver le Virus et d’arrêter Nina qui est en fuite.

Jack et Chase se séparent pour les recherches.

Dans sa voiture, Amador ouvre une mallette argentée, glisse sa main dans sa poche et en sort le virus qu’il avait subtilisé par un habile tour de passe-passe…


DAVID PALMER: Hello, Sherry.
DAVID: Alan's determined to see Wayne removed. Even if it means destroying my presidency.
SHERRY: You want me to find something you can use against Alan.

ALAN MILLIKEN: You think you can enlist your psychopathic ex-wife to manufacture lies about me in order to bring me down?
DAVID: You want it to stop, stay away from my brother.

RAMON SALAZAR: Jack, I think, it's Amador.

MICHAEL AMADOR: I've got the product. There's an old mine east of Posta Mita. Meet me in the northernmost building in an hour and ten minutes. I'll have one man with me for security, you may do the same.

RAMON: We are following through with what you have started.
HECTOR SALAZAR: There are too may risks now.
RAMON: They are in the playbook.

JACK BAUER: Ramon, if you want this deal to happen, we've gotta go now.
MICHELLE: Tony, Jack's on the line. He's using his cell as a one-way.
JACK: Amador's gonna be at the mine at Posta Mita in about an hour. It's gonna take us that long to get there and get your men into position.
MICHELLE: He's disconnected.

CHASE EDMUNDS: Based on what CTU got from Jack, the meeting will probably take place here. My forward position is gonna be here. What I need from you is to put your men behind this ridge until we know that the virus is real. How long will it take your men to get to the old mine?
REISS: 90 seconds. - Good luck.

JACK: Ramon, if you want this deal to happen, we have to leave now. We have to be at the mine 20 minutes before Amador gets there.
HECTOR: The deal is off! - We're leaving now.
RAMON: Hector!



TONY: Are your people ready?
MICHELLE: Yeah, they're waiting.
TONY: What about Chloe?
MICHELLE: Yeah, she's there, too.
TONY: All right, this is our one chance to get the virus. So make sure they're all aware of what's at stake.
MICHELLE: They're aware.
TONY: I'm just saying, it's all gonna come down in the next hour.
MICHELLE: You know, Tony, you don't have to keep reminding me.
TONY: Yes, I do. Look, too may things can go wrong here. We don't need another mistake.
[She looks at him.]
TONY: So, ahm, have we had any communication from Jack in the last few minutes?
MICHELLE: No. He's still with Nina and the Salazars.
[Tony nods and leaves.]

[Las Nieves, the barn. Pablo presses a fabric onto Hector's wound. Ramon walks over to them.]
RAMON: You should have listened to me. This is my business. I built it. And I won't let anyone destroy it. Not even you.
HECTOR: Ramon.
PABLO: I can't stop the bleeding. We gotta get him to a hospital.
RAMON: We can't. They'll ask questions.
PABLO: He'll die, if we don't.
RAMON: I know.
HECTOR: Ramon.
[Ramon shoots him again. Then Jack walks up to him.]
JACK: Ramon, I'm sorry, but we have to go.
RAMON: (to Pablo) When we are done, I want him to have a proper burial.
NINA: Ramon, you're making a big mistake. He's setting you up. He works for CTU. Hector was right. You should give this up.
[Ramon walks up to her.]
RAMON: That's enough. Don't mention my brother's name ever.
[They look at each other.]
RAMON: All right, let's do the deal. Everybody back in the cars. Come on.

[District's headquarters.]
DAVID: Coordinate with CTU. I want updates every half-hour.
WOMAN: Yes, sir.
[She and Wayne leave the room. Sherry knocks.]
SHERRY: David. I just want you to know that I'm leaving.
DAVID: This leverage you have with Milliken.
SHERRY: I told you, David, it's better that you don't know all the details right now.
[He looks at her.]
DAVID: All right. - Aaron told me that you refused a Secret Service escort.
SHERRY: Yes. But that's because the person I'm going to see might scare if I don't come alone. - Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself.
DAVID: I know you can.
[She turns to leave, but turns back again.]
SHERRY: David.
DAVID: Mmh-hm?
SHERRY: I still believe in your presidency. And if Alan Milliken is threatening your ability to lead this country, he will be stopped.
[He looks at her. She leaves.]

12:06:26, 12:06:27, 12:06:28, 12:06:29

[CTU. The main staff is gathered in the conference room.]
TONY: Amador is bringing the virus in this location in 30 minutes. We have Delta teams bunkered two minutes away ready to intercept the package as soon as Jack confirms it contains the virus.
MICHELLE: Jack's transmitter working yet?
TONY: No, we are using Chase. He's moving into a forward covert position to give us confirmation. He'll be able to transmit soundable to us and the Delta teams.
MICHELLE: Who's running his comm?
CHLOE: I am. There wasn't any protocol in place, so I wrote a software bridge. I'm amplifying the low-frequency audio signal and relaying it out.
JACK: After that Chase'll let us know when the transaction's complete and Jack has the virus. At which point our units will move in, taking full precautions to keep that virus safe.

[Mexico. The mine. Chase reaches his position and sets his equipment up. Some cars arrive at the mine buildings.]
JACK: Ramon, you have to get your men out of sight before Amador arrives.
RAMON: I know. Take Nina and send her inside. - Hombres ... (Spanish)
[Chase watches the scene with a nightscope. Ramon talks with one of his men.]
RAMON: All right, give me the map. - I want some men over here and some over there. Tell them to keep their eyes open.
[Nina and a man leading her are passing him.]
NINA: Ramon, he's setting you up. I can prove it.
[Ramon turns to her.]
RAMON: Really?
[She nods.]
NINA: I was at CTU for seven years, I know their protocols. I know how they'll play this.
RAMON: I'm listening.
NINA: Their attack teams won't be close. But they'll have at least one man doing reconnaissance. That is he's watching us right now.
RAMON: And you know where that man would be?
NINA: Straight ahead there's some high ground, I bet he's there, or 90 degrees to the west at the tree line.
RAMON: We'll know soon enough. Felipe, Pablo. Check it out. Make sure you make your approach from the sides in case the woman is right.
NINA: I am right.
RAMON: (to the man hauling Nina off) Vamonos.
[Pablo and Felipe are spreading out.]

[CTU. Adam walks up to Kim's station.]
ADAM: Kim, I need you to go over these format changes.
KIM: Yeah. Here, you're gonna need these files for the repagination. They're not on the hard drive.
[Adam spots the baby.]
ADAM: What is that?
KIM: It's a baby.
ADAM: Yeah, I can see, that it's a baby, Kim. Whose baby is it?
KIM: Chloe's.
ADAM: Chloe's?
KIM: Her baby-sitter must have had some sort of family emergency -
ADAM: Kim, Chloe doesn't have a baby.
KIM: Of course she does.
ADAM: Ah, no, she doesn't. I was in the search team when Chloe got hired. I did her background checks - personal histories, medical histories, those things.
KIM: And she's never had a baby?
ADAM: No. It's definitely not her kid.
[Kim looks down at Angela.]

12:09:50, 12:09:51, 12:09:52, 12:09:53

[Mexico. The mine building. Jack walks to a boarded-up window. He tears down a plank and looks out.]
RAMON: Felipe, Pablo. Call me with your positions.
FELIPE: Ramon, it's Felipe.
RAMON: Where are you?
FELIPE: At the tree line. There's no one here.
RAMON: Pablo, what about you?
[No answer.]
RAMON: Pablo. - Pablo, can you hear me?
[Still no answer.]
NINA: They got to him.
RAMON: Pablo.
NINA: He's dead, Ramon. They're coming for you next.
JACK: What's going on? (to Nina) What did you say to him?
[Nina doesn't answer.]
PABLO: Ramon. It's me. I'm at the high ground.
RAMON: Do you see anything?
PABLO: No. There's no one here.
RAMON: Right, good. Hold your position and keep your eyes open.
[He turns his head. Chase threatens him with a knife at his throat.]
CHASE: Drop the walkie.
[Pablo does so. Chase knocks him out.]
RAMON: (to Nina) No more lies from you.
[He looks at Jack who's turns and leaves.]
RAMON: Amador will be here in 15 minutes. Confirm that he has the virus, get him his money and bring the virus back to us. You'll have one of my men with you as your bodyguard. But if you try to escape or communicate anything to Amador, he will kill you. If he misses, there are three men in the hills with sniper rifles aimed at your head. If you want to live, make sure this deal happens.
NINA: Understood.
RAMON: Good.

12:12:09, 12:12:10, 12:12:11


12:16:23, 12:16:24, 12:16:25, 12:16:26, 12:16:27, 12:16:28, 12:16:29

[Jack. Nina. Chase. Kim.]

[CTU. Kim looks down at the baby. Chloe comes up to her.]
CHLOE: How's Angela?
KIM: Adam just told me you're not the mother of this child. Who does the baby belong to?
CHLOE: My boyfriend, Eric.
KIM: Eric?
CHLOE: Binder. His name is Eric Binder.
KIM: So why isn't he taking care of his daughter?
CHLOE: Because it's the first place his ex-wife would look. His ex-wife has custody of the baby. Three weeks ago she started seeing this guy with a drinking problem, and then Eric found out that this guy was abusing the baby physically.
KIM: So, why doesn't the ex-wife stop the boyfriend?
CHLOE: Apparently she's in some kind of denial.
KIM: So, why doesn't he call Child Protective Services?
CHLOE: Eric has. - He saw a social worker this morning but she couldn't make it out until tomorrow. He's afraid by then it'll be too late.
KIM: Wait, so he's kidnapping Angela?
CHLOE: Technically. But just for tonight.
KIM: Yeah, well, I don't care, Chloe. Kidnapping is a felony.
CHLOE: You wanna call the police, then go ahead and call the police. But if this child is returned to his mother and something bad happens, then that's on you. So think about that, Kim. Think about it.
[Michelle comes up to them.]
MICHELLE: Chloe. Tony needs you. Chase is transmitting ...
CHLOE: I'll be down there in a minute.
MICHELLE: No, he needs you now.
[She turns to leave, but Chloe doesn't follow her. She turns back and looks at Chloe and Kim.]
MICHELLE: Is there a problem?
KIM: No. No problem.
[She leaves.]
CHLOE: (to Kim) Let me know how much of her bottle she takes.
[She leaves.]

12:18:19, 12:18:20, 12:18:21, 12:18:22

[Sherry knocks at a motorhome's door. A man opens.]
SHERRY: Mr. Kelly?
KELLY: Yeah. Come on in.
[Sherry enters. Kelly's got a gun in his hand which frightens Sherry. He motions her to sit down.]
KELLY: Drink?
SHERRY: Ahm. No, thank you.
[He pours himself a drink and tosses it back.]
SHERRY: We appreciate your help on this, Mr. Kelly.
KELLY: "We" meaning you and the president, right?
SHERRY: I am representing the president on this, yes.
[He sits down across her.]
KELLY: So, what can I tell you?
SHERRY: You can tell me what really happened.
KELLY: What do you think, happened?
SHERRY: I think, Alan Milliken was driving the car that hit and killed your daughter 12 years ago.
KELLY: I - I wouldn't know.
SHERRY: You testified that you didn't see anything, but I think you did. And I think, what you saw implicates Milliken.
[Kelly doesn't say anything. Sherry takes a paper out of her bag and hands it to him.]
SHERRY: Three weeks after your daughter's death, an account was set up in your name at Maritime Bank, and a large deposit was made. - That was to keep your mouth shut, wasn't it?
[Kelly looks at the paper. He's almost crying.]
SHERRY: This is the chance for you to set everything right.
KELLY: Yeah. I saw Milliken driving the car that night. Got the license plate and everything. But when I - told that to the cop, he takes me aside and he says: "Your daughter's dead. Nothing you can do about that now. But if you keep your mouth shut, there's a payoff. A big one." So I said I didn't see who killed my daughter. - It was blood money and I took it.
[He stands up and walks away, crying. Shelly takes the paper and stands up, too.]
SHERRY: Mr. Kelly.
[He looks at her.]
SHERRY: Mr. Kelly, we're gonna have a press conference. And you are gonna have a chance to tell your story to everyone.
KELLY: I'm not gonna be doing this for nothing, Mrs. Palmer.
SHERRY: OK, that's all right. How much money do you -
KELLY: No, I don't want money. I've already made that mistake.
SHERRY: OK, OK, OK, I'm sorry. What do you want?
KELLY: My son. My only living child. He's, he's doing a prison term, life sentence. I want the president to pardon him.
SHERRY: What was he convicted for?
KELLY: Murder. He's all I've got. You get him outta prison, and I'll tell anyone who wants to listen what really happened that night.

12:21:50, 12:21:51, 12:21:52, 12:21:53

[Jack watches the meeting place. Ramon leaves the building.]
NINA: I don't care, what Ramon thinks. I know you're still working with CTU.
[Jack looks at Ramon. He's talking with his men outside.]
JACK: You don't know anything. My interests happen to coincide with Ramon's at this moment, and he knows it.
NINA: You may have convinced everybody else of that, but I don't believe it.
JACK: Yeah, keep shooting your mouth off, you're gonna get yourself killed.
NINA: It doesn't matter. Once he gets the virus, he's gonna kill us both.
RAMON: (outside) Get the rest of the guns outside.
[He comes back in.]
RAMON: (to a man) Uncuff her. She needs to get going. - (to another man) Get the briefcase.
[Nina's released and takes the case.]
RAMON: (to the second man) If there is trouble, kill her first.

[Chase watches Nina and the second man walking to the meeting point.]
CHASE: She's got one of Salazar's bodyguards with her.
[CTU. Tony listens to Chase's information.]
TONY: All right. Michelle, send the teams out to their final marks. Everybody get set, this is it.
[The staff starts moving and working.]

12:23:14, 12:23:15, 12:23:16


12:27:27, 12:27:28, 12:27:29, 12:27:30, 12:27:31, 12:27:32, 12:27:33

[The meeting place. Kim. Angela. Chloe.]

CHASE: Myers and Salazar's men are holding about 300 meters from the location.
CHLOE: Edmunds is still on point.
CHASE: There's been no activity.
TONY: Make sure the Delta commander has his field protocol straight.
[His phone rings.]
TONY: Almeida.
KIM: It's Kim. I need to talk to you in private.
TONY: Right now?
KIM: Yeah, it's about Chloe. It's important.
TONY: (sighs) All right. Tech One. (to Chloe) Keep me posted.

[District's headquarters. Palmer's phone is on speakers. Wayne is listening, too.]
DAVID: You want me to pardon this man's son, a convicted murderer.
SHERRY: (phone) I know I'm asking a lot, David, but unless you pardon Kelly's son for that crime, he's not gonna help us.
DAVID: And how exactly is he supposed to help us?
SHERRY: 12 years ago, Kelly was paid off not to come forward as a witness against Milliken.
DAVID: What did he witness?
SHERRY: Milliken killed his daughter while driving drunk, then drove off. Hit and run. Kelly was the only one who saw it. Then Milliken's people got to him before the police report was filed.
DAVID: And he'll swear to this?
SHERRY: All you have to do is pardon his son. His name is Patrick Kelly. He's already served four years of a life sentence.
DAVID: I don't know, Sherry, I'll have to get back to you on this.
SHERRY: Just hurry, OK?
[Palmer disconnects the conversation.]
DAVID: (to Wayne) What do you think?
WAYNE: You know what I think. You shouldn't be involved in this, David. Give in to Milliken. Accept my resignation. It'll back off -
DAVID: I told you, I am not Milliken's puppet and I will not let him dictate my decisions.
WAYNE: Right, but you're gonna let your ex-wife convince you to grant a quid pro quo pardon to a convicted murderer. - David, she's only been back in your life for a few hours and look what's happening.
DAVID: I would think you'd be in favour of what she's proposing.
WAYNE: Of you, what, abusing the power of your office? Absolutely not, David. Absolutely not, it is wrong.
[Palmer thinks.]
DAVID: When you wanted me to pay hush money to Anne's ex-husband, that was justified?
WAYNE: The difference is that - David, I have your best interests at heart. You know that.
[Palmer looks at him.]
WAYNE: I'm sorry, but Sherry has her own, and she always has.
DAVID: Your loyalty, which I am grateful for, does not change the fact that when someone wants to get down in the mud, the only way to fight back is to get down in it with them.
WAYNE: So you're gonna grant the pardon?
DAVID: I don't know what I'm gonna do.

12:30:43, 12:30:44, 12:30:45, 12:30:46

[CTU. Tony comes up to Kim.]
TONY: OK, Kim. What is it?
KIM: Tony, there's something you need to know.
TONY: If this is about Chloe's baby, I don't have time for this right now.
[He starts leaving.]
KIM: It's not her baby. Chloe does not have a baby. And, frankly, I think she's delusional.
TONY: What are you talking about?
KIM: Look, Chloe does not have a child. I confronted her, and she said that this was her boyfriend's baby, and that the mother of this child was letting her get abused. But, Tony, I spoke to Child Protective Services and they said that there was no abuse claim filed.
TONY: You sure?
KIM: Positive.
TONY: Have you talked to Chloe since you found this out?
KIM: No, when I confronted her, she was on the verge of losing it. Look, this is what I'm worried about. I think she's unstable.
[Tony thinks a while.]
TONY: Kim. I need you to take a step back here.
KIM: My father and Chase's lives are in her hands.
TONY: Yeah, that's exactly why we can't do anything about this right now.
KIM: What do you mean?
TONY: Chloe is our only lifeline to what's going on down there. She's the only one in this office capable of filtering audio streams that Chase is sending us.
KIM: If Chloe is unstable -
TONY: Look, we don't have an alternative right now. We've got to keep her in place.
KIM: What about the baby? Whoever her parents are, they must be going out of their minds right now.
TONY: You're gonna take care of that baby till this operation is over. I do not want Chloe distracted.
[He starts leaving, but turns back again.]
TONY: Hey, I'm not happy about this either. Let's just hope Chloe holds it together. We'll deal with the baby once we get possession of the virus.
[He leaves.]

[The motorhome. Sherry knocks at the door. It's open.]
SHERRY: Mr. Kelly? Mr. Kelly?
[She enters. The inside is messed up, like someone had ransacked the place.]
SHERRY: Mr. Kelly?
[She looks around, but he's not there. Suddenly she spots a bloody handmark at a door jamb. She leaves the motorhome and hurries to her car. While she searches for her keys another car is started and slowly drives towards her. She gets frightened. But then it's revealed that it's only an old couple in the car. They're driving by her and leave the location.]

[Mexico. The mine.]
CHASE: Hold on, I hear something. It's a car approaching.
CHLOE: Tony, Chase is reporting a car approaching.
CHASE: Salazar's men are sitting tight. There's no sign of Amador's men and no other vehicles.
TONY: Chase.
CHASE: I've got a visual. Two men inside. It's Amador and his bodyguard.
[In the building.]
JACK: Ramon, Amador's arriving.
[Ramon walks up to him and looks out.]
CHASE: They're exiting the car. Amador's got a case in his hand.
TONY: How far is Delta?
CHASE: 90 seconds away.
TONY: No one makes a move until we're sure it's the virus. Understood?
CHASE: Understood.

[Amador comes up to Nina.]
NINA: Do you have it?
NINA: Good.
AMADOR: The transfer protocol of the funds is in place with the bank?
NINA: I'll transfer the funds once I verified the virus. So let's see it.
CHASE: It looks like he's gonna give her the virus now.
[Amador opens the case and takes out the ampule.]
CHASE: He's taking a canister from the case. He's unscrewing the lid.
[Nina takes it and puts it into a machine. Then she pushes some buttons. The machine starts working.]
NINA: It should take about five minutes to confirm it's the virus.

12:35:41, 12:35:42, 12:35:43


12:39:54, 12:39:55, 12:39:56, 12:39:57, 12:39:58, 12:39:59, 12:40:00

[Jack and Ramon. The meeting place from Chase's perspective. Nina. Chloe.]

CHLOE: Dammit, we don't have enough audio filters.
ADAM: There's a library on etude three, should I use it?
CHLOE: Yeah.
[Tony is on the phone.]
TONY: Mr. Palmer, this is Tony Almeida.
WAYNE: Give me an update on what's happened, Tony.
TONY: The exchange of the virus hasn't happened yet. We expect it to go down at any moment.
WAYNE: Tony, the Pentagon is furious at having to play catch-up. And I sure as hell don't blame them. Now this operation began as a secret between three CTU agents, and again I will reiterate, when this is over, the president will hold all three of you accountable.
TONY: I understand, sir. But if you're just calling to reprimand me, you're doing us both a disservice. I need to focus on this operation.
WAYNE: This operation, how large is it?
TONY: We have half a dozen Delta teams in the area waiting for the signal to go in.
WAYNE: And will that be sufficient?
TONY: Well, it has to be. Any more bodies down there, we risk being spotted.
WAYNE: OK, tell me exactly what's gonna happen.
TONY: We don't have time for his, sir.
WAYNE: Tony, you've asked the president to support you on this and he has. Now, you put him way out on a limb here. Now, he wants to know what the plan is.
TONY: Michael Amador, the seller, will hand the virus over to Nina Myers. Now, he doesn't know that Nina Myers is now under our control. Once the exchange happens, the Delta teams will move in, secure the virus, take Nina Myers, Michael Amador and Ramon Salazar into custody.
WAYNE: Sounds like an awful lot of things are gonna have to go perfectly.
TONY: That's true. But we're pretty sure we have our bases covered.
WAYNE: Pretty sure isn't good enough. You make this happen.
TONY: Yes, sir.
[Tony shuts the phone.]
TONY: (to Chloe) How much longer?
CHLOE: Chase is watching. It looks like Nina Myers is still testing to confirm that it is in fact the Cordilla virus.
TONY: Let me know the second Chase sees any movement.
CHLOE: I know to do that, Tony.
TONY: Then do it.
[Adam walks over to Chloe.]
ADAM: I put an extra audio filter in your volume. It may help you.
CHLOE: I don't need it.
ADAM: You asked for it.
CHLOE: I found a plug-in that worked fine.
ADAM: Why don't you just tell me that instead of wasting my time?
CHLOE: Leave me alone, Adam.
[He leaves, angry.]
ADAM: Tony.
TONY: Yeah.
ADAM: There are some things about Chloe that concern me.
TONY: I know about the baby, Kim told me.
ADAM: Are we right to be letting her run point on this? In the next few minutes, if we make any mistakes, we could lose the virus.
CHLOE: Adam, channel two is floating. Use a phase loop to lock it down.
TONY: OK, just do what she says.

[Tony comes up to Michelle.]
TONY: What's the matter?
MICHELLE: They changed the access code to Division. I can't get in there.
TONY: Yeah, here.
[He works. She watches him.]
TONY: There.
[She works on. He watches her.]
CHLOE: OK, we're on.
[Michelle and Tony are running over to her.]
CHASE: The testing device might be finishing up right now.
TONY: Chase, what's going on?
CHASE: It looks like they're about to get confirmation.

[The machine beeps.]
NINA: The signatures match.
CHASE: It's the virus, I repeat, it is the virus.
TONY: Send Delta in.
CHASE: Delta teams, you have a green light. Go, go!
[Nina takes the ampule out of the machine.]
AMADOR: I'll take that. - Until the funds are in place.
[He turns around and puts the ampule into his jacket. Nina takes a phone from the bodyguard.]
WOMAN: Transfers.
NINA: Fund transfer locator 65-1911374.
WOMAN: Waiting to confirm.
[Nina hands the phone to Amador.]
NINA: Your bank is on the phone to confirm the transfer of the funds.
WOMAN: 65-1911374 verified.
AMADOR: Thank you.
WOMAN: You're welcome.
[Amador sets the small case onto the desk.]
AMADOR: Our business is done. Good luck.
[He leaves.]
CHASE: Amador is out of the building. He's left the case containing the virus with Nina.
[Amador and his bodyguard get in their car.]
CHASE: They're in the car, turning around, heading north.
TONY: (to Michelle) Have a Delta unit pick him up.
CHASE: Nina's on her way. - She's carrying the ca-
[The rest is lost in scrambled noise.]
TONY: What did he say?
CHLOE: He said he thinks Nina is leaving with the virus.
TONY: What is wrong?
ADAM: Chloe, the channel's modulating.
CHLOE: I know, I'm switching to the Sat nine.
ADAM: What? In the middle of a meet?
[She walks to another station.]
TONY: What the hell is going on here? ... getting dead.
CHLOE: It'll be fine in a second.
ADAM: Chloe, what are you doing? Switch it back to Sat three.
ADAM: Are you crazy?
CHLOE: Sat three is out of range. I noticed a glitch in its relay software. I had to switch it or otherwise we would have lost it.
TONY: Chase, do you copy?
[Chloe works at her station.]
TONY: Chase, do you copy?
[Tony and Adam look at each other.]
CHLOE: We should be getting a clear signal now.
TONY: Chase, do you copy?
[Just scrambled audio.]
TONY: Chase, do you copy?
CHASE: Yeah, I copy. Nina's still in visual range and she's headed towards the building.
ADAM: Delta's 50 seconds away.

[Ramon and Jack are watching Nina and the bodyguard coming up to the building.]
RAMON: Let's go.
[They leave the building and meet Nina and the man.]
RAMON: (to Nina) Good job.
JACK: Ramon, we should go.
RAMON: No, Jack. I don't need you anymore.
[He aims his gun at Jack.]
CHASE: He's gonna kill him. Delta teams will not gonna get there in time.
[He aims with his rifle.]
JACK: Ramon, we had a deal.
RAMON: My brother died because of you. Because of you!
[He's shot in the back.]
TONY: Chase. - Chase, come in.
CHASE: Tony, Delta's here. I'm moving in.
[A big fight starts. A chopper appears. Nina runs away, unnoticed. Jack sees Ramon running away with the case.]
JACK: Ramon!
[He picks up a gun, but Ramon disappears behind the building. Jack goes after him.]
CHASE: Ramon Salazar's on the move with the virus. Repeat, he has the virus. He's headed west between the buildings. Jack is in pursuit.
[The chopper goes nearly down. Some men jump out.]
CHASE: You two, you're with me. All men in pursuit. Repeat, Salazar has the virus.
[They follow Ramon and Jack.]

12:47:50, 12:47:51, 12:47:52


12:52:03, 12:52:04, 12:52:05, 12:52:06, 12:52:07, 12:52:08, 12:52:09

[Jack. Chase. Sherry. The flying chopper.]

[Milliken's house. Julia Milliken's phone rings.]
JULIA: Hello?
SHERRY: Hello, Julia. It's Sherry Palmer. I'm sorry to call so late, sweetie. Are you alone?
JULIA: Yes. It is very late, Sherry. Why are you calling?
SHERRY: Because I know what your husband is doing to David.
JULIA: I can't do anything about that.
SHERRY: No, that's not true. You mean, you don't see any reason to do anything about it, but I'm gonna give you a reason.
JULIA: What are you talking about?
SHERRY: I know your situation, Julia. I know, Alan is too controlling to let you go. And I know, you're not willing to sacrifice everything to get out.
JULIA: You're making a lot of assumptions and I'm hanging up.
SHERRY: No, I'm telling the truth and you know it. But I can help you, Julia. I can help you get away from Alan without having to give everything up.
JULIA: This is ridiculous.
SHERRY: You know me, Julia. When I say I can make something happen, you better believe I can.
[Julia thinks about this.]
JULIA: How would you do this?
SHERRY: First of all we need to meet in person.
JULIA: When?
SHERRY: It has to be now.
JULIA: I can't leave the house at this time without Alan wondering what I'm doing.
SHERRY: Then I'm coming to you.

12:53:01, 12:53:02. 12:53:03, 12:53:04

[Mexico. Jack runs. A sprig crackles behind him. He turns and aims at the noise's origin.]
CHASE: Jack, hold your fire!
JACK: Chase?
CHASE: Yeah.
JACK: You're all right?
CHASE: Yeah, I'm all right.
[He and his team walk down to Jack.]
JACK: Our first priority is the virus. Ramon is our second. Anybody gets a visual, standing order's do not fire. Are we clear?
MEN: Copy. - Roger.
JACK: I lost him coming down the path. But if I were him, I'd be headed north.
CHASE: Headed north, he'll run into the river.
[The chopper flies above them.]
JACK: Give the chopper our coordinates. Tell them to converge on the river. Send another team back down the path in case he doubles back.
CHASE: All right, four of you down that path. I want two of you with me.
JACK: Let's go.
MEN: Let's go. - Move.
CHASE: (comm) Ramon is in possession of the virus. He's headed north of position 453 point 6.
PILOT: Roger. 453 point 6.
[Jack, Chase, and his two men walk on looking for Ramon.]
PILOT: This is Air One. Air One. We have visual confirmed.
[The chopper lightens a spot with Ramon leaning against a big rock. He's in pain.]
JACK: It's over, Ramon. There's nowhere else for you to go.
RAMON: I'm not going back to jail!
JACK: Put the cylinder down and we'll talk about it.
RAMON: Stop, Jack. There's nothing to talk about.
[He STOEHNT and falls down on his knees.]
JACK: Put the cylinder down.
[Ramon slowly straightens up.]
JACK: I don't wanna have to shoot you. Just put the cylinder down.
[Ramon holds the ampule between his hands, ready to open it.]
CHASE: Jack, say the word.
JACK: Not now. - Ramon, I have the authority to cut a deal. All we want is the virus. Just put the cylinder down slowly.
[Ramon looks at the ampule.]
JACK: Please, I don't wanna shoot you.
[Ramon slowly lowers his hands.]
JACK: There you go. Just put it on the ground, nice and easy. - Good.
[Suddenly there's a loading noise.]
JACK: Get out.
[Jack jumps to the side. A big explosion. All of the men are moaning.]
JACK: Chase, are you all right?
CHASE: Yeah.
JACK: Gimme your phone.
[Chase throws his phone over to Jack. Jack dials.]
JACK: This is Jack Bauer. Patch me through to Almeida now.
WOMAN: Right away.
TONY: What's going on, Jack?
JACK: We do not have the virus, I repeat, we do not have the virus. The cylinder Ramon was carrying was rigged with a bomb. Amador must have switched it. Do we have a position on him?
TONY: Delta's on him, Jack, he won't get far.
JACK: It must have been Amador's original plan, which means he has a pre-arranged escape route. Please, advise Delta team.
TONY: We're on him, Jack.
JACK: Tony, Nina Myers is out there, too.
TONY: Any chance she was involved in this?
JACK: No, the bomb was meant for her.
TONY: Delta has Amador pinned. They're two kilometers west of you, Jack.
JACK: Copy that. We're moving.
[He shuts the phone.]
JACK: Chase, get your team ready. Two clicks to the west. Split the road.

[The Delta team drives on the road.]
MAN: Copy, Delta Three.

12:56:23, 12:56:24, 12:56:25, 12:56:26

[The Delta team moves in on Amador's car. He spots the lights in the car's mirror. Behind the next turn his car stops. The two Delta teams' vehicles stop behind it. The men jump out.]
MAN: Get out of the vehicle now.
[Amador and his driver get out of the car. He seems almost bored.]
MAN: Hands in the air.
[They do so. The men walk up to him.]
MAN: Move a muscle, you're dead. - Very slowly, get on the ground. Do it now.
[Amador moves his eyes to the right and nods slightly. His men start firing from both sides. Amador and the driver jump back into the car. The fight is over very quickly with all Delta teams' members dead. Amador steps out of the car, throws his cellphone on the ground and smashes it with his foot. He gets back into the car.]

[Amador, Sherry, David. Jack's Team. Tony.]

[CTU. Michelle walks up to Tony.]
MICHELLE: Tony, the Delta unit's been taken out. Amador's escaped.
ADAM: Tony, Amador's cellphone signal just went completely dead.
TONY: Jack. - Jack, come in.
JACK: Yeah, this is Bauer.
TONY: Amador ambushed Delta Three, I repeat, Amador ambushed Delta Three. It was a setup.
JACK: Do you have a position?
TONY: Negative, we were tracking him by his cellphone signal. We lost it when the ambush happened.
JACK: What about satellite?
TONY: No, there's no visual satellite coverage of this area at this time, Jack.
JACK: Son of a bitch. Copy that. (to Chase) Delta Three's been taken out. They don't have a position on Amador.
CHASE: What do you wanna do?
JACK: We gotta find Nina. Take a team up to the high ground. I'll cover down here.
[He leaves.]
CHASE: OK. You guys, come on. We'll find her.
[They start moving.]

[Amador's car. He switches the light on, opens the case and puts the ampule from his jacket back into the case.]

12:59:57, 12:59:58, 12:59:59, 01:00:00

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