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24 heures chrono
#408 : 14h00 - 15h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 4 guide des épisodes

Il ne reste plus que 6 centrales nucléaires aux mains des terroristes car Edgar a réussi à maîtriser les 98 autres. Cependant, ils sont encore capables de provoquer la fusion nucléaire de ces 6 centrales grâce au contrôleur qu’ils ont en leur possession.
Le Président Palmer ordonne l’évacuation des 6 villes concernées par les potentielles explosions.
Tony vient en aide à Jack et Audrey. Il leur offre le gîte en attendant l’identification de l’homme qu'Audrey croit avoir déjà rencontré.
Jack met au courant Heller qu’une taupe se cache dans la CAT. Suite à cela, Marianne se met à la recherche d’un moyen efficace capable de détourner les soupçons.


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO
2:00pm - 3:00pm

Titre VF
14h00 - 15h00


24 Season 4 Episodes 8

24 Season 4 Episodes 8


Plus de détails


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Kim Raver : Audrey Raines
• Alberta Watson : Erin Driscoll
• Lana Parrilla : Sarah Gavin
• and William Devane : James Heller

Special guest stars

• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida

Guest starring

• Jonathan Ahdout : Behrooz Araz
• Roger Cross : Curtis Manning
• Louis Lombardi : Edgar Stiles
• Geoff Pierson : John Keeler
• Nestor Serrano : Navi Araz
• Aisha Tyler : Marianne Taylor
• Arnold Vosloo : Habib Marwan
• David Newsom : Scott Borman
• Roxanne Day : Jen Slater
• Michael Hyatt : Marcy
• Hector Luis Bustamante : Dr. Martinez
• Robertson Dean : Henry Powell
• and Shohreh Aghdashloo : Dina Araz


• Tom McCafferty : Agent Davis (as "First Secret Service Man")
• Vince Duvall : Helicopter Pilot
• Butch Klein : Eric Richards
• Marci Michelle : Jackie

14h00: Heller informe le Président de la situation des 6 réacteurs toujours susceptibles de rentrer en fusion. Le Président Keeler ordonne l'évacuation immédiate de ces villes.

14h03:Depuis la voiture, Jack appelle le portable de Heller et demande à ce dernier de ne dire à personne qu'il parle avec lui. Il lui explique qu'une personne de la CAT est responsable de l'attaque dont Audrey et lui viennent de réchapper à la compagnie de sécurité. Jack tient à ce qu'Heller fasse appel à un membre du DOD (Département de la Défense) pour débusquer la taupe.

14h05: Audrey est très bouleversée par ce deuxième attentat à sa vie. Tony explique à Jack que Michelle l'a quitté. Il a été relâché de prison grâce à l'aide de David Palmer et de Jack.

14h06:Le Président Keeler s'adresse à la Nation et demande l'évacuation des six villes concernées. Alors qu'il regarde le direct du Président, Curtis explique à Driscoll qu'ils n'auront jamais le temps d'évacuer toutes ces villes. Ils doivent retrouver les terroristes en possession du système de forçage pour épargner toutes ces vies.

14h07:Marwan veut s'occuper du système de forçage lui-même pour être certain que tout ira comme il avait été décidé. Navi lui assure que Behrooz et Dina seront morts avant la fin de la journée.

14h08: Behrooz conduit nerveusement. Il implore sa mère de le laisser la conduire à l'hôpital et ce même si Navi commencera par les chercher là-bas. Dina veut qu'il l'abandonne mais Behrooz insiste pour qu'ils restent ensemble.

14h09: Marianne se retire dans les toilettes pour appeler Powell son contact. Il lui apprend que Jack et Audrey sont toujours en vie. Comme Jack n'a toujours pas appelé la CAT, Marianne est certaine qu'il est conscient qu'une taupe a investi la CAT. Mais Powell lui demande de rester sur place, étant donnée la probabilité qu'elle soit prise. Sarah arrive et demande à Marianne de retourner à son poste.

14h10:L'assistant d'Heller, Scott Borman, arrive à la CAT. Heller lui demande de dire à Driscoll que Jack s'est rendu dans une ancienne antenne de la CAT à Torrance pour regarder les vidéos. Il placera un mouchard à la Cellule capable de dépister qui transmettra cette information erronée.

14h16:Tony ramène Jack et Audrey chez lui. Il explique à son « amie » Jennie qu'elle ne pourra partir tant que Jack sera là. Ils accèdent sur l'ordinateur de Tony aux données enregistrées à Felsted sur la clé USB. Jack explique à Audrey que Michelle a quitté Tony lorsqu'il est sorti de prison. Il ne voulait pas chercher un autre travail et a commencé à boire. Michelle est désormais directrice adjointe à la Division.

14h19: Heller sait que Driscoll ne sera pas contente d'apprendre qu'on lui a caché le fait qu'une taupe circule dans la CAT. Cependant, c'est le seul moyen de colmater la fuite.

14h20: Borman informe le personnel de la CAT que Jack a demandé que son travail à l'ancienne antenne de la CAT soit gardé secret. En entendant cela, Marianne retourne à son poste et prononce la phrase « ancienne station de la CAT à Torrance » à un magnétophone numérique. Elle branche l'appareil à son système et entre quelques commandes par le clavier.

14h21: Jack envoie la vidéo de l'homme identifié par Audrey au Département de la Défense à Washington.

14h22:Maintenant que Borman a trouvé d'où provient la fuite, Heller explique à Driscoll ce qu'il a fait.

14h23: Heller et Driscoll se rendent auprès du suspect, escortés de gardes. Ils passent devant Marianne et s'arrêtent devant Sarah. Elle est mise en état d'arrestation pour avoir divulgué des informations classées. Elle se défend et crie à l'erreur.

14h29:Borman ordonne à Edgar et Marianne de lui envoyer tous les fichiers de Sarah. Edgar n'est pas convaincue que Sarah ait pu compromettre Jack ou l'enquête. Il regarde le message que Sarah est censée avoir envoyé et qu'elle a laissé sur son système comme si elle attendait qu'il soit trouvé. Il remarque que même l'encodage est mal fait. Marianne commente que Sarah n'est pas parmi les plus brillantes.

14h30: Dans la cellule, Driscoll tente d'interroger Sarah qui insiste sur le fait qu'elle a été piégée. Eric Richards, le spécialiste de la torture, entre avec tous ses « outils ». Il lui envoie des décharges électriques mais Sarah s'en tient à son histoire.

14h33:Driscoll explique à Heller qu'ils ne pourront briser Sarah que si elle est vraiment coupable. Mais selon elle, Sarah n'a pas le profil.

14h34: Heller informe Jack qu'ils ont découvert la taupe. Jack se charge d'annoncer au DOD que la CAT est désormais saine. Il demande à Heller d'envoyer les Services Secrets récupérer Audrey.

14h35:Jack demande à Tony pourquoi il ne l'a jamais appelé lorsqu'il a touché le fond. Tony lui répond qu'il vient aujourd'hui de payer la dette qu'il avait envers lui lorsqu'il l'a sorti de prison. Mais il ne tient pas à revenir sur son passé ou être plus impliqué dans son enquête en cours.

14h41: Dina est soignée dans un hôpital. Bien que le docteur pense qu'il s'agit d'une blessure par balle, Dina clame s'être blessée avec un clou. Behrooz regarde le docteur s'adresser à une infirmière mais ni l'un ni l'autre ne semble contacter les autorités. Il pense être en sécurité. Dina explique à son fils qu'elle peut tout arranger et leur faire quitter le pays s'ils arrivent à sortir de Los Angeles.

14h43: Marcy du DOD appelle Jack avec l'identité de l'homme de la vidéo. Son nom est Henry Powell et il est consultant en informatique pour la compagnie qui a créé le système de forçage. Powell est sur le point de quitter Los Angeles et a une autorisation spéciale pour pénétrer dans l'espace aérien. Jack demande à Marcy d'empêcher l'hélicoptère de Powell de décoller. Les Services Secrets arrivent pour raccompagner Audrey à la CAT et laissent à Jack une voiture pour se rendre à l'héliport.

14h44:Jack appelle Driscoll et lui demande de ne pas élever les soupçons de Powell en envoyant des renforts. Il tient à s'en charger lui-même. Tony offre à Jack de l'aide.

14h45: Edgar demande à Curtis des nouvelles de Sarah. Il retourne à son poste regardant Marianne avec attention.

14h46: Alors que le docteur s'occupe des blessures de Dina, Behrooz remarque un agent de la sécurité de l'hôpital discuter avec une infirmière. Il voit ensuite une voiture de police garée à l'extérieur. Il pousse le docteur et aide sa mère à sortir en attrapant des médicaments sur son chemin. Ils remontent rapidement en voiture et s'en vont. La police n'a pas le temps de les arrêter.

14h52:Edgar dit à Marianne qu'il a enfin eu son accès. Il lui envoie sur son écran une page où elle doit renter son code. Alors qu'elle s'exécute, le mot de passe apparaît sur l'écran d'Edgar et il peut maintenant accéder à ses fichiers. Marianne commence à avoir des soupçons lorsqu'Edgar continue de la fixer. Elle le confronte et le menace de révéler qu'il a protégé Chloé plus tôt.

14h55: Marianne regarde Edgar accompagné de Curtis se rendre dans le bureau de Driscoll. Edgar explique qu'il s'est introduit dans l'ordinateur de Marianne et a vu qu'elle utilisait le système de Sarah pour communiquer avec l'extérieur.

14h56:Curtis poursuit Marianne alors qu'elle quitte le bâtiment. Sur le parking, il la place en état d'arrestation tandis qu'un autre agent confisque sa voiture. Alors qu'il met la clé dans la serrure, la voiture explose. Marianne est projetée inconsciente au sol.

14h57: Powell rejoint son hélicoptère mais le pilote lui explique qu'il est bloqué au sol par le Département de la Défense. Powell sort son arme et force le pilote à décoller.

14h58:Jack et Tony arrivent à l'héliport alors que l'engin est sur le point de décoller. Ils l'entourent, leurs armes levées. Jack appréhende Powell qui offre de les payer, lui et Tony. Soudain, une balle siffle et Powell est touché à la poitrine par un sniper caché sur un toit voisin. La seule piste de Jack pour trouver les terroristes vient de mourir....

Il est alors 15 heures.

Previously on 24:

Dina: You killed Tariq?

Behrooz: You can’t let father know. He wants me dead because I messed up with Debbie.

Dina: You ordered Tariq to kill him. To kill our own son.

Navi: Nothing will stand in the way of what needs to be done. Not him, not you.

Dina: Your father’s following us.

Behrooz: What?

Dina: It was the only way I could save you.

[Shots fire and Dina is hit in the arm.]

Behrooz: Mom!


Edgar: I think I got it. This is really it. I can turn off the override and stop the remaining plants from melting down. I did the best I could, sir. I hope it works.

Heller: So do I.

Driscoll: Edgar, what’s going on? Why are some of the reactors still not shutting down?

Edgar: Six of the reactors are immune to the kill sequence.

Heller: Contact Bauer. Either he finds the people responsible for planning the override, or we’re looking at a nuclear holocaust.


Marianne: Bauer and Audrey Raines left here about five minutes ago.

Powell: Where’d they go?

Marianne: “Felsted Security”.

Powell: You’re going to need to set things up on your end. When Jack Bauer and Audrey Raines are killed, CTU is going to know that someone inside leaked their location. Divert suspicion.

Marianne: Fine.


Jack: The override device maintains heat levels within the reactors. They can melt down every one of those power plants. The man you saw when you were being held captive – right now he’s our only lead.

Audrey: Stop there. I think that’s him.

Jack: They’re trying to seal us off.

Audrey: Shouldn’t we call CTU?

Jack: No. CTU’s gotta be compromised, that’s the only way they’d know we were here.

Audrey: Then who are you calling?

Jack: The only person I can trust right now. I’m empty. Tony!


The following takes place between 2:00 P.M. and 3:00 P.M.

Driscoll: Is there any chance this is a mistake? That the remaining six nuclear reactors are just taking longer to shut down?

Curtis: No. Edgar rechecked it. Those plants are firming the grip of the override which had been sealed off. We can’t get in.

Heller: Did you send the list of the six affected cities to the President?

Curtis: Yes, sir.

Heller: What about evacuation procedures?

Curtis: We’ve already alerted the National Guard. We’re just waiting to see how the President wants us to proceed.

Edgar: Ms. Driscoll, the President’s ready.

Driscoll: OK, put him on. Mr. President.

Keeler: I understand we’ve been able to shut down 98 nuclear power plants.

Heller: Yes, sir. But as of now, it appears that our shutdown order will not be affective with the six remaining reactors.

Keeler: “Not going to be affective”? What exactly does that mean?

Heller: I’m afraid it means that we could have six nuclear disasters on our hands.

Keeler: What are the casualty projections if all six plants melt down?

Curtis: 50 thousand deaths in the first 24 hours. The longer indictments in the long - millions, and that’s not taking into account the resulting cancers and birth defects.

Keeler: Why were we able to shut down the other power plants but not these six?

Driscoll: Because they are still being controlled by the terrorists, sir.

Keeler: You mean, because of the override device they stole today.

Driscoll: Exactly. We have to find the override device itself. It’s a prototype. The terrorists have the only one in the world.

Keeler: All right. Let’s find it. I’m going to order the evacuation of those six cities. Jim, keep me posted.

Heller: Yes, Mr. President.

[Heller’s cell phone rings.]

Driscoll: All right. Let’s get back to work.

[Heller takes the call.]

Heller: Yeah?

Jack: Mr. Secretary, it’s Jack. Don’t let anyone know you’re talking to me. We got a problem.

Heller: I understand, Marcy. Let me see what I can do. I have to take this call.

Driscoll: Yes, sir.

[Heller leaves the conference room.]

Heller: What’s going on?

Jack: First off, sir, I want you to know that Audrey and I are safe, but there was an attempt made on our life at “Felsted Security”.

Heller: What?

Jack: A group of assassins well-armed, well-trained took out our entire security detail. You’re gonna need to send a forensic unit over there to identify the bodies, but I don’t want anyone at CTU to know.

Heller: Why not?

Jack: Because I think someone over at CTU has complicit the attack.

Heller: How do you know that?

Jack: Sir, CTU is the only agency that knew where we were. No one else had that information.

Heller: Is one of Erin’s people working with the terrorists?

Jack: Yes, I think so. I just don’t know who. But it’s clear that they didn’t want Audrey to make the ID of the man she saw when you guys were both being held.

Heller: I’m sending a Secret Service detail to pick you two up.

Jack: Sir, please don’t do that. That’s not the right thing to do here.

Heller: Why not?

Jack: I don’t want anyone to know where we are. That way I know we will be safe.

Heller: How do you want me to handle this?

Jack: Remember the sequence we developed for the Melbourne situation?

Heller: Yes.

Jack: Try that. I think it’ll work.

Heller: OK.

Jack: sir, I’ve gotta go. I’ll get back to you as soon as I know we’re safe.

Heller: Jack, take care of Audrey.

Jack: Yes, sir, I will.

[Audrey is visibly upset about the second attempt on her life.]

Jack: Are you OK?

Audrey: I’m almost getting used to this.

Jack: Yeah. Tony, is it possible that we could have been followed?

Tony: No, we’re clear.

Audrey: Where are we going?

Jack: We need to lay low for a while.

Tony: What kind of communication do you need?

Jack: A wi-fi and a hard line.

Tony: All right. We’ll go back to my place.

Jack: OK. Thank you, Tony.

Tony: Wait until you see it before you thank me.

Jack: No, I mean, for picking us up, for saving our lives. I’m sure you’re wondering what’s going on.

Tony: Not really, no.

Jack: Something wrong?

Tony: What could be wrong? I’m not in the Federal prison any more, thanks to you and President Palmer. Michelle left me, I… you know what? Never mind. Why don’t you tell me what this is all about?

Jack: You heard about Audrey and her father this morning?

Tony: Yeah.

Jack: We were at “Felsted Security” so Audrey can make an ID of a man she saw during the kidnapping.

Tony: I don’t get it. Why?

Jack: The Secretary’s kidnapping was just a cover. The terrorists’ main objective is to gain control of American power plants from coast to coast. The man that Audrey saw – that’s our only lead.

Tony: I thought you weren’t in the field any more, Jack.

Jack: I’m not. The Secretary is my responsibility. I got caught up in it.

Tony: Yeah, well, listen to me very carefully: I don’t wanna get caught up in it. So you do whatever you need to do at my place. I’m staying out of it, all right?

Jack: Understood.


[President Keeler addresses the nation.]

Keeler: Today continues to be a challenge to the strength of the American spirit. We have a condition in six cities across the United States, in which nuclear power facilities may become unstable. While we work to regain control over these facilities, I’m also asking our National Guard to assist local authorities to affect an immediate evacuation of those six cities. This evacuation is only being issued for all persons living or working within a specific radius…

Curtis: The President didn’t mention the fact that there isn’t enough time left for complete evacuation. If those reactors melt down, there’ll be at least 50 thousand dead per city.

Driscoll: We still have time to try and find a way to prevent that.

Curtis: I can tell you now, Erin, the chances of doing that from here are very low. We have to find the people who have the override device.


[Navi is talking on the phone with one of his men.]

Navi: What about the hospitals north of there? All right. Keep checking.

Man: I called Dina’s sister. There’s no answer.

Navi: All right. I’ll take care of it. You and Raphy, go check the station again.

Man: OK.

Marwan: The Americans have been able to shut down most of the reactors.

Navi: How many are under our control?

Marwan: Six. More than enough to break their will. But I’m gonna have to manage the override personally. Make sure those six melt down on schedule.

Navi: Is there anything I can do?

Marwan: Yes. Take care of your mess.

Navi: Don’t worry, Marwan. I give you my word: my wife and son will be dead by the end of this day.


[Behrooz drives nervously.]

Behrooz: We have to get you to a hospital.

Dina: No. Your father knows I’ve been shot. He’ll be looking for us in all the hospitals.

Behrooz: Well, we’re going to have to take a chance. Mom, you’re hurt.

Dina: I’ll be OK.

Behrooz: You won’t. You need to get to a doctor. I’m not afraid of father.

Dina: You should be.

Behrooz: He tried to kill me, and then he did this to you. He’s not my father anymore. Mom, please.

Dina: All right. Drop me off at an emergency room, but then you’ll have to drive away.

Behrooz: No. Whatever happens, we’re staying together.


Marianne: Jackie, I’m running a filter for Driscoll. Could you babysit it for a sec? I’ll be right back.

Jackie: Sure.

Marianne: Thanks.

[Marianne sneaks into the restroom and phones Powell.]

Powell: Yes, Marianne?

Marianne: I couldn’t take your call. I was in a meeting.

Powell: Jack Bauer and Audrey Raines are still alive.

Marianne: My information was accurate.

Powell: Yes. Their location was correct, but they survived the attack. They’re headed back to CTU?

Marianne: I haven’t heard anything.

Powell: Bauer didn’t call in?

Marianne: Not that I’m aware of.

Powell: That doesn’t make sense.

Marianne: Actually, it makes perfect sense. Bauer knows there’s been a security breach, and you can bet he’s told someone here. I gotta get out.

Powell: No, you have to stay in till we take care of Bauer and the woman.

Marianne: What about me? I am not gonna spend the rest of my life in jail.

Powell: You’ll be taken care of. You know that. Don’t go.

[Sarah enters the restroom.]

Sarah: There you are.

Marianne: What do you need?

Sarah: Division’s waiting for those projections.

Marianne: Well, they’re ready to be sent.

Sarah: Then send them.


[Heller’s assistant, Scott Borman, arrives at CTU.]

Heller: Yeah?

Curtis: Sir, your assistant, Scott Borman, just arrived. Shall I send him in?

Heller: Yes.

Scott: Mr. Secretary, it’s good to see you safe and sound, sir.

Heller: Thanks, Scott. Sit down.

Scott: Is there a problem, sir?

Heller: There’s a big problem. Someone inside CTU is leaking information to someone on the outside.

Scott: What do you need me to do?

Heller: I need you to go to Erin Driscoll. Tell her that Jack Bauer is no longer at “Felsted Security”, and that he’s watching surveillance videos at the old CTU substation in Torrance.

Scott: Anything about when Jack will call in?

Heller: When they identify the man that Audrey saw.

Scott: I take it Jack and Audrey are nowhere near the CTU substation.

Heller: Right. We’re trying to flush out the mole.

Scott: Then you’ll need me to put a DOD com sat up all around this place.

Heller: If anyone sends out a communication containing the information you planted, that’s the spy.

Scott: Yes, sir.

Heller: Let’s go.


[Tony brings Jack and Audrey to his house.]

Tony: Watch your step. The dog next door likes our yard.

[They get inside the house.]

Tony: Here we are. Home sweet home.

Jack (to Audrey): Just stay here.

[Jack checks the house. Tony’s “friend” Jen gets out of a room and Jack pulls his gun out on her.]

Jen: Oh, God! Who the hell are you?

Tony: Hey, Jack, it’s OK. This is my friend Jen.

Jen: Tell him to play with his guns outside.

Jack: I’m sorry. Excuse me. I’m sorry.

Tony: What are you doing here anyway? I thought that you were working.

Jen: I’m going in late.

Tony: This is Jack and his friend Audrey. This is Jen.

Jack: Hi.

Jen: I saw you on TV today. You’re the daughter of the Secretary of Defense. You and your old man were kidnapped this morning.

Audrey: Yeah.

Jen: What’s going on?

Tony: I’m helping them out with something.

Jen: Could you be a little more specific?

Jack: We need to use Tony’s computer.

Jen: What, they don’t have computers where you work?

Tony: Listen, we have a situation here, all right? They need to lay low for a little bit. We can’t let anybody know they’re here, all right?

Jen: Whatever. I’m leaving anyway.

Jack: Tony.

Tony: Jen, you can’t go anywhere.

Jen: Why not?

Tony: We can’t leave until Jack and Audrey take off. We can’t take a chance.

Jen: What kind of chance? I work at a bar.

Jack: I’m sorry, Jen. We’re not gonna be long.

Jen: Look, stay as long as you want. I have a job. He doesn’t.

Audrey: Jen, can I talk to you for a second? Please.

Tony: I’m sorry.

Jack: No, she seems real sweet.

Audrey: Look, we were fighting for our lives a few minutes ago, and if it hadn’t been for Tony, we would have been dead. Now, I’ve been through a lot today, and I’m sure when this is all over, your boss will understand.

Jen: And if he doesn’t?

Audrey: I can have him killed.

Jen: Knock yourself out.

Audrey: Thank you. How are you guys making out?

Jack: Good. I just have to convert this so I can read it. Hopefully, you can make an ID from the surveillance video.

Tony: I have some software for that. I’m gonna dig it out.

Jack: Thanks.

Audrey: You told me about Tony, but I didn’t know that Michelle left him.

Jack: Yeah, a few months after he got out of prison.

Audrey: I thought he went to prison because of her. He saved her life and she paid him back by leaving him?

Jack: That’s how Tony sees it too. It didn’t happen exactly like that. When Tony got out of prison, he was angry. He couldn’t get a job. Personally, I don’t think he wanted one. He started drinking. He pushed her away.

Audrey: What is she doing now?

Jack: A Deputy Director over at Division.

Audrey: I hope he can help us.

Jack: If he can, he will.

Tony: All right, here we go.

Jack: You got it, Tony?

Tony: Yeah, right here.

[Tony hands Jack a CD.]

Jack: Thanks.

[Jack inserts the CD inside the drive.]

Jack: We’re in.


Heller: Start the ball rolling with Driscoll?

Scott: Yeah. I’m headed into her briefing now.

Heller: She’s not gonna be happy when she finds out we’re using her to flush out the mole.

Scott: I’m surprised you felt we need to keep her in the dark about this one.

Heller: As long as there’s a leak at CTU, we keep everyone in the dark.

Driscoll: Make sure that you’re on-line and that your databases are unlocked. As soon as Jack sends in the image, I need you to be able to move as quickly as possible to make this ID, OK?

Sarah: I don’t understand why Jack’s doing this at the old substation.

Driscoll: Apparently, he has technical reasons. I didn’t speak with him directly.

Sarah: Who did?

Scott: I did. He also asked that his whereabouts be kept strictly internal until he contacts us.

Driscoll: All right. Let’s go.

[After hearing this, Marianne goes back to her desk. She pulls out a digital voice recorder out of her purse.]

Marianne (into a digital voice recorder): Old CTU substation in Torrance.

[Marianne plugs the device into her system and types some commands on the keyboard.]


Audrey: I remember this lady. We saw him around here. There he is.

Jack: Are you sure that’s him?

Audrey: Yeah.

Jack: I’m gonna route this to the DC office.

[Jack picks up the phone to call his office at the Department of Defense in Washington.]

Jen: Oh, my God, I was there last Friday…

Jack: Tony, she’s on the phone. Get her for making calls.

[Tony goes inside Jen’s room.]

Jen: What, I can’t go to work, now I can’t talk on the phone?

Tony: Just give me the phone.

Jen: Go to hell!

Tony: Give me the damn phone!

Jen: Fine!

[Tony comes out with the phone and hands it over to Jack.]

Tony: Go ahead.

Jack: Thanks.

[Jack calls his office at the Department of Defense in Washington.]

Marcy: This is Marcy.

Jack: Marcy, it’s Jack. I’m sending you the image we need ID’d.

Marcy: We’re ready to receive.

Jack: OK.


Heller: You’re positive this came from her system?

Scott: Yeah. The voice has been digitalized and scrambled, but we were able to clean it up enough to make echo word “CTU substation”.

Heller: Where’s security?

Scott: On their way.

Heller: Thanks, Scott.

[Heller comes up to Driscoll’s office.]

Driscoll: Yes, Mr. Secretary?

Heller: Erin, I’m sorry to report there’s been a breach in CTU.

Driscoll: What?

Heller: The information Scott gave you about Jack is false.

Driscoll: What do you mean, false?

Heller: Jack and Audrey were ambushed at “Felsted Security”. They survived the attack. But it’s clear that someone in this office gave them up.

Driscoll: With all due respect, sir, you knew about this and you didn’t tell me?

Heller: Being left out of the loop is not something you should be concerned about.

Driscoll: I assume you’re telling me now because your sting operation yielded a result.

Heller: Yes, it did. Read that.

Driscoll: Where is she?

Heller: She’s about to be taken into custody. Join me.

[Driscoll and Heller go downstairs to arrest the spy in front of everyone at CTU.]

Sarah: Ms. Driscoll, what’s going on?

Driscoll: Go with these men.

Sarah: What for?

Heller: You’re under arrest, Gavin.

Driscoll: You’ve been passing classified information.

Sarah: What? What are you talking about?

Driscoll: Take her to holding.

Guard: This way.

Sarah: Holding? Ms. Driscoll. What are you doing? Ms. Driscoll, I haven’t done anything. Ms. Driscoll, this is a mistake. What is happening? Can you tell me what’s going on? I didn’t do anything. Please!

Driscoll: Get back to work.


[Borman orders Edgar and Marianne to send him all of Sarah’s files.]

Scott: I don’t care how you divide up her files. I just want everything off her system, and then sent to me. And enter new pass codes.

Edgar: We can’t just do this under your authority.

Curtis: Edgar. It’s OK.

Edgar: But he works with DOD, not CTU.

Curtis: Yeah, well, he’s the one who found the mole. And Heller wants to have him joined over. Finish up here and get back to station 2. The program resetter for the reactors has almost finished compiling.

Edgar: Can I see this?

Marianne: Sure.

Edgar: What makes you so sure Sarah’s the mole?

Scott: She was sending out encoded information about Jack Bauer.

Edgar: I don’t think she would compromise Bauer or the investigation.

Marianne: That’s how she was able to fool everybody, Edgar. She’s the last person you’d expect to do it.

Scott: All right. Just give me those files.

Edgar: It’s right here. 2:22 P.M. message sent. “Old CTU substation in Torrance.” Did doesn’t seem weird to you that she would leave it on her system like this?

Marianne: She didn’t just leave it, it was encrypted.

Edgar: Yeah, with a Bainbridge algorithm. Come on, it’s so old school it’s like saying, “please decode me.”

Marianne: Let’s face it, Sarah wasn’t the sharpest.


[In the holding room, Driscoll tries to interrogate Sarah, but she insists that she was set up.]

Sarah: Please, Ms. Driscoll. I promise you there’s been some kind of mistake.

Driscoll: How could there be a mistake? Your system was isolated. The massage was sent from it, while you were there.

Sarah: Somebody set me up. It’s the only explanation I can think of.

Driscoll: Tell me how that’s possible.

Sarah: Someone backed into my system through a subnet, planted something.

Driscoll: That’s the first thing we checked. None of them were compromised. Let’s stop playing games. Thousands of people’s lives are at stake. Where are the people who control the override?

Sarah: I don’t know. That’s what I was working on.

Driscoll: Who did you send the message about Jack to?

Sarah: I didn’t. Ms. Driscoll, I would never betray our country or endanger people’s lives. You know that.

Driscoll: Is it the same contact who coordinated the attempt on Jack and Audrey’s life at “Felsted Security”?

Sarah: I don’t know. It’s wasn’t me.

Driscoll: I learned my lesson today with Sherak, and I am no longer gonna air on the side of caution in these interrogations, do you get my meaning?

Sarah: I don’t know what to say.

[Torture specialist Eric Richards comes in with his tools.]

Sarah: Eric, no. Please, don’t do this. Eric. Ms. Driscoll.

[Eric tasers Sarah.]

Sarah: Please stop.

Driscoll: If you want it to stop, you tell me where the Dobson override is, and who has it.

Sarah: I swear I don’t know anything.

[Driscoll signals Eric to taser Sarah again.]

Sarah: Wait. There’s gotta be an explanation for this. You gotta give me some time to think.

[Eric tasers Sarah again.]

Driscoll: Talk to me, Sarah. Talk to me.

Sarah: Ms. Driscoll, I’m not a spy. I’m not. Please, believe me.

[Driscoll walks out of the interrogation room, leaving Sarah with Eric, who keeps torturing her.]

Sarah: Ms. Driscoll, please.

Driscoll: I’m concerned.

Heller: You think you can break her in time?

Driscoll: I can break her in time, if she’s guilty.

Heller: According to Scott, there is no way that this could be a mistake.

Driscoll: I agree, it’s hard evidence. But I’ve known Sarah for eight months, and she doesn’t fit the profile.

Heller: How do you wanna handle it?

Driscoll: I’ll watch for a few more minutes, then I’ll go back in.

Heller: I’ll brief Jack.

Sarah: Eric, please. Please. Eric. No!


Audrey: What are you doing?

Jack: Just checking the surveillance from later that night to see who he was talking to.

Audrey: Did you find anything?

Jack: No, not yet.

Tony: Anybody want a beer?

Audrey: I could use one.

[Jack’s cell phone rings.]

Jack: This is Bauer.

Heller: We found our mole.

Jack: Who is it?

Heller: Sarah Gavin. Works in com.

Jack: Was she working alone?

Heller: As far as we know.

Jack: OK, I’ll call Marcy, tell her the CTU channels are open. We’ll tart sharing data.

Heller: How’s Audrey doing?

Jack: She’s good. She’s resting.

[Tony watches TV. He pours himself some beer.]

Jack: Sir, I think now would be a good time to send someone to have her picked up. We’re at 21408 Kipling, north Hollywood.

Heller: What’s there?

Jack: A friend.

Heller: I’ll send the Secret Service.

Jack: Thank you, sir.

[Jack hangs up.]

Jack: Your father’s sending someone to pick you up, take you back to CTU.

Audrey: OK.

[Jack shuts the TV off.]

Tony: Don’t you think you’ve made me miss enough TV today, Jack?

Jack: Why did you never call me?

Tony: For what?

Jack: I’ve been there. I can help.

Tony: I’m considered a traitor to this country. My wife left me. So how are you gonna help me, huh, Jack?

Jack: Yeah.

Tony: Look, I owed you for getting me out of prison. But today I repaid that debt. To tell you the truth, all you do is remind me of a past I’m trying to forget. So why don’t you do me a favor? Do what you need to do here, and let’s leave it at that. All right?

Jack: Yeah.

[Jack turns the TV back on for Tony.]


[Dina is treated at a hospital.]

Doctor Martinez: So how did this happen?

Dina: I was working in the yard, and backed into a nail that sticks out of our gate.

Doctor Martinez: This looks like a gunshot wound.

Dina: I’m afraid it was nothing that exciting, doctor.

Behrooz: It was my fault. I was supposed to fix that gate last week.

Doctor Martinez: All right. You’re gonna need a tetanus shot.

Dina: Thank you, doctor.

Doctor Martinez: Yeah. I’ll be right back.

[The doctor leaves the room.]

Dina: Go watch him.

[Behrooz sees the doctor say something to a nurse.]

Dina: What’s going on?

Behrooz: He said something to the nurse.

Dina: Did he make a phone call?

Behrooz: Not that I could see.

Dina: Did she?

Behrooz: No.

Dina: Good.

Behrooz: Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if they call the police. At least the police can protect us from father.

Dina: It would be bad, to go to jail for the rest of our lives. That’s what will happen.

Behrooz: So where are we going to go after we leave here?

Dina: We can get out of the city and stay somewhere for a couple of days. I can arrange for us to get out of the country.

[Behrooz hugs his mother.]


[Jack’s cell phone rings.]

Jack: Yeah?

Marcy: Jack, it’s Marcy. We got a match.

Jack: Who is it?

Marcy: His name is Henry Powell. I posted everything on the secure site.

Jack: Hold on a second.

[Jack enters the secure site using Tony’s computer.]

Jack: OK, I got it.

Marcy: He’s a computer consultant. He used to work for “McLennen Forster”.

Jack: Wait a second, “McLennen Forster”? They’re the Defense contractors that designed the override device controlling the power plants.

Marcy: Yeah, well, he’s not there anymore, but he freelances for them, and he’s definitely still in LA.

Jack: How do you know that?

Marcy: Because he’s trying to leave the city. We just found out he’s scheduled a chopper to meet him in Van Nuys in 15 minutes.

Jack: I thought all air traffic had been grounded.

Marcy: It is. He must have some well-connected friend. He got a special clearance.

Jack: Son of a bitch. Where in Van Nuys?

Marcy: A helipad at the match mart building.

Jack: OK, I’m gonna want you to ground his flight, but not until I get there. I don’t want him to see me coming.

[Tony looks out the window and sees Secret Service arrive to pick Audrey up.]

Tony: Jack, they’re here.

Marcy: Can you make it in time?

Jack: I’m gonna try.

[Jack hangs up.]

Jack (to Audrey): Get your things. We gotta go.

[Jack goes outside.]

Davis: Agent Davis, Secret Service.

Jack: Jack Bauer. You’re gonna take the Secretary’s daughter straight back to CTU.

Davis: Those are our orders.

Jack: OK. You got a car for me?

Davis: It’s right over there.

[Davis hands Jack the keys to the car.]

Jack: Thank you. Audrey. They’re ready.

[Audrey comes out.]

Jack: This is Agent Davis. He’s gonna take care of you.

Audrey: OK.

[Audrey kisses Jack.]

Audrey: Be careful.

Jack: I will. You too.

[Audrey gets inside the car. Jack calls CTU.]

Agent: CTU, Peters.

Jack: This is Jack. Let me speak to Erin Driscoll.

Agent: Right away.

[Jack gets back inside Tony’s house.]

Driscoll: Jack, I just got the file on Henry Powell. I’m going through it now.

Jack: He’s trying to leave the city. I’ve gotta get over to Van Nuys.

Driscoll: you want air backup?

Jack: No, I wanna keep a low profile. I don’t wanna spook him.

Driscoll: As soon as I can get you a ground package is 30 minutes.

Jack: That’s gonna be too long.

Driscoll: When is this flight due to take off?

Jack: Less than 15 minutes.

Driscoll: What do you wanna do, Jack?

Jack: He’s most likely on his own. I’m gonna have to try and handle this myself.

Driscoll: All right. I’ll send a team anyway.

Jack: I’ll be in touch.

[Jack hangs up.]

Tony: What are you gonna try and handle by yourself?

Jack: Don’t worry about it, it’s covered.

Tony: Jack, it’d be pretty stupid of me to let you die right after I risked my life trying to save you. Could you use my help?

Jack: Yeah.

Tony: All right. Let’s go.

[Jack and Tony leave. Jen sees this.]


[Edgar asks Curtis about Sarah.]

Edgar: Curtis.

Curtis: Yeah, Edgar?

Edgar: Has Sarah confessed to anything yet?

Curtis: No.

Edgar: What are they doing to her?

Curtis: Don’t worry about it, just get back to work, all right?

[Edgar goes back to his desk, eyeing Marianne warily. Marianne goes over to Curtis.]

Marianne: Curtis, what did Edgar want?

Curtis: What do you care?

Marianne: You should let him know we need his full attention.

Curtis: Get back to your station.

[Marianne goes back to her station.]


[The doctor tends to Dina’s wound. He has a syringe ready to be injected.]

Dina: What is that?

Doctor Martinez: Just something to numb the arm so that I can close the wound.

Dina: OK.

[The doctor injects the contents of the syringe into Dina’s arm.]

Doctor Martinez: I really wish you’d let me admit you. This wound is serious. There’s a chance of an infection in it.

[Behrooz notices a hospital security guard talking to a nurse.]

Dina: No, doctor, please. Do whatever you can and we’ll leave.

[Behrooz goes over towards the door.]

Dina: Behrooz, where are you going?

Behrooz: I’ll be right back, mom.

[Behrooz looks outside and sees a police car.]

Behrooz: Mom, the police are here.

Dina: Did you call the police?

Doctor Martinez: This is a gunshot wound.

Dina: I told you it wasn’t.

Doctor Martinez: Then why are you acting so strangely?

[Behrooz pushes the doctor aside, and helps his mother out of the ward. He grabs medical supplies on his way out.]

Behrooz: Let’s go.

Doctor Martinez: You shouldn’t leave! You need treatment. Susan! Susan! Yes, get security.

Behrooz: Wait.

[Behrooz covers up Dina’s wound with her jacket.]

Behrooz: Let’s go. Come on. Come on.

[Behrooz and Dina quickly get in their car and speed away. The police are too late to stop them.]


[Edgar tells Marianne that he finally has bumped up her security clearance.]

Edgar: Marianne?

Marianne: What is it, Edgar?

Edgar: About an hour ago you asked me to bump up your security clearance. I was a little busy with the override, but I finally got it for you.

Marianne: Great. Thanks. What?

Edgar: You’ll need to pick a password. I set up the screen on server 5.

[Edgar gives Marianne a screen for her to enter her new password.]

Edgar: There you go. You need to use the same password as the one that unlocks your system files.

Marianne: OK.

[As Marianne types, the password appears on Edgar’s system and he is able to access her files. Marianne becomes suspicious when Edgar keeps looking over at her. Edgar sees the message Marianne recorded about Jack’s whereabouts. She confronts him.]

Marianne: Edgar. Why do you keep looking at me?

Edgar: I don’t keep looking at you.

Marianne: Let’s go outside. I wanna talk to you in private.

Edgar: I don’t wanna talk to you in private. I have a lot of work to do.

Marianne: It is getting incredibly tedious, Edgar, to have to remind you repeatedly that I could step into Driscoll’s office any moment and have you fired.

[Curtis walks by. Edgar goes over to him.]

Edgar: Curtis. I need to talk to you.

Curtis: What is it?

Edgar: I need you to walk with me to Driscoll’s office.

Curtis: Walk with you?

Edgar: Please, Curtis.

Curtis: Let’s go.

[Marianne watches nervously as Edgar accompanies Curtis to Driscoll’s office. Driscoll’s talking to Scott.]

Driscoll: If Sarah’s guilty…

Curtis: I’m sorry to interrupt.

Driscoll: What is it?

Edgar: You got the wrong person. Sarah’s not guilty of anything.

Driscoll: How do you know?

Edgar: Because I’ve just sneaked into Marianne’s system. She used Sarah’s to communicate outside of CTU. Made it look like Sarah was the one.

Scott: That’s not possible. Sarah’s workstation was isolated from the subnet.

Edgar: She didn’t use the subnet.

Scott: How’d she get through?

Edgar: She used a plain ac power line.

Scott: What?

Edgar: That’s the last place anybody would ever look. Plus, it has plenty of bandwidth to carry the signal.

Curtis: Where is she?

[Curtis goes outside of Driscoll’s office to look for Marianne.]

Curtis: She’s gonna leave the building. Lock down the exit!

[Curtis chases after Marianne as she leaves the building. In the parking lot, he places her under arrest.]

Curtis: You’re under arrest.

[Curtis throws Marianne’s purse to another agent.]

Curtis: Examine her contents.

[Curtis throws Marianne’s car keys to another agent.]

Curtis: Impound her car. Strip and search it. I got her.

[As the agent puts the key in the door, Marianne’s car explodes in a fireball. Marianne is knocked unconscious on the ground.]


[Powell reaches his helicopter.]

Pilot: Mr. Powell?

Powell: Yeah. Let’s go.

Pilot: I’m sorry, sir. We can’t.

Powell: What?

Pilot: The flight’s been grounded.

Powell: No, “McLennen Forster” has special ordinates. The paper work was sent.

Pilot: I know, but the order was superseded.

Powell: By whom?

Pilot: The Department of Defense.

[Powell pulls out a gun and forces the pilot to take him up.]

Powell: You’re going to fly me out of here.

Pilot: Please, sir.

Powell: Now! Get in.

[The pilot and Powell get inside the helicopter.]

Pilot: All right. Where are we going?

Powell: Just get us in the air and fly east.

[Jack and Tony arrive at the helipad as the rotors fire up.]

Jack: There it is.

[Jack and Tony surround the chopper with their guns raised.]

Tony: Do not take off! Do not take off!

Powell: Get us in the air!

Pilot: Hey. Hey.

Powell: Let’s go! Let’s go!

Pilot: Hey. Come on.

Tony: Shut it down!

Powell: I said now!

Tony: Put your hands up and don’t shoot.

Powell: Come on. Move! Hurry up!

[Jack opens the helicopter’s door, and comes up behind Powell.]

Jack: Drop the weapon now! Now!

[Powell drops his weapon.]

Tony: Step out. Shut down the engine. Get out. Now.

Jack: Get out of the helicopter. Move! Move!

[Jack throws Powell on the ground.]

Jack: Let me see your hands. Now! Get up! Move!

Powell: Where are you taking me? I haven’t done anything.

Jack: Put your hands on the roof of the truck.

Powell: The people I know, they’ll pay you.

[Jack searches Powell for weapons.]

Jack: Shut up!

[Jack takes Powell’s cell phone of out his pocket.]

Jack: I got his cell phone. Bring me the bag. Put your hands behind your back.


[Audrey gets to CTU. She hugs her father.]


[Sarah is taken out of the interrogation room.]


[Tony brings Jack Powell’s bag. Jack searches it.]

Powell: Who are you guys? The police? FBI?

Tony: Actually, I’m currently unemployed.

Powell: I’ll make it worth your while.

Jack: Put him in the back.

Tony: Come on.

[Suddenly, a shot rings out and Powell is hit in the chest by a sniper hiding on a nearby rooftop. Tony checks Powell’s pulse.]

Tony: He’s dead, Jack.

Jack: Dammit!

Kikavu ?

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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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