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24 heures chrono
#415 : 21h00 - 22h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 4 guide des épisodes

Marwan retient prisonnier Jack Bauer. Il compte l’utiliser pour se divertir et ainsi mettre la CAT sur de fausses pistes. Plus tard, il désire échanger Berhooz contre Bauer pour donner l’illusion aux fédéraux que Berhooz possède des informations très importantes.
Pendant que la CAT cherche le lien qui lie Marwan et Berhooz, Mitch Anderson veut accéder au Phoenix, en se faisant passer pour un militaire. Cependant, un contre temps survient, il ne peut pas décoller, son avion reste au sol.


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO
9:00pm - 10:00pm

Titre VF
21h00 - 22h00


4 Season 4 Episode 15 Promo

4 Season 4 Episode 15 Promo


Plus de détails


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Kim Raver : Audrey Raines
• Roger Cross : Curtis Manning

Special guest stars

• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• and Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler

Guest starring

• Arnold Vosloo : Habib Marwan
• Louis Lombardi : Edgar Stiles
• James Morrison : Bill Buchanan
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• Cameron Bancroft : Lee Castle
• Anthony Azizi : Rafique
• Ned Vaughn : Mitch Anderson
• Navid Negahban : Abdullah


• Cliff Weissman : Horter (as "Chief Mechanic")
• Bryce Lenon : Mechanic
• Carmen Molinari : Meg
• Gino Salvano : Anwar
• Heather Salmon : Deborah (as "CTU Nurse")
• Butch Klein : Agent Richards
• Henry M. Kingi, Jr. : Terrorist

Chloe aprends que la police locale a trouvé le fourgon abandonné et que le corps de Dina était à l'intérieur. Michelle informe le personnel de la CTU que Marwan pourrait tenir Jack. Jack se réveille dans un autre fourgon. Il entend Marwan parlant au téléphone à Anderson. Il lui indique que le vol qu'il est censé piloter ne va peut etre pas décoller en raison des difficultés techniques.

Marwan l'avertit qu'il n'ont plus beaucoup de temps. Un mécanicien informe Anderson que la pièce cassée pour l'avion ne sera pas disponible avant le matin. L'homme n'a pas encore informé son officier mécanique en chef qu'Anderson tire en pleine la tête, a bout portant.

Tony veut informer Audrey au sujet de la situation de Jack, mais Michelle ne veut pas qu'Audrey interfère aucune de leurs décisions. Michelle finit par informer à Audrey que Jack est absent et pourrait être jugé captif par Marwan. Audrey est énervé, et elle exige que Michelle le récupère. Marwan et ses hommes apportent Jack à leur planque et l'enchaînent autour d'un poteau.

Marwan demande si le gouvernement a n'importe quels autres liens à leur parcelle de terrain. Jack l'accuse d'échouer dans son programme-cadre. La garde claque Jack avec une pipe en métal. Un des gardes alerte Marwan qu'on a annoncé la police au sujet de la famille absente du pilote de l'Armée de l'Air.

Puisqu'il était un fonctionnaire militaire, on annoncera rapidement les agences fédérales. Marwan veut distraire la CTU de sorte qu'ils ne réalisent pas la signification de ce rapport.

9:10 P.M. Marwan interroge Jack au sujet de Behrooz sans dire pourquoi il est intéressé. Jack dit à Marwan d'appeler la CTU lui-même. Quand Marwan part de la salle, Jack note une boîte de panneau de téléphone dans la proximité à ses mains enchaînées.

Chloé et Edgar discutent au sujet de l'ancienneté. Elle avait supposé qu'elle serait entièrement rétablie dans son vieux travail. Curtis confirme que, pour le jour, Edgar sera son surveillant sur le papier. Chloe accepte ce marché malgrès qu'elle ne pense pas qu'il est juste. Marwan téléphone à la CTU et demande à parler au directeur.

Edgar a installé des filtres et des traceurs à l'appel. Michelle prends l'appelle, et Marwan lui indique qu'il veut échangé Jack contre Behrooz. Il raccroche trop vite, et la CTU n'a pas eu le temps de le tracer. Personne ne sait pourquoi Behrooz est la cible de Marwan. Marwan demande a un associé de l'informer dès le moment où les informations sur la disparition de la famille du pilote seront envoyés a la CTU. Michelle demande à Curtis d'interrogé le garçon.

Tony suggère à Curtis qu'ils appliquent la pression physique sur Behrooz parce qu'ils manquent de temps. Curtis demande à Richards, le spécialiste en torture, de venir. Audrey demande à Tony s'ils ont n'importe quelles nouvelles mises à jour. Il la fait savoir que Jack est vivant et que Marwan veut l'échangé contre Behrooz.

Tony l'avertit que l'échange peut même ne pas se produire. Curtis interroge Behrooz sans le faire savoir que Dina est mort. Il devient physiquement puissant, et Behrooz maintient qu'il ne sait rien au sujet de Marwan. Richards entre dans la salle avec sa seringue de confiance. Behrooz pleure dehors dans la terreur.

9:22 P.M. Marwan appelle Michelle avec l'endroit pour l'échange. Elle demande la preuve que Jack est vivant, et les prises de Marwan le téléphone dehors. Jack crie rapidement qu'il est dans un centre ville abandonné d'entrepôt. Marwan raccroche. Jack dit à Marwan qu'il est dépensable et que CTU ne renoncera pas à Behrooz s'il est si valable.

 On annonce Marwan que le rapport de personne absente a été envoyé à CTU. Edgar reçoit une notation horaire de rapport de LAPD, et il demande à Chloe ce qu'elle fait habituellement avec ces rapports. Chloe lui indique qu'il doit passer par lui parce qu'il est "le patron".

Edgar, occupé le remet au loin à Meg. Habillé dans les combinaisons du mécanicien mort, Anderson indique à l'officier mécanique en chef que la partie défectueuse était seulement une alarme fausse.

L'officier approuve le vol pour le décollage. Audrey devient gêné, et Chloe fait des excuses pour son manque de tranchant inadéquat. Behrooz, dopé est diminué phisiquement car il ne fournit à Curtis aucune vraie information sur Marwan. Le mégohm alerte Chloe que la famille d'un pilote de l'Armée de l'Air est absente, mais Chloe indique qu'Edgar est responsable et devrait le manipuler. Le mégohm brûle l'information sur un disque. Chloe avertit Edgar que le mégohm a quelque chose pour lui.

9:32 P.M. Tony fait savoir à Audrey savoir qu'ils n'ont toujours pas décidé si aller en avant de pair avec l'échange pour Jack. Michelle présente le personnel pour afficher Buchanan de la Division. Un balayage du corps de Behrooz a prouvé qu'il n'y avait pas quelque chose implanté.

Puisque la trace de la CTU sur Jack et Dina a prouvé stérile, Buchanan croit que cet échange est leur seulement fortuit pour localiser Marwan. Anderson indique à Marwan qu'il devrait être aéroporté en trente minutes. Jack, en attendant, a tordu les fils dans la boîte de panneau de téléphone pour causer des étincelles. Les gangsters de Marwan entrent dans la salle.

Tandis que toujours menotté autour du poteau, Jack frappe les deux vers le bas avec ses pieds. Ceci les distrait efficacement de la boîte. Les hommes soumettent Jack et le mènent dehors.

9:41 P.M. Meg apporte à Edgar un disque avec la vérification sur le rapport de la personne absente de la famille de pilote de l'Armée de l'Air. Il est trop occupé pour le regarder. Tony apporte à Audrey les nouvelles que la CTU, l'échange aura lieu entre Jack et Behrooz .

Il est honnête au sujet du fait que Jack est dépensable. Curtis indique à Behrooz qu'il sera échangé à Marwan pour un agent. Il dit également que Dina sait ceci. Ils mettent une montre avec un émetteur sur lui et injectent un autre émetteur dans sa tête. Tony assigne Edgar à la connexion une alimentation visuelle au fourgon où Behrooz est transporté. Edgar met le disque du mégohm de côté. Chloe surveille les deux dispositifs de cheminement sur Behrooz.

Marwan appelle Michelle avec des instructions finales au sujet du transfert. Il accroche vers le haut, et commande ses hommes tuer Jack une fois qu'ils ont Behrooz.

9:51 P.M.. Pendant qu'ils conduisent vers le point de réunion, Curtis indique à Behrooz qu'il va les mener là où à Marwan est. Behrooz sait que ceci ne présage pas bien pour lui. Marwan a décider encore quoi faire avec Behrooz une fois qu'il l'a. Le fourgon de CTU arrive près d'un barrage, et les promenades Behrooz de Curtis hors de Marwan envoie sa voiture à la même tache. Quoique Marwan ne soit pas au point de réunion, Buchanan commande CTU pour se poursuivre par l'échange. Behrooz marche vers Jack et l'interroge au sujet de Dina.

Jack se trouve et dit qu'il ne sait pas où elle est. Behrooz obtient dans le fourgon des terroristes, et Marwan donne le signal pour son tireur isolé à la mise à mort Jack. Soudainement, un tireur isolé de CTU sort le tireur isolé de Marwan d'abord. Les ops de champ saisissent Jack et le jettent dans le fourgon. Questions de Jack pourquoi ils ont remis le garçon.

Jack appelle Tony et explique qu'il a court-circuité hors de certaines des lignes téléphoniques dans la planque de Marwan. Il veut que CTU trouve des obstructions de service téléphonique dans un rayon du barrage.

Les hommes de Marwan repèrent le dispositif de cheminement sur la montre de Behrooz et l'enlèvent. Ils lui disent que Dina est mort. Ils également trouvent l'émetteur injecté dans sa tête et le découpent dehors avec un couteau. Chloe voit que les deux dispositifs de cheminement ont été obstrués. Elle demande Edgar l'aide en installant le satellite à la voie Behrooz dans le fourgon.

Edgar indique il a trouvé quelque chose dans la police locale rapporte qu'elle devrait voir, mais Chloe veut qu'il fasse le satellite d'abord.

9:59 P.M.. Tony obtient des coordonnées sur l'endroit de Marwan. Il commande les équipes tactiques être envoyées là. Anderson assure Marwan qu'il est sur le point de volé dans le ciel.

Anderson est dans l'habitacle d'un combattant de discrétion de F-117A voyagent en jet pendant qu'il roule dehors sur le macadam.

Transcript by Nina Meyers - Posted on TWIZ TV.COM

Episode 4X15: 9:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Original Air Date: 03/28/2005

TM & © 2005 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.


Previously on 24:

Paul: Jack, look out!

Jack: Paul! Get me a medic! Medic!

Medic: He's losing pressure. I need ten cc's of adrenaline, no compression.

Jack: It happened so fast, he was hit before I could do anything.

Audrey: How bad is it?

Jack: We don't know. We just don't know.

Audrey: Please tell me he's not gonna die.


Dina: Why should I help you?

Jack: I'm offering you your freedom, Dina. You and Behrooz will be put in a witness protection program. You'd be given new names, identities, everything.

Dina: What do you need me to do?

Jack: I need you to go to Fayed and tell him that you need to speak to Marwan.

Dina: He won't let me through his front door, let alone get near Marwan.

Jack: He will when you tell him that you've got a hostage that can help him.

Dina: Who?

Jack: Me.

Dina: What if Fayed doesn't believe us?

Jack: Then we're both dead.

Fayed: Close the door! Put your gun over there. Do it!

Marwan: What is it?

Fayed: A woman named Dina Araz came to me.

Marwan: What does she want?

Fayed: She wants to bring you a hostage. A CTU agent named Jack Bauer.


Marwan: You've caused me a lot of trouble, Mr. Bauer. Kill him. Just what I thought.


Marwan: Meet them at the hotel.

Anderson: I'll need his entire flight package, including clearance and identification codes.

Marwan: You'll have whatever you need.

Anderson: Get your things. We got a plane to catch.


John: Let me talk to my family.

Anderson: Your family is dead, and so are you.


The following takes place between 9:00 P.M. and 10:00 P.M.

Michelle: Edgar, have you found any way to locate Jack?

Edgar: We're trying, but Marwan wasn't stupid. He covered his tracks.

Chloe: Michelle.

Michelle: What do we have, Chloe?

Chloe: Local PD found the van that Jack and Dina were in.

Michelle: Where?

Chloe: It was abandoned at an industrial warehouse at the far end of San Fernando road. Dina's body was in it.

Michelle: OK. Tell local police to look for witnesses. We need a license plate, something to follow. Edgar, pull up satellite from 8:45 to 9:00 O'clock.

Edgar: I'm on it.

Michelle: All right, everyone, listen up. Jack Bauer is missing. There's a good chance he's being held by our primary target, Habib Marwan. Because we believe Marwan is preparing for another domestic attack today we need to pull all our resources to find him. All com teams coordinate with Edgar. Thank you.


[Jack wakes up in the back of another van. Marwan's cell phone rings. Jack listens as Marwan takes the call.]

Marwan: Yes?

Anderson: There's a problem.

Marwan: What?

Anderson: I got into the base through both layers of security using the pilot's ID. Just as I was about to do a pre-fly check they grounded the plane.

Marwan: Why?

Anderson: Checking the trouble sensor. They might have to swap out a defective part.

Marwan: How long will it take?

Anderson: I don't know yet.

Marwan: Resolve this now. It's time to hand your money, Mr. Anderson. The window of opportunity on the target closes in an hour.

Anderson: I understand.

[Anderson hangs up. He approaches a mechanic to find out more about the plane's situation.]

Anderson: Excuse me.

Mechanic: Yes, sir?

Anderson: You're working on the Phoenix?

Mechanic: Yes, Captain. Sent me down from Hawkins. You're taking her up?

Anderson: That's the plan. What's the ETA on getting me into the air?

Mechanic: Well, the trouble sensor was correct, sir. There was an aniline fracture on one of your strut pins, but, uh, replacement won't be until morning.

Anderson: Is that the only problem? Strut pin?

Mechanic: Well, yes, sir, but it'd be one hell of a problem when you try to land. We were assembling with the sin gram impact. The only way out would be to parachute out and hope the jet doesn't come down on anyone.

Anderson: Did you make your report to the Chief Mechanical Officer?

Mechanic: I was just about to head over there right now, Captain. And then I'm gonna head over to Ventura for a little R & R.

Anderson: It sounds great. Don't let me hold you up.

Mechanic: Thanks, sir.

[The mechanic turns around to leave. Anderson shoots him in the head.]


Tony: Thanks. ME says Dina's been dead for less than 30 minutes. We can only assume that that's when Marwan grabbed Jack.

Michelle: What's the search range on Jack and Marwan?

Tony: Fifteen hundred square miles, but it's increasing by the minute.

Michelle: What about chatter?

Tony: Well, I filtered through everything that came from Langley, NSA and Interpol. None of it's correlating right now.

Michelle: And volume?

Tony: It's actually slowing down, which may mean that we've incurred all the damage we will today.

Michelle: Or could be the calm before the storm.

Tony: Yeah. The one thing we know for sure is that if Jack's alive, he'll find a way to contact us.

Michelle: We jut have to wait until we pick up a thread on Marwan.

Tony: Yeah.

Michelle: Tony.

Tony: Yeah?

Michelle: So I heard Jack called you earlier today.

Tony: Yeah.

Michelle: And that you saved his life.

Tony: Well, we both know I owed him one, right? Look, Audrey's been waiting for her husband to get out of surgery. I think we should tell her about Jack.

Michelle: Why?

Tony: They're involved.

Michelle: She's married.

Tony: Separated.

Michelle: Well, then I prefer not to tell her anything.

Tony: Why?

Michelle: Because we may have to make a very tough call on how Jack's capture plays out.

Tony: Well, Michelle, she's a professional. She knows that's a possibility. I think it'd be wrong to keep it from her.

Michelle: I don't want her interfering.

Tony: I think she has a right to know. But, hey, you're the boss. It's your call.

Audrey: Excuse me.

Tony: How's Paul doing?

Audrey: He's still in surgery. I won't know until he gets out. Have you heard anything from Jack?

Michelle: Jack is missing.

Audrey: Missing?

Michelle: We think he was taken by Habib Marwan.

Audrey: Oh, my God. What are we doing to get him back?

Michelle: Everything we can.

Audrey: How did this happen? I thought we were tracking him. He's supposed to be protected.

Michelle: No one is fully protected in the field.

Audrey: Who was in charge of this operation?

Michelle: I was.

Audrey: Get him back, Michelle.


[Marwan and his men bring Jack to their hideout and chain him to a pipe.]

Marwan: I have a few simple questions. If you answer them, there's a chance you might survive today.

Jack: Don't waste your time.

Marwan: You located me through a man named Joseph Fayed, who you might be interested to know, has since martyred himself. It would help me if I knew he was the only link you had to me.

Jack: Whatever you've planned next is going to fail, just like everything else you've tried today.

Marwan: Fail? Almost 40 dead in the train crash, many more near the San Gabriel island nuclear plant.

Jack: That wasn't really your plan, was it? We managed to stop the other 103 power plants from melting down. That's what America will remember, that we stopped you.

Marwan: No. They'll remember the image of Secretary of Defense Heller held hostage on your own soil, and it will burn in their psyches. This country will forever be afraid to let their leaders again public.

Jack: For all the hatred that you have for this country, you don't understand it very well. Whatever you throw at us, I promise you, that'll never happen.

[Marwan leaves and enters an adjacent room where on of the guard approaches him to alert him of a problem.]

Guard: Marwan, we have a problem.

Marwan: What is it?

Guard: The family of the pilot that we killed.

Marwan: What about them? We've disposed of the bodies, right?

Guard: Yes, yes, but a relative showed up at the house and became suspicious when no one was home. He called the police and they're now looking into it.

Marwan: Has it gotten to CTU yet?

Guard: No, but this man was a military pilot. If it will be flagged by other agencies, it'll get to CTU within the hour. What do you think we should do?

Marwan: We have to make sure CTU is too busy to realize its significance. Distract them.

Guard: How?

[Marwan goes back to the room where Jack is being held.]

Marwan: Tell me about the boy.

Jack: What boy?

Marwan: Behrooz Araz.

Jack: What do you care about him for?

Marwan: Does CTU have him in custody?

Jack: Yes, he's safe.

Marwan: You answered the question. Are you telling me the truth?

Jack: Call CTU. Ask them yourself.

[Marwan leaves the room again. Jack notices a telephone panel box in proximity to his chained hands.]


[Chloe can't get into the central server. She calls Edgar for the password.]

Edgar: Edgar Stiles.

Chloe: Edgar, what's the new password for the central server?

Edgar: I'll get you on.

Chloe: No, don't get me on, just give me the password so I can access it whenever I want to.

Edgar: It's not your area anymore.

Chloe: What are you talking about? You work for me.

Edgar: No, I worked for you. Worked, with an ed at the end, past tense.

Chloe: Edgar, I've been reinstated, so quit being territorial and just give me the password.

Edgar: No.

[Chloe gets up and approaches Curtis.]

Chloe: Curtis, could you please explain to Edgar that I've been rehired to resume my position as Head of Comm?

Curtis: Things have changed, Chloe. Edgar took over for you. You'll be working for him now.

Chloe: You're kidding. Michelle called me in because things were falling apart here under Edgar. Now give me my command or I walk.

Curtis: You'll have equal authority. Just on paper it has to look like you work for him.

Chloe: Well, I'm not gonna do that as a matter of principal.

Curtis: You'll be bumped up to a term-4 analyst. That's 35 percent of your present salary, plus bonus.

Chloe: Well, I should be getting that anyway, and that's not my point. Edgar works for me.

Curtis: Not today, Chloe.

Chloe: Fine. What's the password to the central server?

Curtis: CIS15A.

Chloe: Thanks.

[Chloe goes back to her workstation.]

Edgar: Curtis. A man who says he's Habib Marwan is on line 1. He wants to speak to the Director of CTU.

Curtis: Put it through a high-res filter, activate all tracers and recorders.

Curtis: Michelle. Someone who claims to be Habib Marwan's on line. He wants to talk to you.

Michelle: Are you prepped for the call?

Curtis: Yeah. Take it there.

Michelle: Put him through. This is Michelle Dessler, Director of CTU. To whom am I speaking?

Marwan: This is Habib Marwan. Jack Bauer is alive and in my custody.

Michelle: I'll need to speak to him.

Marwan: I'll return him to you unharmed in exchange for Behrooz Araz. I will give you ten minutes to secure clearances with your people.

Michelle: I need more time before I can agree to that.

Marwan: Ten minutes. I will call you then with exact details on how the exchange is to proceed.

[Marwan hangs up.]

Michelle: Did you get a trace?

Edgar: No.

Michelle: All right, confirm Marwan's identity off voice, and process Behrooz Araz. We may need to move him.

Edgar: Got it.

Curtis: Why is Behrooz Araz worth trading for Jack?

Michelle: I don't know. Have all tactical teams meet me in the situation room.

Curtis: Yeah.


Marwan: Have the local police sent the report about the pilot and his missing family to CTU yet?

Guard: I don't think so, but our contact at LAPD says that the report has been flagged. It will go out to all the agencies within the next 15 minutes.

Marwan: If CTU gets a hold of it even a minute too soon, they'll be able to stop us. You need to tell me the second that report gets released.

Guard: Yes, Marwan.


Michelle: Marwan wants to exchange Jack Bauer for Behrooz Araz. The obvious question is why.

Tony: The way I see it, there are two possibilities; One, there's a personal connection. Two, Behrooz has information that can damage Marwan.

Michelle: I agree. Edgar, have your team sift through everything we have on Behrooz Araz. Go back as far as you can and see if there's a family link between him and Marwan. Did the initial interrogation reveal that Behrooz knew anything that might make him valuable to Marwan?

Tony: No, but the main focus was on the mother. We really didn't push him very hard.

Michelle: Curtis, push harder. See what you can find, but do it now. My guess is Marwan will wanna make this exchange within the hour. Tony, monitor him from the observation room. Chloe, what do we have on audio?

Chloe: I was able to get some voice memos from McLennan Forster. The voice print matched - it was Marwan.

Tony: So how are you gonna handle this?

Curtis: The kid thinks his mother made a deal to protect him. The first thing we have to do is let him think that deal's off.

Tony: No, we can't use a psychological approach. It's too slow.

Curtis: What are you suggesting?

Tony: Well, I think he's just gonna drag us feet unless we put some physical pressure on him.

Curtis: He's just a scared kid. I'm pretty sure he's given us everything he knows.

Tony: You're pretty sure?

Curtis: I'll call Richards.

Audrey: Tony.

Tony: Go ahead. I'll catch up.

[Curtis leaves.]

Audrey: Have you heard anything on Jack?

Tony: Yeah, we just got some information a couple of minutes ago.

Audrey: Why didn't you let me know?

Tony: I'm sorry, Audrey, but things are going pretty fast here. Look, Jack's alive. He is being held by Marwan.

Audrey: How did you confirm that?

Tony: Marwan contacted us.

Audrey: He contacted you? Why would he do that?

Tony: He wants to make a trade - Jack for Behrooz.

Audrey: When is that gonna happen?

Tony: Well, we don't know if it is gonna happen.

Audrey: What do you mean?

Tony: Look, if he wants to make this trade, it means that Behrooz has tactical value. If that's the case, then we may have to hold onto him. Look, there's a lot of stuff we have to go over before anything happens. I'll keep you posted, but right now I have to get in that room with Behrooz, all right?

Audrey: Thank you.


Curtis: All right. Keep it that level. Let me know if the reading's fluctuating.

Tony: Remember, he doesn't know that his mother's dead.

Curtis: I know.

[Curtis enters the holding room.]

Curtis: Hello, Behrooz.

Behrooz: How much longer do I have to stay here?

Curtis: These things take time.

Behrooz: Where's my mother?

Curtis: She's still in the field.

Behrooz: With Jack Bauer? Is she OK?

Curtis: Yeah, she's fine.

[Curtis gets physically forceful with Behrooz.]

Curtis: Tell me about Habib Marwan.

Behrooz: Why are you doing this?

Curtis: Habib Marwan. Your mother gave us a little information. She said you could give us some more.

Behrooz: You promised you wouldn't hurt me, please, get this guy away from me!

Curtis: Look over here. We're just gonna have a little talk.

Behrooz: Marwan's the leader, that's all I know. I heard my parents talk about him, that's it.

Tony: Go ahead.

[Richards enters the holding room.]

Behrooz: What are you gonna do? What is he gonna do to me?

Curtis: I'm sorry, Behrooz, we just don't have a lot of time.

Behrooz: No! No! No! Please, let go of me! Please, no!


Marwan: This is Marwan. Get me Michelle Dessler.

Edgar: Ms. Dessler, it's Marwan.

Michelle: Everyone on this! This is Dessler.

Marwan: Union conduit dam, north entrance, 30 minutes.

Michelle: I need to know Jack Bauer is still alive.

Marwan: Very well. Michelle Dessler wants to make sure you're alive.

[Marwan puts Jack on the phone.]

Jack: I'm being held in an abandoned warehouse, somewhere downtown.

[Marwan quickly pulls the phone away from Jack.]

Marwan: Satisfied?

Michelle: I don't know if I can make this happen in 30 minutes.

Marwan: You'll find a way.

Michelle: Wait, I...

[Marwan hangs up.]

Michelle: Dammit.

Jack: CTU will never go through with the exchange. I'm expendable.

Marwan: Yes, you are.

Jack: If Behrooz is a value to you, he's a value to them. They'll never let you have him back.

[Marwan goes to the other room.]

Guard: Marwan. The police report file has been distributed. In the next few minutes CTU will be alerted that the military pilot and his family are missing.

Marwan: All right.


[Edgar receives an hourly report log from LAPD and calls Chloe.]

Edgar: Chloe, the hourlies from LAPD are here. What do you usually do with them?

Chloe: I go through them and promote any flagged items at the annalist.

Edgar: I can't do that now. I have to get ready for the call with Marwan.

Chloe: Well, I can't do it either. I'm working on tracking Behrooz, but I'd get on those hourlies if I were you.

Edgar: Well, you're not me. I'll hand it off to Meg, tell her to sift through it and deal with any flagged items when we're done with the exchange.

Chloe: OK, boss.

Meg: This is Meg.

Edgar: Meg, the hourlies from local law enforcement just came in. Chloe and I need you to sift through them.

Meg: Do you know how back damped we are down here?

Edgar: Yeah, well, it's worse up here. Just do it, OK?

Meg: fine, send it to 4.


[Dressed in the dead mechanic's overalls, Anderson approaches the chief mechanical officer.]

Anderson: The Phoenix is ready to go.

Officer: I thought we were waiting on a part.

Anderson: It's a good thing they called me in for a second opinion. The abstract's fine, it was just a faulty trouble sensor.

Officer: Are you sure?

Anderson: Absolutely, I triple-checked it. It's just a false alarm. Here's my report.

Officer: All right. I'll clear it for takeoff.

[The chief mechanical officer calls to clear the plane for takeoff.]

Officer: This is Hoarder. Yeah, Phoenix is cleared for takeoff. All right.


Michelle: Were you able to narrow it down?

Edgar: So far, nothing.

Michelle: We need to get this out to all departments.


[Chloe brings Audrey some paperwork to sign.]

Audrey: Chloe, what's wrong?

Chloe: Nothing. I mean, there's no bad news about Jack yet, if that's what you're asking. Since Jack and your father aren't here, you're the official DOD representative, so these are some standard non-disclosures. Read them whenever you get a chance. I flagged where you need to sign.

Audrey: I'll do that now.

Chloe: I'm really sorry about your husband.

Audrey: Thank you.

Chloe: I can't imagine how I'd be feeling right now if I were you.

Audrey: I'm feeling like someone who's afraid of losing her husband.

Chloe: No, I meant, you know, you and your husband are separated, and then you fall in love with Jack, I guess... And then they end up together and your husband ends up taking a bullet that saves Jack's life. What do you do with that?

Audrey: I can't think about that right now, Chloe, OK? I just need Paul to pull through this.

Chloe: I mean, what about Jack? You just assume that the terrorists aren't gonna kill him?

Audrey: Chloe. I don't wanna talk about it. Here.

Chloe: I was inappropriately blunt, wasn't I? I do that a lot. Sorry. Sorry, I'm gonna go. I have a... field meeting anyway.


[Curtis tries to get information on Marwan from a drugged Behrooz.]

Curtis: When you said your father spoke to Marwan, was that on the phone or did he come to your house?

Behrooz: Both.

Curtis: Did you ever speak to Marwan alone away from your parents?

Behrooz: No.

Curtis: And when they made the preparations for today's attacks, were you in the room?

Behrooz: I told you, they didn't want me in there.

[Tony's phone rings.]

Tony: Almeida.

Agent: Tony, the briefing's about to start.

Tony: All right, I'll be right there. If he produces something relevant, let me know. I'll be in the briefing.

Agent: Yes, sir.

[Tony leaves.]


[The phone at Chloe's workstation rings. She answers it.]

Chloe: O'Brian.

Meg: Chloe, is anything you're doing up there yielding a military connection?

Chloe: No, why?

Meg: It may be nothing, but the county hourlies contain an incident report that might be worth looking at.

Chloe: What is it?

Meg: An air force pilot's wife and kids were reported missing as of two hours ago.

Chloe: Two hours ago? How can someone be missing in two hours?

Meg: I don't know, Chloe, I'm just telling you what it says here. Should I run it?

Chloe: No, we have to do it up here.

Meg: Then why did you send it down here in the first place?

Chloe: That was Edgar's executive decision.

Meg: Shall I give it to you?

Chloe: No, I'm the primary tactical in the trade for Jack. Give it to Edgar.

Meg: He said he's too busy.

Chloe: Just run it through county and get it to him.

Meg: OK.

[Meg burns the information onto a disk. Chloe calls Edgar.]

Chloe: Edgar.

Edgar: What?

Chloe: Meg found something in the hourly. She's gonna get it to you. I need you to look at it. I'm preparing for this briefing.

Edgar: Can't Meg do it?

Chloe: No, it's the job of the lead tactical. Isn't that what you think you are?

Edgar: I don't need your sarcasm, OK? I'll take care of it.

Chloe: Fantastic.


Audrey: Hey. Is this briefing about the trade for Jack?

Tony: Yeah. Marwan called us again.

Audrey: Has a decision been made whether to go through with it or not?

Tony: No, that's gonna be decided in this meeting.

Audrey: By whom?

Tony: Division. Look, the assessor went down to run point.

Audrey: Is Division thinking about not going through with this exchange?

Tony: Honestly, it could go either way, but I don't need to tell you that Jack would want us to do what's best for the operation and this country, not what's best for him.

Audrey: I know.

Tony: I'll let you know what's going on as soon as I can.

Audrey: All right. Thanks, Tony.

Michelle: Were you able to get anything out of Behrooz?

Tony: I don't think he knows anything, but Curtis is still trying.

Michelle: OK. Bill, are you up to speed?

Buchanan: Yeah. I got briefed on the way here.

Michelle: All right, everyone. Listen up. This is Bill Buchanan from Division. He'll be overseeing the operation. All department heads, run everything through him. Bill.

Buchanan: in less than half an hour, Habib Marwan wants to make an exchange at the union conduit dam - Behrooz Araz for Jack Bauer. Now, before we decide whether or not to go forward, I need to know a few things. Why does Marwan want the boy? What's his value?

Michelle: We were unable to find any evidence that Behrooz had any critical information.

Buchanan: Did you push him?

Tony: Yeah. I don't think the kid knows anything.

Buchanan: Who's running backgrounds?

Chloe: Me. There's nothing that specifically ties these two people together. The parents - yes, Behrooz - no.

Buchanan: Could Behrooz have had something implanted in his body? Something neither he nor his parents knew about?

Tony: No. We had him scanned when he was brought in.

Buchanan: Did you get an MRI?

Tony: Yeah.

Buchanan: I don't like giving something up unless I know its value. Let's talk about what happens if we don't agree to the exchange.

Chloe: We don't get Jack Bauer back, for one thing.

Buchanan: That can't be the decidal factor here.

Michelle: Well, most importantly, if we don't go through with this exchange we may lose an opportunity to trap Marwan.

Buchanan: Marwan has to know that's what we're thinking. The chances of him actually being present at the exchange are small.

Michelle: I agree, but we could put a tracer on Behrooz. He might lead us to Marwan.

Buchanan: We tried to trace Dina Araz and Jack an hour ago. They grabbed Jack and killed Dina.

Edgar: We'll take a different approach. Use tracers, two of them. One for Marwan to find, the other subcutaneous.

Buchanan: There's no guarantee he won't find that one too.

Michelle: No, sir, there are no guarantees, period. But the fact is we have no viable leads on Marwan. We have to run with every chance we get.

Buchanan: Have tactical finish up the profiles in five minutes. Let's get field teams on their way to the dam now.

Tony: How do you wanna approach the site?

Buchanan: We'll figure that out when Marwan calls back with the details of the exchange. Go.


[Marwan calls Anderson.]

Anderson: Yeah?

Marwan: What's your status?

Anderson: I should be airborne in 30 minutes.

Marwan: Very well.

[Marwan hangs up.]

Marwan: Get Bauer.

[Jack, meanwhile, has twisted the wires in the telephone panel box to cause sparks. Marwan's thugs enter the room. While still handcuffed to the pipes, Jack knocks both of them down with his feet. This effectively distracts them from the box. The men subdue Jack and lead him out.]


[Meg brings Edgar a disk with verification on the Air Force pilot family's missing person report.]

Edgar (over the phone): No, we have to have the satellite repositioned before the exchange takes place.

Meg: Edgar. Chloe wants you to take a look at this when you have the time.

Edgar (over the phone): Hang on, I'm gonna write that down. (To Meg) Just put it right there. Thank you. (Over the phone) Yeah, OK. Got it.

[Edgar hangs up. He is too busy to look at the hourlies.]


[Audrey is still at the clinic, waiting for Paul to get out of surgery.]

Nurse: Mrs. Raines. The Doctor wanted me to tell you that your husband should be out of surgery within the next hour.

Audrey: How is it going?

Nurse: That's all he said.

Audrey: Thank you.

[Tony enters the room.]

Tony: Audrey. Any word on Paul?

Audrey: We still don't know yet.

Tony: Look, I thought you'd wanna know. We have decided to go ahead with the exchange. We're getting Behrooz ready right now.

Audrey: It's not gonna be as simple as that, is it?

Tony: These things are never simple, but, uh... if Marwan really wants this kid, he's got no reason to hurt Jack.

Audrey: And if he doesn't and it's just a trap?

Tony: We'll be prepared. Our field agents will have the area fully covered.

Audrey: Tony, will you be there?

Tony: No, I'm gonna be running point from here, but Curtis will be on the ground.

Audrey: Is the operational objective to get Jack?

Tony: No, it isn't. Audrey, we have to consider Jack expendable. This whole thing's about creating an exposure point for Marwan.

Audrey: I know. Thank you for being straight with me, Tony.

Tony: Look, Jack's about the only friend I have left, so I'm gonna do everything I can to keep him safe. All right? OK.


[Curtis preps Behrooz for the exchange.]

Behrooz: What are you doing? Where are you taking me?

Curtis: Habib Marwan offered to exchange one of our operatives for you. We accepted that offer.

Behrooz: What are you talking about? What does he want with me?

Curtis: We don't know, but we'll be behind you every step of the way and we'll cover you as soon as possible.

Behrooz: Does my mother know about this?

Curtis: Yes.

Behrooz: You made a deal with her, to put us both in witness protection.

Curtis: And we'll do everything to abide by that deal.

Behrooz: Then don't do this!

Curtis: That's not an option. Now, put this watch on.

Behrooz: No.

[Curtis puts the watch with the transmitter on Behrooz.]

Behrooz: Get off of me.

Curtis: These devices will help track you, and I give you my word, I'll do everything in my power for you. Hang on, this is gonna sting.

[An agent injects another transmitter into the back of Behrooz's head.]

Curtis: It's a micro tracker implanted under your skin.

Behrooz: You don't care about me or your word. You're just using me.

Agent: Let's go.


[Edgar is just about to go through the hourlies when Tony interrupts.]

Tony: Edgar, I need you to sterilize a video feed to Curtis' van.

Edgar: Tony, I'm stacked up. I got teams that need tactical uploads. These hourlies need to be looked at, they're 30 minutes past due. And now I gotta put video together?

Tony: The video's a priority. I'll take care of the uploads.

Edgar: What about the hourlies?

Tony: Get on them as soon as the link's in place.

[Edgar puts Meg's disk aside. Chloe monitors the two tracking devices on Behrooz.]

Tony: Is that tracker working?

Chloe: The red dot is the decoy. When they find the watch and remove it, we can still trace the tracker in the back of his neck.

Tony: All right. Edgar, make sure all cellular stations in that area are put on auto trace.

Edgar: Got it.

Buchanan: When our vehicles get within two miles off the dam on the west, have them hold. Nobody goes into that area until we hear from Marwan again.

Tony: All right, Castle and his team will be there as soon as possible. Behrooz is on his way, the tracers are in place.

Michelle: We don't have time to send in sweep teams. Make sure it's not a trap.

Buchanan: We don't have a choice.

[The phone rings.]

Edgar: CTU, Edgar Stiles.

Marwan: This is Marwan. Get Dessler.

Edgar: Miss Dessler, it's Marwan.

Michelle: This is Dessler.

Marwan: I'm going to give you final instructions now. Make sure you follow them implacably. Are you ready?

Michelle: Go ahead.

Marwan: How are you transporting Behrooz?

Michelle: In one of our tactical vehicles.

Marwan: Good. Now, approach via the frontage road. Pull up at the back gate of the dam and have Behrooz get out by himself and walk toward the gate. A van will be there to pick him up.

Michelle: What about Jack Bauer?

Marwan: He'll be in the van.

Michelle: That doesn't work for me. I wanna see Jack before I give up Behrooz.

Marwan: That's acceptable.

Michelle: And I want him unharmed.

Marwan: Your boy scout is just fine.

Michelle: OK.

Marwan: Remember, Behrooz gets out by himself. If any of your agents interfere, Bauer dies.

Michelle: Understood.

Marwan: Don't be late.

Michelle: Our vehicle's five minutes away.

Marwan: Then we'll see you in five minutes.

[Marwan hangs up.]

Marwan: That should keep them busy.

Guard: What do you want to do about Bauer?

Marwan: As soon as we have Behrooz, we kill Bauer.


[Curtis and Behrooz are on the way to the meeting point.]

Behrooz: Who's going to protect me?

Curtis: We are. That's why we put trackers on you.

Behrooz: You don't think Marwan will find them? He will.

Curtis: Hopefully it won't come to that, Behrooz.

Behrooz: What does that mean?

Curtis: We're gonna have the area surrounded. We will protect you.

Behrooz: Why would you protect me? I'm nothing to you people. You think I'm a terrorist.

Curtis: I don't believe you are.

Behrooz: If Marwan is going to be there, why don't you just grab him when we get there?

Curtis: He's probably not gonna be there. We need you to lead us to him.

Behrooz: Oh, God.

Curtis: It's gonna be all right.

Behrooz: It's not.


Sniper: I'm in position.

Marwan: Does CTU have anyone there yet?

Sniper: No, but Rashid has spotted vehicles at the edge of the access road. We think that it might be them.

Marwan: OK. Wait until the exchange, then I'll give you the word to take out Bauer.

Sniper: All right.

Guard: Once the trade is made, how much longer do we need to keep CTU distracted?

Marwan: Ideally, until we hit the target. In any event, as long as possible.

Guard: And what should my men do with Behrooz once we have him?

Marwan: I haven't decided yet.


[The CTU van arrives near the dam. Marwan's cell phone rings.]

Marwan: Yes?

Sniper: They are here.

Marwan: Good. Send in the van.

[Curtis walks Behrooz out of the car.]

Behrooz: I don't wanna do this, please. I'm afraid.

Curtis: I told you, Behrooz. We'll be behind you every step of the way.

Behrooz: What good will that do if he wants me dead?

Curtis: He's not going through all of this just so he can kill you, all right?

[Marwan's van arrives.]

Curtis: All right, the van's here.

Guard (to Jack): Come on, move it.

Curtis: All right, I see Jack.

Tony: This might be all we're gonna get. We could converge on him now.

Michelle: Edgar, is there any indication that Marwan has other personnel or vehicles in the area?

Edgar: No, just the van.

Michelle: Marwan's not gonna be there.

Buchanan: If we close in now, they could take the van out themselves. We'll proceed.

Michelle: Curtis, it's a go.

Curtis: All right. I'm sending Behrooz. Go ahead. It's all right.

Guard (to Jack): Go.

[Behrooz walks toward Jack as the exchange takes place.]

Behrooz: Is my mother in the van? She was working with you. Where is she?

Jack: I don't know.

Behrooz: I don't wanna die.

[Marwan's men grab Behrooz and put him in the van.]

Sniper: They've got Behrooz. I've got Bauer in my sight.

Marwan: Take him out.

[Suddenly, a CTU sniper takes out Marwan's sniper first. The field ops grab Jack and throw him in the van.]

Jack: Why'd you give that kid? Why'd you give the kid?

Curtis: It's OK, he's being double tagged, we'll be tracking him. All right, you two, secure the area. You two, let's go.

[Jack calls Tony.]

Tony: Almeida.

Jack: Tony, it's Jack.

Tony: Yeah, Jack, I got Buchanan and Michelle here. I'm putting you on speaker.

Jack: OK.

Tony: Are you OK?

Jack: Yeah, I'm fine. Look, Tony, I need you to pick up a phone main tracks within a 20 mile radius of the dam.

Tony: What are you thinking?

Jack: I managed to short circuit some phone lines in the building that I was being held. Look, if you can find two service obstructions at the same coordinates, we can get to Marwan.

Tony: I'm opening up an interface with the phone company right now.

Jack: Tony, we don't have a lot of time. Marwan was at the building when they moved me, but he's not gonna stay there for long.

Tony: We have tactical teams ready to go. Once we get a location, I'll position them for assault.

Jack: OK, I know the layout, I'll run point.

Tony: Copy that.


Chloe: The van's heading west on center. Both trackers are registering so far.

Curtis: Good. Let me know if anything changes.

Chloe: OK, I will.

[Meanwhile, Behrooz is in the van with Marwan's men.]

Man: Marwan, we have the boy.

Marwan: I know they will have placed tracking devices on him. Find them.

Man: We are looking for them now.

Marwan: When you've destroyed them, report back to me.

Man: Very well.

[Marwan's men spot the tracking device on Behrooz's watch and remove the watch.]

Behrooz: Where's my mother?

Man: Your mother is dead.

Behrooz: No. I don't believe you.

[Marwan's men also find the injected transmitter in Behrooz's neck and carve it out with a knife.]

Behrooz: What are you gonna do to me? No! No...

[Chloe calls Curtis.]

Curtis: Curtis.

Chloe: We lost one of the tags. They found the decoy.

Curtis: All right. How's the injected device looking?

Chloe: Still tracking. Wait. No, it's not. They must have found it.

Curtis: Dammit. All right, can you get me a visual on the van?

Chloe: Hold on.

[Chloe calls Edgar, who just started sifting through the hourlies.]

Edgar: Yeah, Chloe?

Chloe: We need the satellite pumped into the tactical server.

Edgar: Chloe, I got something you should see.

Chloe: OK, I'll get to it. Right now we need that satellite to find Behrooz Araz before they kill him.

Edgar: I'm on it.

[Edgar pulls the hourlies CD out again and puts it aside.]


[From the phone records, Tony gets the coordinates on Marwan's location.]

Tony: We have a location from the phone company. I repeat, we have a location where Marwan was holding Jack. Edgar, download these coordinates to tactical right now.


[Marwan is on the phone with Anderson.]

Marwan: Our window is closing. We will only have this one opportunity. You've gotta get into the air now.

Anderson: No problem. I'm ready and on the move.

[Anderson is in the cockpit of an F-117A stealth fighter jet as it rolls out onto the tarmac.]

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chrismaz66, 03.12.2024 à 10:30

Hi^^ Nouveau jeu proposé par sondage chez Torchwood et aussi Kaamelott bientôt, merci de passer voter ;-)

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Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who : Calendriers, jeux et infos sur l'épisode de Noël, passez voir le Docteur

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Une nouvelle bannière est en vote pour le quartier HypnoClap, merci pour votre aide

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Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

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