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24 heures chrono
#402 : 08h00 - 09h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 4 guide des épisodes
Heller est kidnappé avec sa fille lorsqu’il allait rendre visite à son fils. Richard a assisté à la scène et a échappé à cet enlèvement, il est interrogé par la CAT.
Jack se trouve un nouveau collaborateur en la personne de Chloé. En effet, celle-ci accepte de lui communiquer des informations sur la situation à propos des attentats. Il peut ainsi faire pression sur Driscoll et obtient la permission de reprendre son poste. Driscoll est contrainte d’accepter mais elle émet une condition : il doit être placé sous la responsabilité de Ronnie Lobell, son remplaçant.
Andrew Paige, après avoir eu accès à des informations personnelles, prend la fuite pour échapper aux tueurs qui ont éliminé tout le personnel de son bureau.


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO
8:00am - 9:00am

Titre VF
08h00 - 09h00


 24 Season 4 Teaser: Jack's Back

24 Season 4 Teaser: Jack's Back


 24 Season 4 Teaser: A New Life

24 Season 4 Teaser: A New Life


 24 Season 4 Teaser: This Briefcase

24 Season 4 Teaser: This Briefcase


Plus de détails

Date de diffusion FR: 15 juillet 2006
Audience en France : 1 457 560  millions de téléspectateurs


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Kim Raver : Audrey Raines
• Alberta Watson : Erin Driscoll
• and William Devane : James Heller

Guest starring

• Jonathan Ahdout : Behrooz Araz
• Roger Cross : Curtis Manning
• Shawn Doyle : Ronnie Lobell
• Lukas Haas : Andrew Paige
• Louis Lombardi : Edgar Stiles
• Logan Marshall-Green : Richard Heller
• Lana Parrilla : Sarah Gavin
• Geoff Pierson : President John Keeler
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• Nestor Serrano : Navi Araz
• Tony Plana : Omar
• Anil Kumar : Kalil Hasan
• Leighton Meester : Debbie Pendleton
• Kevin Alejandro : Kevin
• Peter Macdissi : Omar's Henchman
• and Shohreh Aghdashloo : Dina Araz


• Annie la Russa : Jeannie Paige
• Beau Dremann : MTA Officer Marx
• Mark Thompson : Heller Kidnap Reporter 

Des policiers arrivent sur les lieux où le Secrétaire à la Défense Heller et sa fille Audrey Raines ont été kidnappés. Le LAPD découvre sur place Richard, le fils d’Heller, et l’emmène à la CTU afin qu’il y soit interrogé. A la Cellule, les protocoles inter-agence sont activés. Jack, dont la mission est d’assurer la protection du Secrétaire, insiste pour qu’Erin Driscoll lui accorde un statut provisoire sur cette affaire. Mais la directrice refuse et veut le mettre aux arrêts pour acte de violence sur un suspect.

8 :05 Depuis son avion personnel, le Président Keeler contacte Erin afin de connaître les détails de la prise d’otages. Erin lui indique qu’Heller n’a pas été protégé par les services secrets car la visite chez son fils n’était pas prévue dans son emploi du temps officiel.

Il ne fait aucun doute que les ravisseurs étaient au courant de ce changement de planning. Tout en s’enfuyant en VTT dans les rues de LA, Andrew Paige téléphone à sa mère et lui conseille de se réfugier chez une de ses amies car il craint que les hommes qui le poursuivent ne s’en prennent à elle. Jack est détenu dans une salle isolée et surveillée.

Chloe, qui n’a pas confiance en Driscoll, vient le voir car elle pense avoir un moyen de retrouver Heller. Elle l’informe de la découverte d’Andrew, le risque d’une attaque sur Internet par un code nuisible. Jack s’interroge : comment est-ce lié au Secrétaire à la Défense ? Chloe lui répond que le code est d’origine turque, comme Sherek et l’attaque du train survenue plus tôt ce matin.

Tout à coup, le portable de la jeune analyste résonne. C’est Andrew, affolé, qui lui affirme que toute son équipe a été tuée. Des personnes ont donc remarqué son intrusion dans le système quand il piratait les programmes. Il confie qu’il s’est rendu à la gare pour échappé à ses poursuivants.

Jack, qui a assisté à la conversation, lui ordonne de l’y attendre. Andrew pourrait détenir des informations capitales sur les évènements qui se déroulent actuellement dans la région de Los Angeles. Celui-ci, après s’être décrit afin que Jack le reconnaisse, indique qu’il sera près de la Voie 3.

Mais les 2 agents de la CTU ne se sont pas aperçus que leur entretien a été espionné par l’un des terroristes, Kalil. Le tueur contacte ensuite Navi Araz et lui dit qu’il va s’occuper du pirate. Sitôt raccroché, Navi décide que ce sera leur fils Berhooz qui amènera la mallette du train à Omar, malgré les protestations de Dina.

8 :12 Dans la salle de réunion de la Cellule, Driscoll brieffe ses agents. Jack fait irruption dans la pièce et l’informe du danger qui menace Andrew. Il décide alors de faire un marché avec elle car lui seul sait où se cache le jeune programmeur. Il est réintégré temporairement dans l’équipe de terrain, sous les ordres de son remplaçant, Ronnie Lobell.

8 :19 Le fourgon contenant les 2 otages arrive dans le repaire des terroristes, un entrepôt situé à l’extérieur de la ville. Audrey fait part à son père son inquiétude quant à la tournure des évènements. Heller lui fait promettre d’obéir aux ravisseurs quoiqu’il arrive, même si lui-même est amené à mourir.

Omar arrive et considérant Audrey, déclare à ses complices qu’il n’avait réclamé que le Secrétaire. Alors qu’il est prêt à abattre la jeune femme, il se ravise et décide de la garder en vie et de l’utiliser comme moyen de pression sur son père si celui-ci se montre récalcitrant à coopérer.

Dans le bureau perché de Driscoll, Lobell reproche à sa supérieure d’avoir cédé devant le chantage de Bauer, celui-ci ayant une nouvelle fois dépassé les bornes en gardant des informations pour lui seul. Mais le temps presse et Erin ordonne à Ronnie d’aller accomplir cette simple mission.

Pendant ce temps, chez les Araz, Dina confie la mallette à son fils et lui fait ses dernières recommandations. Au moment où Berhooz s’apprête à partir, le téléphone familial sonne. Berhooz prend l’appel. C’est sa petite amie Debbie, elle a l’impression qu’il l’évite à tout prix depuis quelques jours. Berhooz tente de la rassurer mais pris par le temps, il abrège la discussion et raccroche. Richard Heller arrive à la CTU. Curtis est chargé de l’interroger.

8 :31 Durant le trajet, alors qu’il lui a signifié clairement qu’il n’approuvait pas du tout la décision d’Erin, Ronnie essaie de taper la discute avec Jack et d’en apprendre davantage sur le nouveau boulot de Jack à Washington DC.

Jack, énigmatique, lui explique que grâce à sa reconversion, il a enfin retrouvez sa vie. Heller réconforte sa fille mais celle-ci, submergée par ses émotions, s’effondre.

Il l’incite à rester optimiste puisque Jack, ayant essayé de les prévenir de l’assaut, est au courant de leur enlèvement. Les ravisseurs pénètrent dans la cellule et ordonnent au Secrétaire d’enlever ses vêtements. Au volant de sa voiture, Berhooz arrive à l’entrepôt et se gare. Il avance jusqu’à la grille et remet la mallette à un des hommes de mains d’Omar. En retournant à sa voiture, il constate qu’il a été suivi par Debbie.

8 :42 Curtis met la pression sur Richard, unique témoin de la prise d’otages, car celui-ci savait que son père passait chez lui ce matin. Sarah, qui assiste à l’interrogatoire en compagnie de Driscoll derrière la vitre sans tain, constate sur les écrans de contrôle du détecteur de mensonges que le fils du Secrétaire leur cache quelque chose.

Curtis tient à tout prix à soutirer ces informations et ce à l’aide d’un autre test, la désorientation spatio-temporelle. Berhooz rentre chez lui et va voir son père. Celui-ci le gifle car son manège avec Debbie à l’entrepôt a été repéré par un des hommes d’Omar.

Or il ne peut se permettre que la localisation de l’enceinte où sont gardés les otages soit divulguée. Cela pourrait mettre en péril leur mission alors qu’il a fallu 5 ans pour élaborer ce plan. Il somme donc son fils d’appeler Debbie et de l’inviter chez eux immédiatement.

8 :46 Jack et Ronnie arrivent à la gare. Mais Kalil, se faisant passer pour Bauer, parvient à intercepter Andrew avant eux. Les deux agents de la CTU se rendent sur la Voie 3 mais n’aperçoivent pas Andrew. Jack l’appelle alors sur son portable. Celui-ci décroche et se rend compte du piège.

Le jeune homme sous la menace d’un revolver, ils se pressent vers le parking où est garé le véhicule de l’homme de main d’Omar. Bauer et Lobell se lancent à leur poursuite.

8 :53 Kalil, le ravisseur, pousse Andrew à l’arrière de sa Lexus. Il démarre en trombe mais il est vite ralenti par les travaux au niveau de la sortie du parking. Jack et Ronnie ont le temps d’apercevoir la voiture, bloquée derrière la file du péage.

Jack veut profiter de l’occasion pour organiser une filature de Kalil afin que celui-ci les conduise directement à l’endroit où sont retenus prisonniers Heller et Audrey. Lobell n’est pas du même avis et veut suivre les ordres que lui a donné Erin. Jack se rebelle et les deux hommes en viennent aux mains.

Jack est maîtrisé et Lobbell le menotte à un tuyau de canalisation extérieur. Alors que Ronnie veut intervenir pour capturer Kalil, celui-ci l’ayant repéré un peu plus tôt dans ses manoeuvres l’abat de 2 balles sous les yeux de Jack et, fracassant la barrière, sort du parking en 4ème vitesse. Avant de mourir, dans un dernier effort, Ronnie réussit à transmettre ses clés à Jack qui se libère de son entrave.

Jack monte à bord du 4x4 et s’élance à la poursuite du fugitif. Curtis continue l’interrogatoire de Richard sous les yeux d’Erin.

Edgar vient la voir et l’informe qu’une vidéo montrant Heller est diffusée sur le Net : le groupe terroriste qui l’a capturé annonce qu’il va retransmettre dans 3 heures son procès pour crime contre l’humanité devant le monde entier.

Si le Secrétaire à la Défense est reconnu coupable de ces actes, il sera exécuté en direct.

Season 4, Episode 2 Transcript

Previously on 24:

Chloe: Excuse me, Ms. Driscoll.
Driscoll: What is it, Chloe?
Chloe: There was intelligence indicating the possibility of an attack at eight O’clock this morning. A Turkish national on the FBI watch list by the name of Tomas Sherak was last seen in the city.
Sherak: It’s Tomas.
Navi: Did Dar get the briefcase?
Sherak: Yes. He’s on his way to you now.
Navi: So far, everything is on schedule. The briefcase is on its way to us now. When he gets here, you’ll take it to the warehouse. What we will accomplish today will change the world. We’re fortunate that our family has been chosen to do this.
Andrew: I found something on the net I think you should know about.
Chloe: What?
Andrew: I think someone’s positioning codes for a major internet attack. The thing is that not all the code remarks are in English.
Chloe: What language were they in?
Andrew: Arabic or Turkish, maybe.
Kalil: What did you find on the internet?
Melanie: It was my friend, not me.
Kalil: What’s his name?
Melanie: Andrew Paige.
------------------------ Audrey: Is it gonna be uncomfortable?
Jack: What?
Audrey: Going back to CTU. Seeing Driscoll again.
Jack: I don’t blame her for her decision.
Audrey: She forced you out of CTU.
Jack: I could have joined other agencies if I still wanted to do field work. But I didn’t. I know this guy.
Driscoll: Fortunately for you, Jack, it’s our problem, not yours.
Jack: Erin, listen to me. This doesn’t make sense. He wouldn’t risk exposing himself here in the United States for a train bombing; it’s not big enough.
Driscoll: I’ll take that into consideration when we interrogate him.
Jack: I am not messing with you. You are gonna tell me; what is happening at eight O’clock?
Driscoll: Jack!
Jack: What is your primary objective?
Sherak: Secretary of Defense.
Driscoll: Heller.
Heller: Did it ever occur to you that these people are using you? Don’t you realize they’re letting you speak for one reason? Because you are my son!
Jack: Audrey, it’s Jack. Are you still at Richard’s?
Audrey: Yeah.
Jack: You need to get your father out of there now. Your father is the real target.
Audrey: Oh, my God.
Audrey: Jack!
Jack: Audrey? Audrey!
The following takes place between 8:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M.
Officer: Richard Heller?
Richard: They took my father and my sister.
------------------------ Jack: I don’t care; it’s been over five minutes. You need to widen your perimeter. You’re not listening to me. I’m not interested in local law enforcement; I want Secret Service swarming that area, now. Good. Get back to me.
Driscoll: Everyone. Everyone, please listen up. Secretary of Defense Heller was abducted a few minutes ago along with his senior policy analyst, Audrey Raines. Heller was at his son Richard’s house when he was taken. LAPD is bringing Richard in for questioning. This is a top priority situation. I want all interagency protocols activated immediately.
Sarah: Move off that page. You have to link up to the Secret Service Channel.
Edgar: It’s not that simple. We’re locked down for a few minutes.
Sarah: Why?
Edgar: They’re sequestering the rest of the cabinet.
Sarah: Driscoll’s not gonna wanna hear that. She wants us to activate those protocols.
Edgar: What do you want me to do?
Sarah: I want you to break through those channels. Hack in if you have to.
Curtis: Chloe, I need you to move everything from the train bombing to the secondary server.
Chloe: I did that already.
Curtis: Good. Then re-key the databases so the kidnapping and the bombing are synced up as well.
Chloe: I did that too.
Curtis: What haven’t you done?
Chloe: I haven’t opened a pipe to the Criminal Investigation Division yet.
Curtis: Do it.
Chloe: I’m on my way to.
Jack: Yeah, I’m looking at it. They’ve widen the perimeter. Do you have an ID on any possible transportation?
Guy: I’m working on it. The only problem we have is…
Jack: I’m gonna have to get back to you. Erin, I need to speak to you.
Driscoll: You’re done here, Jack.
Jack: Just listen to me.
Driscoll: I’m detaining you.
Jack: Erin, just listen to me. Secretary Heller is my responsibility. Now, I need you to reinstate me on a provisional basis, until I get him back.
Driscoll: You don’t give me orders, Jack. I’m detaining you until an investigator from Division can take your statement. I’m gonna recommend that you’ll be arrested for torturing a suspect and rendering him useless for questioning.
Jack: You weren’t getting anywhere with him. Because of me Sherak told you everything he knows.
Driscoll: You better hope so. Would you please escort Mr. Bauer to a vacant office until Division gets here?
Jack: I’m fine. You’re making a mistake.
Edgar: Excuse me.
Driscoll: What?
Edgar: President Keeler.
Driscoll: What about him?
Edgar: He wants to talk to you.
Driscoll: All right.
[She picks up the phone.]
Driscoll: This is Erin Driscoll.
Woman: Please hold for the President.
Keeler: What can you tell me about the attack on the Secretary?
Driscoll: We know that he was taken along with his daughter approximately ten minutes ago.
Keeler: But you haven’t had any contact yet with the kidnappers.
Driscoll: No, Sir, we have not.
Keeler: How is it the Secret Service wasn’t able to protect them?
Driscoll: It’s my understanding that he broke a schedule to visit his son. Somehow the kidnappers had access to that information. We’re looking into that now.
Keeler: All right. We’re gonna go to an elevated level of security. I want you to take the appropriate measures.
Driscoll: I understand.
Keeler: Get them back, Erin.
Driscoll: We’re doing everything we can, Sir.
Andrew’s Mom: Hello?
Andrew: Mom?
Andrew’s Mom: Hi, sweetie. I wasn’t expecting you…
Andrew: Mom, listen, you gotta get out of the house right now.
Andrew’s Mom: What are you talking about?
Andrew: Someone’s looking for me and they might come for you next.
Andrew’s Mom: What kind of trouble are you in?
Andrew: I don’t know. I found something on the internet. Now these people are after me.
Andrew’s Mom: Andrew, you are being paranoid.
Andrew: Mom, they killed Melanie. They killed everybody in the office.
Andrew’s Mom: What?
Andrew: They shot her. Mom, I’m really scared.
Andrew’s Mom: My God. I’m gonna call the police.
Andrew: Just get out of there. Get to one of your friends’ house and stay there. Go. Go now!
Andrew’s Mom: Andrew.
Chloe: I told him Driscoll wanted me to question you.
Jack: What’s going on, Chloe? What are you doing?
Chloe: I’ll probably get in trouble for coming to you with this, but I don’t care. We may have a way to find Heller.
Jack: I’m being detained. Why are you telling me?
Chloe: Because I don’t think Driscoll’s handling this the right way and I don’t trust her. I trust you.
Jack: Sit down.
Chloe: A good friend of mine called about 40 minutes ago, someone I went to school with. I know him. He wouldn’t have come to me unless it was something serious.
Jack: What is it?
Chloe: He noticed some dangerous computer code was planted on the internet this morning.
Jack: How is that connected to Heller?
Chloe: Because it originated in Turkey, just like everything else that happened today – Sherak, the train bombing.
Jack: Where is your friend now?
News reporter on TV at Union Station: LAPD has swarmed off the area, and you can see them taking Secretary Heller’s son away from the scene now. That’s being done for his own protection, according to the police sources. Those same sources tell us that at least five Secret Service agents were shot and killed in the kidnapping.
[Andrew’s phone rings]
Andrew: Hello?
Chloe: Andrew, it’s me.
Andrew: What did you do, Chloe? Who did you tell?
Chloe: What do you mean?
Andrew: Everyone’s dead, and now they’re trying to kill me.
Chloe: Andrew, talk to me. Who’s dead? What happened?
Andrew: Everyone’s dead. They’re dead. After I called you, I went back to my office. There was a guy there, torturing Melanie. He wanted to know who hacked into their system. And then he shot her.
Jack: Who shot her?
Andrew: Who’s this?
Jack: My name is Jack Bauer. I work for Secretary of Defense Heller. Andrew, we need your help.
Andrew: What?
Jack: Secretary Heller was kidnapped less than half an hour ago. I believe the same people that kidnapped him are the ones that are chasing you now.
Andrew: But I don’t know anything.
Jack: Son, you’ve been targeted for a reason. You know more than you think.
Andrew: What do I do?
Jack: Where are you?
Andrew: I’m in Union Station. I’m getting out of town.
Jack: Don’t. You stay put. The best thing you can do right now is let me bring you in.
Andrew: Chloe, what should I do?
Chloe: You can trust Jack.
Andrew: OK. I’ll be next to track 3, the bottom of the ramp.
Jack: Andrew, what are you wearing?
Andrew: Blue jeans, brown jacket and a black bag.
Jack: OK, you stay put. I’ll be there in about 30 minutes.
Andrew: OK.
Chloe: This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have let Driscoll talk me into handing it over to the FBI.
Jack: She did what?
Chloe: She told me to give it to the FBI.
[Kalil phones Navi.]
Navi: Yes?
Kalil: I found the person who stumbled onto our server.
Navi: Is he with you now?
Kalil: No. I’ll have him shortly.
Navi: Find out who he’s talked to.
Kalil: Of course.
Navi: And then kill him.
Kalil: Yeah.
Dina: Is everything in there?
Navi: Yes. Where’s Behrooz?
Dina: Upstairs, checking traffic online.
Navi: It’s almost time for him to go.
Dina: Are you sure you don’t want me to take the briefcase to Omar?
Navi: The plan is in place. I don’t want to deviate. Why?
Dina: This is the key to everything we’re doing today. It’s a lot to entrust to a teenager.
Navi: I told you. Our whereabouts have to be accounted for today. Besides, it’s because he’s a teenager that he won’t arouse suspicion.
Dina: You’re right.
Navi: Don’t worry, Dina. We prepared well for today. The train, the kidnapping – It’s all gone as expected. I spoke with Omar. He’s happy.
Dina: And he knows Behrooz is the one who will deliver the device?
Navi: Yes, he knows. Behrooz will be fine.
Curtis: OK, people. We’re looking to find a connection between the train bombing at Santa Clarita and Heller’s abduction. Sarah?
Sarah: NTSP has given us a full passenger list. I’m processing those names now.
Driscoll: What about Heller’s son? Is it possible he had something to do with this?
Curtis: We’re not counting anything out at this point. He’s being brought here for questioning now.
Jack: Erin, I need to speak with you. Privately, please.
Driscoll: You’re testing me, Jack?
Jack: Erin, please.
Driscoll: Curtis will hand out assignment protocols to each department. I want status reports every 15 minutes.
Jack: I have information that you ignored that appears to be connected not only to the bombing but the kidnapping of Secretary Heller.
Driscoll: What information?
Jack: A computer programmer by the name of Andrew Paige accidentally came across a possible internet strike earlier this morning.
Driscoll: I know. It was passed on to the FBI.
Jack: Yes, against CTU protocol. You abandoned an active investigation by a CTU agent during a terrorist strike. I just got confirmation from the LAPD that Andrew Paige’s coworkers were all found dead less than 20 minutes ago.
Driscoll: I’ll coordinate with FBI and we’ll take over the investigation.
Jack: No, you won’t. I just talked to the kid. I’m the only one who knows where he is. You want that kid picked up? You’re gonna have to reinstate me.
Driscoll: I’m having you locked up for impeding my investigation.
Jack: You do that and I’ll tell the President that you had Sherak in custody over a half an hour before Secretary Heller was even kidnapped, and you couldn’t break him. I did.
Driscoll: You’re threatening me, Jack?
Jack: I am asking you to let me help rescue Secretary Heller.
Driscoll: This is how it’s gonna work: I’ll reinstate your commission on a temporary basis until Heller is safe. You will not make any unilateral decisions. You will work as an auxiliary agent under the authority of Ronnie Lobell. And then I’ll hand you over to Division.
Audrey: What are they gonna do to us?
Heller: I don’t know, but if they wanted me dead, they would have killed me at Richard’s house. Richard… God.
Audrey: He was still in the house. I don’t think they went in there.
Heller: Listen to me, honey. No matter what happens to me, they have no reason to hurt you.
Audrey: They don’t need a reason.
Heller: And I don’t want you to give them one. Do what they say. Whatever happens to me, don’t provoke them. If they threat me, if they hurt me, even if they kill me… Do what they say.
Omar: I only asked for Heller.
Omar’s Henchman: I didn’t wanna kill her without your permission.
[The henchman nodes for Audrey to be killed.]
Audrey: Dad! Dad, no! Dad! Dad!
Heller: Leave her alone! Don’t you touch her!
Omar’s Henchman: Omar, yes or no?
Heller: Do not do this! Leave her alone!
Omar: Not yet. We may be able to use her. Take them away.
Audrey: Dad…
Jack: I’m going with Ronnie over to the train station to pick up Andrew now.
Chloe: Has Driscoll cleared you for field work?
Jack: Yeah.
Chloe: That’s unlike her. I hope you didn’t tell her I gave you the information. I’m not in the mood for a confrontation.
Jack: I didn’t. Have we heard anything from any of the Secret service agents that’s survived the kidnapping?
Chloe: There’s only one so far. He’s in surgery.
Jack: Any other witnesses?
Chloe: The son, Richard. They’re bringing him in now.
Jack: OK. Get back to me as soon as you’ve got anything on Secretary Heller or Audrey.
Chloe: Sure. Bad luck about Audrey being there when her dad got kidnapped.
Jack: Yeah. I’m going to my car to get my things.
Ronnie: So let me understand this; Bauer illegally shoots a suspect, and now you’re gonna let him back in the field.
Driscoll: He’ll only give us the location if I let him work on it.
Ronnie: He can’t hold back information, Erin. It’s not his privilege.
Driscoll: We don’t have time to interrogate him. It’s a simple job, Ronnie. You pick up the subject, and you bring him in.
Ronnie: Bauer has not been in the field for a year and a half, OK? That has consequences. It’s my ass that’s on the line.
Driscoll: Which is why I need you to keep him on a tight leash. It’s not optional – it’s an order.
Ronnie: Fine.
Behrooz: I’m ready to go.
Dina: This is a simple task, Behrooz. But these are the ones where mistakes can be made. Drive carefully. If there is anyone in the area who looks suspicious, drive away and call us. Understood?
Behrooz: Yes.
[The phone rings.]
Dina: Hello?
Debbie: Mrs. Araz, this is Debbie.
Dina: Yes, Debbie. What can I do for you?
Debbie: Can I please talk to Behrooz?
Dina: Let me see if he’s here. Hold on.
Dina: What does she want?
Behrooz: I don’t know. Debbie?
Debbie: I’ve left like 10 messages on your cell phone. Why haven’t you called me back?
Behrooz: I’m sorry. I’ve been busy.
Debbie: Doing what?
Behrooz: Working for my father.
Debbie: I don’t believe you. Look, Behrooz, if you’re seeing someone else at least have the decency to tell me.
Behrooz: I’m not seeing anyone else.
Debbie: Then why are you avoiding me?
Behrooz: I’m not. Look, Debbie, this isn’t the right time to do this.
Debbie: See? That’s what I’m talking about. You’re still avoiding me.
Behrooz: I’m not.
Debbie: Then why can’t we talk now?
Behrooz: Because I can’t. I’ve gotta go.
[Behrooz hangs up the phone.]
Debbie: Behrooz!
Dina: Behrooz. That’s not the right way to deal with this situation. This girl needs to know it’s over and that there will be no more phone calls.
Behrooz: I’ll take care of it later. I don’t wanna be late getting this to Omar.
Curtis: You sent Jack Bauer on the field?
Driscoll: He’ll be with Ronnie.
Curtis: Yeah, but why?
Driscoll: He knows our procedures, and he may have information about Heller that will be useful.
[Chloe enters.]
Driscoll: What is it, Chloe?
Chloe: Curtis, you wanted me to let you know when Richard Heller had arrived. He’s on his way to holding.
Curtis: All right, thanks. Do you want me to choreograph jurisdictions?
Driscoll: No, I’ll do it. Find out what the son knows. Chloe, I’d like to talk to you. Has it occurred to you that we might be farther along if you trusted me half as much as you trust Jack Bauer?
Chloe: You know what, Ms. Driscoll? I’m really not in the mood to play the part of the scared student at the principal’s office. I came to you with important information that my friend Andrew gave to me, and you chose to not respond to it.
Driscoll: When you came to me with the original information we were looking for sherak, were we not?
Chloe: Yes.
Driscoll: He was our most important lead at the time, wasn’t he?
Chloe: I guess.
Driscoll: Then my question to you is: once we had Sherak in custody, if you felt that your internet lead was still valuable, why didn’t you reprise it?
Chloe: You’re right. I felt more comfortable going to Jack.
Driscoll: Well, at least that’s honest. You can go back to work now.
Jack: Check that, please.
Ronnie: For the record, Jack, I think Driscoll made a mistake by letting you come along.
Jack: All right.
Ronnie: And just so we’re clear; I give the orders.
Jack: I’m fine with that. Look, what happened earlier in holding with Sherak – I had Intel. I didn’t have time to do it any other way. I’m sorry.
Ronnie: Apology accepted. But if you try to exceed my authority again, I will stop you cold.
Jack: OK, fine. Then talk to Marcie. Have her isolate all the death threats Heller’s received over the last six months. I want phone calls, Emails, mail, everything sent over to CTU for analysis. No, for the time being, I’m working with them. Yeah. OK, good. Thanks.
Ronnie: Has Heller been getting a lot of death threats lately?
Jack: No more than anyone else in the cabinet.
Ronnie: So what’s it’s like working in D.C.?
Jack: For the most part, we solve problems in theory that will never come into play. You wouldn’t be interested.
Ronnie: Then why do it?
Jack: I’ve got my reasons.
Ronnie: Hey, man… I’m just trying to make some conversation. I read your file. It must have really burned you up when Driscoll fired you.
Jack: She did me a favor. I wanted to get my life back. I wouldn’t have been able to do that if I was still doing field work.
Ronnie: So how’s the master plan going? Do you have a life yet?
Jack: Yeah. Yeah, I got a life.

------------------------ Heller: We’ll be fine, honey. We’re still on U.S. soil.
Audrey: It’s not gonna help us if this is some sort of a suicide mission.
Heller: You said Jack tried to warn you about this before they grabbed us.
Audrey: Yeah, that’s right.
Heller: That means he must have a reliable source, which means our chances are good. Audrey, sit down. I am your father. Do you trust me?
Audrey: Of course I do.
Heller: Then listen. You cannot allow a negative thought to enter your head now. They will find us. We will be rescued. Say it.
Audrey: Please, dad, don’t.
Heller: We will be rescued. Say it, honey.
Audrey: We will be rescued.
Heller: We will be rescued.
Henchman: Take off your clothes.
Heller: You first.
Henchman: Take off your clothes.
Heller: Go to hell.
Audrey: Stop. Stop it. Dad…
Man: Who is it?
Behrooz: It’s Behrooz.
Henchman: Behrooz. Good job, Behrooz.
Behrooz: Debbie, what are you doing here?
Debbie: I followed you.
Behrooz: Why?
Debbie: Because I didn’t believe you. I thought you were seeing someone else.
Behrooz: Look around. Does it look like I’m seeing anybody else? Debbie, you shouldn’t be here. I’m here doing business for my father. He doesn’t like me socializing when I’m working for him.
Debbie: OK. I get it. But it doesn’t explain why you stopped calling me.
Behrooz: It’s my parents. They’ve got a problem with me seeing someone who’s…
Debbie: Not Muslim?
Behrooz: Yeah.
Debbie: And that’s it? Whatever they say you do.
Behrooz: No.
Debbie: Then what’s going on between us, Behrooz? Do you wanna be with me or not?
Behrooz: I do, but…
Debbie: But what?
Behrooz: Debbie, I wanna straighten things out, OK? But I can’t do it now. We’ll get together later. Debbie, please.
Curtis: Is everything ready in Richard Heller’s holding cell?
Sarah: Just about. They brought in the equipment and they’re starting to hook him up.
Curtis: Then let’s do it.
Sarah: Does Driscoll know that you’re subjecting the Secretary of Defense’s son to a lie detector?
Curtis: Yeah.
Sarah: Is he a suspect?
Curtis: Not exactly. But he’s objecting to his own father. I wouldn’t wanna rule anything out. You wanna be in the room on this?
Driscoll: No. I’ll observe through the one-way.
Richard: What are you doing to me? What are you doing?
Curtis: I just wanna make sure you’re telling us the truth.
Richard: Why would I lie to you? My father and my sister have just been kidnapped!
Curtis: Please sit back, Richard, or I’ll have to sedate you.
Richard: You can’t do this to me. My father is the Secretary of Defense.
Curtis: I understand. But according to my information, you were about to unleash personal attacks on your father and the President at a rally at Lockheed.
Richard: Are you insane? This is America. I can say what I want in public. How dare you treat me like a criminal?
Curtis: No one’s treating you like a criminal.
Richard: You wanna do something constructive? Why don’t you go find my father and my sister?
Curtis: We intend to.
Richard: Yeah, by treating me like I’m guilty or something!
Curtis: Richard, right now you’re the only witness to your father and your sister’s kidnapping. We need your help.
Richard: Then why don’t you get these things off of me and start talking to me like a normal human being?
Curtis: You don’t have anything to hide, do you?
Richard: No.
Driscoll: How’s the polygraph?
Sarah: 100%.
Behrooz: Father.
Navi: How did everything go?
Behrooz: It went fine.
Navi: Omar said one of his men saw you with someone outside the compound. A young woman.
Behrooz: I was going to tell you.
Navi: Who was it?
Behrooz: Debbie.
Navi: Where is she now?
Behrooz: She didn’t see anything.
Navi: She saw you outside the compound. That’s enough.
Behrooz: No.
Navi: We’ve spent years planning for this, waiting for this day to come. Now it’s here, and you’ve compromised everything.
Behrooz: She didn’t see anything, I made sure of it.
Navi: We’ll see how much she knows. Call her and tell her to come here.
Behrooz: Father, please don’t do this. It’s not necessary.
Navi: I decide what’s necessary, not you.
Behrooz: What are you going to do to her?
Navi: Since when do you question me? How long have we lived in this country preparing for this day? How long?
Behrooz: Four years.
Navi: Almost five. That’s how much time can be erased by a simple mistake. Call her, now.
Behrooz: Yes, Sir.
Tim Philson: Tim Philson, MTA.
Ronnie: Ronnie Lobell, CTU. Head of Field Ops. Where’s track 3?
Tim Philson: The east entrance. If you want, I can have my guys lock it down.
Ronnie: No, no. Don’t draw attention to anything yet.
Tim Philson: The platform’s just at the end.
[Andrew’s phone rings.]
Andrew: Hello?
Chloe: Andrew, it’s me.
Andrew: Where are these guys?
Chloe: They’re on site. They should be there any minute.
Andrew: All right. Tell them to hurry up.
Chloe: It doesn’t work that way. Just stay where you are and I’ll talk to you when they bring you in.
Andrew: OK.
Kalil: Andrew.
Andrew: Yeah. Umm… are you Jack Bauer?
Kalil: Yes. Come on. Let’s go.
Andrew: Where are we going?
Kalil: I’ll explain later. It’s not safe here. Let’s go. Just around the corner.
Ronnie: Are you sure he said the bottom of the ramp?
Jack: Yeah.
[Jack calls Andrew’s cell phone. Andrew answers it.]
Andrew: Hello?
Jack: Andrew.
Andrew: Who’s this?
Jack: It’s Jack Bauer. Where are you? Andrew?
Andrew: I can’t really… talk.
Kalil: Let’s go.
Jack: Andrew? Andrew? Son of a bitch! They got to him before we did.
Ronnie: How did they know where he was gonna be?
Jack: I don’t know!
Andrew: Who are you?
Kalil: I’m the man that’s going to kill you if you don’t follow my instructions.
Jack: Tim, come on. Alert your MTA’s, tell them we’ve got a Caucasian male, early 20’s, wearing a brown jacket, caring a black bag, may have been taken from this station against his will. Tell your men not to engage the target. I want a visual and a location, that’s it, now.
Andrew: Where are you taking me?
Marks: This is Marks. I’ve got the target sighted.
Tim: What’s your twenty?
Marks: I’m on the train platform. Target is on the eastern periphery, second level parking lot.
Kalil: Open the door.
Marks: They’re getting into a dark blue Lexus.
Ronnie: What’s the fastest way?
Tim: Straight out the back.
Ronnie: Tell your men to stay out of sight.
Tim: Marks, stay on the guy. Make sure he doesn’t see you.
Kalil: Lay down.
Ronnie: There he is. You get the gate, I’ll get the kid out of the car.
Jack: Wait!
Ronnie: Wait for what?
Jack: This isn’t the right play.
Ronnie: What are you talking about?
Jack: If we follow this guy, maybe he’ll lead us to Heller.
Ronnie: Or maybe he won’t, but you know he’ll kill the kid, Jack.
Jack: Right now this hostile’s our best chance to find Secretary Heller.
Ronnie: We’ll break him back at CTU.
Jack: You don’t know if we can break him in time.
Ronnie: This is not a Field Ops call, Jack. We need authorization.
Jack: I can’t take the chance with Driscoll resisting me.
Ronnie: I told you not to go against me, Jack.
Jack: Ronnie, please.
Ronnie: Get up. Interlace your hands behind your head.
Jack: You’re making a mistake.
Ronnie: Shut up.
[Ronnie handcuffs Jack to a railing.]
MTA Officer: He’s in the parking lot. What do you want me to do?
Ronnie: This is agent Lobell. I’m moving in now. Let the front car go ahead and lock in the hostile.
[Ronnie approaches the car, and Kalil shoots him.]
Jack: Ronnie. Ronnie, where have you been hit? Can you move? Ronnie. Give me the keys to the cuffs. Please, Ronnie, he’s our only lead. I’ve gotta stop him. Come on.
[Ronnie hands the keys over to Jack and he frees himself.]
Curtis: Tell me what happened, Richard.
Richard: Father and I were talking, and my sister came in with a phone call for him.
Curtis: So he was in the room in the call?
Richard: No. He and Audrey went outside.
Curtis: Go on.
Richard: And then I heard an explosion and I looked out the window and I see them both being grabbed.
Curtis: And they didn’t come in and get you?
Edgar: Excuse me, I know you told me not to interrupt, but we need you on the floor.
Driscoll: What’s going on?
Edgar: A web cast signal’s being pushed on to servers all over the place.
Driscoll: A web cast of what?
Edgar: Secretary of Defense Heller. The terrorists are broadcasting this all over the internet. Call Curtis.
Sarah: Curtis, we need you on the floor.
Jack: There you are, you son of a bitch.
Omar: We speak for the men, women and children who have had no voice until now, who have been victimized by the genocidal policies of the United Stated that James Heller has advanced. But the time has come for the victims to demand justice.
Driscoll: Edgar, isolate Secretary Heller.
Omar: Our soldiers have taken the terrorist James Heller into custody. In three hours Heller will be tried for war crimes against humanity. If he is proven guilty, he will be executed in a curvant with our laws. Because we have nothing to hide, the world would have full access to these proceedings.

écrit par RASTA

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