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24 heures chrono
#414 : 20h00 - 21h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 4 guide des épisodes

Contraints et forcés, Jack Bauer et Paul se sont réfugiés dans une boutique d’armes pour échapper au commando lancé à leurs trousse. Ils parviennent à repousser leurs poursuivants jusqu’ à l’arrivée de la CAT, grâce aux propriétaires de la boutique. Cependant, Paul est blessé, il est conduit à l’hôpital d’urgence.
Jack découvre le nom d’un des contacts de Marwan à l’aide du document contenant des informations compromettantes trouvé chez McLennan-Forster. Il décide d’infiltrer le réseau pour Dina Araz.


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO
8:00pm - 9:00pm

Titre VF
20h00 - 21h00


24 Season 4 Episode 14 Promo

24 Season 4 Episode 14 Promo


Plus de détails


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Kim Raver : Audrey Raines
• Roger Cross : Curtis Manning
• and William Devane : Secretary of Defense James Heller

Special guest stars

• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• and Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler

Guest starring

• Jonathan Ahdout : Behrooz Araz
• Dagmara Dominczyk : Nicole
• James Frain : Paul Raines
• Louis Lombardi : Edgar Stiles
• Geoff Pierson : President John Keeler
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• Arnold Vosloo : Habib Marwan
• Ned Vaughn : Mitch Anderson
• Adam Alexi-Malle : Joseph Fayed
• Tim Griffin : Agent Baron
• David Andriole : Captain John Hansen
• Thomas Vincent Kelly : Dr. Marc Besson
• and Shohreh Aghdashloo : Dina Araz


• Amy Benedict : Laurie Hansen
• Kevin Sizemore : Brown (as "Medic")
• Eric Ritter : Sgt. Phillips (as "Guard")
• Gary Weeks : Agent Dalton (as "CTU Agent")
• Henry M. Kingi, Jr. : Terrorist
• Maria Quiban : News Anchor

L’hélicoptère des secours amène Jack ainsi que Paul, très mal en point, à la C.A.T. afin que ce dernier puisse y recevoir les soins adéquats pour traiter ses blessures. Bauer décide d’appeler Audrey pour la tenir informée de la tournure qu’ont pris les évènements.

Celle-ci reste estomaquée, ne sachant quoi dire, lorsque Jack lui annonce que Paul, tentant de lui sauver la vie, est atteint. Au même moment, à bord d’Air Force One, le Président est en communication avec Jim Heller, qui lui annonce qu’il est désormais certain que Marwan est le responsable de l’explosion du train, de l’enlèvement, ainsi que du sabotage des centrales nucléaires.

La C.A.T. a donc toutes les raisons de penser qu’il ne s’arrêtera pas là, et qu’un nouvel évènement est en cours de préparation. Le ministre de la défense affirme que la cellule est en train de déterminer les cibles potentielles et fait part à John Keeler du fait que Bauer et Paul Rains aient trouvé des document qui pourraient contenir des information cruciales leur permettant de localiser Habib Marwan. Le président, inquiet, pense que la panique des civils américains, si autre attaque il y avait, pourrait causer d’immenses préjudices.

Des dispositions sont donc à prendre, c’est pourquoi un Général de l’armée répondant au nom de Wakefield est en route pour discuter avec Heller de la mise en place de la loi martial. Et ce, le plus discrètement possible.

Il est 20h05, l’hélicoptère arrive. Paul est aussitôt transporté jusqu’à la clinique de la C.A.T. Audrey, avant de rejoindre son mari, supplie Jack pour qu’il lui dise que Paul ne va pas mourir, mais c’est malheureusement impossible à prévoir pour le moment. Tony et Michelle viennent chercher Bauer sur l’héliport en lui annonçant qu’un nom suspect a été trouvé, et que la personne en question pourrait être liée à Marwan, ce qui leur permettrait de trouver celui-ci.

Au même moment, avant qu’il entre dans la clinique, Audrey, visiblement très affectée, tente de parler à Paul, sous oxygène et sur son brancard, lui disant qu’elle est présente, et qu’elle sera là pour le soutenir lorsqu’il sortira. Au cours de ces dernières heures, cette succession d’évènements plus fâcheux les uns que les autres aurait-elle réveillé des sentiments enfouis chez Audrey ?

Pendant ce temps, Almeida et Deissler brief Jack sur leurs découvertes. Un homme nommé Joseph Fayed, ingénieur chimiste et professeur à l’Université, pourrait être impliqué dans les évènements de la journée. Michelle informe Jack du fait qu’une équipe de terrain est en route pour son habitation, mais Bauer pense que c’est une erreur. En effet, si cet homme vient à être capturé, Marwan s’arrangera pour qu’il soit mort avant d’avoir pu dire quoi que se soit, Jack pense donc qu’il faut discrètement suivre les faits et gestes de Fayed afin qu’il puisse les mener jusqu’à Marwan, ce à quoi Tony s’oppose catégoriquement, faute de temps.

Mais Jack à un plan : utiliser Dina Araz, jusqu’à présent en détention… 20h08. Dans une sombre ruelle, Marwan rencontre Anderson, le faux pilote d’avion, et lui donne ses instructions. Anderson doit se rendre à l’hôtel Old River Road, près d’une base militaire, où il aura rendez-vous…

Au même moment, dans une chambre de l’hôtel Old River Road, un (vrai) pilote nommé John, après avoir forniqué avec sa maîtresse, se lève et se rhabille dans le but d’aller à la base militaire située à proximité pour y prendre les commande d’un avion.

Sa compagne reçoit alors un appel, sur son propre cellulaire, de la vraie femme de John, ce qui, bien entendu étonne celui-ci. Prenant le téléphone, il entend alors sa femme lui annonçant qu’elle et leurs enfants seront tués si John ne coopère pas.

La communication est brusquement coupée, et c’est un John tout abasourdi qui se retourne et qui est soudain mis en joue par sa maîtresse, qui pointe un revolver dans sa direction…

A la C.A.T., Curtis prépare une équipe tactique pour assister Jack dans son fameux «plan». Plan qu’il va s’empresser d’aller exposer à Dina Araz en lui demandant ce qu’elle sait à propos de Fayed, mais cette dernière feint de ne rien savoir. Jack lui propose alors un marché : si elle coopère, il s’engage à lui garantir, à elle ainsi qu’à Behrooz, une libération accompagné d’une nouvelle identité ainsi que d’une protection de témoin. Dina accepte de coopérer. Retour à l’hôtel Old River Road, il est 20h18.

John, toujours mis en joue par sa maîtresse, se demande ce qu’il va advenir de cette situation. On entend alors cogner à la porte de la chambre avant de voir Anderson entrer et tendre à la fille un sac, probablement rempli de billets. Cette dernière quitte la pièce.

Anderson, visant John avec son arme, lui annonce qu’ils ont «une mission» à accomplir. Pendant ce temps à la cellule, Michelle est catégorique sur un fait : Marwan prépare assurément une nouvelle attaque. Il faut donc préparer quelque chose pour l’atteindre par l’intermédiaire de Joseph Fayed. Bauer propose son plan : il va se servir de Dina.

Son plan est simple, faire croire à Fayed une histoire totalement fausse : au cours d’un transfert de Dina vers un centre de détention fédéral, le convoi en question se serait fait attaquer par des terroristes, et, dans le chao, Dina serait parvenue à prendre Bauer en otage.

Dina, déciderait alors de se rendre chez Fayed pour que ce dernier la mette en contact avec Marwan, afin qu’elle lui livre Jack, l’homme qui a tant troublé leurs planifications de la journée.

La C.A.T. suivant leurs déplacements par satellite aurait alors une chance de localiser Marwan. Le briefing prend fin, et Michelle, étonnée de n’avoir vu Chloé, apprend par l’intermédiaire de Tony qu’elle a été contrainte de démissionner après avoir aidé Jack, allant ainsi à l’encontre des ordres donné par Driscoll au moment des faits.

Dessler, nouvelle directrice de la C.A.T. se précipite alors sur le téléphone pour joindre Chloé et lui demander de revenir car la cellule a besoin de ses meilleurs éléments pour l’opération qui se prépare. Chloé accepte. Au même moment, Bauer vient chercher Dina dans sa cellule, mais cette dernière, avant de partir, souhaite voir Behrooz, ce que Jack accepte, mais juste pour un court instant.

Il est 20h30, Tony informe Michelle du fait que l’équipe tactique s’est discrètement mise en place aux alentours de la maison de Fayed. On voit alors Chloé arriver et engager la discussion avec Edgar. Michelle arrive afin de calmer ce dernier qui n’a pas l’air d’apprécier le fait qu’on ne lui fasse pas entièrement confiance : il peut faire son boulot lui-même ! Dessler prend ensuite contact avec l’agent Baron, membre de l’équipe tactique chargée de capter les conversations du trio Fayed-Bauer-Araz et de les transmettre à la cellule.

La communication fonctionne. On voit alors Bauer et Dina arriver au domicile de Joseph Fayed, se garant non loin du véhicule de l’équipe tactique. Tout est en place mais une chose manque à l’appel : le réalisme. Bauer n’hésite alors pas à se blesser le ventre volontairement à l’aide d’un couteau devant les yeux incrédules de Dina : tout doit laisser croire à Fayed que Bauer a été malmené et pris en otage, d’où la raison pour laquelle Jack donne également son arme à Dina.

Il est 20h33, le plan peut être mis à exécution. A l’intérieur, Joseph Fayed entendant taper à la porte, se muni d’un révolver avant d’aller à la porte et de décider d’ouvrir à Dina et son otage, après avoir feint de ne connaître aucun Habib Marwan. Fayed très méfiant, fouille Bauer et tombe sur sa blessure : de toute évidence, Fayed à l’air de gober l’histoire. Dina, elle, commence à expliquer la fausse histoire pendant que l’équipe tactique qui a mis sur écoute la maison, transmet la conversation à la C.A.T. Fayed décide donc de joindre Marwan afin d’expliquer la situation. Celui-ci souhaite voir Bauer et fournira les instructions à Fayed pour le lui amener.

20h39, base de l’US Air Force. John, très soucieux du sort qu’on réserve à sa famille, entre dans les lieux afin d’y prendre (soi-disant) son service. Une fois à l’intérieur et à l’abri de regards indiscrets, on voit Anderson sortir du dessous de la banquette arrière, ordonner à John d’ouvrir le coffre, annoncer à ce dernier que sa famille est décédée et lui tirer une balle dans le ventre avant… de lui sectionner le pouce.

A la C.A.T., le chirurgien, sortant du bloc opératoire, se dirige vers Audrey et Jim et les informe du fait que Paul risque de s’en tirer avec de graves conséquences puisqu’une des balles qu’il a reçu a atteint une de ses vertèbres : sa moelle épinière est touchée, Audrey est effondrée.

On assiste alors à une brève conversation pleine d’émotions durant laquelle Heller tente de consoler sa fille avant de vaquer à ses occupations ministérielles. Il est 20h46. Dans une rue de Los Angeles, Dina, sous la menace du revolver de Fayed assis à coté, conduit Bauer, attaché à l’arrière, afin de l’amener jusqu’à Marwan. Tout ceci est suivi de près par la cellule qui observe le déplacement du véhicule par satellite, ainsi que par l’intermédiaire de Baron et son équipe tactique, qui suivent le véhicule à distance raisonnable pour n’éveiller aucun soupçon.

 Le véhicule s’approche alors d’un tunnel, obligeant ainsi Baron à ralentir et à rester à distance. L’observation étant alors impossible par satellite, Bauer et Dina vont se retrouver seuls durant 20 secondes, le temps estimé nécessaire d’après les calculs de la cellule, pour traverser le tunnel. A l’intérieur de celui-ci, les véhicules avancent au compte-goutte pour cause de travaux.

Fayed ordonne à Dina de se garer au niveau de ces derniers, on voit alors 4 hommes ouvrir la voiture, prendre Bauer et Dina avant de leur mettre une cagoule sur la tête et de les faire monter dans un van démarrant en sens inverse. Fayed repart, seul… avec une mystérieuse mallette qu’un des hommes lui a confié. A la cellule, le temps passe et Tony, trouvant cela bizarre, s’inquiète, mais voit la voiture ressortir, et tourné dans un sens suspect : la voiture tourne en rond depuis 5 minutes, quelques chose ne va pas !

Chloé parvient alors à voir grâce au satellite que Fayed n’est plus que tout seul à bord, ce qui fait que ses passagers ont obligatoirement quitté le véhicule durant son passage sous le tunnel.

C’est la panique à la C.A.T., qui ordonne à tous ses véhicules de cerner Fayed. Une fois chose faite, Baron s’approche du véhicule et on voit alors Fayed avec à ses cotés la fameuse mallette ouverte avec, à l’intérieur, une bombe… La voiture explose, Fayed est mort, et de toute évidence, Marwan a réussi à brouiller les pistes : Jack et Dina sont en sa possession, la cellule ne sait comment les retrouver et le seul homme pouvant lui servir afin de les retrouver a été éliminé. Il est 20h55, le plan de Bauer a échoué.

La cellule s’intéresse alors à tous les véhicules sortis du tunnel durant le passage de Fayed, Araz, et de Jack, et voit un van suspect dont elle relève la plaque d’immatriculation grâce aux caméras de surveillance du tunnel : Jack et Dina sont forcément à l’intérieur…

Tony transmet les caractéristiques du van aux équipes de terrains mais c’est trop tard, on voit le van entrer dans un entrepôt. Dina et Jack sont accueillis par un Marwan extrêmement suspicieux qui est persuadé qu’Araz lui ment, et est en train de le trahir.

Cette dernière l’assure du contraire, ce qu’Habib lui demande de prouver en lui ordonnant de tuer Bauer, alors à terre les mains liées, avec le révolver qu’il lui tend. Dina, se sentant alors piégée, tend le révolver vers la tempe de Jack, avant de viser Marwan et de tirer…

Le revolver n’était pas chargé ! Marwan est désormais certain du fait que Dina lui a menti, et du fait que toute cette histoire de prise d’otage n’est qu’une vaste mascarade.

Bauer est amené par les hommes de mains de Marwan et ce dernier ordonne à un autre de ses sbires de prendre Araz à part. Cette dernière est amenée dans une pièce non loin de là, on entend alors une détonation, puis une deuxième…

Il est 20h58, Dina Araz, froidement abattue… est morte. A la base de l’US Air Force, Anderson pénètre à l’intérieur d’un bâtiment et, à l’abri de regards indiscrets, sort le pouce sectionné de John afin de pouvoir franchir une porte dotée d’un système de sécurité à reconnaissance d’empreintes.

La porte lui ouvre alors la voie sur un entrepôt avec à l’intérieur, ce qui semble être un avion de chasse...


Transcript by Nina Meyers -

Posted on TWIZ TV.COM

Episode 4X14: 8:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.
Original Air Date: 03/21/2005

TM & © 2005 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

Previously on 24:

Conlon: We know you printed a document before the EMP detonated. Where is it? You decide when the pain stops.

Guard: Drop the gun or I'll kill him.

Jack: Paul, where is the data printout?

Paul: I hid it.

Jack: Is this it?

Paul: Yeah, it's encoded. I couldn't make any sense out of it.

Jack: We need to get it back to CTU.


Heller: Tony, I appreciate you carrying the ball until Michelle got here. Why don't you bring her and everyone else up to speed?

Tony: The man responsible for planning today's attacks, Habib Marwan, has been a long-term employee of McLennan Forster. Jack Bauer and Paul Raines went to the company to inspect his computer files but as they were doing so, an electro-magnetic pulse bomb was detonated, wiping out the company's entire database. We have to assume whoever detonated the EMP thinks Jack and Paul found something and wants them eliminated.


Paul: Why are we going here?

Jack: Weapons and ammunition.

Man: Get away from here!

Jack: I'm a Federal Agent! Look, we need your help.

Man: Who's after you?

Jack: It has to do with the terrorist attacks. I have critical evidence that I need to get to the authorities.

Man: If you're finding the people who caused today's bloodshed, then we'll help you.

Jack: It's time.


Castle: Jack?

Jack: I'm here.

Castle: Are you and Raines safe?

Jack: Yeah. I need you to get this to CTU. It needs to get decoded immediately.

Paul: Jack, look out!

Jack: Paul? Paul! Get me a medic!


Marwan: It's time for you to go. Are you ready?

Anderson: Yes, of course.

Marwan: Proceed as planned. The President of the United States is on a tight schedule. We can't be late.


The following takes place between 8:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M.

[Jack flies with Paul on the medic helicopter back to CTU.]

Medic: He's bleeding out. Tell them on the ground we need two liters of A-positive.

Man: Roger that.

Jack: Come on, Paul, stay with us. We're almost there.

[Jack calls Audrey.]

Audrey: Hello?

Jack: Audrey, it's me.

Audrey: Oh, Jack. Thank God you're all right.

Jack: Audrey, I need you to listen to me. Paul's been shot. Audrey? Audrey?

[Audrey becomes upset.]

Audrey: How bad is it?

Jack: The medics are working on him. We'll be there in a few minutes.

Audrey: Jack, how did this happen?

Jack: We were securing the area. One of the gunmen tried to shoot me. Paul pushed me out of the way. He saved my life. Audrey?

Audrey: I'm here, just... Jack, I don't know what to say.

Jack: You don't have to say anything. The surgeons have been notified. They're standing by. I want you to know that we're gonna do everything that we have to, do you understand that?

Audrey: Yeah, I understand.

Jack: I'm sorry.

Audrey: I gotta... I gotta go.

Jack: See you in a minute.

Audrey: Yeah, OK.


[Heller updates the President about Marwan's plan.]

Heller: Mr. President, all the evidence we've gathered confirms that this one man Habib Marwan is directly responsible for everything that's happened today; the train derailment, my abduction, the sabotage of the nuclear power plants.

Keeler: Does any of your evidence suggest that he's planning more attacks?

Heller: I'm afraid so. NSA is reporting a spike in chatter. They're sifting through the Intel now, trying to determine potential targets and timeframes.

Keeler: Trying is not good enough. We need to preempt any further attacks.

Heller: I understand, sir. Our best chance of doing that is by capturing Marwan.

Keeler: How close are you?

Heller: Jack Bauer recovered a document we believe contains contact data on Marwan's network. CTU is using it to track Marwan.

Keeler: And if that fails?

Heller: Mr. President, we just have to hope that it doesn't.

Keeler: Jim, if today's events are continuing to generate an unprecedented level of fear, I'm not sure the social and civil fabric of this country can withstand another attack. We need to make provisions.

[Heller goes outside of the CTU building to wait for the chopper carrying Jack and Paul. Audrey is there too.]

Heller: Provisions?

Keeler: A civil unrest that I believe is inevitable in the event of another terrorist strike.

Heller: Are you saying we should impose martial law?

Keeler: I've asked General Wakefield to meet with you in Los Angeles to discuss our options.

Heller: When?

Keeler: Now. His plane landed. He'll be calling you to confirm a secure location. And Jim, keep this between us.

Heller: Of course, Mr. President.

[Heller hangs up. The chopper lands on the CTU grounds. The medics carry Paul on a gurney to the CTU clinic.]

Medic: Get him prepped. I need ten cc's of adrenaline, no compression, let's go.

[Audrey runs to Paul.]

Audrey: Paul! Paul, can you hear me? Paul?

Medic: Excuse me, ma'am. We gotta get him to surgery now. Let's go.

Jack: I'm sorry.

Audrey: Please tell me he's not gonna die.

Jack: Come here.

[Jack hugs Audrey and tries to console her.]

Audrey: Please. Jack, tell me.

Jack: We don't know. We just don't know.

[Heller and Audrey head back inside CTU. Tony and Michelle approach Jack.]

Michelle: Jack, are you OK?

Jack: Yeah, I'm fine.

Tony: Listen, we were able to decode and pull a name off the list you sent us.

Jack: Who is it?

Michelle: Someone on our watch list, but we had no idea he was connected to Marwan.

Tony: Come on inside, we'll talk you through it.

[Jack, Tony and Michelle go back inside CTU. Paul is wheeled into surgery.]

Medic: I'm sorry, Mrs. Raines, You need to stay out here while your husband's prepped for surgery.

Audrey: Wait, please, can I just talk to him for a second? Paul, hey. Hey, it's Audrey. Listen to me. I just want you to know that I'm here, OK? I'm here.

Medic: We need to prep him now.

Audrey: And I will be here when you get out of surgery, do you understand me? Paul?


[Tony and Michelle brief Jack on the latest discovery.]

Tony: His name's Joseph Fayed, an Associate Professor at Green University, chemical engineering. Came to the US in 1985 to get his graduate degree.

Michelle: We're sending in a tactical team to pick him up now.

Jack: That's a mistake.

Michelle: Why?

Jack: For everything that we've seen today, Marwan's vetted his inner circle very carefully. Their men will die before he says anything.

Tony: You're probably right, Jack, but what can we do besides arrest Fayed?

Jack: Send someone in undercover. Take a chance. That might lead you to Marwan.

Tony: Come on, Jack. You know we don't have the time to put one of our own people undercover.

Jack: I'm not talking about one of our people; Dina Araz.

Michelle: She's already made her deal, Jack. We granted her son immunity. We have nothing left to offer her.

Jack: Maybe, maybe not. Let me talk to her while you mobilize a tactical team. If I can't get her to cooperate by the time they're ready, send them in, but it's simple; we either find Marwan or we will not be able to stop what he's planning next.


[Marwan meets Mitch Anderson.]

Marwan: Meet them at the hotel, Holdover Road, half a kilometer from the base.

Anderson: When?

Marwan: Leave now.

Anderson: I'll need his entire flight package, including clearance and identification codes.

Marwan: You'll have whatever you need.

[Anderson leaves for the hotel.]


[An Air Force pilot is in a hotel room with his girlfriend.]

Girlfriend: Is that all you've got?

Air Force pilot: For now it is.

Girlfriend: Come on, I haven't seen you in two weeks.

Air Force pilot: Yeah, I've gotta get to the base. I'm flying tonight. Damn, I'm gonna be late as it is.

[The pilot picks up his uniform.]

Air Force pilot: Oh, look at me, I'm all wrinkled.

Girlfriend: I wouldn't worry about that.

[A cell phone rings. His girlfriend takes the call.]

Girlfriend: Hello?

Woman: Can I talk to John?

Girlfriend: It's for you.

John: What?

Girlfriend: It's your wife.

John: But it's your cell phone.

[John takes the call from his wife.]

John: Dory.

Dory: They've got guns, John. They say they'll kill the children unless you do what they want.

[Masked gunmen have Dory and their children hostage.]

John: What's going on, Dory? Who's there?

Dory: I don't know.

John: Listen to me, Dory, who's ever there, you put them on the phone.

Dory: Please, John, don't let them hurt the children!

[One of the men takes the phone from Dory and hangs up the call.]

John: Dory? Dory, put...

[John turns around to find his girlfriend pull out a gun on him.]

Girlfriend: Put your clothes on, John.


Michelle: Curtis is prepping the tactical teams, which means you have five minutes to do this.

[Jack enters the holding room. He shows Dina the photo of Fayed.]

Jack: Do you recognize this man?

Dina: No.

Jack: He's connected to Marwan.

Dina: I don't know him. I already told the other agent. Marwan doesn't permit communication between cells.

Jack: His name is Joseph Fayed. He's a professor at Green University.

Dina: You know more about him than I do.

Jack: He's also our only way to reach Marwan. We can't do that without your help.

Dina: Why should I help you? I've already gotten all I'm going to get for cooperating.

Jack: That's not necessarily true.

[On the computer, Jack has a live video feed of Behrooz in another holding room.]

Jack: I know you love your son. You've already shown me that today. But unless you help us get to Fayed, that'll be the last time you'll see him for the rest of your life.

[In the observation room, the phone rings.]

Michelle: This is Dessler.

Agent: All our teams are in place.

Michelle: All right. Have them stand-by.

[Michelle hangs up.]

Michelle: The tactical teams are ready. We can be at Fayed's house in ten minutes.

Tony: Just give him another minute.

Jack: I'm offering you your freedom, Dina. You and Behrooz will be put in a witness protection program. You'd be given new names, identities, everything. This is what you told me you wanted. I'm offering you a life with your son. Right now the only question is which life do you want?

[Dina doesn't say anything.]

Jack: We're out of time.

[Jack gets up to leave.]

Dina: What do you need me to do?

Jack: I need you to go to Fayed and tell him that you need to speak to Marwan.

Dina: He won't let me through his front door, let alone get near Marwan.

Jack: He will when you tell him that you've got a hostage that can help him.

Dina: A hostage? Who?

Jack: Me.


John: So what's this all about? What are you doing?

Woman: I'm delivering you to someone.

John: Who?

Woman: I don't know.

John: You don't know who you work for?

Woman: I work for myself.

John: Somebody's paying you.

Woman: I don't ask them who they are and they don't tell me. It's how I stay alive.

[The woman looks out of the window with her back turned to John.]

Woman: All right. It's time.

[John puts up a fight with the woman holding him captive. She quickly apprehends him.]

Woman: If you don't cooperate, your family will die. Do you understand?

[Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. The woman opens the door for Anderson. Anderson comes in and pulls his gun out on John. He then hands the woman a bag full of cash. She opens the bag to check its content.]

Anderson: It's all there. Get out of here.

[The woman leaves.]

Anderson: Get your things. We got a plane to catch.


Michelle: Increased chatter indicates that Habib Marwan is planning another strike. It is imperative that we locate him before he's able to trigger this. We are mounting an undercover operation that we hope will lead us to him through this man, Joseph Fayed. We've struck a deal with Dina Araz to work undercover for us and approach Fayed.

Curtis: But Marwan knows we had Dina Araz in custody.

Michelle: We're trying to use that to our advantage. Jack will run us through the cover story we've fabricated.

Jack: The cover story goes as follows; An hour ago I was transporting Dina Araz to the Federal Detention Center when my vehicle was attacked by the surviving members of the terrorist cell ran by Navi Araz at the intersection of Sepulveda and National. I managed to kill or wound all of the attackers, but during the engagement Dina Araz secured one of the weapons and took me hostage. She'll take me to Fayed. Hopefully, he'll take me to Marwan.

Curtis: And if Marwan takes the bait we track you to him?

Jack: Yeah.

Tony: And we have to assume they're gonna search both Jack and Dina, which is gonna make tracking and surveillance devices a problem.

Jack: We're gonna have to handle this passively. We're gonna use satellite parabolics and laser aggregators.

Curtis: Yeah, but what about Dina Araz? You'll think she'll be able to play this convincingly?

Jack: Well, she's managed to live here in the United States for the past five year while part of a terrorist cell undetected. Yes, she's an expert at deception.

Curtis: How do we know she doesn't deceive us?

Michelle: Right now this is our best and only chance at finding Marwan, but no matter how well we fabricate this story, Jack will be in extreme and immediate danger. We have to be able to move in at the first sign of trouble. There is zero tolerance for error. Thank you.

Jack: Good luck, everyone.

Michelle: Curtis. The detainees from McLennan Forster have been taken over to Division. I want you to run the interrogation.

Curtis: You got it.

Michelle: Thank you.

Tony: Edgar, I want you to call LAPD and caltrans. We need their logs to reflect that the ambush on Jack took place.

Edgar: I need an exact time window.

Tony: He just finished telling us, an hour ago.

Edgar: I know. I just didn't know if there was an updated scenario.

Tony: No, Edgar, you weren't paying attention. Look, we can't afford for you to be losing focus at a time like this, all right?

Edgar: I'm sick of people talking to me like I don't know what I'm doing. Especially people who don't really work here.

Michelle: Is there a problem with Edgar?

Tony: Well, his mother was caught in the contamination zone at the San Gabriel reactor. She took her own life. Up until now, he's been handling it pretty well, but uh, I think it might be catching up with him.

Michelle: Do you think he's in good enough shape to run the comm part of this operation?

Tony: Based on what just happened? No.

Michelle: Where's Chloe? I didn't see her on the active roster.

Tony: Yeah, well, Driscoll forced her to resign.

Michelle: Why?

Tony: Well, apparently Chloe went against Driscoll's orders, sided with Jack. Turns out Jack was right.

Michelle: Thank you.

Tony: Yeah.

[Michelle calls Chloe.]

Chloe: Hello?

Michelle: Chloe, it's Michelle Dessler.

Chloe: Are you calling me from Division?

Michelle: Uh, actually, I'm back at CTU. Secretary Heller asked me to take Erin Driscoll's place.

Chloe: She got fired? That's too bad. Listen, could you tell Edgar to upgrade the Langley pattern recognition software? It gets a little overwhelmed sometimes.

Michelle: Yeah, I'll make sure he takes care of that.

Chloe: Thanks.

Michelle: Listen, Chloe. You're better at what you do than anyone I've ever worked with. I need you here.

Chloe: Thank you for saying that, but I think I've had enough for today.

Michelle: Chloe, this would be for Jack, not just for CTU.

Chloe: What are you talking about?

Michelle: He's about to go undercover in a high-risk operation. We need to mount massive surveillance in very little time. I don't have confidence that Edgar can do this on his own.

Chloe: Well, there's nothing I can do about that.

Michelle: Chloe, I just need a few hours of your time and then you can move on. I just wanna do everything I can to ensure Jack's safety.

Chloe: Fine, but it's just for today.

Michelle: Thank you, Chloe.

Chloe: You're welcome.

[Chloe hangs up.]


Jack: They're setting cars up at the ambush site in case Marwan wants to verify. We're using the dead bodies of terrorists from Heller's rescue.

Tony: All right. The follow team will stay as close as they can but to tell you the truth, Jack, you're flying without a net on this one. If a hostile decides to take you out without warning... there's nothing we can do.

Jack: I know.

Tony: Look, Audrey's still at the clinic. There's time, if you wanna say goodbye.

Jack: She got a lot on her mind right now.

Tony: Jack, she should know what you're about to do.

Jack: She's been through enough today.

[Jack and Tony enter the holding room where Dina is held.]

Tony: I want you to look over the timeline. We'll talk through the details.

Dina: I'm not doing anything until I see my son.

Tony: We don't have time for that right now.

Dina: Seeing my son in non-negotiable.

Jack: Tony.

[Tony leaves the holding room.]

Jack: You need to learn every aspect of the cover story. Your life depends on it.

Dina: Don't worry about me.

Jack: You can see your son, but only for a minute. That's all. Let's go.

[Jack takes Dina to see Behrooz.]

Behrooz: Mom. They wouldn't tell me where you were. I thought I was never gonna see you again.

Dina: We're going to be together.

Behrooz: What are you talking about? They wouldn't let you come with me.

Dina: Everything has changed. I agreed to do something for them and they'll let me go with you.

Behrooz: What do they want you to do?

Dina: Help them find Marwan.

Behrooz: It's too dangerous.

Dina: Oh, I can handle Marwan.

Behrooz: Please, mom. No.

Dina: Don't worry. I'll be fine.

Behrooz: Please, mom.

Jack: Mrs. Araz, it's time.

[Dina kisses Behrooz and then leaves with Jack.]


Michelle: Is field surveillance in place yet?

Tony: We have audio. There might be a few dead spots, but we should be able to hear inside the house, that's assuming we'd get that far.

Michelle: OK, thank you.

Tony: Yeah.

Edgar: Come on. Come on. Why aren't you going through? Dammit.

Chloe: Use the danziger filter. You can download it internally if you know what you're doing. There, you're in.

Edgar: Chloe, what are you doing here?

Chloe: Michelle thought you could use some help. Offload you task lists to me at station 12. I'll cover your overflow.

Edgar: I can handle my assignment.

Chloe: Well, obviously you can't, otherwise Michelle wouldn't have called me in.

Michelle: Edgar. I meant to tell you before Chloe got here.

Edgar: Look, Miss Dessler, I can do my job. I don't need any help.

Michelle: I'm not saying you can't, but I'm not taking any chances either.

Edgar: Look, I know we got off to a rocky stop, but...

Michelle: Edgar. This isn't a debate, it's an order. Now, brief Chloe so she can run satellite with you, and do it fast. Jack's approaching the staging area now.


[The phone rings.]

Byron: This is Byron.

Michelle: This is Dessler. We're set on our end. Satellite and surveillance teams are in place. Go in at your discretion.

Byron: Roger that. We'll leave this line open.

[Jack and Dina arrive at Fayed's house. Still inside the car, Jack instructs Dina how the operation will go down.]

Dina: We are going in alone?

Jack: Our agents are conducting audio surveillance with mobile parabolics.

Dina: What does that mean?

Jack: Acknowledge that you can hear me. Copy that.

[Jack pulls out his knife. He aims it at his own stomach.]

Dina: What are you doing?

Jack: I have to make it look like I was injured during the attack.

[Jack plunges the knife into his stomach. He then loads his gun with bullets and hands it to Dina.]

Jack: Take my gun. This has to look as convincing as possible. Take my gun.

Dina: You must know that I want to kill you.

Jack: Yes. But you won't because of Behrooz.

[Dina takes Jack's gun.]

Jack: Let's go.

[Jack and Dina get out of the car and approach Fayed's house.]

Byron: They're going in.

Michelle: We're standing by.

Dina: What if Fayed doesn't believe us?

Jack: Then we're both dead.

[Inside, Fayed is watching a news report on TV.]

News Reporter on TV: ...as people were evacuating the San Gabriel island area. As you can see here from footage that was shot earlier, there was a hundred mile radius as people trying to evacuate...

[Dina knocks on Fayed's door. Fayed shuts down the TV and takes a gun from one of the drawers.]

Fayed: Who is it?

Dina: Joseph, it's Dina Araz.

Fayed: Who?

Dina: Dina Araz. I'm a friend. My husband is Navi. He's been killed.

Fayed: I don't know what you're talking about. Please, go away.

Dina: I need to speak to Marwan.

Fayed: I don't know any Marwan.

Dina: Yes, you do.

Fayed: Go away before I call the police.

Dina: You won't call the police, and we both know why.

Fayed: What do you want?

Dina: I have a hostage. Someone Marwan will want. His name is Jack Bauer. He's a CTU agent. Now, please, let me in before someone sees me!

[Fayed opens the door and pins Jack to a wall.]

Fayed: Close the door! Put your gun over there. Do it!

[Dina does as Fayed asked. Fayed searches Jack for weapons and then knocks him out with the back of his gun.]

Fayed: How did you find me?

Dina: My husband told me.

Fayed: I don't know your husband.

Dina: He knew you.

Fayed: Tell me what happened.

Dina: My husband was killed and I was arrested. They were transporting me to CTU. I heard an explosion and the van we were driving crashed. It was our people. They came to rescue me. Everyone fell, except Bauer and me. He was wounded and I managed to get his gun.

Fayed: Where did this happen?

Dina: At the intersection of Sepulveda and National, half a mile from here.

Fayed: Don't move.

[Fayed nervously calls Marwan.]

Marwan: What is it?

Fayed: This is Fayed. A woman named Dina Araz came to me.

Marwan: How did she find you?

Fayed: She claims her husband told her.

Marwan: What does she want?

Fayed: She wants to bring you a hostage. A CTU agent named Jack Bauer.

Marwan: Jack Bauer?

[Chloe can't tap into Fayed and Marwan's phone conversation because the signal is scrambled.]

Michelle: Can you break into the other side of the conversation?

Chloe: No, the call's being piped through a satellite switcher. The signal's scrambled.

[Jack regains consciousness. Fayed doesn't notice this.]

Fayed: As she was being transported, our people ambushed their vehicle at the intersection of Sepulveda and National. Everyone was killed, but she managed to escape with Bauer. What do you want me to do?

Marwan: Bring them to me. I will call you back in five minutes with the details. Be ready. Do you understand?

Fayed: Yes, I understand.

[Fayed hangs up.]

Fayed: Marwan wants to see you.

Michelle: Byron, it's a go.

Byron: I heard. Set a follow grid and we'll coordinate from our end.


[The Air Force pilot anxiously enters the base.]

Guard: Evening, sir.

John: Evening.

Guard: Pop the trunk for me, sir.

John: Since when are you searching officers' cars at the gate, Sergeant?

Guard: Alleviated threat level.

[The guards search John's car. They don't see Anderson hiding inside the collapsed backseat.]

Guard: OK. You're good to go, sir.

John: Thank you.

[John drives the car inside the base. Anderson radios Marwan.]

Anderson: I'm on base.

Marwan: Proceed as planed.

John: OK, I got you on base. Let me talk to my family.

Anderson: Open the trunk, John.

John: Let me talk to my wife.

Anderson: I said open the trunk.

John: Please, let me talk to my family.

Anderson: Your family is dead, and so are you.

[Anderson shoots John and puts him inside the trunk. Anderson takes the man's pass card and identification. He then snips the thumb off the body with a pair of pliers.]


[The CTU doctor explains to Audrey and Heller that he called in a neurosurgeon to remove a bullet lodged near Paul's spine.]

Doctor: Mrs. Raines, your husband sustained bullet wounds to his chest and abdomen. Now, we were able to extract one of the bullets, but I called a neurosurgeon in from seeders to help extract the second bullet.

Heller: Why a neurosurgeon?

Doctor: Well, the bullet is lodged against his T-5 vertebra and we wanna be careful to avoid any further spinal trauma.

Audrey: I can't believe this is happening.

Doctor: I'll let you know as soon as I get any news on his condition.

Heller: Thank you.

[Audrey cries.]

Audrey: Dad, I don't think I realized how much I care for Paul until now.

Heller: I know this is terrible timing, but the President has called and I have to leave. You'll be able to reach me on my number. The doctors will keep me up to speed.

Audrey: OK.

Heller: I love you, Audrey. And I'm proud to be your dad.

Audrey: I love you too. Be careful.


[Chloe tracks on satellite as Fayed has Dina drive the car. Jack is in the backseat.]

Jack: Where are you taking me?

Dina: Shut up. How far are we going?

Fayed: It won't be long.

Dina: You look nervous.

Fayed: What do you expect?

Dina: I wouldn't have contacted you if I felt I had a choice.

Fayed: And as a result, I have no choice.

Dina: We do whatever we have to for the cause, so what's the problem?

Fayed: There is no problem.

Chloe: He's approaching the intersection. They're turning off Olympic.

Edgar: Move into next sub channel.

Michelle: He's turning on to a side street. Collier Avenue. Hold that distance.

Byron: Understood.

Tony: He's heading towards the Broad street Tunnel.

Michelle: He's slowing down. Byron, drop back. We can't afford to have him spot the tail.

Byron: We're backing off. Turning into the tunnel.

Michelle: Maintain your distance.

Byron: That's too far ahead for the parabolic. We're not gonna be able to hear what's going on in there.

Chloe: The tunnel is 400 yards long. They'll be out of satellite view for approximately 20 seconds.

Fayed: Pull in front of this truck.

Dina: What's going on?

Man: Get out of the car.

Dina: What are you doing?

[Terrorists dressed as construction workers grab Jack and Dina from the car. One of the men hands Fayed a briefcase.]

Man: From Marwan.

Fayed: Yes.

[Fayed drives off. Jack and Dina are loaded into another van which goes out the opposite way.]

Tony: This is taking too long.

[CTU sees Fayed's car but they realize that Jack and Dina are not inside.]

Edgar: We got them. They're out of the tunnel.

Michelle: Do you have a visual?

Byron: That's it. We got them up ahead.

Edgar: Fayed's turning out to Nepean.

Michelle: Nepean loops back around to Olympic.

Tony: Because he just spent the last five minutes driving in a circle.

Edgar: Maybe he's trying to detect surveillance.

Tony: Chloe, can you switch to infrared?

Chloe: Hold on. There's only one person in the car.

Michelle: He made a switch in the tunnel. Byron, the covert part of the operation is over. All teams, move in on the target car.

Byron: Alpha team, cut him off at the bridge. We're right behind.

Michelle: Establish the perimeter around the area. Stop and search all vehicles. Chloe, do you have anything on satellite?

Chloe: Nothing around the immediate area of the target's car.

Tony: Go back into archives and find out what happened.

Chloe: Yeah, it's gonna take a few minutes.

Tony: Do it.

Michelle: Byron, what's your status?

Byron: We're closing in now. We got him surrounded on the bridge. I'll take the lead.

Agent: Get out of the car and put your hands up now!

Agent #2: Out of the car!

Agent: Go! Go! Go!

[As the agents approach the car, Fayed sets off the bomb in the briefcase. CTU watches in horror over satellite.]

Chloe: Oh, my God.

Michelle: Marwan's had us up.


[A CTU agent calls CTU from the scene of the explosion.]

Tony: Almeida.

Agent: This is Delevan, agent Byron's dead, so is Fayed. Is there any sign of Jack?

Tony: No, not yet. Any other hostiles in the area?

Delevan: The area looks secure.

Tony: OK. I'll get you another backup team as soon as I can.

[Tony hangs up.]

Chloe: I have the archives satellite footage.

Michelle: Play it back.

Chloe: OK. During the time Fayed's car is in the tunnel, three vehicles exit.

Michelle: Check the van.

Tony: Can you get me a license number on that?

Chloe: Not from the satellite. Let me check the traffic cameras. Edgar, get me the caltrans interface.

Edgar: We have a socket open. Logging in. Done.

Chloe: OK. There's a camera at the entrance to the tunnel. Looking for the right frame. Got it.

Michelle: Send this out to all the field teams. I want interagency support on setting up a grid.

Tony: I'm on it. We have an ID on a vehicle. White Chevy van, late 90's, license plate: Charlie-Victor-Alpha-3-2-2.


[The men driving the van stop the car and take Jack and Dina to Marwan.]

Marwan: You've caused me a lot of trouble.

[Marwan kicks Jack to the floor.]

Marwan: Sorry for your loss, Dina. Navi was a good man. I hope my men weren't too rough with you. It was necessary, in case you were under surveillance.

Dina: I understand, but we weren't followed. I was careful.

Marwan: You're a good liar, Dina.

Dina: What?

Marwan: Fayed martyred himself. The men who were following you are dead.

Dina: What men?

Marwan: Enough with the lies!

[Marwan pulls a gun on Dina.]

Dina: Marwan, please believe me, I did not betray you.

[Marwan looks at Jack.]

Marwan: Prove it to me. Kill him.

[Marwan hands Dina his gun. She takes it. Dina aims the gun at Jack's head. At the last second, she turns the gun on Marwan and pulls the trigger. The chamber clicks empty.]

Marwan: Just what I thought. Get him out of here.

[Marwan's men kill Dina and take Jack away. Anderson enters the high security area of the Air Force base. He presses the pilot's severed thumb to the keypad for verification. The door opens and he goes into the airplane hangar.]


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