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24 heures chrono
#121 : 20h00 – 21h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 1 guide des épisodes 

Une nouvelle arrive à 20 heures précises : le sénateur Palmer a remporté les onze primaires. Il en profite pour fêter l’événement avec son équipe et se rapproche de Patty, une de ses plus grandes collaboratrices.
Jack réussit à prévenir Mason qu’il s’est fait piéger. Mason envoie donc une équipe à Saugus.
Kim est toujours détenue au commissariat avec Rick. Tony ramène Teri au quartier général. Mason décide de la tenir à l'écart des événements.


4.4 - 5 votes

Titre VO
8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Titre VF
20h00 – 21h00

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Première diffusion en France

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Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) et Mark DeSalvo (Lou Diamond Phillips) font équipe

Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) et Mark DeSalvo (Lou Diamond Phillips) font équipe

Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) et Victor Drazen (Dennis Hopper)

Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) et Victor Drazen (Dennis Hopper)

Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) a capturé son vieil ennemi Victor Drazen (Dennis Hopper)

Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) a capturé son vieil ennemi Victor Drazen (Dennis Hopper)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Joel Surnow & Michael Loceff
Réalisé par : Stephen Hopkins


• Kiefer Sutherland: Jack Bauer
• Leslie Hope : Teri Bauer
• Sarah Clarke : Nina Myers
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Dennis Haysbert : David Palmer

• Zeljko Ivanek : Andre Drazen
• Xander Berkeley : George Mason
• Jude Ciccolella : Mike Novick
• Tanya Wright : Patty Brooks
• Paul Schulze : Ryan Chappelle
• Navi Rawat : Melanie
• Darin Heames : Krugman
• Christian H:tings : Harris
• Penny Johnson Jerald : Sherry Palmer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• with Lou Diamond Phillips : Mark DeSalvo
• Dennis Hopper : Victor Drazen
• Jenn McCullough : Elaine
• Angelo Pagan : Drake
• Pete Antico : Barnes
• Jon E. Epstein : Al

Les premiers résultats des primaires tombent et il semble que le sénateur ait remporté la victoire dans la majorité des Etats concernés. Une petite réception est organisée pour fêter l'événement en attendant l'allocution télévisée prévue un peu plus tard dans la soirée.

Jack reclus dans un bunker qui est en fait une prison secrète, contacte la cellule pour demander l'intervention d'une équipe en renfort. Mason qui prend l'appel lui envoie une équipe pour l'aider à faire face à l'attaque probable du commando d'André Drazen pour libérer son père.

Au bureau de la cellule, Teri s'inquiète de ne pas avoir de nouvelles de Kim. Mason tente de la rassurer comme il peut, mais lui fait comprendre que son équipe a d'autres priorités pour le moment.

La petite fête au QG du Sénateur bat son plein, mais David Palmer doit se retirer avec son assistante Patty pour préparer le discours qu'il doit faire, un peu plus tard dans la soirée. Dans le bunker, la situation devient critique.

Le commando passe à l'attaque. Drazen, qui a pris en otage De Salvo, tente de négocier la libération de son père que Jack retient de son côté. Jack, qui ne veut pas mettre la vie de De Salvo en danger, accepte malgré lui, mais pour rien car De Salvo est abattu et Jack se retrouve à son tour otage des Drazen, maintenant réunis. Kim est toujours retenue en détention à la "brigade des stups" depuis la descente montée par la police pour l'arrestation de Franck.

La tension monte entre elle et Mélanie qui tente de l'intimider et de la mettre en difficulté aux yeux des autres. Mais, loin d'être impressionnée, elle lui donne les grandes lignes des évènements qu'elle a traversé au cours de ces dernières heures. Les hommes de la Cellule Antiterroriste arrivent sur le lieu indiqué par Mason. Les issues sont verrouillées.

Ils tentent de repérer les lieux avant de forcer le passage pour pénétrer à l'intérieur, dès que Mason en aura donné l'ordre. A l'intérieur, Jack et Victor Drazen s'expliquent sur l'opération crépuscule au Kossovo, 2 ans plus tôt, au cours de laquelle il était censé avoir trouvé la mort. A son QG, David Palmer met la touche finale à son discours et tente de se détendre. C'est alors que Patty commence à flirter avec lui.

Touché, le Sénateur ne relève pas le comportement pourtant un peu déplacé de Patty. A la cellule, Mason reçoit un coup de téléphone de Chappelle, le responsable de la division. Ce dernier est furieux de l'initiative qu'a prise Mason d'envoyer une équipe pour soutenir Bauer et les hommes de De Salvo.

Si la presse venait à apprendre que le gouvernement détenait Victor Drazen, les services secrets se retrouveraient dans une situation délicate. Grâce à la modification du témoignage de Mélanie, le policier en charge de l'affaire pour laquelle Kim avait été interpellée a vérifié son histoire. Il contacte la Cellule pour les informer qu'il détient Kim et propose de la reconduire à l'agence.

Tony informe immédiatement Teri qui est soulagée. Mais son répit est de courte durée, car Nina l'informe que Jack est retenu en otage et qu'il est en danger. Elle lui certifie que la cellule fait tout pour lui venir en aide.

Au bunker, justement, l'équipe d'intervention de la Cellule donne l'assaut au signal de Mason qui a choisi de désobéir aux ordres de Chappelle. Mais le site a été piégé par le commando des Drazen et l'équipe est fortement ralentie. Les Drazen ont réussi à sortir et s'apprêtent à exécuter Jack, qui pour se protéger, essaye des les convaincre de le garder en vie en échange d'informations qui pourraient leur permettre de retrouver Alexis. André Drazen accepte sa proposition.

En route pour l'agence, Kim et le policier qui l'accompagne sont victimes d'un accident de la route. Un commando masqué sort du véhicule qui les a percutés.

Season 1, Episode 21 Transcript

Jack Bauer voice over: Right now, terrorists are plotting to assassinate a presidential candidate. My wife and daughter have been targeted. And people that I work with may be involved in both. I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer, and today is the longest day of my life.
Previously on 24:
Sherry Palmer: You just gave your concession speech.
David Palmer: That remains to be seen.
Sherry Palmer: I only hope your conscience comforts you when you finally realize this is all over.
David Palmer: You mean the campaign or us?
Teri Bauer: I saw the car explode. I lost my daughter.
Tony Almeida: Hey! Kim is alive. She got out before the explosion. I talked to her.
Krugman: Hey, look. I'm gonna stick you back in the holding cell. Maybe that'll convince you not to screw around.
Kim Bauer: Call this number. Tell them that I am Jack Bauer's daughter and that I'm here. Ask them if they think I'm screwing around.
Mark DeSalvo: This is a prison facility, so what the hell are you doing here?
Jack Bauer: The people that want Palmer dead bribed someone from the power company. Something's gonna happen here then, isn't it?
Mark DeSalvo: A prisoner is being delivered by chopper. His identity's classified even from me.
Jack Bauer: That's impossible.
Mark DeSalvo: You recognize him?
Jack Bauer: That's Victor Drazen, the man I killed two years ago.
Harris: You still haven't heard from your brother?
Andre Drazen: You seem anxious, Harris. Just get your men ready. It's time. The idea is to get my father out of prison. This is the best chance we'll ever have.
Jack Bauer: Get against the wall.
Victor Drazen: They’re here.
The following takes place between 8:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. on the day of the California Presidential Primary.
News Reporter on TV: Well, it's official. The polls have just closed minutes ago in California, and the big story: Senator David Palmer seems to have swept California and every other state that held a primary this Super Tuesday. And it looks like he may have gotten a late boost based on the roller-coaster events of his day. Earlier this evening, the senator held an emergency press conference to disclose the details of a scandal involving both his son and his primary financial backers. Palmer claims to have been unaware of any wrongdoing…
[Melanie is brought into Kim's holding cell.]
Melanie: You're in my seat.
Kim Bauer: Fine.
[Kim goes to sit somewhere else.]
Melanie: I said, that's my seat.
[Kim gets up and stands instead of letting Melanie get to her.]
David Palmer: And how about you?
Woman: Well…
Mike Novick: Would you excuse us for a moment?
Woman: Sure.
Mike Novick: Thanks a lot.
David Palmer: I’ll see you soon.
Mike Novick: 11 for 11, my friend. Congratulations. You did it.
David Palmer: We did it.
Mike Novick: That's not the best part. Fox News just did an instant poll. 83 percent approved of the way you handled the Ferragamo situation.
David Palmer: Boy, that is great! Have we heard from Ames or his people?
Mike Novick: They're all too busy running for cover. We don't wanna get cocky, but so far it couldn't have turned out better.
David Palmer: Everyone, listen up. In a bit, I'm going to give a speech to the country. We have a number of primaries in the coming months, so technically it's not a victory speech. But I'm gonna make it sound like one anyway. Now, as you know, in many ways this has been a difficult day for my family. And I am confident that being open and honest was the right thing to do, and that things will be resolved fairly for everyone concerned. And, in the meantime, I wanna thank everyone in this room for their support. This is our victory. This is our night. And I just wanna give one last order, which will be obeyed with no exceptions whatsoever. Enjoy the rest of the evening.
George Mason: Division wants an update on the Palmer threat assessment in half an hour. With our boy, Alexis, under control, that threat may be minimal.
[The phone rings.]
Agent: Nina, it's your line.
Nina Myers: Go ahead.
George Mason: Do what you can to get everyone together on that.
Agent: Nina Myers’ line.
Nina Myers: I understand.
Agent: It's Bauer.
George Mason: I got it.
[Mason takes the call from Jack.]
George Mason: Jack, what the hell's going on?
Jack Bauer: George, listen up. The field that we were standing in is hiding an underground class-three detention facility. It's being used as a prison to house Victor Drazen.
George Mason: Wait a minute, what are you talking about? You said you took him out two years ago.
Nina Myers: Well, apparently not. I'm staring straight at him. Look, George, there's a team in place. They're ready to attack us as we speak. They've already cut off the power. I need you to send in a field unit now. George, what are you gonna do?
George Mason: All right, I'll call Division.
Nina Myers: Forget about Division. By the time you get approval, this whole thing will be over. If Victor Drazen escapes, it'll be our fault. George, you know what this man can do. You decide.
[Jack hangs up.]
Nina Myers: What's going on?
George Mason: Dispatch a field unit to the location Jack and I were checking out in Saugus. I’ll clear it from my end. Get a hold of Chappelle immediately.
Nina Myers: George, what is going on? Is Jack all right?
George Mason: You know, it’s such a shame. You're wasting the best years of your life on a married man.
Nina Myers: George…
George Mason: And picking up Almeida on the rebound? What’s that about?
Nina Myers: Hey, that is out of line.
George Mason: No, you're out of line. Think about it. I'm just trying to be a friend here.
Nina Myers: George, just tell me if he's…
[Tony and Teri enter CTU.]
Tony Almeida: Nina, where's Jack?
Nina Myers: Teri, thank God you're OK.
Teri Bauer: Any word on Kim?
Nina Myers: No, not yet. But we're working on it.
Teri Bauer: I need to talk to Jack.
Nina Myers: Oh, you can’t. He's not here. He's on assignment.
Teri Bauer: On assignment? Has he been told what happened to us at the safe house?
Nina Myers: Well, not yet.
Teri Bauer: Why not?
Nina Myers: Because we can't get a hold of him.
Teri Bauer: Well, get a hold of him now.
Nina Myers: Teri, I'm sorry. It's just not possible.
Teri Bauer: Nina, I want to talk to Jack.
Nina Myers: I understand, but Jack's in a situation where he needs our support. We're doing everything we can to give it to him.
Teri Bauer: What kind of situation?
Nina Myers: That's all I can tell you right now. What I need you to do is come into the conference room and tell me everything that happened at your house before Tony arrived.
Teri Bauer: I already told Tony everything I knew on the way over in the car.
Nina Myers: But it won't hurt to go over it again. Any details you can give us will help us, and they will help Jack.
Teri Bauer: All right, but I need to know what's going on with my family.
Nina Myers: I know, and I promise I'll give you an update as soon as I have one. All right?
[Jack and DeSalvo lead Victor Drazen down one of the underground hallways.]
Jack Bauer: Stand against the door.
Mark DeSalvo: Lawrence, what's going on out there? Lawrence, do you copy? Ray, this is DeSalvo. Come in. Ray!
Jack Bauer: We gotta get out of here. Which way?
Mark DeSalvo: The flood egress is to the right.
Jack Bauer: Open the door slowly. Step out into the middle of the hall. Turn to your right. Keep moving.
Mark DeSalvo: Lawrence, where are you? Lawrence, do you copy?
Jack Bauer: We have to get out of this hallway. We're too exposed.
Mark DeSalvo: All right. What's the plan? How are they gonna break you out of here? You son of a bitch, if any of my men die…
Jack Bauer: What area of this building is most defendable?
[An explosion blasts an entrance.]
Jack Bauer: Let's get out of here. Move.
Mark DeSalvo: Fall back. Defend the retreat.
Jack Bauer: Turn around.
[Mason is engaged in a bureaucratic phone battle on Jack's behalf.]
George Mason: I've been trying to get a hold of Chappelle for the last ten minutes. Look, whatever he's doing, this is more important, trust me.
Man: Important how?
George Mason: Well, for starters, I sent a CTU field unit over to a DOD facility. I need to have some unity of command.
Man: Well, all I can do is give him a message.
George Mason: All right. Just get him to call me as soon as he can.
Man: I’ll work on it.
[Teri comes into Mason’s office.]
George Mason: Mrs. Bauer.
Teri Bauer: Teri.
George Mason: George Mason. I thought you were being debriefed.
Teri Bauer: I know you’re busy, but Nina won't tell me anything, and I need to know what's going on with Kim.
George Mason: Look, I'm afraid I don't know any more than Nina does, but I'm sure Kim's safe.
Teri Bauer: Well, I wish I could believe that, but… Based on what?
George Mason: Well, I haven't been fully briefed, but according to Tony, the man that attacked you at your house asked where she was, right?
Teri Bauer: Yes.
George Mason: Well, so that means they're looking for her too, and as time passes it gets harder for them and easier for us. There's only a few of them, whereas we can cover the whole city. And believe me, we are. I want you to know Jack is extremely important to all of us here, and nobody's gonna rest easy until your daughter's back with you, safe and sound.
Teri Bauer: Thank you.
George Mason: Right. Just doing my job.
[The phone rings. Mason answers it.]
George Mason: Mason.
Nina Myers: George, it's Nina.
George Mason: Uh-huh?
Nina Myers: Our unit will be on site in about 15 minutes. They wanna know who's in command, us or DOD.
George Mason: We are. Let me know as soon as they're on site.
Nina Myers: All right.
Teri Bauer: Was that about Jack?
George Mason: Teri, we got a lot of things going on right now. As soon as we get word from Jack, we'll let you know.
Teri Bauer: You've been very kind.
George Mason: I’m gonna have my assistant Rebecca look after you. You let her know if you need anything, OK? Do me a favor, keep your chin up, all right?
[Teri leaves Mason’s office. Mason calls his assistant.]
George Mason: Rebecca.
Rebecca: Yeah, George?
George Mason: I'm sending Jack's wife down. Babysit her for me, will you?
Rebecca: OK, sure. But what do you want me to do with her?
George Mason: Whatever. I don't care what you do with her. Just keep her out of my face, OK?
Rebecca: Got it.
David Palmer: Where's Patty?
Mike Novick: She's finishing up your speech.
David Palmer: Hold that for me. I'll be right back.
Woman: Senator.
David Palmer: Thank you.
Man: Congratulations.
David Palmer: Hey.
Man: Looks like you're going to the White House.
David Palmer: You know what? We'll know by the end of the day.
Man: Congratulations.
[Palmer opens the door. Patty is inside the other room.]
David Palmer: Hey, we missed you out there.
Patty Brooks: Hi. I'm uh… just going through it one last time. I made the changes you asked for.
[Palmer looks at the speech.]
David Palmer: Oh, yeah. That's much better.
Patty Brooks: I'm glad you like it. I can't believe you won all 11 primaries. You and your family must be so happy.
David Palmer: Yeah, we are.
Patty Brooks: Are you OK?
David Palmer: Yeah. Yeah, it's just all catching up with me. It's been a long day. You know what, Patty? Why don't we move the second paragraph to the end? That'll close with the note about party unity.
Patty Brooks: That's a good idea. Uh, Senator?
David Palmer: Yes, Patty?
Patty Brooks: There's, um, something I've been wanting to tell you, but every time I start it just seems inappropriate.
David Palmer: What is it?
Patty Brooks: Well, it's just that, um… I wanted to tell you how much I admire you. I don't see very many people who stand by their principles the way that you do. And I truly believe our country would be a better place with you leading it.
David Palmer: Well!
Patty Brooks: What is it?
David Palmer: Nothing. I'm just a little flustered. What a wonderful and unexpected compliment.
Patty Brooks: Well, I'll just switch those paragraphs.
David Palmer: All right.
George Mason: Barnes, this is Mason. What's your 20?
Barnes: We're approaching the site.
George Mason: What's going on down there? Barnes?
Barnes: Looks like the door's been blown in.
George Mason: Are there hostiles inside?
Barnes: There must be. No activity here. We're preparing to go in.
[Andre Drazen's team enters the detention hallway.]
Mark DeSalvo: Take cover! Take cover!
Andre Drazen: Father!
Victor Drazen: Andre!
[Jack trains his gun on Victor.]
Jack Bauer: Stand down or I'll shoot him!
Harris: Let him go!
Andre Drazen: Let my father go, Bauer!
Jack Bauer: Drop your weapons! Stay back or I will shoot him!
Andre Drazen: You don't stand a chance!
Jack Bauer: Drop it or he’s dead!
Andre Drazen: Drop it now. You're surrounded!
Jack Bauer: Back off! Drop your weapons or I will shoot!
[Andre shows up holding DeSalvo at gunpoint.]
Andre Drazen: Let my father go right now or this man dies.
Jack Bauer: Drop your weapons!
Andre Drazen: I'll kill him, Bauer.
Mark DeSalvo: Don't do it, Bauer! Don't release that prisoner.
Jack Bauer: Drop your weapons or I will shoot him! Drop your weapons!
Mark DeSalvo: Don't do it, Bauer! Don't do it!
Andre Drazen: Drop it! I'll give you three seconds. One. Two.
Jack Bauer: The weapon's up!
[Jack releases Victor. Andre shoots DeSalvo anyway.]
Jack Bauer: No!
Andre Drazen: Father!
Victor Drazen: Andre! Where is Alexis?
Andre Drazen: He's been out of touch for some time. We have to assume the worst.
Harris: Hostiles outside the main entrance.
Victor Drazen: How many?
Harris: At least a dozen, all well-armed.
Victor Drazen: Collapse the corridor immediately.
Harris: Let's hustle, men. Down here. Down here.
Victor Drazen: Take him. We may need him as a bargaining chip.
Andre Drazen: Go, go, go!
[Harris collapses the corridor using a bomb.]
Jack Bauer: That was a mistake. Now you're trapped.
Victor Drazen: We will see.
Girl #1: I told you, don't mess with me. Now, you got something that belongs to me and you better give it up right now.
Girl #2: I ain't got nothing.
Girl #1: Hey, we’re cool. That’s all. I'm your friend.
Girl #2: We’re cool if you and your girls back off.
[The girls start a fight.]
Girl #1: You holding out on me? You a bad girl.
Melanie: When we get out of here, maybe I'll mess you up just like that.
Kim Bauer: What is your problem?
Melanie: You.
Kim Bauer: Me? The only reason why I’m in here is because you told the cops I was a part of the deal.
Melanie: You were a part of the deal.
Kim Bauer: I didn't even know it was happening.
Melanie: Nobody told you to come over.
Kim Bauer: Look, if this is about Rick…
Melanie: Rick? You think I care about that loser?
Kim Bauer: He's not a loser.
Melanie: He kidnaps you, almost gets you killed, and you defend him?
Kim Bauer: He didn't know what was going on.
Melanie: Like I said, he's a loser.
[Kim shakes her head.]
Melanie: What are you shaking your head for? You're Daddy's little girl. You get everything handed to you.
Kim Bauer: Shut up! I have been listening to this crap all day. About how I get everything I want, and how my life is so great and everyone else's life sucks. Well, you wanna know something? You don't know anything about me. Last night I was kidnapped, tied up in a back of a trunk, and then I got to see your friend Dan gets shot in the head. You take all the bad luck you've had in your entire life, it wouldn't fit into half of what's happened to me in the past 24 hours. So messing me up may not be as easy as you think. But if you wanna try, bring it on - here, outside, any place you like.
[Victor confronts Jack about his seeking revenge.]
Victor Drazen: You think I am a monster because I want revenge on your wife and daughter as well as on you.
Jack Bauer: You were a monster long before you ever heard of me.
Victor Drazen: Oh, I see. You consider yourself informed. You have read magazines. You have studied intelligence reports, filed by people who tell their superiors only what they want to hear. And you have the audacity to judge me?
Jack Bauer: When does your suffering end, Victor? After you've killed me and Senator Palmer and all the thousands of other enemies you have?
Victor Drazen: Yes. Simple, is it not?
Jack Bauer: You're insane. It's a psychotic fantasy.
Victor Drazen: A fantasy which is coming closer and closer to a reality.
[Andre brings a cell phone with George Mason on the line.]
Victor Drazen: This is Victor Drazen. Whom am I speaking to?
George Mason: This is George Mason. I'm the District Director of the Counter Terrorist Unit in Los Angeles.
Victor Drazen: You will be the person I will be negotiating with?
George Mason: Negative. We do not negotiate with terrorists. I'm willing to listen to your concerns.
Victor Drazen: My main concern is Jack Bauer. Do you know him?
George Mason: Yes, I know him.
Victor Drazen: Do you want to see him alive again?
George Mason: How do I know he's alive?
[To prove that Jack is alive, Victor puts him on the phone.]
Jack Bauer: George.
George Mason: Yeah, yeah, it's me.
Jack Bauer: I've counted six of them. They’re heavily armed. They’ve got assault rifles, they’re…
[Victor jerks the phone away before Jack can give anymore information.]
Victor Drazen: As you hear, he is alive.
George Mason: I'll be speaking with my superiors and I'll get back to you.
[Mason hangs up.]
George Mason: Drazen's taken over command of the facility. He's got Jack. There's at least six of them. They've got assault weapons, they’ve got explosives. Get that information to the field unit.
Tony Almeida: Yeah.
George Mason: Bring up the layout of the facility.
Nina Myers: How did Jack sound?
George Mason: Alive. It's gonna be a long drawn-out process, Nina.
Nina Myers: I know the drill.
George Mason: And you know it may not turn out well. So if you want me to put somebody who's less emotionally involved on this, I will.
Nina Myers: I can do my job, George.
George Mason: OK. Any word from Chappelle?
Tony Almeida: I still can't get a hold of him.
George Mason: Unbelievable. Hope that bastard doesn't plan on blaming me if things go wrong.
[An officer approaches the holding cell. Lucy is afraid to be caught smoking a joint.]
Lucy: Take it.
Melanie: No way.
Lucy: I said take it.
Melanie: No.
[Lucy flicks the joint into Melanie's lap.]
Officer: Who's smoking pot?
Lucy: That one over there.
Melanie: No, she threw it at me.
Lucy: Bitch! Why are you lying?
Officer: Give it to me. Give it to me!
[Melanie hands the joint over to the officer.]
Officer: And who are you?
Melanie: I swear it wasn't me.
Officer: Oh, you're coming with me.
Kim Bauer: She's telling the truth.
Lucy: Don't make a liar out of me, Blondie.
Kim Bauer: No need. You are one.
[Lucy pushes Kim and the officer breaks up the tussle. The officer removes Lucy from the cell.]
Lucy: I didn't do nothing! Get off of me! I didn't do nothing! I didn't do nothing! I'm gonna get you back, Blondie, don't you worry!
Melanie: Officer?
Lucy: Get off of me!
Melanie: Wait. I wanna talk to the cop who busted me today. I think his name is Krugman.
Officer: You wanna talk to him about what?
Melanie: What happened tonight. He wants to know about it, so tell him that I'm ready to talk.
Officer: Come on.
[The officer leads Melanie out of the cell.]
Jack Bauer: Two years ago in Kosovo the man who went into the building before the explosion obviously wasn't you. You were using a double.
Victor Drazen: A common technique. I am surprised your people were fooled by it.
Jack Bauer: That's not my point, Victor.
Victor Drazen: What is your point, Jack?
Jack Bauer: You were using a double. That means you thought you were a target. When you let that man get near your family, you put your family in danger. You're responsible for their deaths.
Victor Drazen: They were away on a trip. My daughter was ill. They returned one day earlier than expected. But, yes, I should have been more careful.
[With Victor's guard down, Jack knocks him to the floor. Andre quickly cold-cocks Jack.]
Andre Drazen: Father, are you all right?
Victor Drazen: Over the last two years I have accepted my share of responsibility for the death of my family. This is the day you accept your share.
Andre Drazen: Come, Dada.
Victor Drazen: Make sure he does not die.
[Andre beats Jack senseless.]
[Patty knocks on Palmer’s hotel room door.]
David Palmer: Come.
Patty Brooks: Is this what you wanted?
[Patty hands Palmer the speech she rewrote.]
David Palmer: Mm-hm. Much better.
Elaine: Senator?
David Palmer: Yeah, Elaine?
Elaine: Mike says they're ready for you downstairs anytime.
David Palmer: OK. Tell him I'll be down in 20 minutes. Do you have a copy for the TelePrompTer?
Patty Brooks: Uh, it's this one. All but the last page.
[Patty hands the speech to Elaine.]
Elaine: OK. Thanks.
[Elaine leaves the room.]
Patty Brooks: Would you like to be left alone?
David Palmer: No. You can work in here if you want.
[Patty watches as Palmer memorizes his speech. He feels her looking at him and she becomes embarrassed.]
Patty Brooks: I'm sorry.
David Palmer: What is it?
Patty Brooks: It's just that I feel bad that this day has been tainted for you.
David Palmer: Don't feel bad for me. It's Keith and Nicole who have been suffering.
Patty Brooks: Excuse me for saying this, Senator, but you do that too much.
David Palmer: Do what?
Patty Brooks: You worry about everybody else. You take care of everybody else. Who takes care of you?
David Palmer: You all take care of me.
Patty Brooks: No. We all want to, but planning schedules and writing speeches isn't taking care of someone.
David Palmer: I'm fine, Patty.
[Patty begins to gently massage Palmer’s shoulders, but he stops her.]
Patty Brooks: Just relax. You need this.
David Palmer: Oh, that does feel good. I appreciate it, Patty. I really do. But if I get too comfortable, I may not get off this couch.
Patty Brooks: Yeah, well, uh… I’ll just go prepare tomorrow's briefing with Mike. Excuse me.
[Patty leaves the room.]
[The phone rings.]
Nina Myers: CTU. Myers.
Woman: Ryan Chappelle calling for George Mason.
Nina Myers: Yes. I'll put you through.
[Nina puts the call through to Mason.]
George Mason: Mason.
Nina Myers: It's Chappelle.
George Mason: Ryan, it’s about time. I’ve been trying to reach you for the past half-hour.
Ryan Chappelle: Yeah. Well, I've been getting reamed by DOD and the Pentagon. But I think I've managed to untangle the mess you've made.
George Mason: The mess I made? What are you talking about?
Ryan Chappelle: You should have kept Bauer on a tighter leash, a lot tighter.
George Mason: Look, I'm not in love with the guy either, but he delivers.
Ryan Chappelle: Oh, really?
George Mason: Come on, Ryan, let's face it, if it wasn't for Jack, Victor Drazen would have escaped, which would have been pretty embarrassing for a few fairly high-ranking individuals, if I'm not mistaken.
Ryan Chappelle: You're very mistaken.
George Mason: I beg your pardon?
Ryan Chappelle: Come on, George. Think it through. Drazen wasn't officially a prisoner, right? So he couldn't officially escape. It wouldn't have embarrassed anyone. It would have been…
George Mason: A nonevent.
Ryan Chappelle: Exactly. Instead, we’ve got an assault team out there with all kinds of people in the loop. Soon the cops will get wind of it, and then, God forbid, the press. You wanna talk about embarrassing? Now, we have to end this thing. And I'm not talking hours, I'm talking minutes.
George Mason: What about Bauer?
Ryan Chappelle: Nobody asked him to go out there tonight. Now, get on with it, or I'll find someone who will.
[Chappelle hangs up. Mason calls Nina.]
Nina Myers: Yeah?
George Mason: I'm gonna have to order a full assault, starting in about five minutes. Team's making their final preparations. I'm sorry.
[The phone rings.]
Tony Almeida: CTU. Almeida.
Krugman: Yeah, this is Detective Krugman. We got a Kim Bauer down here.
Tony Almeida: Yes.
Krugman: She says she knows you.
Tony Almeida: Yeah, she's absolutely telling the truth.
Krugman: All right.
Tony Almeida: Are you sure she's OK?
Krugman: No, she's fine.
Tony Almeida: All right. Hang on a second. Her mother's here. She’s been worried sick. I wanna let her know, OK?
Krugman: Right.
[Tony calls Teri, who is in the conference room.]
Tony Almeida: Teri, it's Tony. Can you pick up?
Teri Bauer: Hello?
Tony Almeida: Look, we've found Kim. She's fine. She's in a local precinct. They're bringing her over here now.
Teri Bauer: Are you sure she's OK? Can I talk to her?
Tony Almeida: Not right now, but we'll put you through as soon as we can.
Teri Bauer: OK. You patch her through as soon as she calls. Thank you so much, Tony.
Tony Almeida: OK.�60;br> [Nina enters the conference room.]
Teri Bauer: They found Kim.
Nina Myers: They did?
Teri Bauer: Yeah.
Nina Myers: That's great. I'm so relieved. Um… Teri, I have some information about Jack. Why don't you sit down? We think he may have been captured by the same group that was after you and Kim.
Teri Bauer: Oh, my God!
Nina Myers: I know that sounds bad, but we have rescue teams on the site, and the people who have Jack have been completely surrounded. Teri… I know Jack. I know he will get out of this. I knew you'd want to be told.
[Teri cries.]
Radio: Team one is inside. Repeat: Team one is inside.
Soldier: Charges are in place. We are good to go.
[The phone rings.]
Nina Myers: Yeah?
George Mason: This is it.
[Nina listens in as Mason gives orders to the CTU troops descending upon the detention facility.]
George Mason: All right.
Soldier: What about Bauer?
George Mason: Just make sure you get Drazen. Go.
Soldier: Hit it. Go! Go!
Krugman: Kimberly.
Kim Bauer: What is it?
Krugman: We're releasing you.
Kim Bauer: Did you speak to my dad?
Krugman: No, but I talked to the people he works with. Melanie told me she lied before. She admitted you had nothing to do with the drug deal. So I called the number you gave me, and everything checked out. Sounds like you had a pretty tough day.
Kim Bauer: Yeah. Did you speak to my mom?
Krugman: Yeah. She's waiting for you at CTU.
Kim Bauer: Are you serious?
Krugman: I'm serious. I'm gonna drive you there myself. I already processed you out, so you can call her from the car if you want.
Kim Bauer: Great.
Mike Novick: Ready?
David Palmer: I think so.
Mike Novick: Would you do me a favor, David?
David Palmer: What's that, Mike?
Mike Novick: Smile. Not a politician's smile, a real one. You've been through hell today, but you've come through it. And tomorrow morning the fight starts again. But tonight you need to celebrate.
David Palmer: I'll be fine, Mike.
Mike Novick: Let go of it, just for a little bit.
David Palmer: I can't. This thing with Keith is just beginning. And as for Sherry and me? You've had a front-row seat today. You know it's not good.
Mike Novick: Let me explain something to you. Once you're in the White House, everything defers to the office. It's what you need to do the job. If it's your marriage that helps you… that's great. But if not… well, that's OK too. You can have whatever you want, David.
David Palmer: All right, Mike. Let's go. Patty.
Patty Brooks: Yes, Senator?
David Palmer: Thank you for all your help today.
Patty Brooks: Congratulations, sir.
David Palmer: Thank you.
Drake: Report.
Soldier: One dead body. No hostiles. Sector one secure. Sector Two secure. One dead body. Appears to be the warden - DeSalvo. No hostiles.
George Mason: Drake, this is Mason. What's going on down there?
Drake: The entire staff, including the warden, is dead. But Drazen's gone, and so is anyone else who was here. Looks like they broke through one of the walls. Some sort of tunnel. Maybe an old sewer system.
George Mason: Follow them. Drake? Drake?
Drake: It's booby-trapped. Laser mines.
George Mason: Can you disarm?
Drake: Given time.
George Mason: How much?
Drake: About a half-hour.
George Mason: Do what you can.
[Far from the detention facility, Drazen's troops emerge from underground with Jack in tow.]
Andre Drazen (to Jack): Get your hands back on your head.
Victor Drazen: Well done.
Andre Drazen: Father, we have less than three hours left. (to Jack) Get down.
[Victor is about to kill Jack.]
Jack Bauer: Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.
Victor Drazen: I will offer you one consolation. Your family will be joining you soon.
Jack Bauer: Your son Alexis - do you wanna see him again?
Victor Drazen: Alexis is dead.
Jack Bauer: No, he's not. We've got him.
Victor Drazen: You are lying.
Jack Bauer: How else would I know that he was supposed to have a meeting with one of Senator Palmer's staff, a woman named Elizabeth Nash, in room 1243 at 4:30 this afternoon?
Andre Drazen: Yeah, that much is true.
Jack Bauer: We captured him. I know where he is.
[Victor hesitates, but can not take a chance at his son's expense.]
Victor Drazen: Get him in!
[They allow Jack to live, and load him into the waiting car at the escape point.]
[Krugman drives Kimberly to CTU.]
Kim Bauer: Can I borrow your phone?
Krugman: Oh, yeah.
[Krugman hands his phone to Kim. She calls Teri.]
Teri Bauer: Hello?
Kim Bauer: Hey, Mom. It's me.
Teri Bauer: Hi, honey.
Kim Bauer: Can't wait to see you.
Teri Bauer: I can't wait to see you either. I'm so glad you're OK. I thought…
Kim Bauer: I know. I thought they had you again.
Teri Bauer: How did you end up in jail?
Kim Bauer: I'll tell you everything when I get there. Where is Dad?
Teri Bauer: He's not here. He's working. I'm hoping he'll call in very soon.
Kim Bauer: I love you so much, Mom. And I'm gonna be there in a few minutes, OK?
Teri Bauer: I love you too, honey.
Kim Bauer: Bye.
Teri Bauer: Bye.
[Kim hands the phone back to Krugman.]
Kim Bauer: Thanks.
Krugman: I'm real sorry about not believing you at first.
Kim Bauer: Don't worry about that. I’m not sure if I’d believe it myself. Watch out!
[Suddenly, the squad car is smashed by a van. Three masked men speaking Serbian and brandishing assault weapons ambush the car. They grab Kimberly.]
Kim Bauer: No! No! No! No! Get off of me! No! Get off of me! No! No! No!

écrit par RASTA

Kikavu ?

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Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

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