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24 heures chrono
#509 : 15h00 - 16h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 5 guide des épisodes

Les gaz neurotoxiques se trouvent toujours quelque part dans la nature et, malgré leurs efforts de recherche, les membres de la CAT ne parviennent pas à mettre la main dessus. 
Par ailleurs, Mcgill met Jack Bauer aux arrêts après s'être fait réprimender par le Président Logan et l'accuse d'être responsable de l'échec de la mission.


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO
3:00pm - 4:00pm

Titre VF
15h00 - 16h00


 24 Season 5 Episode 9 Promo

24 Season 5 Episode 9 Promo


Plus de détails

Date de diffusion US: 20 février 2006
Date de diffusion FR:
Audience: 13.7 millions de téléspectateurs 


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer 
• Kim Raver : Audrey Raines 
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian 
• Gregory Itzin : President Charles Logan 
• James Morrison : Bill Buchanan 
• Roger Cross : Curtis Manning 
• Louis Lombardi : Edgar Stiles 
• and Jean Smart : Martha Logan 

Guest starring

• Sean Astin : Lynn McGill 
• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick 
• Geraint Wyn Davies : James Nathanson 
• Glenn Morshower : Aaron Pierce 
• Julian Sands : Vladimir Bierko 
• Mark Sheppard : Ivan Erwich 
• Nick Jameson : Yuri Suvarov 
• Kathleen Gati : Anya Suvarov 
• Penny Balfour : Jenny McGill 
• Robert Maffia : Andrei 
• Alex Kuznetsov : Ostroff 


• Matthew Boylan : Dwayne Thompkins 
• Anita Finlay : Wendy Brown 
• Matt Huhn : Logan Secret Service Agent 
• Marci Michelle : Jackie 
• Terrence Wayne : The Man 
• Rick Garcia : Field Reporter 
• Tony Wayne : Archives CTU Worker



Erwich et ses hommes arrivent dans une sorte de hangar où ils retrouvent un homme, manifestement leur supérieur, qui regarde la télévision où lon parle du traité Russo-américain. Erwich dit que le gaz est efficace, lhomme lui reproche de lutiliser sur quelques civils américains alors quil était prévu pour Moscou. Erwich répond quils ont été trahis et que quelqu'un doit payer.

Lhomme dit quil est daccord puis il poignarde Erwich. Il lui dit, pendant son agonie, quil a eu tort de faire confiance aux américains et que Nathanson voulait retourner le gaz contre eux. Il demande ensuite aux hommes présents de reconfigurer les tubes avec des mécanismes de dispersion puis il leur annonce quil compte faire éliminer Nathanson.

Enfin ils reprendront leur tache initiale : attaquer Moscou. A la base de Nathanson, un homme menacé lun de ses collaborateurs, celui-ci dit quil ignore où il se trouve, il est ensuite abattu. Pendant ce temps, Nathanson senfuit en voiture. Il appelle un de ses contacts et linforme de la situation : le commanditaire (dont le nom est Bierko) a tué tous ses hommes.

Il lui demande de détruire sa base de données mais à ce moment là, lhomme se fait abattre. A la cellule, Lynn tente dappeler sa sur, il parle au répondeur mais elle et son compagnon entendent ce quil dit. Il leur demande juste de rendre sa carte daccès, il dit quils peuvent garder tout le reste. Jenny dit à son copain que la carte est invendable, elle va pour appeler son frère, il len empêche et dit quil va sen occuper.

Le téléphone de Lynn sonne, il sattend à un appel de sa sur mais cest le Président Logan, il lui demande si ses hommes ont retrouvés le gaz, après un temps de surprise, il met le Président au courant de la situation. Logan est furieux après lui, il le tient personnellement responsable de léchec de la filature après les événements du centre commercial.

15 : 06 Buchanan fait un briefing dans la salle de réunion. Lynn arrive en retard, Buchanan dit quil pensait que lagent McGill aurait demandé de ne pas lattendre. Lynn demande juste un topo, Bill lui explique que la police a établie un périmètre autour du dernier repère des terroristes et que la Cellule a lancée plusieurs protocoles de surveillance. Lynn abrége en concluant quil ny a pas vraiment de pistes. Il reproche ensuite à Jack sa désobéissance.

Audrey répond que sa décision a sauvée des centaines de personnes et que les dégâts sont limités. Lynn répond que les terroristes et le sentox courent toujours. Bill tente de calmer le jeu mais Lynn reproche à Audrey de sans cesse défendre Jack. Lynn demande à ce que Jack soit amené à la Cellule et tenu responsable des événements du centre commercial.

Bill dit quon devrait soccuper de lui plus tard, Lynn lui dit de ne pas lui indiquer comment faire son boulot. Buchanan répond que Jack est envoyé par Logan. Lynn conclut en disant quil travaille pour lui (ainsi que Bill) puis il demande aux autres agents de continuer les protocoles de recherche. Les autres agents présents (notamment Chloé et Edgar) sont médusés par tant dautorité, Bill dit que tout le monde est sous pression.

Bill appelle Curtis qui se trouve encore à la dernière base connue de Erwich. Il lui annonce quil doit ramener Jack à la CAT, ordre de Lynn. Bauer trouve ça absurde et Curtis le conforte en disant que sa décision dans le centre commercial était la bonne. Jack veut appeler le Président mais lagent Manning lui dit que pendant quils nont pas de piste, mieux vaut mettre les choses en ordre à la CAT. Ensuite, il lui demande de lui donner son arme même si cela le gène.

15 : 09 Audrey dit à Bill quon ne peut pas se passer de Jack pour linstant, Buchanan le pense aussi mais il dit quon ne peut rien car Lynn est le responsable de la CAT. Audrey dit enfin que McGill perd le contrôle de la Cellule. Ensuite, Audrey est informée dun appel qui lattend.

Cest James Nathanson, il veut parler à Jack sur une ligne sécurisée. Audrey demande des infos, pourquoi Jack et pourquoi passer par elle ?? Nathanson répond quil sait tout de leur relation. Il dit ensuite quil peut leur offrir une opportunité de retrouver le gaz neurotoxique. Audrey se décide à appeler Jack qui sapprête à rentrer à la CAT avec Curtis. Celui-ci prétexte un appel personnel dAudrey ce qui lui permet de se mettre à lécart.

Elle linforme de la situation, Nathanson se fait entendre, il sait quand quelqu'un dautre arrive sur la ligne, il demande ensuite à Audrey de raccrocher. Nathanson demande la protection de Jack. Il est menacé par les terroristes. Bauer lui conseille de simplement se rendre aux autorités mais Nathanson dit que quelqu'un dautre que Cummings est impliqué dans cette affaire.

Jack dit quil pourrait le tuer lui-même à cause de la mort de Palmer mais Nathanson lui dit quil souhaite autant que lui arrêter le sentox. Ensuite, il lui donne un rendez-vous à une cabine téléphonique dix minutes plus tard. Cest à ce moment que Curtis appelle Jack pour partir. Curtis dit à Jack que ça doit faire bizarre pour Audrey de le revoir vivant, il dit ensuite quil souhaite que Jack et elle aient encore une chance ensemble.

A un stop, Jack assomme Curtis, il lui dit quil est désolé, il le dépose sur le trottoir dans la rue, reprend son arme et part en voiture au rendez-vous de Nathanson.

15 : 19 Curtis appelle Lynn en lui expliquant que Jack la assommé et que cest du au coup de fil reçu avant de partir en voiture. Il dit que cest Audrey qui était sensée lappeler mais quil a pu mentir. Lynn lui dit ensuite quon peut suivre la voiture grâce à un traceur installé dedans mais Curtis a déjà vérifié, Jack la enlevé. Curtis dit quil va le chercher avec une de ses équipes mais Lynn lui demande de revenir à la CAT.

Lynn descend de son bureau, il demande à Chloé de repérer le portable de Jack. Ensuite, il demande à Audrey si elle a parlée à Bauer depuis quil est en détention. Elle dit que non puis il linforme de la situation, il est suspicieux à son égard. Chloé linforme du fait que le signal de Jack est introuvable, il a du retirer sa carte SIM. Une fois McGill parti, Audrey appelle Chloé.

Elle linforme de la situation puis lui demande deffacer lappel quelle a eue avec Jack et Nathanson. Pendant ce temps, Lynn appelle les archives de communication et demande la liste des appels dAudrey. Il est en train de recevoir toute la liste quand celle-ci sefface sous ses yeux, cest Chloé qui a effacée tout le registre.

Mike arrive dans la salle de réunion du Président qui regarde la télévision qui évoque le traité. Novick dit quil doit prendre un appel reçu sur le portable de Cummings. Ce sont les possesseurs du gaz. Logan refuse, il demande à Mike de leur parler mais celui-ci lui répond quils demandent à parler au Président en personne. Logan accepte en mettant le haut-parleur. Logan croit parler à Erwich mais ce nest pas lui, cest Bierko.

Celui-ci lui dit que lattaque sur le centre commercial était injustifiée. Il dit ensuite que lobjectif est lattaque de Moscou mais que cest impossible. Il va donc attaquer la Russie en territoire étranger avec laide de Logan. Le chef des terroristes demande à Logan le trajet détaillé du convoi de Suvarov jusqu'à laéroport.

Ensuite il dit quil ne reproche rien de particulier aux USA mais quen cas de non coopération, il sattaquera aux civils américains. Bierko lui donne 15 minutes pour se renseigner et connaître le trajet de Suvarov. Apres que le terroriste ai raccroché, Mike dit quon ne peut pas les laisser tuer Suvarov : cela annulerait le traité et détruirait les relations avec la Russie.

Logan semble presque terrifié, il va demander le trajet de Suvarov aux services secrets. Il dit ensuite à Mike quil na pas pris de décisions mais quil vaut mieux avoir le trajet quand le terroriste rappellera.

15 : 29 Lynn dit à Bill quil pense que quelqu'un est en train de le rouler, le listing des appels dAudrey a été effacé. Bill pense que cest peut être une anomalie du système mais Lynn est sur quelle la fait exprès. Bill tente de la défendre en disant que cest une personne très droite. McGill est persuadé quil existe un lien entre Jack et Audrey.

Bill linforme quaprès quils aient travaillés ensemble, cest devenu une relation personnelle. Lynn le harcèle de questions, il pense que Audrey savait Jack vivant. Bill lui dit quil devient paranoïaque. Il demande à ce que tout soit surveiller, affirme que la CAT est une passoire et que cest de la faute de Bill, il prend en exemple le listing dAudrey bizarrement effacé. Jack arrive à la cabine où se trouve un téléphone portable, Nathanson surveille la scène de la fenêtre dun bâtiment adjacent.

Ensuite, il lui indique un chemin à suivre, ils discutent au téléphone (Jack a installé un kit mains libre sur le portable). Bauer reproche la mort de Palmer, il reproche à Nathanson dêtre un traître. Ce dernier se défend en disant que les USA ont besoin de raisons pour sinstaller en Asie et profiter des ressources pétrolières. Ensuite, il lui demande dentrer dans le bâtiment mais à ce moment, Jack entend un hélicoptère se poser sur un toit proche du bâtiment. Il demande à Nathanson de monter sur le toit du bâtiment où il se trouve et dattendre Jack.

 Ils restent en ligne. Bill informe Audrey sur les suspicions de Lynn à propos de sa relation avec Jack. Elle informe Buchanan de la piste Nathanson. A ce moment, Lynn lui demande de travailler avec lui, cest un moyen de loccuper. Nathanson se trouve dans un ascenseur de service, il doit en sortir selon Jack. Sen suit une fusillade de lhomme face à ses ennemis.

Il arrive sur le toit et prend une balle dans la jambe. Il na plus de balles, au moment de se faire tuer, Jack arrive à son tour sur le toit et tue les deux terroristes. A ce moment, lhélicoptère arrive sur le toit, il tire sur les deux hommes. Jack arrive à le toucher et le faire partir mais Nathanson est mortellement blessé, il a juste le temps de lui donner une puce sans pouvoir lui dire ce qui sy trouve.

Jack la met sur son portable. Un des terroristes informe Bierko de la situation, celui-ci lui demande de retrouver celui qui se trouvait avec Nathanson. A la Cellule, Lynn occupe toujours Audrey.

Elle reçoit un appel, cest Jack, elle fait croire à Lynn que cest autre chose et passe lappel à Chloé. Jack demande à Chloé ce qui se passe, lagent OBrian, lui explique que Lynn les surveille très étroitement. Jack lui demande de décrypter les données de la puce de Nathanson. Il lui demande ensuite de garder cette piste secrète pour linstant. Enfin, il dit quil a du changer de téléphone et quil faudra le rappeler sur ce numéro.

15 : 43 Mike donne à Logan le trajet du Président Suvarov. Il lui indique que si les russes découvrent que les USA ont étés complices de cet assassinat, ils considéreront cela comme un acte de guerre. Logan dit que le cortège sera important et quil y aura sûrement des failles dans leur attaque mais Novick répond en disant que les USA ne pourront démentir le fait davoir étés au courant de cet attentat. Martha interrompt leur conversation.

Elle demande à être informée, son mari lui dévoile la menace sur le Président Russe et le chantage des terroristes sur Logan. Mike tente dargumenter mais la Première Dame lui demande de laisser le Président parler et de les laisser seuls. Elle trouve lidée de laisser faire le meurtre de Suvarov intolérable, elle propose à son mari de refuser de négocier avec les terroristes comme le veut la politique des USA. Logan dit que ce nest pas aussi simple.

Lynn retient toujours Audrey à la Cellule. Chloé qui est en train de décrypter la puce de Nathanson à besoin dun décryptage venant du Département de la Défense : elle a donc besoin dAudrey.

La programmatrice demande à Buchanan de retenir Lynn deux ou 3 minutes afin quAudrey donne ses codes pour une autorisation du Département de la Défense. Lhomme parle à Lynn, il lui parle des registres téléphoniques, le temps pour Chloé de demander ses codes à Audrey grâce à une messagerie instantanée. Mais Lynn voit quAudrey vient de fermer une fenêtre sur son écran. Lynn ne le supporte pas et crie à linsubordination afin de protéger Bauer : il ne peut rein face à Audrey à cause de son père mais il fait mettre Bill aux arrêts. Ensuite, il sadresse à la Cellule toute entière pour dire quil va surveiller tous les ordinateurs depuis son bureau.

15 : 53 Chloé appelle Jack, elle dit que les données de Nathanson font ressortir une société : Terra-Dyne qui a acheté depuis 3 ans du matériel pour fabriquer le sentox à haute quantité. Elle dit ensuite que cest une division dune plus grande société : Omicron International. Cela fait réagir Jack qui demande si un homme du nom de Christopher Henderson se trouve dans la liste de ses dirigeants.

Chloé retrouve ce nom, Jack le connaît, il la rencontré une fois. Ensuite il lui demande à ce quelle envoie les fichiers décryptés sur son PDA. Chloé dit que cela est compliqué car Lynn surveille tout et elle ne peut pas être aidée par Buchanan qui est détenu. Elle dit enfin quil a perdu les pédales. Jack lui demande de trouver un moyen de lui envoyer ces fichiers.

Logan demande à Mike si les terroristes ont rappelés. Mike attend toujours lappel et annonce que Suvarov lattend puis il sort. Logan demande à sa femme de jouer le jeu. Le couple Logan rejoins son homologue russe. Martha saperçoit que, plus loin, Mike reçoit lappel des terroristes et leur indique le trajet des Suvarov après un signe de la tête du Président.

Sur le chemin pour retrouver les photographes et le convoi, Martha implore une dernière fois discrètement son mari dempêcher les Suvarov de partir : elle échoue. Bierko indique le trajet à ses hommes, il définit un endroit où attaquer. Split screen : Curtis arrive à la Cellule, Buchanan est en détention, Jack conduit.

Pose devant les photographes pour les deux Présidents, Martha supplie encore Charles. Celui-ci est informé du fait que McGill appelle en urgence. Il abrége ses « au revoir » avec Suvarov et va prendre lappel. Cest à ce moment que Martha décide daccompagner les Suvarov à laéroport.

Aaron Pierce décide de monter à lavant de la limousine pour assurer sa protection, elle lui dit que ce nest pas la peine mais lui le souhaite. Elle accepte puis lui demande dinformer son mari.

Martha rentre dans la limousine et informe les Suvarov qui sont heureux de son initiative. Aaron monte à lavant et lui dit quil a laissé un mot au Président.

Le convoi démarre, les terroristes se préparent à partir de leur base.

Voiceover: Previously, on 24.


Mcgill: Jack Bauer is currently undercover with some of the terrorists. They’re expecting Jack to help release a single canister of sentox nerve gas in the Sunrise Hills shopping mall.

Logan: Do you mean, actually let them release the sentox? Are you out of your mind?

Mcgill: They wouldn’t know, sir. This would be a covert decision. We’re monitoring the terrorists. We know with 100% certainty that when they leave the mall, they’re going back to the remaining canisters.


[Komar and Polakov place the canister inside the vent.]


Logan: I’ll go along with your assessment. Let them release the sentox. But you’d better find those other canisters, or those people will have died in vain.


Audrey: There is still time to move in and stop them before they murder all those people.

Mcgill: Don’t you realise how many more people could die if these people don’t lead us to the other 19 canisters?

Audrey: Lynn, you tell me. If you were in Jack’s shoes, would you follow through with that order, stand by and watch as they murder all those people?

Mcgill: If those were the orders of the President, yes I would have to!


Jack: The trigger’s been reconfigured; you can activate your canisters now.

Polakov: You’d better hope it works.


Polakov: What’s the unlock code?

Bill: Jack, the unlock code is alpha, kilo, charlie.

Jack: Echo, bravo, charlie.

Mcgill: Jack, this is a direct order from the President. Now enter the correct code and let them release the gas. Now!


Polakov: Make it work!

Jack: I told you, there’s nothing I can do!

[Polakov punches him in the face, then knocks him out.]


Erwich: We’ve found another way to release the gas.


[The gas is released into the vent. Jack shoots at Polakov, but he escapes.]


Jack: I managed to stop the flow of gas but some got into the ventilation system. We need to evacuate the mall now.

Mcgill: What about the terrorists?

Jack: One’s dead, one escaped. Monitor the tracking device in the remote trigger. The hostile that escaped still had it on him.


[People scream and flee the mall.]


Polakov: I managed to activate the valve before I got away. At least some of the gas was released in the mall. What do you want me to do?

Erwich: Come back here.


[Jack, Curtis and the team arrive at the mechanic’s. Erwich is watching from nearby.]


Erwich: You were followed. You know what to do.

[Polakov hangs up, and pulls out a gun. He holds it at his head. Jack enters behind him. Polakov shoots himself through the head.]

Jack: No! Hostile down. Erwich is gone. The canisters are gone. We’ve got nothing here. Dammit!


Voiceover: The following takes place between 3:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M.


Reporter: [on TV] Despite an attempt by extremists to derail the process, the treaty was signed earlier today by President Logan and Russian President Yuri Suvarov.

[Erwich walks down a dark corridor into a room.]

Reporter: [on TV] Officials from each country are hailing the treaty as a significant milestone in US-Russian relations.

[In the room, Bierko is watching the reporter’s story as Erwich and his men approach.]

Reporter: [on TV] The White House press secretary has called this a critical achievement in diplomacy, and will set the course for President Logan’s …

Erwich: Sentox gas is genuine. The test was successful.

Bierko: I spent a year securing the weapon that would bring Moscow to its knees, and you waste it killing a handful of American civilians.

Erwich: We were betrayed, Bierko. Someone must have been.

Bierko: I agree. [He stabs Erwich, then holds onto Erwich’s neck as he slowly dies.] You were the one who trusted the Americans. Nathanson lied to us. He plotted to turn the gas against us. Your trust nearly cost us everything. [He pulls the knife out and lets Erwich fall to the floor. Bierko turns to Erwich’s men. They look apprehensive.] Since I anticipated this, I’ve secured additional men and resources at great personal expense. Have you found a way to reconfigure the canisters’ dispersal mechanism?

Andrei: Yes.

Bierko: Do it. Nathanson will be eliminated. Then we will return to our original task. Striking at the heart of Russia.


[Cut to Nathanson’s hideout. One of Bierko’s men is holding his secretary with the secretary’s head pushed against the desk and a gun at his head.]

Bierko’s Guard: Where’s Nathanson?

Secretary: I don’t know where he went. I swear I don’t. [The guard shoots him, then calls Bierko.]


[Erwich’s body is dragged out of Bierko’s office. Bierko answers the phone.]

Bierko: Yeah?

Bierko’s Guard: I took out Nathanson’s man, but there is no sign of Nathanson.

Bierko: Find him.


[Cut to outside Nathanson’s hideout. He is in the car, leaving the car park quickly. He drives away, and calls a government associate.]

Associate: Alpha-7.

Nathanson: It’s Nathanson. Someone just took out my man.

Associate: Who?

Nathanson: I think Bierko’s getting us back. Destroy all your databases. [The associate notices that someone else is in his office, just before he is shot. Nathanson hears the shot over the phone and hangs up.]


[Cut to CTU. Mcgill is on the phone.]

Mcgill: I know you’re there, Jenny, pick up the phone. Dammit, Jenny, I need the key card in my wallet.

[In Jenny’s apartment, she and her boyfriend Darryl listen to the message.]

Mcgill: Look, we’ll leave the police out of it. You and your loser can keep the money that you stole, max out my credit cards, I don’t care. Just give me back my key card. It’s important. [He hangs up.]

Jenny: We can’t sell the keycard. Why can’t we just give it to him? I’m calling my brother. [She picks up the phone, but Dwayne grabs her wrist.]

Dwayne: Don’t do that.

Jenny: What is going on, Dwayne?

Dwayne: I’m handling this.


[In CTU, McGill’s phone rings. He answers.]

Mcgill: Jenny?

Operator: Mr Mcgill, hold for the President.

Logan: Have your people recovered the nerve gas? Mcgill?

Mcgill: Yes, sir, I’m here. I’m sorry.

Logan: Do you have any leads? Have you intercepted the terrorists?

Mcgill: No, sir. The man we followed from the mall took his own life before he could be apprehended.

Logan: Dammit, Mcgill, I put this on you! If you’d let the terrorists release the sentox gas in the mall, as I agreed to let you do, we wouldn’t be where we are right now, which is nowhere.

Mcgill: Mr President

Logan: Stop! Stop making excuses. Take responsibility and do your job. [He hangs up.]

03:06:12 … 03:06:13 … 03:06:14 … 03:06:15 …


[Cut to the situation room. Meanwhile, Mcgill walks down the stairs from his office towards the situation room.]

Bill: Although we were able to limit the casualties, the attack on the mall proved that these terrorists are going to make good on their threat to release the nerve gas on US soil. Unless we catch a break, we can expect to see multiple attacks resulting in mass casualties. [Mcgill enters the room.] I assumed you’d want me to start without you?

Mcgill: Just tell me where we are.

Bill: LAPD is setting up a perimeter around the terrorists last known location. We’ve activated all search protocols including satellites, and CAL-trans surveillance.

Mcgill: But we don’t have any real leads, do we? If Jack Bauer had followed orders and maintained his cover, we could have intercepted those people.

Audrey: We don’t know that for sure, Lynn. What we do know is Jack’s field decision saved over 800 innocent people.

Mcgill: It may well cost us a hundred times that many people.

Audrey: In the mean time, we’ve contained both the physical threat and the media’s awareness, which would have triggered massive civil unrest.

Mcgill: Well, you tell yourself that if you want to, Ms Raines, but the fact remains that these terrorists are at large with 19 canisters of sentox nerve gas and we don’t know where or when they’re gonna hit us next.

Bill: We’re all aware of the threat, Lynn.

Mcgill: Why does she keep defending Bauer? I want Bauer placed in custody. I want him brought in here. I want him held responsible for what’s happened.

Bill: Jack can be disciplined later. Taking him out of the field right now is a mistake.

Mcgill: Don’t tell me how to do my job.

Bill: He was authorised by the President.

Mcgill: But he works for me, and so do you. I want him here now. The rest of you, maintain your search protocols, and I want all reports to my screen in ten minutes. [He leaves the room. The staff in the room look less than impressed.]

Bill: It’s all right. We’re all under a lot of pressure. Let’s get back to it. [Most of the staff leave the room, leaving Bill and Audrey. Bill calls Curtis.]

Curtis: Manning.

Bill: This is Buchanan. We have orders to bring Jack in.

[Jack emerges from the warehouse. He approaches the agents loading Polakov’s body into a van.]

Jack: We weren’t able to find anything confirming this guy’s identity; I want you to take his picture, life his prints. Get him over to CTU as soon as possible. [to Curtis] We’ve got nothing on this guy; we’re gonna have to run him through NCIC and Interpol databases.

Curtis: I just got off the phone to Bill. Lynn Mcgill wants me to bring you back to CTU. He’ s on some sort of warpath.

Jack: [angry] Why, because I didn’t think letting terrorists release sentox nerve gas in a crowded mall was an acceptable loss?

Curtis: [uncomfortable] And because we lot our only real lead, and … Lynn’s looking for someone to blame.

Jack: I was appointed by the President of the United States. It was a field call.

Curtis: I know, and between you and me, I think you made the right call.

Jack: I’m calling the President.

Curtis: Look, Jack, the trail’s gone cold. There’s no point fighting. Let’s just go back to CTU and square it.

Jack: Fine. [They move towards the car.]

Curtis: Look … sorry, but I also have to take your gun. Jack, don’t make this any more difficult than it already is. [Jack hands over his gun.]

Jack: Fine.


03:09:12 … 03:09:13 … 03:09:14 … 03:09:15 …

[Cut to CTU.]

Audrey: We can’t afford to decommission Jack, especially now.

Bill: I agree.

Audrey: Well, what can we do about it?

Bill: Nothing, while Lynn’s in charge.

Audrey: He may be in charge, but he is not in control.

Agent: Ms Raines, you have a call on line one.

Audrey: Thank you.

Bill: I’ll be filtering intel on station three.

[Bill moves to station three. Audrey sits down and takes the call.]

Audrey: Audrey Raines.

Nathanson: Ms Raines, you try to trace this call or put anyone else on the line, I will hang up.

Audrey: Who is this?

Nathanson: My name is James Nathanson. I’m sure Walt Cummings has already told you all about me.

Audrey: You’re the one who sold the nerve gas to the terrorists.

Nathanson: That’s close enough to the truth.

Audrey: What do you want?

Nathanson: Transfer me to Jack Bauer on a clean line.

Audrey: Why Jack?

Nathanson: That’s not your concern.

Audrey: You’re getting to Jack through me; that makes it my concern.

Nathanson: I’m going through you because I know you have a special relationship with Bauer. I know all about you, Ms Raines, which is why I’m counting on you to recognise an opportunity when it presents itself.

Audrey: What opportunity?

Nathanson: I can help you find this nerve gas.

Audrey: How do I know you’re telling the truth?

Nathanson: You don’t. Now put me through to Bauer.

[Audrey looks up at Mcgill in his office, then patches Nathanson through to Jack. Jack is sitting in a van outside the warehouse.]

Jack: This is Bauer.

Audrey: Jack, I know you’re with Curtis. I’m assuming you can’t speak freely.

Jack: [to Curtis] It’s Audrey. It’s personal.

Curtis: Go ahead.

Jack: Thanks. [He gets out of the car and moves away.]

Audrey: I’m on the phone with a man who claims to be James Nathanson. He was Walt Cumming’s contact. He says he has information about the terrorists, but he will only talk to you.

Jack: Why me?

Nathanson: You can hang up now, Ms Raines. My phone has a node monitor. I’ll know if anyone else comes on this line.

Audrey: Jack?

Jack: It’s all right, Audrey, hang up the phone.

Audrey: All right. [She hangs up.]

Jack: What do you want with me?

Nathanson: Protection. The terrorists are trying to kill me.

Jack: If the terrorists figured out you were the one who programmed the canisters so they would blow up in their faces, what do you need me for? Turn yourself in to the authorities; they’ll protect you.

Nathanson: Walt Cummings isn’t the only one inside this operation who works inside the government. I need your help.

Jack: You conspired to have me take the fall for President Palmer’s assassination. What makes you think I’m not going to kill you myself?

Nathanson: You wanna stop the sentox gas from being released on American soil. So do I.

Jack: Where are you?

Nathanson: There’s a phone booth on the south side of Moore Park, just east of Densmoore. Be there in ten minutes, or I’ll be gone.

Jack: Moore Park in Densmoore, got it.

Curtis: [leaning out of the car] Jack?

Jack: Audrey, I’ll explain everything once I get back to CTU. [He approaches the car and hangs up. He gets into the car.]

03:11:47 … 03:11:48 … 03:11:49 … 03:11:50 …

[They drive away.]

Curtis: It’s gonna be strange for her. Audrey. Just yesterday, she thought you were dead.

Jack: Yeah.

Curtis: I know this is none of my business, but … she’s a good person, Jack. I want you two to have a chance.

Jack: Thanks.

[They stop at a stop sign. Jack punches Curtis, then chokes him.]

Jack: Don’t fight it Curtis. Don’t fight it! I’m sorry. [Curtis passes out. Jack gets out the car, then lifts Curtis out of the car and puts him on the ground. Jack gets his gun back, then gets back in the car and drives away.]


03:13:14 … 03:13:15 … 03:13:16 …


03:18:24 … 03:18:25 … 03:18:26 … 03:18:27 … 03:18:28 … 03:18:29 … 03:18:30 …

[Split screen, with Logan at the retreat; Jack driving; Audrey in CTU; and Lynn in his office.]


[Cut to Lynn’s office. The phone rings.]

Mcgill: Lynn Mcgill.

Curtis: It’s Curtis. Jack escaped.

Mcgill: What?

Curtis: He got a call from someone. Next thing I knew, he blindsided me; took my car.

Mcgill: Who called him?

Curtis: He said it was Audrey, but he may have been lying. Lynn?

Mcgill: We can try to track him using your vehicle’s onboard transceiver.

Curtis: I just tried bringing it up on my PDA. He’s either disabled or shut down the transceiver.

Mcgill: Curtis, how could you let this happen?

Curtis: I’ll get dispatch on it. One of my teams is enroute to pick me up. We’ll find him.

Mcgill: You don’t even know where to look! Get back to CTU and deploy from here. [He hangs up.] Dammit!


03:19:28 … 03:19:29 … 03:19:30 …

[Mcgill walks down from his office.]

Mcgill: Chloe, I want a triangulation on Jack’s cell phone. Find out where he is.

Chloe: Yes, sir.

[Mcgill approaches Audrey.]

Mcgill: Have you talked to Jack since he’s been in custody?

Audrey: No.

Mcgill: He’s not in custody anymore. He assaulted Curtis and stole his car.

Audrey: Why would he do that?

Mcgill: Maybe you can tell me.

Audrey: I don’t know where Jack is, if that’s what you’re asking me.

Mcgill: You have no idea what he’s doing?

Audrey: No, but I’m sure there’s an explanation.

Chloe: Mr Mcgill? We’re not getting a signal from Jack’s cell. The sim card must be out of his phone.

Mcgill: Well, if you think of anything, you’ll let me know, all right?

Audrey: Of course.

[Mcgill walks away. Audrey and Chloe look at each other across the room. Audrey calls Chloe.]

Chloe: O’Brien.

Audrey: Chloe, what I’m about to tell you needs to stay between us. It involves Jack.

Chloe: What is going on? It just came on my screen that Jack’s gone missing.

Audrey: He’s following a lead on the sentox gas. He needed to go alone. I just transferred a call from my station to him. I need you to delete the record.

Chloe: When Lynn finds out we’re working behind his back –

Audrey: Chloe, I know! Believe me, I know, but this is the only way. There isn’t a lot of time.

Chloe: When did you make the call?

[In his office, Lynn makes a call.]

Communications Officer: Communications archive.

Mcgill: This is Lynn Mcgill. Bring up the phone logs for the station Audrey Raines is using.

Communications Officer: Yes, sir.

[Chloe is working on erasing the record.]

Chloe: I found the transfer; I can’t dump just the one call. They’re all cross-indexed.

Audrey: Can’t you unlink it?

Chloe: No, it would take two hours.

[Cut to the communication officer.]

Communication officer: OK, Mr Mcgill, the call log should be on your screen. Scroll through to station five – that’s the one we dedicated to the DOD.

[Lynn does so. Cut back to Audrey.]

Chloe: The only way to get rid of the entry is to dump the entire call log; all the calls you’ve made and received today.

Audrey: Do it.

[Chloe erases the call log. In his office, Lynn reacts as the log disappears off his screen.]

Chloe: It’s done.

Audrey: Thank you, Chloe. [She hangs up. Lynn watches her from his office.]


03:21:47 … 03:21:48 … 03:21:49 … 03:21:50 …

[Cut to the retreat. Logan is watching television news coverage.]

Reporter: [on the television] … a day that will long be remembered as a step forward for both the United States and Russia. President Logan and President Suvarov are expected shortly to deliver their closing remarks. Following this, the Russian head of state …

[Novick enters, closing the door behind him. Logan turns off the television.]

Logan: What is it now, Mike?

Novick: I’m sorry, sir, but there’s a call you need to take. It just cam in on this. [He is holding a phone.]

Logan: And what is that?

Novick: Walt Cummings’s phone, sir. It’s been in Secret Service custody. They just brought it to me. The caller is claiming he has the sentox gas.

Logan: Is someone tracing the call?

Novick: They can’t. It’s being sent through multiple relays.

[Logan shakes his head.]

Logan: I’m not talking to a terrorist! You talk to him; you find out what he wants.

Novick: Mr President, he’s demanding to speak with you.

[Logan turns away and thinks. He nods slowly.]

Logan: All right. Put him on speaker.

[Novick puts the phone down on the bench and puts it on speaker.]

Logan: This is President Logan. Is this Erwich?

Bierko: Ivan Erwich is no longer with us, Mr President. His attack on your shopping mall was unsanctioned and unwarranted. It didn’t serve our interests.

Logan: What is it you want?

Bierko: What is it I want is to release the sentox nerve gas on Moscow. Since that is now impossible, I am forced to strike at Russia on foreign soil with your help.

Logan: My help?

Bierko: I want the route of Suvarov’s motorcade – his entire route to the airport, along with a full profile of his security detail.

Logan: I don’t personally have that information.

Bierko: Then get it. Make no mistake, Mr President, it’s our Russian oppressors I mean to hurt, not your people. However, if you refuse to cooperate, I will have no choice but to release all the sentox gas in areas far more populated than your shopping mall.

Logan: You just said that killing Americans didn’t serve your interests; this – this would be senseless murder.

Bierko: Yes, it would. So give me Suvarov’s route.

Logan: I’ll need some time.

Bierko: You have fifteen minutes.

Logan: I – I’m not sure –

[Bierko hangs up. Logan looks worried. He turns to Mike.]

Logan: He wants to assassinate Suvarov.

Novick: We can’t let that happen. If the Russian President is killed on US soil, it wouldn’t just nullify the treaty. It would destroy our relationship with Moscow.

Logan: Get me Suvarov’s route from Secret Service.

Novick: Mr President –

Logan: No, I haven’t made any decision yet, Mike, but whatever I decide, I’d better have the route in hand before he calls back, don’t you think?

Novick: Yes, sir. [He leaves.]


03:24:13 … 03:24:14 … 03:24:15 …


03:28:24 … 03:28:35 … 03:28:36 … 03:28:37 … 03:28:38 … 03:28:39 … 03:28:40 …

[Split screen, with Jack driving; Mcgill in CTU; Logan at the retreat; and Bierko.]


[Cut to CTU. Mcgill is talking to Bill.]

Mcgill: Someone’s screwing with me, Bill, and I won’t tolerate it.

Bill: Screwing with you how?

Mcgill: Audrey Raines’s phone log has been erased.

Bill: What?

Mcgill: Take a look. [He hands Bill a printout.]

Bill: Probably a system glitch.

Mcgill: It wasn’t a glitch. She did it on purpose.

Bill: Audrey? You think Audrey did this?

Mcgill: I know she did.

Bill: That’s ridiculous. She’s one of the most ‘by the book’ people I know.

Mcgill: You don’t go by the book while you’re trying to hide something. Did you know she was on the phone with Jack right before he attacked Curtis?

Bill: No, I didn’t know that. What, we, what does that prove?

Mcgill: There’s something going on with these two. What’s their history?

Bill: You know their history, Lynn, they worked together at DOD.

Mcgill: There’s more than that, right?

Bill: It got personal later on, yeah.

Mcgill: Personal? And you didn’t think it was important to tell me that?

Bill: No I didn’t. What difference does it make?

Mcgill: When did she find out Jack was still alive?

Bill: This morning, with the rest of us.

Mcgill: You sure about that?

Bill: I was there, Lynn, I saw her reaction.

Mcgill: Could have been an act.

Bill: You sound paranoid.

Mcgill: I don’t care how I sound. From this point on, I want all those people on a tight leash. If someone has a hidden agenda, I wanna know about it. CTU’s become way too porous, and that’s your fault.

Bill: I don’t need to hear this from you.

Mcgill: You don’t wanna hear this from me? Then tell me why Audrey erased her phone logs.


03:30:12 … 03:30:13 … 03:30:14 … 03:30:15 …

[Cut to Jack. He drives to the park. As he gets out of the car, the public phone rings. He puts in an earpiece. Nathanson is watching from a nearby building.]

Jack: I’m here. Where are you?

Nathanson: In a minute. First, I wanna make sure you weren’t followed. Otherwise, there’s no deal. Take the alley between the two buildings across the street from your vehicle. I left the gate open.

[Jack moves across the street.]

Jack: Listen to me. I don’t know what you think they’re going to do to you, but you committed treason.

Nathanson: I don’t see it that way. I love this country.

Jack: You’re never going to be able to justify killing David Palmer.

Nathanson: That was an unfortunate necessity. We admired Palmer, but we had other priorities. This country needs an excuse to secure its oil interests in Asia; a reason that Russia and the rest of the world can get behind.

Jack: I’ve heard your reasoning from Walt Cummings. It’s still treason.

Nathanson: No. It’s real politics. Do you see the open door ahead?

Jack: Yeah.

Nathanson: Enter it. [Jack runs inside.] Make two right turns and walk back in the direction you came from.

[A helicopter can be heard.]

Jack: Hold on. [Jack runs up the stairs. The helicopter lands on the roof.] You have hostiles coming in after you from the adjacent parking structure. Do you have a weapon?

Nathanson: Yes.

Jack: Where are you?

Nathanson: Second floor.

Jack: Try and make your way to the roof. I’ll meet you there. Stay on the line.

Nathanson: All right. [He runs out of the room. Jack has drawn his gun. He runs back down the stairs.


[Cut to CTU Audrey is on the phone.]

Audrey: All right. I understand.

Bill: Audrey.

Audrey: DOD wants a fuller explanation about what happened at the mall. I told them we’re still trying to find the threat of the nerve gas.

Bill: I just spent the last five minutes getting grilled by Lynn.

Audrey: About what?

Bill: You and Jack. Your relationship.

Audrey: What did you tell him?

Bill: The truth – that you and he were once romantically involved, and that now I’m not sure.

Audrey: I don’t see how it’s any of his business.

Bill: Lynn thinks it is. He thinks you had something to do with Jack breaking out of custody. [He stares at Audrey, frowning.] Did you?

Audrey: Not exactly.

[They walk away from Lynn’s office.]

Bill: What, exactly, does that mean?

Audrey: A man claiming to be James Nathanson called here about twenty minutes ago. He said that he had information on the terrorists, but that he would only give it to Jack.

Bill: Why didn’t you tell me about this?

Audrey: I was afraid of losing this lead. I didn’t know what to do, Bill!

Bill: So Jack’s meeting with this man Nathanson alone and without back-up. Where is he?

Audrey: I don’t know. Nathanson blocked me off from the call.

Bill: Who else knows about this?

Audrey: Just Chloe. She helped me cover the call from Lynn.

Mcgill: Audrey! [He approaches. Audrey hands Bill a piece of paper.]

Audrey: If you could just, er, sign right here.

[Bill signs.]

Mcgill: District have elevated the threat level. I’m briefing first responders on the high probability of multiple attacks, so I need to review DOD protocols.

Audrey: All right; I’ll send them to your screen.

Mcgill: Oh, we can do it here. Unless you have a problem working with me on this?

Audrey: No! No, no, it’s fine.

Bill: Excuse me. [He leaves.]


03:33:05 … 03:33:06 … 03:33:07 … 03:33:08 …

Nathanson: Bauer?

Jack: Yeah, where are you?

Nathanson: I’m in the freight elevator.

Jack: You need to get out of there now. You’re cornered.

[Nathanson stops the elevator and gets out. He walks slowly towards a large room. An armed hostile enters the room from another entrance. Nathanson shoots him. More hostiles enter. A gun battle starts. Nathanson runs, escaping up a flight of stairs.]

Nathanson: Bauer, where are you?

Jack: I’m almost there. Just keep moving!

[Nathanson reaches the roof. The hostiles follow him and keep shooting. Nathanson is hit and falls. He returns fire, but runs out of bullets. The hostiles approach to finish him off. Jack takes them down. He rushes over to Nathanson as the helicopter approaches.]

Jack: Nathanson, stay down! Stay down!

[Jack shoots at the helicopter. The hostiles in the helicopter fire at them, hitting Nathanson again as he tries to take a weapon from one of the dead hostiles. Jack hits the helicopter. It flies away, smoke billowing from its engine. Jack runs over to Nathanson.]

Jack: Nathanson!

[Nathanson is dying.]

Jack: Look at me. Look at me. How do I find the canisters of sentox? How do I find the canisters?

Nathanson: In my pockets.

[Jack finds a chip in Nathanson’s pocket.]

Jack: What’s on the chip? Please, what’s on the chip?

[Nathanson slumps back, dead. Jack puts the chip into his phone. He runs off.]


[One of the hostiles is calling Bierko.]

Hostile: Nathanson’s dead, but there was someone else there.

Bierko: Who?

Hostile: I don’t know yet, but he took out three of my men and disabled the helicopter.

Bierko: Nathanson may have given him information that compromises us. Keep looking until you find him. [He hangs up.]

Hostile: [translated] Where’ve you been? Let’s go!

[They get into a car and drive away.]


[Cut back to Bierko.]

Reporter: [on television] Some critics have already said that by signing this treaty, we as the United States are taking on our allies’s enemies, as well as having to deal with our own.

03:36:57 … 03:36:58 … 03:36:59 … 03:37:00 …


[Cut to CTU. Mcgill is reading the protocols on Audrey’s computer screen over her shoulder.]

Audrey: Diagram seven lays out the hierarchy for first responders. [Her phone rings. She ignores it.] Civil defence protocols for each agency are pretty well defined.

Mcgill: [about the phone] Shouldn’t you get that?

[Audrey answers the phone.]

Audrey: Audrey Raines.

Jack: It’s me. Nathanson’s just been killed but he gave me intel. I need you to uplink the data.

Audrey: [worried] Sorry, Steve, you have the wrong extension. I’ll transfer you to IT. [She transfers the call.] [to Mcgill] Overlocking responsibilities default to federal then to state.

[Chloe’s phone rings – Audrey transferred the call to her. Chloe answers.]

Chloe: O’Brien.

Jack: Chloe, it’s Jack. Audrey just wrote my call over to you; what the hell’s going on over there? [He gets into his car.]

Chloe: It’s Lynn, he’s been shadowing her. He thinks that she’s been talking to you behind his back, which I guess she has.

Jack: Chloe, listen to me, I have a thumb drive that’s going to help us find the sentox. I need you to data mine the files.

Chloe: Upload the files to my socket. Access code – 5J5J.

Jack: Hold on. [He uploads the files.] You should be getting it now. Chloe, I need you to keep this under the radar.

Chloe: You mean keep it from Lynn.

Jack: At least until we know what we’ve got. Does my number come up on your screen?

Chloe: Yeah.

Jack: OK, I’ll have to switch the phones. If you need to get ahold of me, call me on that number.

Chloe: OK, I will. [They hang up.]


03:38:16 … 03:38:17 … 03:38:18 …


03:42:33 … 03:42:34 … 03:42:35 … 03:42:36 … 03:42:37 … 03:42:38 … 03:42:39 …

[Split screen, with Jack driving, Lynn and Audrey in CTU; Chloe data mining the thumb drive; and Logan at the retreat.]


[Cut to the retreat. Novick enters.]

Novick: Suvarov’s motorcade route and security detail. [He hands Logan a file.] Sir, if President Suvarov’s killed and the Russians find out we supplied his killers with this information, it would be considered an act of war.

Logan: The Russian motorcade has a significant security force. I see no reason to believe that the terrorists would even be successful. [Novick sighs, obviously unimpressed.] Maybe we should have an analysis done, determine the vulnerable points, how long they’re out …

Novick: Sir, we can’t do that without giving away the fact that we had advance knowledge of an act.

[Martha enters.]

Martha: What attack?

Logan: It’s – it’s nothing that you need to be concerned about.

Martha: Charles, you invited me into this circle. What attack?

Logan: The terrorists want the Suvarov’s motorcade route. They’ve threatened to deploy more sentox gas if I don’t give it to them.

Martha: You’re not seriously considering it, are you?

Novick: Martha, Charles believes an assault on the Suvarovs has a good chance –

Martha: Will you please let the President speak for himself? May we have a moment?

[Novick leaves.]

Martha: Charles.

Charles: Martha, please. If I don’t give them the information they want, tens of thousands of Americans will die on our own soil; maybe hundreds of thousands. And I will be responsible.

Martha: Oh, all right, all right, all right. Charles, Charles, there has got to be another way. Change their itinerary, delay Suvarov from leaving –

Logan: It’s all over the news that the Russians are leaving after we make the joint statement. If there’s any deviation from that, the terrorists will know that I’ve alerted them.

Martha: [distressed] Charles, what are – what are you telling me? What are you saying? That we are going to stand in front of the entire world with the Suvarov’s; you’re going to look him in the eye, shake his head, knowing you’re sending them to their deaths?

Logan: If we were in Russia and Suvarov got this ultimatum, do you think that he would spare us?

Martha: I am not talking about Russia! I am not talking about Suvarov! I am talking about you! You are the President of the United States of America. My God, Charles, you’re talking about murder!

Logan: Martha, my back is up against the wall. You give me another solution.

Martha: Stand up to them. Refuse to negotiate with them. Isn’t that the policy of this country? Isn’t that the point of the treaty you just signed?

Logan: It’s not that simple, Martha, it never is.


03:46:03 ... 03:46:04 … 03:46:05 … 03:46:06 …

[Cut to CTU.]

Audrey: [reading off the screen] It was separated; here’s one, and the other one’s right here.

[Chloe continues working on the thumb drive, keeping an eye on Audrey and Lynn. The computer screen flashes the message “source not recognised” at her.]

Chloe: Oh, dammit. [She calls Bill, who is in the situation room.]

Bill: Buchanan.

Chloe: This is Chloe.

Bill: What is it, Chloe?

Chloe: Jack just sent me the data he got off Nathanson. My decryption filters weren’t working and I just realised why. The drive’s DOD formatted.

Bill: DOD?

Chloe: Yeah. I don’t know how Nathanson got his hands on highly classified government t-drives, but Audrey’s the only one with clearance.

Bill: Lynn’s got her tied up.

Chloe: Exactly.

Bill: How much time do you need?

Chloe: To decrypt all the vectors? Two, three minutes.

Bill: Hang on. [He approaches Audrey and Mcgill.] Lynn, do you have a minute?

Mcgill: [walking over to him] What is it?

Bill: You were inquiring about a security breach with the phone logs?

[Chloe sends a message to Audrey’s screen. The message reads: “O’Brien Buchanan’s buying time. I need your DOD codes to decrypt data Jack got from Nathanson.”]

Bill: We can key in the user ID from your office. [He and Mcgill walk away.] To find what we’re looking for, we just have to use your keycard.

Mcgill: Why are you so interested in this?

Bill: I’m serious about all breaches of security.

[Audrey sends Chloe her DOD codes. Her computer beeps.]

Mcgill: [to Audrey] What was that?

Audrey: What?

Mcgill: That last window you closed; what was it?

Audrey: It was just the DOD protocols.

Mcgill: [suspicious] What is going on here?

Bill: Lynn, will you please just calm down?

Mcgill: Don’t tell me to calm down! The two of you are up to something and I’m not gonna stand for it. Now I think you’re protecting Audrey and she’s protecting Bauer.

Bill: Look, I can explain, Lynn.

Mcgill: So can I. This was a deliberate attempt to circumvent my authority.

Audrey: Lynn, we are all on the same side here.

Mcgill: If your father was the Secretary of Defence, I’d have you thrown out of here. [to Bill] I don’t have that problem with you. [He walks over to a phone.] Could I have security to station five, please. Right away. [He moves back over to Bill and Audrey.]

Bill: What are you doing, Lynn?

[Security guards approach from behind.]

Mcgill: Place Mr Buchanan in custody and take him to holding.

Audrey: You are making a mistake.

Bill: Audrey. [He stares at Mcgill for a few seconds, then walks away with the security guards.]

Mcgill: I want everyone’s attention! I’m putting a section 23 redundancy into effect as of this moment. All of your stations will be mirrored and monitored through my office. Now get back to work.

Audrey: We need Bill to get through this crisis; you are jeopardising our chances of finding that nerve gas. I will make sure that DOD and the Secretary of Defence are aware of that.

Mcgill: Don’t threaten me, Ms Raines. I promise you, you do not want to threaten me. [He walks away.]


03:48:38 … 03:48:39 … 03:48:50 …


03:52:52 … 03:52:53 … 03:52:54 … 03:52:55 … 03:52:56 … 03:52:57 … 03:52:58 …

[Split screen, with Chloe; Audrey; Martha; and Logan.]


[Cut to Jack driving. His phone rings.]

Jack: What have you got?

Chloe: The decryption element kicked out a company called Terradine. Over the past three years, they’ve acquired over a hundred pounds of raw strontium isotope used to create sentox nerve gas.

Jack: Where do I find Terradine?

Chloe: It’s a subsidiary of a larger corporation called Omicron International.

Jack: [shocked] Hold on, did you say Omicron?

Chloe: Yeah.

Jack: Are you sure?

Chloe: What’s wrong?

Jack: Pull up their senior executive roster. See if a man named Christopher Henderson  is on the list.

Chloe: Why?

Jack: Just do it, please.

Chloe: OK, here it is. Christopher Henderson, senior vice-president of research and development. Do you know him?

Jack: Yeah, I did once. Listen, send me the decrypted files over to my PDA.

Chloe: That’s going to be a little bit hard to do right now, Jack. Lynn is watching everyone like a hawk.

Jack: Well, can Buchanan help you?

Chloe: He could if he weren’t in holding.

Jack: What are you talking about?

Chloe: Lynn detained him for insubordination.

Jack: How could he do that?

Chloe: Because he’s loosing it. I think the President’s putting too much pressure on him to find those canisters. He can’t handle it.

Jack: Chloe I still need the decrypted files. You’re going to have to find a way to get them to me.

Chloe: I’ll try. [She hangs up.]


03:54:22 … 03:54:23 … 03:54:24 … 03:54:25 …

[Cut to the retreat. Logan and Novick are talking.]

Logan: They haven’t called yet?

Novick: No, they haven’t sir. President Suvarov’s waiting. [Logan looks over to where Martha is standing nearby.] We’ll be out in a minute.

Novick: Excuse me. [He walks out.]

Logan: Martha. Please. This is a difficult decision for me, both politically and personally. And maybe I won’t have to make it; maybe CTU will find the canisters before the Suvarovs leave. That’s what I’m praying for. But whatever happens, I need you to understand.

Martha: I do, Charles. I do understand.

Novick: Mr President.

[The Logans walk out.]

[Suvarov is speaking to some of the staff of the retreat.]

Suvarov: It has been a challenging day, and so I especially appreciate how professional you have all been. Your President is fortunate to have such talented people working for him. Thank you. [The staff members leave.]

Logan: [smiling] Yuri. [They shake hands.] Anya. [He kisses her cheeks.]

Suvarov: Mr President, I’m glad we have this opportunity to thank you and Mrs Logan personally for your hospitality.

Logan: Mr President, it’s been our pleasure.

[The phone rings. Novick answers it.]

Suvarov: I hope that you and I will have the chance to meet again soon.

Novick: [quietly] Yes? … Hold on.

Logan: We would love that.

[Martha is watching Novick, with a mixture of worry, and disgust on her face.]

Logan: Martha?

Martha: Yes, that would be lovely. [She smiles.]

Anya Suvarov: Martha. Thank you again for being so kind.

Suvarov: [to Logan] I read the text of your statement. It was excellent, and congratulations again on your brilliant handling of the crisis at the airport.

Logan: Thank you, Yuri, and thank you again for your steadfast support. [He keeps a nervous eye on Novick.]

Suvarov: Have there been further developments?

Logan: No, no, not at all. There’s always pressure. [They both chuckle.] But everything’s under control. Ladies. The photographers are waiting.

Anya Suvarov: Thank you, Mr President.

[They move off towards the photographers. Logan looks at Novick and nods.]

Novick: The motorcade will take service roads to the 1-18, and then to the 5-freeway south.


[The Presidents and their wives are walking towards the photographers.]

Martha: [quietly] Charles.

Logan: Martha, please, just, smile and wave. [Martha forces a smile.]


[Bierko hangs up, and walks over to a map. A group of his men are in the room with him.]

Bierko: The motorcade will take Suvarov through this downtown corollary. That will give us our best shot at destroying all the vehicles. Tell our people this is where I want to strike. [He marks the spot on the map with a cross.]


[Split screen shows Bierko’s men; Curtis re-entering CTU; and Bill in a holding cell. Then Jack driving.]


[The photographers are taking photos of the Presidents.]

Aaron: All right, that’s it, folks. We need to move.

[Anya walks over to his husband. Logan walks back to Martha and takes her hand.]

Logan: Come on.

Martha: Charles.

Logan: Shhh, shh.

Martha: Charles.

Logan: No, no, it’s all right. 

03:58:02 … 03:58:03 … 03:58:04 …

Martha: [fighting back tears] It’s not too late. It’s not too late.

Agent: [to Logan] Lynn Mcgill is calling from CTU.

Logan: What about?

Agent: I can’t even say, he just asked to speak with you directly.

Logan: [to Suvarov] Excuse me. Mr President, I’m afraid I have to say my goodbyes here. [They shake hands.] Affairs of state, you know. Pressures continue!

Suvarov: I understand, of course. Thank you, President Logan, for everything.

Logan: Thank you. Anya. [He moves away.]

Martha: [sadly] Charles … [She moves to get into the car.]

Aaron: Mrs Logan.

Martha: Aaron. I’ve decided to drive to the airport with the Suvarovs. You could have a car follow us.

Aaron: We’re not detailed for that. I’ll ride upfront.

Martha: No, Aaron, no, that’s not necessary.

Aaron: Yes it is.

Martha: Tell my husband where I am. [She gets into the car. Aaron shuts the door.]

Martha: I hope you don’t mind if I accompany you.

Suvarov: You’re sure your husband won’t mind.

Martha: No, of course not. At least we’ll have some time to talk. [She and Anya smile.]

Anya: I like that.

[Suvarov also smiles.]

Aaron: [from the front seat] Ma’am the President is being briefed by CTU right now but I left word for you.

Martha: Thank you.

[The cars drive away.]

03:59:58 … 03:59:59 … 04:00:00.

Kikavu ?

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