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24 heures chrono
#423 : 05h00 - 06h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 4 guide des épisodes

Richard Heller a donné une piste à la CAT. Celle-ci conduit à un couple qui travaille pour Marwan. Arrivé à leur domicile, Jack découvre le cadavre de l'homme tandis que Tony est pris en otage par la femme.


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5:00am - 6:00am

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05h00 - 06h00


24 Season 4 Finale Promo

24 Season 4 Finale Promo


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• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Kim Raver : Audrey Raines
• Roger Cross : Curtis Manning

Special guest stars

• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• and Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler

Guest starring

• Mia Kirshner : Mandy
• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick
• Gregory Itzin : President Charles Logan
• Louis Lombardi : Edgar Stiles
• Tzi Ma : Cheng Zhi
• James Morrison : Bill Buchanan
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• Arnold Vosloo : Habib Marwan
• Robert Cicchini : Howard Bern
• Darby Stanchfield : Shari
• Jonathan Del Arco : Ian

Special guest appearance

• Dennis Haysbert : David Palmer  

Panorama City, 5h. Jack ainsi que les agents de la C.A.T. sont toujours à la recherche de Tony, pris en otage quelques instants plus tôt par Mandy. Bauer annonce à Buchanan et Michelle que la tâche ne risque pas d’être simple puisque le périmètre comprend plus de 600 appartements à fouiller un par un.

Ces derniers l’informent que le LAPD est en route avec des hommes supplémentaires. Pendant ce temps, Audrey est en liaison avec Novick : le sujet n’est autre que ce fameux missile. Audrey confirme à Mike qu’il s’agit d’un missile S-Class, élaboré pour échapper à toutes détections, ce qui rend impossible d’évaluer les conséquences de son explosion.

Au même moment, Buchanan annonce à Michelle, après une conversation téléphonique, que le LAPD ne peut envoyer plus d’une dizaine d’hommes à Panorama City, ce qui a le don d’énerver Dessler. Celle-ci admet devant Buchanan qu’elle prend peut-être la situation trop à cœur puisqu’il s’agit de Tony. Retour à Panorama City, il est 5h05.

Mandy reçoit un appel de Marwan qui se fait soigner suite à une blessure contractée lors de son évasion, et l’informe du fait qu’il y ait eu un problème et qu’elle a du s’organiser en fonction de. Marwan, qui part dans moins d’une heure, lui annonce qu’il ne l’attendra pas si elle n’est pas au rendez-vous.

Mandy lui dit de ne pas s’inquiéter et raccroche avant de se diriger vers Tony pour faire état d’un plan : Almeida risqua d’aller en prison afin de délivrer Michelle des main de Saunders deux ans auparavant, Mandy veut voir si Dessler serait capable de faire de même pour Tony aujourd’hui…

Pendant ce temps, Audrey informe Palmer et Novick que le missile reste toujours introuvable, et qu’une investigation encore plus minutieuse pourrait prendre jusqu’à deux voire trois heures. Palmer demande à Audrey de simuler les scénarios de désastres nucléaires pour l’ensemble des villes susceptibles d’être atteintes, soit vingt des plus grandes cités du pays…

Au même moment, Michelle brief Edgar sur la situation avant de recevoir un appel dans son bureau de… Mandy lui disant qu’elle n’hésitera pas à tuer Tony si elle ne bénéficie pas de son aide afin de sortir de son appartement avant d’exposer sa première requête : l’ensemble des agents doivent se déplacer dans l’allée Nord-Est du complexe afin de lui laisser la voie libre, sinon Tony mourra. Il est 5h10, Michelle est on ne peut plus troublée.

5h14, C.A.T. Buchanan entre dans le bureau de Dessler afin de savoir où en sont les renforts du LAPD avant d’être mis au parfum : Michelle, ne pouvant le garder pour elle, lui annonce qu’elle vient de recevoir un appel de Mandy. Buchanan s’empresse de contacter Bauer, toujours à Panorama City, pour l’informer du fait que Michelle ait été contactée par le preneur d’otage. Jack demande alors à cette dernière de faire en sorte que Mandy croie en sa coopération, avant de dire à Buchanan qu’il allait redéployer ses hommes dans l’allée Nord-Est.

 A la cellule, Dessler reste très troublée par la situation actuelle… Pendant ce temps, Bauer brief Curtis, et lui annonce qu’il faut faire comme si de rien était, afin que Mandy ne se rende pas compte du fait que Michelle l’ait trahie en prévenant la C.A.T. de son appel.

On voit alors Mandy, électrocuter Almeida afin que ce dernier ne puisse s’enfuir une fois évanoui, avant de sortir de l’appartement et cogner à la porte d’un voisin : une amie lui ouvre aimablement et c’est une Mandy tout sourire qui entre. Deux autres hommes se trouvent à l’intérieur, Mandy abat soudainement et froidement l’un d’entre devant les yeux écarquillés et incrédules des autres. Il est 5h21, Mandy prépare sa fuite…

5h25 : Logan intervient auprès de Palmer et Novick leur annonçant qu’il vient de recevoir un inquiétant appel du Ministre Chinois des Affaires Etrangères. Il est évident que si le consulat Chinois parvient à prouver que Bern, l’homme figurant sur la vidéo de surveillance du consulat, est un homme de la cellule, les répercussions seront très graves.

C’est un Logan très en colère et très inquiet qui fait alors la morale à Palmer comme quoi il n’aurait jamais du autoriser cet assaut, avant de se calmer et de demander ce qu’il doit dire au Ministre Chinois. Palmer répond que c’est Mike qui s’en chargera. Le président Logan manque de confiance en lui et n’est assurément pas l’homme de la situation… Il est 5h28.

A la cellule, Buchanan reçoit un appel de Bern. Bill le met au courant de la situation selon laquelle le consulat fait pression, et lui ordonne de se fabriquer un alibi susceptible de le disculper. Bern remercie Buchanan, raccroche, et monte dans la voiture venue le chercher avant de tomber sur… Cheng Zhi, du consulat Chinois, l’attendant à l’intérieur ! Bern est emmené de force mais refuse de parler.

5h31. Mandy appelle Michelle lui demandant si elle a suivi les instructions, et dit qu’elle n’hésitera pas à tuer Tony si elle s’aperçoit que Michelle a avertit le reste de la C.A.T. La communication prend fin, Dessler est à cran… A Panorama City, la pluie s’est invitée à la partie. Jack et Curtis ont caché un dispositif de surveillance dans un appartement afin d’observer l’allée ouest, allée par laquelle Mandy serait susceptible de sortir.

On voit alors deux personnes sortir sous un parapluie, la scène est filmée et retransmise à la C.A.T. au moment où Michelle reçoit un appel de Mandy lui affirmant qu’elle tient un revolver pointé sur Tony qui marche à coté d’elle sous une pluie battante.

La scène est suivie par Jack et Curtis, cachés, ainsi que par la C.A.T., on voit alors Mandy entrer dans une voiture lorsque Buchanan ordonne aux hommes de la C.A.T. d’intervenir, ce que Jack désapprouve. Mandy, à l’intérieur du véhicule et toujours au téléphone avec Michelle lui dit qu’elle a vu un des agents de la C.A.T…Pour Mandy, Michelle a menti, on voit alors la voiture exploser… C’est la stupeur à la cellule et à Panorama City : Mandy et Tony… sont morts.

Jack, n’en revenant pas, confirme à Bill que la voiture est bien partie en fumée. Michelle, elle, est abattue. Il est 5h35. 5h38. Logan, Palmer et Novick sont mis au courant par Bill Buchanan comme quoi le contact de Marwan s’est donné la mort, et a tué par la même occasion un agent de la cellule.

Bill informe le président qu’il n’est plus raisonnable d’envisager une possibilité d’intercepter le missile avant qu’il n’atteigne sa cible. David pense qu’il ne reste qu’une solution : mobiliser le maximum de ressources afin d’éviter le pire, il faut mobiliser la Garde Nationale et instaurer la loi martiale, les conséquences risquent d’être affreuses.

Une fois la communication terminée, on voit Logan rejeter la responsabilité de tout ceci sur David Palmer, alors estomaqué. A la cellule, Buchanan tente de consoler Michelle avant de lui ordonner de rentrer chez elle. Au même moment à Panorama City, Jack, ne voulant croire à la mort de Tony, re-visionne l’explosion tout en restant incrédule : le preneur d’otage était un professionnel, non un fanatique.

Pour lui, quelque chose ne tourne pas rond, Mandy et Tony ne sont pas morts… Bill lui ordonne alors de quitter les lieux : il a dix minutes. Jack persiste et se rend compte qu’il manque quelque chose sur la bande son : le bruit de la pluie sur la voiture lorsque Mandy était au téléphone avec Michelle.

Pour Jack il n’y a aucun doute, le preneur d’otage a passé ce coup de fil de l’intérieur d’un bâtiment. Les deux personnes mortes dans l’explosion ne seraient d’autres que les voisins de Mandy…

Il est 5h45, les agents de la cellule et du LAPD se redéploient autour du bâtiment. Au même moment, Mandy, bien vivante, se décide à quitter la pièce dans laquelle elle se cachait jusque là. Elle prend Tony avec elle, le menaçant d’un révolver. Ce dernier trouve comme astuce de s’écorcher volontairement la plante du pied grâce à des débris d’ampoules éparpillés sur la moquette, de façon à laisser trace de son passage.

Quittant ainsi l’appartement le pied discrètement ensanglanté, Jack et ses hommes n’auraient qu’à suivre les traces de sang sur le sol afin de savoir où s’est-il dirigé avec son ravisseur…

Ce qui fonctionne à merveille ! Il est 5h51, Mandy et Almeida arrivent dans le parking souterrain de la résidence. On voit alors Bauer et Curtis les intercepter : c’est terminé, Mandy est maîtrisée, Tony, bel et bien vivant, est sauvé. Au même moment, Dessler, qui pleure dans sa voiture, reçoit un appel : c’est Bill qui lui annonce que Tony est bien en vie ! Il est 5h56.

Jack tente de faire un deal avec Mandy : il lui garantit une immunité signée du président en échange d’informations sur la localisation de Marwan, ce que cette dernière semble accepter. Pendant ce temps, Bern, ligoté, est interrogé par Zhi et ses hommes.

Ce dernier lui annonce que s’il ne veut pas coopérer, il sera emmené de force à San Diego où il montra à bord du China Queen, bateau prenant direction de la Chine. Bern y sera détenu dans camp d’emprisonnement à sécurité maximum, et ce, à jamais.

Plus personne n’entendra ainsi parler de lui, ni sa femme, ni ses enfants, ni le gouvernement. Cheng Zhi veut simplement le nom du responsable de l’assaut du consulat.

Bern perd alors ses esprits, hésite, angoisse, bafouille, panique… avant de craquer : il est 6h, et le nom du responsable de l’opération du consulat est… JACK BAUER.

Transcript by Nina Meyers - Posted on TWIZ TV.COM

Episode 4X23: 5:00 A.M. - 6:00 A.M.
Original Air Date: 05/23/2005

TM & © 2005 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

Previously on 24:

Logan: I've just been told a cruise missile was launched containing the nuclear warhead.

Jack: Yes, sir, that's correct.

Palmer: What about Marwan, Jack? You think he'll break?

Jack: That won't be easy, sir. He's planned and organized everything that's happened today.


Logan: Now, how am I supposed to be able to fight terrorists while I'm provoking a nuclear superpower? We marched onto Chinese soil, we kidnapped one of their nationals, and in the process the Chinese consul was killed.


Cheng: The murder of a Chinese consul on Chinese soil could be construed as an act of war. I assume you know this man, Howard Bern. One of your field agents.

Jack: A security camera at the Chinese consulate picked up your face.

Bern: That's impossible. I was wearing my mask.

Jack: Trust me, I saw the freeze frame. It was you.

Bern: I'm sorry, Jack.

Jack: You gotta go. There's a chopper waiting for you.


Marwan: It doesn't matter where you take me. What I want is already happening.

Jack: Go! Notify the perimeter we no longer have Marwan in custody!


Curtis: Richard Heller called Marwan a week ago. They're bringing him to CTU.

Jack: This is a sketch of the guy that Richard Heller described. He and the girl are our only leads to finding Marwan.


Gary: One of us is gonna get caught to save the other?

Mandy: It's gonna be you.

[Mandy shoots Gary.]


Michelle: Tony, wait. I can't spend another day without you. I'm ready to leave here. I'm ready to go with you.

[Tony kisses Michelle.]

Michelle: Be careful.


Jack: Tony, this is Jack. Has anybody reported any outside movement?

Tony: No. Why?

Jack: The man is dead. The girl is no longer in the apartment. Tony, do you copy? Tony, do you copy? Castle, why is Almeida not on com? All teams, this is Bauer. Castle is down, Almeida is missing. I repeat, Almeida is missing and possibly a hostage.


The following takes place between 5:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M.

Buchanan: Jack, have you apprehended her?

Jack: No, we do not have the female hostile in custody. She's hiding somewhere here in the apartment complex. She killed agent Castle and I believe she's taken Tony Almeida as a hostage.

Michelle: Is there any way she slipped the perimeter?

Jack: No, the perimeter's air-tight, but there's over 600 apartments in the complex. We have to search them room by room. Listen, we need more personnel here.

Buchanan: Jack, we're running low on manpower.

Jack: Dammit, Bill, there's a missile in the air carrying a nuclear warhead. This is our best shot at taking it out before it hits its target.

Buchanan: The White House has us running point with DOD to find the missile. We're stretched-thin.

Michelle: Jack, we'll have LAPD send more men, and we'll send Curtis and another tac team to the location.

Jack: OK, fine. We've already initiated the search starting with the buildings nearest the perimeter, working our way in, but we need LAPD here now.

Buchanan: Keep us posted.

[Buchanan hangs up.]

Buchanan (to Michelle): Contact Division, see if they can spare more men. I'll call our liaison at LAPD.


[Audrey explains to Novick over the phone that she hasn't found the missile on the satellite.]

Audrey: We've almost completed our second satellite pass over the current flight radius of the missile.

Mike: And no sign of it yet?

Audrey: No, not so far.

Mike: What do you think our realistic chances are of being able to locate the missile?

Audrey: I don't think they're very good. This missile's an S-class. It uses elements of stealth technology. It was designed to evade detection.

Mike: I'm aware of that, but it will still have a heat signature.

Audrey: Yes, but the lower the missile flies to the ground, the harder it is to pick up.

Mike: How much longer until you've completed the second satellite pass?

Audrey: Less than twenty minutes.

Mike: Get back to me as soon as you have the results.

Audrey: All right.


Michelle (over the phone): I don't care. We need every available agent there now.

Man: But they're not cleared for field work.

Michelle: Bump up their security level on provisional basis if you have to.

Man: Yes, Ma'am.

Michelle: Call me back with the exact number when you have it.

Man: Yes, Ma'am.

[Michelle hangs up.]

Buchanan (over the phone): All right, coordinate that with Edgar Stiles here at com. Thanks, Rick.

[Buchanan hangs up.]

Michelle: What did LAPD say?

Buchanan: They're keeping certain units in reserve and...

Michelle: But they're sending more patrolmen to help Jack, right?

Buchanan: They're sending nine over there now, and they're gonna try to pull another twelve from the east round.

Michelle: Nine? That's not nearly enough. We'll have to reassign our people. Send them over there now.

Buchanan: I'm taking care of that, Michelle.

Michelle: When? We need people there now. This woman has to be captured.

Buchanan: Michelle. Everyone understands what's at stake here. We're gonna do our best to find this woman, but we have to remain calm, or everything will spiral out of control.

Michelle: You're right, I'm not being objective. I'll admit it; I'm worried about what this woman might do to Tony, but I will not lose sight of the big picture.

Buchanan: The big picture is that we have to apprehend this hostile, alive. Nothing else matters.


[Tony is bound and gagged in a vacant apartment. He's stripped of his shirt. Mandy researches Tony's background on a laptop. She sees a story on the web about his dismissal from CTU and his connection to Michelle. Mandy's cell phone rings.]

Mandy: What is it, Marwan?

Marwan: You're late. You were supposed to check in.

Mandy: I know. There was a hitch, nothing serious. I am gonna be there.

Marwan: What kind of hitch?

Mandy: There was a problem in the apartment, and I'm dealing with it.

Marwan: I'm leaving in one hour. I'm not waiting for you.

Mandy: I know, and I'm gonna be there.

[Marwan hangs up.]

Mandy: Well, we don't have much time. They're very close to finding us, and that would be very very bad for both of us. So tell me, Tony, two years ago you put Michelle Dessler's life ahead of national security. You let a suspect escape, and you committed treason. Is she gonna do the same for you?


Audrey: Mike, it's Audrey Rains.

Mike: Yes, Audrey. What have you got?

Audrey: Well, the second satellite pass is complete. We were unable to detect the missile with thermal imaging. There's just too much radiant heat from ground sources.

Palmer: Ms. Raines, this is President Palmer. Is there a chance another satellite pass will find the missile?

Audrey: Well, the more data we have, Mr. President, the better, but a more intensive pass will take two to three hours.

Palmer: And we expect the missile to find its target before then.

Audrey: Yes, sir, we do.

Palmer: All right. Make sure FBI is on a real time link with all local emergency channels.

Audrey: All right, I'll get that done right now.

Palmer: I also want you to compile disaster scenarios for the urban centers within range of the missile.

Audrey: Sir, that's twenty of the largest cities in this country.

Palmer: I'm aware of that. I want death rates, fallout patterns, emergency response and predictions laid out for all of them.

Audrey: Yes, sir, I'll take care of that right now.

Palmer: Thank you, Ms. Raines.


Michelle: As additional teams arrive on site, assign them sections of the grid. We do not want people bumping into each other.

Edgar: If the subject is spotted, what's the approach protocol?

Michelle: We maximize for capture. There can be no lack time.

Edgar: Do you wanna evaluate the formation since she's got Tony hostage?

Michelle: We proceed as if there is no hostage. There is only one operational objective, and that is to capture this woman. Make sure that's the profile you send out to all the teams. Understand?

Edgar: Yes.

[Michelle's cell phone rings.]

Michelle: Dessler.

Mandy: Why don't you get somewhere private, where we can talk?

Michelle: Who is this?

Mandy: I'm sending you the answer.

[Mandy sends Michelle a photo message of Tony to prove that he's alive.]

Michelle: Tony.

Mandy: Now do you know who this is? And don't bother trying to triangulate the call. It's scrambled.

Michelle: Please, don't hurt him.

Mandy: He's OK for now, but he won't be unless you do everything that I say, Michelle.

Michelle: I understand.

Mandy: I need your help getting out of here.

Michelle: What kind of help?

Mandy: You're hesitating.

Michelle: I'm not, I'm not. I just need to know what you want me to do.

Mandy: Your men are between me and my exit. I need to know what their search patterns are, and how many men there are.

Michelle: OK, OK, I'll find out.

Mandy: You'll tell me right now.

Michelle: I have to go downstairs and talk to my tactical team.

Mandy: No, Michelle, you're stalling. How many men are there, total?

Michelle: Upwards of thirty, not including LAPD, and reinforcements are on the way.

Mandy: You will need to remove your men from the northeast driveway of the complex.

Michelle: I don't know if I can do that.

Mandy: You will redeploy your men by the time I call you back, or Tony dies.

Michelle: When are you calling back?

Mandy: Soon. Get moving, Michelle.

[Mandy hangs up.]

Mandy: Well, she still loves you. The question is how much?


[Michelle calls Edgar.]

Edgar: Edgar Stiles.

Michelle: Edgar, send the deployment group to my screen.

Edgar: It's updating. You want the last version, or do you wanna wait?

Michelle: Just send it.

[Edgar sends the deployment group to Michelle.]

Michelle: Are LAPD reinforcements there yet?

Edgar: Some are on site now, some will be there in about fifteen minutes. Do you want me to send the updated grid when it comes in? Ms. Dessler?

Michelle: Yes. Yes. Do that.


Buchanan (over the phone): No, no, we can't eliminate the Mid West or any region within the missile's flying range. Yes, that's what I'm trying to tell you. This warhead could hit anywhere. We're putting together the projective casualty numbers. They're gonna be high. Yeah.

[Buchanan hangs up.]

Buchanan: Where are we on the search of the apartment complex?

Michelle: Nothing so far.

Buchanan: LAPD there yet?

Michelle: They're on their way.

Buchanan: I'll be at com.

[Buchanan turns to leave.]

Michelle: I can't do this.

Buchanan: You can't do what?

Michelle: I can't... sacrifice the lives of all those people if this warhead goes off. She called me.

Buchanan: Who? Who called you?

Michelle: The hostile who has Tony.

Buchanan: When? What did she say?

Michelle: A couple of minutes ago. She said to redeploy our men so she can get away, or Tony dies.

[Buchanan dials his phone.]

Woman: Yes, sir?

Buchanan: Patch me through to Jack Bauer's com.

Woman: Right away.


Jack: Take your team. Start working the second floor, building 11.

Buchanan: Jack, you read me?

Jack: Yeah, I copy.

Buchanan: We've got something. The suspect contacted Michelle. She confirms she's holding Tony hostage. She's trying to use him as leverage against Michelle to open up an escape route.

Jack: Is Michelle there?

Michelle: I'm right here, Jack.

Jack: Do we have any idea where she is?

Michelle: She wants me to clear a path in the northeast driveway. She's going to call to confirm that I did it.

Jack: When?

Michelle: I don't know. It could be any second.

Jack: Michelle, I want you to make her believe that you're still cooperating with her. I need you to draw her into the open. I promise you that we will do everything we can for Tony.

Michelle: OK.

Jack: Stay ready for her call. Bill, I'm gonna pull all units out of the northeast driveway, put them in concealed positions outside the complex.

Buchanan: It's still possible she'll change her mind at the last minute and try another escape route.

Jack: I know, and we'll be ready for that, but if she doesn't, I want her to believe that Michelle's still complying. As soon as she's fifty yards outside of the complex, and can't reenter - that's when our teams will converge.

Buchanan: Let me know when your men are ready to redeploy.

Jack: Copy that.

Buchanan: Are you gonna be all right?

Michelle: Yeah. I was gonna do what she wanted.

Buchanan: Michelle...

Michelle: I didn't call you right away. All I could think of at first was saving Tony's life.

Buchanan: It's OK. It's done.


Jack: All designated teams, prepare moving to your secondary positions on my command.

[Curtis arrives on the scene.]

Jack: Curtis.

Curtis: What do you need me to do?

Jack: Some of the residents aren't cooperating with this search. I want you to have LAPD units start arresting anybody that's giving us a problem.

Curtis: You got it. Why don't we pull some of the resources off the search? We have a better chance of finding the hostile through her communication with Michelle.

Jack: No, the hostile's gonna be looking for any sign that Michelle's betrayed her. We have to follow procedures if we have no idea they've been in contact.

Curtis: Understood.

Jack: As soon as you're done with LAPD, I need you with me.

Curtis: You got it.

Jack: Bill, this is Jack. Do you copy?

Buchanan: Yeah, Jack?

Jack: We're ready to go down here. Any new communication with the hostile?

Buchanan: No, Michelle's still waiting for her call. Have you been able to make any kind of ID on scene?

Jack: Forensics tried to pull prints from her last known position, but they came up with nothing.

Buchanan: Same result here. No match on the voiceprint. She's managed to stay completely out of the radar.

Jack: We're gonna have to hope that because how fast this is moving she slips up and makes a mistake, otherwise we're in trouble.

Buchanan: Proceed when ready, Jack. We're standing by.

Jack: Copy that. All northeast driveway teams, move into secondary positions. We're a go.

[Mandy watches through binoculars as the police vehicles move out from the area that she had cleared with Michelle. She then tasers Tony and he passes out. Mandy applies lipstick and goes outside the apartment. Mandy knocks on a neighbor's door.]

Mandy: Hey.

Woman: What are you doing? You're supposed to stay in your apartment. There's some crazy person who lives in the building.

Mandy: Yeah, I know, I know. Hey, man.

Man: Hey.

Mandy: Where's Chaz?

Woman: He just got up.

Mandy: Can you just get him? 'Cause I just need to talk to him. Something happened.

Woman: Chaz!

Man: What's going on?

Mandy: Nothing, just weird stuff.

Man: What?

Mandy: Nothing.

Man: Why don't you just tell me?

Mandy: No, it's cool.

Chaz: Hey, what's going on, neighbor?

Mandy: Hey, man. How are you?

[Mandy pulls out her gun and shoots Chaz.]

Mandy: Shh. Not a sound.


Logan: I just got off a very disturbing phone call from the Chinese foreign Secretary.

Palmer: So they're still pressing us on the attack on their consulate?

Logan: It's much worse than that, David. The fallout from that attack you authorized is escalating. They're determined to pin this on us. If they manage to confirm that this is one of our men, I don't have to tell you what kind of disaster that would be.

Palmer: No, sir, you don't. But this alone is not conclusive enough for the Chinese to turn this into an international incident.

Logan: But if they find corroborating evidence?

Palmer: CTU is doing whatever they can to prevent that from happening, including getting this agent out of sight until it blows over.

Logan: I know I gave you the authority to make the decision, but you never should have ordered that assault.

Palmer: If we hadn't carried out the raid, sir, we'd be nowhere on stopping the missile.

Logan: And where are we, David? Is there some progress I don't know about?

Palmer: CTU is closing in on one of Marwan's associates. If they apprehend her in time, they feel that they can use her to find Marwan.

Logan: Do you know how speculative that sounds? My God, we're never gonna find it in time!

Palmer: Don't say that! We will stop it, but you must believe that, if you're gonna lead today.

Logan: How am I gonna believe that? Every second that passes brings that missile closer to its target, which for all we know, is us!

Palmer: We are not sitting on our hands, Mr. President. We are using every resource at our disposal to find this missile. We will prevent the warhead from going off.

Logan: I wish I was as confident as you are.

Palmer: You need to be. Remain Presidential. Demand nothing less than success from your people, and you will get it.

Logan: All right. All right. What do I tell the Chinese foreign Secretary when I talk to him next?

Palmer: You don't. Let Mike handle this. He'll tell them unless they have proof of our involvement, you don't wanna hear from him today.


[Bern, the agent in the surveillance photo at the Chinese Consulate, calls Buchanan.]

Woman: Mr. Buchanan, agent Bern on 6.

Buchanan: Send it to my cell phone.

Woman: Yes, sir.

Buchanan: Buchanan.

Bern: It's agent Bern, sir. I got a message to call you as soon as I land in San Diego.

Buchanan: Are we on a secure line?

Bern: Yes, sir. It's an encrypted cell.

Buchanan: The Chinese are continuing to press the case that we were involved in the assault on their consulate.

Bern: Have they managed to find evidence beyond the surveillance video of me?

Buchanan: No, and we have to make sure they don't. I want you to start fabricating an alibi with CTU in San Diego. I want you to make it look like you were working there during the assault.

Bern: My transport's arriving right now, sir. I'll get right on it.

Buchanan: The alibi has to withstand careful scrutiny. San Diego phone logs, roasters and mainframe records - all have to back it up.

Bern: It'll be air-tight, sir.

Buchanan: It has to be.

Bern: Sir, about my family... you think there's any chance that the Chinese will try to get to them?

Buchanan: They can't. We've already contacted your wife and we've moved her and your kids to a hotel for the time being. I'll be in touch, agent Bern.

Bern: Thank you very much, sir.

[The accompanying agent leads Bern to a car, but Cheng, the head of security for the Consulate, is inside. Bern struggles and the men hold him at gunpoint. The real CTU agents are tied up outside the hangar.]

Cheng: Drive.

Bern: What the hell is this?

Cheng: I think you already know what this is. CTU sent a team into our consulate just a few hours ago. You were on the team, and our Consulate General was killed. You're gonna tell me who's responsible.

Bern: I don't know what you're talking about.

Cheng: Really? Then why were you being transported here by a helicopter from CTU Los Angeles?

Bern: You don't know where I came from.

Cheng: Actually, I do. Before entering CTU earlier tonight, we turned our satellite on their location. While I was questioning superiors, our satellite picked up someone being taken away by helicopter.

Bern: So what? It wasn't me.

Cheng: No, it was you! The Chinese government insists that someone take responsibility for the death of our consul.

Bern: What does that mean, "take responsibility"?

Cheng: I believe you were only following orders. Tell us who gave the orders, and I'll let you go.

Bern: I'm not telling you anything.

Cheng: I believe you're gonna change your mind.


[Mandy calls Michelle.]

Michelle: Yes?

Mandy: Have you redeployed all your men?

Michelle: Yes, I have.

Jack: Bill, it's Jack. Uplink is on.

Mandy: Are you sure they followed your instructions?

Michelle: I'm sure.

Curtis: It's starting to rain pretty hard, Jack.

Mandy: Michelle, do you love Tony?

Michelle: Yes, I love him.

Mandy: Good. Because if I find out that you're trying to play me, the very first thing I'm gonna do is blow his brains out, and don't think there's anything you can do to stop it, because there's not. You understand?

Michelle: OK, I understand.

Mandy: Good. Stay by the phone.

[Mandy hangs up.]

Buchanan: All com analysts, clone that call and filter it through all our servers.

Michelle: Do you have multiple source on audio?

Edgar: No, just on Talco feed, low-res.

Michelle: No, I know the configuration, Edgar. I need to know if we can multiplex. Pull some background noise off. We need to pinpoint the source.

Edgar: I was gonna do that.

Michelle: When? This is happening now! I shouldn't have to walk you through this, dammit!

Edgar: You don't have to walk me through this. I'm setting it up now.

Chloe: Go to Delta 2, Edgar. It's all there.

Michelle: I will not let this thing fall apart because of technical incompetence.

[Buchanan and Chloe notice Michelle's growing anxiety.]


[The CTU teams hide in the area near the apartment exit.]

Curtis: All right, I've got confirmation. All our visible forces have been pulled away from this street all the way to Western.

Jack: OK, good.

Agent: Jack.

[As the rain falls, Jack spots a woman and a man walking under an umbrella.]

Jack: We've got something. Building 3, west entrance.

Buchanan: Edgar, video feed.

[Edgar puts the feed up on the screen. Mandy calls Michelle.]

Michelle: Yes?

Mandy: OK, Michelle, we're on our way.

Jack: OK, it's them.

Mandy: I've got a gun on Tony. My finger's on the trigger, if I move it, he's gonna die.

Michelle: I told you, I moved my men.

Jack: She's completely in the open. She's running a huge risk exposing herself like that.

Mandy: So far, so good.

Jack: She's crossing the street.

Buchanan: She gets in near the car. She can't stay on top of them. That's our opportunity.

Jack: She's moving towards the black Jag.

Curtis: All teams, hold your position.

Mandy: OK, here's the deal. As soon as we're in the car and I've cleared the area, I'm gonna call you, and I'm gonna tell you where you can find Tony.

Michelle: OK.

Curtis: All right, move, move. Everybody, go!

Jack: No! Not yet! All teams, stand down!

[As the couple approaches a parked car, Mandy spots the agents who are about to descend upon them.]

Mandy: I see your men, Michelle. You lied to me, you bitch. You are not gonna take me alive, got it?

[The car explodes.]

Michelle: No! No!

[Michelle watches from the video monitors and screams in horror. Jack runs out to the flaming wreck.]

Jack: Bill, they're gone. She blew herself up in the car. She took Tony with her. They're gone.


[Buchanan calls the President and Palmer to explain that their only lead killed herself with Tony.]

Logan: I understand Bill Buchanan requested a conference call.

Mike: Yes, sir, we were waiting for you to begin. Bill, we're all here. Go ahead.

Buchanan: I'm afraid that Marwan's associate - the woman we hoped would help us locate the missile - has killed herself and one of our agents.

Logan: Oh, my God.

Palmer: Bill, did she leave behind any physical evidence that can help us?

Buchanan: It doesn't appear so.

Logan: So what is CTU gonna do now to find the missile?

Buchanan: Mr. President, at this point CTU no longer has any reason or expectation of finding the missile before it reaches its target.

Logan: This is it. It's going to happen. What do we do?

Palmer: At this point we have no choice but to alert all State and Federal agencies, and focus all our resources on managing the aftermath.

Logan: But we don't even know the missile's target.

Palmer: I know. We can assume it will be a major city, but no matter what the target is, there will be widespread panic across this country. We need to mobilize the army and the National Guard, and every state can draw up a declaration of martial law.

Logan: Yes, we need to do that.

Mike: Bill, all Federal agencies need to prepare for the aftermath of a nuclear attack. CTU's priority should be disaster management. Redeploy your people now.

Buchanan: Understood.

[Buchanan hangs up and calls Edgar.]

Edgar: Edgar Stiles.

Buchanan: Edgar, tell Jack the field operation is over. Have him bring his people back here immediately.

Edgar: Got it.


[Logan blames Palmer for allowing the worst disaster in American history.]

Logan: The worst disaster in American history is taking place under my watch. I gave you the responsibility to stop this. You failed me, David. And you failed your country.

[Palmer is stunned at Logan's ingratitude.]


[Buchanan consoles Michelle.]

Buchanan: I can't even imagine what you must be feeling. I know a part of you is second guessing your decision, but you couldn't place Tony's life before the lives of potentially millions of people. You made exactly the decision Tony would have wanted you to make. That's our job. It's what we signed on.

Michelle: We decided we were gonna leave this. Go somewhere and start again.

Buchanan: Michelle...

Michelle: I wanna get back to work. We still have to find this missile.

Buchanan: No. I want you to go home.

Michelle: I'll be OK, Bill.

Buchanan: It's not advice, it's an order.


[Buchanan's cell phone rings.]

Buchanan: Buchanan.

Edgar: Sir, Jack says he's not pulling his men out yet.

Buchanan: Did you tell him we have orders from the White House?

Edgar: Yeah, but he says he's not ready.

Buchanan: Put him on a videophone at the situation room.

[Jack replays the last phone call, trying to find an answer.]

Mandy: You lied to me, you bitch. You are not gonna take me alive, got it?

Jack: Play it again. Give me more damn volume on the phone call.

Curtis: Jack, we need to redeploy.

Jack: Just do it!

Curtis: Jack. Tony's gone.

Jack: I'm sorry, Curtis. Just play it again, please.

Curtis: Yeah. Jack, you've got a phone call.

Jack: This is Bauer.

Buchanan: Jack, why haven't you redeployed? The operation's over. The hostile killed herself.

Jack: Because it doesn't make any sense, Bill. Everything that we know about this woman tells us that she's a professional, not a fanatic. We had her cornered. Her next move was to try and negotiate for her freedom, not kill herself.

Buchanan: In theory, I agree with you, but you saw what I saw.

Jack: All I saw were two darkened figures in the rain, concealed by an umbrella and an explosion, and I saw that from half a block away.

Buchanan: Jack, you've got to focus now. Nobody here is holding you responsible for Tony's death. You gotta let this go.

Jack: Bill, you're not listening to me. All I want...

Buchanan: Jack, we reviewed the tactical feed. There's nothing that suggests we were deceived. Look, I know Tony was your friend, and you probably feel responsible for getting him involved today.

Jack: This is not about Tony. This is about her, and until I can absolutely confirm that she is dead, I am maintaining this perimeter, and I am gonna continue this search.

Buchanan: Jack, I'm under orders from the White House. You have ten minutes, then I want you to move out.

[Buchanan hangs up.]

Jack: Can you enhance the image from here?

Curtis: Not in the field.

Jack: Play it again.

Mandy: OK, Here's the deal. As soon as we're in the car and I've cleared the area...

Jack: I still can't hear the audio properly. Get me a headset.

Mandy: I'm gonna call you, and I'm gonna tell you where you can find Tony. I see your men, Michelle. You lied to me, you bitch. You are not gonna take me alive, got it?

Jack: Play back the last fifteen seconds.

Curtis: What are you seeing, Jack?

Jack: It's not what I'm seeing. Come on, play it back.

Mandy: I see your men, Michelle. You lied to me, you bitch. You are not gonna take me alive, got it?

Jack: It's pouring rain. You see it bouncing off the car. You can't hear it on her side of the phone call.

Curtis: She's making that call from somewhere else, indoors.

Jack: She'd want a position that'd give her a clean line of sight to the car. That would put her in the building that the couple exited from. Get the teams ready, we're moving in now.

Curtis: All right, all teams, we're gonna converge on building 11.

[All the teams start moving into the building. Mandy sees this.]

Mandy: Well, they're heading back in. Looks like my neighbors died for nothing.

Tony: They know you're still in here.

Mandy: Put out the palm of your hand. Here are the keys. Take off your cuffs. Put this on. We're getting out of here.

[Tony takes off the handcuffs, and dresses in another outfit.]

Mandy: OK, now cuff yourself back up. Let's go.

[Mandy leads Tony out at gunpoint. Tony sees broken glass on the floor. He purposefully steps on it and grinds his bare feet in. As he walks, he leaves a trail of blood.]


[Jack and Curtis look through every hall in the complex.]

Curtis: We've gotten every way in and out covered. We've got men on every floor, going room by room.

Jack: We need to take her alive.

Curtis: Everyone's aware.

Agent (over radio): Agent Bauer?

Jack: Yeah.

Agent (over radio): We found fresh blood outside an apartment.

Jack: Where?

Agent (over radio): 208.

Jack: Stand down until we get there.

Agent (over radio): Copy that.

[Jack and Curtis run to the apartment.]

Jack: Curtis, take the door.

[Jack sees the trail of blood Tony left behind.]

Jack: Curtis, they went this way.

[Mandy takes Tony to an underground parking garage. He ducks under her gun and slams her into a column. She fights back, but Tony manages to kick and head butt her with his cuffed hands. Mandy regains her weapon and Tony gives in.]

Mandy: Turn around. Move.

[Jack appears and trains his weapon on Mandy.]

Jack: Don't move! Drop the gun. It's over.

Mandy: Take one more step and I'll kill him.

Tony: Do it, Jack. Do what you have to do.

Mandy: Shut up. Do you really have what it takes to let me kill him while you're looking him in the eye?

Jack: Yes.

Mandy: I believe you. So what's to stop me from shooting him? You can't kill me, can you? You need me.

[Jack sees Curtis come from behind Mandy.]

Jack: Tony.

[Tony ducks as Curtis grabs Mandy. She is apprehended.]

Jack: Hostile is down. I repeat, the hostile is down. Get a medic down here. I want her conscious as soon as possible.

[Jack helps Tony get up.]

Jack: Look at me. Are you OK? Are you OK?

Tony: Yeah.

Jack: Get me that medic now.

Curtis: He's on his way.

Tony: Does Michelle know I'm alive?

Jack: No, not yet. I'll call CTU on my cell so you can talk to her privately.

Tony: Thanks.

[Jack calls CTU.]

Buchanan: Buchanan.

Jack: Bill, this is Jack.

Buchanan: Jack, what's going on? Have you redeployed back to CTU?

Jack: No, we just apprehended the hostile.

Buchanan: What?

Jack: She's unconscious, but she's unharmed. Tony's OK too.

Buchanan: Thank God. I'll alert the White House.

Jack: OK, good. Bill, Tony wants to talk to Michelle. Can you put her on the line?

Buchanan: She's not here. I sent her home. I'll... I'll find her and patch her through to your cell.

Jack: Thanks.

[Michelle is sitting in her car in the CTU parking lot. She is crying. Her cell phone rings.]

Michelle: Hello?

Buchanan: Michelle, it's Bill. Tony's alive.

Michelle: What?

Buchanan: He wasn't in the car. He's OK. I'll let Tony explain it to you. Hold on the phone.

[Buchanan patches through Jack's call to Michelle.]

Tony: Michelle, it's me.

Michelle: Tony. Oh, my God.

Tony: It's OK, sweetheart.

Michelle: Oh, my God. What happened?

Tony: She made somebody else wear my clothes. She needed to keep me alive until she got out. Jack figured it out. He was able to save me.

Michelle: I don't know what to say.

Tony: Look, you don't have to say anything, sweetheart. I'm coming to CTU right now. I'll see you in a few minutes. Michelle, I love you.

Michelle: I love you, Tony.


Jack: Get President Palmer patched through. We're gonna have to structure a deal.

Curtis: Yeah, all right.

Medic: She's conscious.

Jack: Pick her up. Call the White House now.

[Jack grabs Mandy by the throat.]

Jack: Where is Marwan? That's what I thought. We're both professionals. You know that I can force this information out of you, but I'm running out of time. We never get second chances in our line of work, but I'm gonna give you one. I have the power to give you a deal signed by the President of the United States that grants you immunity for past and present crimes. In exchange, you're gonna help me find Marwan and stop this warhead from hitting its target, do you understand? Do you understand? You are either gonna help me now, or I will kill you.

Mandy: Show me the deal.


[Bern is held in a warehouse by Chinese henchmen. Cheng shows Bern the surveillance photo of him.]

Cheng: You were part of a covert team that mounted the assault on our consulate, an operation that resulted in the death of our consul. Who led the mission? Who was responsible for what happened?

Bern: I don't know what you're talking about.

Cheng: Please, Mr. Bern. You're wasting time. Give us a statement, and we'll release you.

Bern: I'm telling you the truth, and you're gonna have to release me as soon as CTU realizes what's happened to me.

Cheng: Actually, Mr. Bern, no one will ever know. No one will ever tell them.

Bern: What are you talking about?

Cheng: The China Queen container ship is at the port of San Diego. If you don't give us our statement, we'll put you on board and you will arrive in eighteen days in the port of Hon Dough. Then we will transport you 28,000 miles to Sin Jan, where you will be remanded to the maximum security labor camp on the boarder with Siberia.

Bern: You wouldn't do that.

Cheng: Why wouldn't we, Mr. Bern? We want justice. If you're not gonna tell us who's ultimately responsible for the situation at the consulate, that leaves you. You're wife and your two daughters will not be notified. The U.S. government will not be notified. Therefore, there will be no chance for prisoner exchange. There will be positively no chance of escape for the rest of your life. Decide, Mr. Bern. The China Queen is on a tight schedule.

Bern: I don't know.

Cheng: All we want is a name. A recorded statement naming the person responsible for what happened at the consulate.

Bern: Then what happens?

Cheng: You will walk right out of that door.

Bern: No, I meant... to him.

Cheng: As I said, all we want is justice.

Bern: His name is Jack Bauer.


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