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24 heures chrono
#510 : 16h00 - 17h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 5 guide des épisodes

Bouleversé, le Président Logan apprend que son épouse est dans le convoi qui amène les Suvarov tout droit dans un piège. La Première Dame espère ainsi forcer la main à son mari. A bout, Lynn met la pression sur tout le personnel. Audrey continue d'aider Jack tant bien que mal. Ensemble, ils découvrent que la société Omicron a fabriqué le Sentox pour la Défense. Et l'un des dirigeants de cette entreprise s'avère être un ancien membre de la CAT qui a eu quelques problèmes avec la justice.


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO
4:00pm - 5:00pm

Titre VF
16h00 - 17h00


 24 Season 5 Episode 10 Promo

24 Season 5 Episode 10 Promo


Plus de détails

Date de diffusion US: 27 février 2006
Date de diffusion FR:
Audience: 13.8 millions de téléspectateurs 


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer 
• Kim Raver : Audrey Raines 
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian 
• Gregory Itzin : President Charles Logan 
• James Morrison : Bill Buchanan 
• Roger Cross : Curtis Manning 
• Louis Lombardi : Edgar Stiles 
• and Jean Smart : Martha Logan 

Special guest stars

• Sean Astin : Lynn McGill 

Guest starring

• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick 
• Glenn Morshower : Aaron Pierce 
• Julian Sands : Vladimir Bierko 
• Nick Jameson : Yuri Suvarov 
• Kathleen Gati : Anya Suvarov 
• Alex Kuznetsov : Ostroff 
• and Peter Weller : Christopher Henderson 


• Pia Artesona : Joanne Tandy 
• Danielle Burgio : Carrie Bendis 
• Sky Soleil : Guard John Stratton

16h00 : Bierko observe à la télévision le cortège des Suvarov suivre l'itinéraire prévu. Ses hommes préparent un missile pour attaquer la voiture du Président.

16h01 : Logan et Novick passent en revue les points sensibles de l'itinéraire selon une évaluation des Services Secrets. Logan réalise qu'il va devoir expliquer au Monde entier comment le Président Russe s'est fait assassiné sur le sol américain juste après avoir signé un traité contre le terrorisme. Il apprend alors que Martha est monté à bord de la voiture des Suvarov et commence à paniquer. Il ne peut pas alerter les Services Secrets car les terroristes relâcheront le gaz neurotoxique.

16h04 : Martha est distraite pendant le voyage avec les Suvarov. Le Président l'appelle dans la voiture. Elle simule une conversation devant les russes tandis que son mari lui ordonne de se faire ramener par les Services Secrets. Il ne peut pas ordonner le retour du cortège. Elle refuse de sortir et raccroche.

16h06 : Logan est perdu, il ne sait pas comment sauver la vie de sa femme. Novick craint que Martha ne révèle aux Suvarov la vérité : la Maison Blanche les a livrés aux terroristes. Il demande au Président s'il ne devrait pas rappeler le cortège. Logan ne lui répond pas.

16h07 : Audrey chuchote à Edgar de la rencontrer près de la salle des serveurs et de ne dire à personne où il s'absente. McGill aperçoit Audrey partir et questionne Edgar, qui la couvre. McGill lui demande de renvoyer sur son pc toutes les activités de son personnel.

16h08 : Audrey et Chloé se rendent discrètement dans la salle des serveurs. Chloé l'informe que Jack ne lui a pas dit comment il connaissait Henderson. Audrey l'appelle alors qu'il est en route pour Omicron. Il a besoin d'aide pour accéder au bâtiment et lui avoue qu'Henderson était l'agent qui l'a recruté à la Cellule. Les choses se sont mal terminées entre eux puisque Jack a participé à une enquête interne au cours de laquelle Henderson a perdu son job. Jack est certain que si Omicron est impliqué dans la fabrication du Sentox alors Henderson le sait.

16h09 : Edgar arrive dans la salle des serveurs mais il craint de se faire attraper. Audrey et Chloé lui expliquent qu'elles aident Jack à trouver le neurotoxique sans l'approbation de McGill. Elles lui demandent de couvrir Chloé.

16h10 : Logan est bouleversé et veut convaincre Bierko d'attendre que Martha sorte de la voiture. Il a peur de perdre sa femme. Comme la CAT n'a plus aucune piste de recherche, il n'a que deux choix : sauver Martha et les Suvarov, ou bien laisser les terroristes relâcher le neurotoxique sur les civils américains.

16h12 : Martha, anxieuse, demande à l'agent Pierce s'il y a eu des changements sur l'itinéraire prévu. Il lui répond par la négative. Elle dit aux Suvarov qu'elle est seulement inquiète de la circulation.

16h17 : McGill vire une technicienne qui a exécuté une tâche sans rapport avec la recherche du neurotoxique. Il remarque ensuite que Chloé n'est pas à son poste.

16h18 : Audrey et Chloé permettent à Jack d'entrer chez Omicron en simulant un rendez-vous programmé. McGill trouvent les deux femmes. Audrey lui ment, lui assurant avoir réquisitionné pour l'aider à patcher un serveur pour la Défense. McGill lui demande de passer par lui quand elle a besoin de quelque chose. Chloé termine rapidement et retourne à sa station de travail.

16h19 : Jack entre chez Omicron, et donne son empreinte au bureau d'accueil. Une fiche avec sa photo et un rendez-vous apparaît en réponse. Il est autorisé à entrer.

16h20 : Jack reconnaît la voix d'Henderson sur le haut-parleur d'un bureau. Jack demande à la secrétaire où se trouvent les toilettes. Il appelle ensuite Audrey pour lui demander de distraire la secrétaire. Audrey cherche le numéro de sa ligne directe et prétend appartenir à un autre département. Elle demande à la jeune femme de la rejoindre dans son bureau.

16h21 : Après le départ de la secrétaire, Jack entre dans le bureau d'Henderson. Ce dernier l'y attend avec une arme et l'assomme. Réalisant qu'il connaît Jack, il le réveille après lui avoir retiré son arme. Il lui dit n'avoir jamais cru à sa mort. Jack lui explique qu'Omicron a fabriqué le gaz neurotoxique qui a été volé par des terroristes. Henderson, se sentant accusé, rétorque que le gaz a été fabriqué pour l'Armée qui depuis a détruit tout le stock. Henderson est choqué d'apprendre que le Sentox fabriqué par son entreprise a tué 11 personnes dans un centre commercial un peu plutôt dans la journée.

16h23 : Henderson jure à Jack ne pas être impliqué mais Jack ne peut pas se permettre de se contenter de le croire. Henderson lui rend son arme. Jack demande à voir le bunker où a été fabriqué le neurotoxique. Henderson hésite mais accepte de l'y conduire. Il attrape un dossier en métal sur son chemin.

16h29 : Edgar se rend précipitamment au poste de Chloé pour lui montrer une série de chiffres qui ne cessent de se répéter sur des messages de la NSA. Ils correspondent aux autoroutes que le Président russe emprunte pour se rendre à l'aéroport. Chloé et Edgar informent McGill de leur découverte mais il les renvoie à leur poste puisque ça ne concerne pas le neurotoxique. Chloé lui demande s'ils peuvent au moins transmettre l'information aux Services Secrets ou mettre quelques personnes sur le coup. McGill refuse en colère. Curtis lui suggère de vérifier cette information.

16h30 : Bierko informe ses hommes sur le terrain que le cortège suit bien son itinéraire. Il veut que les bonbonnes soient armées au cas où le plan ne se déroulerait pas comme prévu.

16h31 : Audrey essaie de convaincre McGill que les bribes de messages pourraient être en relation avec le gaz neurotoxique. McGill est furieux et refuse que la CAT soit à l'origine d'encore plus d'erreurs. Curtis et toute l'équipe l'entendent menacer Audrey d'être mise à la porte.

16h32 : Audrey quitte le bureau de McGill et envoie un message instantané à Edgar et Chloé pour qu'ils se rencontrent dans un couloir.

16h33 : Audrey leur dit qu'elle va transmettre l'information aux Servies Secrets, mais ils n'agiront pas tant que McGill n'aura pas certifié l'information. Chloé propose de pirater le système de McGill et demande à Edgar de la couvrir. Edgar craint des répercussions car ce qu'ils vont faire est illégal. Mais il s'allie avec elle.

16h34 : Audrey coince Curtis dans un couloir. Ils sont tous les deux d'accord sur le fait que McGill soit un problème. Elle pense qu'ils ont besoin que Bill reprenne les commandes mais pour cela le numéro 2 de la Cellule (Curtis) doit invoquer un article du règlement déclarant McGill mentalement incapable d'assumer ses fonctions. Il accepte d'y réfléchir.

16h35 : Logan est résigné à laisser sa femme mourir. Il ne pouvait pas risquer la vie de milliers d'américains pour sauver le Président russe, tout comme il ne peut pas le faire pour sauver sa femme. Logan demande à Novick de prier avec lui.

16h38 : Alors qu'ils travaillent, les ordinateurs de Chloé et Edgar sont coupés. McGill arrive escorté de gardes pour les arrêter pour incursion illégale dans son système. Il demande à Curtis d'escorter Audrey hors de la Cellule. Comme il refuse, McGill demande à ce qu'il soit arrêté avec les autres. Curtis menace de sortir son arme et McGill demande aux gardes de l'abattre s'il bouge. Curtis est contraint d'invoquer l'article déclarant McGill mentalement incapable d'assumer le commandement. Les gardes l'arrêtent tandis que Curtis informe la Division que Buchanan reprend les commandes.

16h45 : Curtis briefe Buchanan sur ce qu'ils ont découvert grâce à Jack. Il annule tous les ordres récemment donnés par McGill et notifie aux Services Secrets la menace sur le cortège russe.

16h46 : Buchanan appelle le Président pour l'informer de la possibilité d'une attaque sur les Suvarov. Logan reste silencieux. Novick dit à Buchanan que la Première Dame est à bord de la limousine. Logan ne peut plus rien faire pour influer sur le cours des évènements.

16h47 : Alors que le cortège arrive près du lieu prévu de l'embuscade, l'agent Pierce est informé de l'attaque. Il transmet en urgence et le cortège est rapidement dévié. Les terroristes le voient et ouvrent le feu. Il lance un missile sur la voiture présidentielle. Comme le véhicule est blindé, Martha et les Suvarov sont toujours en vie mais piégés à l'intérieur du véhicule.

16h48 : Les terroristes armés encerclent la limousine sans pouvoir l'ouvrir. Ils la bombardent de balles mais en vain. Un lance-flammes n'obtient pas plus de succès. L'agent Pierce reprend connaissance et ouvre sa portière pour abattre les terroristes qui se tiennent devant la voiture. La police arrive.

16h49 : Logan est soulagé d'apprendre que Martha et les Suvarov ont survécu grâce à l'intervention de la CAT. Cependant Bierko ne croira pas qu'il n'est pas intervenu. Il doit s'attendre à des représailles.

16h54 : Henderson conduit Jack dans le bunker d'Omicron où le Sentox a été fabriqué. Il ignore qui de sa compagnie a travaillé sur le projet. Ils parlent un moment de la CAT en attendant que les fichiers se chargent sur l'ordinateur du laboratoire. Henderson maintient s'être fait piégé dans l'enquête interne de la CAT dont Jack a fait partie. Il lui avoue être encore aujourd'hui déçu qu'il n'ait pas cru en son innocence. Henderson trouve des fichiers montrant que les trois scientifiques dirigeant le projet Sentox sont tous morts dans des accidents suspects.

16h57 : Henderson quitte le bunker pour aller demander de l'aide aux services techniques pour le transfert des fichiers à la CAT. Jack essaie de contacter la Cellule mais se rend compte qu'aucun des téléphones ne fonctionne. Jack regarde le dossier métallique qu'Henderson a laissé en partant et trouve une bombe à l'intérieur. Jack se demande à voix haute comment il a pu être aussi stupide. Henderson quitte Omicron et téléphone à quelqu'un. Il lui dit qu'en se basant sur les propos de Jack, la CAT n'a pas assez d'informations pour les mener jusqu'à eux. Il ajoute que d'ici une minute, Jack Bauer sera mort.

16h58 : Jack cherche un moyen de sortir mais la porte du bunker est scellée. Il pose prudemment la bombe devant, referme la porte du laboratoire et place devant celle-ci des tables et des placards.

Une fois éloigné d'Omicron, Henderson fait exploser la bombe grâce à un détonateur. La bombe explose la porte du bunker et détruit une bonne partie du laboratoire. Jack sort d'un panneau au sol sous lequel il s'était caché et rejoint la sortie au milieu des débris.

16h59 : Logan se demande s'il ne devrait pas insister sur le fait que Martha se trouvait à bord de la voiture des Suvarov pour éviter tout implication dans l'attentat. Bierko l'appelle sur le portable de Cummings. Logan lui jure n'avoir rien dit à personne mais Bierko ne le croit pas. Il lui dit que le nouvel allié de la Russie, les Etats-Unis, en paiera le prix avec la vie de ses citoyens. C'était leur dernière conversation et il raccroche....

Voice over: Previously, on 24.

Audrey: I’m on the phone with a man who claims to be James Nathanson. He was Walt Cummings’s contact. He says he has information about the terrorists but he will only talk to you.

Jack: What do you want with me?

Nathanson: Protection. The terrorists you’re after are trying to kill me.

Jack: What makes you think I won’t kill you myself.

Nathanson: Cause you want to stop the sentox gas from being released on American soil and so do I.

Jack: Nathanson, stay down! [He shoots at the helicopter.]

Jack: What’s on the chip? Please, what’s on the chip? [Nathanson dies.]

Chloe: O’Brien.

Jack: I have a thumb drive that’s going to help us find the sentox.

Chloe: The decryption element kicked out a company called Omicron International.

Jack: Pull up the senior executive roster. See if a man named Christopher Henderson is on the list.

Chloe: OK, here it is. Christopher Henderson, senior vice-president of research and development.

Jack: Send me the decrypted files over to my PDA.

Chloe: That’s going to be a little bit hard to do right now, Jack.

Mcgill: [to Audrey and Bill] The two of you are up to something and I’m not gonna stand for it. This was a deliberate attempt to circumvent my authority.

Audrey: Lynn, we are all on the same side here.

Mcgill: If your father was the Secretary of Defence, I’d have you thrown out of here. [to Bill] I don’t have that problem with you.


Bierko: I spent a year securing the weapon that would bring Moscow to its knees, and you waste it.

Erwich: We were betrayed, Bierko. Someone must have been.

Bierko: I agree. [He stabs Erwich, then holds onto Erwich’s neck as he slowly dies.]


Logan: This is President Logan. What is it you want?

Bierko: I want the route of Suvarov’s motorcade. If you refuse to cooperate, I will have no choice but to release all the sentox gas.

Logan: He wants to assassinate Suvarov.

Martha: Don’t negotiate with them! Isn’t that the point of the treaty you just signed?

Suvarov: Mr President, I’m glad we have this opportunity to thank you and Mrs Logan personally for your hospitality.


Novick: The motorcade will take service roads to the 1-18.


Aaron: Mrs Logan.

Martha: Aaron. I’ve decided to drive to the airport with the Suvarovs.

Aaron: I’ll ride upfront.

Martha: No, Aaron, no, that’s not necessary.

Aaron: Yes it is.

Reporter: The world has become, quote, “measurably safer and more secure …”

Voiceover: The following takes place between 4 PM and 5 PM.

[In Bierko’s centre.]

Reporter: [on television] President Suvarov and his wife Anna will be flying back to Moscow in just a few hours with this new and more powerful mutual cooperation pact in hand.

[Bierko’s phone rings. He answers.]

Bierko: Yes?

Henchman: Where is the motorcade now?

Bierko: Just getting on the 1-18.

Henchman: How long before they reach the ambush point?

Bierko: About 40 minutes.

Henchman: Good. We’ll be waiting. [They both hang up. The henchman taps the side of the van. Other terrorists get out of the van.] Get everything ready. [The terrorists prepare their weapons.]

[Cut to the retreat.]

Novick: Mr President. I asked Secret Service to send a threat assessment for President Suvarov’s route. The most vulnerable point is here [points to a map on the screen] at downtown corridor. This is the most likely point of attack. If an ambush were to occur.

Logan: It’s going to happen, Mike. We gave the terrorists Suvarov’s route. We need to come up with a public response. I need to convince the world that the Suvarov’s deaths only underscore the importance of this anti-terrorist treaty that we just signed.

[An agent enters and speaks quietly to Novick. He leaves. Novick calls a number on his phone.]

Novick: [to Logan] I’ll, uh, begin work on a statement, sir. [to phone] Yes. … Thank you, I’ll let the President know. [He hangs up.]

Logan: What? What is it, Mike, what’s going on? Who was it?

Novick: Agent Pierce, uh … I don’t know how to tell you this –

Logan: Just tell me.

Novick: Mrs Logan is riding with the Suvarovs.

Logan: What are you talking about?

Novick: Sir, she got into their limousine.

Logan: Oh my God. Didn’t – didn’t the Secret Service try to stop her?

Novick: There was no reason to stop her. The motorcade is under Secret Service escort; as far as they’re concerned, she’s not in any danger.

Logan: She wants me to call back the motorcade; she’s trying to save the Suvarovs.

Novick: Should I alert them?

Logan: Yes! No, stop, wait. [He holds his head in his hands, distressed.] If we warn them, the terrorists are going to set off the gas. Where are they now?

Novick: Still on the 1-18.

Logan: Get my wife on the phone.

[Novick calls Martha.]

[In the limo.]

Anna: My aunt visited Los Angeles in the 1950s. She told me this area was filled with orange groves, but I haven’t seen them yet. I suppose it’s all been built over, no? [Martha is staring out the window.] Martha?

Martha: Yes, I was just trying to remember … I think your aunt’s memory is better than mine! I visited here when I was a child, but I don’t recall the orange groves.

[Aaron’s phone rings.]

Aaron: This is Pierce.

Logan: Let me speak to my wife.

[Aaron lowers the window between the driver’s seat and the rear of the limo.]

Aaron: Mrs Logan, this is the President for you on line one.

Martha: Thank you, Aaron. [She picks up the phone.] Hello, Charles.

Logan: Listen to me carefully. I want you –

Martha: Yes, I think they had a wonderful visit, and they would very much like for us to come to Moscow. That would be lovely.

Logan: I want you to tell the Suvarovs that I need you back here. I’m going to have one of the following cars bring you back.

Martha: I don’t think so, Charles.

Logan: Tell them now. While I’m on the phone. Martha, I know that you want me to call the motorcade back but, the terrorists were very specific. If I don’t allow them to attack the motorcade, they’re going to release canisters of nerve gas in multiple locations.

Martha: Well, I guess we’ll just have to figure something out before that happens.

Logan: We’re trying! We’re trying but we haven’t found them yet. You need to get out of the car.

Martha: I should go now.

Logan: Martha …

Martha: But you’ll call me if there’s any change of plans?

Logan: Dammit, Martha!

Martha: OK, bye bye. I’ll talk to you soon. [She hangs up.]

[Logan shakes his head.]

Logan: She won’t get out of the limousine.

Novick: My God …

Logan: We’ve gotta do something, Mike, we’ve gotta get her out of the car. I could, uh, I could have one of the trail cars stop them, force her out – say that I need her back here.

Novick: You could, but … if Martha is desperate to save the Suvarovs, she might feel that the only remaining option is to tell them the truth.

Logan: And Suvarov would know that I gave him up for assassination.

Novick: Sir, do you want me to recall the motorcade or not?

[Cut to CTU.]

04:07:17 … 04:07:18 … 04:17:19 … 04:17:20 …

Audrey: Edgar, meet me in the service room in a few minutes.

Edgar: Am I in trouble?

Audrey: No, but there’s something very important we need to discuss.

Edgar: OK.

Audrey: And Edgar, don’t tell anyone where you’re going. This needs to stay between us.

Edgar: Sure.

[Audrey walks away. Mcgill approaches Edgar.]

Mcgill: What did Audrey Raines want?

Edgar: She was just going over some DOD protocols.

Mcgill: [to another worker] I thought you were supposed to be monitoring chatter.

Carrie: We are.

Mcgill: Why isn’t it on my screen, Carrie?

Edgar: I didn’t think you wanted us to send everything to your system. I thought you wanted to save time.

Mcgill: I do want to save time. It saves time me by not having to clean up any more mistakes. Mirror everything until we’ve secured this nerve gas. Is that clear?

Carrie: Yes, sir.

[Mcgill walks away.]

[Chloe and Audrey walk towards the server room.]

Chloe: The thumb drive data Jack sent us checks out as authentic. It’s time-stamped by DOD and CIA.

Audrey: So Omicron International did make sentox gas for the military.

Chloe: Yeah. Some terrorists found out about it, or worse, they’re in contact with Omicron. [She brings up the list of senior executives.]

Audrey: Who’s that Henderson?

Chloe: Christopher Henderson. Senior Vice President of R and D. Jack said he knew him, but he wouldn’t talk about it.

Audrey: Is he connected with the sentox?

Chloe: It doesn’t say; just that he was a senior VP.

Audrey: Right. [She calls Jack.]

Jack: Yeah.

Audrey: Jack, we’ve authenticated the thumb drive data. Omicron definitely made the sentox for the military.

Jack: OK, I’m almost there. Look, I need you to work something up for me to get through the front door without them knowing I’m CTU.

Audrey: Do you think it’s necessary to go in covertly?

Jack: Yeah, there’s someone I need to talk to. I don’t want them to see I’m coming.

Audrey: Christopher Henderson?

Jack: Yeah.

Audrey: Who is he?

Jack: Someone I used to work for.

Audrey: Where?

Jack: CTU – he’s the man who recruited me.

Audrey: You’ve never mentioned him.

Jack: I know. Things ended badly between us.

Audrey: What happened?

Jack: I was part of an investigation that uncovered evidence that implicated him in the sale of classified intelligence to defence contractors. We never had enough evidence to indict him, but he lost his job, his command. Even as he was walking out the door, he maintained his innocence. He never forgave me for being part of the investigation.

Audrey: Are you convinced he did it?

Jack: I was at the time.

Audrey: Jack, Chloe can’t find a direct link between the sentox and Henderson.

Jack: Trust me. If Omicron was making sentox legally or illegally, Henderson knew about it. Get back to me as soon as you’ve got my cover.

Audrey: All right, I’m on it. [She hangs up. Edgar enters the service room.]

Edgar: What are you doing here, Chloe?

Chloe: Same thing you’re doing here.

Audrey: Edgar, thank you for coming.

Edgar: Look, whatever this is about, I don’t have a lot of time. We don’t have a single active lead on this nerve gas.

Audrey: That’s not exactly true. Jack is following a lead out in the field.

Edgar: How do you know?

Audrey: I just spoke with him.

Edgar: Everyone’s looking for him. Lynn issued an arrest warrant.

Chloe: That’s why we wanted to talk to you, Edgar. Lynn is losing it. First he went after Jack, then he took Bill Buchanen out of play.

Audrey: Lynn is incapable of leading us through this crisis.

Edgar: So you’re both working behind his back.

Audrey: We’re afraid that if we bring him into this, he might derail the only good lead that we have. We have to help Jack locate the nerve gas before it’s too late.

Edgar: What do you want from me?

Audrey: Cover for Chloe till Jack gets back. Please.

Edgar: OK.

Audrey: Thank you.

[Cut to the retreat. Novick is on the phone.]

04:10:44 … 04:10:45 … 04:10:46 … 03:10:47 …

Novick: OK, fine. … Yeah. [He hangs up.] That was Secret Service. As you can see [gestures at the television screen] the motorcade continues to make its way to the airport without incident.

Logan: There won’t be any warning, Mike. When these people attack, it will be fast and they will be merciless, you can count on that. I have to talk to this man, maybe I can convince him to hold on.

Novick: Hold on?

Logan: Just until Martha gets out of the car. She wasn’t supposed to be a part of this in the first place.

Novick: Sir, I don’t think that would change his plan.

Logan: He has to know that my wife’s in the car. I can’t lose her, Mike.

Novick: The only way to keep Martha safe is for me to call Secret Service and turn the motorcade around.

Logan: What about – what about CTU? Do they have any active leads on the nerve gas?

Novick: As of five minutes ago they don’t – nothing that would help our situation.

Logan: What am I missing, Mike? There’s gotta be some way out; something that I’m not seeing!

Novick: You’re not missing anything. Any action we take to save Martha will also save the Suvarovs, and if that happens, the terrorists will release the gas. Unfortunately, it’s that simple.

Logan: Then there’s nothing more we can do. Unless I warn them, Martha’s going to die with the Suvarovs.

[In the limo, Martha knocks on the panel dividing the car. Aaron lowers it.]

Martha: [quietly] Aaron, have there been any changes?

Aaron: Excuse me? Changes to what, Mrs Logan?

Martha: I was just wondering if there had been any changes to our route.

Aaron: We haven’t got any revised instructions.

Martha: Thank you.

Anna: You sure you’re all right, Martha?

Martha: Yes, yes I just wanted to make sure we don’t run into any heavy traffic.

04:12:47 … 04:12:48 … 04:12:49 …

04:17:02 … 04:17:03 … 04:17:04 … 04:17:05 … 04:17:06 … 04:17:07 … 04:17:08 …

[Split screen, with the Suvarov’s motorcade; Martha in the limo; Logan; and Bierko watching the motorcade on his laptop.]

[Cut to CTU.]

Carrie: [on the phone] Understood. Those protocols should be over shortly.

Man: OK, thank you.

[Mcgill is standing nearby.]

Mcgill: Who were you on the phone with?

Carrie: Homeland Security.

Mcgill: I gave you specific orders to have everyone’s screens mirrored to mine.

Carrie: I’ve been doing that.

Mcgill: But you’re not finished, yet somehow you have time to chat with Homeland Security.

Carrie: They needed us to give them updated code sets. It’ll just take another minute.

Mcgill: No, it won’t. Stiles, finish her task. Carrie, you’re done.

Carrie: What do you mean, “done”?

Mcgill: [angry] Fired. You don’t work here anyone.

[Carrie is upset, and gets up and walks away.]

Edgar: Mcgill, it’s not her fault, it’s just –

Mcgill: Edgar, one more word out of you, you walk out with her. What’s it gonna be? [Edgar looks away.] Where’s Agent O’Brien?

Edgar: She had to step away for a minute.

Mcgill: Where?

Edgar: I don’t know.

[Mcgill walks away. He is suspicious.]

[Cut to Jack. He enters the car park of Omicron International.]

Jack: [on the phone to Audrey and Chloe] OK, I’m through the gate. I’m pulling into a parking space now. [He parks and gets out of the car.] How’s my cover?

Chloe: Jack, I’m still trying to get your credentials into Omicron’s system; you can’t get into the building without them.

Jack: What’s the problem?

Audrey: Omicron’s systems don’t refresh often enough. We need to push this page in manually.

Chloe: OK, I’m in. You’re going in under the name of John Barrie. B-A-R-R-I-E. You’re with a company called Eclipse LLC.

Jack: John Barrie, Eclipse LLC. I got it.

Audrey: Hold on a second, she hasn’t planted it yet.

[Mcgill enters.]

Mcgill: Chloe! What are you doing in here?

Audrey: I asked her to help me.

Mcgill: She doesn’t work for you, Ms Raines, she works for me.

Audrey: But I don’t, and DOD has priority over CTU.

Mcgill: We are in the middle of a real time investigation and we’re understaffed. Chloe’s a department head; you can’t just take her away from me.

Audrey: I’m not taking her away from you. We needed a system patch on the server, and Chloe’s the only one who could fix it.

Mcgill: Well then you come to me and you ask me. Everything in this office runs through me.

Audrey: Lynn, we are all trying to do the same thing. Can we please just get past this?

Mcgill: Yeah, I’m past it. I want Chloe back.

Chloe: OK, I’m finished here. Sorry Mr Mcgill, it won’t happen again. [She walks out. Mcgill follows her. Audrey  sits down at the computer.]

[Jack enters Omicron’s building. He approaches the security desk.]

Jack: Good afternoon, I’m John Barrie with Eclipse. I’ve got a 4:30 with R&D.

[The security guard checks on the computer.]

Guard: Thumb print please. Go on in.

Jack: Thank you. [He walks in and down the corridor. He enters an office. A secretary – Joanna – sits at her desk.]

Henderson: [over phone] I’ll tell you what you can do; you can kick the meeting to next week on Thursday, but keep everything else.

Joanna: What about your trip to Washington?

Henderson: That’s right, OK. Well I gotta talk to Cager tomorrow morning, I’ll get back to you then.

Joanna: [to Jack] Can I help you, sir?

Jack: Yeah, I’m sorry, I’m a little lost, I was looking for the men’s room?

Joanna: Over there. [gestures] Second door.

Jack: Thank you. [He leaves and calls Audrey.]

Audrey: Audrey Raines.

Jack: It’s Jack, I need you to lose a secretary. Her name is Joanna Tandy.

Audrey: All right, I’ll take care of it. [She hangs up. She searches for Joanna’s phone number and calls her.]

Joanna: Christopher Henderson’s office.

Audrey: Ms Tandy?

Joanna: Yes?

Audrey: This is Jane Espinson from Accounting. We need you to come down now and double check some of these invoices.

Joanna: What invoices?

Audrey: It’s a little difficult to explain over the phone. Would you mind popping down for just a minute?

Joanna: Fine.

Audrey: Thank you.

[Joanna leaves the office. Jack pulls out his gun and enters Henderson’s office. Henderson tasers him. Jack falls to the ground. Henderson holds some smelling salts under his nose.]

Henderson: Jack. Jack.

[Jack wakes. Henderson is holding a gun on him.]

Henderson: Just for the record, I never believed you were dead. What are you doing here?

Jack: Earlier this morning terrorists gained control of a large quantity of sentox VX nerve gas. Omicron manufactured it. When I pulled up the executive list, your name was on it.

Henderson: Sure my name’s on it. I work here. Omicron had a contract, we manufactured the stuff, but every single gram of it went to the Department of Defence. It’s all been accounted for.

Jack: Well, that can’t be true now can it. We have confirmation that the terrorists are in control of 19 canisters of sentox.

Henderson: Well what are you accusing me now of Jack, being in bed with terrorists?

Jack: I’m following the leads.

Henderson: Well, the leads are wrong. DOD destroyed the entire stockpile.

Jack: Sentox was responsible for the deaths of the people in the Sunrise Hills mall less than two hours ago.

Henderson: The news said it was chlorine gas.

Jack: That was a cover story to stop a widespread panic. Come on, Christopher, you know how this works. The terrorists have threatened to release the rest of the gas.

Henderson: Good God. Well, whoever’s implicating me in this knows my history with CTU. I mean, I’m an easy target. This is not a coincidence. Look, Jack, I know there’s dirt between us, but I swear to you, I got nothing to do with this.

Jack: Yeah, well, I’m sorry, I can’t afford to take your word on this.

Henderson: Well, you’re gonna have to take my word –

Jack: Eleven people died in that mall. Hundreds of thousands of others will if they release the rest of that sentox.

Henderson: You’re not hearing me Jack, I had nothing to do with this.

Jack: Then prove it to me.

[Henderson gives him the gun. Jack puts it back in his belt. Henderson moves to the computer.]

Jack: I need complete access to Omicron’s sentox program.

Henderson: Doing it now. The entire operation was run from a bunker across the campus.

Jack: Let me see the bunker.

Henderson: Let’s go. [They walk out the door.]

04:24:47 … 04:24:48 … 04:24:49 …

04:29:12 … 04:29:13 … 04:29:14 … 04:29:15 … 04:29:16 … 04:29:17 … 04:29:18 …

[Split screen, with Logan; Martha; and Audrey.]

[Cut to Edgar sitting at his desk. He surreptitiously checks to make sure Lynn isn’t watching, then walks away with some folders. He hands them to Chloe.]

Edgar: NSA analysis just came in; they decoded some words and phrases.

Chloe: Well what we they saying?

Edgar: It’s too scrambled to make any complete sentences, but number strings keep coming up. [significantly] Five, ten, five-ten.

Chloe: Freeways?

Edgar: Those are the route the Suvarovs are taking to the airport. The only other phrase I could decode referred to the downtown corridor.

Chloe: How long ago did this chatter start?

Edgar: Bout thirty minutes ago.

Chloe: Come on. [They walk away.]

[Cut to Mcgill’s office.]

Mcgill: Have we expanded the search area?

Curtis: I’ve got CTU air surveillance on everything east of Glenvale.

Mcgill: What about the north?

Curtis: Edward’s air force base is giving us support there.

Mcgill: We’re still on a dead end with finding new leads on the nerve gas.

Chloe: [entering] Excuse me, Mr Mcgill, we think there might be an attack on President Suvarov’s motorcade.

Mcgill: What?

Chloe: Edgar just monitored some chatter from NSA and ran a threat assessment.

Mcgill: What are you doing analysing chatter that isn’t related to finding the nerve gas?

Edgar: It came through on one of my filters.

Chloe: The point is, sir, we found something. Don’t you want to alert Secret Service, considering that Suvarov is on his way to the airport?

Mcgill: Based on an unsubstantiated theory from a couple of analysts? I think I’ve been embarrassed enough for one day.

Chloe: Can we at least devote some limited resources to try to confirm this threat?

Mcgill: I’m sorry, maybe I wasn’t clear – no! Now go downstairs and focus on what you’re supposed to be doing. [Chloe and Edgar leave angrily.]

Curtis: I don’t think it would be a bad idea to pass on the intel.

Mcgill: Well, I do. I don’t wanna hear another word about it. [Curtis leaves.]

[Cut to Bierko’s hideout. His phone rings.]

Bierko: Yes?

Henchmen: [at van] Our men are in place. How far out are they?

Bierko: The motorcade will be there in less than twenty minutes.

Henchman: Are you sure no one could interfere with us?

Bierko: I don’t think so. Logan knows the consequences if that happens, but be alert. Make sure they haven’t placed any of their people near you.

Henchman: If the police show up, we’ll deal with them.

Bierko: Good.

Henchman: I’ll call you when it’s over. [He hangs up.] [to the other men] Let’s go, let’s go.

04:31:42 … 04:31:43 … 04:31:44 … 04:31:45 …

Bierko: [to man working on the canisters] Keep them armed. If things don’t go as planned, I’ll use them here.

[Audrey approaches Mcgill’s office.]

Mcgill: I’m busy, Ms Raines.

Audrey: Lynn, I just looked at this chatter report, and I definitely think that we nee to let Secret Service know of this threat.

Mcgill: I’m not doing to repeat my orders to every person in this office individually. My people are not gonna chase that white elephant. They’re busy trying to locate 19 canisters of sentox nerve gas.

Audrey: Has it occurred to you that if this threat is real, it’s likely that the terrorists who have the sentox nerve gas are the same ones as are planning the attack?

Mcgill: [yelling] This is an unverified threat. If you wanna hand it off to NSA, be my guest.

Audrey: NSA can’t recall the motorcade without going through a time-consuming approval process.

Mcgill: Good! That process helps eliminate false threats.

Audrey: Look, we don’t have that time. According –

Mcgill: Ms Raines! Ms Raines. This office has made enough mistakes for one day, and I intend to stop the bleeding.

[Lynn is audible from outside the office.]

Mcgill: Now I want my people focussed on their work, or I will have you escorted out of here! Thank you!

[Audrey leaves. Mcgill is cracking up. Edgar, Chloe and Audrey exchange glances. Audrey sends them both a message, telling them to meet her in a corridor. They move away quickly.]

[Audrey, Edgar, and Chloe meet in the corridor.]

Audrey: I need to call this in to Secret Service, but they’re never gonna act on it unless Lynn verifies it.

Chloe: He’s never gonna back you up on this.

Audrey: Yes, he is. I need you to hack into Lynn’s account for me. I’ll forge a message to Secret Service and make it look like it came from him.

Edgar: That’s illegal.

Chloe: Fine. Edgar, I need you to put a blanket on my subnet to make it look like I’m doing something else.

Edgar: We could all end up in jail.

Chloe: Think about it for a second. The Russian President, his wife, about thirty-five Secret Service – all dead in a few minutes.

Edgar: All right, but for the record – this is not a good idea.

Audrey: I’ll compose the message. As soon as you have the forged verification file, call me. [They separate and move back to their desks. Audrey walks over to Curtis.]

Audrey: Curtis, excuse me. We need to talk.

Curtis: What is it?

Audrey: We’ve got a problem with Lynn.

Curtis: Yeah, I know. He’s not listening to anybody.

Audrey: Well, it’s gonna start costing lives.

Curtis: Give him some time. He’ll come around.

Audrey: Curtis, we don’t have time. We’ve got to get Bill back out here.

Curtis: That’s not gonna happen, Audrey.

Audrey: Well, we need to make it happen.

Curtis: What are you suggesting?

Audrey: Section 1-12.

Curtis: On what grounds?

Audrey: Lynn is mentally incapable of running CTU.

Curtis: I may not agree with all of his choices, but going from there to mentally unfit? That’s a stretch.

Audrey: No, it’s not, and you know it. You’ve seen him. With Bill in custody, you are the ranking agent. You are the only one who can invoke it.

Curtis: Look, Audrey, I don’t know –

Audrey: Yes, you do. Curtis, CTU is barely functional. You are the one who could turn it around.

Curtis: Even if I agreed, Section 1-12 requires documentation, tests, a lot of groundwork.

Audrey: The record of what is going on right now is documentation enough. Curtis, please. Think about it.

Curtis: I will.

Audrey: Good, thank you. [She walks away.]

[Cut to the Suvarov’s motorcade. Anna and Yuri look relaxed; Martha looks distracted. Logan looks upset, sitting in the retreat. Novick enters the room.]

Novick: Mr President.

Logan: Come in, Mike.

Novick: The motorcade is only fifteen minutes away from the airport.

Logan: They are? [sighs] My father always told me that life was about problem solving; that every problem had a solution. You tell me where the solution is on this one.

Novick: [shakes his head] I don’t have an answer, Mr President, but if you want the Suvarov motorcade to turn back, I need to do it now.

Logan: We know the terrorists are willing to kill civilians, and the low, the lowest end of the casualty rates on this one are one hundred thousand lives.

Novick: Yes, sir.

Logan: I decided before that I couldn’t risk all those lives to save one man, the Russian President. I can’t risk those lives now, even to save my own wife. Damn you, Martha, putting me in this position … You brought it on yourself. Mike … pray with me, Mike. [He kneels.]

Novick: Mr President, with all due respect, this is a personal matter. I don’t –

Logan: Please, Mike.

[Novick kneels as well. They pray.]

[Cut to CTU. Audrey, Chloe and Edgar are at their desks and talking over the phone.]

Audrey: How much longer till we can send this out?

Edgar: A couple more minutes. I’m almost hacked in.

Chloe: We don’t have a couple of minutes.

Edgar: I’m almost there. [Chloe’s screen goes black.]

Chloe: Oh no. Lynn cut us off.

Edgar: What do I do?

[Mcgill and several security guards walk in.]

Chloe: I think it’s too late to do anything.

[Mcgill approaches Edgar.]

Mcgill: Mr Stiles, did you really think I wouldn’t notice you trying to access my computer?

Audrey: Lynn, listen, we need to talk about this –

Mcgill: Shut up! These people are working against CTU protocols – that means they’re working against me.

Curtis: Lynn, what is this?

Audrey: We were trying to warn Secret Service of an attack on Suvarov’s motorcade.

Mcgill: Curtis, take Mr Stiles and Ms O’Brien, put ‘em in holding, and then escort Audrey Raines out of CTU.

Curtis: I can’t do that.

Mcgill: Yes, you can, Curtis. It’s a direct order, now do it.

Curtis: You forced them to work covertly. They had no choice. You’re not behaving rationally, Lynn.

Mcgill: [to security] You, and you, take them all into custody, including Mr Manning.

Curtis: If you try to carry out that command, I will draw my weapon.

Mcgill: If he draws his weapon, shoot him.

Curtis: This situation’s already getting out of control. Don’t make it worse.

Mcgill: Why are you hesitating? I gave you an order, now do it!

Guard: What would you like me to do, Mr Manning?

Mcgill: What?

Curtis: Lynn McGill, I’m relieving you of your command under the incapacity clause of Section 1-12.

Mcgill: You will do no such thing.

Curtis: Take him away.

Mcgill: You can’t do that. You can’t do that. [to guards] Don’t touch me! [to Curtis] This is an unjustified use of {unintelligible} my authority, you hear me? We’re in the middle of a crisis! [the guards lead him away] There are going to be repercussions. Everyone involved in this is gonna face prosecution.

[Curtis calls Security.]

Security: This is Security.

Curtis: This is Curtis Manning.

Security: Yes, sir?

Curtis: Release Bill Buchanen from holding and inform Division that he’s been reinstated as Director of CTU under Section 1-12 provisions.

Security: Right away, sir. [Curtis hangs up.]

Curtis: Everyone, get back to your stations.

04:40:44 … 04:40:45 … 04:40:46 …

04:45:12 … 04:45:13 … 04:45:14 … 04:45:15 … 04:45:16 … 04:45:17 … 04:45:18 …

[Split screen, with Mcgill in holding; Henderson and Jack; the Suvarovs; and Martha.]

[CTU. Bill and Curtis are walking into the main room.]

Bill: Fill me in.

Curtis: Chloe and Edgar detected chatter indicating a possible attack on President Suvarov’s motorcade on route to the airport.

Bill: How big is Suvarov’s route?

Curtis: We don’t know, but the most likely point of intercept is downtown corridor.

Bill: Secret Service been notified?

Curtis: Lynn refused to do so.

Bill: [to Chloe] Notify Secret Service now.

Chloe: We need your level one access code to override the firewall Lynn put up. 

Bill: Here. [hands it over]

Chloe: I need Carrie back; he fired her for no reason.

Bill: Have security reinstate her. Edgar. Pull up satellite on all possible intercept points and call the President.

Edgar: Yes, sir.

Bill: [to Curtis] Where are we on the location of the nerve gas canisters?

Curtis: No substantial progress.

Bill: [to Audrey] What about the lead Jack was following?

Audrey: He traced the sentox back to Omicron International where it was manufactured.

Bill: That where Jack is now?

Audrey: Yes.

Edgar: Mr Buchanen? President’s on the line.

Bill: Mr President, we have intelligence that indicates President Suvarov’s motorcade may be attacked in the next few minutes.

Logan: Is that so?

Bill: Yes, sir. We are in the process of notifying Secret Service. What we can tell you is that if the attack happens, it will occur in or around the downtown area. The motorcade is approaching that area now, sir. Mr President?

Novick: Bill. Mike Novick. The President is at a loss for words. His wife is in the Suvarov’s limousine.

Logan: Thank you. You’ve done a good job. [He hangs up] What do we do?

Novick: There’s nothing we can do, sir. CTU is informing the Secret Service, and no doubt they will take defensive measures, which makes the attack substantially less likely to succeed.

[Cut to the downtown corridor. The terrorists lie in wait. The motorcade approaches. Aaron hears a message over his earpiece.]

Aaron: Protocol red, protocol red. [to Martha and the Suvarovs] Hold on tight. We’re turning around. We just received intelligence about a threat to the motorcade.

Terrorist: They’re turning around!

[The terrorists open fire, taking down some of the Secret Service agents.]

Aaron: We’re under attack. We need back up now!

[The terrorists fire on the cars. An explosion destroys one car.]

Chloe: [watching via satellite] That’s an explosion; the motorcade’s been hit.

Martha: Aaron … Aaron. [Aaron lies still.] Oh God.

[Terrorists approach the limousine brandishing guns. They fire on the car using a flame thrower. Aaron recovers consciousness and shoots some of the terrorists, saving the Suvarovs and Martha. Several police cars arrive. In the car, Yuri hugs Anna. Martha is almost in tears.]

Martha: [to Aaron] Are you OK?

[Aaron nods.]

[At the retreat, Novick’s phone rings.]

Novick: Novick. … How badly? … What about Mrs Logan … I will, thank you. [He hangs up.] Your wife survived the attack. CTU intervened in time.

Logan: Thank God. What about the Suvarovs?

Novick: They were shaken up, but they’ll be OK.

Logan: He’s going to think I tipped off CTU. It won’t matter to him that I tried to keep my end of the bargain.

Novick: I agree. We need to prepare ourselves for the terrorists’ retaliation.

04:50:14 … 04:50:15 … 04:50:16 …

04:54:42 … 04:54:43 … 04:54:44 … 04:54:45 … 04:54:46 … 04:54:47 … 04:54:48 …

[Split screen, with the aftermath of the attack on the motorcade; Novick; and Logan.]

[Cut to the bunker with Jack and Henderson.]

Henderson: All the work on the sentox was run out of here.

Jack: How restricted was the access?

Henderson: Extremely. [He enters a code into a lock.] For security reasons, each defence contract was run out of its own protective bunker. Each bunker is a completely sealed environment. Nothing gets in, and nothing gets out. [He and Jack enter the main room, which contains a large server.] This is going to take some time – a few minutes anyway. I gotta merge some files, find out who was working on this project.

Jack: You’re senior Vice President – you don’t know?

Henderson: Give me a break, Jack, right thousand people work for this country. I gotta run a sort – this could take a minute. So how’s the honcho over at CTU now?

Jack: Bill Buchanen.

Henderson: Buchanen? What a stiff. No wonder everything’s going to hell over there; you guys keep getting rid of everyone who can do the job.

Jack: You made your own bed.

Henderson: You accused the wrong man, Jack.

Jack: I wasn’t the lead investigator; I showed them what I found.

Henderson: I was framed.

Jack: By who?

Henderson: Nina Myers, George Mason, who knows? But I’ll tell you the one thing that just hangs on me, the one thing that just hurts me is that you didn’t believe me.

Jack: You made it impossible to believe you. How could I possibly defend you? You wouldn’t even defend yourself.

Henderson: No one gave me the chance. [about computer] OK, we got something here. Lead scientist, sentox project. Alan Burkett. PhD.

Jack: I’m gonna need to speak to him.

Henderson: Well, you’re gonna have a problem. Died in a helicopter crash in Geneva two years ago. Let’s see what else we got. This is bizarre. Two other lead scientists on the sentox project – one drowned on a diving trip to the Bahamas, the other burned in a car accident two weeks later. What the hell is going on?

Jack: CTU’s gonna have to break it down. How do I upload the files and get them ready to transfer?

Henderson: We need IT. They’re next door. I’m gonna get somebody to help us. [He walks out the door.]

Jack: I’ll let CTU know that we’re sending the files over. [He tries the phone, but the line is static.] Hello? [He hangs up, and tries the other phone, then puts it down. He rushes to the door. It is locked. He checks Henderson’s box of files. It contains a bomb.] How could I be so stupid?

[Cut to the parking lot. Henderson is walking towards his car. He makes a phone call.]

Woman: Yes?

Henderson: Yeah, it’s me. I listened to everything Bauer had to say about the thumb drive; CTU does not have enough information to hurt us.

Woman: What about Bauer?

Henderson: Well, in about one minute, he’ll be dead. [He hangs up and drives away.]

[Jack frantically searches for a way out. He moves the bomb against the outer door and closes the interior door, then slides a filing cabinet in front of it.]

[Henderson uses a remote detonator to trigger the bomb.]

[Jack crawls out from the floor section under which he had been hiding.]

[Split screen, with Jack leaving the bunker; Henderson driving; the scene of the attack on the motorcade; and Lynn in holding. The scenes then change to Bierko and the nineteen canisters]

[Cut to the retreat.]

Novick: [on the phone] Look, tell the media we don’t know how the terrorists found out about the Suvarov’s route. We’re looking into it now. [He hangs up.]

Logan: Mike, I’ve been thinking that diplomatically we should play up the fact that Martha was in the vehicle.

Novick: Why’s that, sir?

Logan: It would get rid of any suspicion that we might have been short-changing Suvarov’s care. [His phone rings.] There he is. [He answers.] Hello.

Bierko: I thought we had an understanding.

Logan: I had nothing to do with this, you have to believe me.

Bierko: It was your job to make sure no one interfered with the attack on the Suvarovs.

Logan: It happened outside of my authority; I told no one.

Bierko: If Russia isn’t going to pay with the life of its President, then its new ally, the United States, will pay with the lives of its citizens. Mr President, this is our final conversation. Goodbye. [He hangs up.]

Logan: No. Wait!

04:59:57 … 04:59:58 … 04:59:59 … 05:00:00.

Kikavu ?

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