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24 heures chrono
#403 : 09h00 - 10h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 4 guide des épisodes
Le Ministre de la Défense Heller est menacé d’être exécuté par les terroristes dans les 3 heures qui suivent. A la CAT, le fils de Heller est interrogé tandis que Jack Bauer est sur le terrain, à la poursuite de l’homme qui a enlevé Andrew. Driscoll lui ordonne de le capturer le plus vite possible, mais Jack préfère le suivre discrètement en espérant secrètement qu'il le mènera à Heller.
Behrooz est dans une situation difficile quand son père apprend que Debbie sait où est l’entrepôt où il garde Heller en otage.


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO
9:00am - 10:00am

Titre VF
09h00 - 10h00


 24 Season 4 Episodes 3 & 4 Promo

24 Season 4 Episodes 3 & 4 Promo


Plus de détails

Date de diffusion FR: 22 juillet 2006
Audience en France :   millions de téléspectateurs


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Alberta Watson : Erin Driscoll
• Kim Raver : Audrey Raines
• and William Devane : Secretary of Defense James Heller

Guest starring

• Jonathan Ahdout : Behrooz Araz
• Roger Cross : Curtis Manning
• Lukas Haas : Andrew Paige
• Louis Lombardi : Edgar Stiles
• Logan Marshall-Green : Richard Heller
• Lana Parrilla : Sarah Gavin
• Geoff Pierson : President John Keeler
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• Nestor Serrano : Navi Araz
• Aisha Tyler : Marianne Taylor
• Tony Plana : Omar
• Anil Kumar : Kalil Hasan
• Leighton Meester : Debbie Pendleton
• Matt Salinger : Mark Kanar
• Mindy Crist : Melissa
• and Shohreh Aghdashloo : Dina Araz


• Nicholas Kadi : Ahmet
• Butch Klein : Agent Richards

Le Président s’entretient avec ses conseillers présents dans l’avion présidentiel ainsi qu’avec ses ministres à Washington a propos de l’enlèvement de James Heller et de son futur procès pour crimes de guerre diffusé dans le monde entier par Internet.

Erin Driscoll annonce que la CAT possède plusieurs pistes et qu’elle saura bientôt si ces pistes sont concluantes. A la CAT, Curtis annonce à Erin qu’il essaie toujours de découvrir ce que Richard Heller sait à propos de l’enlèvement de son père. Driscoll lui ordonne de continuer à travailler dessus.

Chloé annonce à Driscoll qu’elle ne peut pas joindre Ronnie et Jack Elles paraissent inquiètes. Jack appelle Driscoll pour l’informer que Ronnie s’est fait tué. Jack lui dit qu’il suit le tueur mais Erin veut qu’il arrête le tueur immédiatement.

Jack n’est pas d’accord. Elle essaie de lui rappeler que c’est elle le chef. Jack raccroche alors et Edgar ne peut pas repérer l’appel. Elle informe tout le monde à la CAT pour Ronnie et elle en profite pour dire que Jack ne coopère plus avec la CAT. Chloé téléphone au MTA ou elle apprend qu’ils n’ont rien de nouveau sur l’enlèvement de Andrew. Kalil en route avec Andrew appelle Omar.

Il l’informe qu’il a du tuer un agent a la gare. Omar lui dit qu’il est peut être suivi Kalil quitte alors promptement l’autoroute ce qui force Jack a prendre la sortie suivante en contre sens. Il retrouve la voiture de Kalil sur une petite route et peut donc continuer sa filature tranquillement. Heller annonce à Audrey que les terroristes vont diffuser le procès sur Internet. Il n’aime pas voir sa fille impliquée dans tout cela.

Omar arrive pour faire signer a Heller une liste de ce dont il est accusé d’avoir fait. Haller ne voulant pas signer, Omar menace Audrey ce qui force Heller à signer. Retour à la CAT où Curtis annonce à Driscoll qu’il ne sait toujours pas où se trouve Jack. Elle trouve cela inacceptable et apprend qu’elle ne possède rien vu qu’elle ne peut pas localiser l’endroit d’où le procès va être diffusé. Le Président appelle. Elle lui apprend que Jack suit un suspect et il n’a pas l’air très joyeux de savoir que Jack n’arrête pas le suspect.

Elle lui demande, si tout en sachant où est Heller et qu’elle ne pouvait pas le libérer en toute sécurité, elle pouvait ordonner un assaut direct en partant du principe que Heller n’y survivrait pas. Keeler lui dit qu’ils en reparleront plus tard si l’occasion se présente. Une technicienne nommée Marianne appelle Curtis elle lui dit qu’elle sait que la CAT a embauché des consultants et elle sait que Curtis a rayé son nom de la liste. Elle lui dit qu’elle va appelée Driscoll pour qu’elle la fasse venir à la CAT.

Jack appelle Chloé car il va avoir besoin d’une surveillance satellite pour le suspect. Chloé va aider Jack bien que Driscoll leur ait interdit. Edgar arrive à la fin de la discussion puis dit à Sarah que Chloé est bizarre. Driscoll annonce à Curtis que Marianne lui a avoué qu’il lui avait donné des renseignements secrets. Curtis nie et Driscoll lui annonce qu’elle lui a dit de venir. Curtis lui dit que le détecteur de mensonge montre que Richard cacherait quelque chose a propos du fait d’avoir dit à quelqu’un que son père viendrait le voir.

Driscoll lui ordonne de le faire parler sous la torture si nécessaire. Retour a la maison des Araz où Behrooz avoue à sa mère que Debbie le suivait quand il a posé la mallette à Omar. Il dit que son père veut voir Debbie mais Behrooz ne veut pas sachant ce qui se passera il demande à sa mère d’en parler avec son père.

Dina dit qu’elle essaiera. Nouveau retour à la CAT avec Curtis qui va voir Richard en lui disant qu’il va le torturer si il ne lui dit pas a qui il a parlé de son rendez-vous avec son père. Il propose alors à Erin d’utiliser une désorientation sensorielle qui ne laissera alors aucune marque.

Erin approuve. Retour a Navi Araz qui reçoit un appel de sa femme qui lui parle de Berhooz. Elle lui dit finalement qu’elle s’occupe de tout. Navi accepte. Dina dit à Behrooz qu’il n’a plus besoin d’appeler Debbie. Behrooz est alors aux anges. Retour a Jack qui suit toujours Kalil.

Kalil informe Andrew qu’ils vont s’arrêter pour discuter. Il retrouve alors deux autres personnes qui vont l’aider à tabasser Andrew pour savoir ce qu’il sait. Pendant qu’Andrew se fait cogner, Jack reste en retrait. De la CAT Chloé assiste à la torture. Elle implore Jack d’arrêter ce massacre mais Jack lui répond qu’il perdrait sa seule chance de retrouver Heller.

Kalil appelle Omar pour lui dire qu’Andrew n’est pas une menace mais Omar lui ordonne de tuer Andrew. Kalil repart donc en laissant ses hommes se charger d’Andrew. Chloé supplie donc Jack encore une fois et au moment où on le croyait parti Jack revient tuer les deux hommes grâce à son fusil de sniper. Il demande à Chloé d’envoyer une ambulance pour Andrew.

Chloé appelle donc une ambulance puis va aux toilettes pour pleurer tranquillement. Retour a l’entrepôt où sont gardés Heller et sa fille. Heller explique à sa fille qu’elle aura certainement la possibilité de s’échapper au début du procès et qu’elle devrait le faire sans se préoccuper de sa situation. Audrey répond en larmes qu’elle ne pourra pas.

Retour vers Jack qui appelle Chloé. Cette dernière lui répond qu’elle ne lui pardonnera jamais pour Andrew. Elle le menace de tout révéler à Driscoll. Jack réussit à la convaincre de ne pas le faire. Marianne arrive à la CAT. Driscoll demande à Curtis de l’emmener à son poste.

Celui-ci semble très ennuyé de la voir ici mais il lui donne du travail comme lui avait demandé Driscoll. Il demande quand même à Chloé de la mettre sous firewall pour qu’elle ne puisse pas accéder à des documents classés. Chloé reçoit un appel de Jack. Cette dernière lui dit qu’il lui faut plus de temps mais Jack lui répond qu’ils n’en ont pas plus.

Elle lui dit qu’elle connaît peut être un moyen. Elle décide d’envoyer Edgar dans la salle du serveur pour pouvoir accéder à son ordinateur et arrêter le satellite utilisé par son ordinateur. Elle informe Jack tandis que le suspect s’arrête dans une station essence. Pendant ce temps, Marianne fait la connaissance d’Edgar. Elle lui demande de lui résumer la journée à la CAT et il lui dit qu’il pense que Jack est un terroriste et qu’il ne travaille plus avec eux.

A la CAT toujours, Curtis va voir Richard. Comme celui-ci refuse toujours de parler il décide de continuer la désorientation sensorielle. Retour a Jack qui appelle Chloé en lui disant qu’il n’a plus que quelques minutes avant que le suspect ne reparte.

Chloé lui répond qu’elle n’a pas encore le satellite et que Jack va devoir trouver une solution pour qu’il ne reprenne pas la route. Il lui dit de faire vite. A la maison des Araz, Behrooz vient de voir Debbie arriver et il parait vraiment abasourdi quand sa mère lui dit qu’elle l’a invitée.

Il s’inquiète vraiment de ce que sa mère a derrière la tête pour l’avoir fait venir. Pour le cliffhanger nous retrouvons Jack qui appelle Chloé. Cette dernière lui dit qu’il faudrait au moins cinq minutes pour avoir la couverture satellite.

Il lui dit qu’il va trouver un moyen de le garder sur place. Il réfléchit cinq secondes puis sort de sa voiture pour attraper ses affaires et il fonce vers la station service. Arrivé à l’entrée, il met une cagoule et sort une arme.

Il va faire un hold up pour coincer Kalil à l’intérieur du bâtiment.

Previously on 24:

Andrew: Who’s this?
Jack: Andrew, my name is Jack Bauer. I work for Secretary of Defense Heller. Secretary Heller was kidnapped less than half an hour ago. I believe the same people that kidnapped him are the ones that are chasing you now. The safest thing for you to do right now is let me bring you in.
Kalil: I found the person who stumbled onto our server.
Navi: Is he with you now?
Kalil: No. I’ll have him shortly.
Navi: Find out who he’s talked to.
Andrew: Who are you?
Kalil: I’m the man that’s going to kill you if you don’t follow my instructions.
Dina: This is a simple task, Behrooz. But these are the ones where mistakes can be made.
Behrooz: Debbie, what are you doing here?
Debbie: I followed you.
Navi: Omar saw you with someone outside the compound.
Behrooz: She didn’t see anything, I made sure of it.
Navi: We’ve spent years planning for this, waiting for this day to come. Now it’s here, and you’ve compromised everything.
Driscoll: It’s a simple job, Ronnie. You pick up the subject, and you bring him in.
Ronnie: Bauer has not been in the field for a year and a half, OK?
Driscoll: Which is why I need you to keep him on a tight leash.
Ronnie: For the record, Jack, I think Driscoll made a mistake by letting you come along.
Ronnie: You get the gate, I’ll get the kid out of the car.
Richard: My father is the Secretary of Defense.
Curtis: Richard, right now you’re the only witness to your father and your sister’s kidnapping. We need your help. You don’t have anything to hide, do you?
Heller: We’ll be fine, honey. We’re still on U.S. soil.
Audrey: What are they gonna do to us?
Heller: I don’t know, but if they wanted me dead, they would have killed me at Richard’s house.
Omar: Our soldiers have taken the terrorist James Heller into custody. In three hours Heller will be tried for war crimes against humanity. If he is proven guilty, he will be executed in a curvet with our laws.
The following takes place between 9:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M.
Keeler: As you are all aware, the Secretary of Defense and his daughter have been kidnapped by a terrorist cell. The terrorists have announced that they will put Jim on trial for war crimes, then execute him. All of it broadcasted to the world. Make no mistake; this country is under attack. Foreign terrorists are operating on our soil. And intelligence indicates that the kidnapping may be some kind of trigger; a first step in a series of larger attacks. Mark, what kind of protective actions are being taken?
Mark: We changed all the codes and protocols the Secretary has knowledge of. Also, the other cabinet members have been sequestered.
Keeler: All right. Melissa, where are we with trying to keep these people from broadcasting this?
Melissa: The media outlets will all cooperate and not air it, but the terrorists have announced that they will use the internet. And we cannot control that. They’re using technology that makes their feed untraceable, and we can’t shut down the internet without disabling the command and control functions of the government in the economy.
Mark: Mr. President, the only way to stop this is at the source. We have to find the terrorists and rescue Secretary Heller.
Keeler: Erin, where is CTU on this?
Driscoll: We have search teams out in force and we’re working a few active leads, Sir.
Keeler: Anything promising?
Driscoll: We’ll know very shortly, Mr. President.
Keeler: Keep us closely posted. Ladies and gentlemen, nothing takes priority over finding the people who have Jim Heller and stopping them. Thank you.
Driscoll: Where are we with Heller’s son?
Curtis: We’re still trying to find out what he knows.
Driscoll: If he had anything to do with his father’s abduction, we need to know. Get on it.
Chloe: Well, try his emergency frequency.
Driscoll: What’s going on? Where’s Ronnie and Bauer with the witness?
Chloe: We don’t know.
Driscoll: What?
Chloe: I just got off the phone with transit police. The hostile intercepted Andrew Paige at the station. We can’t reach Ronnie or Jack.
Driscoll: What do you mean, you can’t reach them?
Chloe: They’re not answering their phones and there’s been a report of a shooting at the station. I’m checking for an update right now.
Driscoll: Get recent pictures of Andrew Paige and get them to our people on the ground. Also, set up a security grid around the station.
Sarah: My system’s already logged on to the station. I can get it faster.
Driscoll: All right, fine. You do tactical with me. Let’s go, Edgar.
[The phone at Edgar’s workstation rings.]
Edgar: Edgar Stiles.
Jack: It’s Jack. Let me speak to Erin.
Edgar: Ms. Driscoll, Jack Bauer’s on line 1.
[Erin picks up the phone.]
Driscoll: Where are you? Why have you and Ronnie not been in contact?
Jack: Erin, Ronnie’s been killed.
Driscoll: What are you talking about?
Jack: He was shot by a hostile who kidnapped Andrew Paige.
Driscoll: Where are you now?
Jack: I’m in transit. I’m tracking them. But he doesn’t know it.
Driscoll: Give me your location. I’ll send backup to apprehend him.
Jack: Erin, I don’t think that’s the right call. I believe that if I follow them, they’re gonna lead me to Secretary Heller and the men who kidnapped him.
Driscoll: Listen to me. The terrorists have just announced that they are going to try and execute Heller in less than three hours. Bring the man in now!
Jack: Right now this is our best chance of finding him by then.
Driscoll: Jack, we had a deal!
Jack: Erin, you’re breaking up. Listen, have SWAT and rescue teams standing by. I’ll call you as soon as the hostile reaches his destination.
[Jack hangs up the call.]
Driscoll: That call - do you have a location?
Edgar: No, it had a block on it.
Driscoll: I’ve just been informed that Ronnie Lobell has been killed in the line of duty. The killer was a hostile connected to Heller’s abduction. At this point, Jack Bauer is no longer cooperating with this investigation. All departments need to be working on the location and capture of Jack Bauer and the hostile that he’s tracking down. Sarah, I need you to reconfigure the grid and to include roots away from the station. I want all ground teams on this.
[Chloe calls the MTA.]
Guy: MTA downtown.
Chloe: This is Chloe O’Brien from CTU. Do you have any new information about the kid who was abducted from your station?
Guy: No. We told you everything had a few minutes ago.
Chloe: What about surveillance cams? I can access them if you give me the port codes.
Guy: We’re looking at them right now, Ms. O’Brien. There’s nothing.
Chloe: Thanks.
[Chloe hangs up. Sarah calls her.]
Chloe: Yes?
Sarah: What are you doing there? I need you to help me with this grid.
Chloe: What kind of help do you need?
Sarah: The northeast quadrant has passed coding, and I don’t…
Chloe: Pilot-0-1.
Sarah: What?
Chloe: That’s the log in.
Sarah: Chloe, could you just get back here?
Chloe: My friend Andrew, who I promised would be OK, do you mind if I try to find him?
[Kalil calls Omar.]
Omar: Yes?
Kalil: I have the programmer.
Omar: Good. We need to know what he told CTU as soon as possible. Proceed as planned.
Kalil: Understood. There was a problem at the train station.
Omar: What happened?
Kalil: A Federal agent interfered, I killed him.
Omar: Are you being pursued?
Kalil: No. If anyone had left the station after me, they would have caught up to me now.
Omar: Unless they don’t want you to know they’re there. Take precautions. Make sure that you are not being followed. Go.
[Kalil quickly exits the freeway. Jack hangs an illegal u-turn, putting him in the wrong direction out the freeway entrance.]
Jack: Move!
Audrey: Dad. Are you OK? Did the hurt you?
Heller: No. They just wanted me present while they broadcast an announcement. They’re gonna put me on trial.
Audrey: For what?
Heller: Crimes against humanity.
Audrey: That’s ridiculous. When?
Heller: Less than three hours.
Audrey: Dad, I’m sure that Jack and the President are doing everything they can to find us. Maybe they’ll get here before than.
Heller: I can deal with anything these bastards have got for me. I wish you hadn’t come this morning, that’s all.
Omar: This is a list of the offences you are being charged with. Sign it.
Heller: I’m a senior member of the United States government. I’m not signing it.
Omar: Then you will die, Mr. Secretary. Pick up the document and sign it.
[Omar’s henchman threatens to kill Audrey.]
Audrey: No!
Heller: Let her go! Leave her alone, you son of a bitch! Come on, leave her alone!
Omar: Kill her!
Heller: All right, all right. I’ll sign it.
Omar: Pick up the document. Pick it up.
[Heller picks up the document and signs it.]
Driscoll: Where are we on finding Bauer?
Curtis: So far, nowhere.
Driscoll: That’s unacceptable.
Curtis: There are a lot of places he could be. We’re working up everything we can.
Driscoll: What else are you doing to find Heller?
Curtis: After I’m done here, I’m gonna go and find out what the on Richard knows. Sarah’s working on the forensics from the kidnapping.
[The phone at Sarah’s workstation rings.]
Driscoll: Have you gotten anything new yet?
Sarah: No.
Driscoll: Great. What else?
[Sarah picks up the phone.]
Sarah: Sarah Gavin.
Edger: I tried to trace the origin of the terrorists’ web cast.
Driscoll: And?
Edger: The code’s been braded and I can’t get into their system files.
Driscoll: In other word, nothing.
Sarah: Ms. Driscoll, it’s the President.
Driscoll: Make something happen. Yes, Mr. President?
Keeler: I understand you lost one of your field ops operatives.
Driscoll: Yes, we did.
Keeler: Did the engagement yield any witnesses or prisoners?
Driscoll: Not yet, but there’s some hope.
Keeler: Tell me.
Driscoll: Jack Bauer who, as you know, used to work here is currently in the field, trailing a suspect.
Keeler: Trailing him? Why doesn’t he bring him in?
Driscoll: We’re in the process of doing that, Sir.
Keeler: Erin, are we going to be able to save Jim and his daughter before this “trial” starts?
Driscoll: I certainly hope so, Sir. Mr. President, I have to ask you something now as we may not have time later.
Keeler: What is it?
Driscoll: We may find ourselves in a situation where we have Heller’s location, but can’t extract him safely. If that’s the case, would you authorize, in advance, an all-out assault?
Keeler: The assumption being that the Secretary would not survive.
Driscoll: Correct.
Keeler: We’ll cross that bridge if the scenario presents itself.
Driscoll: Yes, Sir.
Keeler: Goodbye, Erin.
[Curtis’ cell phone rings. He answers it.]
Curtis: Manning.
Marianne: Hey, Curtis. It’s Marianne. Look, I know you’re busy with the Heller kidnapping.
Curtis: Yes, I am.
Marianne: My friend Ilene said you’re calling all level 5 consultants today because you’re overloaded there.
Curtis: We got in some personnel because of a crisis.
Marianne: She said you struck my name from the list. Why?
Curtis: You don’t meet the criteria, Marianne.
Marianne: Don’t give me that, Curtis. I have the qualifications, and I have the clearance. Why’d you exclude me?
Curtis: All right, you want it straight? I don’t think we work very well together.
Marianne: Why? Because we slept together a few times and you stopped calling me?
Curtis: I stopped calling you because I realized you were using me to get ahead in your career.
Marianne: That’s you interpretation, Curtis. You didn’t seem to have a problem with it at the time.
Curtis: I’m not gonna have this conversation.
Marianne: Fine. I’ll have a word with Erin Driscoll.
Curtis: Marianne--
Marianne: Consulting at CTU would be a huge opportunity for me, Curtis. And I’m not gonna let you get in the way because you’re uncomfortable.
[Marianne hangs up.]
Sarah: Where should I post those FBI bulletins?
Curtis: Exit 3.
[Jack calls Chloe. She answers.]
Chloe: O’Brien.
Jack: Chloe, it’s me. Can you talk?
Chloe: Jack, what the hell happened with Andrew?
Jack: Someone got to him before we could pick him up. Did you tell anyone at CTU where we were supposed to meet him?
Chloe: No. What are you doing, Jack? Driscoll just announced you’re operating outside her authority.
Jack: I don’t have a choice. She’s not handling it the right way.
Chloe: What if you’re wrong?
Jack: I’m not. This is the best chance we have of finding Secretary Heller.
Chloe: Jack, if anything happens to Andrew…
Jack: Chloe, I’m doing the best I can, but right now our first priority is to find these terrorists.
Chloe: So why are you calling me?
Jack: The hostile’s headed towards the canyons. I’m gonna need satellite surveillance to help me track him without being seen.
Chloe: You want me to steal satellite bandwidth from CTU without anyone knowing?
Jack: Yes.
Chloe: Where are you?
Jack: I’m on Orchid Road. Just going to the 14 about 4 miles east of Valencia.
Chloe: OK. Caltrans has traffic cams in the area, but you will need satellite coverage once he gets closer to the canyons.
Jack: Call me back as soon as you’ve got the coverage. I’ll keep a private channel open.
Chloe: I will.
Edger: Who was that?
Chloe: It was personal.
Sarah: Something wrong?
Edger: I’m not sure. Chloe’s acting kinda strange.
Sarah: That’s nothing new.
Curtis: Hey. What do you need?
Driscoll: I just got off the phone with Marianne Taylor.
Curtis: Erin, whatever she told you, it’s coming from a very disturbed place.
Driscoll: That may be. But she’s as qualified as any of the others you’ve brought in today.
Curtis: I’m not comfortable working with her. That should be enough for you.
Driscoll: Normally, it would be. However, she mentioned that your pillow talk included a synopsis of the new data miming protocols.
Curtis: That’s a lie. If she got that information it was from someone else. Now she’s using it against me.
Driscoll: She knows details about the new UVX system. That’s classified information. She can force us into a section 1 security reboot and drag us through a six month investigation.
Curtis: I don’t believe this.
Driscoll: I asked her to com in. Deal with it. Do you have the results for Secretary Heller’s son yet?
Curtis: Yeah. The polygraph makes clear he didn’t have any knowing involvement with his father’s kidnapping.
Driscoll: But?
Curtis: He’s still insisting he didn’t tell anyone he’s father’s coming to his house this morning. The polygraph was inconclusive on that point.
Driscoll: Do you think he’s lying?
Curtis: It’s possible. Richard was the only one who knew where his father will be this morning. He may have told someone about it.
Driscoll: Why would Richard protect somebody who’s betrayed him?
Curtis: He felt he’s too arrogant to believe that’s what happened.
Driscoll: It’ll take days to go through his phone records. I want you to see if you can get the name out of him another way.
Curtis: What do you mean?
Driscoll: You know what I mean.
Curtis: Erin, we’re not even sure he’s guilty of anything.
Driscoll: This is how we’ll find out. Get started.
Behrooz: Did father talk to you? About Debbie?
Dina: What about her?
Behrooz: When dad told me to take the briefcase to Omar, Debbie followed me. She didn’t know where I was going, she just wanted to talk.
Dina: Debbie saw the warehouse where we’re holding Heller?
Behrooz: Yes. But there wasn’t anything I could do about it.
Dina: You could have broken up with her a month ago, like your father and I told you to.
Behrooz: I know I made a mistake, but father found out she was with me and now he wants me to get her over here. You know what that means. If he thinks there’s the slightest chance she could expose what we’re doing…
Dina: I didn’t realize you felt so strongly about her.
Behrooz: She’s not going to mess anything up, I swear to you.
Dina: What do you want me to do?
Behrooz: Talk to him. He’ll listen to you. Please.
Dina: OK. Your father is on his way to a meeting. I’ll try to reach him.
Behrooz: Thanks, mom.
Richard: When can I get out of here?
Curtis: This is Darren.
Richard: What the hell are you doing? Get your hands off me!
Curtis: Who else knew your father would be at your house this morning?
Richard: I told you, no one.
[Darren gets a syringe out of his briefcase.]
Richard: What are you, crazy?
Curtis: It’s worsening your retransmitted level. Makes every nerve within your body feels like it’s on fire.
Richard: You’re bluffing. I know you can’t get away with this.
Curtis: By the time you’re released, the mark on your arm will be gone. It’ll be just your word against mine.
Richard: My father’s the Secretary of Defense, for God’s sake!
Curtis: I thought you hated him. Now he’s “dear old dad”?
Richard: Help me! Stop! Please! Help me! Help…!
Curtis: Stop.
[Curtis goes out to the observation room where Driscoll has been watching.]
Curtis: I can’t do that. I’m not Darren work on Richard Heller.
Driscoll: Why not?
Curtis: Maybe he’s protecting a friend. But he doesn’t know anything about the involvement of the terrorists. It’s an inappropriate use of force.
Driscoll: I gave you an order.
Curtis: Then give it to me in writing, Erin.
Driscoll: What are you suggesting, Curtis? That we release him?
Curtis: No. I’ve seen good results with sensory disorientation. Cut off his sight. It’s non-invasive.
Driscoll: Fine. Try it.
[Dina calls Navi as he is entering a restaurant.]
Navi: Yes?
Dina: I just spoke with Behrooz. He told me about the problem with his girlfriend. He’s really upset, Navi.
Navi: That’s not concerns me. He has feelings for this girl despite what he told us. Now she’s seen the warehouse.
Dina: I know. It’s very troubling.
Navi: I told him to get her over to the house so we can question her. Did he make her come?
Dina: No. He asked me to talk to you instead. [Whispers to Behrooz]: Go upstairs.
Navi: What are we going to do?
Behrooz: Are you talking to father?
Dina [to Navi]: I’ll talk to you soon.
Navi: You’ll take care of this?
Dina: Yes.
Navi: Thank you.
Behrooz: What did he say? Do I still have to call Debbie and get her over here?
Dina: No.
Behrooz: Thank you.
Kalil [to Andrew]: I’m gonna pull over soon and we’re gonna talk, OK? Good. There’s some things I need you to know. Today is not about me, or you. It’s about something bigger. What I need to know with certainty is that whatever you saw on the internet will not interfere with what we have planned. You have to convince me of that.
[Jack’s phone rings. It is Chloe.]
Jack: Yeah?
Chloe: It’s gonna be a while on the satellite. Ever since Heller was taken, the load is through the roof.
Jack: How much longer?
Chloe: I’m not sure yet. What is your current position exactly? I need it to update the request.
Jack: The suspect pulled over just past Mile murk at 31.
Chloe: What did he get off for? There’s nothing there.
Jack: I don’t know. Chloe, I gotta go. Get back to me as soon as you’ve got the satellite coverage.
[Kalil’s men start beating up Andrew.]
Henchman: Get up.
Andrew: Stop.
Chloe: Jack, I’m watching this.
Jack: How?
Chloe: On Caltrans traffic cam. You gotta stop this.
Jack: If I intercede right now we lose our opportunity to find Secretary Heller.
Kalil: What did you tell CTU?
Andrew: That someone was preparing to distribute some kind of positioning code on the internet.
Kalil: What else?
Andrew: I tried to dig deeper, but everything was in some kind of Arabic. I couldn’t read it.
Kalil: That’s all you told CTU?
Andrew: Yes, I promise.
Kalil: Are you sure?
Chloe: Jack, stop them. Just stop them.
Andrew: That’s all I know, I swear, I promise. Please, just don’t hurt me anymore. Please.
[Kalil calls Omar.]
Kalil: I talked to the programmer. I don’t think there’s a problem. He didn’t tell CTU enough to be able to stop us.
Omar: Are you sure?
Kalil: Yes. He only got a brief glimpse of the code. He was never logged onto our server.
Omar: I need you here. Get back on the road. Have them see what else they can find out, and then get rid of the body.
Kalil: I will see you soon.
[Back at CTU, Sarah comes up to Chloe.]
Sarah: Chloe, have you opened a secure pipe to Division?
Chloe: Ask Edgar.
Sarah: I did. He’s busy.
Chloe: Well, I’m busy too.
Sarah: Why are you always so impatient with everybody?
Chloe: Not everybody, just you. Now please go away.
Sarah: Bitch.
Chloe: Jack, what’s happening?
Jack: The hostile’s moving. I’ve gotta follow him.
Chloe: Jack, you can’t leave Andrew there, they’ll kill him. Jack. Jack, please. Jack?
[Kalil drives off. Chloe watches as the other two men prepare to kill Andrew. Jack quickly shoots both of them.]
Chloe: Jack? Jack?
Jack: Yeah.
Chloe: Is Andrew alive?
Jack: Yes. Dispatch an ambulance to this location. Get me the damn satellite coverage.
Chloe: That’s right. Just off the road, next to the 31 mile marker. Please get there as fast as you can.
[Chloe goes to the bathroom to break down in tears.]
Curtis: What’s wrong?
Heller: When the trial begins you may have an opportunity to escape. You have to take it even if it’s dangerous.
Audrey: Maybe we’ll have a chance before then.
Heller: They’re never going to take their eyes off of me. It has to be when their attention is on the trial.
Audrey: I don’t wanna get out of here without you.
Heller: Forget about me. You have to take every chance. Promise me.
Audrey: Dad, I… I can’t.
Heller: Yes, you can. You can. I want you to live your life, a full life. I want you to have a family. That’s all I care about. You’re my baby.
Audrey: I can’t do it.
Heller: Yes, you can. You can do it. Come on now.
[Jack calls Chloe.]
Sarah: Chloe, you want me to get that?
Chloe: No. O’Brien.
Jack: Chloe, it’s me.
Chloe: I was just looking at the CHP dispatch report. Andrew is in really bad shape. I will never forgive you, do you hear me?
Jack: Chloe, I understand how you feel, but you’ve gotta think through this clearly. We have terrorists on U.S. soil. They’ve bombed a train, and they’ve kidnapped the Secretary of Defense. Right now our only chance is to follow this hostile and hope that he leads us to Secretary Heller.
Chloe: No, I’m not listening to you anymore. This is over. I’m going to Driscoll.
Jack: No, you won’t, Chloe, ‘cause you know I’m right.
Chloe: No, I don’t.
Jack: Chloe, if you didn’t believe in what I was doing, you’d have turned me in already.
Chloe: I hate that this is happening.
Jack: So do I. Chloe, I can’t do this without you. I need your help to stop them. Chloe.
Chloe: What?
Jack: Are you with me?
Chloe: Yeah. I’ll call you as soon as I have the satellite.
Jack: Thank you.
Chloe: Yeah.
Sarah: Ms. Driscoll, this is Marianne Taylor.
Driscoll: Thank you. Miss Taylor.
Marianne: I’m very excited to have this opportunity to help you here. Hello, Curtis.
Curtis: Marianne.
Driscoll: Curtis, take Marianne to an empty station. Get her started on the data sorts.
Curtis: Let’s go. You’ll be working over here.
Marianne: You know, Curtis, I didn’t wanna go over your head, but you left me no choice.
Curtis: Is that so?
Marianne: I’ll let it go if you will.
Curtis: Get to work, Marianne.
[Curtis walks to Chloe’s desk.]
Curtis: Is there a problem?
Chloe: No, why?
Curtis: What are you working on?
Chloe: A Division protocol manifest.
Curtis: I need you to build a firewall around station 4.
Chloe: Who’s that?
Curtis: Her name’s Marianne. I just wanna make sure she doesn’t stray outside the area for her assignment.
[The phone at Chloe’s workstation rings.]
Chloe: Fine. O’Brien.
Jack: Chloe, what’s going on?
Chloe: I don’t think I can do this, Jack.
Jack: Why? What’s the matter?
Chloe: Curtis has me spread too thin, and I’ve gotta get you a satellite under an overloaded system. I need more time.
Jack: We don’t have more time. In five minutes we’re gonna be coming up on Route 11. It’s a two-lane road. We’re gonna be the only cars for miles. There’s no way I can follow him without being seen.
Chloe: All right. I think I know a way to speed this up. I’ll get back to you.
[Edgar calls Chloe.]
Edgar: Chloe, the satellite subsystem’s stuck, and Driscoll wants these updates right now.
Chloe: OK, I’ll be right there. I hope Driscoll doesn’t get too upset. She really overreacts sometimes. Oh, this happened to me a few days ago. You can retrieve all your files through the auto backup in the server room.
Edgar: Good idea.
[Chloe calls Jack.]
Jack: Yeah?
Chloe: All right, I managed to steal your block in time, but there’s no continues coverage in the area you’re in. I’ll have to order reposition.
Jack: Fine, then do it. Hold on. It looks like we’re catching a break. He’s pulling into a gas station.
Chloe: I hope he stays there a while, ‘cause this is gonna take some time.
Jack: Get back to me as soon as you got it.
Chloe: OK, I will.
Marianne: You’re Edgar, right?
Edgar: Yeah.
Marianne: Hi, I’m Marianne Taylor. Erin Driscoll asked me to come in and help on data logistics.
Edgar: Yeah, I heard something about that. Hi.
Marianne: So, umm… can you do me a favor?
Edger: A favor?
Marianne: Yeah. You know, everyone’s really busy and I just feel like I’d be more useful if I had an overall on what’s going on today.
Edger: The Secretary of Defense has been kidnapped.
Marianne: I know that. I mean tactically.
Edger: I really don’t have time for this. I’m a little busy.
Marianne: Why don’t you just give me the main points, OK?
Edger: All right, uh… we think Jack Bauer’s following one of the terrorists.
Marianne: We think?
Edger: Yeah, it’s a little loose right now. He’s off on his own doing this, and we can’t find him.
Marianne: I thought Bauer didn’t even work here anymore.
Edger: He doesn’t. Driscoll gave him authority to do just one thing.
Marianne: All right. Thanks, Edgar.
Curtis: Richard. How long do you think it’s been?
Richard: What?
Curtis: How long do you think you’ve been sitting here like this?
Richard: 3, 4 hours.
Curtis: It’s been less than 30 minutes. Time is the first thing you lose track of in sensory disorientation, and that only gets worse.
Richard: This isn’t legal. You can’t keep me here.
Curtis: You’ll be here until you tell me what I need to know.
Richard: I told you everything I know.
Curtis: Your father was kidnapped by terrorists. Our polygraph analysis tells us you’re hiding something that might help us find him. Just tell me what it is and all this stops.
Richard: I’m not going to do this.
Curtis: If you don’t care enough about your father to tell me what I need to know, I’ll get it out of you this way.
Richard: You’re not gonna do this! Please! No! Stop it! Stop it!
[Jack calls Chloe.]
Chloe: O’Brien.
Jack: What’s your time frame on the repositioning? He’s gonna be back on the road any minute.
Chloe: My request is still in the cue.
Jack: Chloe, we’ve gotta get that satellite coverage up and running now.
Chloe: There’s nothing I can do. You’re gonna have to find a way to keep him from coming back on the road. It’s gonna take a long as it takes.
Jack: Just hurry.
Chloe: OK, I will.
Behrooz: Why is Debbie here? What did you do?
Dina: I called her and asked her to come over.
Behrooz: You said that you would help me. That you’d talk to father.
Dina: Your father’s right. We need to find out who she told about this morning.
Behrooz: I told you she didn’t see anything!
[Doorbell rings.]
Dina: Then there shouldn’t be any problem.
Behrooz: What did you say to her?
Dina: I told her I was concerned about the two of you and that I wanted to help.
Behrooz: Mom.
Dina: Behrooz, you know what’s at stake. You do as you’re told, understand?
[Dina opens the door.]
Dina: Debbie. Thank you for coming.
Debbie: Sure. Hi.
Behrooz: Hey.
Dina: Come in. Debbie, please. Make yourself comfortable in the living room. I’ll make tea.
Debbie: Hi.
Behrooz: Hey.
Debbie: I’m glad your mom called. If she and your dad have problems with us being together, we should talk about it.
Behrooz: Debbie…
Debbie: What’s wrong?
Behrooz: You don’t understand. You shouldn’t have come here.
Debbie: Why do you always say things like that?
[Jack calls Chloe.]
Chloe: O’Brien.
Jack: Chloe, what’s your bottom line, am I gonna have satellite coverage over the next minute or two?
Chloe: I’m sorry, Jack. It’s gonna take at least another five.
Jack: That’s too long.
Chloe: It’s the best I can do.
Jack: Dammit. I’m gonna have to figure out a way to keep this guy here. Keep working on it.
Chloe: OK.
[Jack takes out a handgun and dons a mask. He pretends he’s there to rob the store. Kalil is one of the customers caught in the holdup.]
Jack: Everybody put your hands up now! You, don’t move!

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ShanInXYZ, 04.12.2024 à 03:19

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who : Calendriers, jeux et infos sur l'épisode de Noël, passez voir le Docteur

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Une nouvelle bannière est en vote pour le quartier HypnoClap, merci pour votre aide

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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

choup37, 04.12.2024 à 16:02

Nouveau sondage spécial Noel à Kaamelott ouvert à tous et toutes, calendrier, pdm et survivor, on vous espère nombreux

Evangeline, Aujourd'hui à 17:21

Hello! Nouvelle PDM et nouveau sondage sur Outer Banks! N'hésitez pas à passer! Bon we à tous!

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