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24 heures chrono
#313 : 01h00 – 02h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 3 guide des épisodes

Le virus est échangé, l’équipe Delta 3 de la CAT intervient et intercepte les hommes de Salazar. Le cylindre que Ramon a récupéré n’était en fait pas le virus mais une bombe qui explose et le tue.
Jack capture Nina et la ramène à la CAT pour l’interroger. Pendant ce temps, Amador s’enfuit avec le virus en tuant des hommes faisant partie de l’équipe Delta 3. Dans les locaux de la CAT, Chloé est arrêtée à cause du bébé qu’elle a ramené. Sherry rend visite à Julia, l’épouse de Milliken après s’être aperçue que son témoin avait disparu.


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO
1:00am - 2:00am

Titre VF
01h00 – 02h00

Plus de détails


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• James Badge Dale : Chase Edmunds
• and Dennis Haysbert : President David Palmer

Special guest stars

• Penny Johnson Jerald : Sherry Palmer

Guest starring

• Greg Ellis : Michael Amador
• Paul Schulze : Ryan Chappelle
• DB Woodside : Wayne Palmer
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• Zachary Quinto : Adam Kaufman
• Albert Hall : Alan Milliken
• Gina Torres : Julia Milliken
• David Herman : Dalton Furrelle
• Glenn Morshower : Agent Aaron Pierce
• Colby French : Mike Murphy
• Lothaire Bluteau : Marcus Alvers
• and Sarah Clarke : Nina Myers


• Thomas Hildreth : Delta Pilot
• Ryan Moore : Tech
• Christine Devine : Reporter

On retrouve Jack Bauer et Chase Edmunds qui recherchent Nina dans la foret mexicaine. Cependant Chase tombe dans un piège que lui a tendu Nina et se retrouve alors captif. Nina demande la position de Jack, de l’équipe delta et d’Amador. Chase lui apprend qu’Amador les a tous grugé et s’est enfui.

Cependant Jack, ayant senti que quelque chose clochait, intervient et la neutralise. Bauer veut que Chase contacte l’équipe delta, mais Chase lui demande quelles sont ses intentions concernant Nina et Jack lui répond qu’il va l’interroger ce à quoi Nina proteste en disant qu’il ne le fera pas…

Chase après avoir hésité part prévenir l’équipe Delta et laisse Jack en tête-à-tête avec Nina. Cette dernière dit à Jack qu’elle peut encore lui être utile car elle sait qu’Amador a rendez-vous à Los Angeles pour remettre le virus. Jack la met en joug mais devant les supplications de Nina qui ne veut pas mourir et qui propose de l’aider, il garde son arme pointée sur elle et prend son téléphone pour appeler Tony.

Il le prévient qu’il détient Nina en précisant bien « vivante » et demande des nouvelles concernant Amador mais la C.A.T. n’a rien. Jack dit alors à Tony que Nina semble vouloir coopérer et faire un deal avec eux et qu’il va la ramener à la C.A.T.. Après avoir raccroché, Jack ordonne à Nina de se lever, en la menaçant toujours de son arme.À la C.A.T.,

Tony retrouve Chloé pour lui conseiller d’aller parler à Chapelle concernant son soit disant enfant. Après il appelle Kim, en interne, afin de la tenir au courant que Chase et Jack reviennent à Los Angeles, elle veut en savoir plus sur Nina et Tony lui répond qu’ils l’amènent avec elle.

Alors que Chapelle est au téléphone, Chloé pénètre dans son bureau. Il lui demande de jouer franc jeu avec lui, Chloé reconnaît ses mensonges mais refuse de lui divulguer l’identité des parents.

Ryan la prévient que ce qu’elle a fait en est un délit fédéral. Il l’a menace de procéder à un test génétique, elle refuse puis Chapelle passe en l’acte en demandant à ce qu’on la mette aux arrêts afin d’effectuer le test.Au Q.G. présidentiel, on assiste à une réunion au cours de laquelle, Wayne explique les derniers évènements du Mexique.

L’opération a fait 6 morts dans l’équipe Delta. Wayne explique également qu’Amador aurait l’intention de venir à Los Angeles, cependant ils ne connaissent pas ses intentions Amador étant considéré comme un trafiquant et non un terroriste. Soudain le président apprend que Sherry est en ligne et décide de la prendre dans son bureau. Elle lui raconte que Kelly a disparu certainement kidnappé par Milliken.

David lui demande de rentrer au Q.G. pour sa sécurité, mais elle refuse et veut aller parler directement à Julia. David proteste ne désirant pas une confrontation entre elle et Alan Milliken, mais Sherry n’en démord pas et lui promet d’éviter tout contact avec Alan.Dans un 4x4, Jack et Nina rejoignent la base Delta où un avion les attend.

Jack explique à Chase les derniers ressorts et lui dit qu’il faut trouver qui veut acheter ce virus et où ils ont l’intention de le répandre.Dans son jet, Amador appelle un certain Marcus et l’averti qu’il sera là dans un heure pour le virus. 01h16. Sherry prévient Julia qu’elle sera là d’ici quelques minutes, et aussi se renseigne sur ce que fait Alan en ce moment même.

Avant de raccrocher, Sherry demande à Julia de s’arranger pour verrouiller les caméras de surveillance. Julia rejoins Alan afin de le border.Dans l’avion Delta, Jack promet à Nina de la laissait saine et sauve si elle dit tout ce qu’elle sait. Elle lui révèle qu’Amador fait souvent des deals avec un certain Alvers.

Jack en informe Tony et lui demande de faire des recherches. Après avoir raccroché, Jack retrouve Chase et se renseigne sur l’état de sa main. Chase est déçu que Jack lui ai caché toute cette opération, Jack essaye de se défendre mais Chase lui rappelle qu’il a faillit l’abattre.

Jack lui rétorque que dans ce job il faut apprendre à faire des choix qui sont parfois difficiles et prendre des risques : la menace terroriste doit être éradiquée peu importe les moyens, ce que semble comprendre Chase. Ce dernier change de sujet et demande à Jack s’il va continuer à mettre la pression sur Nina, ce à quoi Jack répond qu’elle n’a pas tout dit mais que pour le moment il faut vérifier la piste Alvers.

À la C.A.T., on a trouvé les informations concernant Alvers de son nom complet : Marcus Alvers. Cependant il va falloir attendre avant de pouvoir le localiser. Tony en informe immédiatement Jack. Nina confirme qu’elle en sait plus que ce qu’elle laissait paraître.

Elle a, sois-disant un numéro pour le contacter. Elle indique toute la procédure téléphonique à Jack qui s’exécute : composer le numéro, attendre le signal de ligne occupée puis rester appuyé sur le 9 pendant trois secondes puis taper un code en attendant de recevoir une adresse IP, mais cela ne semble pas fonctionner.

À la C.A.T., tout le réseau informatique craque : il est contaminé par un ver (virus). Quand Jack (qui ne sait encore rien de l’attaque) veut réessayer, Nina lui dit que ce n’est pas la peine, que ça a fonctionné la première fois et que le réseau de la C.A.T. a été infecté. Elle ne débloquera rien tant qu’on ne suivra pas ses directives.

À la C.A.T., c’est la crise, on essaye de sauver ce qui peut l’être. À 01h25, Jack explique à Tony que Nina a lancé l’attaque. Elle semble vouloir quelque chose en échange mais il ne sait pas quoi. Jack demande si Chloé est sur le coup mais Tony lui confie qu’elle est aux arrêts ce que Jack ne comprend pas : « On ne peut pas se passer d’une Chloé ». Tony comprend et demande à Jack de cuisiner Nina pour savoir comment arrêter tout ça.

Après avoir raccroché, Jack demande à Nina ce qu’elle veut. Celle-ci exige que l’avion fasse demi tour, direction Mexico, elle ralentira le ver et une fois atterrit le neutralisera ; elle sait très bien que la C.A.T. dispose d’une demie-heure seulement pour résoudre le problème avant que des centaines de cellules terroristes puissent accéder à leur fichiers.À la C.A.T., Tony convainc Chapelle de libérer Chloé.

Chloé s’active alors et commence à organiser la lutte contre ce ver.Sherry arrive chez les Milliken, et rejoint Julia. Les deux femmes entrent dans le vif du sujet : Sherry sait que Julia ne reste avec Alan que pour l’argent et pour la sécurité. Julia n’apprécie pas cette « psychologie de pacotille » et demande à Sherry de partir si elle n’a pas de vraie raison pour sa présence.

Sherry Palmer mentionne alors la disparition de Mr Kelly et son possible assassinat dans lequel serait impliqué Alan. Julia ne comprend pas ce qu’attend Sherry d’elle, mais Sherry lui explique que si Julia l’aide a prouver que Alan est impliqué dans tout ça, il ira en prison et elle héritera de tous ses bien.

Julia se laisse convaincre et demande à Sherry ce qu’elle doit faire. Pour l’ex-Madame Palmer, il faudrait trouver la liste des appels qu’a passé Alan dans la soirée et pour cela il faut le portable d’Alan.

Julia refuse, mais Sherry ne se démonte pas et décide d’aller chercher elle même le portable dans la chambre où dort Alan. 01h41. À la CAT, c’est toujours la crise générale et Chloé se dépense un maximum pour résoudre ce problème même si elle n’apprécie pas d’avoir été vendue par ses collègues (Adam et Kim) auprès de Chapelle.

Adam lui répond qu’elle a enfreint les règles et qu’elle est mal placée pour les critiquer, elle qui est à cheval sur les règlements. Soudain, un ordinateur émet un signal d’alarme, la progression du virus s’accélère : ils ont du faire quelque chose qui a enclenche la vitesse supérieure.

Chez les Milliken, on retrouve Sherry qui communique les numéros d’Alan à un de ses informateurs qui peut les traces : Julia n’a que a aller se coucher et oublier tout ça, bientôt ils auront probablement une preuve contre Alan. Mais voilà, Alan a le sommeil léger et il découvre Julia et Sherry : il est déçu par Julia et est énervé de la présence de Sherry sous son toi, mais Sherry l’attaque en lui disant qu’elle sait tout concernant Kelly et que la meilleure solution pour Alan c’est d’arrêter de s’en pendre à David.

Dans l’avion Delta, Jack est en ligne avec Chloé et Chase en profite pour s’entretenir avec Nina : il lui avoue avoir été impressionné par la manière dont elle s’est sorti de toutes les situations depuis 4 ans, mais il l’averti de ne pas faire, à nouveau, un mauvais tour à Jack sinon il va la tuer, ce à quoi elle lui répond, avec un ton malicieux : « Ah bon?! ». Jack revient alors avec un ordinateur satellite et met Nina en contact avec Chloé.

Le ver se propage 3 fois plus vite et il reste 3 minutes seulement avant que le réseau devienne un vrai gruyère : il est trop tard pour marchander. Nina coopère et explique la procédure pour ralentir le ver afin de donner 20 minutes pour détourner l’avion sur Mexico.

Chez les Milliken, une violente dispute éclate entre Alan et Sherry. Cette dernière se montre impitoyable et assène à Alan des attaques et des reproches d’une violence impressionnante. Alan se sent de plus en plus mal et demande à Julia qu’elle lui donne ses médicaments pour son cœur.

Alors que Julia s’apprête à venir au secours de son mari en pleine crise cardiaque, Sherry l’en empêche et laisse Alan mourir devant une Julia tétanisée. Il est 01h51, Julia est traumatisé par ce qui vient de se passer. Sherry lui dit que ce n’est rien, qu’elle aille se recoucher puis dans une heure elle appellera les urgences en jouant les veuves éplorées. Sherry insiste sur le fait que personne ne doit savoir qu’elle était là ce soir, sinon elles iront toutes les deux en prison.

Julia semble comprendre les tenants et les aboutissants et rejoint sa chambre en esquivant le corps, gisant sur le sol, de son mari.À la C.A.T., Tony s’inquiète de voir que le virus est toujours aussi virulent, il met la pression sur Chloé mais celle-ci semble ne rien pouvoir faire à temps et Tony décide donc de demander à Jack de détourner l’avion sur Mexico.

Jack énervé retrouve Nina en lui disant : « Je ne passerais jamais d’accord avec toi alors tu as intérêt à donner la solution », mais Chase intervient et lui demande de réfléchir, c’est peut être la meilleure solution.

Soudain, Jack sent que l’avion remonte et il court vers la cabine de pilotage pour savoir ce qu’il se passe. Le pilote l’informe que Tony lui en a donné l’ordre, Jack refuse et menace le pilote de l’exécuter s’il n’atterrit pas.

Le pilote reprend alors son cap initial, Tony s’en aperçoit et demande ce qui se passe ; le pilote lui explique que Jack le tient en joug et passe en mode haut-parleur, ainsi Tony demande à Jack de faire demi-tour, ce à quoi Jack rétorque : « On ne va pas toujours céder à ses requêtes! ». Heureusement, Chloé semble avoir trouvé la solution et quelques minutes plus tard tout le réseau redevient fonctionnel.

Jack rengaine son arme et dit au pilote et au copilote qu’ils pourront faire un rapport, puis il rejoint Nina, se penche sur elle et lui dit que le réseau est complètement fonctionnel, elle ne le croit pas mais Jack lui répond, avec un sourire digne de ce nom : « J’en ai rien à foutre! ».Chapelle vient féliciter Chloé mais lui dit que maintenant c’est la Police qui se charge de son cas et que le bébé sera confié aux service sociaux.

Face à cette menace, Chloé révèle le nom du père sous le regard (lointain) de Kim. Chapelle découvrant l’identité du père renonce aux services sociaux et la renvoie à son travail.

En partant, Chloé croise Kim qui lui demande comment cela se fait qu’elle n’est plus aux arrêts, Chloé lui dit qu’elle a dévoilé qui été le père, Kim veut en savoir plus et après une hésitation, Chloé lui dit : « C’est Chase! ».


SHERRY PALMER: David, I still believe in your presidency. And if Alan Milliken is threatening your ability to lead this country, he will be stopped.

SHERRY: Milliken was driving the car that hit and killed your daughter 12 years ago.
KELLY: Yeah. I saw Milliken driving the car that night.

SHERRY: Kelly was the only one who saw it. Then Milliken's people got to him.
DAVID PALMER: And he'll swear to this?

SHERRY: Mr. Kelly?

ADAM KAUFMAN: What is that?
KIM BAUER: It's a baby.
ADAM: Yeah, I can see, that it's a baby, Kim. Whose baby is it?
KIM: Chloe's.
ADAM: Chloe doesn't have a baby.

KIM: Adam just told me you're not the mother of this child.

KIM: Frankly, I think she's delusional.
TONY ALMEIDA: She's the only one in this office capable of filtering audio streams that Chase is sending us.
KIM: If Chloe is unstable -
TONY: Look, we don't have an alternative right now. We've got to keep her in place.

RAMON SALAZAR: Amador will be here in 15 minutes. Confirm that he has the virus, get him his money, and bring the virus back to us.

RAMON: Good job. - I don't need you anymore.
CHASE EDMUNDS: He's gonna kill him. Delta teams will not gonna get there in time.
JACK BAUER: Ramon, we had a deal.

TONY: Chase.
CHASE: Tony, Delta's here.

JACK: All we want is the virus. Just put the cylinder down slowly.

JACK: We do not have the virus. The cylinder Ramon was carrying was rigged with a bomb. Amador must have switched it. Do we have a position on him?
TONY: Delta has a team on him, Jack, he won't get far.

MAN: Hands in the air. Get on the ground.

TONY: Jack, Amador ambushed Delta Three. It was a setup.
JACK: What about his position?
TONY: We lost the signal when the ambush happened.
JACK: Son of a bitch.

JACK: Delta Three's been taken out. They don't have a position on Amador.
CHASE: What do you wanna do?
JACK: We gotta find Nina.



[Mexico. Jack and Chase are looking for Nina. Chase spots a light behind a tree.]
CHASE: Jack.
JACK: This is Bauer.
CHASE: I have an area lit up past the ... road. Is that you?
JACK: Negative.
CHASE: I'll check it out.
JACK: Be careful.
[Chase slowly walks around the tree and detects a dead man leaning against it, with a lit flashlight on his chest.]
NINA: Stop right there.
[She aims a gun at him.]
NINA: Drop your gun.
[Chase slowly straightens up.]
NINA: Drop it!
[Chase does so.]
NINA: Put your hands on your head.
[He does so.]
NINA: You on a two-way with Jack?
CHASE: Yeah.
NINA: Give him a code six.
CHASE: I'm gonna reach in my bag and I'm gonna pull out a two-way.
NINA: Slowly.
[Chase takes the two-way out.]
CHASE: Jack?
JACK: Yeah?
CHASE: Code six.
JACK: What about the light you saw?
[Chase doesn't answer immediately.]
CHASE: It was nothing.
[He slowly moves the two-day towards Nina.]
NINA: Off, not standby. Throw it over here.
[Chase turns the two-way off and throws it over to her.]
NINA: Who else is on the grid with you?
CHASE: Just me and Jack.
NINA: You're lying. I saw a Delta team.
CHASE: They went north.
NINA: What about Amador?
CHASE: He escaped with the virus. - He ripped off everybody.
NINA: (sighs) Son of a bitch. - All right. Move down the hill.
CHASE: Where are we going?
NINA: Just walk.
[Jack knocks Nina down.]
CHASE: Yeah.
JACK: Contact Delta. Tell them to meet us at the airfield.
CHASE: What are you gonna do to her, Jack?
JACK: Interrogate her.
NINA: No, he's not.
JACK: Shut up! (to Chase) Chase, please, just trust me.
[Chase thinks.]
CHASE: I'll meet you at the airfield.
[He leaves.]
NINA: Jack, Amador still has the virus. I can help you track him. The only reason he chose this place is it's close to the border. He needs to get back to Los Angeles. Once he does, he'll meet somebody, unload the virus and disappear. I can help you find him.
[Jack releases the safety and aims his gun at her.]
NINA: Jack, I don't want to die! Let me help you find him.
[Jack is about to shoot her the next second.]
NINA: I can help you!
[He stares at her.]

01:05:18, 01:05:19, 01:05:20, 01:05:21

[Jack takes his phone out and dials.]
JACK: This is Jack Bauer. Patch me through to Almeida.
[Tony's phone rings.]
TONY: Almeida.
JACK: I've got Nina Myers alive. Any sign of Amador?
TONY: No, not since the ambush on the Delta team. Once the satellite comes around, we'll do a sweep.
JACK: Nina says he's headed to Los Angeles.
TONY: Do you believe her?
[Jack looks at Nina.]
JACK: I think she knows something. She wants to cut a deal. We gotta bring her back to CTU.
TONY: OK, ah, I'll get a Delta plane ready.
JACK: Copy that.
[He shuts his phone.]
JACK: Get up. Slowly.
[She stands up.]

CHLOE: Tony, I'm coordinating too many comms. I need to off-load some of it to Adam's group.
[Tony looks at Michelle.]
TONY: You have everything?
TONY: Look, Chloe, ah, you need to go talk to Chappelle.
CHLOE: For what?
TONY: You know what for.
[She sighs and leaves, Tony takes a phone and dials.]
KIM: Kim Bauer.
TONY: Did you get a chance to update the logs?
KIM: Most of them. Look, what's going on with my dad and Chase?
TONY: That's why I called. Ahm, they're headed back to Los Angeles. They lost Amador. We're looking for him now.
KIM: What about Nina?
TONY: They're bringing her back with them.
KIM: Thank you, Tony.
TONY: All right, you got it.
[Angela makes a noise. Kim looks down at her and hands her a toy.]

[Ryan's office. He's on the phone.]
RYAN: I'd love nothing more, but we have to prioritise, don't we?
MAN: I understand. Keep me posted.

01:07:04, 01:07:05, 01:07:06, 01:07:07

[Chloe enters.]
RYAN: All right. - Yeah, all right, I gotta go.
[He sets down the phone.]
CHLOE: Tony said you wanted to talk to me? Here I am.
RYAN: Sit down.
CHLOE: If you want me to talk about the baby, you're wasting your time because I'm not gonna talk about it.
RYAN: So sit down. Tell me what the hell is going on.
CHLOE: What?
RYAN: All right. - First you told us the baby was yours. We found out that was a lie. Then you tell us you and your boyfriend took it from its mother because the baby was being abused.
CHLOE: I did say that and I'd like to correct that right now.
[Ryan looks at her.]
CHLOE: I don't have a boyfriend.
RYAN: You're unbelievable. - Who does the baby belong to?
CHLOE: I can't tell you.
RYAN: You brought in an unauthorised person into this building. That's a federal offence.
CHLOE: It's just a baby.
RYAN: I don't care who it is, you're in violation.
CHLOE: Fine. I'm in violation.
RYAN: Who does the baby belong to, Chloe?
[She doesn't answer.]
RYAN: Do you want me to take it down to the lab and run blood tests to get an ID? 'Cause I will.
CHLOE: I'm not gonna talk any more about this baby. It's not because I'm an immoral, evil person, it's just because I can't do it. Just, please, don't start sticking needles in her.
[Ryan looks at her. Then he pushes a button on his phone.]
RYAN: Eileen.
EILEEN: Yes, Mr. Chappelle?
RYAN: Send security in. I want Chloe O'Brian under guard while we run some tests on the baby.
EILEEN: Right away, sir.

[District's headquarters. People are gathered in the conference room.]
WAYNE: Tony Almeida from CTU has just informed us that they were unable to confiscate this Cordilla virus in Mexico.
DAVID: I thought they located the seller and had the entire area surrounded.
WAYNE: Well, the seller, a man named, ah, Michael Amador, apparently never intended to give up the virus. In fact, it was a well-planned rip-off. David, we lost six men. Members of a Delta team.
DAVID: We lost a Delta team? - This man Amador, where is he now?
WAYNE: The last working theory is that Amador has the virus and is headed back here to Los Angeles.
DAVID: To release it?
WAYNE: We don't know, but Amador doesn't have a history of implementing terrorist strikes. He's an arms dealer with no known ideology. - The bottom line is we just don't know what his intentions are.
[Aaron enters the room.]
AARON: I'm sorry to interrupt, sir. I finally reached Sherry Palmer.
DAVID: Is she on the line now?
AARON: Yes, sir.
DAVID: Continue here, Wayne.
[He leaves and walks into his office.]
DAVID: Sherry?
SHERRY: David, I'm sorry, I couldn't call you back. I had to leave Kelly's in a hurry.
DAVID: Did you go back and talk to him after we spoke?
SHERRY: That's just it. When I got back there, he was gone.
DAVID: Gone? - Do you think he ran?
SHERRY: No, I don't, because he was more than ready and willing to come forward against Milliken. But someone obviously got to him first.
DAVID: But you didn't see anyone?
SHERRY: No, I, ah, ran back to my car and got out of there. I was, ah, I was pretty scared there, David.
DAVID: Milliken must be on to you. Get back here as soon as you can. It's not safe for you out there any more.
SHERRY: I really need to do something first.
DAVID: What?
SHERRY: I've got to go see Julia Milliken.
DAVID: No, no. I don't want you to go anywhere near her or Alan tonight.
SHERRY: I have to, David. Alan Milliken had to move fast in order to kidnap, maybe even kill, this Kevin Kelly guy. I've got to take advantage of that before he has time to cover his tracks.
DAVID: Sherry, I do not want you confronting Alan.
SHERRY: I told you, David, I'm just going to talk to Julia. I promise, I'll stay away from Alan.
DAVID: Sherry -
SHERRY: David. You asked me to help you, right? Please, let me do that.

01:10:50, 01:10:51, 01:10:52, 01:10:53

[Mexico. The airfield. A car arrives. Jack and Nina get out. Chase walks up to them.]
CHASE: What happened back there?
JACK: She wants to help us find Amador.
[An agent, Murphy, joins them.]
MURPHY: Agent Bauer? Mike Murphy, Delta Four. The navy was good enough to reroute a C-130.
JACK: Tell them we said thank you.
MURPHY: We're gonna take you and the prisoner back to Los Angeles.
CHASE: Any movement on Amador?
MURPHY: No, Air Tactical's been monitoring the entire area. So far, nothing.
CHASE: Jack, you sure you want to leave?
[Jack hands Nina to an agent.]
JACK: Secure her. (to Chase) Amador's already gone. He's planned this thing well. We need to find who wants the virus and where and when they're gonna release it. We need to go now. (to Murphy) We need to leave.
[Chase enters the plane.]

[A plane, flying. Amador takes out his cellphone.]
ALVERS: Hello?
AMADOR: Marcus, it's me.
ALVERS: Where are you?
AMADOR: I'll be there in an hour.
ALVERS: You got the virus?
AMADOR: Yes. Just be ready.
ALVERS: I will be.
[Amador shuts the phone.]

01:12:20, 01:12:21, 01:12:22


01:16:33, 01:16:34, 01:16:35, 01:16:36, 01:16:37, 01:16:38, 01:16:39

[David. Sherry in her car. Julia.]

[Julia is combing her hair. Her phone rings.]
JULIA: Hello?
SHERRY: Julia? I'm almost there. Where's Alan now?
JULIA: He's in his room.
SHERRY: Is he asleep?
JULIA: No, he just got off the phone with someone.
SHERRY: Do you know who he was talking to? Did you hear any names?
JULIA: No, no.
SHERRY: How do I get to you without him knowing?
JULIA: The gate code is 41-32. Park off to the side and walk up to the service porch. I'll be there.
SHERRY: All right. Ah, what's that number again?
JULIA: 41-32.
SHERRY: OK. Are there any security cameras?
SHERRY: Then make sure they're disabled.
JULIA: Sherry, I don't know if I can.
SHERRY: Find a way, Julia. - I'll be there in a few minutes.
[Julia shuts her phone and walks over into Alan's room. He's watching TV.]
JULIA: You're up late.
ALAN: Ken called from Singapore. He still hasn't figured out how to calculate the time difference. - You should be in bed yourself.
JULIA: I will. I just put on some tea. I'd like to settle my stomach.
ALAN: All right, then.
JULIA: All right.
[She takes off his glasses and kisses him on the cheek.]
JULIA: Good night.
ALAN: Good night.
[She starts to leave.]
ALAN: Julia?
[She stops and turns to him.]
ALAN: I know you felt demeaned earlier. That's behind us now.
JULIA: I know it is.
[She leaves.]

01:19:05, 01:19:06, 01:19:07, 01:19:08

[The Delta plane. Nina is heavily secured. Jack walks over to her.]
JACK: I let you live. Tell me what you know.
NINA: Any time Amador does business on the West Coast, he washes his deal through a man named Alvers.
JACK: Alvers. What's his first name?
NINA: All I know is "Alvers", it could be a first or a last name.
JACK: How does Amador contact this Alvers?
NINA: I don't know. I've never met him. But I did check out Amador before our deal and I kept coming across the name "Alvers". It was a connector to a lot of his past deals and Los Angeles was always the hub.
[Chase is talking into his phone.]
CHASE: ... Yeah, OK.
JACK: Chase, you on with CTU?
CHASE: Yeah, it's Tony.
JACK: Tell him, I wanna speak to him.
CHASE: Tony, Jack wants to talk to you.
[Jack walks over and takes the phone.]
JACK: Tony?
TONY: Hey, Jack.
JACK: I want you to run a check on the name "Alvers". Cross-reference it with everything that you got on Michael Amador.
TONY: Is that it?
JACK: Yeah. Just the name. Alvers, A-l-v-e-r-s.
TONY: You got this from Nina?
JACK: Yeah.
TONY: All right, look, I'll work it up. I'll get back to you.
JACK: OK, thanks.
[He shuts the phone and wants to give it back to Chase.]
CHASE: Keep it.
JACK: How's the hand?
CHASE: (angry) Don't worry about it. It's fine.
JACK: Look, Chase, you and I have been through a lot today. Why don't we try to move past it and do our job?
CHASE: You don't trust me, Jack. - Why didn't you tell me about your deal with Hector?
JACK: It couldn't go beyond Gael, Tony and myself. That's the only way I knew I could contain it.
CHASE: What did you think? That I wasn't gonna come after you and Ramon? - I didn't know whether to save you or kill you.
JACK: I expected you to follow my orders. - But I probably would've done the same thing myself.
CHASE: You put a gun to my head. And you pulled the trigger.
JACK: I made a judgement call that Ramon Salazar would not give me a loaded weapon, that he was testing me.
CHASE: And if it was loaded? - Then what?
JACK: I'd have finished my mission. Chase, listen to me. You do this job long enough, you're gonna have to make choices. And you don't know you've made the right one until the whole scenario plays itself out. - Right now the only thing that matters is that if we don't stop this virus, the world as we know it will change forever. And that fact, and that fact alone, is the only thing that you have to keep in the front of your mind. And you know that.
[Chase thinks about this.]
CHASE: Yeah.
JACK: Yeah.
CHASE: Go on and keep pressing her. She probably hasn't told you everything.
JACK: No, she probably hasn't. But we're gonna have to wait, make sure Alvers is a real lead.
[He looks to Nina and walks away.]

[CTU. Conference room.]
DALTON: Over a 1000 "Alvers showed up in the ... database. I did background checks and consistency refs with Amador. That's the only one that red-flagged.
[A picture appears on the screen.]
DALTON: Marcus Alvers. Born in Austria, moved to England. Met Amador in Cambridge where Alvers was studying biology. In 1994 they were suspected of manufacturing weapons-grade anthrax. But there was no hard evidence.
TONY: All right, sounds like this is our guy.
DALTON: Yeah, the dossier's sketchy, but Alvers and Amador have definitely crossed paths over the years.
ADAM: The CIA had these on file.
[Pictures of Amador and Alvers together appear on the screen.]
ADAM: Over the past three years there have been 14 sightings of Alvers and Amador together ... and East Africa.
TONY: All right. So, how do we find Alvers?
DALTON: We have some threads. We need to work them all up. We're gonna need manpower from Division.
TONY: Michelle, hook 'em up.
[She leaves. Tony takes a phone and dials.]
JACK: Bauer?
TONY: Yeah, Jack, we got a match on Alvers. Now we gotta find him. It'll take some time.
JACK: Yeah, I'll see what we can do from here.
[He shuts the phone and nods to Chase.]
JACK: We're on.
[He walks to Nina.]
JACK: Looks like the information you gave us on Alvers is real.
NINA: Of course it is. CTU's not gonna find him before his meeting with Amador. - But I can help you.
JACK: How?
NINA: I know a little more than I said I did. Look, I know there's no time for a signed deal. So I'm gonna trust you'll support my case with the Department of Justice if I help you secure this virus.
[Jack and Chase look at each other.]
JACK: You've got my word.
NINA: The man's name is Marcus Frederick Alvers. He's an amateur biologist and wannabe terrorist. Raised hell from Vienna to Los Angeles, with a two-year stop in London. - I have a number for him. You have to dial a Felco prefix first, and then you can reach him through an internet socket.
JACK: (to Chase) Give me the cold line.
[Chase gives him a certain phone.]
JACK: What's the number?
NINA: It's 1775531. You're gonna get a fast busy signal, but don't hang up.
JACK: I've got the busy signal.
NINA: Hit 9 and hold it for three seconds.
[Jack does so and listens.]
NINA: Did you get a tone?
JACK: Yeah, I've got a tone.
NINA: Hit 95731-star-6.
[Jack does so.]
JACK: It's ringing.
NINA: When the ringing stops, you're gonna get a series of numbers. That's your IP address.
JACK: It's stopped ringing. - I'm not getting any numbers.
NINA: It's OK. Just wait.

[CTU. Adam is working. Suddenly his screen gets blurry. Obviously all computer screens does so. The intercom chimes.]
ADAM: Yeah?
TECH MAN:The tech room is spiking all over the place. Can you reset it from there?
ADAM: I don't know, I'll have to get back to you.
MICHELLE: Adam, what's going on? My system's locked.
[Adam takes a phone and dials.]
MAN: Division, Tech.
ADAM: ... It's Adam in CTU.
MAN: Yeah, Adam, look, we don't know what's going on. Our ... locked up here too. I'll get back to you.
[Adam sets down the phone and starts working on his computer.]

[The Delta plane. Jack starts to dial again.]
NINA: No need to dial it again, Jack. Once was enough.
JACK: What are you talking about?
NINA: You just triggered a worm that's gonna bring down agency connectivity.
JACK: My God, what have you done? - What have you done?
NINA: Until I say otherwise, your entire antiterrorist computer network is jammed.

TONY: Listen up! We got some kind of self-propagating code leaking into the system. Shut down your sockets, save everything you can. We gotta find where this thing came from.
[People start disconnecting their systems.]

01:25:01, 01:25:02, 01:25:03


01:29:15, 01:29:16, 01:29:17, 01:29:18, 01:29:19, 01:29:20, 01:29:21

[A computer screen reads "System stop". Nina and Chase. Sherry in her car. Julia drinking her tea.]

[The Delta plane.]
TONY: (phone) What do you mean, Nina did this?
JACK: She knew our system better than anyone when she worked there. She embedded a worm in a part of the drive where she knew we'd never upgrade.
TONY: She told you this?
JACK: Yes.
TONY: What does she want?
JACK: I don't know, we're gonna find out soon enough. Look, can your people stop this thing?
TONY: We're doing our best, Jack.
JACK: Pull Chloe out of my sector. She knows the network better than anyone.
TONY: That's gonna be a problem. She's been asked to step aside.
JACK: What are you talking about? Why?
TONY: It's a long story, Jack.
JACK: Tony, this is not the time to take Chloe out of play. You know as well as I do how many terrorist cells try to hack into our system every day. If this thing eats through our fire walls, we're gonna have agents as targets by morning.
TONY: All right, what about Nina? Is there any way you can get her to tell us how to neutralise this thing?
JACK: I'll start working on it. I'll get back to you.
TONY: All right.
[Jack shuts the phone and walks over to Nina.]
JACK: What do you want?
NINA: Turn the plane around and head back to Mexico. Once you do I'll slow down the spread of the worm. When we land and I'm safely away, I'll give you the final kill code.
JACK: That'll never happen.
NINA: How many terrorist cells are waiting for a window like this? A couple of hundred? - In 30 minutes they'll all have access to CTU files everywhere. You don't want that to happen. Turn the plane around.
JACK: You're assuming our people can't stop this thing.
NINA: I invite you to try.

01:31:48, 01:31:49, 01:31:50, 01:31:51

[CTU. Tony and Ryan are standing outside of Ryan's office. A guard is watching the door.]
TONY: Believe me, Ryan, I know. But right now Chloe's the only person who knows enough about this section of code to stop the worm.
RYAN: Fine. (to the guard) Steve, you can go.
STEVE: Yes, sir.
[Ryan enters his office.]
CHLOE: What's happening?
RYAN: There's a worm eating through our network. Nina Myers somehow managed to launch it remotely and it's running rampant in the kernel. Tony says you can stop it, is that correct?
CHLOE: Yeah, if it hasn't destroyed too much of the routing data.
RYAN: Good. Do it.
[Chloe hurries out and down the stairs.]
CHLOE: Adam, did you close all the gateways?
ADAM: Yeah.
CHLOE: Reopen 12 and 14.
ADAM: What for?
CHLOE: They won't leak to the rest of the system and they get us to the kernel. Dalton, start pinging the nodes in IT. If you stop getting packet loss, freeze the process. I'll be in the tech room.
DALTON: All right.
[Chloe leaves.]

01:33:13, 01:33:14, 01:33:15, 01:33:16

[Sherry comes up to the gate of the Millikens' house. She taps the code into the keypad and the gate opens. She turns the lights off and slowly drives through. She stops the car right before the building and climbs over a little wall. Then she knocks at a door. Julia opens it.]
JULIA: I'm really not comfortable with you being here, Sherry. So why don't you just tell me what you want?
SHERRY: Oh, come on, Julia, I told you earlier. I know about your marriage, I know about your life. I know that you'd rather be with a man that you love, but you stay with Alan because of his money and the security.
JULIA: I don't need a drive-through shrink, so unless you have some real reason to be here -
SHERRY: How about murder?
JULIA: What are you talking about?
SHERRY: A man named Kevin Kelly has information on Alan that could hurt him very badly. An hour ago, Kelly disappeared.
JULIA: Disappeared?
SHERRY: It's possible he was killed.
JULIA: And you think, Alan is involved?
SHERRY: Oh, sweetie, I know, Alan is involved. And you're gonna help me prove it.
JULIA: (laughing) Even if I could do that, why would I?
SHERRY: Because it's your ticket out of here. If Alan goes to prison, you get everything, Julia.
[Julia thinks about this.]
JULIA: What would you need me to do?
SHERRY: OK, first I need you to find out what phone calls he's made in the past two hours.
JULIA: Alan makes all his phone calls behind closed doors.
SHERRY: Does he use the house phone?
JULIA: His cell. Now, he usually keeps it with him. It makes things a lot easier with his wheelchair.
SHERRY: Where's his cellphone now?
JULIA: In his room.
SHERRY: I need you to get that phone.
JULIA: No. Alan just went to bed. I'm not even sure he's asleep yet.
SHERRY: Well then, why don't you find out?
JULIA: I can't.
SHERRY: Don't you want to be free of him?
JULIA: I'm afraid.
SHERRY: Well, I'm not. Where's the bedroom?
[She enters the room. Julia shuts the door behind her. Alan is asleep in his bed. Sherry sneaks into the room and takes her shoes off. She tiptoes around the bed and takes the cellphone from the nightstand. Then she hurries out.]

01:36:48, 01:36:49, 01:36:50


01:41:01, 01:41:02, 01:41:03, 01:41:04, 01:41:05, 01:41:06, 01:41:07

[Nina and Chase. Michelle. Alan.]

CHLOE: Set the group permission on the beta node to 577 and make it recursive all the way down the tree. I want anyone who's on the cipher volume to stay off until I'm done.
CHLOE: Adam, are those gateways open?
ADAM: Yeah, of course.
CHLOE: I'm trying to see the virus definition.
ADAM: I hope you have enough to go on.
CHLOE: We'll know in a minute.
[They watch the screen.]
CHLOE: It's sad that I have to do this knowing that you and Kim stabbed me in the back.
ADAM: What do you want me to do, Chloe? You're breaking rules and then lying about it all over the place. You tell me what you'd do.
CHLOE: I'd had have a little faith in my fellow worker.
ADAM: No, you'd follow protocol. You're the biggest rule freak of anyone.
CHLOE: I think I've done a pretty good job at breaking the rules, trying to protect a friend and that baby, wouldn't you say?
ADAM: What friend?
[Chloe is caught. A signal beeps. She bends down over the computer.]
CHLOE: It's done. - Dammit.
ADAM: It didn't work?
CHLOE: The worm's speeding up.
ADAM: How is that possible?
CHLOE: We must have triggered something. Open 1 and 4.
ADAM: Won't that expose the kernel?
CHLOE: Yeah, but we have no choice. Do it.
[Adam works.]

01:42:19, 01:42:20, 01:42:21, 01:42:22

[The Millikens' house. Sherry is on the phone.]
BRIAN: 0-7?
SHERRY: No, 4-7. - Yes, and the last one on here has a 206 area code.
BRIAN: Washington?
SHERRY: Yeah. That's 555-0191.
BRIAN: That's it?
BRIAN: All right, got it.
SHERRY: OK. Oh, and Brian? Thank you so much.
SHERRY: Yeah. Just call me.
BRIAN: Sure.
SHERRY: All right.
[She shuts the phone.]
JULIA: What are you doing?
SHERRY: I have someone who can track the calls that Alan made from this phone. And if any of them can be connected to Kelly, we have evidence that we can use against Alan.
JULIA: What should I do?
SHERRY: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just go to bed. As far as you're concerned, nothing happened here.
[She walks over to her bag. Alan comes in.]
ALAN: Julia. Why aren't you in bed? And who are you talking to?
[He spots Sherry.]
ALAN: Sherry?
SHERRY: Hello, Alan.
ALAN: Julia, I'm disappointed in you.
JULIA: I didn't ask her here.
ALAN: But you let her in and you took my cellphone as well.
SHERRY: No. I took the phone.
[He smiles and rolls over to her.]
ALAN: So, what do you think you're going to do, Sherry? Stop me? - That's not likely.
SHERRY: All right. You wanna talk about this in the open? Fine. - What happened to Kevin Kelly?
ALAN: Kevin Kelly. The name rings a bell.
SHERRY: Oh, well, it should ring a bell. He's the man that saw you run over his daughter and kill her 12 years ago. The man you paid a considerable amount of money to keep quiet. And the man you made disappear tonight.
[Alan looks at her.]
SHERRY: So, why don't you chew on that a bit? And maybe we can talk about it a little more tomorrow. Or we can end it now and you can back off David.
[They stare at each other.]

01:44:26, 01:44:27, 01:44:28, 01:44:29

[The Delta plane. Jack's phone rings.]
JACK: Yeah, this is Bauer.
MAN: Chloe O'Brian for you, sir.
JACK: Fine, patch her through.
MAN: Yes, sir.
JACK: I understand the system's going down. - Have you tried all the security codes? - What do you suggest?
[His conversation goes on. Chase walks over to Nina.]
CHASE: Nina, I've heard all about you. I know what you've done. And how you've stayed alive is impressive. But if you try to play Jack one more time, he's going to kill you.
NINA: Is that so?
CHASE: Yeah.
[Jack takes the mobile computer, walks over to Nina and sets it down before her.]
JACK: I'm gonna put you on speakerphone.
[He sets the phone down besides the computer.]
JACK: In about three minutes our entire system's gonna be down. If you want any leverage, you better start telling me how to stop this thing now.
NINA: It doesn't move that fast.
JACK: You're wrong. Chloe, put it up on the screen.
[The computer shows changing columns.]
JACK: You're running out of time to cut a deal. Explain it to her, Chloe.
CHLOE: When I tried to separate the routers in the east ..., the worm speed tripled.
NINA: Who is this?
CHLOE: Chloe O'Brian. My network monitor's up. What do I do?
NINA: Log in with user-ID CIS 27 A.
CHLOE: It's asking for a security level.
NINA: Hit Escape 6.
CHLOE: That's it?
NINA: Yes.
JACK: Chloe, did that stop it?
CHLOE: No. - Wait a minute. It didn't stop, but it's slowing down.
JACK: How much more time do we have?
CHLOE: Our simulation says just over 20 minutes.
JACK: I'll get back to you.
[He shuts the phone.]
NINA: OK, so I slowed it down. Now you need to turn the plane around and head back to Mexico. If you don't you can expect your undercover agents around the world to start dying within the hour.
JACK: Yeah, Nina, you're going back to Los Angeles. You're gonna help me find Amador and then you're going to prison. That's what's happening here.

01:46:13, 01:46:14, 01:46:15, 01:46:16

[The Millikens' house.]
ALAN: You come into my house after everything I've done for your family? I've made your children's father the president of the United States.
SHERRY: Wait a minute. Whatever you did to help David was not for the benefit of my children. Let's get that straight. You're just a small man, Alan, who lords his money over his friends because that's all you have. That's all you are. Why do you think your wife had to go out and find another man?
ALAN: Don't you talk to me like this!
SHERRY: Because you're not one. Not one woman in her right mind would find you attractive without your wealth, Alan. That's what people want from you. That's all Julia wants from you. I am supposed to be afraid of you? You think I'm scared of you? Oh, you're just a little boy, Alan. A pathetic, scrawny, sickly little boy.
[During her speech Alan got upset and started breathing heavily. He grips to his heart now.]
ALAN: Julia. My pills, my pills.
[Julia searches through a pile of medicine and finds the right pill box. When she turns back, Sherry stops her.]
SHERRY: No, don't.
JULIA: What are you doing?
SHERRY: Don't.
JULIA: Sherry?
SHERRY: Don't.
ALAN: Julia. - Julia.
SHERRY: This is your way out.
[Julia moves again but Sherry stops her.]
ALAN: Julia. - Julia.
[He reaches out for her and falls out of the chair onto his knees.]
ALAN: Julia. - Julia.
[He gets to the medicines, opens another pill box and takes out some pills. But he doesn't manage to take them and falls down on the floor.]

01:47:45, 01:47:46, 01:47:47


01:51:59, 01:52:00, 01:52:01, 01:52:02, 01:52:03, 01:52:04, 01:52:05

[A radar screen. David Palmer. Nina.]

[The Millikens' house.]
SHERRY: All right, we can't stay here, Julia.
JULIA: We killed him.
SHERRY: No, no. No one killed him.
JULIA: We watched him die.
SHERRY: It's over, Julia.
JULIA: We watched him die!
SHERRY: It's over. Shsht.
[Julia falls silent.]
SHERRY: Now, Alan was a sick little man and his weak body gave out. Nobody was around to help him and you, you were in your bedroom. Understand me? - You're free of him, sweetie. That's all you need to think about. - But there's one thing you're gonna have to be really clear about, when the authorities come around questioning you. This was an accident.
JULIA: I don't think I can do this.
SHERRY: You don't have a choice. Unless you want to spend the rest of your pretty little life in prison.
JULIA: Oh, God.
SHERRY: All right. You go into your bedroom. You stay there for about an hour. Then you're gonna come out for a glass of water. And then you're gonna see the body. - Now that's your story.
[Julia nods slightly.]
JULIA: Who do I call?
SHERRY: 911. That's what you would naturally do, right?
[Julia nods again.]
JULIA: What about you?
SHERRY: No, no, you listen. You listen real strong because this is very crucial. If anyone suspects that I was here, there will be an investigation and both of us will go to prison.
[Julia looks at her.]
SHERRY: I was never here. You understand me?
[Julia stares at her.]
SHERRY: Julia, you tell me right now, that you understand what I'm saying.
JULIA: I understand.
[She takes her bag and leaves. Julia slowly walks around Alan.]

01:54:27, 01:54:28, 01:54:29, 01:54:30

[CTU. Adam is working.]
CHLOE: Dammit, stop that process. It's making it worse.
ADAM: All right, all right, I shut it down.
TONY: What's going on?
CHLOE: I'm not getting it.
TONY: What's it gonna take?
CHLOE: I don't know.
TONY: Chloe, if you can't stop this worm, then I have to tell Jack to reroute that plane wherever Nina wants.
CHLOE: Tony, please, let me work.
[Tony takes his phone out and dials.]
JACK: Bauer.
TONY: Jack.
JACK: Tony, tell me you people got a handle on this thing. We're on final approach.
TONY: We don't.
JACK: Nina's not gonna give us the kill code until we turn the plane around back to Mexico, and I have no intention of doing that..
TONY: We don't have a choice. Tell the pilot to reroute the plane now. We have to do whatever it takes to stop this thing.
JACK: Tony, that's not an alternative.
[The communication is disturbed.]
JACK: Tony? - Tony? - Son of a bitch.
[He shuts the phone and walks up to Nina.]
JACK: Once the damage is done, you're not gonna be able to cut a deal. Give me the kill code now.
CHASE: Jack.
[Jack looks at Nina. Then he walks over to Chase.]
CHASE: Think about it. You should give her what she wants right now. It's not worth it. We'll deal with her late.
CHASE: Jack, if you turn the plane around, I can slow this thing down even more. But I'm not giving you the kill code till I'm safe in Mexico.
[The plane's engines start speeding up.]
JACK: What's going on?
CHASE: We're going back up.
JACK: Son of a bitch.
[He runs up to the cockpit.]
JACK: What are you doing?
PILOT: I just got orders from Agent Almeida not to land. He said to take the plane back to Mexico.
JACK: Land the plane now!
PILOT: I got my orders.
[Jack takes his gun out. The navigator tries to grab him. Jack throws him back.]
JACK: Don't even think about it. (to the pilot) Land the plane.
[CTU. Tony watches the radar screen.]
TONY: What the hell is he doing?
[He takes his phone and dials.]
TONY: Lieutenant, what's going on? Why aren't you turning this plane around?
PILOT: Bauer won't let me.
TONY: What do you mean, "he won't let you"?
PILOT: He's got a gun on me.
TONY: Put me on speaker.
[The pilot pushes a button.]
TONY: Jack, can you hear me?
JACK: Yeah, I can hear you, Tony, and we're landing this plane in Los Angeles.
TONY: We need that kill code. Tell the pilot to turn the plane around right now. That's an order straight from Division.
JACK: We can't keep giving in to her.
CHLOE: Wait a minute. I think I'm getting something.
TONY: (to Chloe) I can't take that chance. (to Jack) We have to stop this thing or a lot of our agents are gonna wind up dead.
JACK: Then our people are gonna have to stop it.
TONY: We're trying. We don't have the time.
JACK: Well, turning the plane around's not gonna help. It's just gonna take us farther from where we need to be.
TONY: Chloe.
CHLOE: Please, shut up, Tony. - Dalton, bring it back up to 50.
DALTON: OK. I'm clear.
ADAM: I'm clear.
CHLOE: What branches?
ADAM: 14 through 20.
CHLOE: What about you, Dalton?
DALTON: Yeah, it's working.
TONY: Are we OK?
[Chloe watches the screens.]
CHLOE: I can't tell.
ADAM: Yeah, here, here. It's coming back up.
[An alarm goes off.]
CHLOE: No, stop. Stop the process.
[She's working.]
ADAM: It's cycling through, Chloe. It's almost back up.
CHLOE: It's a defensive ploy built into the worm. It's not what we thought. It's a simple back-pop virus. I've just tripped out the resource fork.
ADAM: But look at the CPU. It's almost a hundred per cent.
CHLOE: Dammit, Adam, stop it. What you see on the monitor isn't real.
TONY: (to Adam) Do what she says.
[Adam works.]
ADAM: All right, it's stopped.
[The screens start to blur again.]
TONY: Wait. What's going on?
CHLOE: I think it's resetting itself.
[She watches the screens. Then she starts smiling.]
CHLOE: We got it.
[Tony takes his phone up.]
TONY: Jack?
JACK: Yeah?
TONY: We're back up.
JACK: Fully functional?
TONY: Fully functional.
JACK: We're resuming our approach. Good work.
[He pushes the gun back into his belt.]
JACK: (to the pilot) You can file a report with your commanding officer.
[He leaves the cockpit.]

01:57:15, 01:57:16, 01:57:17, 01:57:18

[Jack walks up to Nina.]
JACK: All our systems are up and running.
NINA: I don't believe you.
JACK: (smiling) I don't care what you believe.
[He sits down besides her, still smiling.]

[Nina. Alan Milliken. Palmer. Wayne. Amador.]

CHLOE: Let's check our directories and make sure we haven't lost anything.
ADAM: Yeah, I'm on it.
ADAM: What about the network volumes?
CHLOE: Well, let's remount those six at a time until they're all on.
[Adam starts working.]
ADAM: OK, these all look good. Dalton, what about yours?
DALTON: There's some drop-out. But it'll self-adjust in the next ten minutes.
[Ryan comes up to them.]
RYAN: Great work today, Chloe. You averted what could have been a major loss.
CHLOE: I know. Are Jack and Chase coming back soon?
RYAN: Yeah.
CHLOE: Good.
[She turns to leave.]
RYAN: Where are you going?
CHLOE: Back upstairs.
RYAN: No. - This whole thing with the baby isn't going to just go away. What you did here will certainly bear well on your case, but the charges still stand. We're handing you over to LAPD and, no matter what happens, you're going to have to tell them who this baby belongs to.
[Chloe looks up to her station and sees Kim handing Angela to a woman.]
CHLOE: Who's that? Where are they taking Angela?
RYAN: ... Child Protective Services has custody now.
CHLOE: Oh, no, no, no. They can't do that.
RYAN: Of course they can.
[Chloe turns to the stairs and calls out to the woman.]
CHLOE: Ah, ah, Child Services, hold on!
RYAN: What are you doing?
CHLOE: I'll tell you who the father is.

[Kim watches Chloe and Ryan. She can't hear what they are talking.]
CHLOE: Don't ask me who the mother is, I don't know. I was doing a favour. I swear I'm telling the truth.
RYAN: Barb?
[The woman carrying Angela down the stairs stops walking.]
RYAN: We're, we're gonna hold on to her a little longer. We just got some more information. (to Chloe) Why didn't you tell me this earlier?
CHLOE: He didn't want me to tell anyone. I was trying to be a friend. Sorry.
[She turns and walks to the stairs. Kim comes down.]
KIM: Chloe. I heard you stopped the worm.
CHLOE: Yeah, I did. Your dad and Chase are back in LA. You must be relieved.
KIM: Yes. Thank you.
[Chloe starts walking up the stairs.]
KIM: Look, Chloe, what about the baby?
CHLOE: What about her?
KIM: Well, I thought they were pressing charges.
CHLOE: No, that was a misunderstanding.
[She turns around and walks on.]
KIM: Chloe, wait.
CHLOE: What?
KIM: So, they're not pressing charges?
[She turns again.]
KIM: Why not?
CHLOE: Ah, I told them who the father was, and everything's OK.
[She turns and walks up the stairs.]
KIM: Wait, everything's OK? Why? Who's the father?
[Chloe turns again and walks down to Kim.]
CHLOE: Chase.
[Kim just stares at her. Chloe turns and hurries up the stairs.]

01:59:57, 01:59:58, 01:59:59, 02:00:00

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ShanInXYZ, 04.12.2024 à 03:19

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who : Calendriers, jeux et infos sur l'épisode de Noël, passez voir le Docteur

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Une nouvelle bannière est en vote pour le quartier HypnoClap, merci pour votre aide

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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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Nouveau sondage spécial Noel à Kaamelott ouvert à tous et toutes, calendrier, pdm et survivor, on vous espère nombreux

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Hello! Nouvelle PDM et nouveau sondage sur Outer Banks! N'hésitez pas à passer! Bon we à tous!

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