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24 heures chrono
#323 : 11h00 – 12h00

24 heures chrono bannière saison 3 guide des épisodes

Palmer use de tous les moyens pour que Sherry s’éloigne de chez elle. Wayne et Foxton en profitent pour fouiller de fond en comble sa maison afin de mettre la main sur la boite de médicaments dont elle se sert pour faire chanter son ex mari, le Président Palmer.
Jack Bauer arrive à arrêter Saunders mais celui-ci refuse de lui dire où se trouvent les 11 fioles restantes.
Brad Hammond, le nouveau directeur de la division donne l’ordre d’arrêter Tony Almeida pour trahison.


4.33 - 3 votes

Titre VO
11:00am - 12:00pm

Titre VF
11h00 – 12h00


24 Season 3 Award Winner Promo

24 Season 3 Award Winner Promo


Plus de détails


• Kiefer Sutherland : Jack Bauer
• Elisha Cuthbert : Kim Bauer
• Carlos Bernard : Tony Almeida
• Reiko Aylesworth : Michelle Dessler
• James Badge Dale : Chase Edmunds
• and Dennis Haysbert : President David Palmer

Special guest stars

• Penny Johnson Jerald : Sherry Palmer

Guest starring

• Paul Blackthorne : Stephen Saunders
• DB Woodside : Wayne Palmer
• Zachary Quinto : Adam Kaufman
• Mary Lynn Rajskub : Chloe O'Brian
• Randle Mell : Brad Hammond
• Gina Torres : Julia Milliken
• Alexandra Lydon : Jane Saunders
• Glenn Morshower : Agent Aaron Pierce
• Mark Rolston : Bruce Foxton
• Geoff Pierson : Senator John Keeler
• Andrew Borba : Man in Subway


• Brian Catalano :Tech Agent
• Charlie Sandlan : Agent Liles

Saunders dit à Jack que les 11 autres fioles sont dispersées dans le pays et que ses hommes ont ordre de libérer le virus à midi. Par ailleurs, on ne peut les contacter. Il donnera leur localisation seulement si on le laisse quitter le pays avec une garantie du Président Palmer.

Des agents de la CAT mettent Tony en état d’arrestation. Jack lui promet qu'il fera ce qu’il pourra pour l’aider. Jack demande à Jane Saunders de convaincre son père d'arrêter le virus.

Elle accepte, va le voir, et le supplie d'empêcher que d’autres personnes meurent. Saunders sait que la CAT essaie de le manipuler par le biais de sa fille, et il explique à Jane que ce qu'il fait améliorera le monde. Il reste donc inflexible, et Jane fond en larmes.

Palmer appelle Sherry pour lui faire une proposition. Cependant il souhaite la rencontrer en personne. Son ex-femme accepte. Palmer raccroche appelle aussitôt Wayne, qui est devant la maison de Sherry en compagnie de son homme de main.

Il lui annonce qu’elle va bientôt quitter sa maison pour le rejoindre. Jack et Saunders arrivent aux Plaza Hotel en hélicoptère. Jack lui montre des corps, ce sont ses victimes. Il tente de le faire culpabiliser en lui rappelant que ce sont tous des innocents. Saunders est encore une fois insensible.

Jack joue donc sa dernière carte en demandant à Chase de ramener Jane. Il menace Saunders d’envoyer sa fille dans l'hôtel (toujours infecté) s’il ne fournit pas les informations sur les 11 fioles restantes. Saunders ne pense pas que Jack ne fera de mal à sa fille, mais Jack donne l’ordre que l’on la fasse entrer.

Jane panique et implore son père, et Jack l’avertit qu'il fera en sorte qu’il puisse voir sa propre fille mourir. Saunders cède finalement et dit qu'il dira tout ! Les fioles sont marquées par des codes GPS de telle sorte qu'elles puissent être localisées à n’importe quel moment.

Il a appris par coeur chacun des onze codes. Jane est évacuée, elle n’est pas infectée. Tous les codes sont bons mais il en manque une. Saunders annonce que la dernière fiole est à Los Angeles, et la mission de celui qui est en sa possession est de libérer le virus dans un endroit public qui assurerait un maximum de victimes. Saunders connaît cet homme sous le nom d’ Arthur Rabens.

Jack décide d’envoyer Saunders à la cellule pour qu’il donne une description plus complète de cet homme. Jack appelle Adam et le charge de faire une recherche complète au nom de Rabens. Il en profite pour parler avec Hammond pour lui demander d’être clément en ce qui concerne Tony. Hammond refuse.

Jack compare la situation actuelle de Tony avec ce qu'il lui est arrivé il y a quelques années. Jack s’est mis la CAT à dos pour sauver sa famille capturée par les hommes de Victor Drazen. Cette fois, c'est Tony qui a travaillé avec lui et Gaël pour installer cette opération cette dernière année, et on devrait lui être reconnaissant.

Hammond propose à Jack de témoigner plus tard en sa faveur, mais pour l’instant, il l’informe que cette affaire ne le regarde pas. Tout les agents dans la cellule regardent Tony, menotté, emmené dans un des salles d’interrogatoire. Hammond explique à Tony que son acte de trahison est puni par la peine de la mort. Au mieux, il pourrait s’en sortir avec vingt ans en prison.

Toujours en attente devant la maison de Sherry, Wayne reçoit un appel de Julia Miliken. Elle est stressée parce qu’elle pense que la police va l'arrêter pour le meurtre de son mari. Elle lui demande donc de l'aide. Mais Wayne la laisse, lorsque qu’il aperçoit Sherry quitter la maison en voiture.

Wayne et Foxton entrent sans difficulté dans la maison et commencent leurs « investigations ». Jack et Chase reçoivent des image d’un arrestation : le porteur du virus à San-Fransisco.

L’opération est un succès. Plus que dix. Sherry arrive au lieu de rendez-vous, Palmer est déjà là. Ce dernier lui offre un poste de conseillère à la Maison Blanche. Sherry est surprise : cela lui est égal. Elle veut une place dans la vie privée de David, elle souhaite devenir la première dame des Etats-Unis.

Étonnamment, Palmer accepte. Après une « fausse joie », Sherry pense que c’est trop facile. Ceci est louche et elle décide de s’en aller. Elle quitte son ex-mari en terminant par : « Keeler sera le prochain présidents des Etats-Unis » Palmer rappelle Wayne en le prévenant que Sherry ne va pas tarder à rentrer. C’est à ce moment même que Foxton trouve une cave cachée sous des escaliers, avec un coffre-fort.

Il appelle un contact qui peut avoir les codes permettant l’ouverture de celui-ci. Pendant ce temps, Jack apprend que deux autres porteurs de virus on été appréhendés, mais un troisième à Denver faisait un appel téléphonique quand il a été tué. On ignore, s’il a pu prévenir quelqu’un. Chloé confirme que Rabens est à Los Angeles et est « en mouvement ».

Jack et Chase partent à sa poursuite. A la cellule, Michelle va voir Hammond pour savoir pourquoi elle est ne peut aller voir son mari. Elle découvre que Tony a fait obstacle à l’arrestation de Saunders deux heures plus tôt, et lui a permis de s'échapper.

Michelle reste muette. Les dix porteurs du virus ont été neutralisés. Chloé guide Jack et Chase pour trouver Rabens. Selon les coordonnées reçues, leur cible est en vue. Mais ni Jack ni Chase ne voient une quelconque voiture. Jack se rend compte que Rabens est dans le métro. Chloé accède au système du métro et va contrôler la rame.

Jack lui demande d'envoyer une équipe prête à neutraliser l’individu. Dans la maison de Sherry, Foxton tente toujours d’ouvrir le coffre. Wayne entend une voiture : Sherry est revenue. Foxton obtient finalement le bon code, mais lorsqu’il ouvre le coffre, il se rend compte qu’il n’y a aucun flacon à l’intérieur.

Wayne décide alors de s’en aller mais Foxton refuse de repartir les mains vides et se cache. Sherry entre, voit Wayne dans sa maison et l'accuse de faire le « sale boulot » de son frère.

Wayne n’a à peine le temps de lui parler que Foxton sort de sa planque et assomme Sherry d’un coup de poing. Sherry est à terre, Foxton la fouille et trouve le flacon, scotché sur son dos. Jack, Chase et leur équipe sont dans la station de métro. Ils sont en position, et Chloé libère la rame. On fournit aux agents sur le terrain, une description (bien que vague) de Rabens.

La rame est arrivée dans la station, les portes s’ouvrent. Chloé informe les agents des différents mouvements de la cible. Celle-ci finit par se diriger vers Jack. Il reste quatre hommes suspects. Quand Chloé annonce que Rabens s'est arrêté, Jack voit un homme, derrière lui, regarder un plan de métro. Jack dit qu’il a repéré la cible, il commence l’arrestation.

L’homme n’a pas eu le temps de régir, qu’il est déjà à terre. Chase détecte le signal GPS. Mais en fouillant, ils se rendent compte qu’il ne reste que l’émetteur, caché dans un paquet de cigarettes. Rabens est donc au courant qu’il est pisté, et il a glissé son traceur dans le sac d’un passager innocent. Jack annonce par radio que Rabens est encore dans la station et qu’il faut verrouiller toutes les issues. Wayne et Foxton sont prêts à repartir lorsque Wayne aperçoit Julia, venue voir Sherry.

Wayne décide de retourner dans la maison, ayant un mauvais pressentiment. Lorsqu’il arrive, Julia menace Sherry, revolver à la main. Elle lui reproche d’être accusée du meurtre de son mari par sa faute.

Wayne tente de convaincre Julia de ne pas la tuer. Sherry essaie de la calmer en lui disant qu'elle peut obtenir la grâce du président et qu'elle ne passera pas un jour en prison.

Bien que l'argument semble persuasif, Julia tire sur elle et la tue. Sherry est morte. Wayne n’a à peine le temps de pleurer Sherry que Julia retourne le pistolet contre elle et se suicide. Wayne fond en larmes et se met à bercer le corps inanimé de Julia.

Dans la station, Chase fait un rapport à Jack : personne n’a pu sortir. Jack décide de commencer les recherches.

The following takes place between 11:00 A.M. and 12:00 P.M

Jack: "We just got verification from Saunders' computer. There's eleven vials spread across the country. How long till you can give us access on their location?

CTU Agent: "I'm not sure I can. Saunders applied a sophisticated decryption overlay. An unauthorized access will auto-erase the file structure. I'll keep trying."

Jack: "OK. Where are the eleven vials?"

Saunders: "You're wasting your time and I'm not foolish enough to have that information in there."

Jack: "Where are the vials?"

Saunders: "In the hands of dedicated men, true believers."

Jack: "Believers in what?"

Saunders: "That the greatest threat to world peace comes from this country."

Jack: "There's a hotel not far from here where eight hundred innocent people are dead or dying because of you. Were they a threat to your world peace?"

Saunders: "The United States must be forced to retreat within its own boarders. Those people are simply the first casualties of war."

Jack: "What happened to you, Stephen?"

Saunders: "I was abandoned by the people I worked for, as you'll be someday. But my message will be heard in less than one hour.

Jack: "What are you talking about?"

Saunders: "My couriers have been instructed to release the virus at noon, they're in fail safe mode and they can't be recouped."

Jack: "Tell me where they are, we'll stop them."

Saunders: "That is possible. But only if you agree to my terms."

Jack: "What are your terms?"

Saunders: "I have a private jet waiting in Van Nice airport. I need to be on it with a Presidential guarantee of safe passage to North Africa."

Jack: "Never gonna happen."

Saunders: "Then hundreds of thousands will die. I know what you're thinking, Jack. The Bosnia secret police worked on me for two years and couldn't break me. Do you really think you'll be able to do it in less than an hour? Get me on that plane, Jack. You don't have a choice."

Jack: "Bring me Jane Saunders."

CTU Agent: "I'm gonna need your gun, Tony. Frisk him."

CTU Agent #2: "Against the wall."

Chase: "Hey! You don't have to do that."

CTU Agent: "I've got my orders."

Chase: "You take it easy on him, he's one of us."

CTU Agent: "Not anymore."

Jack: "What's going on?"

CTU Agent: "My orders are to take Almeida into custody. That's straight from Brad Hammond at Division."

Jack: "I'm sorry, Tony. There's nothing we can do right now."

Tony: "Just take care of business, Jack. I'll be alright."

Jane: "They said you wanted to see me."

Jack: "I need you to speak with your father."

Jane: "What do you want me to say?"

Jack: "Try and make it personal. Try and connect with him. Tell him you're scared, that you don't want him to do this."

Jane: "I'll try. I know what's going to happen. And I know you can stop it. Please."

Saunders: "I won't let them use you to manipulate me."

Jane: "Despite everything that's happened, I love you, and I'm asking you, please, don't let this happen. This doesn't make any sense."

Saunders: "It doesn't make sense to you because you haven't seen what I've seen. You don't understand."

Jane: "I know you think what happened to you was the government's fault, and maybe it is, but the people who are going to die are innocent."

Saunders: "Then that is tragic, Jane. But it has to happen for things to change, and they must change."

Jane: "How can you do something like this?"

Saunders: "I'm doing it for your sake."

Jane: "For my sake?"

Saunders: "For you, and your children, and after it's all over the world will be a better place."

Jane: "Please, dad. Please. Please. Don't do this."

Saunders: "Jane, I don't expect you to understand now, but one day you will, and you'll look back and you'll thank me for what I've done. Yeah."

Jane: "Oh my God."

Saunders: "Jane... Jane."

Jack: "Jane... We're on the move. Get the choppers ready."

[Sherry's phone rings]

Sherry: "Hello?"

Palmer: "Sherry, it's David."

Sherry: "Hello, David."

Palmer: "I've been thinking things over. What Keeler offered you... how did you put it? 'A seat at the table'?"

Sherry: "Yeah, something like that."

Palmer: "Well, there may be a seat at my table."

Sherry: "It's a little too late for that, David."

Palmer: "Sherry, I think it's in both our best interest for you to hear what I have to offer."

Sherry: "All right. I'm listening."

Palmer: "No, not on the phone. In person."

Sherry: "Where then?"

Palmer: "At Lincoln Park. The old baseball."

Sherry: "I know it."

Palmer: "Good, I'll meet you there in twenty five minutes."

Sherry: "That's short notice, David."

Palmer: "But you will be there."

Sherry: "You're in no position to be making demands here."

Palmer: "Sherry, I have a schedule to keep. If I start changing things around, it will attract attention and I don't think either one of us wants that."

Sherry: "All right, David, I'll hear what you have to say."

Palmer: "Fine."

[Wayne's phone rings]

Wayne: "Yeah?"

Palmer: "She should be leaving soon to meet me."

Wayne: "I knew she'd go for it."

Palmer: "I know she's enjoying having me over barrel. I can hear it in her voice."

Wayne: "Don't worry about that, David. If we can find this prescription bottle, all her leverage is gone."

Palmer: "How long will you need in the house?"

Wayne: "The more time we have, the better our the chance to finding it."

Palmer: "I'll do whatever I can to keep her there with me."

Wayne: "Alright."

Palmer: "Wayne, find it."

Jack: "Take a look at your handiwork. You murdered these people, Stephen. Whole families!"

Saunders: "Sometimes a fire needs to be lit in order to put out another fire."

Jack: "I don't wanna hear your justification. This is over! You are gonna tell me how to find the rest of the vials, now!"

Saunders: "Or you'll send me inside the hotel? I'm prepared to die for my cause, Jack."

Jack: "Yeah, I know. Chase."

Chase: "Yeah, Jack?"

Jack: "Come in."

Chase: "Copy that."

Saunders: "What are you doing, Jack?"

Jane: "Why did you bring me here?"

Jack: "Ask your father. It's up to him."

Jane: "Dad?"

Jack: "Tell me how to find the courier, Stephen, or I'm gonna put your daughter in that building."

Saunders: "You wouldn't dare. She has nothing to do with this!"

Jack: "Neither do the people in those body bags! I'm gonna do everything that I have to to stop you from releasing more of this virus."

Jane: "How could you do this?"

Jack: "I'm gonna give you one chance."

Saunders: "No, you're not."

Jack: "Tell me how I find them."

Saunders: "You know you can't do this, Jack. You are a government agent."

Jack: "Send her in. Take her inside, now!"

Jane: "No! Dad, stop them! Dad, stop them! Stop them! Stop them! Dad, please! No! No! No! Stop them, dad!"

Saunders: "Jane..."

Jack: "Everything that happens to your daughter is because of you."

Jane: "Stop them! Let go of me! No, please!"

Saunders: "Get her out of there, Jack. Jack, get her out of there!"

Jack: "Where are the vials?"

Saunders: "Get her out of there!"

Jack: "How do I find the vials?"

Saunders: "Let her go! Do as I say now, Jack!"

Jack: "Or your daughter is infected. I'm gonna make you watch her die."

Saunders: "Let her go!"

Jane: "Stop!"

Saunders: "Let her go!"

Jack: "You're running out of time, Stephen."

Saunders: "Don't! Don't!"

Jack: "Stephen, you're out of time!"

Saunders: "Stop! Stop! Stop! I'll talk to you! Just don't harm her!"

Jack: "How do I find the vials?"

Saunders: "Each one is tagged with a GPS locator chip, so that I can track them right up until the moment they're released."

Jack: "Where are the locator codes?"

Saunders: "In my head."

Jack: "You memorized all eleven?"

Saunders: "Yeah. Get her out of there."

Jack: "Bring Jane out from the tunnel now. Let's go."

Chase: "Jack. We picked up ten of the eleven GPS signals coming off the vials."

Jack: "Why are we missing a signal?"

Saunders: "I don't know, I gave you the correct codes."

Jack: "Where's The eleventh vial?"

Saunders: "In Los Angeles."

Jack: "What's the target?"

Saunders: "His instructions were to select a public place where maximum casualties will be inflicted."

Jack: "What's his name?"

Saunders: "I know him as Arthur Rabens but I'm assuming it's not his real name."

Jack: "We need a description. Take him back to Hollinger at CTU. I want him working with a sketch artist immediately."

Chase: "What about Jane?"

Jack: "She stays here."

Adam: "Kauffman."

Jack: "Adam, it's Jack. I need you to do an all agency search on the name Arthur Rabens. Saunders believes it might be an alias."

Adam: "OK, I'm on it, Jack."

Jack: "Look, had District sent anyone over to replace Tony?"

Adam: "Actually, yeah. Brad Hammond just got here right now."

Jack: "OK, let me speak to him."

Adam: "One second. Mr. Hammond, I have Jack Bauer for you one line six."

Hammond: "Jack, I got briefed on CTU activity to this point. I'm relaying the coordinates of the ten vials to local police, NHS, HAZMAT, cross-country. We still can't lock on the signal of the eleventh vial."

Jack: "The eleventh vial is in Los Angeles. The courier's name is Arthur Rabens although Saunders believes that that might be an alias. There's no predetermined target."

Hammond: "You think he's telling the truth?"

Jack: "Yeah, right now he thinks we're willing to kill his daughter if he doesn't cooperate but our best bet is the lock onto that signal."

Hammond: "I understand everyone in comm is working on it."

Jack: "Brad, I know you took Tony Almeida into custody. But now that his wife is safe I think he might be a real asset to us."

Hammond: "I'm sorry, Jack, but there's not going to be any special treatment."

Jack: "For God's sakes, Brad, four and a half years ago I was put in the exact same position that Tony's been put in today. Victor Drazen kidnapped my wife and daughter and I went outside of CTU to get them back, and no one put me in prison."

Hammond: "The circumstances were different."

Jack: "And the outcome will be the same. We will prevail."

Hammond: "The entire operation was put at risk because of what he did."

Jack: "This operation started a year ago with Gael, Tony and myself. Gael gave his life. I became an addict just to maintain my cover, and now you're sending Tony to prison? It's wrong. Brad, it's wrong and you know it. You should be putting a medal on him, not handcuffs."

Hammond: "Jack, you can testify at his hearing. Right now we've got work to do."

Tony: "Where's Michelle?"

Hammond: "She's here."

Tony: "Can I talk to her please?"

Hammond: "First thing's first. Plachecki's coming over from the attorney general's office to take your official statement. You're entitled to have a lawyer present."

Tony: "Look, I don't need a lawyer, Brad. I did what I did."

Hammond: "What you did, Tony, is punishable by the death penalty."

Tony: "Death penalty?"

Hammond: "What did you expect? You committed treason."

Tony: "That was not my intent."

Hammond: "You facilitated the escape of a man who is responsible for the death of Ryan Chappelle and almost a thousand civilians. And he was contemplating killing millions of others. Then you tried to neutralize the only leverage we had over him by giving him back his daughter."

Tony: "So what's the bottom line?"

Hammond: "I will testify the fact that your service record is long and for the most part distinguished. With luck, the best you can hope for is twenty years."

Foxton: "Sherry should have left by now."

Wayne: "Yeah. She's taking her time so she can make the President wait."

[Wayne's phone rings]

Wayne: "Wayne Palmer."

Julia: "Wayne."

Wayne: "I told you not to call me."

Julia: "I don't have anyone else."

Wayne: "I'm sorry but I can't help you right now."

Julia: "The police are coming back to arrest me, Wayne, for murdering Alan because they don't believe that Sherry was here."

Wayne: "I know what happened."

Julia: "Well then why don't you tell them the truth? My lawyer says that the President is backing Sherry's story. Is it true? Is your brother covering for Sherry?"

Wayne: "I... I don't know, Julia."

Julia: "Don't lie to me."

Wayne: "Listen, I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do for you right now."

Julia: "Please, just... don't hang up."

Wayne: "I'll call you as soon as I can, I promise."

Julia: "Wayne? No... I'm so scared..."

Wayne: "I know. I know."

Julia: "We loved each other once. Help me."

Wayne: "I have to go, Julia."

Julia: "Wayne."

Wayne: "I'm sorry."

Foxton: "All right."

Wayne: "I'm the Chief of Staff to the President of the United States, and I'm committing a burglary."

Foxton: "It's an historic moment."

Wayne: "Foxton, Sherry can never know we were here."

Foxton: "You do what I say and she won't. Let's get to work."

Chase: "Jack, this is the tactical feed from San Francisco. They're apprehending Saunders' courier."

[Feed: "He's not breathing. He's been neutralized. A sniper took him down with a head shot. Is the vial intact? Stand by. Field Opps, I repeat, is the vial intact? The vial appears intact. We've got it. The vial is intact. Repeat, we have the vial."]

Chase: "One down, ten to go."

Foxton: "Did you check the kitchen?"

Wayne: "Yeah, for the second time. There is nothing there."

Foxton: "Looks like Mrs. Palmer believes in better living through chemistry. Another one of the bottles of Alan Milliken's.

Wayne: "Dammit."

Foxton: "Relax. She's hidden it here. We'll find it."

Wayne: "How can you be so sure?"

Foxton: "Because she's not a professional, and I am."

Palmer: "Sherry."

Sherry: "David."

Palmer: "Let's take a walk."

Sherry: "Well, actually, I just wanted to get to the point. What is it that you've decided?"

Palmer: "I decided to give you what you want. A place in my administration."

Sherry: "Well, that's what you implied over the phone but I thought I was here so that you could be a little more specific."

Palmer: "You'll be my defector right hand, involved in all major decisions."

Sherry: "Involved how?"

Palmer: "On everything from ambassadorial appointments to legislated proposals. You will be one of my primary consultants."

Sherry: "One of your consultants?"

Palmer: "Right."

Sherry: "Goodbye, David."

Palmer: "What? Where are you going?"

Sherry: "Back home, because this conversation is over."

Palmer: "Why?"

Sherry: "That's just not good enough. I am not going to be relegated to some informal role so that you can ignore me whenever you choose."

Palmer: "Why don't you just tell me what you want?"

Sherry: "I want a permanent position, David. In your administration and in your life."

Palmer: "I don't understand."

Sherry: "I wanna be your wife again."

Palmer: "You what?"

Sherry: "I don't expect to have the kind of physical intimacy that we used to have, although may be a time that'll come. But I really want to be Mrs. David Palmer again. The First Lady, right by your side in Washington wherever you go."

Palmer: "Sherry, I don't know what to say."

Sherry: "Well, you can start by saying yes. Or I walk. For good. Are you prepared to have me be your wife again?"

Palmer: "Yes."

Sherry: "Really? Oh, David. Oh, God."

Palmer: "We should talk about the details, work on a timeline - how we expose this to the public."

Sherry: "Wait a minute... no, I know you a little better than this, David. Something's not right here. You're making this all too easy. There's something else going on."

Palmer: "I'm giving you what you asked for."

Sherry: "No, no, no, you're not. You're toying with me. And I don't know why, and frankly, I don't care. You... you just consider my offer resented. John Keeler will be the next President of the United States."

[Wayne's phone rings]

Wayne: "Yeah."

Palmer: "She's on her way back."

Wayne: "David, we need more time. We haven't found anything yet."

Palmer: "I tried to keep her here as long as I could but she knew something was wrong. Wayne, you should leave."

Wayne: "We're not done."

Palmer: "She will be there soon. We have no choice."

Wayne: "David, hold on."

Foxton: "There's a safe."

Wayne: "David, we found a safe in a hidden cellar."

Palmer: "Can you open it in time?"

Wayne: "Can you get it?"

Foxton: "It's an 'Evanstaller' so forget about cracking it, but all these electronic safes have manufacturer override codes. I have a guy who can get them for us."

Wayne: "How long?"

Foxton: "Depends on how long it takes to get him on the phone."

Wayne: "David, we may have just found a way."

Palmer: "You better. You're running out of time."

[Feed: "The suspect just used a titanium clamp to secure the device to a railing. We're defusing on site. Wilson, what's your status? - Suspect is in custody. New York HAZMAT has arrived. The virus is contained."]

Chase: "Yeah."

Guy: "Seattle and Las Vegas are secure. Denver courier was taken down making a phone call."

Chase: "OK, hold on. Jack, we got the couriers in Las Vegas and Seattle without incidents. Saunders' man in Denver was making a phone call when he was killed."

Jack: "Did he complete the call? Did he warn the other couriers?"

Chase: "I don't know."

Jack: "We gotta find that out."

[Feed: "Vial is secure. We are secure."]

Adam: "Chloe, I'm getting level two sat transmission from the L.A. grid."

Chloe: "Are you sure? What are the coordinates?"

Adam: "Alpha 17-33, delta 401."

Chloe: "That's downtown. Lock it on the sat feed."

Adam: "It's done."

Chloe: "Transfer to my screen."

Adam: "OK."

[Jack's phone rings]

Jack: "This is Jack."

Chloe: "Jack, it's Chloe."

Jack: "What do you got?"

Chloe: "Saunders is telling the truth. Rabens is in Los Angeles."

Jack: "Where?"

Chloe: "He's on south Flower, heading north west."

Jack: "We got a location. I want you to extrapolate his path, cross-reference it with a list of probable public targets."

Chloe: "Already done. The most likely match is the California Center."

Jack: "It all makes sense. I want you to get units over there to evacuate the security area. We're on our way."

Saunders: "Lighten the eyes."

Michelle: "I just tried to see Tony. Security said you're denying me access."

Hammond: "He's a prisoner, Michelle."

Michelle: "I'm his wife. He did what he did to save my life."

Hammond: "I'm aware of that. And because of that he's being charged with treason."

Michelle: "Treason? Brad, look, I know that he broke protocol by taking Jane Saunders out of CTU but he would never have given her out..."

Hammond: "Michelle!"

Michelle: "And because of him we were able to catch Saunders."

Hammond: "We had Saunders two hours ago. Tony let him escape. No one told you? We had Saunders trapped in a building downtown. We were ready to drop the net, and Tony pulled unites out of position so Saunders could get away."

Michelle: "Brad, it was an impossible choice."

Hammond: "No, it wasn't. Tony has a sworn duty to protect the people of this country. Putting your life first was treasonous, and he's going to prison for it."

Michelle: "Brad..."

Hammond: "I want you to put yourself in his place, Michelle. If you would have made the same call you should resign right now."

Chloe: "Target is still moving north at 40 miles per hour."

Jack: "How long till we intercept?"

Chloe: "About a minute."

Jack: "How are we doing on the other vials?"

Chloe: "We got the flagged tapped couriers and the other two in Washington. Rabens is the last one. OK, make your next right, you should be coming up right behind him."

Jack: "OK, I'm turning right on the Flower."

Chloe: "The target is less than a block ahead of you. You should have a visual."

Jack: "Chloe, there's no vehicles within range."

Chase: "Are you sure the target's still in the vehicle."

Chloe: "Of course, he's traveling 40 miles per hour. You're closing. Target is less than 50 feet ahead of you."

Chase: "There's no cars in front of us, Chloe. Recheck your signals. It's not possible."

Jack: "Yes, it is. He's underneath us. Chloe, the target's on the subway. Can you access the MTA's disaster response system?"

Chloe: "Yes, we can access their control center directly."

Jack: "OK, we need to stop the train in the tunnel before it gets to the station."

Chloe: "Logging on to their system."

Jack: "Has Adam been able to turn up with a photo on Rabens yet?"

Chloe: "No. And Saunders hasn't completed the identity sketch. OK, they're accepting my request to stop the train in the tunnel just short of the station. Do you want me to tell MTA to close the station?"

Jack: "No, absolutely not. If Rabens notices anything out of the ordinary he might release the virus. I'm gonna need twenty personnel undercover and a backup HAZMAT team, ASAP.

Chloe: "OK, we've got men nearby. I'll tell Hammond to order the redeployment."

[Foxton's phone rings]

Foxton: "Yeah. Foxton here."

Guy: "I've got those codes to the safe."

Foxton: "OK, give me the first one."

Guy: "676765B."

Foxton: "676765B. That didn't work. You got another one?"

Guy: "Yeah."

Wayne: "Come on, come on!"

Guy: "2876767."

Foxton: "Did you hear that? It was a car. No."

Wayne: "Sherry's here."

Foxton: "Look, I need you to be quite."

Wayne: "We need to get the hell out of here!"

Foxton: "Quite! The next one."

Guy: "Our next one - 35266..."

Wayne: "Dammit, Foxton, come on!"

Foxton: "Got it. It's not here."

Wayne: "Dammit. Alright, come on. That's it, let's go."

Foxton: "What? I didn't come this far to leave empty handed."

Sherry: "Wayne! What's going on here? Answer me. What -- oh... oh, now I understand why David wanted to meet me. But I am so surprised to find you here doing his dirty work. I've never done anything to hurt you, Wayne. David put you up to this, didn't he?"

Wayne: "Sherry, I..."

Sherry: "Answer me! David put --"

Saunders: "The eyebrows, try the eyebrows."

[Attention passengers: south service will be temporarily suspended due to a stalled train. We apologize for any inconvenience.]

Chloe: "Chase, what's your location?"

Chase: "I'm covering the east side of the tracks."

Chloe: "Copy that."

Jack: "Chase, I've got a visual on you coming down the stairs. Everything in place with the MTA?"

Chloe: "They're ready to move the train into the station."

Jack: "Teams A and B, are you in position?"

Guy: "Roger, we are in position."

Jack: "Rabens' description: mid 30's, white male, dark hair, brown eyes. Nondescript. Chloe, release the train."

Chloe: "Release the hold on the train. Release the train."

[Attention passengers: we are currently experiencing a short delay on platform one...]

Chase: "The train doors are opening."

Chloe: "Target is moving off the train."

Jack: "North or south?"

Chloe: "North."

Jack: "Target is moving north. All teams - remain in your zones."

[Attention passengers: we are currently experiencing a short delay on...]

Chase: "Chloe?"

Chloe: "Go ahead."

Chase: "Can you check the altitudes on the GPS signal?"

Chloe: "Triangulating. Positive. Target is changing altitude."

Chase: "Target is moving upstairs. There are too many white males."

[Attention passengers: there will be a short delay...]

Chloe: "Target is now moving west."

Jack: "Team A, split off and maintain base."

Chloe: "Target is now moving south. Target is now descending."

Chase: "He's heading to the 7th street exit. He's coming right toward you, Jack."

Chloe: "Target is heading south."

Jack: "I've got a visual. Four white remaining males. I want all teams to start closing in. I repeat, all teams start closing in. What have you got, Chloe?"

Chloe: "Target is now moving west. Target has stopped moving. The target has stopped."

Jack: "I have identification on the target. White male at my 6 O'clock. He's looking at the map. I'm initiating take-down. Drop the bag! Get on the ground! Now! Drop it!"

Man: "What's going on?"

Jack: "Where is it?"

Man: "Where's what?"

Jack: "Where is it?"

Man: "Where's what?"

Jack: "Chase."

Man: "What's going on?"

Chase: "Jack, I got a signal. Should we call HAZMAT?"

Jack: "No, it's either in a vial or already contaminated."

Agent: "Stand back."

Man: "What is it? Those aren't mine, I don't even --"

Jack: "Shut up!"

Agent: "I need you all to stand back, please."

Jack: "Son of a bitch! It's just the transmitter. This isn't Rabens, he knows we're on to him! He still got the vial. Shut the station down now!"

Wayne: "Julia. Stay here, I'll be right back."

Foxton: "Where are you going?"

Wayne: "Just stay here!"

Sherry: "Julia, what are you doing here?"

Julia: "The police think I killed Alan."

Sherry: "Well, I told you to keep your mouth shut. It's nobody's fault but your own. What are you doing with a gun? You don't wanna do this."

Julia: "I'm going to jail for the rest of my life because of you."

Wayne: "Julia! Julia!"

Sherry: "That's not true, Julia. No, Wayne, relax. We're alright here."

Wayne: "Julia, put that gun down."

Julia: "No! No! She's the one who should be going to jail. My life is ruined, don't you understand that?"

Wayne: "Julia, please. We can... we can work this out."

Sherry: "He's right. We can work it out."

Julia: "Shut up. Shut up! You have been lying your entire life. You are not gonna lie your way out of this."

Sherry: "You're right, but right now, Julia, I am telling you the truth. I will call to David, and he will pardon you. No, I was just with him, just now. I'm gonna be his wife again. He'll do whatever I say. I promise you you will not spend one day in jail. Isn't that so, Wayne? Julia, listen. You'll have everything you've always wanted. You'll have your freedom, you'll have Alan's estate. You just think about it, sweetie. I promise. You'll be safe for life. Good, good. Now that's real good. That's good."

Wayne: "Sherry... Sherry..."

Julia: "I'm so sorry."

Wayne: "No! Oh my God. No... please..."

Jack: "Take your position at the end of the platform."

Chase: "Jack! We detained everyone in the station."

Jack: "We shut it down in time?"

Chase: "No one's left since the train came in."

Jack: "OK, set up a team. We'll start searching the tunnels."

Kikavu ?

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pretty31, 04.12.2024 à 11:08

Une nouvelle bannière est en vote pour le quartier HypnoClap, merci pour votre aide

Locksley, 04.12.2024 à 13:14

Chouette bannière pretty, bravo !

choup37, 04.12.2024 à 16:02

Nouveau sondage spécial Noel à Kaamelott ouvert à tous et toutes, calendrier, pdm et survivor, on vous espère nombreux

Evangeline, 07.12.2024 à 17:21

Hello! Nouvelle PDM et nouveau sondage sur Outer Banks! N'hésitez pas à passer! Bon we à tous!

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Bonsoir tout le monde ! Une nouvelle photo du mois est disponible sur le quartier Person of Interest.

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