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24 heures chrono
#504 : 10h00 - 11h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 5 guide des épisodes

Pour ne pas mettre en péril la vie de Derek, Jack se rend aux terroristes, ce qui ne rejouit pas la CAT, désormais sans contact, ce qui fait tomber à l'eau leur tentative d'assaut. Pendant ce temps, le Président refuse tout compromis avec les terroristes, qui demandent à ce que le traité ne soit pas signé. Refusant toute demande de leur part, le Président Logan le signe et un otage est exécuté. 
Martha, de son côté, veut prouver que sa conversation avec Palmer n'est pas une invention et attend le moment propice pour montrer la retranscription de la conversation téléphonique.
Parallèlement, un nouvel venu arrive à la CAT ce qui bouleverse le travail de la cellule.


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO
10:00am - 11:00am

Titre VF
10h00 - 11h00


 24 Season 5 Episodes 3 & 4 Promo

24 Season 5 Episodes 3 & 4 Promo


Plus de détails

Date de diffusion US: 16 janvier 2006
Date de diffusion FR:
Audience: 15.7 millions de téléspectateurs  


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer 
• Kim Raver : Audrey Raines 
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian 
• Gregory Itzin : President Charles Logan 
• James Morrison : Bill Buchanan 
• Roger Cross : Curtis Manning 
• Louis Lombardi : Edgar Stiles 
• and Jean Smart : Martha Logan 

Guest starring

• Sean Astin : Lynn McGill 
• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick 
• Connie Britton : Diane Huxley 
• Brady Corbet : Derek Huxley 
• Geraint Wyn Davies : James Nathanson 
• Sandrine Holt : Evelyn Martin 
• Jonah Lotan : Spencer Wolff 
• John Allen Nelson : Walt Cummings 
• David Dayan Fisher : Anton Beresch 
• Mark Sheppard : Yellow Tie Man 
• Nick Jameson : Yuri Suvarov 
• V.J. Foster : Gunman #1 


• Jerad Anderson : Student 
• Mark Henderson : Spokesman 
• Michael Roddy : CTU SWAT Agent Smith 
• David Joyner : CTU SWAT Agent Jones 
• Kathleen Gati : Anya Suvarov 
• Steve Edwards : News Anchor 
• Mark Thompson : Reporter 
• Roman Varshavsky : Team Leader 
• Marci Michelle : Jackie 
• Robert Maffia : Andrei


10h00 : Ni Curtis, ni Buchanan n'arrivent à joindre Jack. Ils présument qu'il a été découvert ou tué et Curtis commence à revoir son plan d'assaut.

10h01 : Beresch demande à Jack le plan d'attaque de la Cellule. Jack lui répond que la CAT attend son signal pour lancer l'assaut. Il lui rappelle que les USA ne négocient pas avec les terroristes mais Beresch pense que Logan est un faible. Il amène Derek aux côtés de Jack et demande à ce qu'on lui amène un autre otage. Jack le prie de le laisser essayer de gagner du temps avant qu'il ne tue un autre innocent.

10h04 : La Maison Blanche est informée que la CAT a perdu le contact avec Jack. Ils regardent un autre otage se faire exécuter devant les caméras. Beresch accuse Logan de salir du sang des otages son traité infâme. Le Président, horrifié, propose de reporter son sommet afin de sauver ces gens. Mais Cummings lui conseille de garder ses positions car quoi qu'il arrive les terroristes ne relâcheront pas les otages.

10h06 : Evelyn encourage Martha à montrer à Logan la transcription écrite qui prouve que sa conversation téléphonique avec Palmer a été trafiquée. Sachant que son mari a l'esprit occupé et qu'il la croit instable, Martha préfère attendre que le traité soit signé. Elle glisse le papier dans son soutien-gorge pour ne pas le perdre.

10h07 : Curtis dit à Diane qu'il ignore si Jack et Derek sont toujours en vie.

10h08 : Beresch regarde les informations pour voir si le traité est toujours à l'ordre du jour. Il ordonne à Jack de convaincre la CAT de reconsidérer son assaut par une autre entrée et menace de tuer Derek s'il refuse.

10h09 : Lynn McGill de la Division arrive à la CAT pour reprendre le contrôle de la chaîne de commandement. Il réquisitionne même le bureau de Buchanan.

10h11 : Forcé par Beresch, Jack contacte la Cellule et leur explique avoir été contraint de couper le contact. Il recommande à Curtis une autre entrée. Il insiste sur le fait qu'il se trouve sur le « flanc 2 » pour ne être confondu avec les terroristes lors de l'assaut. Buchanan et Curtis révisent leur plan.

10h17 : Curtis informe Buchanan qu'il lui faut encore 15 minutes pour repositionner ses hommes. McGill convoque Buchanan dans son bureau : il veut passer en revue toutes les données tactiques avant d'approuver la mission. Bill agacé.

10h19 : Beresch pense que la Maison Blanche ne répond pas à ses attentes car elle pense avoir une chance avec l'assaut de la CAT. Derek se blâme d'avoir contraint Jack à se rendre. Mais ce dernier lui répond avec certitude que rien n'est encore fini.

10h20 : Novick apprend soulagé au Président que la CAT a repris contact avec Jack. Bien que la mission poursuive son cours, Logan n'est pas certain que les otages soient sauvés.

10h21 : Logan rejoint Suvarov et lui annonce que la tentative de sauvetage est toujours en cours. Suvarov lui indique qu'en cas d'échec, ce traité les tournera l'un comme l'autre en ridicule.

10h22 : Cummings interroge Evelyn sur la nature du document que Martha recherchait aux archives. Evelyn lui dit qu'il ne s'agit que de la retranscription de son appel avec Palmer. Cummings menace Evelyn de poursuite pour avoir faciliter un acte criminel. Contrainte, elle lui révèle que la Première Dame a dissimulé le document dans son chemisier.

10h23 : Logan doute de la capacité de la CAT à résoudre cette crise avant que le traité ne soit signé.

10h24 : La Cellule regarde Logan arrivé sur le devant de la scène 1 minute en avance sur le programme. Quand Chloé demande si elle doit en avertir Curtis, Buchanan la dévisage. Elle pense qu'il est convaincu qu'ils ne réussiront pas à sauver les otages.

10h29 : Logan informe les journalistes de la situation des otages. Il est fermement décidé à ne pas laisser les terroristes gagner.

10h30 : Novick s'enquiert de l'avancement de l'assaut auprès de Buchanan qui lui demande de ralentir la cérémonie du traité. Novick refuse.

10h31 : Beresch garantit à  Nathanson que tout se déroule selon le plan. La Maison Blanche croit à tort que son assaut va épargner la vie des otages. Nathanson lui rappelle qu'il devra mettre ses menaces à exécution si le traité est signé.

10h32 : McGill interroge Buchanan sur les récents changements du plan d'attaque. Il est suspicieux à l'égard des circonstances entourant la décision de Jack. McGill veut réexaminer toutes les transcriptions des appels de Jack.

10h33 : Alors que Curtis prépare ses équipes pour l'assaut, McGill demande à Chloé de déverrouiller le disque recensant les transcriptions des appels. Grossière à son égard, Chloé s'exécute puis se plaint à Spenser de la lenteur de McGill. Spenser lui répond que l'homme est particulièrement connu pour licencier une bonne partie de son personnel pour incompétence.

10h34 : L'un des hommes de Beresch trouve le cadavre de Chevensky ainsi que le pass qu'il cachait. Jack regarde discrètement Beresch donner cette carte à un otage portant une cravate jaune. L'homme range la carte dans sa poche et puis retourne se blottir au milieu des otages apeurés.

10h39 : Beresch fait répondre Jack à son portable qui sonne. Curtis l'informe que ses équipes sont maintenant en place. Jack lui dit à nouveau se trouver sur le « flanc 2 ». Il hésite puis finit par donner à Curtis le feu vert pour le lancement de l'assaut. Curtis lance un compte à rebours de 60 secondes, ignorant que des bombes sont installées à l'endroit où ses hommes s'apprêtent à entrer.

10h40 : McGill fait irruption précipitamment dans la salle de crise pour demander que l'assaut soit annulé. Il a trouvé dans la transcription de l'appel de Jack un code indiquant qu'un agent est en train de parler sous la contrainte. Les filtres n'ont pas décelé ce code de contrainte car « Flanc 2 » était un code utilisé à l'époque où Jack était un agent actif. Chloé le confirme et Buchanan demande à Curtis d'annuler son assaut et de reprendre son plan initial.

10h42 : Beresch ne comprend pas pourquoi la CAT n'a toujours pas attaqué, les 60 secondes étant déjà écoulées. Il demande à Jack d'appeler la CAT où Buchanan l'informe qu'ils ont rencontré un problème technique. Mais l'assaut va reprendre d'une minute à l'autre.

10h43 : Alors que Logan et Suvarov sont en train de signer le traité, Nathanson appelle Beresch pour lui ordonner de tuer tous les otages car il est maintenant trop tard. Soudain, le mur où Beresch attend la CAT explose. Ses hommes font feu mais il n'y a personne. Les équipes de la CAT les prennent par derrière et abattent les hommes armés.

10h44 : Jack récupère une arme sur un des hommes à terre et commence à faire feu. Il blesse Beresch à la main avant qu'il ne puisse se suicider. Mais Beresch rampe jusqu'à un de ses hommes à terre et fait exploser sa veste : il meurt. Curtis avertit la Cellule qu'ils viennent de sécuriser le terminal et les otages restants sont tous sains et saufs.

10h45 : Novick transmet la bonne nouvelle au Président qui l'annonce à la presse en s'accordant tous les mérites de ce succès.

10h46 : Jack embrasse Derek puis l'envoie au poste de commandement rejoindre sa mère le temps que lui finisse sa tâche. Jack regarde les otages et réalise que l'homme à la cravate jaune a disparu.

10h51 : Derek retrouve sa mère en larmes. Il lui raconte que Jack a non seulement sauvé sa vie mais aussi celle de tous les otages. Elle demande à le voir mais un agent l'informe qu'il a pour ordre de la conduire à la Cellule.

10h52 : Maintenant que le traité est signé, Martha demande à son mari une entrevue urgente de quelques minutes. Il promet de venir lui parler mais après la cérémonie. Elle veut qu'il lui prête enfin un peu d'attention. Mais Logan se retire en la priant de ne pas lui gâcher ce moment de gloire. Cummings s'approche de Martha qui l'informe que la situation est bien plus dangereuse que ne le pense le Président. Cummings lui demande des explications mais elle ne veut parler qu'au Président.

10h54 : Buchanan s'excuse auprès de McGill de l'avoir malmené parce qu'il vient finalement d'éviter le pire. McGill lui assure que c'est sa confiance inébranlable en l'intégrité de Jack qui l'a poussé à vérifier. Cependant il tient quand même à ce que Jack soit mis aux arrêts car il n'a pas été complètement blanchi des meurtres de Palmer et Michelle. Audrey lui rappelle que le témoignage de Chloé prouve sa complète innocence mais McGill pense qu'il reste à expliquer la vidéo surveillance montrant Jack près du lieu du meurtre de Palmer. Il veut que Jack soit conduit à la Cellule pour interrogatoire.

10h55 : Jack informe Curtis qu'il manque un des otages et que ce dernier pourrait travailler avec les terroristes puisque Beresch lui a remis un pass avant l'assaut. Mais Curtis a reçu pour ordre d'arrêter Jack.

10h57 : L'homme à la cravate jaune entre dans un tunnel souterrain caché sous un hangar. Il montre le pass à un terroriste et l'informe que Chevensky est mort. Les deux hommes descendent dans trou creusé au sol où un container géant est entreposé. L'homme à la cravate jaune insert le pass et le haut du container s'ouvre pour découvrir plusieurs bonbonnes. Les terroristes vérifient la radioactivité de chacune des bonbonnes. L'homme à la cravate jaune appelle Nathanson et l'informe qu'ils vont déplacer les bonbonnes.

10h58 : Cummings se glisse dans la chambre de Martha et la saisit par derrière en lui appliquant un mouchoir imbibé de chloroforme sur la bouche. Les cris de Martha sont étouffés et elle perd conscience. Cummings récupère le papier de la transcription dans son soutien-gorge....

Voiceover: Previously, on 24.

Novick: Terrorists are controlling the main terminal of Ontario airport.

Beresch: [on television] Today your President and the President of Russia have come together to sign an anti-terrorist alliance. I have hostages. Unless President Logan and President Suvarov make a joint statement repudiating this accord, I will order their execution.

Logan: I want this handled. Do you understand? I don’t care how you do it; I don’t care what it takes. Fix it!

Martha: David Palmer called me last night. He said it was a matter of national security; those were his exact words.

David: [on tape] I need to talk to you. It’s hardly a matter of national security.

Martha: That’s not what he said!

Logan: Yes, it is.

Martha: That is – that is a trick.

Martha: I know that all phone conversations are recorded. Where do they store those transcripts?

Burke: In the Archive Room down the hall.

Bill: This is Bill Buchanan. I’m hoping we can resolve this peacefully.

Beresch: I don’t think you understand how serious we are. [He shoots one of the hostages.] If you make any effort to enter the terminal, you will spend the rest of the day collecting body parts.

Curtis: Jack, I’m gonna need you to coordinate this thing from inside.

Jack: I’m staring straight down on the main concourse. I’ve got six hostiles wearing explosive vests. We have to assume their orders are to detonate if we make a move.

Mclaren: [to Curtis] Excuse me. I got a woman – Diane Huxley – says she has info for CTU.

Jack: Diane, what’s going on? What’s wrong?

Diane: Derek is inside the terminal.

One of the terrorists grabs Derek and pulls him to his feet.]

Terrorist: You!

Jack: No! They’ve taking another one of the hostages.

[Derek is rushed back to the camera, and pushed to his knees in front of it. The terrorist secures his wrists behind his back with plastic handcuffs.]

Chloe: God, it’s Derek.

Walt: You have a problem at the terminal. Jack Bauer is inside providing recon for CTU’s rescue operation.

Jack: Hold on one second.

[A loud electronic noise blasts through Jack’s phone. He recoils.]

Beresch: Mr Bauer. Derek has five second left to live … four …

Jack: Beresch! [He walks out from behind Beresch with his hands in the air, and his gun held in his right hand. A terrorist trains his weapon on Jack. One of the terrorists puts plastic handcuffs on Jack, then knocks him to his knees.]

Voiceover: The following takes place between 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM.

[In CTU.]

Bill: We’ve been trying from here, but we still can’t make contact with Jack. Can you make a visual, Curtis?

Curtis: [over phone] Negative.

Audrey: Maybe Jack went dark intentionally.

Curtis: Unlikely. He was talking to us when his transmission cut off.

Bill: We have to assume he’s been captured or killed, which means we have to mount this assault without his help.

Chloe: Without Jack directing our assault team, success probability falls to less than 20%.

Bill: President Logan is going to sign this treaty in less than an hour. If the terrorists are still in control, they’ll kill all of the hostages.

Curtis: What do you want me to do, Bill?

Bill: Work up an assault plan that doesn’t include Jack.

Curtis: I’m going back to the staging area. I’ll coordinate from there.

Bill: [to staff in the conference room] Back to your stations. Prepare to reconfigure.

Curtis: All teams, stand down. We’re working up a new mission profile.

Team Leader: [over radio] Copy that. Copy that, all teams standing down.

[Inside the terminal, the hostages are huddled together. Jack and Derek sit apart from them. Jack is searched for weapons. His phone is taken out of his pocket, and given to Beresch.]

Beresch: Mr Bauer. What is CTU’s assault plan? [Jack is silent.] The boy means something to you, or else you wouldn’t have given up so easily. Tell me the plan.

Terrorist in background: [to the other hostages] Everyone, head down, head down.

Jack: They’re gonna storm the north concourse doors on my command. I’m coordinating the operation from in here.

Beresch: Is there anyone else inside?

Jack: No.

Beresch: [to other terrorist] Get me the plans to the terminal. [to Jack] You’ve been a great help. We’ll keep the boy alive for now. [to terrorist] Bring me another hostage.

[The terrorist goes off to the group of hostages.]

Jack: Anything you do in here today will not stop that treaty from being signed. The United States government does not negotiate with terrorists, you know that.

Beresch: Your president is a weak man. He’ll back down once more blood is split.

[A man with a yellow tie is grabbed and pulled to his feet.]

Terrorist: On your feet.

Beresch: Not him.

[The man is released, and he kneels again. The terrorist picks another man, and pulls him to his feet.]

Terrorist: Go! GO!

Young man: Take your hands off me!

Jack: Please. Please, you do not have to do this.

[Beresch puts on his balaclava.]

Jack: I can help you buy more time. Please! No!

[The young man is dragged past them. Beresch walks after him.]

Jack: You don’t have to do this now.

[Jack and Derek have a direct view of the camera and of the place where the hostage was executed in 5x03.]

Terrorist: [to young man] On your knees. On your knees!

[Jack watches, helpless.]

[Cut to Logan’s retreat.]

Logan: CTU were supposed to have raided the terminal by now; why haven’t we heard from them?

Novick: Bill Buchanan said they had a set back.

Logan: What kind of setback?

Novick: They lost contact with Jack Bauer.

[Novick’s phone rings.]

Logan: Why? What happened to him?

Novick: They’re not sure what happened to him, but they need to reconfigure their assault plan. [answers phone] Yeah? [He listens to the message] I’ll tell the President. [He hangs up and turns on the television.] Beresch is transmitting from the terminal. He’s got another hostage.

[Walt, Logan, and Novick watch the television broadcast.]

Beresch: [on television] We’ve waited patiently for you to renounce this pact with our oppressors. [Cut to split screen, with Beresch and the hostage; Logan, Walt and Novick; and Jack and Derek.] We’ve heard nothing. This is the cost of that silence. [Cut to split screen of Logan, Walt and Novick; Jack and Derek; and the hostages. Beresch shoots the hostage. Logan closes his eyes. Derek stares at the scene, while Jack looks saddened.]

Beresch: What happens next is your choice, Mr President. If you choose to sign this corrupt document, understand that you will also be staining it with the blood of the remaining hostages. [The video feed is cut.]

Logan: If CTU can’t pull this off in time, that’s upwards of 60 people, Mike. You know I’ve never done anything in my presidency that I didn’t feel was right for the country.

Walt: Of course not, sir. Nobody thinks otherwise.

Logan: I know I’m ambitious, and that I want this treaty to be the hallmark of my presidency. But I never thought I would sacrifice innocent life.

Walt: Mr President, you are not responsible for the actions of these murderers.

Logan: I could postpone it.

Walt: Sir?

Logan: I give them what they want; maybe nobody else has to die.

Walt: Do you really think these people would actually release the hostages? We both know that would never happen. You’re doing the only thing you can do.

10:06:42 … 10:06:43 … 10:06:44: … 10:06:45 …

[Cut to Martha’s room]

Evelyn: Mrs Logan, if someone altered the recording of your conversation with David Palmer, the President needs to know.

Martha: No. Not now, not now.

Evelyn: What are you waiting for?

Martha: Charles is much too preoccupied – between the summit and the hostage situation, he’s not in the frame of mind to deal with this. Besides, he thinks I’m unstable, which means I have to show it to him just the right way. Until the treaty’s signed, I’m not letting this out of my sight.

[She puts the folded up transcript into her blouse.]

[At the airport, Curtis walks back to the staging area.]

Diane: What’s happening?

Curtis: Sorry, I don’t have time to explain.

Diane: You said you were going in to get the hostages.

Curtis: We lost contact with Jack.

Diane: What does that mean?

Curtis: We’re not sure what happened, but we need to change our assault plan.

Diane: Is Jack OK?

Curtis: We don’t know.

Diane: What about Derek?

Curtis: As soon as we get more information, I’ll make sure you’re told.

Diane: Please, I –

Curtis: Ms Huxley! I need to go.

[He walks over to the staging area.]

[Cut to inside the terminal. Beresch is watching coverage of the airport system on a computer.]

Reporter: [on computer] The situation here continues to grow more tragic. We’ve just received a video feed confirming that another hostage has been executed inside the main terminal at Ontario airport.

Derek: Jack?

Jack: Don’t say anything. We’re gonna get through this; just don’t say anything right now.

[Derek looks very shaken and upset.]

Reporter: … historic pact with his Russian counterpart …

[Beresch sighs, frustrated. A terrorist returns with the plans to the airport and hands them to Beresch. Beresch looks at them, then returns to Jack.]

Beresch: You are to call CTU and tell them you have revised your assault profile. Tell them to come through the emergency door south of gate 12.

Jack: They won’t just do that because I ask them to. They’ll need an explanation.

Beresch: That’s your concern, Mr Bauer. [He holds a gun at Derek’s head.]

[Cut to CTU. Chloe approaches Spencer’s desk.]

Chloe: Overwrite volume four with the approach vectors and re-key with the airport grid.

Spencer: OK, just hold up one second.

Chloe: We don’t have one second. We’re running out of time to save the hostages.

Edgar: You want some help, Spencer?

Chloe: He doesn’t need any help. Just keep managing the two ways or else we’re gonna have drop out.

[Lynn McGill approaches.]

McGill: Excuse me. You’re Ms O’Brien, right?

Chloe: Who are you?

McGill: Lynn McGill, from District.

[Spencer looks up sharply at the name.]

McGill: I met you in {Transcriber’s Note: I didn’t catch the place name.} for that memory management lecture.

Chloe: If you say so; what do you need?

McGill: I need to talk to Bill Buchanan. Is he around?

Chloe: He’s in the situation room; he’s kinda busy right now.

McGill: I see him; thanks. I look forward to working with you today. [He walks towards the Situation Room. Spencer comes up behind Chloe.]

Spencer: You don’t know who Lynn McGill is, do you?

Chloe: No, and I don’t care. Get back to work.

[She walks away.]

10:09:27 … 10:09:28 … 10:09:29 … 10:09:30 …

[McGill enters the situation room.]

Bill: [to other agents] Once Curtis’s teams go in there, I want an update on the deployment of HRT. [The other agents nod, and leave.]

McGill: [holding the door open for them] Bye. [to Bill] Mr Buchanan; I assume they told you I was coming.

Bill: Lynn, please. It’s Bill.

McGill: Over a beer or something, but at work I think it’s better for me to maintain a more formal address.

Bill: Whatever makes you feel comfortable. Look, we’re in the middle of final prep here.

McGill: I know. I understand President Logan wants us to go into the terminal as soon as possible.

Bill: Yes , before the treaty is signed.

McGill: Is Curtis Manning ready to send his teams in?

Bill: Yes, but we’re flying blind.

McGill: My briefing sheet says that we have Jack Bauer on the inside.

Bill: We haven’t heard from him for close to 20 minutes now.

McGill: Well, that’s interesting.

Bill: Lynn, I read the bulletin from division, but, I still don’t know why you’re here.

McGill: District was getting heat from the White House.

Bill: Heat about what?

McGill: Jack Bauer. They just wanna know things are running smoothly.

Bill: We’re on track, Lynn.

McGill: I’m sure you are. That’s my assignment. Is your tactical wired through to all the servers?

Bill: Yes, it is. You can go ahead and plug in to station four.

McGill: I’d prefer to work from your office, Mr Buchanan. I hate to displace you but I think I should have a central vantage point and I wanna make sure you’re OK with working from another station.

Bill: [not impressed] Fine.

McGill: Good. And, uh, it’s not a big deal, but just so everyone’s clear on the chain of command, I think you should address me as Mr McGill in front of the others.

Bill: You know, Lynn, I’d rather not.

McGill: Just a suggestion. Anyway, I need your office, and that’s not a suggestion.

Bill: Fine.

[The phone rings.]

Operator: Mr Buchanan? Jack Bauer’s on line one.

Bill: Is Curtis plugged into this call?

Curtis: I’m on, Bill.

Bill: Go ahead; put Jack through.

Operator: You’re both on with Jack Bauer.

Curtis: Jack, what happened?

Jack: One of the hostiles came too close. I had to end the transmission.

[Beresch is listening in on the call, while holding a gun to Derek’s head. One of the other terrorists is holding the phone at Jack’s ear.]

Curtis: All right, we’ll restart the countdown.

Jack: Negative, Curtis, you need to scrap the existing plan. Find a new breach point.

Curtis: My men are already in position.

Jack: They moved the hostages within the kill zone. They’ll be taken out in the crossfire. There’s an emergency door just south of gate twelve. It’s unguarded; you should be able to punch through with no opposition.

Curtis: I see it, but I’m not comfortable with this entry point.

Jack: It’s the only shot we’ve got.

Curtis: Are you there now?

Jack: Yes, it’s clear. I’m in a flank two position. I repeat, a flank two position.

Bill: Curtis, how long before your teams can redeploy?

Curtis: About 20 minutes.

Bill: The President’s going to sign the treaty in about 20 minutes.

Curtis: I’ll go as fast as I can. Jack, I’ll call you when my men are in position. You can call us in.

Jack: Copy that; I’ll be standing by. [The phone is taken away. Beresch lowers the gun.]

Beresch: [to two terrorists] Stay with the hostages. The rest of you, come here. [to another terrorist.] Guard them. [The terrorist stays with Jack and Derek.]

10:12:34 … 10:12:35 … 10:12:36 …

10:17:02 … 10:17:03 … 10:17:04 … 10:17:05 … 10:17:06 … 10:17:07

[Split screen, with Jack and Derek; McGill on the phone; and Logan at his desk.]

Jack: You’re doing great.

[Derek does not look it. He looks shaken and upset.]

[Curtis’s phone rings.]

Curtis: [answering] Manning.

Bill: It’s Buchanan. How long until your people are ready to move on the terrorists?

Curtis: About 15 minutes.

Bill: Why so long?

Curtis: When Jack called and changed the breach point, I had to modify everything, including the explosives. They have to be repositioned precisely.

Bill: Maybe it’s a mistake to act on Jack’s new information; it could take too long.

Curtis: Jack’s aware of the deadline. If he didn’t think it was worth the delay, he wouldn’t have made the call. I trust him.

Bill: All right, Curtis. 15 minutes. You have to make this happen.

Curtis: I will.

Bill: Call when you’re in position.

Female Agent: [approaching Bill] Mr Buchanan. Mr McGill wants to see you in his office.

Bill: It’ll have to wait. I’m very busy.

Female Agent: He said it had to be now.

Bill: [murmurs] Right. [He is not impressed, but walks up to his office anyway.]

McGill: [to phone] No, I’m settled in fine. If I need anything I’ll call. Thanks, Donna. [He hangs up.]

Bill: What is it, Lynn? I’m up to my ears trying to coordinate this hostage situation.

McGill: Sit down, Mr Buchanan.

Bill: Would you stop with the “Mr Buchanan”? We need to get this assault in motion now.

McGill: Sit down, Bill.

[Bill sits.]

McGill: I informed the White House that the rescue operation is back on track.

Bill: Thank you.

McGill: I must admit I felt a little inappropriate talking about an operation I didn’t personally reviewed, so before you send your men into the terminal, I’d like to see the playbook.

Bill: I can’t have you micro-managing my work here, Lynn. If you want my job, just let me know and I’ll go home.

McGill: Please don’t be defensive; I’m not challenging you, I’m just trying to do my job.

Bill: [sighing, frustrated] I’ll have Chloe send it to your laptop; anything else?

McGill: That’s all for now. [Bill walks towards the door.] Bill! Fighting me isn’t going to increase our chances of saving those people’s lives.

[Bill leaves.]

10:19:02 … 10:19:03 … 10:19:04 … 10:19:05 …

[Bill walks down the stairs into the main office area. He walks over to Chloe.]

Bill: Lynn wants to look at the revised assault plans; give it to him.

Chloe: Does that mean he’s running point instead of you?

Bill: It just means he wants to see the plans.

[Audrey: runs up from behind him.]

Audrey: Bill! Curtis just confirmed that his team will be ready in ten minutes based on Jack’s new intel.

[Cut back to inside the airport. Beresch is watching another news telecast about the hostage situation and the Presidential summit.]

Reporter: [on screen] As of this time there is no word as to whether the President is going to call off the signing of the historic treaty between the United States and Russia.

Beresch: [to terrorist] Has there been a response from the White House since we killed the last hostage?

Terrorist: They released a statement confirming the signing of the treaty is going ahead as planned.

Beresch: They won’t capitulate as long as they think their rescue attempt will succeed. Once we kill their men, they will realise their options have run out.

[Most of the terrorists have assembled in front of the emergency door near gate twelve, where Curtis and his men will enter.]

[Cut to Jack and Derek.]

Derek: The only chance these people had of being rescued is gone because of me.

Jack: People were going to die today, Derek. That was their plan. This is not your fault.

Derek: I’m the reason you went along with them. If I wasn’t here –

Jack: Stop it. This is not over.

[Derek looks at Jack, wondering what is going to happen.]

[Cut to the Presidential retreat. Logan is watching news coverage.]

Reporter: [on television] While there has been no official rebuke of the terrorist’s demands, official statements from the White House appear to indicate the President’s position is unchanged, and that the treaty will be signed within an hour as scheduled. It puts the lives of the 60 men, women and children being held hostage in question. If the terrorists carry out their threat, all of them …

Novick: Good news, sir. CTU has re-established contact with Jack Bauer. The rescue operation is back on track.

Logan: But that’s still no guarantee.

Novick: Excuse me, sir?

Logan: The hostages may be killed when we go in there. Let’s be honest, that’s more likely than not.

Novick: We don’t’ know that, sir. President Suvarov is waiting for you outside.

Logan: He is?

Novick: You’re walking outside together onto the stage, where you’ll all agree to the protocol.

Logan: It’s time already?

Novick: Yes, sir.

[Logan walks outside to meet Suvarov. They shake hands.]

Logan: Mr President. Shall we?

Suvarov: My people have just informed me that the assault has been delayed?

Logan: It’s happening now. It will happen before the treaty is signed. Don’t’ worry.

Suvarov: Mr President, like you I have staked much of my political future on the success of this treaty. If this rescue attempt fails, it will not only be rendered meaningless, it will become a mockery. And so will we.

[Walt walks through the corridors of the retreat. He finds Evelyn in Martha’s room.]

10:22:02 … 10:22:03 … 10:22:04 … 10:02:05 …

Walt: I’m here to escort Mrs Logan. Ceremony’s starting any minute.

Evelyn: She’ll be out in a moment.

Walt: May I have a word? [He ushers her out into the corridor and closes the door to Martha’s room.] You’re aware Mrs Logan was found in one of the Archive rooms?

Evelyn: I don’t know anything about that.

Walt: Aaron Pierce said you lied to him. You said Mrs Logan was in her room when she was actually going through classified documents. I don’t think you understand just how grave this situation is.

Evelyn: What do you mean?

Walt: Mrs Logan removed a document from the archive that contains highly sensitive intelligence protocols.

Evelyn: That’s not what she said it was.

Walt: What did she say she took?

Evelyn: I think you should talk to her about this.

Walt: Evelyn, this is important. What did she tell you?

Evelyn: She said it was a transcript of a call she had with David Palmer.

Walt: OK, I’m sure when she said that, she believed it. You’re aware that if this document falls into the wrong hands, you’ll be held responsible.

Evelyn: I’m not the one who took it -

Walt: You aided and abetted. You’ll not only lose your job, but you’ll be prosecuted.

Evelyn: That’s not fair. I tried to talk her out if it.

Walt: All I’m asking is where did she put it?

Evelyn: She has it with her. It’s in her blouse. She said she wouldn’t let it out of her sight until she talked to the President about it.

Martha: [opening the door to her room and emerging] Walt? Sorry to keep you waiting; I’m ready now. [She walks past them. Walt follows.]

[Cut to outside.]

10:23:37 … 10:23:38 … 10:23:39 … 10:23:40 …

Announcer: Presidents Logan and Suvarov will each make statements. This will be followed by the signing of the treaty.

Logan: [quietly, to Mike] How much time will there be between the moment I step out on stage and the moment I sign the document?

Novick: Not long.

Logan: Does CTU know that’s how long they have to launch the rescue?

Novick: Yes sir. They are completely synchronised with what’s going on here.

Logan: I hope so. The lives of those hostages depend on it. Today was supposed to be the crowning achievement of my presidency. Instead, everyone’s waiting here for what’s going to happen at the airport. [Martha arrives. Logan smiles and holds her hands.] So how are you feeling?

Martha: I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. How come you just keep getting better looking as you get older? And I just keep getting older –

Logan: What are you talking about? You’re the most beautiful First Lady I’ve ever seen. [They kiss.]

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen – President Logan, and President Suvarov.

[There is a round of applause as the two presidents walk up onto the stage.]

[Cut to CTU.]

Chloe: The treaty signing is a minute and a half ahead of schedule. Should you call Curtis and let him know he might have to speed up his assault prep?

Bill: No. Curtis is moving as fast as he can. Calling him is not going to make him move any faster.

Chloe: I just thought he might like to be –

Bill: I said no, Chloe. The only way to make sure the assault happens in time to save the hostages is to try to slow down the summit. [He walks away. Spencer walks up to Chloe.]

Spencer: What’s wrong with Buchanan?

Chloe: Nothing. I think he just realises that we’re not going to be able to save the hostages. [Both look grim.]

10:25:22 … 10:25:23 … 10:25:24 …

10:29:46 … 10:29:47 … 10:29:48 … 10:29:49 … 10:29: 50 …

[Split screen, with Jack and Derek; Curtis rewiring the explosives; and Bill at CTU.]

[Cut to the summit.]

Logan: Before we begin the treaty signing, I would like to address what’s happening just a few miles away from here. As you know, terrorists have already taken innocent life in an attempt to stop this treaty from being signed. President Suvarov will not let this happen. I will not let this happen.

[Novick calls Bill.]

Bill: Yeah, Mike?

Novick: Bill. I should have heard from you by now; have your men gone in yet?

Bill: We’re not quite ready.

Novick: You have to go in now; the President’s about to sign the treaty.

Bill: I understand. We’re pushing as hard as we can. Meanwhile, is there anything you can do on your end?

Novick: Like what?

Bill: Can you stall things; slow down the ceremony?

Novick: Bill, the entire world is watching this on live television. The Presidents of the United States and Russia are on stage now. This process has been set in motion; no I can’t stall.

Bill: OK, I’ll call you back.

Novick: No! You stay on the phone with me. I need to know the moment your people go in.

Bill: Yes sir.

[Cut back to Logan]

Logan: This barbaric lawlessness that’s taking place at Ontario airport only underscores the need, the necessity for this accord, and for our continued vigilance and commitment to fighting terrorism around the world.

[Cut to Nathanson.]

Nathanson: [to phone] It looks like President Logan is going ahead with the signing. He said he’s not going to give in to your demands. Are you sure this is going to work?

Beresch: [to phone] It’ll work. The only reason the President is so confident is because he thinks his rescue attempt will save the day.

Nathanson: And you’re sure you can fend off that assault?

Beresch: As soon at the CTU agents come through the entrance Jack Bauer said to them, they will all be killed. One of the President’s aides will then walk up to the podium and whisper in his ear that there will be no rescue, that his signature on the treaty will be the death warrant of the hostages. That will stop him, I assure you.

Nathanson: Well, just in case you’re wrong and he signs the treaty, you ready to carry out your threat.

Beresch: Every one of my men is committed to doing what needs to be done today.

[Cut to CTU.]

10:32:02 … 10:32:03 … 10:32:04 … 10:32:05 …

Bill: [to phone] We’ve upgraded our estimate of how many wounded there’ll be. I need ten more ambulances at the airport before we launch. … Right.

[McGill enters.]

McGill: The rescue operation you’re about to execute is radically changed to your initial approach.

Audrey: It was revised based on new intelligence from Jack Bauer.

McGill: Which he phoned in after being dark for nearly 20 minutes; I was there.

Bill: [to phone] I need to call you back. [He hangs up.]

McGill: I can’t say that his explanation for being out of touch was entirely satisfying.

Bill: Jack said he was trying to avoid detection; what are you suggesting?

McGill: There’s too many unusual circumstances at work here. I want to try to understand it better before we send our people in. I’ll need the entire transcript of your communications with Mr Bauer since he’s been inside.

Bill: To what end?

McGill: Thoroughness. {Unintelligible} Just the raw transcripts will be fine.

Bill: Fine, I’ll send them to you.

McGill: Thank you. [He leaves. Chloe enters.]

Chloe: Curtis is on line three. [She leaves. Audrey connects line three.]

Bill: Curtis, what’s your situation?

Curtis: My men are in position and I’m setting the entry charges.

Bill: Any complications?

Curtis: No. We’re also jamming the trigger frequencies so Beresch can’t trigger the vests remotely. We should be able to make our entrance on target.

Bill: Good. Stay on the line with me until we get the go.

Curtis: All right, Bill, copy. [The CTU SWAT team continue setting up the explosive charges.] 

[In CTU, McGill examines the transcript. He calls Chloe at her desk.]

Chloe: O’Brien.

McGill: Uh, Ms O’Brien, I’m trying to understand the transcript of Jack’s last call to CTU, and there are a few items that I –

Chloe: Mr McGill, I’m really busy trying to help keep this revised assault on schedule; what do you need?

McGill: I understand and I don’t want to slow you down but I’d appreciate it if you’d unlock volume five; there are a few things I’d like to see –

Chloe: I don’t need to know what you’d like to see. OK, it’s unlocked.

McGill: Good. [He hangs up.]

Chloe: [to Spencer] This Lynn McGill person is really slowing things down.

Spencer: Yeah, that’s his style. I’ve worked with him before. He usually loses about 20% of his staff within the first few days of taking control of a new office.

Chloe: That many people quit?

Spencer: No, most of them were fired.

[Cut back to the summit, where President Suvarov is making his speech.]

Suvarov: In the volatile climate of the 21st century, the sharing of deterrent technologies by responsible powers is the surest guarantee of global peace. But let this accord be proof that our two great nations stand together in their commitment to fight the enemies of peace and freedom.

10:34:25 … 10:34:26 … 10:34:27 … 10:34:28 …

[Cut back to the terminal.]

Terrorist: [to Beresch] Achmed found Chevensky. He is dead. He killed himself. We found him in the baggage room.

Beresch: What about the key card?

Terrorist: Chevensky had it hidden right where he said he would. [He gives the key card to Beresch. Jack sees him.]

Beresch: Round up your men. [to other terrorists] The rest of you get ready. Assume CTU will be in body armour so aim for the headshot. You, and you, guard the hostages. [He walks among the hostages.] Kill anyone who tries to break away. Head down! [He hands the key card to the man with the yellow tie, who takes it, then huddles back down with the other hostages. Jack sees all of this.]

10:35:16 … 10:35:17 … 10:35:18 …

10:39:42 … 10:39:43 … 10:39:44 … 10:39:45 … 10:39:46 … 10:39:47 …

[Split screen, with Suvarov addressing the summit; CTU SWAT preparing their weapons; and McGill examining the transcripts.]

Suvarov: This time, the black night is broken by the dawning of the light of global peace.

[Cut to the airport. Jack’s phone rings. Beresch and another terrorist approach Jack and Derek; the other terrorist holds the phone beside Jack’s head. Beresch puts in an earpiece that allows him to listen in on the conversation.]

Jack: Curtis:

Curtis: Jack, my men are in place.

Jack: OK. Now remember, I am in a flank two position. Make sure your men don’t hit me when they come in.

Curtis: Copy that. Ready to start the countdown on your word.

[Jack hesitates.]

Curtis: Jack?

Jack: Move in at your discretion.

Curtis: All teams, we have a green light. Counting down from 60 seconds on my mark. Now. [The timer on the explosive is activated.] Jack, see you inside. [He hangs up. The phone is taken away from Jack’s ear, and Beresch puts the earpiece in his pocket.]

10:40:34 … 10:40:35 … 10:40:36 … 10:40:37 …

Beresch: Everyone! 60 seconds!

[The terrorists ready themselves for the assault, taking up positions by the emergency exit.]

[In CTU, McGill runs towards the situation room. He runs in.]

McGill: Stop the assault!

Bill: [to Audrey] Put Curtis on hold. [Audrey does so.] What are you talking about?

McGill: They’re walking into a trap; look at the transcript. When Jack issued the command directive, he used the term “flank two”.

Bill: Yes, he was trying to give us his position inside the terminal.

McGill: No, he wasn’t. Flank two is a duress code used to indicate the agent’s communicating under duress.

Bill: We ran Jack’s calls through a protocol filter; if there’d been a duress signal in there, we would have found it.

McGill: You filtered for the current codes. When Jack was active, “flank two” was the duress code.

Bill: Chloe, confirm that.

[Chloe checks it on her computer.]

McGill: Jack is trying to tell us he’s being used to send misinformation.

[At the airport, there are seven seconds to go before the assault is launched.]

McGill: If Curtis Manning and his teams go in now, they’ll be ambushed.

Chloe: He’s right.

Bill: Curtis, abort the countdown. Repeat, abort. Abort!

[Curtis turns off the countdown with two seconds to go.]

Curtis: Stand down, all teams. Stand down. We’re aborting entry, repeat, we’re aborting entry. Confirm that we’re standing down. What’s wrong, Bill?

Bill: We detected a duress code in Jack’s call. We have to assume the terrorists are feeding him the information he gave us. Re-deploy your men according to the original assault plan, and do not contact Jack. if Jack contacts you, buy time.

Curtis: Copy that. We’re moving.

McGill: You’re going to outflank the terrorists?

Bill: Yes.

McGill: That should work.

[Outside, one of the soldiers listens to the orders over his radio as Diane stands nearby, worried.]

Curtis: All teams, reposition for entry through the east and north gates. Plan bravo, repeat, plan bravo, through the east and north gates. Go!

Soldier: Acknowledged. Re-deploy protocol one.

Diane: What’s happening?

Solder: Ma’am, I need you to step back to the vehicle. Now. [Diane does.]

[Inside the terminal, the terrorists are still waiting.]

10:42:27 … 10:42:28 … 10:42:29 … 10:42:30 …

[Beresch is getting worried, and checks his watch again. He rushes back over to Jack, putting the earpiece back in. He points the gun at Jack’s head.]

Beresch: You said 60 seconds two minutes ago; what are CTU waiting for?

Jack: I don’t know. You heard what I heard.

[Beresch dials Bill’s number, and pushes the phone against Jack’s head.]

[Cut to CTU, Situation Room.]

Edgar: It’s Jack.

[Bill answers.]

Bill: Jack.

Jack: What’s happening?

Bill: There was a malfunction on the entry charges.

Jack: What’s the timeframe?

Bill: Any minute. We’re resetting the detonators. Stand by.

Jack: Copy that. [Beresch ends the phone call.] They’re in position. [Beresch runs back to join his men.]

Beresch: Stay ready!

[Cut to Nathanson watching coverage of the summit.]

Reporter: President Logan and President Suvarov are preparing to sign the treaty, but what should have been a moment of triumph for both men has become a test of wills.

[At the summit, Logan signs the treaty.]

[Beresch’s phone rings. He answers.]

Beresch: Yeah?

Nathanson: Is it done?

Beresch: No. CTU hasn’t attacked yet.

Nathanson: You said it would happen before the signing.

Beresch: And you told me the President would never let it go this far.

Nathanson: He’s signing it. You have no choice. Kill them all.

[Beresch ends the call.]

[Suddenly, the wall by the emergency exit explodes. Many hostages scream.]

Beresch: Fire!

[The terrorists fire into the room behind. Jack knocks Derek to the ground to protect him from stray bullets. Another wall explodes from behind the terrorists, and the CTU SWAT team breaks through. Many terrorists are taken down immediately, including those surrounding the hostages. Jack kicks at a glass door and it shatters. He cuts his bonds using the broken glass. More terrorists are killed by the CTU team. Jack grabs a gun from a fallen terrorist, and takes down one terrorist. He shoots Beresch in the hand to prevent him from committing suicide. Beresch crawls towards another dead terrorist and activates his bomb vest.]

Jack: No!

[The vest explodes, killing Beresch. The terrorists have all been killed. Jack runs back over to Derek.]

Jack: You OK?

Derek: Yeah.

[Cut to CTU.]

Curtis: [on the phone] We’ve secured the terminal. Besides the hostiles, there appears to be no further casualties. I repeat, the remaining hostages are unharmed.

McGill: Good work, Curtis.

Bill: [to cell phone] Did you get that, Mike?

Novick: Got it. Thanks Bill, good work. [He walks up to Logan.]

10:45:25 … 10:45:26 … 10:45:27 … 10:45:28 …

[Novick quietly tells Logan of the successful rescue mission. Logan stands.]

Logan: [to Suvarov] Mr President, I have some good news. [to press gallery] I have just received word that the crisis at the Ontario Airport is over. The rescue operation that I authorised was successful. The terrorists have been captured or killed, and, best of all, this has all been accomplished with no further loss of innocent life.

[All present start clapping.]

[Back at the terminal, the hostages are standing. Many are crying or hugging each other. Jack brings Derek over to an agent.]

Jack: Excuse me, agent. My name is Jack Bauer.

Agent: I know who you are, sir.

 Jack: Can I use your pick? [The agent hands it over. Jack uses it to cut Derek’s bonds.] This is Derek Huxley. His mother is waiting for him at the command post; could you please take him there.

Agent: Of course. [He starts to lead Derek away. Derek turns back to Jack.]

Derek: What about you?

Jack: Come here. Hey. [Jack gives him a hug.] I have to finish this. [Derek nods, close to tears.] Take care of your mother.

Derek: Yeah.

Jack: OK. Go.

[The agent leads Derek away. Jack looks around for the man with the yellow tie.]

Jack: We’re missing one. [to the former hostages] Everybody, I need your attention. We’re looking for a man who was being held here with you – white male, early thirties. He was wearing a bright yellow tie. Did anyone see him leave? Anyone? [to agent] Keep the hostages here until I get back.

10:47:26 … 10:47:28 … 10:47:29 …

10:51:56 … 10:51:57 … 10:51:58 … 

[Split screen, showing Martha’s pleased reaction to the resolution of the hostage crisis; Derek emerging from the airport; and Diane waiting by the car.]

Derek: Mom? [Diane hears his voice, and looks up instantly. She runs towards him.]

Diane: Derek! [Both are crying as they hug.] Oh God …

Derek: They were gonna kill me … Jack saved my life. He saved everyone’s life.

Agent: Ms Huxley, I need you and your son to follow me.

Diane: Can I see Jack Bauer?

Agent: I’m sorry, I have instructions to transfer you to CTU. This way, please. [He leads them away.]

[Back at the summit. The Presidents rise from the table.]

Logan: Mr President.

Suvarov: Mr President. [Both look very pleased. They shake hands.] Well done.

Logan: Thank you very much, my friend. [Logan shakes hands with Walt and then Novick.] Walt. Thank you. [He leaves the stage. Martha walks after him.]

10:52:56 … 10:52:57 … 10:52:58 … 10:52:59 …

Martha: Charles.

Logan: Watch your step. Sweetheart, smile. It’s over.

Martha: Charles, I just need a few minutes alone with you.

Logan: Yes, soon.

Martha: No! Not soon. Right now. This is very important.

Logan: Martha, we I’m done with this I’ll call for you. I promise.

Martha: All right, this ends now. I have played my role without interfering; now it is time for you to attend to me.

Logan: And I will –

Martha: Charles, do not patronise me. Something is going on. I am not crying wolf again!

Logan: Martha, please. Do not ruin this moment for me. We’ll talk later. [He kisses her on the cheek and walks away. After a few seconds, Martha starts to walk after him. Walt sees this and approaches her.]

Walt: Martha! Everything all right?

Martha: No. It’s not all right. I have to talk to my husband. The situation is more dangerous than he realises.

Walt: What – what situation? He’s not …

Martha: I’m sorry, Walt. I can only talk to Charles about this. [She walks, upset, into the house. Walt looks concerned.]

[Cut to CTU. Chloe ends a phone call. She walks into the situation room, where Bill and Audrey are.]

Chloe: Fuller just confirmed – the area’s been contained, and they’re reporting only minor injuries amongst the hostages.

Bill: Good, thank you. You should probably route all field updates through Mr McGill for the time being.

Chloe: Oh. OK. [She leaves, and McGill enters the room.]

McGill: Bill, if you have a moment.

Bill: Lynn. I, uh, I owe you an apology.

McGill: For what?

Bill: Well, if you hadn’t recognised the duress code that Jack transmitted, well …

McGill: Bill, you’re the reason I figured out what he was doing.

Bill: What do you mean?

McGill: Well, I’ll admit I was suspicious of Mr Bauer. You were so adamant about his integrity that I just looked for a way to reconcile the contradiction, so, thank you. [They shake hands.] I assume Mr Bauer’s been taken into custody?

Bill: Well, I plan to debrief him here, but not as a suspect.

McGill: Well, he hasn’t been officially cleared in the deaths of David Palmer and Michelle Dessler.

Audrey: Well, based on mitigating evidence and Chloe’s testimony, we’re confident Jack was framed for those murders.

McGill: I appreciate that, but it still doesn’t change a very tangled situation. I mean, we have surveillance footage that places Jack Bauer at the site of David Palmer’s assassination.

Audrey: Well, clearly it was doctored.

McGill: Not according to preliminary tests. If we’re gonna get to the bottom of this, Jack Bauer has a lot to answer for. Bring him in, now. [He leaves the room.]

10:55:44 … 10:55:45 … 10:55:46 … 10:55:47 …

[Cut to the airport. Jack walks towards the agents.]

Jack: The rest of the terminal is clear. [He looks once again among the hostages, but cannot see the man with the yellow tie.]

Curtis: Jack! [He approaches from behind. Jack turns.] It’s good to see you again. [They shake hands.]

Jack: It’s nice to see you. We got a problem. One of the hostages is missing. He was working with the terrorists.

Curtis: Give me a description; I’ll take care of it.

Jack: I’ll help you; let’s go.

Curtis: Jack, you need to go back to CTU. Buchanan just gave orders to take you into custody.

Jack: I watched Beresch give this guy a key card. Something else is going down here; we’ve got to find this guy now.

Curtis: And I’ll get right on it. But I need you to go with these men. Please.

Jack: [after a moment] He’s a white male, mid thirties; he’s wearing a dark suit and a yellow tie; he’s about 5’8.

Curtis: We’ll find him.

Jack: OK. Thanks. [He walks up to the other agents, and hands over his bag.]

Jack: These are my weapons. [He walks away with them.]

Curtis: [to radio] Hutchinson. We have a possible sleeper among the hostages. We’re looking for a Caucasian male, 5’8, dark suit, yellow tie.

[Cut to a bunker below one of the hangers. The man with the yellow tie enters. He is accosted by a gunman. He calmly pushes the gun down.]

Gunman: Where have you been?

Man with a yellow tie: We had a problem with Chevensky.

Gunman: Where is he?

Man with a yellow tie: Dead.

Gunman: You have the key?

[The man with the yellow tie holds it up. The two men enter a hole that has been drilled in the floor.]

10:57:15 … 10:57:16 … 10:57:17 … 10:57:18 …

[Two more men are in the hole under the floor. They all put on gloves. The man with the yellow tie puts the key card in a slot in a large metal holding container sitting on the ground.]

Man with the yellow tie: Masks. [They all put on gas masks. They then lift off the lid of the container and place it on the floor beside the container. There are several canisters in the container. The gunman checks the canisters for radioactivity. They are clear. They all remove their masks, and the man with the yellow tie calls Nathanson.]

Nathanson: Do you have the merchandise?

Man with the yellow tie: Yes, we’re moving the canisters out now.

Nathanson: Good. Transportation’s been arranged. Call me when you’re out.

Man with the yellow tie: I will. [He ends the call. They start passing the canisters up the ladder.]

[Jack emerges from the airport, flanked by two agents. The screen splits, to show Jack walking out; Diane and Derek in a helicopter; and the canisters being moved. The latter two split screens change, to show Logan watching television coverage; and Martha in her room.]

[The camera focuses on Martha. She drinks a glass of water.]

Reporter: [on television] President Logan and Russian President Suvarov, having signed the arms treaty agreement, which will have a significant impact on the arms of both countries, will now greet the press,  to discuss the unprecedented weight of what has just been put into motion. This will be remembered as a significant day for President Logan; perhaps the turning point in what has been a …

[The door opens behind Martha. She cannot see who has entered.]

Martha: Evelyn, did you get a chance to speak to my husband?

[Suddenly, Walt Cummings grabs her from behind and holds a chloroform-soaked handkerchief over her face. She struggles, but soon passes out. Walt quickly pulls the transcript from her blouse, and opens it. He looks back at Martha, lying unconscious.]


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04.07.2020 vers 15h

09.03.2019 vers 17h

10.02.2018 vers 17h

31.01.2018 vers 18h

29.12.2017 vers 00h

06.02.2017 vers 13h

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Activité récente
Un film 24 en développement par 20th Century Studios

Un film 24 en développement par 20th Century Studios
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Coral Pena rejoint dans la future série policière de HBO menée par Mark Ruffalo

Coral Pena rejoint dans la future série policière de HBO menée par Mark Ruffalo
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Mary Lynn Rajskub, Jay Ryan et Braeden Clarke en route pour la comédie North to North

Mary Lynn Rajskub, Jay Ryan et Braeden Clarke en route pour la comédie North to North
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Dix acteurs, dont Ashley Thomas, rejoignent la saison 2 de The Serpent Queen

Dix acteurs, dont Ashley Thomas, rejoignent la saison 2 de The Serpent Queen
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Yvonne Strahovski et Scott Speedman sont les têtes d'affiche du projet Teacup pour Peacock

Yvonne Strahovski et Scott Speedman sont les têtes d'affiche du projet Teacup pour Peacock
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ShanInXYZ, 04.12.2024 à 03:19

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who : Calendriers, jeux et infos sur l'épisode de Noël, passez voir le Docteur

pretty31, 04.12.2024 à 11:08

Une nouvelle bannière est en vote pour le quartier HypnoClap, merci pour votre aide

Locksley, 04.12.2024 à 13:14

Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

choup37, 04.12.2024 à 16:02

Nouveau sondage spécial Noel à Kaamelott ouvert à tous et toutes, calendrier, pdm et survivor, on vous espère nombreux

Evangeline, Aujourd'hui à 17:21

Hello! Nouvelle PDM et nouveau sondage sur Outer Banks! N'hésitez pas à passer! Bon we à tous!

Viens chatter !