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24 heures chrono
#505 : 11h00 - 12h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 5 guide des épisodes

Jack doit se rendre dans les bureaux de la CAT, ce qui le contrarie car il aurait préféré rester sur le terrain afin de retrouver le principal suspect actuellement caché parmi les otages. Pour le remplacer dans cette traque, c'est l'agent Manning qui s'y colle en compagnie de ses hommes. Le Président Logan apprend que son épouse est dans un sale état et, poussé par Walt, il donne l'ordre de la faire interner. Pendant ce temps, Mc Gill demande à ce que Diane Huxley soit interrogée. Il confie cette tâche à Audrey.


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO
11:00am - 12:00pm

Titre VF
11h00 - 12h00


 24 Season 5 Episode 5 Promo

24 Season 5 Episode 5 Promo


Plus de détails

Date de diffusion US: 23 janvier 2006
Date de diffusion FR:
Audience: 14,1 millions de téléspectateurs 


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer 
• Kim Raver : Audrey Raines 
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian 
• Gregory Itzin : President Charles Logan 
• James Morrison : Bill Buchanan 
• Roger Cross : Curtis Manning (credit only) 
• Louis Lombardi : Edgar Stiles 
• and Jean Smart : Martha Logan 

Guest starring

• Sean Astin : Lynn McGill 
• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick 
• Connie Britton : Diane Huxley 
• Brady Corbet : Derek Huxley 
• Geraint Wyn Davies : James Nathanson 
• Sandrine Holt : Evelyn Martin 
• Glenn Morshower : Aaron Pierce 
• John Allen Nelson : Walt Cummings 
• Mark Sheppard : Ivan Erwich 
• Ben Parrillo : Agent Finn 
• Timothy V. Murphy : Schaeffer 


• Anita Finlay : Wendy Brown 
• Matt Huhn : Secret Service Agent #1 
• Robert Maffia : Andrei 
• Michael Yavnieli : Secret Service Agent #2 
• Terry Woodburry : Secret Service Agent #3 
• Marci Michelle : Jackie 
• Michael Karawia : Middle Eastern Man

Il est 11 heures, les terroristes chargent dans un camion, déguisé en véhicule des SWAT, les fameux cylindres qu’il y avait dans le trou. Le camion sort du hangar, et se met alors en route. Pendant ce temps, Jack est dans une voiture qui l’amène à la cellule.

Il reçoit un appel de Curtis, et s’informe sur le terroriste qui était mêlé aux otages. Jack l’informe qu’il ne devait plus se trouver parmi les otages vers 10h30. Curtis demande alors les vidéos des caméras de surveillances pour essayer de repérer l’homme.

A la maison du Président Logan, Evelyn découvre Martha Logan, allongée sur le lit et inconsciente. Elle appelle immédiatement de l’aide. Curtis repère finalement l’homme à la cravate jaune sur les caméras, et le voit se rendre dans un hangar. Avec une équipe, l’agent Manning s’y rend immédiatement.

Les agents de la cellule fouillent alors le hangar, et trouvent le trou dans lequel les cylindres étaient. Curtis repère un rat mort. Il demande alors une équipe scientifique pour inspecter les lieux. Pendant ce temps, le camion des terroristes est arrivé à destination.

L’homme qui était avec les otages demande à un autre homme, qui les attendait, si tout est prêt pour le transport des cylindres. Il lui répond que oui, et il ajoute alors une phrase : « Nous allons faire de Moscou un cimetière ». Il est 11h08, le Président Logan, de son côté, apprend ce qu’il est arrivé à sa femme, qui est en train de se faire soigner par le docteur.

Celui-ci annonce qu’il ne sait toujours pas pourquoi Martha a perdu connaissance. La première dame annonce à son mari qu’elle n’a pas perdu connaissance, mais que quelqu’un l’a attaqué. Elle lui annonce aussi qu’elle avait la preuve que David Palmer l’avait appelé pour la prévenir de ce qu’il se passait aujourd’hui, mais qu’on lui a volé cette fameuse preuve. Mais Logan ne la croit pas, et laisse sa femme au bout soin du docteur.

Walt, qui a assisté à la scène, propose au Président de la refaire interner dans un établissement, car elle pourrait devenir un problème si elle parle à quelqu’un qui la croit. Le président approuve ce que dit Walt, et va donc envoyer sa femme se faire interner.

Au même moment, Cummings reçoit un appel de Nathanson. Le conseiller du Président lui annonce qu’ils n’auront plus de problème avec Martha Logan. Nathanson lui annonce que le gaz est en route vers le port, et que les autorités n’ont pas encore découvert ce qui a été volé. Walt dit qu’il ne reste plus qu’à s’occuper de Bauer.

Nathanson lui demande comment il va s’y prendre, et Cummings répond qu’il a un homme à l’intérieur de la cellule qui peut l’aider…

Il est 11h16, l’équipe scientifique examine le hangar où il y avait le gaz. Il n’y a pas de doute : il y a bien du gaz neurotoxique dans les cylindres. Edgar annonce la nouvelle à Buchanan et à Lynn McGill.

Ce dernier demande qu’on examine les échantillons de gaz retrouvé dans le hangar pour essayer de découvrir qui l’a produit et met tout le personnel de la cellule sur cette affaire. Dans la maison du Président, Logan et Cummings s’occupent du cas de Martha. Ils sont interrompus par le docteur Hill, qui annonce au Président qu’il n’a toujours pas trouvé la cause de la perte de connaissance de sa femme.

Il est 11h18, Mike met au parfum Logan et Cummings concernant le gaz neurotoxique. Le Président est assez choqué par la nouvelle, tandis que Walt examine les plans d’évacuations, au cas où.

Il est 11h20, à la cellule une petite dispute éclate entre Spenser et Chloé, sous les yeux d’Edgar. Celui-ci va voir Chloé et lui demande pourquoi elle ne lui a pas dit que Jack était en vie, mais Chloé le renvoie vite à son poste. Pendant ce temps, Spenser, qui s’est isolé, est au téléphone avec Walt Cummings. Ce dernier lui demande d’autoriser une entrée à la CTU, lorsque Jack sera arrivé dans les locaux.

Il est 11h22, Diane et Derek viennent d’arriver à la cellule. Lynn demande à Audrey de débriefer Diane. La responsable du département de la défense accepte à contre cœur, accueille la nouvelle petite amie de Jack et l’emmène dans un bureau pour la questionner.

Il est 11h28, et Jack Bauer est de retour à la cellule anti-terroriste. Celui-ci commence par remercier Chloé pour son aide avant d’être abordé par Lynn McGill, qui lui annonce qu’il a été blanchi dans l’affaire David Palmer. Lynn lui apprend également la situation concernant le gaz neurotoxique. Bill rejoint Jack, tandis que McGill retourne voir comment avance l’enquête.

Il est 11h30, Bauer présente ses condoléances à Bill concernant Michelle, et en profite pour prendre des nouvelles de Tony. Celui-ci est toujours inconscient, mais hors de danger. Buchanan annonce alors à Jack que Audrey travaille avec la CTU et que c’est elle qui interroge Diane.

Celle-ci raconte comment elle a rencontré Jack et qu’elle ne savait pas sa véritable identité à Audrey, lorsque cette dernière aperçoit que Jack est en train de les observé. Mlle Raines sort alors du bureau ou elle interroge Diane, et va à la rencontre de Jack.

Au cours d’une conversation assez émouvante, Jack s’excuse de ne pas lui avoir dit qu’il était en vie, tandis qu’Audrey lui pardonne la mort de Paul. Ils sont finalement interrompus et Audrey retourne questionner Diane.

Il est 11h34, dans la maison du Président, Walt annonce à Evelyn l’intention de Logan concernant sa femme. Cummings lui demande de rassembler les affaires de Martha. A la cellule, Spenser, seul dans une pièce, consulte les caméras de la CTU pour espionner Jack via un ordinateur.

Il est interrompu par Chloé, qui est venu s’excuser de la dispute survenue un peu plus tôt. Il accepte ses excuses, et sort de la pièce. Chloé reste un petit moment là, puis regarde ce que faisait Spenser sur l’ordinateur. Elle découvre qu’il était connecté avec un niveau 5, alors que son niveau d’accès habituel est le niveau 3.

Il est 11h37, un homme arrive à l’entrée de la CTU. Il fait parti des terroristes. Il passe le contrôle d’entrée avec l’aide de Spenser, puis il est emmené dans la salle des serveurs, ou il doit apparemment télécharger des informations sur Jack. Spenser lui indique les serveurs concernés, puis sort de la pièce. Une fois l’analyste de la CTU parti, le terroriste ouvre sa valise et assemble un pistolet…

Il est 11h43, dans la chambre de Martha Logan, Evelyn empile des affaires dans une valise. Martha demande à Evelyn se qu’il se passe, et elle répond qu’on lui a demander de préparer la First Lady à partir. La femme de Logan devine que son mari veut la refaire interner et elle se rend dans la salle de bain pour s’habiller. A la CTU, 2 hommes arrêtent Spenser et l’emmène dans une salle d’interrogatoire ou Buchanan et Chloé sont déjà présents.

Bill lui annonce qu’il a violé des protocoles de la CTU. Spenser nie tout en bloc, et Chloé s’énerve assez vite, mais Buchanan l’arrête avant qu’elle ait eu le temps de dire à Spenser ses 4 vérités. Spenser essaye d’utiliser ceci pour discréditer Chloé, mais Bill n’est pas dupe.

Il est 11h47, Logan et Cummings viennent chercher Martha pour l’emmener. Le Président l’appelle, puisque la First Lady est toujours dans la salle de bain. N’ayant pas de réponse, Logan entre dans la salle, et découvre seulement une chaise eu dessous de la fenêtre : Martha s’est échappée. Les services secrets se déploient immédiatement pour tenter de la retrouver.

Il est 11h53, Jack est interrogé par Lynn McGill sur ce qu’il s’est passé le jour de sa disparition. Bauer l’informe que quelqu’un de l’administration de Logan a voulu le tuer, ce qui l’a poussé à simuler sa mort.

Jack pense que cette personne est également liée au meurtre de David Palmer et au vol de gaz neurotoxique. Ils sont interrompu par le téléphone : c’est le docteur de la clinique, qui annonce que Tony Almeida a repris connaissance, et qu’il veut parler à Jack.

Il est 11h54, Jack est en route pour l’infirmerie, mais croise Derek dans un couloir. Ils discutent un peu, et ça se finit par une poignée de main entre les 2 hommes. Pendant ce temps, Bill interroge toujours Spenser qui refuse de dire quoi que se soit. Buchanan découvre qu’il espionnait Jack et lui demande pourquoi il faisait ça, mais il obtient aucune réponse. Bauer arrive à la clinique et est accueilli par le docteur.

Jack se place au chevet de Tony mais celui-ci n’est pas réveillé. Grâce à un coup d’œil dans un écran, Jack aperçoit alors le docteur sortir une arme : c’est le terroriste. Bauer réussit à lui faire lâcher son arme après quelques coups de feu qui atterrissent dans le mur, et une bagarre s’engage. Jack est mis à terre et reçoit un coup de pied qui lui casse une côte.

L’ex-agent de la cellule est en mauvaise posture : le terroriste essaye de lui enfoncer un ciseau dans la gorge. Grâce à un coup de poing bien placé, Jack détourne l’arme du terroriste contre lui-même : il vient de planter le ciseau avec lequel Jack était menacé dans son propre cou.

Le ciseau n’étant pas très bien enfoncé, Jack s’empresse de réparer ça en tapant un coup dessus. Bill arrive à la clinique. Bauer lui demande si il a une idée de comment est entré le faux docteur dans le bâtiment et Bill informe Jack qu’ils ont arrêté une taupe.

Il est 11h58, Jack arrive dans la salle ou est détenu la taupe. Bauer montre la photo de l’assassin à Spenser et lui demande si c’est lui qui l’a laissé entré dans le bâtiment. Spenser répond qu’il n’était pas au courant de l’identité de l’homme et qu’il était juste là pour placer des mouchards sur les serveurs.

Jack lui demande alors de où venaient les ordres que Spenser à reçu, il répond que ça vient de la Maison Blanche, de Walt Cummings. Il dit aussi qu’il pensait travailler pour le Président.

Jack veut se rendre dans la maison du Président, mais Lynn dit que la CTU ne peut pas aller arrêter le premier conseiller du Président comme ça.

Il est 12h00, et Jack répond qu’il n’est pas la CTU, et qu’il va aller trouver Walt Cummings par lui-même.

Voiceover: Previously, on 24.

Beresch: [on television] We’ve waited patiently for you to renounce this pact with our oppressors. We’ve heard nothing. This is the cost of that silence. [Beresch shoots the young man.] If you choose to sign this corrupt document, understand that you will also be staining it with the blood of the remaining hostages.

Logan: If CTU can’t pull this off in time, that’s upwards of 60 people, Mike.

Evelyn: Mrs Logan, if someone altered the recording of your conversation with David Palmer, the President needs to know.

Martha: Between the summit and the hostage situation, he’s not in the frame of mind to deal with this. Until the treaty’s signed, I’m not letting this out of my sight.

[She puts the folded up transcript into her blouse.]

Walt: What did she tell you?

Evelyn: She said it was a transcript of a call she had with David Palmer.

[Walt Cummings grabs Martha from behind and holds a chloroform-soaked handkerchief over her face. She struggles, but soon passes out. Walt quickly pulls the transcript from her blouse, and opens it.]

McGill: I understand President Logan wants us to go into the terminal as soon as possible.

Bill: Yes, before the treaty is signed.

Bill Curtis, what’s your situation?

Curtis: My men are in position and I’m setting the entry charges. We should be able to make our entrance on target.

McGill: I assume Mr Bauer’s been taken into custody?

Bill: Well, I plan to debrief him here –

McGill: Bring him in, now.

Jack: Diane, what’s going on? What’s wrong?

Diane: Derek is inside the terminal.

Jack: I see him. He’s with the other hostages, but he’s not hurt.

Diane: Please don’t let anything happen to him.

Jack: This is not your fault.

Derek: I’m the reason you went along with them.

Jack: This is not over.

[Suddenly, the wall by the emergency exit explodes. Many hostages scream.]

Beresch: Fire!

[The terrorists fire into the room behind. Another wall explodes from behind the terrorists, and the CTU SWAT team breaks through. Many terrorists are taken down immediately, including those surrounding the hostages.]

Jack: We got a problem. One of the hostages is missing. He was working with the terrorists.

Curtis: Give me a description; I’ll take care of it.

Jack: I’ll help you; let’s go.

Curtis: Jack, you need to go back to CTU. Buchanan just gave orders to take you into custody.

Jack: I watched Beresch give this guy a key card. Something else is going down here; we’ve got to find this guy now.

[Erwich opens the metal container, revealing the canisters.]

Voiceover: The following takes place between 11:00 AM and 12:00 PM.

[The men are loading the canisters into boxes and placing the boxes in the back of a truck. They peal a sign (reading “Brown & Co. Airline Catering”) off the side of the truck, to reveal “Police Department S.W.A.T.” written on the side of the truck. Two of them dress themselves to look like SWAT officers, while Erwich and the gunman sit in the back of the van. The terrorists who are dressed as SWAT officers drive the van out of the hanger.]

[Cut to the SUV which is driving Jack to CTU.]

Mara: Sorry we have to bring you in like this, Jack.

Jack: It’s all right, Mara, I understand.

Mara: Year and a half … how’d you manage to stay invisible for so long?

Jack: Apparently I wasn’t as invisible as I should have been.

[Mara’s phone rings. She answers.]

Mara: Tyler.

Curtis: Mara, it’s Curtis. Put Bauer on.

Mara: [handing the phone to Jack.] It’s Agent Manning.

[Jack takes the phone.]

Jack: Yeah?

Curtis: Jack. You said the suspect was hiding among the hostages?

Jack: Yeah, right up until the assault began sometime around 10:30. Then he must have broken for an exit.

Curtis: What exit was closest?

Jack: {Unintelligible} Between gates six and seven.

Curtis: Thanks, Jack.

Jack: Yeah. [He ends the call.]

Curtis: [to agent at computer] Pull up external video starting at 10:30 – all cameras covering gates six and seven. [The agent does so.]

[Cut back to the terrorist’s van. They are approaching the exit of the airport. They stop at a checkpoint.]

Agent at checkpoint: Hang on, guys. [He checks his clipboard.] You can go. [The terrorists drive their van out of the airport. Inside the van, Erwich is on the phone.]

Erwich: We’re away. [He ends the call.]

[At the Presidential retreat, Evelyn walks into Martha’s room. She sees Martha lying unconscious on the bed.]

Evelyn: [hurrying over to Martha] Mrs Logan? [She checks for a pulse] Mrs Logan? Oh my God. [shouting] Help! Someone! [An agent approaches.] Something’s happened to the First Lady. Get a doctor now. [The agent rushes off to do this. Evelyn returns to Martha.]

[Cut back to the airport. Curtis and an agent are still scanning the surveillance videos.]

Curtis: Now, according to Jack, he should be between gates six and seven, just outside this view.

Agent: I got this feed from ten minutes ago. [gesturing towards a computer screen]

Curtis: Try camera seven. [They try it with no success] Camera four. [They see Erwich on the video walking beside a hanger.] Tighten up. [The agent does so.] Yellow tie. Got him. Now let’s follow him. [On the video, the yellow tie man disappears off one side.] Dammit! What camera covers the adjacent sector?

Agent: 14-a, but it’s a bad angle.

Curtis: Pull it up anyway; let’s match the time codes.

[The agent pulls it up.]

Agent: OK, got him. This is two minutes, 25 seconds later.

[On the video, Erwich enters a hanger.]

Curtis: What hanger is that?

Agent: Hanger double-b.

Curtis: Has it been searched yet?

Agent: No. It was outside the security perimeter.

Curtis: I’m going to take a field team and head over there. Send word to comm. [To field team] You men with me. Let’s go! [They hold on to the sides and back of an SUV.] [to driver] Hanger double-b; let’s go! [The driver starts the car and they drive away. A police car and a SWAT van follow.]

[Cut to CTU. Edgar is at his desk. His phone rings; he answers.]

Edgar: CTU, Styles.

Curtis: Edgar. Jack told us about a suspect hiding among the hostages. We picked up surveillance on him. He entered hanger double-b at roughly 10:57.

Edgar: Did you check it out yet?

Curtis: No, we’re going in now. I’ll need comms.

Edgar: I’m on it. [hangs up] Chloe, what [Transcriber’s note: he spoke too quickly for me to understand this bit.}

Chloe: Four.

[Curtis and his men arrive at the hanger.]

Curtis: [to radio] Team two, cover the rear.

11:06:02 … 11:06:03 … 11:06:04 … 1:06:05 …

[The team breaks into the hanger. They enter, weapons drawn, and spread out through the hanger to search it. They find the pit where the canisters had been stored. The metal holding container is still there.]

Curtis: Check it out. Everyone else, search the building. See what you can find. [Some agents enter the pit, while others search the building.]

Agents: Clear. Clear.

[Curtis sees dead rats on the floor. He is suspicious, and kneels down to examine them.]

Curtis: [to radio] Craig? It’s Curtis. Send a forensic team down here now. Tell them they’ll need a full bio-pack with spectrum analysers.

Craig: [Over radio] Copy that.

[The terrorists have arrived at a yard, where another truck is waiting. The men start loading the crates into the other truck. Hank has been waiting with the truck.]

Hank: Any problems getting the canisters out?

Erwich: No. They were hidden exactly where you said they’d be. Everything on schedule with that transport?

Hank: The customs documents are being finalised at the port.

Erwich: Good. The Russians will finally understand the consequences of occupying our homeland when we turn Moscow into a graveyard.

11:08:02 … 11:08:03 … 11:08:04 … 11:08:05 …

[Cut to the Presidential Retreat. Logan and two agents hurry into Martha’s room. Evelyn is standing near the door. Martha is conscious and sitting with her head in her hands. The doctor kneels beside her. Logan walks over to Evelyn.]


: When did this happen?

Evelyn: A few minutes ago I came back in and found her on the bed.


: What do you mean, “came back in”? You mean you left her alone? [He walks quickly over to Martha. Evelyn looks upset. The doctor is checking Martha’s pulse.]


: What happened, doctor? Is she all right?

[Martha, upon hearing Logan’s voice, reaches out to take his hand.]

Doctor: [standing up] She appears to be now, but I have to do some tests to find out why she blacked out.

Martha: I didn’t black out. Someone did this to me; someone attacked me Charles.


: Shhh, shhh, come on. [He hugs her]

Martha: We have to do something. You have to do something.

[Walt enters.]

Martha: You  have to do something; they’re trying to get me.


: No, no one’s trying to get you. I just want you to be well.

Martha: No, listen, I had the proof, and now it’s gone.


: What proof? What are you talking about?

Martha: Proof that David Palmer called me to warn me about today.


: Are you still on this?

Martha: [looking him in the eye] We’ve never been off of it. You just wouldn’t listen to me.

Walt: Sir? Is everything OK?


: I think so.

Martha: No! No! Dammit, it’s not OK. [She is distraught and barely coherent. She breathes slowly, trying to calm herself.] You people have got to listen to me. I had a document, from the Archive Room –


: Where was this document?

Martha: I am trying to tell you. It was hidden in my blouse. It’s gone. Someone stole it from me.


: Marty, you’ve been under a lot of stress, we all have, but – but – no, let Doctor Hill examine you, and we can figure out how to get you back.

Martha: [crying] You don’t believe me. You don’t believe your own wife. [She turns away, and covers her face with her hands. Logan stands and walks over to the doctor.]


: I have an important phone call from the Secretary of State that I have to get to. If there’s any sudden changes, you get back to me as soon as possible.

Doctor: Yes, Mr President.

[Logan walks back to Martha]

Martha: Charles …


: I will come back. You need to get some rest.

Martha: No, no, please.

[Logan pulls away and leaves with Walt.]


: [to agents at the door] Close that door. [He walks away with Walt, stopping down the corridor.]

11:10:25 … 11:10:26 … 11:10:27 … 11:10:28 …


: What do we do about this, Walt?

Walt: This is what she was like before you sent her to Vermont.


: You’re suggesting that I readmit her?

Walt: You have to consider the option. For her sake.


: She said she’d rather die than go back in there.

Walt: Sir … if she’s going to persist with these conspiracy theories, it’s only a matter of time before she talks to someone who believes her, then we really will have a problem.


: I wish you were wrong, but I don’t think you are.

[Walt’s phone rings. He looks at the caller ID, then rejects the call.]

Walt: Do you want me to handle this, sir?


: [deeply troubled] Make the arrangements. But … don’t let Martha find out. Let me be the one to tell her.

Walt: Yes sir. [He walks away. Logan looks troubled.]

[Walt walks outside. His phone rings again, and he answers.]

Nathanson: Have you handled the problem there?

Walt: Yes. Martha Logan won’t be giving us any more trouble.

Nathanson: Good. Erwich has just completed transferring the gas to the semi. He’s on his way to the port.

Walt: And the authorities don’t know anything’s been stolen?

Nathanson: Not yet.

Walt: Well, the only thing we have left to take care of is Bauer.

Nathanson: Where is he?

Walt: On his way to CTU.

Nathanson: He’s getting too close. He’s already started putting the pieces together.

Walt: I know. He needs to be taken out. I’m handling it myself.

Nathanson: How? Once he gets to CTU, your people won’t be able to get near him.

Walt: I have someone on the inside who can help us.

Nathanson: Then use him.

Walt: Done. [He ends the call.]

11:12:22 … 11:12:23 … 11:12:24 …

11:16:44 … 11:16:45 … 11:16:46 … 11:16:47 … 11:16:48 … 11:16:49 …

[Split screen, with Curtis watching as a forensics team examines the dead rats; Logan still looking troubled over Martha; Jack sitting in the SUV on his way to CTU; and a forensics team examining the metal holding container.]

[Cut to the forensics team in the hanger. One reports to Curtis.]

Edgar: [to Curtis, over the phone] Are you sure those readings are right?

Curtis: [on phone] They’re right. 2000 parts per million. That can only be military grade.

Edgar: I’ll tell ‘em. [He hangs up, and gets up from his desk.]

Chloe: Where are you going? I need you to finish the script.

Edgar: Not now.

Chloe: Since when do you say not now?

[Edgar walks over to Bill and Mcgill.]

Bill: [looking at a file] According to this, the hanger was listed to some offshore company, but it’s been vacant for at least 18 months.

Edgar: Sir? I’ve just heard from Curtis. He was right. There was nerve gas in hanger double-b. [Chloe walks over.]

Bill: That’s what killed the rats.

Edgar: There were trace amounts found in the animal’s blood, but the concentrations were definitely mil spec. Weaponised.

Mcgill: So this man in the yellow tie, the suspect that Bauer was telling us about – that’s what he’s doing at the airport? Stealing canisters of nerve gas out of a hanger?

Bill: Stealing from whom? Military destroyed its stockpiles years ago.

Mcgill: Maybe this nerve gas wasn’t produced by the military. Edgar, have forensics get a signature off the trace sample; see if they can figure out who manufactured it. [Edgar nods and walks away.] Chloe, elevate our alert status. Activate all available personnel and get Curtis back here. We’re going to need everyone we have. [Chloe nods and leaves.]

[Cut to the Presidential retreat. Logan and Walt are in Logan’s study.]

Walt: I won’t issue a statement about the First Lady for another couple of days. Let your successes today run front and centre on all the networks.


: That sounds right. [He looks up.] Doctor Hill, please come in.

[Doctor Hill enters. Logan stands.]


: How’s Martha doing?

Doctor: Oh, she’s asleep now.


: Have you figured out what caused the blackout?

Doctor: Well, I spoke with her psychiatrist, Doctor Carlstrom, and none of the medication she’s been prescribing would have caused this kind of collapse.


: So we still don’t know what it was?

Doctor: Not yet, no.

[Novick enters.]

Novick: Mr President, I need to speak with you and Walt alone.


: Thank you, Doctor. Keep a close eye on her. We’ll talk soon.

Doctor: Yes, Mr President. [He leaves.]

11:18:42 … 11:18:43 … 11:18:44 … 11:18:45 …


: What’s up, Mike?

Novick: I’m afraid the situation at the airport has taken an unexpected turn.


: What’s the problem? The hostages were saved; we’ve captured or killed all the terrorists …

Novick: Not all of them. One of the terrorists was posing as a hostage. He used the hostage crisis to cover a theft.

Walt: What theft? What was stolen?

Novick: A cache of chemical weapons.


: What kind of chemical weapons?

Novick: Nerve gas.


: [disturbed] Is it ours?

Novick: No, sir. CTU is still trying to source it, but it was buried in a bunker at the airport. It seems this man had another crew waiting for him there.


: Do we have any idea what the terrorists are planning?

Novick: Well, they haven’t made any demands or issued any threats yet.


: Well, what are we doing to stop them?

Novick: CTU is running an inter-agency search effort; they’re coordinating ground operations – filtering intelligence …


: Does the press know about this yet?

Novick: No, sir, it’s been kept internal.


: Whatever retaliation we were bracing for an hour ago is nothing compared to what those people are capable of doing now.

Walt: Sir, I’ll send a security team to discuss evacuation scenarios. [He leaves.]

11:20:12 … 11:20:13 … 11:20:14 … 11:20:15 …

[Cut to CTU. Spencer approaches Chloe.]

Spencer: I’ve sent everyone updates on the airport forensics. What did you want me on next?

Chloe: Check the task list. You don’t have to ask me every time you need something new to do.

Spencer: I don’t care if you are my boss, or if you were great sleeping with me last night – no one talks to me like that.

Chloe: Really? I just did.

[Edgar has been watching.]

Spencer: Yeah. [He leaves. His pager rings. Edgar approaches Chloe.]

Chloe: Now what’s your problem?

Edgar: I don’t have a problem.

Chloe: Then what do you want?

Edgar: Nothing.

Chloe: Edgar. Look, I’m sorry that my private life hasn’t remained private today.

Edgar: I’m thinking the opposite.

Chloe: What do you mean?

Edgar: You’re too private. We’ve known each other for years, and today I find out you’re keeping secrets from me?

Chloe: Haven’t you ever taken a psychology class? People keep secrets.

Edgar: I don’t. Not from my friends. Why didn’t you tell me Jack was alive?

Chloe: Oh, come on. It’s called national security.

Edgar: Yeah, well what about Spencer? I didn’t even know you two were going out. Chloe: Oh, give me a break. Ok, when we find the nerve gas, and the alert level drops, we can have some Chamomile tea, and I’ll tell you all my secrets, OK?

[Edgar walks away, hurt. Chloe keeps working.]

[Cut to Spencer. He calls Walt.]

Spencer: You paged me.

Walt: Has Bauer arrived at CTU?

Spencer: No, not yet.

Walt: When he does, I need you to do something.

Spencer: We have our hands full searching for the nerve gas.

Walt: Bauer is a priority. I need you to clear an entrance into CTU.

11:22:06 … 11:22:07 … 11:22:08 … 11:22:09 …

[Cut to elsewhere in CTU. Audrey is on the phone.]

Audrey: I’m sending it now. OK.

[Mcgill approaches.]

Mcgill: Ms Raines?

Audrey: I’ll get back to you. [hangs up] [to Mcgill] Yes?

Mcgill: I take it you’re up to speed on the nerve gas that was stolen from the airport?

Audrey: I was just filling in DOD.

Mcgill: Diane Huxley and her son have been brought in to be debriefed. I’d like you to interview her.

Audrey: Interview her about what?

Mcgill: Any information she has that could help us find the nerve gas.

Audrey: What could she possibly know about that?

Mcgill: I’ve reviewed the evidence against Jack Bauer, and I’m inclined to agree with your assessment that he was framed for the assassination of David Palmer.

Audrey: Thank you.

Mcgill: I also think that whoever framed Jack is also involved with the theft of this nerve gas, which means that Diane Huxley could have had contact with this person without realising it.

Audrey: I – I’m not a trained interrogator.

Mcgill: But you know Jack Bauer better than anyone else in here. You have something in common with this woman that might help to open up. I realise it’s awkward, but I need you to do it.

Audrey: Fine. I’ll see what I can get from her.

Mcgill: Thank you.

Audrey: Where is she?

Mcgill: She and her son just cleared security. [He walks away. Audrey looks a little shaken and disturbed. She sees Diane and Derek enter the room, accompanied by a guard, and walks over to them. Diane has her arm around Derek.]

Audrey: Ms Huxley? I’m Audrey Raines.

Diane: Hi.

Audrey: Hello.

Diane: This is my son, Derek.

Audrey: [smiling; to Derek] Hi. [to Diane]I’m going to be asking you a few questions, [to Derek] and Derek, I want you to be checked out by a doctor while I speak with your mother.

Derek: There’s nothing wrong with me.

Audrey: It’s just procedure, and when you’re done, you and I will speak. [to guard] Can you take him to medical, please?

[The guard moves to show Derek the way. Derek starts to look panicked by the thought of being separated from his mother.]

Diane: It’s OK, I’ll see you in a bit.

[Derek is led off.]

Audrey: Don’t worry – he’ll be fine.

Diane: Is Jack going to be here soon?

Audrey: He’s on his way in. Come with me. [She leads Diane away.]

Diane: I had no idea he worked in a place like this.

Audrey: It’s just up these stairs.

Diane: Did you know him before?

Audrey: Yes. I knew him.

11:24:07 … 11:24:08 … 11:24:09 …

11:28:32 … 11:28:33 … 11:28:34 … 11:28:35 … 11:28:36 … 11:28:37 …

[Split screen, with a close-up of Hank and Erwich in the van; a long distance view of their truck driving across a bridge; Chloe working in CTU; and Logan at the retreat.]

[Cut to CTU. Edgar looks up from his desk. Jack is led into the room. Many of the other people in the room also look up.]

Mara: A lot of people here thought you were dead until today.

Jack: Yeah, I know. Excuse me. [He walks over to Chloe.] Chloe.

Chloe: Hi, Jack.

Jack: You all right?

Chloe: Yeah, I’m OK.

[Spencer watches from nearby.]

Jack: We wouldn’t have made it out of that airport without your help. Thank you.

Chloe: [smiles] You’re welcome.

Mcgill: Mr Bauer. Lynn Mcgill from Division. [to Mara] Mara, I’ll assume custody from this point, thank you. [Mara leaves.] You’re no longer a suspect in President Palmer’s murder, but while you’re here you will need this. [hands Jack a key card] Level two clearance.]

Jack: Thank you. Was Agent Manning able to apprehend the suspect?

Mcgill: No. It seems the person you identified used the hostage situation as a cover to steal a cache of weaponised nerve gas from the airport. [He leads Jack into the conference room. In the background, Spencer checks his pager.]

Jack: Nerve gas? How do you know that?

Mcgill: Following your lead, Curtis found trace amounts in the hanger adjacent to the terminal. We don’t know how much there is, and we don’t know where it came from, but it is a military grade chemical weapon.

Jack: Do you have any leads?

Mcgill: Not yet, but we’re gonna run the search operation from here.

Jack: You’re not going to be able to track these terrorists fast enough with a standard search operation; the only way you’re going to get that nerve gas in time is if you find out who ordered that hit on David Palmer.

Mcgill: I agree. I think that David Palmer was about to expose this plot. I think that’s why he was killed. I also think that if you can help us identify who framed you, we can intercept this nerve gas while there’s still time.

[Bill enters.]

Bill: Hello, Jack.

Jack: Hey, Bill.

Bill: The President’s been informed of the nerve gas; he wants to ensure the media doesn’t find out.

Mcgill: I’ll make sure Division restricts information flow. We’ll continue this conversation when I’m done. [He leaves the room.]

11:30:15 … 11:30:16 … 11:30:17 … 11:30:18 …

Bill: Good to see you, Jack. [They shake hands.]

Jack: It’s good to see you too, Bill. I’m so sorry about Michelle. I never meant to put her in jeopardy.

Bill: Of course you didn’t.

Jack: How’s Tony doing?

Bill: He’s still unconscious, but the doctor says he’s going to pull through.

Jack: Good. We’re going to need to speak to him as soon as possible.

Bill: They know to call us. Jack, Audrey has been working for us.

Jack: She’s here in the building now?

Bill: She’s debriefing Diane Huxley.

Jack: Why is she talking to Diane?

Bill: Lynn asked her to.

[Cut to Audrey and Diane.]

Diane: I’m not used to calling him Jack. He said his name was Frank Flynn. I thought he worked for the oil company. You probably know more about him than I do.

Audrey: We all thought he was dead for the last year and a half.

Diane: So what do you wanna know?

Audrey: You said that Jack was living with you for the last six months; is that correct?

Diane: He was renting a room.

Audrey: So, you don’t have a personal relationship with him?

Diane: I’m not sure that’s any of your business.

Audrey: I’m sorry, I just – I, uh, I need to know how close you and Jack were – whether he confided in you or not.

Diane: Jack’s a private person. I always knew he was keeping something from me, I just never pushed it. I accepted him for who he was. Ms Raines, whoever he was before – it doesn’t change the way I feel about him. He was good to me, he was good to my son. He meant a lot to us. He still does. [Audrey looks touched by this open emotion.]

Audrey: I see. [She stands.] Did anyone ever come by and ask about Jack?

Diane: What do you mean?

Audrey: Someone knew that Jack was alive. It’s critical to our investigation that we find out who that was.

Diane: No … no one ever asked about him, no one ever came to see him.

[Audrey sees Jack standing outside. Diane looks around, and sees him too. She sees the intense look between Audrey and Jack, and puts the pieces together herself.]

Audrey: Could you excuse me, please? [She leaves to follow Jack.]

Diane: Yeah. [She looks exhausted and hurt.]

[Audrey catches up with Jack.]

Audrey: Jack!

[He faces her.]

Jack: I don’t even know where to begin. You have to believe me; I couldn’t tell you I was still alive.

Audrey: Jack, you don’t have to apologise –

Jack: I did it for your own protection.

Audrey: It’s been hard for me, believing that you died thinking that I was angry at you, that I hated you. I wasn’t able to forgive myself for that.

Jack: You had every reason to hate me; I was responsible for Paul’s death. I lied to you.

Audrey: Jack! You made a hard decision. I never imagined I’d get another chance to tell you this, but I – I want you to know that I don’t blame you for what happened with Paul.

Jack: I do.

Audrey: Jack. There’s so much I wanna say to you; it’s –

Agent: [walking up to them] Mr Bauer? Mr Mcgill needs to see you.

Jack: I’ll be right down.

Audrey: I should go. [She walks away quickly. Jack moves to follow her, but stops.]

11:34:37 … 11:34:38 … 11:34:39 … 11:34:40 …

[Cut to the Presidential retreat. Evelyn leaves Martha’s room, and walks down the corridor. Walt is waiting.]

Walt: Evelyn. Mrs Logan still asleep?

Evelyn: Yes. She’s finally getting some rest.

Walt: Good. You should probably start gathering some of her things.

Evelyn: I thought the President was staying for the weekend.

Walt: He is. But she’ll be leaving today. [He moves away.]

Evelyn: And where is she going?

Walt: Just make sure she has the essentials to make her trip comfortable.

Evelyn: Yes sir. [She is suspicious and concerned.]

[Cut to CTU. Spencer is in the tech room. He logs on to a computer, and uses it to pull up surveillance footage of Jack walking down a corridor. Chloe enters the tech room.]

Chloe: Edgar said he saw you come in here; what are you doing?

Spencer: Setting up a new socket; we’re overloaded from the NSC database. Why are you here?

Chloe: Looking for you.

Spencer: What for?

Chloe: I need to get into utilities volume.

Spencer: Why didn’t you message me?

Chloe: OK, I wanted to say something too – let’s not make a big drama out of it.

Spencer: What?

Chloe: I was unfairly harsh to you a few minutes ago. It didn’t mean anything.

Spencer: All right. Apology accepted.

Chloe: It wasn’t really an apology; it was more of an observation. [Spencer pushes past her and leaves.] Spencer? [She sighs.] Dammit, why did I do that? [She looks at the computer, seeing something suspicious. She recalls the last command, and sees “Access Level 5” on the screen. She looks confused, then walks over to the phone and calls Edgar.]

Edgar: Edgar Stiles.

Chloe: It’s Chloe.

Edgar: What is it?

Chloe: I need to know Spencer’s clearance level.

Edgar: Why are you asking?

Chloe: Spencer works for me, and I need to know his clearance level, so could you please open the file and give it to me, Edgar?

Edgar: Fine. [He opens the file.] Level three. [Chloe looks disturbed.] Chloe?

Chloe: Call Buchanan; tell him I need to talk to him now. It’s important.

11:37:12 … 11:37:13 … 11:37:14 … 11:37:15 …

[Cut to the entrance to CTU. Hank enters the corridor. He approaches the x-ray machine and metal detector.]

Hank: [handing a card to the guard] Division sent me. Apparently the mainframe servers are cycling slow. [The guard picks up a clipboard to check. He can’t find the name.]

Guard: You’re not on the manifest.

Hank: I was told it would be taken care of.

Guard: We’ll have to clear this with the systems administrator. [He walks towards the phone. Spencer enters the corridor from CTU.]

Spencer: [to Hank] Are you Hank? From onsite support?

Hank: Yeah.

Spencer: [to guard] My fault. I was supposed to grant temporary clearance. [He hands his card to the guard. The guard but down the phone.]

Guard: OK. [to Hank] Place the bag on the conveyor belt, and walk right through, sir.

[Hank does so. The guard examines the x-ray of his bag, but does not see anything suspicious.]

Guard: All clear.

Hank: [picking up his bag] Thank you.

Spencer: Thank you. [They walk away.] I’ll show you the way. Mr Cummings told me it would be best to keep you off the manifest. [He leads him into the tech room.] Classified material generally runs on servers nine and twelve. All the information you need on Bauer should be there. [Hank moves to the other side of the server and opens his briefcase. Spencer cannot see the interior of the briefcase from where he is standing.] I don’t know what files Mr Cummings asked you to download, but you need to keep vector counts the same, or it’ll get flagged.

[Hank nods.]

Hank: I got it.

Spencer: OK. I need to get back to my station. [He leaves. Hank has been assembling a gun from the pieces in his briefcase.]

11:39:02 … 11:39:03 … 11:39:04 …

11:43:25 … 11:43:26 … 11:43:27 … 11:43:28 … 11:43:29 … 11:43:30 …

[Split screen, with Martha asleep in her room; Spencer at his desk; and Chloe with Bill.]

[Cut to Martha’s room Evelyn switches a light on. She starts to get some of Martha’s clothes out and pack then. Martha wakes up.]

Martha: Evelyn, what are you doing?

Evelyn: Mrs Logan, are you feeling better?

Martha: Why are you packing my things?

Evelyn: Walt Cummings asked me to.

Martha: Why? Where are we going?

Evelyn: I don’t know if the President’s going with you.

Martha: Evelyn, stop. What’s going on?

Evelyn: They just asked me to get you ready to leave.

Martha: They’re sending me to Vermont, aren’t they. Charles is having me committed.

Evelyn: I’m sorry, Mrs Logan. I honestly don’t know anything else.

Martha: It’s fine. [She looks tired and upset. She sits up.] I’ll get dressed. [She stands, and walks into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.]

[Cut to CTU. Spencer is working at his desk. He cannot open his account.]

Spencer: Edgar? My FJ’s locked. Where’s Chloe?

Edgar: How should I know?

Spencer: Can you unlock this?

Edgar: No.

[Two guards approach Spencer.]

Guard: Mr Wolfe? Please come with us.

Spencer: What do you want?

Guard: My Buchanan has ordered us to take you to him immediately.

Spencer: I’m in the middle of a critical task here.

Guard: Mr Styles has been authorised to take over your workload.

Spencer: Did you know about this, Edgar?

Edgar: Yeah. I just got the bulletin. Sorry. [He sounds anything but. He looks away.]

Guard: Mr Wolfe. Please. [He takes Spencer’s arm, but Spencer shakes him off.]

Spencer: I’m coming. [He stands, and walks away with them, into another room, where Bill and Chloe are waiting.

Spencer: Chloe, sir, what is going on here?

Bill: Sit down, Spencer.

[He does. The guards leave, closing the door behind them.]

Bill: You’ve been burrowing into classified CTU protocols without authorisation.

Spencer: I don’t know what you’re talking –

Chloe: Stop. I know you’ve been logged on to the security subsystem where you have no right to be. We’re going through your system so you might as well tell us now what you were doing.

Spencer: I told you, I have no –

Bill: That’s enough. You’ve accessed files outside your clearance level at least 18 times in the four months you’ve been here.

Spencer: Sir, whatever you think you’ve found, it’s a mistake. I’ve done nothing wrong.

Chloe: Come on, Spencer, you obviously have your own agenda here –

Spencer: I don’t have an agenda!

Chloe: And while you’re at it, why don’t you explain why it was necessary to crawl into my bed; it certainly wasn’t what it appeared to be, just like your work here isn’t what it appears to be!

Bill: Chloe, Chloe! Chloe, be the analyst, please.

Spencer: Sir, obviously you can’t take anything she says into consideration. I was careless and inadvertently I caused her some emotional pain.

Chloe: Oh, please.

Spencer: And now, she’s trying to get back at me.

Bill: I don’t think so, Spencer.

Spencer: Sir, I’d like to talk to a lawyer –

Bill: Forget about a lawyer. We’re in the middle of a terrorist crisis. There are lives on the line. You’re going to tell us what you’ve been doing here, and you’re going to tell us now.

11:47:33 … 11:47:34 … 11:47:35 … 11:47:36 …

[Cut to the Presidential retreat. Logan is walking towards Martha’s room.]


: I hope this goes better than when I sent her up there the last time.

Walt: Doctor Hill and his staff are on standby in case she overreacts.


: I’m not looking forward to this. [He enters the room.] Evelyn?

Evelyn: Mr President?


: Where is she?

Evelyn: She’s in bathroom, sir.


: [walking to the closed bathroom door] Martha? Marty? [He knocks at the door.] [to Evelyn] Are you sure she’s in there?

Evelyn: Yes, sir, she’s getting dressed.

[Logan opens the door.]


: Marty! [The room is empty. Martha’s bottle of pills is lying on the counter. She has climbed out through a window.]


: Aaron? My wife is gone.

Agent Pierce: [to radio] This is Pierce. We have a priority alert; the First Lady has left her quarters and is unaccounted for. All agents in the main wing, move to points north and west. Anyone spotting her check in immediately.

11:48:48 … 11:48:49 … 11:48:50 …

11:53:14 … 11:53:15 … 11:53:16 … 11:53:17 … 11:53:18 … 11:53:19 …

[Spilt screen, with Erwich and associate in the truck; Jack at CTU; and Spencer in the situation room.]

[At CTU, Jack is in a conference room with Mcgill.]

Mcgill: So the only people who knew you were alive were David Palmer, Michelle Dessler, Tony Almeida and Chloe O’Brien.

Jack: Yeah, and at least one other person who killed David Palmer and tried to frame me for it.

Mcgill: And you don’t know who this other person might be?

Jack: NO.

Mcgill: Any theories?

Jack: Bout a year and a half ago, David Palmer called me. Told me that someone in Logan’s administration was targeting me.

Mcgill: Which is why you faking your own death and assumed a new identity.

Jack: Yeah, except it didn’t work. I believe that whoever tried to kill me 18 months ago somehow found out I was still alive and waited till today to exploit that information.

Mcgill: Someone inside President Logan’s administration?

Jack: That’s what David Palmer told me a year and a half ago, and I believe him.

Mcgill: Well first of all that means someone in this administration is also tied to the theft of the nerve gas.

Jack: Yeah. You’re gonna have to look into that.

Mcgill: Well, even if you’re right, there are hundreds of people in Logan’s administration. It would take an investigation of that magnitude months to gain that traction, and we don’t have much to work with. [The phone rings.]

Operator: Mr Mcgill? I’m sorry to interrupt, but Doctor Paulson is calling from medical.

Mcgill: Put him through.

Doctor: Mr Mcgill?

Mcgill: Yes?

Doctor: Tony Almeida has regained consciousness, and is in recovery.

Mcgill: Can he talk?

Doctor: Yes. He’s very weak, you’ll have to be brief.

Mcgill: Let him know I’ll be down in a few minutes.

Doctor: Tony asked if he could speak to Jack Bauer first; says it’s important.

Jack: [to Mcgill] He’s a friend of mine.

Mcgill: Tell Mr Almeida that Jack will be down in a few moments.

Doctor: I’ll let him know. [He ends the call.]

Jack: Thank you. I’ll be right back. [He leaves.]

11:54:47 … 11:54:48 … 11:54:49 … 11:54:50 …

[Jack hurries through the corridors of CTU down to the medical bay. He sees Derek walking the opposite way, having cleared medical.]

Derek: Jack.

Jack: What’s going on?

Derek: I know you’re busy, but … I just wanted to apologise.

Jack: You have nothing to apologise for.

Derek: Yes I do. I thought you were just another loser trying to take advantage of my mom. I was wrong.

Jack: You were trying to protect her. Your mother is lucky to have someone who loves her as much as you do. Once this is over, I promise you and I are going to get a chance to sit down and talk. Right now, I have to go.

Derek: Yeah. [They shake hands.]

Jack: Take care of your mother. [He walks on.]

[Cut to Spencer, Chloe and Bill.]

Bill: Who gave you the level five authorisation?

[Spencer is silent.]

Chloe: Don’t look at me; answer him!

Spencer: I can’t. I can’t talk to anyone here about this.

Bill: Whatever you were doing is over, Spencer!

[Edgar enters, holding a laptop.]

Edgar: Sir, I was able to pull Spencer’s screen activity from the archive. This is what he was looking at ten minutes ago. [He shows the video to Bill and Chloe.] Looks like he was using in house surveillance to track someone through CTU. [They see on the video that it is Jack. Bill looks accusingly at Spencer; Spencer looks down.]

Bill: Why are you tracking Jack Bauer? What the hell’s going on here, Spencer?

Spencer: I was following orders; I’m sure if they were tracking Jack Bauer they had a reason.

Bill: Who is “they”?

Spencer: I won’t say anything else.

Bill: Chloe, find security. Have them locate Jack, now! [Chloe leaves quickly. Edgar follows her out.]

[Jack reaches the medical bay. He speaks to “Doctor Paulson”, who is actually Hank – the real doctor is dead.]

Jack: Doctor Paulson?

Hank: Yes?

Jack: I’m Jack Bauer. Tony Almeida wanted to speak with me.

Hank: Of course, Mr Bauer. Just remember to please keep it brief.

Jack: Thank you. [He approaches Tony.] Tony? Tony, it’s Jack. [On the monitor by the bed, he sees a reflection of Hank behind him, pulling out a gun. He reacts instantly, kicking a tray at him and grabbing his arm. Hank fires several times, but into the wall. Jack kicks him in the stomach. They fight, trading punches. Jack is thrown against the wall. Hank starts to choke him. Hank grabs a pair of scissors. Jack the real Doctor Paulson lying dead under a bed. Hank forces the scissors towards Jack’s neck, despite Jack’s resistance. Jack punches him, and then stabs the scissors into Hank’s neck, killing him. Jack slumps against a bed, sore.]

[Bill and two guards enter the room.]

Bill: Jack! You all right?

Jack: Yeah. I think he cracked my rib.

Bill: We’ve been trying to reach you but the lines were locked out. What happened? Who is he?

Jack: I don’t know. But he’s a professional; he killed Doctor Paulson and he tried to kill me. Do you have any idea how he got into CTU?

Bill: We’ve identified a mole working in Chloe’s department.

Jack: Who?

Bill: Spencer Wolfe. We’ve been interrogating him, but he hasn’t talked yet.

Jack: Where is he?

Bill: Holding.

Jack: Get a doctor down here to monitor Tony Almeida now. Lock this room down. [He leaves, quickly.]

Bill: [to guard] Contact Lynn Mcgill and have him meet me in holding.

[Split screen, with Erwich in the truck; Spencer in holding; Diane being reunited with Derek; and Curtis and his team arriving back at CTU.]

11:58:44 … 11:58:45 … 11:58:46 … 11:58:47 …

[Jack reaches the holding cell.]

Jack: Bring up visual surveillance on medical room two. [He works at the computer.]

Bill: [to guard] Open the door. [The guard does so. Jack brings up a close-up of Hank on the computer screen. He walks quickly into the holding cell and grabs Spencer.]

Jack: I wanna show you something. Get up! [He pulls Spencer to his feet, and pushes him out into the other room. He points to the visual of Hank on the computer screen.] Did you let that man into CTU?

[Spencer looks shocked.]

Jack: This man is a professional assassin. He just killed Doctor Paulson and he tried to kill me; did you let him into CTU?

Spencer: [shocked] They told me he was here to place a tap on one of the servers; that’s all I knew.

Jack: Who told you?

Spencer: I was here as part of an internal affairs investigation.

Jack: Are you starting to understand how much trouble you are in? I’m going to give you one more chance. Who told you to let that man into CTU?

Spencer: [shaken] The White House. [Bill looks shocked. In the background, Mcgill enters.] Mr Cummings at the White House. Mr Cummings recruited me after I started working here. He said that they wanted to make sure CTU was operating within the rules. You have to believe me. I thought I was serving the President.

Jack: Yeah. Take him back to holding. [The guard takes Spencer back into the cell.] [to Mcgill and Bill] Walt Cummings killed David Palmer and he tried to have me killed.

Bill: Even if it’s true, we have to build a case before we call the President.

Jack: We don’t call the President; he’s here in California. We go see him now.

Mcgill: Cummings is the President’s Chief of Staff, Jack, and his friend. Without any hard evidence, CTU can’t touch him.

Jack: I’m not CTU. I’ll go get Walt Cummings myself.

11:59:57 … 11:59:58 … 11:59:59 … 12:00:00.

Kikavu ?

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Yvonne Strahovski et Scott Speedman sont les têtes d'affiche du projet Teacup pour Peacock

Yvonne Strahovski et Scott Speedman sont les têtes d'affiche du projet Teacup pour Peacock
Teacup est un projet de nouvelle série de Peacock adaptée à partir du roman Stinger de Robert...


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ShanInXYZ, 04.12.2024 à 03:19

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who : Calendriers, jeux et infos sur l'épisode de Noël, passez voir le Docteur

pretty31, 04.12.2024 à 11:08

Une nouvelle bannière est en vote pour le quartier HypnoClap, merci pour votre aide

Locksley, 04.12.2024 à 13:14

Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

choup37, 04.12.2024 à 16:02

Nouveau sondage spécial Noel à Kaamelott ouvert à tous et toutes, calendrier, pdm et survivor, on vous espère nombreux

Evangeline, 07.12.2024 à 17:21

Hello! Nouvelle PDM et nouveau sondage sur Outer Banks! N'hésitez pas à passer! Bon we à tous!

Viens chatter !