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24 heures chrono
#202 : 9h00 - 10h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 2 guide des épisodes

Le président Palmer essaye de rassurer la presse en acceptant un direct avec un journaliste au courant de l’alerte.
Pour pouvoir localiser Joe Wald, Jack infiltre sa bande en gagnant leur confiance.
Kim prend la fuite avec Megan pour la protéger de son père devenu trop violent.
Après avoir eu une confirmation sur le fait que la bombe pouvait exploser, George Mason veut quitter la ville pour être à l’abri.
Kate Warner tente de savoir qui est l’homme que sa sœur va épouser ce jour même. Elle veut savoir s’il a des liens avec un terroriste nommé Syed Ali.


4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Titre VF
9h00 - 10h00

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


 24 Season 2 Episode 2 Promo: No Conditions

24 Season 2 Episode 2 Promo: No Conditions


Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Joel Surnow & Michael Loceff
Réalisé par : Jon Cassar


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Sarah Wynter : Kate Warner
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Xander Berkeley : George Mason
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Dennis Haysbert : David Palmer

• Vicellous Shannon : Keith Palmer
• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• Skye McCole Bartusiak : Megan Matheson
• Billy Burke : Gary Matheson
• Timothy Carhart : Eric Rayburn
• Michelle Forbes : Lynne Kresge
• Sara Gilbert : Paula Schaeffer
• Laura Harris : Marie Warner
• Tracy Middendorf : Carla Matheson
• Phillip Rhys : Reza Naiyeer
• John Terry : Bob Warner
• Tamlyn Tomita : Jenny Dodge
• Jim Abele : Ralph Burton
• Michael Saad : Prime Minister
• Esther Chae : Mina
• Billy Mayo : Rosser
• Tony Lee : Deng
• R.A. Buck : Colonel Graham
• Boyuen : Jason Park
• Carl Ciarfalio : Marshall Goren
• Maz Jobrani : Marko Khatami
• Fred Toma : Basheer

QG "Norhwest Regional Operations Complex" Le président Palmer et sa conseillère Lynne parlent des eventuelles tactiques à adopter au sujet de la bombe. Faut-il ou non en informer et laisser donc faire Quantico et ses 600 tacticiens...

Le président insiste bien qu'il faut éviter une panique générale. Ensuite Lynne l'informe sur le travail de la NSA , à savoir trouver les terroristes du "Second Wave" et savoir d'où vient la bombe. Lieu de confection de la bombe nucléaire : Deux personnes chargent délicatement une grosse caisse dans un petit camion. Le camion s'en va, c 'est un camion de type "transport UPS".

Maison des Matheson : Kim est toujours à terre suite à la chute malencontreuse de Gary (ep 01). Ils sont figés, quand Gary reçoit un coup de fil... Kim et Megan en profitent pour s'enfuir.. La femme de Gary, la peur au ventre, leur donne ses clés et leur dit : "Allez-vous en !". Au meme moment Gary se rencontre que les filles ne sont plus là et court vers la sortie...

Kim arrive cependant à s'enfuir avec la voiture sous les menaces de mort de Gary... Garry telephone au service "trackcar" pour rechercher la voiture via satellite, et lui permettre de retrouver sa trace...

09:04 Michelle et Jack sont dans un hélicoptère. Ils parlent des modalités de la mission de Jack, la réintégration au sein du groupe de Joseph Wald (ep 01). Jack informe Michelle que d'après les photos du groupe, il en connaît un : Eddy Grey. Ils étaient amis lorsqu'il était en mission auparavant.

QG "Norhwest Regional Operations Complex" Lynne informe le président sur les questions que se pose la presse, son retour précipité de vacances...Palmer le charge de s'en occuper seul...

Eric dit au président qu'on a un vrai problème au QG, et que s'occuper des médias n'est pas important. Mais là Palmer rétorque que dans ce cas-là, on aura deux problèmes...

La panique générale en plus si l'information est divulguée malencontreusement... De retour vers l'hélicoptère (Michelle et Jack) Jack est deposé au lieu de sa voiture. Il téléphone au cat, et tombe sur Georges Mason, et lui demande où cela en est avec sa fille Kim, pour qu'elle soit à l'abri. Mais Mason l'informe qu'elle est introuvable...

Jack ne comprend pas, s'ennerve et insiste sur le fait qu'il fait la retrouver et faire vite...Mason ne bronche pas...

Maison des Matheson : Jack appelle Kim sur son portable mais elle n'est pas là ! Jack l'informe qu'il faut quitter L.A. sans plus de renseignements, qu'un agent Groophy, viendra la chercher pour  l'emmener chez tante Carol. Il insiste tendrement au téléphone et lui dit : " i love you, bye".

Siège de la C.A.T. :  Paula (informaticienne) l'informe sur son inquètude au sujet de la bombe. Pourquoi travailler sur L.A. alors qu'une bombe va exploser à L.A., mais Tony dit qu'on n'est jamais sûr des informations et s'en va discuter avec Mason... Mason a une piste.

Ils ont un van vide à la frontière contenant deux passeports. Et les noms correspondent à leur liste de suspects... Mason ordonne d'envoyer Groophy à ces deux adresses. Tony lui dit qu'on a promis à Jack de prendre sa fille, et insiste malgré lui. Mason ne veut rien savoir et continue...il ne veut pas louper une telle opportunité...

09:09 Jack se gare près d'un garage avec un sac à la main et y rentre. il demande à voir Joseph Wald mais le responsable fait la sourde oreille. Jack entame une autre tactique, il passe le comptoir. Il dit au type d'arrêter de jouer au cow-boy et de prévenir Joseph Wald que Jack est de retour ! Soudain Eddy apparaît et n'est pas très sûr des propos de Jack.

Il l'accuse d'avoir envoyé Joseph en prison. Mais Jack ne désèspère pas et arrive à faire changer d'avis Eddy. Il lui fait montrer la chose dans le sac, une surprise pour Joseph...la tête du Marshall Goren.

Eddy change d'avis et comprend que Goren ne pourra pas témoigner...Eddy dit : "Jack is ok !" et voilà Jack a reussi à s'intégrer en moins d'une heure dans cette éventuelle piste sur Joseph Wald...

09:16 QG "Norhwest Regional Operations Complex" Le président tient une conférence de presse, et essaye de cacher la menace difficilement mais sûrement, enfin pour l'instant...

Après la conférence, Palmer est informé par une responsable, Jenny, que Weeland, un journaliste, fouine plus qu'il n'en faut, et pense qu'il a deviné ce qui se trame...Weeland connaît tout sur tout...Palmer dit d'agir prudemment...

09:17 Voiture des Matheson : Kim et Megane sont en chemin vers le central de police. Mais soudain, Garry s'arrête devant elles, et leur dit de descendre. Kim s'enfuit en courant avec Megane et elles se cachent...Gary perd leur trace et crie après sa fille !

09:20 Lieu de travail du groupe à Eddy : Ses hommes sont en train de préparer des explosifs... Eddy informe un de ces hommes, Dave, que Jack travaille avec eux maintenant ! Mais Dave est plus qu'intrigué sur cette venue inopinée, "Comme ça sur un jour pareil dit-il...".

Jack lui fait dire qu'il a déjà fait ses preuves mais Dave parvient à convaincre Eddy de faire quand même une recherche vu l'enjeu... Jack commence à s'inquiéter...Il dit s'appeller Jack ROUSH à Dave.

Au siège de la C.A.T. : au même moment, Paula s'apreçoit qu'ils sont entrés dans le système pour s'informer sur Jack. Mais Michelle et Tony ne sont pas prêtes...  Pendant ce temps, Ave commence à se poser des questions et en dit un mot à Eddy, qu'il serait en train de lui mentir...la recherche continue...la tension est à son comble, car Eddy a sorti son flingue, Dave n'a toujours rien... Et subitement Dave a quelque chose sur Jack, la cat a donc reussi à temps ! Eddy parle à nouveau avec Jack et s'excuse...

Dave regarde cependant Jack d'un oeil perplexe... 09:28 QG "Norhwest Regional Operations Complex" Palmer parle avec Eric, et il est étonné que rien n'avance dans l'enquête. Eric lui dit simplement qu'il a été prévenu trop tard...et que le président devrait prévenir le Pentagone...

Lynne lui dit que Ron Weeland a réussi à obtenir un direct de 10 minutes à la télé, selon les informations de Jenny.

Palmer s'inquiète et se pose des questions. Il veut un rendez-vous de 10 minutes en secret, et dit à Lynne qu'Armus, le responsable de la sécurité, doit être présent à ce rendez-vous. Lieu de travail du groupe  d'Eddy : Jack essaye de nouer contact avec Dave, mais sans succès...

Eddy lui dit que ce ne sera pas avant demain que Jospeh pourra lui parler, et  ils se disent au revoir... 09:32 Jack appelle la C.A.T. et informe Mason qu'il doit partir du groupe. Il n'a pa reussi. Mason lui dit que les recherches sont toujours en cours. Jack reflechit et va essayer de trouver une parade pour continuer avec eux...

Jack fait noyer sa voiture et gagne du temps en cherchant un problème... Siège de la C.A.T. : Mason se connecte au reseau et prend connaissance du dossier réalisé par Quantico sur les probalités de la bombe...89 à 93 % concernant la probabilité de l'explosion...

Mason est très étonné et choqué et se prépare à partir mais où ?... Mason dit à Tony qu'il part pour Bakersfield, il a une piste mais pas assez d'hommes, il va en renfort. Tony croit que Mason se sauve loin de l'explosion, mais Mason est nerveux et lui demande de faire simplement son boulot.

09:41 Lieu de cachette de Kim et Megane : Garry cherche toujours après eux...Kim et Megane cachées derrière des cartons attendent. Megane se plaint d'avoir mal à la tête... Kim lui dit qu'elle part téléphoner chercher des secours et qu'elle va revenir. Elle dit à Megane de rester cachée.

Maison des Warner :  Kate téléphone à Ralph Bruton, le détective, et l'informe qu'elle n'a pas reussi à fouiller le portefeuille de Rezza... Ralph insiste et parvient à lui faire continuer la recherche... vers son passeport ou autre chose prouvant qu'il a visité certains pays...

09:43 Kate court directement vers la voiture de Rezza...et fouille...parvient à trouver le passeport et note les derniers pays que Rezza a visité...mais Rezza arrive et se demande ce qu'elle fait. Elle repond tout simplement qu'elle doit bouger la voiture pour faire de la place et reussit donc à decanter la situation...Rezza s'en va faire des courses pour Marie...

Lieu de travail du groupe à Eddy Jack continue et fait semblant de trifouiller sa voiture... Dave vient le voir et se demande ce qu'il fait encore là, lui dit de prendre un taxi ! Jack crie après Eddy et lui fait comprendre que Dave a serré trop fort les détonateurs, Dave s'énnerve et s'en prend à Jack, mais Jack l'a vu venir. En un coup, Dave est à terre...

Dave essaye de donner un coup de pied à Jack, mais encore une fois Jack raagit à merveille, prend son pied et lui casse la cheville ! Eddy vient voir et parle à Jack lui disant qu'il a exagéré, cela dit Jack rétorque que "bon fallait pas le chauffer" !

09:51 Lieu de cachette de Kim et Megane : Kim parvient à trouver un téléphone, et tout d'un coup, Garry se trouve derrière elle! Garry tente de calmer la situation...mais Kim est mal à l'aise... mais il veut sa fille et insiste !... Kim lui dit carrément d'aller parler avec Carla, sa femme, et que là peut-être, il reverra sa fille...Garry s'ennerve...

Kim donne un coup de pied et parvient à nouveau à s'enfuir...Garry finit par la rattraper dans une ruelle et ils se battent... Garry devient plus menaçant, Kim reprend cependant le dessus et lui donne un coup de barre de fer sur la tête... Garry est à terre...

Maison des Warner : Kate fournit à Ralph la liste des pays visités par Rezza...Ralph l'informe qu'il pourra donc continuer à enquêter sur le lien avec Ali. Marie arrive et dit à sa soeur que les parents de Rezza vont arriver plus tôt que prévu... Kate et Marie parlent de l'amour sincère entre eux...

09h55 QG "Norhwest Regional Operations Complex" Ron est là pour le rendez-vous avec Palmer... Palmer essaye de tirer les informations de Ron et de le diriger éventuellement vers une mauvaise piste. Mais Ron ne change pas d'avis et lui dit clairement qu'actuellement le président cache une alerte... Palmer essaye donc de lui faire avoir une interview exclusive plus tard avant qu'il ne provoque pas, sans le savoir, une panique générale...

Palmer lui dit bien de ne pas continuer et qu'il fait cela dans l'intérêt du peuple américain... Ron va y réfléchir et s'en va... Au même moment, Palmer téléphone à Armus et lui fait comprendre d'arrêter Ron et de l'isoler un temps...

09h58 Lieu de travail du groupe d'Eddy : Eddy parle à Jack et lui dit qu'il lui manque un homme...Jack rétorque directement qu'il ne bossera pas gratuitement...Eddy réussit quand même à ne pas faire payer Jack et à oublier l'histoire avec Dave, et en conséquence, de ne pas en informer Joseph...

Jack accepte le taff.

Lieu de cachette de Kim et Megane : Kim revient vers le lieu de la cachette, Megane a disparu !!! Kim panique !... Camionette des hommes à Eddy : Eddy informe Jack du boulot : faire sauter la C.A.T. Jack ne bronche et dit : "GOOD !".

Jack Bauer: [Voice over] The following takes place between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.]

[President Palmer's office]

LYNNE: Quantico wants permission to relay the nuclear threat to their mid level tacticians.

PRESIDENT PALMER: How many people are we talking about?

LYNNE: Between six and seven hundred.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Only if they can assure they're able to contain the information.

LYNNE: I will confirm that before I give them approval sir.

PRESIDENT PALMER: I want everyone to know that besides the threat of a nuclear bomb going off in Los Angles I'm just as concearned with the dangers of panic and mass hysteria.

LYNNE: Absolutely.

PRESIDENT PALMER: So where are we on everything else?

LYNNE: Well NSA is taking a two pronged approach. They're trying to pick up a trail on any known second wave terrorists and they're also trying to source stolen weapons grade nuclear materials.



[Some terrorists are loading the nuclear bomb into a white van. There speaking Arabic. One man opens the garage door and the van drives out of the garage and onto the streets.]



[Kim and Megan are on the ground as Gary is on his cell phone]

GARY MATHESON: Yes, call the rep tell him what the matter is okay? Why can't she hang around? I said I'll be back in a few minuets all right?
[Kim makes a move to get up but Gary catches her]
GARY MATHESON: Kim. Stay there, she's going to be fine. We'll work this out in a couple of minuets.

[Gary resumes talking on his phone as Kim motions Megan to move by her. Megan is scared but then she gets up without Gary knowing about it and they both take off down the stairs.] [Gary turns around and sees that they are gone and hangs up his phone and runs down the stairs]

CARLA MATHESON: [Crying] Kim take my keys get her away from here.

[Kim and Megan climb into Carla's car as Gary runs outside and stops them]

GARY MATHESON: Kim stop the car. I will kill you. STOP THE CAR.

[Kim drives off]

[Gary phones star sat and puts a tracker on his car]



9:04:51, 9:04:52, 9:04:53

MICHELLE DESSLER: You'll be dropped three blocks away from the salvage yard.

JACK BAUER: What about the car?

MICHELLE DESSLER: It's ready. We got a tracker in the trunk.


MICHELLE DESSLER: We've been monitoring the yard. We haven't seen Wald yet.

JACK BAUER: What about his people?

MICHELLE DESSLER: We're not sure. Any of these men look familiar?

[Michelle has a notebook computer with terrorists names and photos]

JACK BAUER: No........Nope.......Wait yes that one. That's Eddie Grant, he's one of Joe's main go to guys. When I was undercover we were friends. That's good.............Now as soon as I'm in I don't want to see any of our people you keep everybody at a distance. You got any more information about the size of the bomb?


[Jack nervousley looks at downtown Los Angles from the chopper knowing a nuclear bomb could go off any second.]



LYNNE: Sir, the press is starting to ask questions, They know you cut your fishing trip short and they would like to know why. If you like I can get Jenny to take care of it.

PRESIDENT PALMER: No I better take care of it.

LYNNE: Yes sir.

ERIC RAYBURN: Sir we have a lot to cover.

PRESIDENT PALMER: I have to deal with the press.

ERIC RAYBURN: Sir we have a serious situation here, taking time out to coddle with the media

PRESIDENT PALMER: What you don't get Eric is that once the rumor mill starts. We have two problems. The last thing we need is mass hysteria.



JACK BAUER: George it's Jack let me spek to tony.

GEORGE MASON: What do you need Jack?

JACK BAUER: Have you guys picked up Kim yet?

GEORGE MASON: We'll I'm not gonna lie to you. Grothy got to the house a few minuets ago. Kim wasn't there.

JACK BAUER: What are you talking about? Where is she?

GEORGE MASON: We don't know. were looking for her. She wasn't at the house.

JACK BAUER: Damnit George I told you to tell me the second you knew anything.

GEORGE MASON: And I was just picking up the phone. Calm down and relax.

JACK BAUER: Don't tell me to relax George.

GEORGE MASON: Look Grothy gonna stick around untill Kim gets back, in the meantime hang in there.

JACK BAUER: George just find Kim okay?



JACK BAUER: Hey sweetheart it's your dad again. Look honey I can't tell you how important it is to get out of LA okay? I'm sending a man from the office, his name is Ray Grothy he's gonna pick you up at the matheson, take you over to aunt Carol's. Honey please do this for me. [HANGS UP]


TONY ALMEIDA: Paula have we gotten a Division update yet?

PAULA SCHAFFER: Uh, Yeah.......Tony, shouldn't we be working outside of Los Angeles?

TONY ALMEIDA: Try to tune it out Paula. You never know how good the intel is.



9:09:07, 9:09:08, 9:09:09

JACK BAUER: Hey cowboy.

MAN: What can I do for you?

JACK BAUER: I'm looking for Joe.

MAN: Joe?

JACK BAUER: Joseph Wald.

MAN: I'm sorry man I think you got the wrong place.

[Jack follows the man in the back]

JACK BAUER: Hey cowboy. I ain't got a whole lot of time. Why don't you tell Joe Jack's back in town. See what he says okay.

[Jack is surprised by Eddie Grant]

EDDIE GRANT: Why don't I tell him Jack? Yeah why don't I tell Joe that Jack Roush is here to see him. I'm sure he'd love to see the guy who put him in jail.

JACK BAUER: Hey Eddie how ya doing? Look I just came by to square things up with Joe okay? You know I didn't put him in jail.

EDDIE GRANT: Sure you didn't.

[One of Eddie's men hits Jack in the back of his head]

EDDIE GRANT: Get the back room ready.

JACK BAUER: Damnit Eddie. I got something I need to show Joe.

EDDIE GRANT: The only thing Joe is gonna want to see is you Jack. Dead.

JACK BAUER: What about Marshall Goren?

EDDIE GRANT: What about him?

JACK BAUER: Word on the street is that he turned state's evidence. Gonna put Joe away for life. Go on Eddie look in my bag.

EDDIE GRANT: What for Jack?

JACK BAUER: Think of it as a present for Joe.

EDDIE GRANT: Hey get the bag.

[A man opens it and Goren's head falls out of it]

JACK BAUER: I don't think you have to worry about Goren testifying anymore.

EDDIE GRANT: Jack's back. [Eddie walks out of the room]

9:12:01, 9:12:02, 9:12:03


9:16:14, 9:16:15, 9:16:16

[The president is giving a little speach to the media]

PRESIDENT PALMER: Fortunately the vice president arrived when he did. I think we both were running out of small talk.

REPORTER: Mr. President?


JANE: You were going to be spending this morning fishing. What brought you back so early?

PRESIDENT PALMER: I already caught my quota. My own conservation polociy is coming back to haunt me.

[Reporters laugh]

PRESIDENT PALMER: Were going to be here a couple of days. I'll talk to you guys later.

[President Palmer walks away with Jenny]

PRESIDENT PALMER: Okay what did Wieland want?

JENNY: He's sniffing around. I think he's putting it together.

PRESIDENT PALMER: How? I just found out myself less than an hour ago.

JENNY: I'm sure he doesn't know the details but you know Wieland. He knows everyone and they all owe him.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Okay. Keep your eye on him for now. If we start going out of our way to put off the press, it'll backfire. They'll know somethings up.

JENNY: I agree sir.

PRESIDENT PALMER: I have to get back to the o.c.

JENNY: Okay.

9:17:32, 9:17:33, 9:17:34

FADE OUT::::::::

[Kim driving in Carla's car with Megan]

MEGAN MATHESON: My head hurts.

KIM BAUER: I know it does Megan. Were gonna be there real soon.

MEGAN MATHESON: Where are we going?

KIM BAUER: The police station.

[Kim drives down an alley as Gary Matheson blocks her in. Kim backs up but theres a truck entering. Kim is blocked in]

[Gary gets out of his car]

MEGAN MATHESON: Do something Kim. Make him go away please.

GARY MATHESON: Where are you going with my daughter Kim? Huh where ya gonna go? [To Megan] Megan come to daddy.


GARY MATHESON: Megan!......Kim is gonna hurt you. Megan cry out to daddy..................MEGAN!

9:20:01, 9:20:02, 9:20:03



MAN: Don't get that stuff tangled. We're not gonna have time to seperate em once we get there. Who's that?

EDDIE GRANT: That's Jack.

MAN: Are you out of your mind bringing someone here today?

EDDIE GRANT: He used to work with us Dave.

DAVE: What the hell is that supposed to mean Eddie?

JACK BAUER: I used to work for Joe. Did a nickel for him up in Gainesville. That's what that's supposed to mean.

DAVE: Oh is that a fact? Eddie, he just happens to show up today. Of all days. I'm not buying this Eddie.

EDDIE GRANT: He did a solid for Joe. He took care of Goren Dave.

DAVE: If he can get to Goren he must be a..........

JACK BAUER: Hey Eddie. Look man I just need to speak with Joe okay? Then I'm out of here.

EDDIE GRANT: I hear ya Jack.

DAVE: If he's staying. I'm checking him out. I'll bird dog his records in two minuets. Don't ya think it's worth two minuets considering what's about to happen?

EDDIE GRANT: Fine. Check it out.............Have a seat Jack.

[Dave gets on the computer and starts to look]

DAVE: Jack what?


[Over at c.t.u. Paula desspretly is trying to fill the information they need on Jacks Records]

PAULA SCHAFFER: They're checking Jack's background now.

MICHELLE DESSLER: Already? The network addresses are not finished routing.

PAULA SCHAFFER: Better do it now and send it to me.

DAVE: I'm not finding anything on this guy.

EDDIE GRANT: What does that mean Dave?

DAVE: Means he's lying.

EDDIE GRANT: Jack if this work you did in Gainesville doesn't check out. I can't let you leave.

JACK BAUER: It'll check out Eddie.

EDDIE GRANT: Anything yet?


[Eddie starts to pull out his gun when Dave finds Jack's records]

DAVE: Wait a second. I think I found it. Yeah here it is. It just took a little while longer than I though it would.

JACK BAUER: Told you it would check out.

EDDIE GRANT: [To Dave] You almost made me shoot a friend Dave.

9:24:03, 9:24:04, 9:24:05


9:28:28, 9:28:29, 9:28:30


PRESIDENT PALMER: Eric. Are we narrowing things down at all? I mean are we making any headway?

ERIC RAYBURN: It's too soon to tell.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Too soon? Aren't we operating under the assumption that this bomb could go off at any moment?

ERIC RAYBURN: What can I say Mr. President? I've never been sanguine about our chances of stopping it. Not with just a few hours warning.

PRESIDENT PALMER: What does that supposed to mean?

ERIC RAYBURN: I'm not giving up sir. Every protocol is being followed. Every resource is being tapped but if I were you, I would give some serious thought to what your plan of action will be if in fact we have a detonation.....So I still feel that a disscussion with the Pentagon this morning is in order.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Fine. Thanks Eric.


[Eric walks away and President Palmer enters his office as Lynne walks in the office]


LYNNE: I just spoke with Jenny. I'm affraid we have a problem.


LYNNE: Ron Wieland. He's convinced the network to give him a 10 minuet live report today at noon.


LYNNE: He's heard that the terrorist alert condition has changed and that your managing the situation from here.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Damit. Now he's going live based on what?

LYNNE: Jenny doesn't know sir but I'm assuming that he will avoid the facts and present the rumor.

PRESIDENT PALMER: I'm sorry Lynne, I'm not mad at you.

LYNNE: No need to apologize sir. How would you like to proceed?

PRESIDENT PALMER: Set up a private interveiw in 10 minuets with Mr.Wieland. Condition is no one's to know.

LYNNE: Yes sir.

PRESIDENT PALMER: And Lynne. Get Armus over here.

LYNNE: Yes sir.

****FADE OUT****


JACK BAUER: Hey man how ya doing?

DAVE: You no what? Get the hell out of here.

JACK BAUER: Look I just wanted to bum a smoke.

DAVE: Yeah well I don't smoke so get out.

JACK BAUER: Fine........Your packing the fuses a little tight there sport.

DAVE: What did you say to me.

EDDIE GRANT: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Hey. You making friends Jack?

JACK BAUER: Your guys a moron. What did Joe say?

EDDIE GRANT: Joe's busy. Maybe tommorow bro.

JACK BAUER: Look man I just need to speak with him for five minuets.

EDDIE GRANT: Well we got this thing going down today Jack. So swing by tommorow around 4:00 okay?

JACK BAUER: Okay.......Good to see ya man.

[Jack walks back into his car]

EDDIE GRANT: It's time Dave.

9:31:49, 9:31:50, 9:31:51

[Jack looks around and grabs his cell and calls c.t.u.]


JACK BAUER: George, It's jack.

GEORGE MASON: Did you get to wald yet?

JACK BAUER: No, not yet. I'm with his crew. There shutting me out. George I think you got to pick these guys up.


JACK BAUER: They're packing charges. They're invovled.

GEORGE MASON: Look if we pick them up are they still going to be able to lead us to Wald in time?

JACK BAUER: I don't know.

GEORGE MASON: Well then stick with them until they do because NSA just upgraded his possible role in todays threat. They put him just a click away from the second wave terrorists.

JACK BAUER: Okay I'll think of something. [HANGS UP]

[Jack gets his car not to start. He tries again and it will not start. Jack gets out and lifts open the hood and pretends to be checking his oil or something. He looks around checking out the sceen.]

****FADE OUT****


[George checks out his memo sent by the division headquarters and he finds out that there is a 99% chance of a detonation today in Los Angeles] Mason packs up his suitcase and starts walking down the stairs]

TONY ALMEIDA: George, where are you going?

GEORGE MASON: Bakersfield.

TONY ALMEIDA: Bakersfield? Peters is assingned to Bakersfield.

GEORGE MASON: Yeah I put him on something else.


GEORGE MASON: I don't have to tell you that.

TONY ALMEIDA: Well I guess I dissagree. If your just trying to get outside the blast radius

GEORGE MASON: Who the hell do you think you are? Do you have access to my information?

TONY ALMEIDA: No George I don't.

GEORGE MASON: Then keep your mouth shut and do your job.

[Mason exits the building]

9:36:21, 9:36:22, 9:36:23


9:40:46, 9:40:47, 9:40:48

[Gary Matheson is in his car looking for Megan and Kim. They are still hiding behind some boxes]

MEGAN MATHESON: I feel funny.

KIM BAUER: Why? what's wrong?

MEGAN MATHESON: My head hurts.


MEGAN MATHESON: Right there.

KIM BAUER: Is that where you hit your head when your dad threw you down?


KIM BAUER: Okay Megan we can't stay here. I need to make a phone call.

MEAGAN MATHESON: No no. I can't. My head really hurts.

KIM BAUER: It's just over there. I'll be really quick.

MEGAN MATHESON: I can't do it.

KIM BAUER: Okay, listen. We have to stay quiet megan. You want to stay here?

[Megan shakes her head yes]

KIM BAUER: You have to wait. You promise you'll stay here? You promise?


KIM BAUER: Okay let me put you in theses boxes here. I'll be right back.

****FADE OUT****

[Kate Warner calls Ralph Burton, the private investagator]

RALPH BURTON: This is Burton.

KATE WARNER: Hi, It's Kate Warner.

RALPH BURTON: Did you find anything out for me?

KATE WARNER: No I couldn't get t his wallet.

RALPH BURTON: Theres only a few things we can use to check out his connection to this terrorist. Ali. A passport would be ideal.

KATE WARNER: I don't think he carries that around with him.

RALPH BURTON: It has to be around somewhere. Check his briefcase. Look in his car.

KATE WARNER: Ralph I can't just steal his passport.

RALPH BURTON: You won't have to. Just write down the dates and the countries that have been stamped for entry over the last six months. Let me know okay? [HANGS UP]

[Kate rushes out of the house and into Rezza's car. She looks in his briefcase but no passport. She searches the glove conpartment and finds it. Quickly she writes down countries and as she puts the passport back into the glove conpartment Rezza walks around from the back yard and sees Kate]

REZZA: Kate. What are you doing?

KATE WARNER: Ah. Craig said more vans were coming and they needed the space.

REZZA: How ya gonna drive the car without the key?

KATE WARNER: I was looking for it.

REZZA: Well Marie has me running around for strawberries. When I come back I'll park the car on the other side.


[Rezza drives off]

****FADE OUT****


DAVE: What are you still doing here?

JACK BAUER: My car won't start.

DAVE: Well take a cab. Beat it.

JACK BAUER: You need to learn to mind your own business.

[Walks away]

JACK BAUER: Hey Eddie!


JACK BAUER: I hope this job isn't too important. Junior here packed the your fuses too tight there's no way it's gonna blow. You mans a joke.

[Dave attempts to punch Jack in the back of his head but Jack blocks his attack and counters with a nasty hit to the stomach and Jack knees Dave in the face as he falls down.]

JACK BAUER: Hear what I'm telling you?

[Dave tries to sweep Jack but Jack grabs Dave's foot and breaks his ankel]



DAVE: He just broke my ankle. ahhhh shit.

EDDIE GRANT: You broke his damn ankle Jack.

JACK BAUER: He shouldn't of been playing with adults.

9:46:27, 9:46:28, 9:46:29


9:50:52, 9:50:53, 9:50:54

[Gary Matheson shocks Kim]

GARY MATHESON: Who you calling Kim, the police? Because there looking for you.

KIM BAUER: Let go of me.

GARY MATHESON: Allright okay. I'm not going to hurt Megan okay. I promise. I know it was wrong of me to push Carla but I have been under a lot of pressure. I'm not a bad person. I am her father okay? I need to tell her that she doesn't have to by afraid of me............Where is she?

KIM BAUER: Why don't you go home and talk to Carla and if it's okay with her I'll bring Megan back.

GARY MATHESON: No you don't tell me what to do. TELL ME WHERE MY DAUGHTER IS?

[Gary attacks Kim but Kim knees Gary in the privates and runs away. Gary gives chase. He catches up with her and throws her on a car. Kim falls. She finds a tire iron and smakes Gary with it.]

****FADE OUT****


KATE WARNER: And the last entry is Frankfurt. May 19th.

RALPH BURTON: Great. Thats a big help.

KATE WARNER: So what does that tell us?

RALPH BURTON: Were gonna compare travel dates with second wave terrorist
Syed Ali's. See if we can determine a terrorist connection.

KATE WARNER: Great. Okay yes that would be great thanks. [HANGS UP] There's the bride.

MARIE WARNER: I wanted you to let you know that Rezza's parents are coming in early so I called Brent's and I ordered lunch.

KATE WARNER: Good. I'll pick it up.

MARIE WARNER: Thank you. I finaly feel like everythings under control.

****FADE OUT****

9:54:42, 9:54:43, 9:54:44

[Ron Wieland enters the private room set up by the President]


RON WIELAND: Mr. President.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Good to see you come on in. ...Please sit down. Can I offer you anything to drink?

RON WIELAND: Oh no Thank you.

PRESIDENT PALMER: I understand your about to go live with a story today. Just what is it you think is going on?

RON WIELAND: I think the alert condition has been elevated and you don't want us to know that sir.


RON WIELAND: You want me to tell you my sources? You know I can't do that.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Your barking up the wrong tree Ron.

RON WIELAND:You know, I don't recall the last time a journalist has been able to get a private interveiw with the president on a few minuets notice so my 22 years in the business tells me I'm barking up the right tree.

PRESIDENT PALMER: I'll tell ya what Ron. There's going to be a briefing tomorrow. If you want a thirty minuet drop I can arrange that.

RON WIELAND: Why are you horse trading with me Mr. President?

PRESIDENT PALMER: Because if you go live with a story about unsubstantiated threats, you will cause mass hysteria. That could be worse then the threat itself.

RON WIELAND: So there is a threat.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Ron we get them everyday.

RON WIELAND: So your asking me to sit on this?.............Let me think about it.


[They get up]

RON WIELAND: Thank you Mr. President.


[Ron exits as Palmer radios Armus]

ARMUS: {On radio} Yes sir.

PRESIDENT PALMER: Were gonna have to deal with this.

ARMUS: Yes sir.

[Armus grabs Ron Wieland]

ARMUS: Mr. Wieland? I'm Richard Armus, I'm with the President's secret service blue unit. There's something the president would like you too see.

[They hurry Wieland into a holding cell]

9:57:42, 9:57:43, 9:57:44

****FADE OUT****


EDDIE GRANT: You haven't changed much have you Jack?

JACK BAUER: What's your point?

EDDIE GRANT: My point is I'm down a man and I'm on a schedule.

JACK BAUER: I'm looking for work.

EDDIE GRANT: This isn't a job. Your going to do this for nothing.

JACK BAUER: My price is a thousand a day.

EDDIE GRANT: Well I say you owe me a little more than that for what you did to Dave. You do this I don't tell Joe. You don't do it and you'll be too busy looking over your shoulder trying to find work.

JACK BAUER: What's the job?

EDDIE GRANT: Your gonna like it.

****FADE OUT****

[Kim runs back to the boxes where she left Megan but Megan is not there]

KIM BAUER: MEGAN!!!!!!! MEGAN!!!!!! [She runs and looks for her]

****FADE OUT****


JACK BAUER: Where we going?


JACK BAUER: What are we doing?

EDDIE GRANT: Conversion.

JACK BAUER: What do you mean a conversion?

EDDIE GRANT: Well today were turning a government building into a cemetery.

JACK BAUER: Which building?

EDDIE GRANT: This branch that's been dogging us for years. They call it the L.A. counter terrorist unit. The c.t.u.

{Jack trying to remain calm and not blowing his cover]


9:59:57, 9:59:58, 9:59:59

10:00 A.M.

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chrismaz66, 03.12.2024 à 10:30

Hi^^ Nouveau jeu proposé par sondage chez Torchwood et aussi Kaamelott bientôt, merci de passer voter ;-)

ShanInXYZ, Avant-hier à 03:19

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who : Calendriers, jeux et infos sur l'épisode de Noël, passez voir le Docteur

pretty31, Avant-hier à 11:08

Une nouvelle bannière est en vote pour le quartier HypnoClap, merci pour votre aide

Locksley, Avant-hier à 13:14

Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

choup37, Avant-hier à 16:02

Nouveau sondage spécial Noel à Kaamelott ouvert à tous et toutes, calendrier, pdm et survivor, on vous espère nombreux

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